Veneer and eco-veneer: is there a difference? Which doors are better to choose: eco-veneer or natural veneer.

One of the main factors when choosing interior doors is not only the design, but also the materials used, and, as a result, the price.

In this article, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of lined materials for interior veneered doors, namely veneer and eco-veneer, which will directly affect the purchase of the necessary accessories for your interior. And also we will understand what is the difference between veneer and eco-veneer.

Interior veneered doors

It is worth noting that they are very popular due to the variety of design, practicality and reasonable price. Such doors have high strength, despite the relatively small weight, and excellent functional characteristics. This is achieved through the use of high-quality materials for the frame of the doors themselves, and, no doubt, the exterior finish.

Veneer and eco-veneer, which is better?

To answer this question, it is first necessary to analyze the strengths and weak sides these two materials, so to speak, to weigh all the pros and cons. What now and start.

Directly repair

100% natural requires careful care and certain conditions
environmental friendliness

heterogeneity of texture - different tone in one model

texture uniqueness susceptibility to temperature sunlight and humidity
wood strength high price
high sound insulation
contributes to the ventilation of the space
subject to restoration

The name itself says, natural veneer is natural material, which is a cut of hardwood. In its production, the following types of trees are often used: oak, maple, ash and beech. The hue and curves of the texture depend not only on the type of wood used, but also on age. Therefore, there are a huge number of possible shades of natural veneer.

Thanks to this, veneer-covered doors have a unique, inimitable pattern, which brings a special sophistication and beauty to products.

In addition, among the disadvantages of natural veneer, it is worth noting its extreme whimsicality both to the effects of sunlight and changes in humidity. That is why it is worth choosing carefully, finished with veneer, depending on the humidity and lighting of the space.

Ecoveneer. Eco-friendly alternative to natural veneer

Eco-veneer is a synthetic material, but at the same time it is absolutely harmless, which is not in vain evidenced by the prefix eco. Modern technologies ensure its environmental friendliness in the production, which uses compressed wood fibers and synthetic materials.

practicality low sound insulation
low sensitivity to changes in both humidity and temperature not subject to restoration
variety of shades and textures low sound insulation
aesthetics reduces space ventilation


affordable price

Eco-veneer is able to accurately convey the natural texture of wood, and can be presented in almost any color scheme. Therefore, outwardly, a door covered with eco-veneer almost does not differ from a veneered one, thus, this good alternative natural material. Thanks to this, interior doors covered with eco-veneer are able to fit into interiors made in different styles.

Eco-veneer is often compared with lamination, and for good reason, as it is resistant to direct sunlight, high humidity, and mechanical damage. Undoubtedly, in this matter they are better than doors covered with natural veneer.

However, the disadvantages of this coating include a low level of sound insulation, as well as low ventilation of the space. In these matters, eco-veneer doors are inferior to doors made of solid wood or trimmed with natural veneer.

Veneer or eco-veneer, what's the difference?

The main difference between eco-veneer and veneer is its primary function, imitation of natural wood.

To make a choice, which doors better veneer or eco-veneer and which interior doors to buy: from veneer or eco-veneer, you should first of all ask yourself the following questions:

    What amount are you targeting? Are you ready to pay more for natural veneer, the doors of which can last a long time, but with very careful care. Or you are interested in eco-veneer models belonging to a more affordable price category.

    For what kind of interior are you planning to install interior doors? Here the temperature and humidity of the space matter, which can directly affect appearance and functionality of doors finished with these two coatings.

    Fundamental attitude to natural and synthetic materials. However, do not forget about the environmental friendliness of both of them.

If you still have questions or you are ready to make your choice, our specialists will advise you and take your order.

Ecoveneer, or, as it is also called in the Western manner, CPL, is a synthetic product of modern industry. Compared to natural veneer, it has a lot of advantages and combines everything positive traits natural wood and modern polymers - the strength of this coating is such that it does not even leave marks from the claws of pets. Is it really? We will deal with this issue in this article, in which, together with the website, we will study in detail eco-veneer interior doors and determine their advantages and disadvantages.

Which is better: eco-veneer or pvc

Eco-veneer interior doors: what is it

The question of what eco-veneer is can be answered by deciphering its second name - CPL. It is translated as Continious Pressure Laminates, which in our native language sounds like this - subject to long-term pressing. Now you need to figure out what is subjected to continuous pressing - as mentioned above, this is a mixture of natural wood fibers and a synthetic binder. The structure of the resulting material has a unique three-dimensional effect, which misleads many people and makes them confuse natural veneer with artificial eco-veneer.

Eco-veneer interior doors

This material is produced interesting way- as usual in recent times, only waste from the woodworking industry is used, which, with the help of special equipment, is broken into tiny fibers. These same fibers are subsequently subjected to a process of dyeing and thorough mixing, after which they are glued into a single thin coating, which is called eco-veneer. This technology of dyeing wood fibers makes it possible to eliminate differences in the coloring of the finished product and give it almost any shade that imitates the structure of any type of wood.

The process of pressing this material is also interesting - it involves the use of a two-belt press, which performs its work gradually. With each subsequent step, the pressing force increases - this approach to business allows you to squeeze out even the smallest air bubbles from a mixture of sawdust and binder. As a result, thin sheet material, with high technical specifications- it is delivered from production in rolls and already at the enterprise that manufactures doors, it is cut and applied to products.

What is eco-veneer

Ecoveneer coating: its advantages

What is better, eco-veneer or PVC - this is a natural question that arises in almost every person immediately after getting to know this material. Agree, to say that eco-veneer is better would be wrong - such statements need to be seriously motivated. So what can be attributed to the advantages of this material, why is it better than other synthetic decorative films? The advantages of eco-veneer include the following points.

  1. The most important thing is the high wear resistance and durability that an eco-veneer door has - in comparison with traditional ones, it practically does not wear out. In addition, eco-veneer quite easily, and most importantly without consequences, withstands sudden changes in temperature and humidity - while cracks and other damage, as is usually the case with natural veneer, do not form. Moreover, the eco-veneer successfully resists impacts, scratching with sharp objects and other mechanical damage. And that's not all the positive aspects - this material does not fade even under direct sunlight.
  2. Ecoveneer is completely environmentally friendly pure material, and such doors can be installed in children's institutions. At least, this is what the manufacturer claims, which he has every right to, since his words are confirmed by a special certificate.
  3. This novelty in the field of door lining allows you to imitate the structure of any wood and, moreover, it does this with one hundred percent accuracy. Even the eye of a professional carpenter is not able to distinguish eco-veneer doors from ordinary ones. They don't even feel different to the touch.
  4. Cost - compared to natural veneer doors, it is lower. This moment especially attracts the modern consumer - the desire of a person to get better products for less money becomes a reality.

You can see what the main advantage of eco-veneer door covering looks like in this video.

These are far from all the advantages that allow us to decide which is better, veneer or eco-veneer doors, in favor of the latter - in addition, one can note a simple and unpretentious care using even strong household detergents. Also, one should not overlook the fact that in the process of manufacturing the door, or rather its finishing with eco-veneer, they are simply wrapped with this material - in this way, the ends of the doors are not glued with an edge and, as a result, it does not peel off during operation. That is, a one-piece protective and decorative coating is obtained over the entire surface of the doors.

Eco-veneer or veneer: which is better

What are the disadvantages of eco-veneer

It is impossible to correctly answer the question of what is better, eco-veneer or veneer, without understanding the negative qualities of this material, and it would be wrong to make a decision to purchase this type of door based on exclusively positive aspects. What if the disadvantages outweigh the advantages? This happens often enough. The reverse (negative) side of the eco-veneer doors looks like this.

In general, there is something to think about here - perhaps, under some circumstances, the disadvantages can outweigh all its advantages. Majority modern people prefer to move away from cheapness and give their preference to higher quality, environmentally friendly, natural products. And eco-veneer doors, despite the presence of appropriate certificates, are by no means a natural product, and their environmental friendliness may be in doubt. A sane person understands that all these certificates are very conditional and can only mean that the products will not emit toxins. And what are the others side effects arise at the same time, it no longer worries anyone.

And in conclusion, I’ll tell you why eco-veneer interior doors are considered more environmentally friendly than natural veneer doors. Everything is simple here - for gluing natural veneer, glue is used, the ecological purity of which may be in doubt. Unlike it, the eco-veneer is attached to the MDF card by itself, or rather, by means of synthetic binders, which are available in both MDF and eco-veneer.

Now manufacturers of interior doors are actively using natural veneer and eco-veneer for their finishing. These materials differ in their features and operational advantages. In this material, we will tell you what advantages and disadvantages the products differ in. In the article we will try to figure out which material is best suited for decorating interior doors.

What is natural veneer?

The material is made from various types of wood.

Most often, oak, walnut and tropical plants. That's why the texture finished products directly depends on the appearance of the raw material. In this case, the surfaces are painted with the help of paints and varnishes - in this way they give them the necessary shade.

Natural veneer is thin sheets wood. The thickness of products varies from 0.5 mm to 10 mm. During the production of interior doors, sheets are glued to their surface. Sheets are obtained in three main ways: sawing, planing, peeling:

  • During planing, thin strips are created. For processing take wide workpieces. Finished sheets have an original texture. Pine, ash, oak are mainly processed in this way.
  • In the process of peeling from a thick log, the veneer is removed in a spiral. The workpiece is placed in the machine. The log rotates at a constant speed, and a special knife, which is directed towards the center of the tree, removes thin layer. In this way, for example, Karelian birch and maple are processed.
  • In the process of sawing, logs are cut into thin sheets, which decorate doors and furniture. This is the most old method veneer production.

The main advantages and disadvantages of natural veneer

The material is characterized by such main operational advantages:

  • high resistance to high humidity - this property of the products allows you to install interior doors in almost any type of room, including the living room, dining room, bedroom (lacquered sheets do not absorb moisture);
  • worthy heat-insulating properties;
  • presentable appearance - thanks to the noble texture of wood, doors decorated with veneer look elegant in interiors created in both classical and modern styles;
  • durability - surfaces decorated with veneer retain their original beauty for at least 10 years;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • maintainability - small scratches and other damage are polished, and the surface is restored with varnish.

Interroom doors decorated with veneer are much cheaper than similar products from solid wood. However, they almost do not differ in design.

The main disadvantages of natural veneer:

  • the material fades and loses its original attractiveness under the influence of sunlight;
  • the surface is distinguished by low resistance to mechanical stress and temperature changes;
  • even trees of the same species differ in color and texture, so it is sometimes difficult to find several doors of the same appearance.

What is an eco-veneer?

Ecoveneer is called the material of a new generation. It is a multilayer product that is made from a variety of wood fibers. The fibers are connected to each other with the help of a synthetic binder - polypropylene that is safe for health is used. Eco-veneer is obtained by pressing: special equipment is used.

Surfaces finished with technological material are difficult to distinguish from natural wood in appearance. Ecoveneer perfectly imitates the noble texture of oak, wenge, chestnut, walnut and other species. That is why it is easy to choose doors for both modern interiors and rooms created in classical style. They are installed not only in apartments and spacious private houses, but also in public buildings, kindergartens, and medical institutions.

The main advantages and disadvantages of eco-veneer

Artificial material stands out for many operational advantages:

  • products are characterized by excellent wear resistance;
  • the surface is resistant to open flame;
  • the material does not let water through, so interior doors decorated with it can be installed in rooms with high humidity, including in the bathroom and in the kitchen;
  • ecoveneer is distinguished by resistance to various alkalis, salts, acids, solvents;
  • the material is safe for humans and pets;
  • when heated for a long time, they are not released into the air unpleasant odors and substances, because the material is made only from safe raw materials;
  • the surface is easily cleaned of dirt with detergents;
  • the material does not absorb pollution, because there are no pores in its texture.

The main disadvantages of eco-veneer:

  • products are characterized by low strength - the surface will crack from impact or other strong mechanical impact;
  • after damage, the surface cannot be restored;
  • ecoveneer is distinguished by low sound insulation;
  • synthetic binder restricts air exchange.

Which is better: natural veneer or eco-veneer?

Furniture and interior doors lined with eco-veneer are a little cheaper than similar products decorated with natural veneer. At the same time, they almost do not differ in appearance. Of course, oak or walnut veneer looks more presentable, because the wood texture has characteristic “waves”, color bends, dark veins.

Ecoveneer is classified as artificial materials. Due to the synthetic binder, the products are almost impervious to air and moisture. Doors lined with material are perfect for "wet" rooms. But natural veneer is better to buy for "dry" rooms and offices.

Leaves of oak, walnut and other species are gradually losing saturated color and beauty under the influence of sunlight. And the eco-veneer is able to maintain the design regardless of the weather.

As practice shows, natural material is mainly ordered for residential premises. For public, commercial, retail interiors, eco-veneer is purchased because it does not absorb dirt, is easily cleaned of dirt, and perfectly withstands the effects of detergents.

As you can see, the choice of material largely depends on the future operating conditions of the doors, on the preferences and budget of the buyer. During the purchase, it is also important to consider the design of the room, because the door should fit well into the interior.

For the manufacture of materials are used that have different technical characteristics and cost. Eco-veneer doors are inexpensive products that are available to our compatriots.

In native language given material is called Continious Pressure Laminates. Translated into Russian, this means "exposed to prolonged exposure to the press."

The structure of the product resembles natural veneer. But in reality, there are many differences. For this reason, many are interested in the eco-veneer door, what it is and why it is worth paying attention to.

Material Features

This laminate uses wood fibers that are securely bonded with a synthetic material. The technology for the production of products from eco-veneer involves separate coloring and gluing of thin fibers of natural wood. Thanks to this, it is possible to create any type of wood, the appearance of products of different shades in one batch is excluded.

An uninterrupted two-belt press is used for the manufacture of eco-veneer. The fibers are fed into the equipment and pressed with a gradual increase in pressure. As a result of this process, all gas and air elements are removed from the material, and the resulting product has exceptional film plasticity.

The production conditions directly affect the quality of the doors. The process must be carried out in a clean room with constant monitoring. temperature regime.

Ecoveneer has an optical effect (2D and 3D). For this reason, the structure of the material resembles veneered doors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Canvases made from eco-veneer have excellent performance properties. They are resistant to mechanical stress, do not crack or scratch.

Also, the advantages of such doors are:

  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to temperature changes and impact ultraviolet rays;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care;
  • acceptable cost.

Eco-veneer coated doors can imitate different breeds wood. For this reason, the products will fit into any interior.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  1. low soundproofing properties;
  2. the impossibility of restoration with severe mechanical damage;
  3. insufficient air exchange.

difference from natural

Door buyers immediately face the dilemma of what to choose: veneer or eco-veneer. The main argument in favor of the material lies in the safety and environmental friendliness of the coating. In the manufacture of natural veneered products, glue is used, the environmental properties of which are questionable.

The connection of eco-veneer elements occurs without glue (using a synthetic binder, which is in the material). Thanks to this, environmentally friendly doors are installed in hospitals, child care facilities, trade establishments and other public places.

Significant disadvantages of veneer are high cost and special care. Doors made of this material must not be rubbed hard, and only a soft sponge with soapy water can be used for washing.

After studying all the information about what eco-veneer and veneer are, each buyer will accept correct solution when choosing a door.

PVC or eco-veneer?

There is another popular option - polyvinyl chloride structures. These products are the most affordable on the market. building materials. This applies to both cost and a wide range of goods.

Using a PVC film, which covers the canvas, you can create an imitation of any surface. Such designs are the best option when creating modern interior- it is possible to select any shade, apply an original pattern, use photo printing, combine several films on one canvas.

Both types - or eco-veneer - have similar technical characteristics, are moisture resistant, durable and low cost.

But designs made of polyvinyl chloride also have significant drawbacks:

  • When exposed to sunlight, they fade and fade.
  • The material contains polyvinyl chloride.
  • Less attractive appearance.
  • High probability of delamination of the canvas.
  • Difficulty repairing damage.

When choosing which doors are better - PVC or eco-veneer - it is important to remember that the first option is acceptable only if the product is planned to be replaced after 6-7 years.

Veneered interior doors

These designs are hollow and full-bodied. The production of hollow doors is carried out as follows:

  1. assembling a frame from a wooden beam;
  2. laying corrugated cardboard inside the web;
  3. sheathing of the frame with MDF fibreboard;
  4. veneer covering.

Distinctive feature hollow products - a loud sound when tapped on them. This indicates the low soundproofing properties of the structure.

Full-bodied interior doors made of eco-veneer are canvases without a free internal cavity. The production of such structures is carried out in two ways:

  • wooden beam sheathed with MDF and covered with veneer.
  • Veneered solid wood.

As a result of using the second technology, a better product will be obtained.

Features of operation and care

Eco-veneer interior doors are a practical product, the surface of which is made of wood fibers. For this reason they require special care. It is not recommended to use cleaning products that contain alkalis, acids, solvents and abrasives. household chemicals can be replaced with an alcohol solution.

Damages on the canvas (small scratches, cracks) are eliminated with a wax pencil of the corresponding color.

Door hinges, locks and handles are periodically treated with a lubricant intended for this purpose.

Which is better to choose

Now on sale different doors profile ecoveneer. When choosing a quality product, you should pay attention to the quality of gluing the veneer. The material on the end of the canvas is slightly pry off with a fingernail. If it peels off easily, then it is better not to buy such a door.

The low quality of the design is also indicated by the presence of a dark strip at the corners of the canvas. This is the part fibreboard MDF, which becomes visible when the veneer is peeled off.

At the final stage, a visual inspection of the door is carried out. Its surface should not be rough.

Among the many varieties special place occupy the royal doors. The canvases have a solid frame, which consists of horizontal and vertical slats (tsarg). The main purpose of the tsarg is to give the product maximum strength.

Tsargovy designs do not need careful care, do not swell and do not dry out. The material is more resistant to mechanical stress and does not lose its original appearance over time.

Each model can be made with glazing. Eco-veneer with glass makes possible finishing rooms in different color solutions and styles. The glazed door makes the room brighter and fresher. The only caveat is that it is not recommended to mount the structure in the children's room, where there is a high probability of glass damage.

Combinations in the interior

An interior door stands still when it fits perfectly into the design of the room. The determining factor is the color of the structure.

Doors in bleached oak color are suitable for rooms decorated in modern style. This color is combined with contrasting (for example, dark furniture or walls), and with pastel colors. Provence style with old furniture and natural texture is also an acceptable option for bleached oak products.

Elegant classics and discreet eclectic style are suitable for walnut doors. Moreover, the eco-veneer in the interior can have different shades, ranging from light to rich dark colors.

Constructions gray color perfectly complement the room in the style of Provence or hi-tech. They will become the best option for people who value harmony and tranquility.

For embodiment design solutions in practice, the method of opening also plays an important role. Swing structures suitable for spacious rooms, a book (folding products) - for small spaces. The method of opening is not only a visual indicator, but also has a practical purpose.

Installation technology and repair

For installation interior door ecoveneer will need the following tools and materials:

  1. perforator;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. hammer;
  4. hacksaw;
  5. chisel;
  6. roulette;
  7. level;
  8. corner;
  9. pencil;
  10. wooden or plastic wedges;
  11. pliers;
  12. stationery knife;
  13. screwdriver;
  14. polyurethane foam;
  15. self-tapping screws;
  16. dowels;
  17. decorative caps for self-tapping screws.

Installation work consists of the following stages:

  • installation door frame in the opening;
  • fastening the box to the wall;
  • wetting the outer part of the box and the doorway with water (to improve the adhesion of the foam);
  • installation of spacers between the side racks;
  • filling the gap between the opening and the box with mounting foam.

When implementing installation work you need to achieve uniform gaps on the sides between the opening and the box. The bottom of the box should be level with the floor.

After hardening, the excess foam is cut off. Dowels and self-tapping screws are unscrewed, designed to fix jumpers and spacers.

At the final stage, loops are mounted, and door leaf ecoveneer is attached to the box. Marking is done to determine the depth of the grooves. With the help of a chisel, excess wood is removed. Holes for screws are drilled in the door frame.

The canvas is applied to the box. The presence of a technological gap is checked, which should be in the range from 2 to 4 mm. Loop attachment points are marked. After inserting the loops, the canvas is hung.

And finally, about how the restoration of the canvas is carried out if damage occurs during the operation of the door.

When the eco-veneer is swollen, the problem is solved by means of a slightly heated iron, which is applied to the canvas for 3-5 seconds. To improve the elasticity of the material, use a damp cloth placed on the door for 10-15 minutes.

Repair of more severe damage involves the creation of "patches":

  1. several holes are cut on the damaged section of the canvas;
  2. pieces of eco-veneer are applied to them (they must match in color and size);
  3. blanks are cut out of pieces, which are glued to the canvas;
  4. joints are smoothed out.

Minor scratches are removed with liquid wax or a wax pencil. The surface is cleaned of dirt. Wax is heated and placed in cracks. Excess wax is removed with a cloth. The repaired surface of the door can be covered with a transparent varnish.

Modern industry does not stand still. Present on the market today modern material, which has a name - eco-veneer. What is eco-veneer? This is a material that combines two materials at once: wood or modern polymers. Unlike natural veneer, eco-veneer has high strength, which guarantees a long service life of the surface. Eco-veneer doors have both advantages and disadvantages.

Modern eco-veneer or CPL is a material that is made by long-term pressing. Eco-veneer consists of natural wood fibers and synthetic binders. Due to its structure, the material has high strength.

When buying veneer, it is important to pay attention to the way it is made. Many people confuse natural and eco-veneer, because the latter has a similar structure.

In the manufacturing process, each individual fiber is dyed, after which these fibers are glued together. Wood fibers are separated from each other using special equipment. Due to the fact that the fibers are dyed separately, the material can be given a wide variety of shades.

Eco-veneer advantages:

  1. Durability. The material perfectly "feels" with a sharp drop in temperature and humidity levels. Eco-veneer is not afraid of scratches, chips, bumps and other mechanical damage. It is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Manufacturers assure consumers of the complete environmental friendliness of the material and its safety for human health. Such doors can be safely installed in the children's room.
  3. Diversity of design. The manufacturing technique allows you to imitate different kinds wood, and this coating looks very realistic.
  4. Profitability. If the price is compared with the cost of doors from natural material, then eco-veneer can be called a relatively inexpensive material.
  5. Ease of care. Taking care of the doors is easy and simple. To care for them, you can use various aggressive detergents.

When choosing materials, attention should be paid to all the advantages, but also to the disadvantages of the material. It is important to remember that the purchase of eco-veneer will save additional funds. When buying, it is important to check quality certificates.

Eco-veneer doors: cons

Veneered doors have a lot of advantages. But when deciding to buy eco-veneer doors, you should pay attention to their shortcomings. It is important to know which doors to buy and which ones to avoid.

When buying eco-veneer Special attention you should pay attention to the shortcomings of the material, since the concentration on some advantages is disorienting and prevents you from really assessing the quality of the doors.

New technologies are aimed at improving the quality of the material and making it universal. Ecoveneer cannot be named universal material because it has significant drawbacks. Such material can serve for a long time, but with very careful handling.

Eco-veneer disadvantages:

  1. Ease. This characteristic e allows you to be sure that the door will not break through during bumps and bumps.
  2. Impossibility of repair. If the doors are damaged due to impact, then it will not be possible to restore them.
  3. Low soundproofing. Eco-veneer doors are empty structures that perfectly transmit sounds.
  4. Poor breathability. Synthetics contribute to poor breathability. This violates the microclimate in the room.

For some, such shortcomings can be a significant argument for refusing to purchase this kind. It is very important to weigh all the pros and cons in advance. Eco-veneer can be an excellent choice if there is no money for natural wood doors, and the desire to put beautiful design eat.

PVC doors or eco-veneer: which is better

Eco-veneer appeared on our market quite recently. Euro veneer is very popular in Europe. In our country, not all consumers can decide on the choice of material for the door. Basically, the choice is between eco-veneer and PVC.

These two materials have different characteristics. To choose the right one, you need to learn about the features of both materials.

Eco-veneer is made from natural components, which cannot but affect their safety and environmental friendliness. But the addition of synthetic materials to the composition leads to the fact that the eco-veneer does not pass air well and disturbs the microclimate in the room. Also eco-veneer has an affordable cost.

Advantages of PVC:

  • High sound insulation;
  • Good tightness;
  • fire resistance;
  • Resistant to aggressive materials.

It is important to note that the eco-veneer is more resistant to small mechanical influences. However, both types of materials are not resistant to impacts and heavy loads. If the material is severely damaged, it will be impossible to restore it.

Eco-veneer or laminated doors

Ecoveneer is a polypropylene film with a wooden texture applied to it. Laminated doors are covered with a film that should protect them from damage. Laminated doors have one big plus - low cost.

Another advantage of laminated doors is the consistency in the choice of shades. So if the apartment needs another such door or old door needs to be replaced, but they want to leave the color the same - the laminate and its decor will be the same. But the veneer can have different shades.

Advantages of laminated doors:

  • Low cost. The price is often the decisive factor in the choice of doors and the material from which they are made. Laminated doors are an economical option.
  • Easy installation. You can install such doors with your own hands, without resorting to the help of a master.
  • Variety of choices. Different shades of material will allow you to choose suitable shade for the general interior.

Ecoveneer has a high wear resistance and durability, which distinguishes it from other types of coatings. This material perfectly withstands temperature extremes, humidity, as well as exposure to sunlight. Choosing an eco-veneer or laminate is a purely personal matter for everyone. In both cases, the cost will be lower in comparison if you buy solid wood. Before buying doors, you should read the description of both materials, calculate the number of pros and cons. Only then will the purchase be conscious and correct. It is important to remember that modern technologies do not stand still, new materials may soon appear on the market.

New material: what is an eco-veneer for a door (video)

Ecoveneer is a modern material that consists of many compressed layers of wood fibers. New technology manufacturing doors allows them to be durable, resistant to small mechanical stress. The material has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before buying, you need to decide whether the flaws of the product will cause great discomfort. If you take good care of the eco-veneer doors, the material will last for a long time. Ecoveneer is an eco-friendly material that is safe for human health.
