How to put hinges on a cabinet door. How to install swing and sliding doors in the closet with your own hands

Most consumers, when choosing certain interior items, pay attention to the quality of the fittings they are equipped with. This approach is due to the fact that this particular element can affect how long the products will last before the first repair. It is worth noting that such a statement applies to all elements, including loops.

The hinges are made in the form of mechanical devices that are installed on the front part of the body of cabinets or other pieces of furniture, so that the door can be opened at a certain angle. Today these accessories are offered in a wide variety of options, which differ from each other in design, purpose, installation method and other characteristics. Due to such great variety of these elements, the average consumer faces difficulty when choosing fittings, then how difficult it is to understand which of options will do for specific furniture.

Primary requirements

Although many consumers pay attention to appearance fittings and fastening method, yet when choosing, they should be based on parameters such as strength and endurance. If you neglect this recommendation, then the purchased fittings will not be able to cope with the load and break ahead of schedule declared by the manufacturer.

For this reason, companies specializing in the production furniture hinges and other products that strive to maintain a good reputation, in the process of manufacturing their products, they strive to make them of high quality.

It is noteworthy that it does not matter what design the consumer decides to buy hinges, since any similar product will be different high quality execution.

Fasteners for wooden furniture

The vast majority of cabinets and other varieties wooden furniture usually equipped with four-hinged hinges.

Due to the special design of these fasteners, it becomes possible to open the cabinet doors by 92-180 degrees. They also allow you to adjust in three planes. The following elements can be distinguished at the heart of the four-hinged fittings:

  • hinge mounted on the door;
  • mounting plate, which is placed on the side wall of the cabinet.

The four-hinged canopies offered today can be classified into several groups:

  1. Overhead fittings. It is advisable to use this type of hinge for furniture in which the door closes the side parts of the niche where it is installed.
  2. Half awnings. Stopping the choice on such fittings should be when one sidewall is covered with two doors at once.
  3. Internal loops. Their main purpose is to fasten doors from the inside.
  4. Fittings that allow you to install the door at an angle of 45 degrees. It is best to use this type for corner cabinets and cabinets.
  5. inverse mechanisms. Due to the presence of hinges of this type, it becomes possible to open the sash 180 degrees.
  6. Piano awnings. Due to the low reliability of such fittings, manufacturers rarely equip pieces of furniture with it. The most common option where they are used is sliding facades of antique interior items. They are also often present in the design of cabinets made in retro style.
  7. Card loops. Accessories of this type are made in two versions: collapsible or non-collapsible. At the same time, you can find card sheds on sale, which are distinguished by their original design, which looks like certain figures. The detailed solution gives them a very spectacular look.
  8. Mezzanine fittings. A spring is used as the main element in such loops.

Before making a final decision in favor of a particular furniture fitting, it is advisable to understand whether its characteristics correspond to the piece of furniture for which you are buying it. At the selection stage it is important to consider the smallest details as they can affect the performance of the product.

Canopies for glass doors

In the design of fittings designed for glass doors of cabinets, the following elements can be distinguished:

The standard version of the hinges, which are equipped with glass doors cabinet, is to use two types of plugs and sealing rings. Most often the first are made in the form of a circle, and the second - a full circle. The final decision on the choice of one or another type of hinges for the cabinet door must be made by the consumer himself. One of possible solutions magnets can also protrude for installation on glass doors.

Installation and adjustment of fasteners

Sometimes there are situations when the owner, by his careless actions, damages the loop, because of which it leaves its place or moves. In this case, he must correct everything and adjust the mount.

The most common type of malfunction is associated with a phenomenon in which the hinges "pull" the door. It is worth saying that this can happen with piano hinges. Here it is important to install the hinge very accurately doing everything without haste.

To perform the installation of fittings, you should prepare a number of tools:

  • accessories to be installed;
  • drill with end tip;
  • mounting plate;
  • fasteners.

Adjustment for horizontal divergence of furniture doors

The main task here is to install the door in such a way that there is a gap on the fastening side, and while closing the door, the reverse side extends beyond the boundaries of the cabinet walls. If the furniture has two doors, they should cling to each other.

The adjustment process itself comes down to performing manipulations with a special adjustment screw, which is available on furniture hinges. Finding it is quite simple: its usual location is the hinge arm, located closest to the door, in contrast to the mounting screws and an additional adjusting screw. If this screw is screwed in even more, then this will increase the clearance between the end of the door and the wall of the cabinet. By doing the opposite, that is, by loosening the screw, we reduce the distance between the indicated elements.

Cabinet door depth adjustment

During the operation of a cabinet or other furniture, the owner may notice that his door, being closed, goes beyond the boundaries or, conversely, is too recessed deep into the cabinet. In this case, the adjustment procedure will be similar to that used in the previous case. To do this, you must again find the adjusting screw on the hinge arm, remembering that it should be closest to the cabinet wall.

The purpose of this screw is not only to adjust, but also to fix the door. Thus, if you twist it slightly, then it will be possible to move the door back and forth in relation to the walls. To make the adjustment, you should determine the appropriate position of the door, move it to it, and then tighten the adjusting screw until it stops.

Remember that it is not only important what design of fittings you buy for your furniture. It is also important that its installation is carried out by a qualified installer. In this case every little thing matters, which can affect the life of the entire product.

Such type of fittings as hinges play an important role influencing the service life of furniture. Therefore, its choice should be approached as responsibly as the choice of a cabinet or cabinet. Should take into account design features this accessory, because if there is a discrepancy between the fittings and the product itself, in which it will be installed, then this part will not be able to last for a long time.

Also at the selection stage, you should ask about the features of servicing a particular type of furniture hinges. This is important in view of the fact that in the absence of knowledge about the correct adjustment of fittings, the owner will not be able to use the furniture with all the convenience. And in this case, he runs the risk of hastening the moment when it will be necessary to look for new loops to replace those that will soon fail.

In order to properly install the hinged door, it is better to seek the help of professionals. Apartment renovation involves a large number of hard work, which is simply unrealistic to do without getting acquainted with all the nuances. One of the most difficult steps in changing the interior of a room is hanging doors with your own hands. The slightest inaccuracy in the measurement of the doorway, or hinges, can lead to the fact that the canvas will not close. To avoid possible problems, we advise you to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of installing doors.

Preparatory work before hanging the door on the hinges

Before proceeding directly to hanging the door on the hinges, you need to select the material and purchase all necessary elements. It depends on how accurately you calculate the dimensions of the canvas and what door hinges choose, depends on how easy it will be for you to install the structure in the doorway.

Before proceeding to installation work, you should first competently approach the choice of the door itself

First of all, you need to choose right door. It can be made from the most different materials. The most popular option for interior doors are wooden canvases.

In order for the canvas to fit well into the doorway, before going to the store, you need to decide on the size of your purchase.

We determine the dimensions of the door leaf correctly:

  1. First of all, you need to level the part of the floor that is in doorway, only in this case the canvas will be easy to open and close tightly.
  2. If you do not want to fiddle with fitting the door for a long time, then keep in mind that the canvas should be 5 cm less area draft doorway, and 0.6 cm less than the finished structure. However, if the material of the right size was not found, you can buy a canvas a little larger than required, and then cut it off.
  3. To fit the door, you need to measure the parameters of the doorway. The gap between the canvas and the top and side jambs should be 0.2 cm, and between the floor and the canvas - 0.6-1 cm.

After you have decided on the door, you need to pick up the hinges. They are different types so sometimes it's hard to make a choice.

To make it easier for you to hang the door, you need to follow some recommendations. So, interior doors can be hung on overhead and mortise hinges, and hidden options are suitable for structures that close the entrance to the apartment.

Installation of canopies on interior doors

The most difficult step in hanging doors is the installation of hinges on the canvas. To do this part of the work quickly and efficiently, you will need some tools and theoretical knowledge of the execution sequence.

For high-quality installation of loops, you will need self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, a chisel, a durable paint knife, a construction pencil and a hammer.

The most popular option for interior hinged doors are mortise hinges. That is why we will tell you how to install them on the door.

In order to independently install the hinges on door leaf, it is necessary to prepare the tools in advance

Installing hinges on the door leaf:

  1. In total, two loops are installed on one canvas. The upper loop is placed at a distance of 20 cm from the upper edge, and the lower loop is 30 cm from the lower one.
  2. The hinges are divided into two parts.
  3. The upper part of the loop is applied at the marked level and outlined with a pencil. It is necessary to draw along the marks with a painting knife and use a chisel to grind off part of the wood to a depth equal to the thickness of the chisel. Do the same at the bottom of the door.
  4. Further, the upper parts of the plates are applied to the machined recesses. If their sizes are the same, then metal elements fixed with screws.
  5. Now you need to put the lower elements of the loops. To do this, the door is applied to the doorway and placed in the open position. The lower parts of the hinges must be placed on the door so that the upper elements can enter them. Markings are made at this level.
  6. A recess is machined along the circled contour of the lower elements of the loops. It, as in the first case, should be equal to the depth of the plate.
  7. After the recesses are turned, it remains to drown the loops in them and fasten them with self-tapping screws.

This part of the preparatory work for hanging doors is the most difficult. It takes the most time and requires special care.

Do-it-yourself door hinge

Hanging a door is easy. Especially if everyone preparatory work were of high quality. However, beginners can ruin everything even at the stage of screwing on the loops, but with the help of a good imagination, you can come up with a way out of any situation.

If you did not quite accurately determine the location of the hinges, then in most cases this can be corrected without redoing all the work again. For example, if the recesses for the plates are too deep, rubber bearings can be placed under the hinge elements.

Door installation is an occupation that does not require special tools, so you can handle it without the help of a master. It is especially easy to hang the door on already installed elements.

Hanging the door is easy, which even a beginner can do just fine

Hinge door installation:

  1. Lubricate all hinge elements with machine oil. This will make it easier to hang the door, and the oil will also save you from unpleasant door squeaks.
  2. The door is brought to the hinges of the doorway in the open position, and the upper elements are put on the rods of the lower ones.
  3. In the case when the door cannot be lifted, you can first pull out the rod and connect the elements without it, and only then fasten the parts of the hinges together.

So that the hinged door does not warp over time, you need to check its location using a level already at the installation stage. If you see that the door leaf is fidgeting on the floor, then remove it from the hinges and put a rubber bearing on the lower element rod.

How to hang a door on a cabinet

The principle of hanging cabinet doors is not much different from installing entrance or interior doors. However, there are some peculiarities here.

The hinges on which the doors will be hung on the cabinet differ from interior hinges. For external furniture doors, overhead or semi-overlay fasteners are used.

To hang the door on the cabinet, as a rule, special overhead fasteners are used.

Many are interested in the question of how to spell a hinged or hinged door. In this phrase, you need to use the word "hung".

The hinges are also located on the door and on the cabinet wall. The number of loops depends on the size of the product. Only two elements can be placed on a cabinet up to 100 cm. For furniture up to 200 cm high, three loops are enough, and for sets larger than 250 cm, you will have to purchase as many as four fasteners.

As in the case of interior doors, first, using self-tapping screws, the hinges are installed on the door. If the device has a collapsible mechanism, then the second part is installed on the wall, and only then the door leaf is hung.

If the doors of your cabinet are not made of wood, but of glass, then they need to be fastened to the hinges with clips through special rubber pads. The clamps are additionally fixed with self-tapping screws and closed with special decorative elements.

How to properly install an interior door(video)

Hanging doors is a rather complicated, but quite doable task. If you carefully and efficiently follow all the steps described by us, you will surely get a satisfactory result.

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The service life of any furniture always depends on the intensity of its operation and the quality of the selected fittings. Furniture cabinets are used by housewives quite often, so the choice of loops for them is a very responsible task. It will be necessary to figure out what loops are and what determines the choice of one or another type.


By bonding method

  1. slide-on. This is classic way fastening, in which the fasteners and other fittings required in the assembly of kitchen cabinets are placed in the hole of the plate, on which the fixation is made.
  2. key-hole. In another version, this type of fastening sounds like a "keyhole". At the same time, in order to reach the screw head with the tip of a screwdriver, it must be placed in a special hole in the loop.
  3. clip-on. A fixing method in which fixation on the mounting plate is provided without the use of screws and equipment. Pinning occurs as a result of a click.

Closing method

  1. Ordinary.
  2. With a conductor. This method assumes the presence of a shock-absorbing device. It can be built into a furniture hinge or mounted independently.

According to the size of the loop bowl

The most widely used bowl sizes are 26 and 35mm. It all depends on technological features furniture production and on what kind of furniture needs to be equipped with hinges for cabinets. In some cases, other sizes may be used. At certain types cup loops may not be at all.

By appointment


  • External (overhead). These are the most widely known to assembly professionals. furniture hinges. In the given state of closed sashes, they completely close the opening. One of the quite often used subspecies of such hinges is transformers or inverse ones with an opening angle of up to 180 degrees.
  • Semi-mounted (semi-overhead). They are fastened in those places where adjacent sashes converge and cover the end of the middle wall in half.
  • Internal (deposit). Such door hinges should be chosen when the door leaves are recessed relative to the facade line.


  • Corner. As a rule, they are used for hanging doors of hanging pieces of furniture (for corner cabinets). These hinges most often differ in the opening angles of the doors. Such an angle has not only a numerical value, but also a certain shape, be sharp or obtuse.
  • Direct (adit). They are hung if it is necessary to fix the door on a non-moving base (false panels). They are usually distributed in corner cabinets and boxes for sinks.
  • Carousel. These varieties of loops are sometimes found under the names crocodile and crab. Their main purpose is to fasten moving furniture elements.

For other structural parts

  • Framework.
  • Installed without the use of a drill. Such hinges are useful if the thickness of the door is insufficient for installing cup hinges. Negative side in the installation of this fitting is that the regulation of the position of the doors is possible only in one plane (up-down or farther-closer).
  • Spring. As a rule, they are chosen as a secondary option when the installation of other fittings is not possible.
  • For glasses. The special design allows the hinges to be attached to the glass sash. As a rule, such hinges are equipped with soft plastic parts.

Installation of fasteners

On a wooden door

Wooden doors can cover both wall and base cabinets. The basic algorithm for sequential actions when installing loops for hanging comes down to the following steps:

  1. Determine the position of the hinges on the door. For this, an indent of approximately 80-150 mm is taken from each edge of the door. The distance in this case depends on the height of the door panel;

Marking is carried out in selected places. To do this, the loop is applied to the canvas and with the help of a pencil an outline of the intended position of the loop is made. For installation, it is better to use a special template that allows you to quickly and accurately apply markup;

  1. Then, using milling machine and the selected nozzle, a place for the cup is drilled. For drilling, it is recommended to choose a tool with excellent sharpening. It is important to observe the position of the cutter and the depth of the niche. The bowl depth standard for furniture hinges is 12-13mm.
  2. The loop is inserted into the niche and aligned horizontally. The mechanism is fixed in this position and places for fasteners are marked;
  3. Holes are drilled for fasteners so that it can be inserted into the cabinet;
  4. The device is attached to the door;
  5. Marking is carried out for attaching mounting plates to the cabinet body. To do this, the door is installed in the required location and leveled, getting rid of repainting and shifts. On the body of the cabinet, a place is marked for attaching the slats.
  6. Perform drilling of marked holes;
  7. Produce the installation of the reciprocal bar;
  8. Connect both parts of the loop.

For glass doors

Glass sashes are preferably hung on the cabinet top row. Glass, as a more fragile material, requires a special approach to installing hinges. As part of the accessories there is a certain list of mandatory elements:

  • mounting plate attached to the sidewall;
  • mounting bracket;
  • a sealing ring, which is necessary to secure the fittings and the glass door;
  • a cap or decorative overlay, which is almost always installed in order to hide the visible parts of the fittings from the front side.

There is a certain method for mounting fasteners on a glass door:

  1. In order to correctly install or replace the hinges, you need to select the area for marking. markup glass door produced similarly to wood;
  2. Using a drill, the loop is attached to wooden frame closet. For this purpose, holes for fasteners are drilled, and the loop is fixed with a screwdriver or screwdriver;
  3. The hinge is attached to the glass sash using clips. The glass sheet is placed in a loop. On both sides between the glass and the hinge are placed rubber gaskets that protect the glass from damage. The hinge is fixed with bolts.

Before you install the doors in the wardrobe, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the features and nuances of this process. In general, there is nothing complicated here, and even the person who is inexperienced in such matters will cope with the task. Busy people prefer to buy sliding wardrobe doors and invite a specialist to install it into the house. However, if you carefully study the process, then all the work on installing the structure can be done by hand.

The device and principle of operation of sliding wardrobe doors

In order to carry out the process of installing a sliding structure in a cabinet without stops and difficulties, you need to stock up on materials, as well as tools that will help you get the job done. The materials and tools are as follows:

  1. Profiles that are guides.
  2. Retainer.
  3. buffer tape.
  4. Door regulator.
  5. Framing from the selected material.
  6. The main material of the door.
  7. Rollers with which the door will move.
  8. Screws.
  9. Screwdriver.
  10. Fasteners of the selected type.
  11. Metal corners for reinforcing profiles at joints.
  12. Drill.

These are the basic materials and tools that will be required for self installation doors. For individual projects, additional elements may be required.

Name of sliding door design elements

Benefits of sliding doors

Rollback sliding doors in wardrobes most often become the choice of the owners of apartments or houses. This is not surprising, because such structures have a lot of advantages:

These are just some of the advantages that indicate that it is right to make sliding closet compartment doors.

Door assembly order

In order for the position of the doors to be correct, it is necessary to carry out the process in the correct order. This is easy to do if you follow this sequence of work:

When the preparatory work is completed, you should proceed to the calculation, assembly and installation of the door panels themselves. For this you need:

  1. Calculate the size of sliding structures.
  2. Make a frame for the future door.
  3. Carry out the filling of the door.

After filling the door with the selected material, the work can be considered completed.

Fastening the guide at the top of the structure

To install the profile, we drill holes with a drill with a diameter of 4 mm. The distance from one hole to another should be no more than 300 mm. Holes should be made on the profile and on the surface of the upper part of the opening structure in which the doors will be installed.

Drawing of the device and fastening of the upper rail and door

When the process is completed, you should align the profile on the surface and fix it with the selected fasteners. Usually these choices are:

Fastening the guide at the bottom of the structure

As with fixing the upper beam of the profile, holes must also be made on the profile that will be attached below. In order for the integration of the closet door to be durable, it is necessary to choose a high-quality lower profile, because it is on it that the maximum load is applied.
Despite the fact that the top and bottom profiles are installed perpendicular to each other, the bottom beam is not immediately fixed with fasteners. First you need to insert the door between the upper and lower profile, holding the lower part, since it is not yet fixed to the base of the structure at this stage.

The device of the upper and lower fastenings of the sliding door

It is necessary to determine how exactly the door is located. This is done using building level. On the this stage work, you will need an assistant who will hold the filler until the door guides of the sliding wardrobe are evenly installed. The lower profile is attached to the structure after the retainer is installed.

Retainer installation

The latch latch is an element that fixes the position of the doors in the closed form, holding the structure in place. The latch ensures that there are no gaps between the two parts of the door and the side wall.
The latch is attached inside the lower profile, firmly inserted into it. One latch is required for each door. In addition to holding the doors in place, these elements allow you to adjust the width of the opening. door structures. That is, they are a kind of stopper.

The place where the latch should be is measured by determining the location of the outer wheel of the door. When the door is completely closed, you need to put a mark on the profile with a special marker or other improvised tool in the middle of the wheel roller. The center of the latch is the mark on the profile.

Door adjustment

When the stoppers of the limiters are installed, you can begin to adjust the location of the door structures. This is not difficult to do. Sliding door wheels are designed in such a way that with the help of a built-in screw it is possible to adjust the uniformity and tightness of the doors to the side of the door structure and to the upper and lower parts.

Hole for adjusting the door

For work, a special key with a hexagonal design is useful. The key diameter must be 4 mm.

Mounting the buffer tape in the structure

This element, when designing doors, protects the inside of the cabinet itself from dust penetrating into its space.

Also, the buffer tape allows you to extend the durability of the cabinet doors. At the moment of opening and closing the sliding structure, the buffer tape softens the blows, protecting the coating from breakage and cracks.

The installation of the buffer tape is carried out at the moment when you are sure that the door rollers are correctly fixed. Because the tape blocks access to the screws that allow you to adjust the position of the cabinet.

Buffer tapes are of two types:

  1. In which the pile is short (maximum 6 mm).
  2. Which have a long pile (maximum 12 mm).

Usually the choice falls on tapes with a pile of up to 6 mm, because it is budgetary. However, a tape with a long pile is more durable. But the whole selection process is solely the business of the owners of the apartment or house.

Buffer Tape Attachment Process

Fixing is elementary and will not cause difficulties. It is enough just to peel off the film from the tape and attach it to the ends of the side walls in a vertical position. Color solution selected in accordance with colors the whole structure.

The procedure for calculating the size of door structures

When the attachment point around the perimeter is prepared for further work, you can start measuring the dimensions of the future door. To understand total amount perimeter, you need to measure the horizontal bar on the right and left sides. And also measure the vertical bar over the entire surface. This will help to understand the overall size of the structure. However, the measurement process does not end there.

Drawing and calculation of the dimensions of sliding doors in the closet

Let's assume that the size of the wings in height is 2 meters, and the width measured along the bottom rail is 2.4 m. We use these data and calculate the required width and height of the door panels. See in the video step by step instructions installation of a wardrobe door.


When calculating the width, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the side walls. Usually it is 16 mm. Thus, the size is measured by the following formula:
2400 mm - (16+16 mm)=2368 mm
But the calculation does not end there. It is also necessary to calculate the distance of the parts of the door overlapping each other. For example, the gap will be 20 cm for each door. The formula will be:
2368 mm + (200+200 mm) = 1968 mm
If there are two doors, then you need to divide the resulting number by two.
1968/2=984 mm

Diagram of the device of the sliding doors of the cabinet

This is the width of each of the doors. Similarly, calculations are carried out if three or four doors should be located in the structure. Only in this case, the gap should be added as many times as there will be sliding structures.


The assumed height of the cabinet structure is 2 m. The height adjustment of the sashes must also be calculated according to the formula. When making calculations, it should be taken into account that 15 mm must be subtracted from above and below (this is the width of the cabinet walls), and also, subtract 15 mm from above and below (this is the gap formed by the supporting lower and upper profiles). Therefore, the formula is the following:
2 thousand mm - (15 + 15 mm) - (15 + 15 mm) \u003d 1940 mm

Drawing with wardrobe dimensions

Sliding door calculation process

Having made calculations, it can be understood that the size of one door is 1940 mm high and 984 mm wide. Based on the measurements, you can proceed to the order finished structures or self-assembly.

Framing elements preparation

When the size of the sliding door structures is known, you can begin to design the frame, where chipboard or mirrors and glass should be located. It all depends on the chosen content.
To assemble the frame, you need the following items:


In horizontal profiles, it is necessary to mark the places of attachment to the sliding wardrobe profile. When all the marks are placed, you need to start drilling holes. This process needs to be given Special attention, because the integrity of the structure and the beauty of the furniture as a whole depend on it.

Framing assembly

When all the details are prepared, you should start assembling the structure. To do this, the elements are combined with a coupling screw.

Before fixing the parts, you should check the positioning of each profile with a level.

They must be even and accurate, otherwise the door leaf simply will not fall into place.

Wheel mounting process

It is necessary to install the wheels on the lower profile. The screws are deepened into the rollers, which are then screwed in and align the position of the doors.

Filling installation

When the frame is assembled, then the matter remains small. It will only be necessary to insert the filling into the already installed frame. Assembly instructions are simple. A rubber seal is stretched along the perimeter of the sliding door leaf. The frames tightening the self-tapping screws are untwisted, and a sheet of the selected material is inserted into the profile connector. Then the tightening screws are tightened again.

The process of installing the rubber seal

After this step, the process of installing doors in a closet can be considered complete. It remains only to decorate the surface with the desired elements and fully enjoy the functionality of the piece of furniture.

Hello dear readers of the site. In this article, you will learn in the doors of a closet or bedside table. This is a disease of any furniture made from chipboard.

I have been using this method for a long time and it has never let me down.

1 . We take two drills with different diameters: one is 5-6mm, and the second is 9-10mm, and we drill holes into which furniture screws were screwed to a depth of 10mm. We drill first with a thin drill, and then with a thick one. Do it carefully so as not to make a through hole.

2 . We adjust the wooden stick to the diameter of the holes and cut off two chopiks 9-10 mm high.

3 . We glue the holes and chopiki well with glue. Then we hammer in the chopiki and leave it until the next day so that the glue dries.

4 . We put the loop in its place and make marks where the screws will go. With a drill with a diameter of 4mm, we drill holes to a depth of 10mm, and then drive the self-tapping screws so that they can then be easily screwed into place.
Take a drill exactly 4mm, since the diameter of the self-tapping screw is 6.5 mm, and if you make the hole wider, then everything will have to be done again.

5 . Put the loop in place and screw on. As you can see, everything is simple.

If your furniture is still Soviet-made, then it will be enough to drill holes with a slightly larger diameter, into which the screws were screwed, pour a little PVA glue, drive in wooden chopsticks and leave for a day for the glue to dry. Then, in the chopstick, also drill a hole with a thin 2.5 mm drill, and screw the loop into place.

There is one more option. PVA glue is poured into the holes, 3-4 matches are inserted and the loop is immediately screwed into place. But it's not very good way, because after a while the loop starts to hang out again. Although as an option, who does not have time, will also go.

Now you know, how to fix a loose furniture hinge.
Good luck!
