Rowan. Breeding Secrets

Red-orange berries are hallmark mountain ash. They have a bitter taste before frost, and after them they become sweetish, a little tart.

Such a tree is not only beautiful, but also different medicinal properties. Many people want to have mountain ash on their site. Before putting her in open ground, you need to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties of this process. There is a certain scheme according to which you can plant this tree.

Basic conditions

How to plant rowan:

  • this plant is unpretentious, but before planting rowan, it is better to choose sunny place, then the tree will be more sprawling, and the harvest will be rich;
  • rowan planting should take place in the fall, after leaf fall, or in early spring - until the end of April;
  • the distance between the bushes should be up to 4-5 meters;
  • pit size for planting - 60 * 60 cm;
  • must be mixed fertile layer soil with 5–6 kg of peat compost or humus, 100 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potash fertilizer: pour the resulting mixture into a small hole and fill it halfway with barren soil;
  • just before planting, you need to pour a bucket of water into this hole, wait until it is absorbed;
  • after planting the mountain ash, the ground near the trunk must be tamped, and after that it is good to water;
  • when planting in the fall, it is better to mulch the tree.

Works in autumn

In the autumn planting in the open field, there are both pros and cons that need to be considered.

  1. Planting material is fresh in autumn. It does not need to be stored until spring.
  2. There is less work in the garden in autumn than in spring.
  3. The soil will always be moistened, which will save the plant from watering.
  4. Trees after autumn planting in the spring they will grow 2-3 weeks faster.

The downside in such a landing can be an attack by rodents that damage the tree, and if there are very coldy, then the tree will freeze.

Rowan leaves have a bright color

Reproduction methods

Each gardener himself chooses the type of reproduction suitable for him for growing mountain ash:

  • with the help of seeds;
  • propagated by cuttings;
  • undergrowth;
  • layering.


Growing rowan from seeds is difficult. Berries that begin to turn brown are plucked, kneaded and poured cold water. Seeds that have settled to the bottom are full-fledged. They are sown shallowly, covering with a layer of earth no more than 5 mm, and sprinkled with humus.

If sowing seeds is planned in the spring, you need to stratify. To do this, the peeled seeds are mixed with loose substrate or sand.

The resulting mixture must be placed in a box or container. The substrate with seeds must be moist and not dry out during the entire storage period. You can keep it in the basement.

In the spring, as soon as the soil allows, you need to get the seeds and sow them in the ground with the substrate in which they were stored.


Rowan and green cuttings are propagated. Take them from the most productive plants. The length of the cutting should be from 10 to 15 cm with developed buds and several leaves. The cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees. Initially, the cuttings are planted in a greenhouse, deepening them by 2 cm, after which they are watered and covered with a film.

When landing on permanent place the cuttings must be hardened by removing the film from them. First for a few hours, and then gradually increasing the time. As soon as the seedlings take root, you can make the first top dressing of nitrogen and mineral fertilizers.


The sprouts of root shoots that appear around the tree every year are also used to propagate mountain ash. They are cut off and transplanted into the ground, where they will constantly grow.


To propagate rowan by layering, a young one-year-old shoot is bent to the ground and dug in. This should be done in the spring, in well-heated ground. The site must first be dug up and cleared of weeds.

When young shoots appear, 10–12 cm long, they are sprinkled with earth or humus. When the shoots grow back by 10 cm, the powdering procedure must be repeated.

When the cuttings take root, they are separated and transplanted to a permanent place. Do it better next spring.

In order for a tree to grow healthy and beautiful, its care must be of high quality. Rowan should be watered at the rate of 2-3 buckets per tree. After watering, the earth near the trunk must be loosened.

Feed the plants begin after 2 years of planting. In spring and summer, nitrogen is added as a top dressing. In autumn, when the crop is already harvested, only phosphorus and potassium are given. Fertilizer is scattered under the tree and watered. Near it, weeding is done from weeds. In the care of mountain ash, pruning is required.

Popular varieties

There are many varieties of mountain ash, they differ in taste, berry size, color, yield, resistance to weather conditions and duration of storage.

  1. Large-fruited include: Scarlet, Titan, Pomegranate, Sorbinka.
  2. Early-fruited - Dessert, Hope.
  3. Most resistant to bad weather- Bead.
  4. According to gardeners, the best varieties are: Dessert, Pomegranate, Sorbinka, Vefed, Scarlet large, Nevezhenskaya.


Planting a mountain ash is a laborious, but necessary business for every gardener. She not only decorates the site in the fall with her fruits, but also gives beautiful flowering in the spring, and pleases with her green, openwork leaves in the summer. You need to plant this tree correctly, care must be done on time and with high quality.

In terms of propagation, mountain ash is a very flexible crop, easily copied by seeds (if you want to get seedlings for a hedge for example) and vegetative ways- grafting, layering, root offspring and green cuttings. The seed method of propagation of mountain ash is simple. Freshly isolated seeds are first placed in wet sand, and at the end of autumn they are sown on the beds and sprinkled nutrient soil.

Rowan germination, according to my observations, is quite good. If the soil is nutritious, without stagnant moisture and not overdried, then 70% of seedlings from sown seeds can be obtained. Shoots, as a rule, are friendly, plants grow actively, you just need to remember about weeding, watering and loosening the soil. You can sow seeds and after stratification, this somewhat increases germination. In the future, these seedlings are ideal for grafting rowan varieties on them, which can be carried out in the spring, during the period of active sap flow, by cuttings (copulation) or in the summer by a kidney (budding), when a second wave of sap flow is observed. The methods are quite standard, for grafting with a cutting it is an improved copulation, and for budding it is a T-shaped incision. As insulation, a polyethylene tape is used, which is removed after the scion begins to grow actively.

It looks like a greenhouse prepared for planting cuttings

If you delay in removing the film, you can get constrictions, which, most likely, will lead to the death of the plant. Further care for grafted plants is to keep the soil loose and free of weeds and pruning next spring annuals to the crown. Green cuttings usually carried out in the flowering phase of mountain ash, while observing the technology, it is possible to achieve a significant yield of rooted cuttings, about 80%. To obtain cuttings with well-developed roots, growth stimulants can be used.

Good results are obtained by the use of indolylbutyric acid at a concentration of 50 mg per 1 liter. You need to dissolve the powder in alcohol, and only then alcohol solution add to water, otherwise there will be no effect. The cuttings cut in the morning are planted in a film greenhouse equipped with an installation for finely dispersed water spraying. You can also water it yourself, using a regular watering can with a nozzle with very small holes. The only inconvenience of manual watering is that you need to water frequently - 7-9 times a day, and this literally ties you to the greenhouse. In autumn, rooted cuttings are dug up and transplanted into nutrient soil for growing. Care in shkolka consists of watering, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, mandatory weeding and loosening the soil. For next season planting material he'll be ready.

Good results are obtained when propagated by arcuate layering. In early spring annual or biennial branches, which are located close to the ground, are bent into pre-prepared grooves 10-12 cm deep, fixed with wooden or metal hooks and covered with wet fertile soil. The tops of the shoots must be above the ground so that they do not break, they are tied to pegs, the same procedure will give them a vertical position. Layers usually root rather slowly. If you want to receive planting material good quality, then you have to wait two, or even three years, after which the layers are carefully separated from mother plant and used for transplanting to a permanent place.

You can somewhat accelerate the growth of the roots, for which the next year's shoot, after bending down, is cut off from the mother plant. In the same year, you will receive a seedling with sufficiently developed roots. Rowan can also be propagated by root offspring - in the event that the plant is own-rooted. The offspring are dug up in autumn, and if root system they are well developed, then they are planted in a permanent place, otherwise they grow another season on nutritious soil with mandatory weeding, watering and applying nitrogen fertilizers. Rowan seedlings begin to bear fruit on the 6-7th year, root shoots - on the 4-6th, grafted plants - on the 2-3rd year after planting. greatest development the above-ground part with maximum fruiting trees reach the age of 20.

The well-known mountain ash has long been a national treasure of our country. This plant is a bright decoration of parks, alleys, gardens and boulevards. At any time of the year it ornamental plant pleasing to the eye bright colors and sophistication. Today we will tell you how to plant a mountain ash and what this tree needs for full growth and development.

Site selection

Before planting rowan, it is important to choose a good place Location on. mature tree reaches large sizes, therefore, it is recommended to plant seedlings around the perimeter of the garden at the very border of the site. Then the trees will not obscure nearby plantings.

In open ground, mountain ash successfully grows on almost any type of soil.

But, as horticultural practice shows, trees planted on light and fertile land grow faster and look more beautiful. Light loamy soil that retains moisture is ideal for growing this tree.

Breeding options

In the wild, mountain ash reproduces by seeds that are carried by birds and small animals. In your garden, you can grow rowan from seeds, seedlings, cuttings and layering.

Basic Rules

Now let's move on to the main thing - how to grow mountain ash so that it is beautiful, healthy and fruitful.

Rowan planting is carried out in autumn or spring (in early April). If you plan to grow a tree for the sake of fruit, it is advisable to plant several varieties on the site, since mountain ash is a self-fertile plant and requires pollinators.

Trees should be planted at a distance of 5-6 m from each other. Rowan seedlings have large and long roots, so a deep and wide pit is prepared for them - 80x80 cm.

The bottom of the pit is filled with nutrient mixture. For its preparation you will need:

  • rotted manure or compost - 1 bucket;
  • wood ash and superphosphate - 1 handful each.

Mixture nutrients mixed with earth taken out of the pit and poured back into the pit.

The roots of the plants are lowered into the hole, straightened, then sprinkled with the remaining garden soil. The earth around the trunk is lightly tamped. Seedlings are watered abundantly.

To stimulate the growth of the root system, the apical shoot is pruned immediately after planting.

The following year, side branches are pruned. In this way, it is formed beautiful crown at a young tree.

Features of care

It is important not only to plant the mountain ash correctly, but also to provide it with proper care, especially in the first years of life.

Care consists in the regular removal of weeds, loosening the soil, pruning, watering and fertilizing.


Given the fact that the tree grows very quickly and rapidly in spring, pruning should be carried out on early dates- at the beginning or middle of March. In young plants, branches damaged by frost and wind, as well as broken shoots, are cut off. Too long shoots are shortened arbitrarily.


Young plants should be watered as the soil dries and depending on climatic conditions. Under one tree you need to pour at least 10 liters of water.

top dressing

Rowan begin to feed with three years of age. Trees fertilize mineral compositions three times per season:

  • before the start of the budding period, a mixture of 25 g of nitrogenous, 15 g of potash and 25 g of phosphate fertilizers is applied;
  • in summer period trees are fed with the same mixture, only in a lower concentration - 10 g of each component;
  • in autumn, after the crop is harvested, the trees are fed with phosphate and potash fertilizers - 10 g of each substance.

This amount of fertilizer is calculated per 1 m2 of land.

seed cultivation

Rowan quite successfully reproduces seed way. Let us consider in detail the process of how to grow rowan from seeds. To do this, you will need freshly harvested seed material. Seeds are collected in autumn, before frost.

To obtain healthy seedlings, dense berries without rot and damage should be taken. Mountain ash berries are carefully kneaded, poured with cold water and saturated with moisture for an hour. Then they are washed, and high-quality seeds sink to the bottom.

Sowing seeds is carried out in open ground in shallow grooves - 1-1.5 cm. Seedlings are sprinkled with humus on top and left to winter in this state. Under these conditions, they will undergo natural stratification throughout the winter. In early spring, it will be possible to observe the friendly germination of seedlings.

Young plants grown from seeds grow in one place for 3 years. After that, they can be transplanted to a permanent place.


You can get a new rowan tree using cuttings. Propagation by cuttings is one of the most effective ways, because young plant retains all varietal characteristics of the parent specimen.

Procurement of material

For cultivation, healthy shoots are used, 20 cm long, with lateral processes and buds.

Harvesting cuttings is carried out in the fall. They are cut with a sharp knife along the oblique, then marked and sent to storage until spring. A month before planting in open ground (February-March), the cuttings are lowered into a container of water. To stimulate the formation of roots, the drug "Kornevin" is added.


Shoots that have released roots must be planted at an angle of 45º. This method of planting increases the chance of their rapid rooting.

So that propagation by cuttings gives positive result, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance. Before planting cuttings, the ground is fertilized:

rotted manure - 1 bucket;

wood ash - 200 g.

This amount of fertilizer is calculated per 1 m2 of land. Then the soil is dug deep and leveled.

The cuttings are lowered into the prepared holes, sprinkled with earth and lightly trampled. After planting, the plant is watered abundantly.

If the germination of cuttings is carried out at home, it is important to have time to transplant them into the soil in the fall, before the first frost.


The main care of plants is regular watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds. Top dressing is carried out in the second year of the plant's life, as well as seedlings. The same fertilizers are applied according to the same scheme.

The best varieties

Today, about 80 varieties of mountain ash and many hybrids are known. The most popular of them:

  • Gorgeous;
  • Ruby;
  • Scarlet large;
  • Vefed;
  • Bead;
  • Titanium;
  • Sorbinka.

For a long time in Russia, the mountain ash was revered, believing that the tree protects from troubles, diseases and evil spirits. Our ancestors planted it around the house, dried berries, decorated clothes and hats with rowan twigs. To this day, recipes for useful infusions, decoctions, teas, liqueurs and rowan jam have been preserved.

“Oh, curly rowan ...” True, curly. And very beautiful. Undoubtedly - the decoration of the site. It was mountain ash that first appeared in our country, and then all the other trees. Only later did we realize that with the “curly” we missed a lot.

Rowan is an unpretentious, grateful tree that does not require any special care. But not without character. We planted three thin graceful branches. Two of them settled at the far ends of the 12-hundredth area, and the third was identified next to the summer kitchen-change house.

Everything was good and pleasant: over time, our third mountain ash shaded the “kitchen” area and sheltered it from rain and wind. But as soon as she entered mature age gave us trouble.

In the spring, our mountain ash covers the paths with a decent layer of kidney husks - every now and then we have to take up the broom. Then comes the time for the petals to fall, then the extra fruits to be discarded ... Again the broom. Well, as a chord, its beautiful berries are an exquisite delicacy for birds. This autumn, the summer day began and ended with the polyphony of restless birds arranging a solemn feast in the area of ​​​​the change house. As a result, we sweep, clean and travel to compost heap under the indignant din of birds. And this walker is not alone, otherwise an insidious vegetable lubricant very quickly appears on the paths, because of which you can not only stumble, but also twist your neck.

What to do? Lime our beauty hand does not rise. It remains to passively deal with the consequences of your short-sightedness to give advice to those who only dream of planting mountain ash - calculate the consequences. Send this tree to the periphery. It is better to love and enjoy its all-season beauty from afar. Then, closing the summer season, with pleasure and without any negativity in your soul, sing to the button accordion or karaoke:

- Oh, curly rowan,

White flowers,

Oh, rowan, rowan,

What are you upset about?..

Sergey Pashaev, Kashira - Moscow

We grow mountain ash from seeds

Now you can collect seeds from trees you like and grow seedlings yourself. Seeds are isolated from the fruits and immediately sown in the soil - in pits or grooves to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, they are covered with humus, sand or soil. Shelter. The distance between the furrows is 40-50 cm. In the spring, after germination, the plants are thinned out at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other.

If the soil is already frozen, stratify for sowing in the spring in wooden box in wet sand at a temperature of 3-5°C. Or seeds with sand are placed in a nylon stocking and buried in the ground to a depth of 50-60 cm. The digging site is mulched from above.

Varieties of mountain ash

The most famous sweet-fruited mountain ash is Nevezhinskaya. It comes from the Vladimir region, where it still has wide use. According to legend, she was found by a shepherd in the forest near the village of Nevezhino. Its fruits are not bitter at all, when ripe they have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Three of its varieties are known: Cubic, Yellow, Red.

The varieties bred by I. V. Michurin by crossing Nevezhinskaya mountain ash with hawthorn, medlar, chokeberry, and pear are also good. The most early-growing of them: Burka, Liquor, Pomegranate. The sweetest taste is in the fruits of the Dessertnaya variety.

Of the other varieties, we can recommend Beauty and Ruby. Not inferior in palatability fruit mountain ash Moravian - a very beautiful vigorous tree with maroon coloring of shoots and leaf petioles. Of the new varieties, Businka, Sorbinka, Daughter of Kubovoy, Solnechnaya, Scarlet large, Vefed, Titan and others are of considerable interest.

Very large (up to 3.5 cm in diameter) berries are produced by the Crimean and Krasnodar mountain ash. This is rowan homemade and rowan officinalis. The fruits of mountain ash are edible, pear-shaped. Yellowish-brown in color, sometimes with a reddish side, sweetish, tart, fragrant in taste.

Expert opinion

Viktor Strelets, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences n., Professor RGAU-MSHA them. K. A. Timiryazeva

- My opinion - mountain ash should grow in every Russian garden. And the main argument is the benefits of berries. Sorbic and parasorbic acids contained in mountain ash have bactericidal properties and inhibit the growth of mold and fungi. Sorbin also lowers the content of fat in the liver and cholesterol in the blood, and the glycoside amygdalin prevents heart neurosis.

Rowan fruits are great helpers for people suffering from diabetes and obesity. They contain a lot of pectin substances that help bind toxins and remove excess carbohydrates.

The fruits are used as a diuretic, hemostatic and, mainly, a multivitamin agent.

Also, the fruits of mountain ash are recommended for atherosclerosis, hypertension and nephrolithiasis. In Bulgaria and Poland, mountain ash is used for kidney diseases and Bladder, stones, rheumatism, salt metabolism disorders and other diseases.


IN traditional medicine fresh fruit juice is taken with low acidity, 1 teaspoon before meals.


Dried fruits are mixed with dry rose hips (1:1) or nettle leaves (7:3), since the combined intake of P-active substances and vitamin C enhances their effect on the body.

Mountain ash (Sorbus) is a genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of the Rosaceae family, uniting, according to various sources, from 84 to 100 species. The Latin name comes from the Celtic word "sorb" - bitter, thus hinting at the tart taste of the famous fiery scarlet fruits. The most famous and valuable representative of the genus is the common or red mountain ash, the specific name of which translates as "to lure birds." Enterprising hunters, knowing about the passion of birds for a bitter berry, used it as a bait.

In Russia, mountain ash has a special relationship: poems, fairy tales, songs, proverbs were dedicated to it, and they call the beauty in different regions countries in their own way - yarembina, hornbeam, mountain grouse, gorobina, gerzhenbina, orobina. For a long time from her ripe berries they prepared liqueurs, kvass, jams, fillings for pies and healing decoctions. And in the old days, mountain ash was attributed to numerous magical properties: it was believed that a tree planted in the front garden would protect the house from witchcraft and dashing people, and a staff made from it would save the traveler on the road. Today, the magical abilities of mountain ash are considered prejudice, but in garden culture, she is still a welcome guest. Well, no wonder! The closest relative of the apple tree and cherry is unusually good-looking, unpretentious in maintenance and perfectly adapted to the harsh conditions of the middle lane.

In addition, mountain ash is very plastic and easily propagated by all known ways. So if you have a tree in mind, an exact copy of which you would like to get, then it is not at all necessary to spend money on purchased seedlings. After all, it is much more interesting to grow a slender amulet tree on your own. It's not at all difficult to do this.

Growing from seed

For generative (seed) propagation of mountain ash, collect the ripest at the end of the season. large berries, mash them with a fork and pour over clean water. When the pulp emerges, rinse the seeds, sow them in a dug up fertile soil to a depth of 5-10 mm and cover the crops with fallen leaves.

If you plan to sow mountain ash in the spring, then the collected material should be carefully prepared:

  • Dry the washed seeds to a free flowing state.
  • Spread the seeds on wet gauze or filter paper, place in a container with a hermetically sealed lid and store at a temperature of +12 ... +15 ° С.
  • In early January, that is, about 4 months before the start of sowing, put the container in the refrigerator, where the material should be stratified until spring at a temperature of 0 ... +1 ° C.

Immediately after the snow melts, the cold-treated seeds are planted in slightly moist soil to a depth of 6–8 cm and the surface of the bed is mulched with humus or sawdust. When the first pair of leaves is formed in the grown seedlings, a pick is carried out, during which a distance of 3-4 cm is left between neighboring plants. The next time, young mountain ash is planted in a phase of 4-5 leaves with a step of 7-10 cm.

In summer, seedlings are regularly watered, fed with weak organic infusions, weeded and loosened the soil of the tree trunk. With the onset of autumn, the trees are transplanted to a special school bed, where they are grown for another 2–3 years. Your mountain ash will bear fruit in the fourth or fifth year. The seed method is very good, but unfortunately, it is applicable only to species representatives of the genus. Valuable varietal mountain ash of hybrid origin is recommended to be propagated vegetatively to preserve maternal characteristics.


It is very convenient to grow mountain ash from cuttings, lignified or green. In the first case, the preparation of material and planting work begin in the second half of September:

  • From the selected rowan tree, one or more annual shoots are taken, growing on two to four-year-old branches.
  • Cuttings 15–20 cm long are cut from the lower or middle part of the shoot; the top with unripened wood is not suitable for this purpose. The upper cut is made oblique, the lower one is straight, immediately under the eye. Each cutting must have at least 5-6 healthy viable buds.
  • The cuttings are planted on the bed at an angle of 45 °, leaving only 2 upper buds above the ground, after which they are pressed with soil, watered and mulched the soil surface with dry peat.

For green cuttings of mountain ash during the active growing season, young tops of shoots are cut off from any part of the crown. The further course of action is as follows:

  • Cuttings 10-15 cm long are cleaned from the lower leaves, and 2-3 sheet plates at the crown is shortened by 2/3.
  • The lower sections of the cuttings are immersed for 6–12 hours in a solution of a root-forming preparation (“Heteroauxin”, “Kornevin”), after which they are rinsed under running water.
  • The cuttings are planted in a cold greenhouse obliquely with an interval of 3–4 cm. The best substrate for rooting is a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1).
  • Plantings are sprayed with settled water and each future mountain ash is covered with a transparent cap (a 5-liter plastic bottle with a cut-out bottom is suitable).

With systematic watering and high (95-100%) ambient humidity, green cuttings take root in 3-4 weeks. They are left to spend the winter in a greenhouse, and in the spring next year transplanted to the school garden.


If you were lucky enough to get a sprig of varietal mountain ash, you can try the method of grafting a bud (eye) on a native root seedling:

  • Prepare the stock: wipe the stem from dust with a damp cloth, then with north side make a T-shaped cut in the bark 5–8 cm from the ground.
  • Clear the varietal shoot from foliage and cut off a well-developed bud with a fragment of bark and wood (heel) from it. The optimal heel length is 2.5–3 cm, width is 0.3–0.5 cm.
  • Gently insert the bud with the heel into the incision of the rootstock, crimp the bark with your fingers and wrap the grafting site plastic wrap so that only the kidney remains outside.
  • After 2-3 weeks, the bandage can be removed, and cut off in March-April next year upper part rootstock, leaving a spike 5–7 cm high above the bud.

Fruiting in grafted seedlings occurs early - for 3-4 years, however, the budding method has a significant drawback - the branches from which you will take the buds must be cut from the mother tree on the day of vaccination. IN last resort cuttings can be put in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

Landing in the ground

When choosing a place in the garden, it should be noted that the mountain ash loves the sun and does not tolerate prolonged stagnant moisture. It is desirable that the site from the side of the prevailing winds be protected by buildings or strong mature trees. The best soil for culture - light or medium loam, moderately moist and nutritious.

Planting is carried out in the spring (before the awakening of the kidneys) or in the fall (1.5 months before the soil freezes):

  • Dig a hole in the area with a depth of 0.8 m and a diameter of 1 m for a tall rowan or a depth of 0.5 m and a diameter of 0.8 m for a seedling of a small variety.
  • Fill the hole with nutrient soil mixed with humus or peat (2-3 buckets). Add superphosphate (200–300 g) and potassium salt (100–150 g). When planting in acidic soil, the fertile mixture should be diluted with lime (1 kg).
  • Plant plants with a deep root collar of 4–5 cm.
  • After planting, pour 2 buckets of water under each tree.
  • Cut the skeletal shoots of young mountain ash by 1/3 of the length, and shorten the central conductor so that it rises 20–25 cm above the branches.
  • The final stage of work is mulching the trunk circle with peat or humus.

Note! For better pollination, experts recommend having 2-3 mixed rowan trees in one area. Low-growing trees are planted after 2-3 m, between medium-sized and high trees, a distance of 4-4.5 m should be maintained.
