Veneered facades for the kitchen: pros and cons. Solid wood, veneer, MDF, laminate - which is better for interior doors

Natural or artificial veneer: what to choose?

Veneered doors are deservedly in high demand among buyers. Visually, they are practically indistinguishable from solid wood products, but at the same time they are much cheaper and do not require special operating conditions. Today on the market there are door leaves coated with natural and artificial veneer. Artificial veneer coating looks natural and is made from environmentally friendly safe materials, for which it is often called eco-veneer.

Structurally, door leaves with natural and artificial veneered finishes are no different. The basis is a spliced ​​solid wood or a frame with honeycomb filling. To give decorative look products are veneered on an MDF substrate. A water-repellent wear-resistant varnish is applied over the finish, which protects the coating from moisture, scratches, abrasion and other damage.

To understand which doors to choose in order to determine the best option decorative cladding, you need to figure out how veneer differs from eco-veneer. Also understand the pros and cons of each option. decorative coating.

Veneered coating: what is it?

natural veneer- this thin sheets natural wood. The material retains the pattern and color of the wood, as well as the special "live" energy of the natural material. It is made by planing, sawing or peeling wood. To achieve high fastening strength, veneer sheets are produced by hot pressing.

Doors coated with wood veneer will look no different from solid wood products, but at the same time they are much cheaper. In addition, veneered structures weigh less than solid wood panels, which allows them to be used for mounting sliding and rotary door systems.

The choice of varieties of good natural veneer is huge. For its manufacture, oak, ash, walnut, wenge and many other species are used. A wide range of textures and shades of decorative coating allows you to organically fit designs into any style of interior.

Artificial veneer cladding: varieties and features

For decorative finishes door structures two types of artificial veneer are used:

  • fine-line;
  • Nanoflex.

Both cladding options are of organic origin and realistically imitate natural material. The difference between them lies in the production technology and the raw materials used.

Interroom doors with artificial coating are in no way inferior to products with wood finishes. The undoubted advantage of these canvases is their lower cost, which makes them an excellent choice for interior decoration using inexpensive but high-quality door structures.

Do not confuse eco-veneer with laminate and PVC trim. The difference between this type of materials and artificial veneer is that these types of cladding are films with a wood texture obtained synthetically. Both laminated and PVC sheets always have the same pattern, regardless of the batch, and their surface is not embossed, but perfectly smooth.

Fine-line coverage

The fine-line finish is a reconstructed natural wood veneer. It is made from thin peeled wood sheets that are stained and pressed to obtain a wide variety of textures and textures. The material has high plasticity, well withstands temperature and humidity changes.

Fine-line decorative coating does not contain synthetic components and is environmentally friendly. The peculiarity of this material is its naturalness, the share of wood in it is 92-95%. The appearance of fine-line artificial decorative cladding has opened up broad prospects for the implementation of design ideas, because the coating can imitate even the rarest and most valuable tree species.

Fine-line coating production technology ensures material uniformity and color uniformity. At the same time, the finish on doors with artificial veneer does not contain knots and other defects that worsen appearance canvases.

Nano-flex coating

Nano-flex artificial finish is a high-tech decorative finish. It is obtained by applying the texture of a tree to high-strength parchment using 3D printing. The result is a material that is one hundred percent similar to natural wood tactilely and visually - from afar and close.

To create a three-dimensional effect, Nano-flex cladding alternates glossy and matte areas. To the touch, the eco-veneer coating is not perfectly smooth, but slightly velvety, like a real tree. To protect against moisture, Nano-flex is covered with several layers of waterproof varnish.

Three-dimensional printing allows you to realistically reproduce the pattern and shade of any type of wood. In the catalog of the Porta Prima factory, canvases with Nano-flex artificial turf are presented in many models in light and dark color scheme. For classic interiors the Porta Classic collection is recommended, and for modern design you should choose canvases from the Porta Stile series.

Natural and artificial veneer veneer: pros and cons

What is the difference between veneered doors and eco-veneer? Which doors are better - with wood or artificial turf? These questions are of interest to everyone who is faced with the problem of choosing veneered doors.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer what is better - eco-veneer or veneer. Each of these decorative materials has a number of pros and cons that you need to objectively weigh before buying.

It is necessary to evaluate the differences between wood and artificial material by a number of factors:

  • aesthetic characteristics;
  • wear resistance;
  • resistance to moisture and steam;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • maintainability;
  • cost.

Only in this way can you understand the difference between wood and artificial veneer and choose best option coatings.

Aesthetic qualities

Each canvas with a wood finish has a unique noble pattern consisting of growth rings. In the production of artificial cladding, such realism cannot be achieved.

Canvases with wood veneered finish, presented in the assortment of the Porta Prima factory, look luxurious and presentable. Even the eye of an experienced expert will not find visual differences from solid wood structures. Canvases with wood veneer are reliable, environmentally friendly and able to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding customers.

Eco-veneer coating is almost indistinguishable from wood finishes in terms of texture and shade. The disadvantage is that the pattern of each product is not unique. This is the main difference between the two types of decorative cladding.

wear resistance

In terms of wear resistance, artificial veneer coating is superior to natural wood material. This is their main difference. Ecoveneer is not afraid of abrasion, effectively resists scratching with sharp objects and other mechanical damage. It can be subjected to frequent wet cleaning with soft detergents.

Wood veneer is also resistant to surface abrasion, but to a lesser extent than eco-veneer. Therefore, door structures lined with artificial material are the best choice for families with small children and pets, because in such houses door blocks exposed to constant mechanical stress, and the lining must be washed frequently.

Moisture resistance

Both natural and artificial veneered finishes are applied not to solid wood, but to MDF board. It is moisture-resistant material, resistant to moisture, steam and temperature changes.

To venee products, use the method of hot pressing. This technology securely fixes the lining on the surface of the canvas, preventing cracking and peeling even in conditions of high humidity. That is why veneered structures can be installed in bathrooms and toilets without fear that they will quickly lose their original attractive appearance.

For additional protection against moisture, any type of veneered door is covered with a water-repellent varnish. However, prolonged contact of the lining with water should not be allowed; after washing, it is recommended to wipe the surface of the cloths with a dry cloth.

Environmental friendliness

Veneered finish does not contain toxic substances and does not emit unpleasant odors. It is made from environmentally friendly raw materials and is hypoallergenic. Doors with veneered facing can be installed without restrictions in residential and office space, medical and educational institutions, commercial and public buildings.

If you plan to arrange an eco-interior, experts recommend choosing door blocks with natural veneer. After all, one of the requirements of eco-style design is the use of only natural materials. The energy of a "living" tree will create comfortable atmosphere and keep the feeling of touching nature.


According to this parameter, the unequivocal advantage belongs to the doors with wood veneer coating. Chips, scratches, cracks on canvases with eco-veneer are almost impossible to repair, this is a significant minus of artificial cladding.

Serious restoration of natural veneered doors requires special training and a narrow-profile tool. professional master can eliminate even significant chips, cracks and peeling of the cladding, restoring the aesthetic appearance of the canvases.

On your own, you can only repair shallow scratches and abrasions on the surface of the decorative coating. To do this, use wax pencils of the desired shade.


The price of door structures is one of important criteria choice. Products with wood finishes are always more expensive than artificial turf models. Therefore, with a limited budget, it is worth taking a closer look at the door leafs with eco-veneer lining.

At the same time, the price of canvases with wood veneer is significantly lower than products made of solid wood. They allow you to create original and stylish interior, without overpaying significant amounts of money, and in terms of their performance characteristics they are significantly superior to models from the array.

Summing up

The choice between natural or artificial turf should be made based on operating conditions, your personal preferences and financial capabilities. For example, if we are talking about premium repair or eco-interior design, good decision there will be wood veneered doors. And if the door blocks are regularly subjected to mechanical stress and quickly get dirty, it is recommended to opt for canvases with eco-veneer.

Before comparing them, let's make a reservation right away and say that these coverages are very close to each other. Both veneer and solid wood are natural materials, they have a lot in common, but each one also has its own nuances. We will talk about them in the article, and to make the comparison more clear, we will compare according to specific parameters: price, production technology, design, etc.

What are they made of?

Visually, the coatings are similar, but the design of the door leaf and the technology of its production are radically different.

Veneered door. At the heart is a frame made of solid wood, which manufacturers cover with MDF sheets. They are glued on thinnest layer natural wood- veneer, and a finishing varnish is already applied to it.

Solid wood door. Two options are possible - either the door is made from a solid array, or from a glued one. The door is also varnished.

What looks better?

Choosing between veneer and solid wood in terms of design, the former seems to be more preferable. Let's explain why:

    natural veneer offers a greater choice of shades and textures than solid wood. It is a fact. If suddenly you don’t have enough shades, you can sacrifice a little naturalness and choose an even richer fine-line veneer in terms of design.

    more species of trees can be used for the production of veneered coatings than for solid wood. This results in more varied colors and textures.

    the canvas can be supplemented with glass inserts, incl. and big ones.

    you can create original drawings on a fine-line veneer canvas. Take a look at our collection of doors for an example.

About array

With an array, not everything is so clear. The quality of the coating, its appearance depend on the type of wood - you can take a cheap pine and proudly call it an array, or you can take an expensive oak, beech or ash.

The more expensive the array, the better quality coating, the more it will convey the naturalness of the material compared to the same veneer. Just remember, a solid pine door for 5,000 rubles. at the nearest construction market and a factory door for 25,000 rubles. are different weight classes.

Also, when choosing a door, start from the style of the interior. Below we have outlined the recommended matches between door materials and interior styles.


As for the veneer, that for the array, almost all of them coincide. Apart from a couple of nuances, there is not much difference between them:

    both coatings do not tolerate direct sunlight - the coating may fade over time. If you need to install it in such a place, choose another coating better.

    veneer and solid wood doors are made from natural wood. It is environmentally friendly and safe for health.

    strength. If laid out in descending order, then the strength rating will look like this: first, hardwoods; then veneer and solid alder; pine array.

    weight. Veneered doors are easier to open due to their lighter weight. Some manufacturers also use honeycomb filler to lighten the canvas.

    in terms of noise and heat insulation, the array and veneer are on the same level, but on the condition that there is no honeycomb filler in the veneered sheet structure, and a sealant is used in the boxed timber.

    Like any natural material, veneer and solid wood are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and humidity conditions. The veneer does not tolerate high humidity, the array - high humidity and dry air. There is only one piece of advice here - whatever material you choose, maintain a normal temperature and humidity regime. Manufacturers must indicate it in the door passport.

    damage resistance. Chips and scratches that have veneer, that the array can be tinted special tool in the tone of the canvas. If the problem is more serious - the array has cracked, the veneer has peeled off, then this is already irreparable.

The most common solution today kitchen furniture– cabinets made of chipboard and facades made of MDF. There are several varieties of the decorative layer that is used to cover MDF facades. Their features must be considered when choosing furniture for the kitchen.

1. MDF facades covered with foil
Such a coating is obtained by applying a PVC film to the MDF board. Big choice colors, patterns and textures - with marble or wood styling, and a relatively low price determine the popularity of this option. In addition, the facade covered with PVC film is not afraid of moisture, sunlight and is reliably protected from dirt.

The option of film facades will be economical in terms of the total cost of the kit and unpretentious in terms of maintenance - it is easy to wash with ordinary detergents, but without the use of abrasives.

But such facades also have a significant disadvantage, which is important to be aware of when buying furniture for the kitchen - at high temperatures, the film can peel off, and if it is mechanically damaged, it will no longer be possible to restore the facade, you will have to replace it completely.

2. Painted MDF facades
Covering facades with enamel and varnish will cost more than film. Choice bright colors here is practically unlimited, so finding a suitable solution is not difficult. In case of mechanical damage, such a facade can be restored.

However, when choosing painted MDF facades, you need to take into account: they fade under the influence of sunlight, are also afraid of high temperatures, and they cannot be looked after with alkaline detergents.

3. MDF facades lined with plastic
Plastic for MDF facades also offers big variety colors and textures, including imitating natural materials. But in terms of strength and durability, it surpasses the first two options.
He is not afraid of moisture, sunlight and mechanical damage.

However, if the facade is still damaged, it will not be possible to restore it. Also, over time, the plastic on the edges can flake off. And the price for such facades is higher than for painted or covered with a film.

A separate issue is the care of plastic facades. Washing them is easy, but you will have to do this quite often, no matter which option you choose - a glossy or matte finish.

4. MDF facades, veneered
The most expensive option, which is difficult to distinguish from products from natural wood. Film or plastic under a tree here significantly loses to natural veneer.

The indisputable advantage of kitchens with MDF facades lined with veneer is the price compared to solid wood kitchens.

Facades lined with veneer look beautiful and solid, resistant to moisture, but it is better not to test them with constant contact with water and direct sunlight.

Since a kitchen with veneered MDF facades is not cheap, be more careful when choosing a manufacturer. Large manufacturers with extensive experience have necessary equipment for correct operation with materials, including for veneering, so that over time the coating does not peel off and the furniture does not lose its appearance.

Which option to choose depends on each particular case. If you need an inexpensive, easy-to-clean kitchen, it is better to choose facades covered with foil. If durability is considered the main selection parameters, while not focusing on the issue of price, here more suitable facades MDF covered with plastic. Painted facades - for those who are looking for the original color solution for kitchen. And facades lined with natural veneer - the best solution for a solid and noble kitchen interior.

Recently, many buyers of our country prefer to purchase interior veneered doors. Made from MDF, they are not only an environmentally friendly product that is safe for human health, but also have excellent quality and performance characteristics. The essence of the production of this type of product is to cover the MDF panels with a special oak veneer with its further tinting with varnishes of various colors and shades. This technology allows you to create doors with an original and attractive appearance, with good wear resistance and durability.

Why should you opt for MDF?

Firstly, interior MDF doors are made according to the latest technologies, which provides them with excellent quality characteristics that meet all modern requirements. Secondly, it is worth recalling the environmental friendliness, resistance to external influences, moisture, durability and reliability of this array. Thirdly, these interior veneered doors have an unusually aesthetic appearance and a huge number of color options, which allows any designer's fantasy to come true. In addition, these products can be created according to custom order and are available in all custom sizes.

What distinguishes interior MDF doors from other doors?

  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • wear resistance;
  • variety of colors;
  • wide model range;
  • affordable price.

How to make the right choice?

When choosing interior veneered doors, it is worth considering several nuances that will help you correct solution and get a really high-quality product. It must be remembered that door leaf is not only a means for separating two rooms, but also important element interior, so it must match the overall style of the room. The quality of the veneer itself is also of great importance. Natural veneer has a unique pattern, it does not emit any odors, and its surface must be smooth and securely fixed.

The cost of such material cannot be very low, because high-quality and natural products are always more expensive than their artificial counterparts. It is worth buying MDF or veneered interior doors only from trusted and reliable suppliers who have a positive reputation in the market and guarantee high quality and the authenticity of their products. Only in this case the client will be satisfied with his purchase, which long years will delight him with a magnificent and pristine appearance.
