Big eyes in a dream. Eyes interpretation of the dream book

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Having excellent vision in a dream is a harbinger of great success and recognition. If in a dream you saw that your vision had deteriorated or you could not clearly see something, then you will face financial difficulties or the illness of your loved ones. For lovers, a dream predicts that they are wasting their time and relying on a person who does not appreciate them at all. An eye disease in a dream means betrayal or the loss of a friend due to some serious illness. Losing your sight in a dream is a sign that you will break this word or that your children are in mortal danger. Sometimes such a dream predicts the loss of a close friend. If in a dream your eyes go dark or cloudy, then you will repent of a bad or criminal act. Sometimes a dream predicts the loss of property for you. To remain without eyes in a dream - to poverty or the loss of loved ones. For a pregnant woman, a dream predicts that the child she will give birth to may become a criminal and go to jail at a young age. See blind.

Having three or four eyes in a dream is a sign of a strong family and a happy marriage. If you dream that you have your friend's eyes instead of your own, then you are in danger of blindness. To see blind or slanting eyes in a dream - to misunderstanding, quarrel, failure.

Being nearsighted in a dream is a nuisance. To meet a one-eyed person in a dream is a deception. To have only one eye in a dream means that you can become a victim of spiteful critics. To dream that some eyes are watching you is a harbinger that someone is seriously thinking about you or that great luck awaits you. If something happened to your eyelids in a dream, then your friend is in trouble and decides to ask you for help, which you would never refuse him. To see very beautiful eyes - to great affection; black eyes in a dream mean the intrigues of enemies; omitted - a sign of insincerity; closed eyes, one's own or others', mean short-sightedness and the need to clarify the circumstances.

Crying eyes in a dream - to sadness and grief. To see big and beautiful eyes - fortunately, wealth and good luck. If in a dream you see an animal or a person without eyes, then you will be separated from your lover or a complete misunderstanding of your partners. An eyesore means that you do not see what is happening under your nose. See thorn, sight, cry, face.

Why do eyes dream in a dream book - "Wangi's Dream Book"

Eyes in a dream are considered one of the most mysterious and enigmatic symbols.

They look at you with malice in a dream:
If in a dream someone looks at you with anger, this means that in real life there is a secret ill-wisher who hides his true attitude towards you under the guise of friendship.

Go blind in a dream:
The dream in which you are blind indicates that in reality you are trying to close your eyes to many problems and thereby only worsen the situation.

A man with empty eye sockets in a dream:
Seeing in a dream a person with gaping holes instead of eyes is a bad sign, portending a serious illness or death.

Tears flow from your eyes in a dream:
In a dream, tears flow from your eyes - this means that in real life the little joys of life will add strength and give you hope.

Why do eyes dream in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of eyes - this means someone's close observation or your own search; also a sign of erotic relationships. Beautiful eyes - fortunately, love. Animal eyes or faceless eyes staring at you - enemies are watching your every move. A man with a thorn, with sunken eyes - your incredulity sometimes harms you. It is bad to see in a dream - lack of money, loss. To lose eyes or eyes - to illness, death of loved ones. A one-eyed man is a hitch in business, unforeseen and undesirable. Brown eyes - treachery and cunning, gray - they deceive you, blue - fail because of your own timidity. Blindfold - insight, a change of opinion about something. Silly blinking eyes - loss of property through one's own fault. To treat eyes with a doctor in a dream - you are not satisfied with your life and will stop at nothing to change it.

Why do eyes dream in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of heavenly eyes - to hot love; if you dreamed of black eyes - beware of fake friends; if you dreamed of lowered eyes, you will hide your heartfelt affection; if you dreamed of closed eyes - to sad news; if you dreamed of crying eyes - to tears or sadness; if you dreamed of gray eyes - to a demotion; if stupid eyes dreamed - to a monetary loss; if you dreamed of beautiful, big eyes - fortunately and longevity; if you dreamed of a man without eyes, you can lose your beloved person.

As you know, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. What are the eyes for? Various dream books will tell about this.

Why dream about eyes?

Old Russian dream book

According to the dream book, the eyes prophesy well-being. When they are poorly sighted, a lack of funds or incurring losses is possible soon.

If in a dream you had to lose your eyes, in reality an illness or death of children may occur.

Unhealthy eyes portend an act, repentance of which is possible in the near future.

I dreamed of a strabismus in a person - you can lose your fortune and face setbacks.

Contemplation of a large number of eyes promises success and a happy life in reality.

To see eyes in the wrong place in a dream - such a dream prophesies the onset of blindness.

Modern dream book

To a bad course of affairs, possible deceptions, insults and ailments - this is what a person’s eyes dream of, which look unhealthy and are blind.

When the eyes are absolutely healthy, luck will turn to face you, and joy awaits at the threshold.

Closed eyes promise a romantic relationship that will line up in the right direction, but stop quite unexpectedly.

Happiness in the presence of children is what beautiful large eyes dream of.

Sick and without shine, the eyes prophesy unhappiness and anxiety in relation to children.

To make a quick rotation of the eyes - to acquire wealth.

We saw a large number of eyes in a dream - make a profit or treasure.

Blindfolded eyes dream of a warning.

Poorly seeing eyes portend losses and lack of money.

To the appearance of enemies who want to mischief in your affairs - this is what the eye dreams of in a dream.

Brown prophesy deceit. Blue promise impotence in anything. Gray eyes promise flattery, from which there will be nothing good.

Seeing an eye is a warning against the intrigues of your enemies, who follow your every step in order to ruin your business.

For those who love this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery, cunning. The look of blue eyes fixed on you in a dream promises you some kind of failure, the cause of which will be your excessive timidity. Gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person.

If in a dream your eyes are inflamed or you are losing an eye, expect disturbing events in reality. An unfavorable dream, where a one-eyed man will appear to you - he promises misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Seeing the eye in a dream

The unconscious influence that accompanies powerful rational analysis. Means a powerful unconscious influence with a negative effect if eye contact occurs and rational analysis is carried out. Symbolizes full control from the deviation monitor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does dream Eye mean

You will experience in reality the manifestation of someone's wise kindness. If in a dream you lose both eyes, unexpected wealth will soon come to you in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

Dream about the Eye

To see an eye in a dream promises lovers the appearance of an opponent who will be able to pretend to be a friend.

Brown eyes dream of betrayal. Perhaps your loved one will commit a treacherous act or betray you. If in a dream you see gray eyes, beware of a person who will lull your vigilance with flattery and seriously harm your relationship with your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What does Eye mean in a dream

To see an eye in a dream means to receive a warning about the evil intentions of people who are watching your every step. For those who love this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Eye

An eye seen in a dream warns you of the intrigues of your enemies. For lovers, this dream promises the appearance of an opponent. If you lose an eye in a dream, then disturbing events await you in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Universal Dream Book

What does Eye mean in a dream

The dreaming eye is a warning against the machinations of enemies who are relentlessly watching your every step. They just sleep and see to ruin your whole business.

For a lover, this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery.

The look of blue eyes promises failure.

Gray eyes are a warning against excessive gullibility.

Losing an eye in a dream - to disturbing events.

One-eyed man - unfortunately.

Interpretation of dreams from

see your eyes in a dream

If the eyes see everything clearly - the clarity of the situation, the simplicity of the tasks. If your eyes are in a fog or haze - postpone the solution of serious issues for a while. Clarity will come and continue.

what does it mean if you see your eyes in a dream

Seeing your eyes in a dream means making ambitious plans, “laying an eye” on elusive benefits. If the eyes in a dream are not the same color as in life, be afraid of failure.

see your eyes in a dream book

If you saw your look indifferent, cold - be afraid of the ingratitude of people for whom you do too much. Moderate your zeal to help, it is not appreciated.

why dream of seeing your eyes

If in a dream your eyes change color, this is to flattery and treachery. See your eyes in the reflection - beware of spoiled deeds. Keep your future plans a secret.

see your eyes in a dream book

You are worried about the vigilant control from close people, but you do not have the strength to get out from under it, due to a deep connection with these people. You are looking for a way out, and the opportunity not to offend your relatives.

see your eyes in a dream what is it for

To see in a dream one's own eyes fixed on oneself - to conflicting judgments, internal disputes. Such a dream predicts a difficult situation that will put you in front of the need to make a deal with your own conscience.

Through the eyes, we perceive the world around us. Therefore, interpreters attached great importance to dreams in which a person clearly looks through the so-called “mirror of the soul”. Why many people want to know what their eyes dream of, and our dream book will help with this.

The accuracy of interpretation depends on the smallest details of such dreams, so dreamers need to restore all the circumstances and details in their memory. Eye color is the most important characteristic that a person should pay attention to. If it was not possible to consider it, then in real life in the near future you should not expect answers to questions.

Eyes by color and shades

  • Green eyes, very rare and attractive, can become a harbinger of passionate love, meetings with faithful comrades. They serve as a sign of harmony, hope and faith in the best. But if such a look belonged to an unfriendly stranger, then the dream book warns that someone is jealous and envious of the dreamer, trying to damage him and harm him.
  • To receive important information, advice or a gift - what blue eyes dream of. But in some interpretations, such a color is considered as a sign of self-doubt and an excessive trust in people who lead the dreamer in real life to constant failures.
  • To carefree pastime and fun, a person sees black eyes in his dreams. The dreamer in reality will have to be in a pleasant company, from communication with which he will get real pleasure
  • The dark color of the eyes, from brown to black, sometimes warns the sleeper about the presence of insidious and deceitful people in his life. In this case, he needs to be careful when communicating with business partners, be attentive to colleagues and try to identify hypocrites and deceivers among them.
  • When the dreamer clearly sees red eyes in a dream, then in reality it is time for him to take time for his rest. The dream book hints to us about overwork, both mental and spiritual. The best reaction to such a dream will be the design of a vacation and the organization of active pastime in nature. Not superfluous in a person's life at this time will be sports.
  • Why the dreaming pair of eyes has a different color, this is direct evidence of the presence of a sleeping two-faced person in life, who, most likely, is a business partner. Such a dream can also promise betrayal in marriage or some other manifestation of betrayal of family members. For example, such a dream indicates ignoring the opinions of parents by teenage children, for whom peers have become real authorities today. The dreamer-parent of such a child feels abandoned, hence the occurrence of such dreams.
  • Why dream of looking into gray eyes in your dream - to hear flattery and false praise addressed to you in reality. The dream book recommends not to fall for sweet speeches and refrain from rash acts, to which hypocritical speakers will incline the dreamer in reality.
  • Blue eyes in a dream promise beautiful love or explicit flattery.
  • When a sleeping person looks at himself in the mirror and sees in a dream that his eyes are turning white, then he needs to reconsider his behavior. Perhaps it has ceased to comply with generally accepted standards, and the dreamer's reputation is in jeopardy.
  • Sorrow and mental torment promises a dream where yellow eyes appear. The dream interpretation in this case portends a deterioration in well-being and it will be associated with a person’s nervous disorders.
  • Bloodshot eyes in a dream indicate that soon the relatives of the sleeping person will have serious problems. Such a plot may also mean that the dreamer among the people of his environment has a serious rival.

Eyes by size and condition

To look closely into someone's eyes in a dream - in reality, show real interest in this person, try to understand his intentions. In fact, relations with this person may deteriorate in the near future, and mutual understanding will be completely lost. When the eyes of an unfamiliar woman arouse interest in a dream, then in reality one should expect the appearance of a serious rival.

Difficulties at work and trouble with management are promised by a dream, where the sleeping person suddenly begins to bleed from the eyes. In this case, the dream book strongly recommends that you focus on your well-being and save your nerves.

What do closed eyes hint at in a dream? Vanga's dream interpretation interprets this plot as follows: on the one hand, such a dream promises a person good news and a short love relationship. On the other hand, adjacent eyelids can indicate the dreamer's strong attachment to someone. Watching a loved one in a dream, whose eyes were closed, means the appearance of conflict situations with him in reality. Perhaps the satellite has its own secrets and does not want to share them.

The wide-open eyes of a child in a dream are a harbinger of unexpected news, vivid impressions, deep life knowledge. If the children's eyes were blue, then in reality the sleeping person expects a sea of ​​tenderness, affection and love, which he will give to his loved ones in return.

Why dream of huge eyes - you can expect prosperity and good luck. According to Miller's dream book, the dreamer will have new smart and talented friends or children in real life.

paint your eyes

If an unmarried woman dreamed that she put on makeup and carefully painted her eyelashes, then in reality she would meet an obsessive admirer, whose intentions towards her would be serious. It is possible that the persistence of the admirer in reality will lead the dreamer to the altar with him. When a girl sees eye shadow in a dream, then she needs to be more careful in choosing friends, since a deceiver may appear next to her.

Why dream when a girl puts shadows on someone's eyes - then in reality she is preparing to break the law. Another meaning of such a dream is that the dreamer in reality is trying to better understand the intentions of his acquaintances.

Pointing arrows and dyeing eyelashes in a dream is considered by interpreters as a characteristic of the sleeping person himself, who is inclined to constantly hide his thoughts from people, while locking himself in. And the brighter and more defiant the makeup looks, the greater the desire of a person in real life to correspond to some ideal invented by him. Interpreters recommend that people who often observe a similar plot in their dreams get rid of obsessions and remain themselves.

If a girl dreams that she carefully paints her eyelids using eyeliner, then among her entourage there is a man who, out of love for her, is ready for any feat. Such stories promise a happy marriage, a quiet family life. If the dreamer in a dream starts sharpening a pencil before makeup, then in reality she needs to be ready for a pleasant surprise or an interesting journey.

To paint eyes in a dream to another person portends an enchanting event in reality, the sleeper will be carried away by some phenomenon or receive good news from a friend. For girls whose work is related to makeup, such dreams are just a projection reflection of their daily activities.

damaged eyes

Looking into dull and sore eyes in a dream is a warning. You may have to face troubles in business, various kinds of unrest and deterioration in well-being. After such a dream, you must exercise maximum vigilance and caution!

To humiliation and insults, a bruise under the eye is dreamed. Dream Interpretation Longo recommends restraining your anger in reality, not being led to a provocation. Also, such pictures appear in a dream to people who are attracted by forbidden pleasures. In some cases, a black eye dreams of profit and material wealth.

When a dreamer has a third eye in a dream, this means that his intuition has activated. After such dreams, a person can confidently devote his life to spiritual development and self-improvement. For a woman, three eyes in a dream are a sign of an imminent pregnancy.

The plot about gouged out eyes is also unpleasant. Such dreams, according to Miller, prophesy the loss of a loved one. When the dreamer himself pokes them out to someone in a dream, then in reality he needs to restrain his temperament, which constantly repels people. The dream interpretation recommends that such people behave much more modestly in reality.

A long and prosperous life is promised by dreams in which a person sees beautiful and kind eyes. For the dreamer, they are a symbol of sincere and happy love.

Material well-being awaits the one who dreams of barley under the eye. Such dreams guarantee wealth and prosperity.

When you dream of insects in your eyes or worms, you should expect trouble due to unresolved problems. People need to be careful in dealing with enemies, so as not to fall into their network. In addition, a person who had to see such horror in his dream should moderate his ardor in reality and forget about the habit of showing rage.

If a lady dreams that she is staring into the eyes of a man, then in reality she really shows interest in this man and her desire to find out about his plans is obvious. When the dreamer peers into the eyes of a loved one in a dream, then in reality she is worried about his misunderstanding and disagreement with her worldview.

Swelling under the eyes or just swollen eyelids in a dream means deception on the part of business partners. A person after such dreams should be extremely careful and not allow violations of the law in their affairs. Otherwise, in reality, he will face huge monetary fines and judicial sanctions.

Dreaming strabismus is a harbinger of good luck, the birth of healthy and gifted children.

When a dreamer in a dream observes his eyes without the presence of pupils in them, then he needs to be more attentive in real life and not miss important points. The dream interpretation recommends that a person focus on promising projects from which it will be possible to derive real benefits for society, and not waste their strength on trifles.

If the sleeper feels a kiss in the eyes, then he must be prepared for fun and joy. Life will improve, and all his plans will come true.

A mote that gets into the eye in a dream means trouble because of the children.

For married ladies, seeing themselves blindfolded in a dream means a threat to her marital relationship, the appearance of an insidious rival. For other people, such a plot is interpreted by the dream book as the presence of secrets and incomprehensible situations in their lives.

Surviving eye surgery in a dream means taking an objective look at your life from the outside. After such dreams, a person needs to think about new aspects in his life, initially evaluating all the victories and merits already available.

To fruitless labors and risky ventures, a person dreams of losing one eye. But to stay in a dream without two eyeballs at once means a guaranteed improvement in financial situation.

Favorable, the dream book can be called the dream in which a person observes wrinkles under his eyes. In this case, the dreamer will have a long, interesting life, full of exciting events.

A way out of a difficult situation will be found by a person who dreams of cat's eyes. Finding peace and peace of mind awaits the dreamer in the near future. But if in a dream the sleeping person feels the gaze of another predator on himself, then in real life, evil people full of envy and hatred will stand in his way.

Why dream of glowing cat eyes in the dark - you need to be careful with your household. The dream book considers such a dream a recommendation for maintaining common sense during family conflicts. Interpreters advise after such stories to be as tactful as possible in communicating with their relatives.

The Muslim dream book associates a dreaming look as constant surveillance of the dreamer in real life. Moreover, unfriendly-minded individuals are watching the person, from whom only meanness and betrayal should be expected. A dream with a one-eyed person is interpreted unpleasantly. Such a dream promises adversity and disaster.
