Parquet tinting with varnish, oil, stain and the main mistakes. How to choose a tinted varnish? Oil tinting of parquet

The process consists of the following steps:

  • surface preparation floor covering- the uniformity and depth of painting depends on the quality of this step;
  • color selection - ready product it may differ slightly from that presented in the catalog, and it will be quite difficult to correct the situation, so the experience of the master is necessary;
  • applying a tinting composition, varnish or oil, followed by fixing them - at this point it is important that all components are compatible, otherwise it is likely that various defects in the tinted wood will appear.

Surface preparation

In order to start the process of toning, it is necessary to carry out a set of necessary measures:

  • if the old floor is being restored, it is necessary to remove the layer of the previous varnish or oil by scraping;
  • the surface of the wooden flooring should be carefully sanded;
  • be sure to carry out high-quality cleaning, including wet. It will be possible to start work on toning the board after the wood has completely dried.

Color matching and trials

An important step is the selection of colors. It should be understood that the color depth and shade when tinting wood creates a certain effect in the room:

  • dark tones will add a touch of elegance to the interior;
  • white - looks stylish and neat;
  • brown - creates a cozy atmosphere;
  • red shades - will add harmony and warmth;
  • gray - will add a line of serenity.

Only you can determine the style of your future interior. The task of the specialist is to accurately translate the dream into reality. In order for the resulting color to correspond to the accepted concept, before applying the tinting on the parquet board over the entire surface of the floor covering, it is necessary to carry out trial painting, which will allow you to see real shade, depending on the type of wood, the quality of the board and the coloring composition. In case of discrepancy, you will have the opportunity to adjust the tone.

Applying a tint

The complexity of the process of tinting parquet with colored varnish or oil lies in the uniform application of the composition over the entire area without stains. Fast drying requires special skills of the master. At least a double layer of the tinting composition is applied to the cleaned prepared surface. Be sure to observe the direction of painting movement - it is done along the wood texture. Each layer is applied only after the final drying of the previous one with the obligatory rubbing of the composition. After you have reached the desired color, proceed to fixing with varnish or oil.

There are several ways to stain wood flooring. Most often used:

  • tinting wooden floors with oil, which gives them a natural elegant look, protects wood from moisture and other external influences. The basic rule when working with such compounds is to apply thin layer oils;
  • a bright palette of varnishes of various colors allows you to carry out repairs in the Art Nouveau style. In addition, the varnish does not penetrate deep into the wood, which makes it easier to
  • a radical change in the interior.

The obvious advantage of tinting a wooden floor with varnish, in addition to the ability to change the color of the floor covering, is to increase the life of the parquet. The intensity of the color scheme depends on the number of applied layers. It must be remembered that the varnish tends to wear off gradually. It is impossible to make a local restoration; if scuffs appear, you will have to completely open the coating on the entire plane of the floor. In order to keep the finished lacquer product in good condition for longer, it is necessary to periodically renew the protective coating on the surface.


The number of layers of decorative oil depends on the characteristics of the wood, the same factor affects the depth of penetration of the coloring composition. The importance of this remark lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to change the color of a floor covering that has deeply absorbed the shade. On the other hand, there is an undeniable advantage of oil painting. It lies in the fact that if a point damage occurs, it will be possible to restore it without affecting the entire floor area. In addition, there are natural compounds that allow you to produce high-quality and at the same time environmentally friendly tinting of the parquet floor with oil, which is important for children and allergy sufferers.

Parquet tinting allows you to protect the floor from mechanical influences and moisture, as well as change or emphasize the color. Even the cheapest wood can be turned into something beautiful and extraordinary.

What is the best way to tint

The main materials for tinting parquet are:

  • oil;
  • stain;
  • special coloring systems;
  • wax.


Oil is universal remedy. It is used not only for tinting parquet, but also for furniture, walls, doors and much more.

Attention ! Since the floor is constantly subjected to heavy loads and friction, the oil must be selected with a high degree of wear resistance.

Parquet tinting with oil is done in 2 or even 3 layers (if it is not prohibited by the coating manufacturer). Otherwise, it is recommended to use a two-component oil or hard wax oil.

The choice of oil also depends on the type of wood. So, for example, if the parquet is made of exotic species, then it will be required special oil deeply penetrating into the pores. If covered with ordinary oil, it will dry for a very long time, due to the presence of oil pockets in such types of wood.

Oil Benefits:

  • thanks to deep penetration in the pores, the wood is reliably protected not only from the outside, but also inside;
  • there is no surface film like varnish, as a result, parquet can breathe;
  • does not begin to crack and peel over time;
  • can be used in rooms without heating;
  • No sanding required between multiple coats
  • large range of colors, can also be mixed to obtain a new shade;
  • long service life;
  • environmentally friendly and safe product;
  • no sanding required before re-coating.


  • after tinting the parquet with oil, it will not be possible to cover it with something else, for example, varnish, since the oil penetrates into the pores of the wood;
  • every six months or a year, a partial or complete renewal of the coverage will be required.

Oil types:

  • one-component;
  • two-component;
  • one-component with hard wax.

The basis of one-component oil are soy, sunflower, linseed oils. This oil is used mainly in places with a light load or for furniture.

For the floor, use only a highly resistant oil and apply in several coats.

Two-component oils consist of the same oils, but with the addition of polyurethane. Thanks to the latter, the oil dries faster, but the period of work with the mixture is reduced.

One-component oil with hard wax has the same composition, but with the addition of wax. Such an oil has good performance characteristics, since the oil penetrates deep into the wood, and the wax covers the surface with a thin film through which the parquet can breathe.

The tinting process consists of two parts, first a colored oil is applied, and then a colorless one.

Oiled parquet requires some maintenance. Once every six months, the floor must be wiped with a soft cloth special means, and once every three years, tint again with the same oil. Or you can only do a complete tinting of the parquet once a year.

Important ! Before tinting, the parquet must be washed with detergents, but not containing alkali (such detergents it is better to buy in the same place where the oil was purchased).

Daily care includes cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.


Parquet tinting with varnish also allows you to change the color of the parquet. You can tint immediately with colored varnish or add a certain color to a colorless varnish.

In order for the color to be richer, many layers are applied.

The varnish does not penetrate into the structure of the wood. Therefore, if there is a desire to change the color, then the parquet should simply be sanded, completely removing the previous layer.

Flaw varnish coating in that it is unstable to constant loads. In addition, it does not allow the wood to breathe. If water gets under it, the varnish begins to fall off.

It is also very difficult to apply varnish evenly at the joints (it is desirable that the tinting be carried out by a person with experience in this field).

wood stain

Parquet tinting with stain allows you to emphasize the natural beauty of the wood structure (transparent tinting). The parquet will be not only bright and saturated, but also protected from most influences.

The stain is applied in three layers. In this case, the first and second layers should dry for three days, and the last one for a week. Then the surface is washed and coated with a double layer of varnish.

The disadvantage of such tinting is that the wood has a different structure, as a result, the color of the parquet is uneven.

Special color systems

The advantage of coloring systems - long time drying at the time of application, the result is a better coating.

After tinting, it is necessary to wait until the impregnation is absorbed, and then it is processed by a professional machine for uniform and complete absorption.

One of the most popular is the Bona Create staining system. It has a homogeneous composition, due to which spots do not form. Keep even in open form, can for a long time. The basis of its composition is wood oil.

It is available in nine basic shades that can be mixed to obtain the desired shade.

Parquet tinting with Bona Create is obtained High Quality and serve for a long time.

Color selection

Advice ! When choosing a color, check it on the parquet that is already ready for tinting to make sure that the shade is suitable for this room (furniture, walls, wallpaper, ceiling).

Increasingly gaining popularity White color parquet tinting. After all, this color is always in fashion and is combined with large quantity styles in design. Moreover, if the room small size, then it will visually increase. Dust is almost imperceptible on white parquet.

If you choose dark color, then the walls and ceiling must be of a lighter shade, otherwise the room will be too dark. It is often not recommended to tint parquet in black or very dark colors, since even small scratches on it will be very noticeable. But if the parquet is very old, then it is the rich dark color that will hide all the flaws (chocolate, dark chestnut, and so on).

Shades of red will bring coziness and warmth to the room (cherry, mahogany, etc.).

Gray tint combined with beige tones will help to make any room calm and very comfortable. It can also be combined with black and white colors.

Toning Brown color Suitable for almost any room design.

Preparation and application technology

The first stage is looping. With the help of a special machine, the floor surface is cleaned of dirt and old coatings.

At the second stage, the parquet surface with coarse grain is polished. Further, the grain size is gradually reduced.

In addition, each wood must be sanded with individual approach, due to the fact that they have a different structure and age. If the wood is sanded with too coarse a grain, then scratches will be noticeable after tinting the parquet, and if it is made with too fine a grain, then the impregnation will be poorly absorbed. As a result, the color of the parquet will turn out to be inconspicuous.

Oak parquet and ash parquet are the easiest to process, while beech and pear parquet is very difficult.

The third stage is putty and again grinding (to remove excess putty).

The fourth stage is cleaning from dust and washing the surface.

The final stage is the tinting of the parquet. Tinting is applied with a brush, roller, spatula (depending on the chosen product and instructions for it), and then processed with a special single-disk machine. You can do parquet tinting only with your own hands, without using special equipment, but this way the work will take much longer, and the end result may not be of the best quality.

We produce surface tinting using lacquer, oil or color bleaching compound. Various coatings have their own characteristics:

  • Oil work allows you to penetrate into the deepest layers of the tree for a complete change in shade. Subsequently, it will be more difficult to change the color.
  • Lucky allow you to get new shade, and then completely change it when scraping.
  • Whitening changes the shade to a lighter one, after which varnishes are applied to give shine.

We choose these materials over ordinary floor paint because they allow you to achieve any effect with tinting - change color, give an old look, bleach, create the illusion of wood of a different species. At the same time, you get a safe coating, a soft, natural, rich shade, environmental friendliness and protection from negative impacts.

Oil tinting

Oil is an environmentally friendly substance that does not violate the structure of wood and is not harmful to health. Parquet tinting with oil in Moscow is made with reliable high-quality materials with the addition of wax and stain for color depth and floor protection. The composition is selected by specialists independently, depending on the type of wood, the desired result, the condition of the floor, the purpose of the room.

Oil Benefits:

  • the tree breathes and does not retain excess moisture in it;
  • the oil penetrates deep into the floor and provides better adhesion to the wood;
  • the compositions do not spread, do not peel off and do not crack;
  • the floor does not require total repair in case of local damage to the color, it can be easily restored without scraping and grinding the entire surface;
  • the parquet shows its natural beauty and structure;
  • a wide color palette helps to tint the floor in any shade.

Decorative floor covering can last for decades. Therefore, the color of the parquet is chosen with great care. We must strive to cosmetic repairs indoors, the floor could harmoniously fit into the surrounding interior. At the same time, they take into account that high-quality parquet can last at least 40 years, and cheap laminate- 10 years. Preferring universal variant, you can not think about the color of the walls, doors or furniture.

Parquet is stylish

Subtleties of color choice

Despite the fact that manufacturers offer parquet and other flooring materials in the range, it is difficult to give preference certain color, since parquet, linoleum and other materials have a wide range of shades. Therefore, first you should decide on what the floor will be: dark or light. Both options deserve attention. Depending on the quadrature of the room and the selected shade, you can achieve the desired effect.

Any colour

Light parquet reflects light and will visually enlarge the space. Decorating the interior in light colors, you can create a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. At the same time, it is important that when decorating the walls, bright hues. But their tone is of fundamental importance. Wallpaper in cold colors can worsen perception: the atmosphere will turn out to be uncomfortable. Especially if the windows of the room face northwest. Lack of sun can worsen the situation.

floor in bright colors

Attention! Light parquet is universal for the bedroom and living room.

The dark floor is more common. It adds style to the interior. At the same time, it is important to approach the choice of material for walls, furniture and decor. It is necessary that among them there are light objects. It should be remembered that the dark floor and dark doors capable of making the interior gloomy. By adding contrasting accessories, they make the room cozy and harmonious. Otherwise, an excess of dark color can negatively affect the overall perception.

Emphasis must be placed correctly

Attention! If updated appearance old parquet boards, dark tone will become the best option. With it, you can eliminate defects that appear during the operation of the coating.

Dark will hide defects

Change color with toning

If, after repair, the parquet does not match the furniture and does not match the new color of the walls, it is not necessary to run to the store and buy a new coating. Properly executed toning will allow you to transform the appearance of the boards without significant financial investments. Most often, parquet tinting is performed using:

  • Oils.
  • Laka.
  • Wood stains.
  • Wax.
  • Special systems designed for painting parquet.

Advice! Each method of tinting has features that you should definitely familiarize yourself with before starting work. For work, you should choose the composition offered by leading manufacturers.

Tinted surface


Versatile option for tinting various surfaces. Oil is used not only for tinting parquet. With it, change the shade of doors, furniture and even walls. For this parquet:

  • It cycles.
  • Sanded.
  • Thoroughly cleansed of accumulated contaminants.
  • Covered with a layer of colored oil, which gives the boards the desired shade.
  • Covered with a layer of colorless oil.

Application of white oil

Oil tinting has a number of advantages. This composition:

  • Able to penetrate deep into the pores, reliably protecting the base of the parquet from the outside and from the inside.
  • Does not form a surface film, allowing parquet to breathe.
  • Maintains integrity throughout the entire period of operation. If the composition for tinting parquet is chosen correctly, you can not be afraid of cracking or peeling of the surface layer.
  • Suitable for unheated premises, as it is not afraid of temperature fluctuations.
  • Presented in wide color scheme. You can always choose the right shade of oil.
  • It is environmentally friendly.
  • Allows to refuse intermediate grinding when drawing several layers.

Attention! After tinting the parquet with oil, the use of other compounds will have to be abandoned. Due to its ability to penetrate deep into the wood, varnishing becomes impossible.

Oil for parquet board must have a high degree of wear resistance. The composition should be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. It is recommended to apply 2-3 coats to ensure optimum performance of the applied coating.

When choosing a composition, the type of wood from which the parquet is made is taken into account. If a we are talking about exotic wood, they acquire an oil with a high penetrating power. Ordinary compounds will not cope with the task, they will dry for a long time, since exotic wood has oil pockets.

The process of preparing and applying the composition

The oil itself can be:

  • One-component. The basis is soy, sunflower, linseed oil. it suitable option for places with relatively low traffic and for furniture.
  • Two-component. Composition based on the listed oils with the addition of some polyurethane. The presence of the latter reduces the drying time of the oil.
  • One-component with hard wax. This combination provides high performance characteristics of the composition: the oily component penetrates deep inside, protecting the parquet from the inside, and the wax forms from above thin film which allows the boards to breathe.

Oiled parquet must be properly cared for. It needs to be treated with a special agent, which is applied using soft tissue. Re-treatment is performed after three years. You can clean the coating from dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.


A suitable option for changing the color of the floor. Manufacturers offer color compositions with which you can immediately ensure the formation of a varnish layer of the desired color. If there are no manufacturers catalogs suitable composition, you can achieve the desired shade by adding color to a colorless varnish. Applying several layers allows you to achieve the desired degree of saturation.

Surface varnishing

Such a composition is not able to penetrate deep into the wood. If there is a desire to change the color of the laid coating again, it is enough to sand the parquet to completely remove the varnish layer.

Attention! If tinting is performed using varnish, then such a coating is characterized by low mechanical strength and poorly perceives a constant load. Contact with moisture causes the lacquer layer to peel off.

Lacquering is a labor intensive process. It is difficult to apply an even layer. Therefore, lacquer tinting is carried out by specialists.

wood stain

The use of stain emphasizes the structure of wood, when using a transparent composition. In this case, it is possible to give the parquet brightness and saturation, and protect it from most negative influences. The stain should be applied in three layers.

In order for the applied coating to have the necessary performance characteristics, each layer should be allowed to dry. It will take three days for the first and second layers. The third is dried for at least a week. After the desired color is obtained, the parquet is washed and then covered with two layers of varnish.

Color change with stain

Having decided to use a stain, you should not count on a uniform pattern. Different wood structure, which is used in the manufacture of parquet boards, will lead to uneven color.

Special system

Parquet board tinting special system allows you to create a high-quality coating. However, it takes a long time for the composition to dry. Subsequent processing by a professional machine will ensure uniform and complete absorption of the composition.

Such systems may have various titles, popular is Bona Create. Due to its homogeneous composition, it changes the color of the boards, forming a uniform coating on the surface. Such a composition is able to maintain characteristics for a long time, even if the container is open.

Special composition

The manufacturer offers nine tones that are mixed together to obtain the desired color. In order not to be mistaken in the selection process, they check the compliance of the selected color on the parquet already prepared for tinting. This will determine how harmoniously the selected shade fits into the surrounding interior.

Thus, the choice of parquet color should be taken responsibly. The right color can transform the interior of the room, becoming the main decoration. Tired of the color of the laid parquet, you can transform it by choosing a suitable tinting composition for the floor. In this case, the floor will be combined with furniture and other items used to decorate the room.
