Geranium propagation: how to properly plant a shoot without roots in the ground or wait for them to appear in the water? Unusual pelargonium, or familiar geranium. Planting in the garden and care When you can plant a geranium in a pot

This beautiful plant is found in almost every home. There are many tips on how to plant geraniums and how to care for them. However, despite the seeming ease of growing this beautiful plant there are some fundamental rules.

Pelargonium (Pelargonium) belongs to the geranium family. Another, more familiar name for this flower is geranium. Both the names "geranium" and "pelargonium" come from Greek. The first of them is translated as "stork", and the second as "crane", since the shape of the fruits of plants in its appearance resembles the beak of these animals.

The flower comes from South Africa, and appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 18th century. The color of the flowers is the most diverse: from white and pale pink to dark cherry, except for yellow and blue. There are varieties with two-color and double inflorescences. Now there are about 280 species of annual and perennial pelargoniums. Depending on the variety, geraniums are distinguished:

  • zonal (garden);
  • ivy (ampelous);
  • royal large-flowered;
  • variegated;
  • fragrant;
  • succulent.

Large-flowered geraniums need to be grown only in a room, while zonal and ampelous geraniums may well decorate both a balcony and a garden. In addition to beauty, geranium creates a positive aura around itself and disinfects the air. Caring for her is simple, requires moderate watering, the flower is undemanding to the composition of the earthen mixture. The plant is drought tolerant and has high vitality.

The first way is sowing seeds. Plant growers note that this process is quite laborious and does not always lead to the expected results. First of all, it is quite difficult to collect fresh planting material. Purchased seeds do not always give good shoots. However, breeders are not asleep. At the end of the last century, they bred a new generation of hybrids (F1), and an opportunity arose for the mass sowing of geraniums. Another feature of this reproduction of pelargonium is that it must be sown in January-February, otherwise the plant will bloom only by autumn.

Spread the seeds on moist soil and lightly sprinkle with soil. Sprinkle well with growth stimulator. Cover with glass or film and place in warm place(+20...+24°С). Do not forget to carefully moisten the earth. Shoots germinate slowly, from 2 to 3 weeks. Young seedlings, after the appearance of 2-3 leaves, dive (transplanted into permanent pots) and grown at a temperature of +16 ... + 18 ° C for another 6-8 weeks. After that, geraniums can be accustomed to the constant sun. Remember that when pelargonium is propagated by seeds, it takes about 5 months from germination to flowering, and under unfavorable conditions, flowers may appear only next year.

Reproduction by cuttings

It is better and easier to plant geranium cuttings. The plant easily takes root when propagated by shoots. One of the advantages - with this choice, you can see which geranium will grow in the future: its growth, color of flowers and leaves. Cuttings can be taken all year round, but the best months are February-March and July-August. Before planting a geranium with a shoot, you need to learn a few simple rules.

  1. 1 A well-developed specimen is chosen as a mother plant. For rooting, cut off the apical shoot with a well-developed growth point. On a handle about 7 cm long, there should be 4-5 leaves. 2 lower ones should be removed and the shoot should be placed in water until roots form (2-3 weeks). Many lovers of geraniums, after cutting the cuttings, keep them in the shade for about a day, and, having dipped them in crushed coal, they plant them without roots in a light mixture at a temperature of +20 ... + 22 ° С. It is not necessary to cover the cuttings. Rooting in this way takes about a month. You can also dip a freshly cut cutting into a special powder that stimulates the formation of roots (for example, Kornevin) and place them in a mixture of peat or garden soil with sand to a depth of 5 cm.
  2. 2 It is important to compact the soil well around the seedling and water it abundantly.
  3. 3 It is necessary to provide the shoots with good lighting at room temperature. With the help of cuttings from one adult plant, an average of 5 to 10 new young geraniums can be grown.
  4. 4 The appearance of new leaves means that the cutting has developed a developed root system. You can carefully transplant the plant into a permanent pot and expose it to the sun. The ideal option is a glazed balcony with good ventilation.
  5. 5 For transplanting, take a small container, otherwise there will be a strong development of the root system and the bush to the detriment of the appearance of flowers. It is better to take the soil mixture of the following composition: 2 parts of turf (peat), leaf and humus soil per 1 part of sand. Good drainage should be taken care of - geranium root loves air.
  6. 6 To enhance branching and the formation of a bush and crown, a pinch is made, in which the growth point is removed.

Division of the rhizome

It is convenient to grow geraniums in the garden and in the country by planting rhizomes in the ground. They can be bought in specialized stores. Planting material is recommended to be purchased in February. The underground part of the plant should be dense, have a hard, not withered growth point and well-developed adventitious roots. The purchased rhizome is stored in a refrigerator in a container with a wet substrate (peat) until the onset of heat. Optimum content temperature - +1...+2°С. So that the planting material does not dry out, 2 times a month it is watered with water at room temperature. Purchased plants that have already begun to grow a bush must be immediately planted in any container slightly larger than the size of the rhizome. When planting, the long roots of the plant must be carefully straightened - they should not be confused and bent.

Rhizome transplantation to the site is carried out in mid-May, when the earth warms up well. Even with the slightest frost, young plants will need shelter. To do this, you need to have on hand nonwoven fabric- lutrasil or agrofibre.

Fast and correct formation of a geranium bush and its abundant flowering directly depend on competent landing. Pelargonium has a long root system, so the pits for it should be prepared not wide, but deep. As a rule, the longest roots should not reach to the bottom of about 15 cm.

Planting bushes is carried out at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. This gap will be quite enough for the root system of the bushes to fully develop.

The planting pit is filled with a nutrient mixture mixed with sand, it is better to do it in the form of a slide, the roots of the plant are carefully laid out on top of it, then covered with soil and watered.

If the rhizome has several points of growth, it can be divided so that each segment has at least one point and several intact lateral roots.

Watering - plentiful, but not excessive.

In late autumn, pelargonium rhizomes can be dug up, planted in suitable pots, and wintered in a place protected from frost.

General principles for caring for young plants

Regardless of where you planted geraniums - at home, on a balcony or in a garden - there are several rules that affect the growth and beauty of new plants.

  1. 1 Pelargonium prefers sunny places, but can bloom well in light shade.
  2. 2 Watering should be plentiful, but make sure that the amount of water is not excessive. This is especially true for plants in pots and balcony boxes.
  3. 3 Geranium is one of the few plants that do not tolerate spraying. This should be remembered when moistening the soil, that water should not fall on the leaves of the bush.
  4. 4 When transplanting geraniums in late summer, watering should be monitored very carefully, because if a young flower is poured in autumn, the root will inevitably rot.
  5. 5 Do not forget to pinch the tops of the shoots. This will contribute to the formation of the correct bush and help to avoid exposing the stems from below.
  6. 6 Do not forget to remove dry leaves and dried flowers in time.
  7. 7 From spring to autumn, both potted and garden plants can be fertilized with flowers. Especially for geraniums, Pelargovit liquid top dressing is sold.
  8. 8 In winter, pelargoniums are kept at a temperature of +10 ... + 15 ° С, watering is reduced. And after wintering, overgrown bushes can be cut off, and new flowers can be grown from cuttings.

Thus, for planting geraniums, you can choose one or try several ways. Follow the simple rules of care, and this is unpretentious, but very ornamental plant will always delight you with bright greenery and beautiful flowers.

Geranium is known to experienced flower growers as pelargonium. This is one of the popular indoor plants, which can be found in the apartments of many domestic flower lovers. With the onset of stable heat, pelargonium can be transplanted to a garden plot, however, in the fall it is returned to the house again, where it will be provided with a comfortable temperature regime. There is a version that geranium is a flower of aristocrats.

However, among ordinary people there are many fans of this houseplant. AT modern conditions, when you can easily buy a wide variety of exotic plants, geraniums are no longer popular. However, due to its exceptional bright coloring, this houseplant can compete with many modern exotics.

Pelargonium watering regime

Considering that summer is the hottest time of the year, during this period it is necessary to provide the plant with abundant watering. However, they must be moderate to avoid flooding the plant. Otherwise, it will not tolerate an excess of moisture and will die.

When growing geraniums in such conditions, its leaves become lethargic and rot. Subsequently, gray mold can be seen on them, the stem begins to turn black. When these signs appear, it is necessary to reduce watering faster.

Otherwise, the root itself will begin to rot pretty soon, which is very likely if there is rot. Geranium is considered drought tolerant plant, but still it should not be deprived of the required amount of water, otherwise it will be difficult to wait for abundant flowering from it.

To determine the moment when you need to carry out the next watering, you need to monitor the condition of the earthen coma. The beginning of its drying is a good hint for watering.

In the summer season, the drying of the earth can occur at different intervals - sometimes every day, and sometimes every other day. AT winter time care for geraniums should be somewhat different: given the cooler growing conditions of geraniums, watering should not be as frequent.

Light requirements

Geranium grows well if it does not lack light. Therefore, it is recommended place it on the south side. However, comfortable conditions cultivation can be provided in partial shade.

It is not recommended that the geranium be constantly under sunlight. Otherwise, it can lead to burns on the leaves. To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended at lunch remove a flower from the window sill.

If you are going to transplant geraniums into the garden in the summer, then you should look for appropriate place. It should be well lit by the sun and be protected from wind and drafts.

However, it is undesirable to grow geraniums in conditions of complete shading, since in this case you can be content with only small leaves. She will not be able to please you with flowering, even if you provide her with appropriate care.

Temperature regime

In order for geranium to grow well at home, it needs a temperature of at least + 12 degrees Celsius. At cooler temperature conditions she may have problems: the leaves become drooping, and the stems are bare.

If you do not change the temperature regime, then subsequently the pelargonium will die. Pelargonium is also depressingly affected by elevated air temperature. In such conditions, its flowering becomes problematic. This one is best indoor flower feels at normal room temperature.

Air humidity

If you believe experienced gardeners, then geraniums can grow well with any humidity. Therefore, regardless of what kind of air is in the room, this will not affect the development of pelargonium in any way.

While caring for pelargonium spraying is undesirable., since this negatively affects the condition of the flower. You can limit yourself to regular soil moisture in summer period.

For the normal development of geraniums, it is necessary Fresh air which makes it very durable. Therefore, in the summer, it is recommended to keep more of it in the fresh air, or at least grow it on the balcony.

Fertilizing indoor geraniums

To provide nutrition to geraniums, it is unacceptable to use fresh organic fertilizers. It is best to add rich nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal amounts of fertilizer.

Feeding geraniums with potassium in sufficient quantities, you are more likely to wait for its abundant flowering. But you need to ensure that these elements of top dressing are present in the composition of fertilizers in small quantities.

Proper care of pelargonium provides for its provision with various trace elements:

  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;

For this purpose, you can use fertilizers for indoor flowers, which can be found in a flower shop. Effective is the drug "Merry Flower Girl" for geraniums. In the absence of it, it can be replaced with fertilizer " For flowering plants».

You should refrain from feeding pelargonium if the weather is hot. Otherwise, after this event, the plant will experience stress. If you have planned top dressing, then it is recommended to carry them out after you transfer the plant to the shade.

It is advisable to refrain from applying to dry soil liquid fertilizer. Need water the flower first. Otherwise, you will harm the plant, because when applied to dry soil, all fertilizers burn the roots.

Geranium transplant

A houseplant geranium can safely do without a transplant. But still, you need to regularly monitor its condition: a transplant may be required at a time when there is no free space for the roots in a small pot.

Therefore, adult specimens usually have to be transplanted. In addition, geraniums also have to be transplanted in cases where it is too flooded with water. In any case, it is recommended to select for transplantation not very large capacity.

When choosing a pot, you need to consider that the root system matches the volume of the pot. Before transplanting, high-quality drainage is laid on the bottom. If you believe the flower growers, then geraniums can grow well in ordinary summer cottage land.

You can also prepare for it special potting mix, which requires the following components:

  • Leaf land.
  • Sod land.
  • Mucky land.
  • Sand.

Be sure to maintain proportions - 1: 1: 1: ½. The most favorable period for transplanting geraniums is spring.

How to propagate geraniums at home

To obtain new pelargonium bushes, two main propagation methods can be used. Way propagation by seeds not so often used by flower growers. It makes sense to resort to it in cases where it is planned to grow new varieties.

A serious problem for the method of propagation by sowing seeds is that the seedlings grown from them usually have decorative qualities different from the chosen variety. Therefore, often young geraniums have different color shade and leaves. It also differs in length, height and bushiness.

In the absence of much experience in growing indoor plants, it is recommended to first use cheap varieties of geranium flowers, since novice flower growers often fail.

For growing geraniums by sowing seeds, it is necessary prepare the ground suitable composition: it must have a loose structure, so be sure to include humus and sand in it.

Usually the sowing of seeds is carried out already in early March. However, it is allowed to do this at an earlier date, but in this case, in order to eliminate the shortage of lighting, it will be necessary to carry out supplementary lighting with the help of artificial light lamps.

Before sowing the soil needs to be disinfected. To do this, it is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which minimizes the risk of developing a black leg in plants. After sowing, it is not necessary to sprinkle the seeds with a layer of earth.

However, they must be sufficiently buried in the soil. To accelerate the germination of seeds, they need provide a greenhouse effect, for which a film is pulled on top, and the container itself is transferred to a warm place.

Reproduction by cuttings

Also, for propagation of geraniums at home, you can use cuttings that are harvested in the spring. To do this, prepared shoots must be placed in a container of water.

Usually the roots of the cuttings form quickly if the room temperature is high enough. After this, the cutting placed in a pot with earth. At the first sign of the beginning of growth, you need to pinch off the top of it.

Before planting the stalk in the ground, it needs to be given a little time to dry from the water. As a rule, when using the cutting method, shoots taken from the top of the plant are used. And they should have at least 3-4 leaves.

Geranium diseases and their treatment

Geranium is unpretentious plant which it confirms by its high resistance to diseases and pests. However, in some cases, it can still be affected by certain ailments:

In order to avoid negative manifestations, the processing of pelargonium is recommended to be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions.

Geranium more than deserves to have a place in the grower's house. Standing out with splendor and bushiness, it will look no worse than many modern ornamental plants.

However, she can only show her decorative properties with proper care, so she needs to provide not only watering, but also lighting. And in the summer it is very useful to take it out into the fresh air.

Large caps of inflorescences, a persistent specific smell made geranium one of the most common indoor plants in noble houses back in the nineteenth century. It was believed that the flower brings happiness and prosperity, and its aroma drives away evil spirits. So from generation to generation the love for the flower was passed on. Breeders enthusiastically created new varieties, of which today there are about 400 species.

Growing conditions and care rules for geraniums for lush flowering

If the windows of the room south side, and the sun "lives" on the windowsill throughout the daylight hours, then these are ideal conditions for geraniums. The flower bed in the garden should be on a hill so that no other plants or architectural forms can cast a shadow on the flower. The rays of the scorching sun are not terrible for the plant, it tolerates dry weather well, the temperature drops to 10-15 degrees.

Optimum growing temperature: for lush flowering, the air must be warmed up to 18-22 ºС, but in winter, before flowering, it is enough to maintain 15 ºС above zero (this temperature is kept on the window or in office space). If the flower does not take breaks between flowering, then its strength will quickly run out, which will lead to illness or death. Enough 3-4 weeks to rest, so that the lush flowering is long.

Lighting: if the sun leaves the geranium growing zone in the garden early or there is not enough light in the room, you should urgently find more sunny place for a flower, daylight hours are at least 12 hours.

Watering and spraying: sheet plate does not tolerate getting wet, therefore, the plant has a negative attitude towards the spray gun and wiping. The accumulated dust from the leaves can be collected with a dry or slightly damp brush or brush. Watering is carried out daily during the flowering period in summer or 2 times a week in winter, when the plant is at rest. During the absence of the house in the summer, daily watering can be replaced with a cotton cloth moistened with plenty of water.

soil mixture: Whether it is a pot for a houseplant or a flower bed in the garden, it is important to remember: geranium roots do not tolerate compacted soil. Therefore, the earth is prepared from sand, peat, black soil in equal quantities. For air exchange, it is often necessary to loosen the soil, so the roots will receive oxygen, and the leaves, thanks to photosynthesis, will be brighter and more magnificent.

Feeding geraniums with iodine for lush flowering on the video:

Top dressing with fertilizers: everything in moderation. Geranium responds negatively to organic fertilizers and accepts mineral fertilizers with pleasure. Now there are special fertilizer complexes for geraniums on sale, which greatly simplifies the life of the grower, the main thing is to dilute the solutions according to the instructions and not increase the concentration. During flowering, phosphorus and potassium will not be superfluous, and after - nitrogen, which will give strength for a new flowering.

Moving to a new place: perfectly tolerates a change of scenery, continuing to bloom. The beauty lives beautifully in clay and plastic pots, the main thing is that drainage is provided in the bottom. Remember: a spacious container will enhance the formation of green mass and reduce the intensity of flowering. If the pot turned out to be larger, then you can plant several bushes at once, forming a bouquet arrangement. Garden geraniums are removed indoors for the winter, otherwise death cannot be avoided.

Geranium pruning and pinching for dense shoots and lush blooms

How to pinch geraniums for lush flowering photo

In order for the plant to look neat on the windowsill or flower bed, it must be cut off. To do this, choose the period of the end of winter or the beginning of spring, when flowering stops. Cut off old shoots, leaves, providing a neat appearance to the bush.

For branching and the formation of several shoots, the bush is pinched after 8-10 leaves.. This is how the lateral processes will go, which also bear flower stalks. The procedure is not painless for the plant, so it is important to fertilize a couple of days before pruning, and water 1-2 times a week, as needed. Flowering may move, but not more than a month. During this time, new leaves and stems will grow.

The video will tell about pinching geraniums:

In the axils of the leaves, new shoots can form, stepchildren, which must be removed when there are 1-2 leaves. Otherwise, the bush will take on an irregular shape, additional shoots will add disharmony to the overall composition. Leave only shoots from the root.

Pruning geraniums in winter on video:

Be sure to remove faded inflorescences on the bush so that they do not take away strength from the plant and new peduncles can form. If you leave dried flowers, the plant will begin to form seeds and stop flowering.

How to cut geraniums in spring, look at the video:

Having shown the necessary attention, the gardener will always contribute lush bloom geraniums, beautiful growth of green mass, healthy plant appearance.

Reproduction of geraniums at home

There are 2 methods of propagation: seed and cuttings. The choice depends on the variety and the preferences of the gardener. Each has its own subtleties, but is not difficult to repeat.

It is better to buy seeds in a specialized store for gardeners, where the consultant will tell you and help you decide on the choice of variety. In addition, seeds from the store will give the expected result for appearance and flowering qualities. Self-collected seeds from hybrid plants do not guarantee the repetition of the qualities that the parents have.

How to grow geraniums from seeds

Growing geraniums from seeds seedling photo

  • Seeds are sown in bulk on the nutrient mixture as rarely as possible, sprinkled on top thin layer earth or sand.
  • Pots for seedlings are not chosen big size, 50-100 ml.
  • After planting, the container is covered with a film so that there is a greenhouse effect that helps the seeds germinate as soon as possible.
  • Every day, accumulated condensate must be removed from the film so as not to provoke the development of fungal diseases.
  • When the first shoots appear, the film is removed.
  • Watering is carried out as needed, without waterlogging the soil.
  • After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the bushes dive into containers for constant growth.
  • Seedlings should receive a lot of light so that development takes place to the fullest, the plants do not stretch and do not get sick.

The video will tell you more about growing geraniums from seeds:

The matter is simple, because even beginner flower growers and schoolchildren will cope. By the way, children really like to participate in the process of growing seedlings. Then they watch with delight how the plants develop, release the first buds and delight with abundant flowering.

Propagation of geraniums by cuttings and dividing the bush

Reproduction of geraniums by cuttings photo How to propagate geraniums

The most common way to breed geraniums, which is not time consuming and always brings the desired result.

  • For propagation by cuttings, an adult bush is suitable, from which you can cut off a side shoot without damage.

How to propagate geranium cuttings Geranium shoot photo

  • The finished shoot can be immediately planted in clay pot, separating the lower leaves from the legs.
  • Soaking in a glass of water is not required, the plant does not like moisture, rot may appear.

Planting geranium cuttings photo

  • The cut point is treated with a weak solution of manganese, if conditions require it (presence of pests, high humidity in the room, causing mold).

Geranium propagation by cuttings Cuttings of geranium photo

If the bush has several branches from the root, then geraniums can be propagated by dividing the bush. To do this, the plant is removed from the ground, a dividing point is found, a bush is bred and placed in a permanent place. Geranium will begin to bloom in 2-3 months, and under favorable conditions - earlier.
The seed method is painstaking, but with long flowering - 5-7 years. In the case of propagation by cuttings, the bush will begin to fade in 4-6 years.

Diseases and pests of geraniums

Unfavourable conditions, low temperatures and abundant watering can lead to rotting of the base of the stem of seedlings and adult plants - black leg. The disease leads to the death of the entire bush, if no action is taken. With abundant watering and stagnant water in the pot, you need to transplant the flower into a new soil, pinching off the upper shoots.

How to care for geraniums at home Diseases and pests of geraniums photo

Gray plaque on the leaves - mold appears in the absence of drainage in the pot, compressed earth does not provide sufficient air exchange, the flower begins to fade. The best way prevention - follow the recommendations of loosening, timely introduce mulching substances into the soil. Sleeping tea leaves, fine river or aquarium sand, peat are suitable. Affected leaves are treated antifungal drugs– accurate spraying of problem areas.

Whiteflies, butterflies, aphids, moths - all those garden pests that can live in the garden. If the soap solution and tobacco infusion did not help, then you can turn to industrial tools.

Difficulties in caring for geraniums Why geraniums turn yellow what to do

Why did the lower leaves turn yellow and dry?

Why did the lower leaves of the geranium turn yellow photo

This means that there is not enough moisture and air exchange in the soil. It is enough to increase watering and loosen the earth. If this does not help, then you need to transplant the plant into a new, well-drained soil.

Why does the geranium not bloom, although enough time has passed? What to do

Why geranium does not bloom photo

  • It looks like the air in the room is too warm and dry. Frequent airing, a humidifier will help.
  • Another reason may be the depletion of the bush, it is simply already old and you need to think about propagation by cuttings and getting new young bushes.
  • Do not forget about the quality of the land: often the problem can be solved by transplanting into a fresh, loose soil mixture. Planting simply in the ground, with abundant watering, will also help to rejuvenate the bush. But when planting back into the pot, remember: it is better to divide the bush after it, it will grow strongly and there will be little space in the old pot.
  • The dried flowers remaining on the bush may also be the reason. The plant will stop flowering if they are not cut.

Why do geranium leaves turn yellow?

Geranium leaves dry around the edges what to do

Remember: in geraniums, the edges of the leaves dry and turn yellow only when not proper care. If the plant is uncomfortable, it turns on defense mechanisms in order to survive. Among the reasons may be too high a temperature in the room, insufficient watering, too compacted soil, which does not allow the roots to adequately nourish the plant.

Transplanting into a more spacious pot, with a new nutrient soil mixture, balanced watering, and airing the room will help here.

Why did the leaves of the geranium on the windowsill turn red in winter?

Why do geranium leaves turn red?

Only low temperatures change the green color of the leaves to red. Exit - a warm place and loosening the soil.

The use of geraniums in traditional medicine

Not every member of the family will like the specific aroma of geranium, but at rest the plant does not give up its aroma. The healers believed essential oil geranium, extracted from the green mass of the plant, relieves headaches, helps fight migraines.

Application of geranium:

  • treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract decoction of leaves;
  • aromatherapy with geranium oil relieves stress, relieves insomnia;
  • root tincture normalizes blood pressure, lowers upper pressure;
  • a decoction of inflorescences relieves inflammation, redness, suppuration, is used to wipe the eyes with purulent conjunctivitis;
  • a compress of soaked leaves relieves age-related joint pain, sprains, overwork.

The plant is an excellent protector from flies and mosquitoes in the summer. Salvation from annoying insects will be the bushes on the window - decoration and barrier.

Geranium will not leave indifferent any flower grower, and care and care will bring bright bouquets of inflorescences.

The origin of the flower, its legendary past

How to propagate geraniums at home photo

The geographic origin of geraniums is South Africa, with its sunny and hot climate. Despite heat-loving preferences, the plant has easily adapted to the European continent. The history of cultivation as a culture begins in the 16th century, when trade with African countries developed. For Russia, the flower became known after Peter the Great traveled around Europe. Dutch architects brought with them several indoor flower bushes, among which was geranium.

The origin of the name according to Muslim beliefs is associated with the prophet Mohammed. Geranium was a weed, no one paid attention to it. When the prophet descended from heaven to earth, his cloak was damp with sweat. He threw it on the grass, and the geranium wrapped the cloak closer to the sun. To evaporate moisture faster. Mohammed noticed this and thanked the plant, giving a luxurious umbrella of inflorescences and an unforgettable aroma.

By the color of the geranium inflorescences, one could determine the meaning of the flower. Pink geranium attracted love and family well-being, white - childbearing, red - protected from evil spirits and evil spirits. Petals are able to attract a husband to the house or set up family relationships. For this young unmarried girls carried dried flowers in a linen bag with them. In the family, geranium helped women get rid of her husband's drunkenness and return him to the family.

Poems were written about geraniums, famous classics were mentioned in the stories. It was grown as an ornament and for treatment. Some varieties are able to adapt on the street, others love home warmth, but they all respond gratefully to the caring hands of the gardener.

Types and varieties of geraniums

Geranium at home photo How to care for geraniums in a pot

Geraniums are divided into 6 groups:

  • royal large-flowered, characterized by large caps of inflorescences;
  • zonal, a symbol of the Victorian era, evergreen bushes with tall inflorescences;
  • ampelous, with five-fingered even leaves and falling shoots;
  • fragrant, emitting a specific aroma, the flowers are small, collected in small rounded inflorescences;
  • succulent, with thorns on the bushes, and the appearance resembles fairy-tale creatures;
  • variegated with gracefully colored leaves with an unusual transition of green hues.

For room pelargonium, there are 2 types:

  • ampelous with falling shoots, looks great in a cache-pot;
  • bush low with large caps of inflorescences.

Geranium at home Growing conditions planting and care Reproduction photo

In conditions indoor cultivation geranium is represented by more than forty varieties. Common types: fragrant, royal, zonal. All of them are unpretentious in care, profusely flowering, love the sunny sides.

In the wild and garden plots, meadow geranium is more common. Its flowering is not so lush, but the green mass compensates for this shortcoming. It is no more than half a meter in height, but to form a neat bush, it is better to cut long stems, then there will be no “bare” branches.

For cultural cultivation, such varieties of geraniums as "Star of the Moscow Region", "Waterfall of Summer", "Orbit", "Maverick", "Yarka", "Pavla" are popular. Hybrid seeds, first generation offspring. Therefore, repeated collection of seeds may not bring those qualities that the parent individual has.

cultivation house geranium Propagation of geraniums by cuttings at home photo

How to breed and grow a gorgeous geranium at home

Geranium Can be grown from seeds and cuttings.

The last method of cultivation is used at the very end of winter, from the second half of February to early March.

Geranium is very photophilous, therefore, by the end of winter, due to lack of light, it tends to stretch out a lot. To make it lush and beautiful again during this period, it is necessary to prune the plant.

It's very easy to do this: cut bare shoots to the desired height. After a while, new, young shoots will appear.

Some practice such a renewal method as transplanting a cutting. Our grandmothers also used this method. Apical cuttings with 4-5 leaves are best suited for reproduction. They are cut obliquely under the kidney, the two lower leaves are removed, the cut point is dried for several hours, transplanted into pre-prepared pots and lightly watered. The upper bud is pinched for the splendor of the flowering of the plant and the future flower is placed in the sun.

You can do it even easier: cut the cuttings, put in a vessel with water, add activated charcoal (to prevent rotting) and wait for the roots to appear, which will form very soon. After that, the plant is ready for planting in the ground.

Geraniums do not require a large pot size and a lot of soil. The fact is that flowering will come the faster, the faster the roots will braid the earthen ball. And flowering in a small pot will be more magnificent.

In a large pot, geraniums may never start at all. At first, while the plant takes root, the lower leaves may turn yellow. They need to be removed, and after some time new ones will grow in their place.

To form a beautiful lush round bush, you need to do the following:

  1. pinch the top on 8-10 sheets.
  2. pinch side shoots on 6-8 sheets. Remember to rotate the pot in a circle to form an even bush.

Now a little about what geranium loves. She loves the sun, warmth, plentiful, rare watering, loosening, top dressing and not very much. fertile soil. If the soil is fertile, you risk getting a big green but not flowering plant.

Despite all of the above, do not worry too much. Geranium is able to tolerate light shade and slight autumn frosts.

And here is a recipe for a good top dressing: Dissolve 1 drop of iodine in 1 liter of water for irrigation. 50 ml of the solution must be poured along the walls of the pot. Be careful, do not get carried away, feeding with iodine can burn the roots.

Such watering is a guarantee of chic flowering.

There can be many reasons for yellowing leaves. Lack of moisture or vice versa, abundant watering can be one of them. Lack of light can cause the lower leaves to fall off.

In the summer, you can make your geraniums look nice and take them out into the fresh air. You can even temporarily transplant it into garden soil. Don't worry if she gets a little sick at first. The plant will quickly recover and delight you with amazing color. You will be surprised how well the bush will grow on the street.

The pink color of the leaves in the sun should not bother you either. This is absolutely normal.

The flower is very fond of autumn coolness. 10-12°C above zero is the ideal temperature. He can live on the street until the first frosts (+2, -5 ° С).

Then it should be cut, returned to home pot and put away for the winter in a cool place, providing his favorite temperature (+ 10.12 ° C). To the temperature in the room, the plant must be accustomed gradually.

Preview photo

With the development of indoor floriculture, an increasing number of exotic plants. Of course, it is interesting to grow a novelty on your own, but do not forget the usual flowers. One of them was grown by many generations of our ancestors. Even now, in almost every home you can find the most common geranium.

Yes, today we will talk about it. Someone casually waved his hand, they say, why is there such a thing in pelargonium? Have you seen the latest breeding news? On a bush with three leaves there is a huge hat of double flowers. Coloring from white to purple, all shades. And what foliage! Carved, motley, multicolored! These beautiful plants bear little resemblance to grandma's geranium. If only the specific smell of the leaves. With proper care, you can enjoy flowering almost all year round.

How to grow geraniums at home? Agricultural technology of any variety is very light. A little effort, simple care and the secret at which pelargonium begins to bloom - that's the whole growing technology. But for those who are breeding this flower for the first time, we will describe everything in detail.

Growing geraniums from seeds

There is an opinion that geranium seeds germinate poorly. This statement only applies to self-harvested seeds. If by chance it was possible to purchase a bag industrial production, then they have almost 100% germination.

Geraniums are sown in small cups, one at a time. Of course, if the matter is put on stream, then it is better to sow them in a bunch in one container. True, then you have to dive. But planted one at a time, it will be enough to slightly spud.

The soil should be of a classic composition. It's fertile garden soil, clean sand and peat. The proportions are 2 to 1 to 1. Large drainage is poured onto the bottom of the landing tank. Of course, these are not two cobblestones. The fraction size is about 1 cm. It should not be neglected, since the geranium root system begins to rot with excess water.

After drainage, fill the container with soil to half. Moisten it, put a seed, sprinkle with a layer of earth no more than 1.5 cm. Then you need to cover the glass with thick polyethylene or glass. Remove to a dark warm place (temperature about 22 ° C) and wait for shoots.

If everything is done correctly, and the seeds are viable, then the first sprouts appear after 9-11 days. After that, the cover is removed, and the glass is transferred to the light and the temperature is reduced to 18-20°C.

Care for young plants in the same way as for adults.

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Growing geraniums from cuttings

Suppose that one of your friends cut off his bush of varietal geraniums, and gave the cuttings to you. What to do with them? Here are two algorithms for your actions:

  1. We cut off the two bottom sheets, then put the stalk in the water. In a week, the beginnings of roots should appear. And after 14-16 days, it is already possible to plant the finished plant in a permanent place.
  2. We cut off a couple of lower leaves. Pointwise dip the cut of the stem into any root formation stimulator and immediately plant it in a permanent pot. We do not touch the flower for about 20 days, only occasionally moisten the soil. After this period, an independent plant is obtained, ready to please you.

Absolutely any soil for geraniums, purchased or made independently, must be disinfected. It is preliminarily shed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After 12 hours, calcined in the oven at a temperature of 110-115°C. You can pre-freeze the soil for 3 days if it happens in winter.

These procedures will avoid the manifestation of many fungal and viral diseases.

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About diseases and pests of geraniums

Despite the fact that the leaves emit phytoncides that kill a large number of microbes in the air, the geranium itself is susceptible to some diseases. As a rule, they arise from improper care. The main factors are insufficient lighting and excessive waterlogging of the soil. Often the sore begins with the root system, and then spreads to the leaves.

Most problems can be avoided by simply taking proper care of the plant. But, if trouble nevertheless arose, then it is fashionable to try to save the flower. Medicines will help systemic fungicides. They are used strictly following the instructions on the package.

Advice. If the plant cannot be saved, then try to save at least the stalk unaffected by the sore. From it you can grow a new flower.

Pests. With pleasure they settle on pelargonium. They are not embarrassed by the aroma or fluff on the leaves. Usually it is aphids, spider mites or whiteflies. The rest of the enemies are indifferent to the flower.

The first two can simply be washed off with water with the addition of potassium or laundry soap. But with the third misfortune, a long and stubborn struggle lies ahead. It is not easy to remove it, even using the strongest insecticides. Search the web for articles on how to get rid of whiteflies, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

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Where to place geranium

This beauty is native to South America. Therefore, the flower loves a lot of light. At the same time, he is not afraid of direct sunlight. So you can safely place pelargonium on windows facing south. Lighting should be at least 14 hours a day all year round. In winter, this will have to use additional lighting. Geraniums do not have dormant periods.

The first sign of a lack of light is the appearance of a red border along the edges of the leaves. Of course, if this is not provided for by the feature of the variety. At the same time, lighting affects the duration of flowering, but only slightly. There is another secret for this, which will be described below.

How often to water geraniums

The plant does not belong to the succulent family, but it can accumulate a little moisture in the leaves. It does not tolerate waterlogging at all, but feels absolutely calm in case of forced drought for up to 5 days. Then it begins to consume the moisture reserves from the leaves and discard them. He won't need them anymore.

So that your bush does not go bald ahead of time, water the geranium according to the scheme: the earthen ball is completely dry and plus another 2 days. In winter it is about once every 15 days, in summer more often.

Be sure to drain excess liquid from the sump completely. In order not to climb your finger inside the pot every time, feeling the soil, purchase special beacons for measuring the level of humidity. They will change color when the ground is dry enough. By the way, the water should be at room temperature.

top dressing

Geranium loves to eat. From February to November, she needs a regular dose of mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium. But nitrogen can be added quite a bit, otherwise you will get mighty foliage without a single bud. It is strictly forbidden to add organic matter, pelargonium does not tolerate it at all.

The plant is fed no more than once in 20 days, strictly on the second day after the main watering.

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geranium shaping

Pelargonium grows in height with cosmic speed. If you miss even a little time, then it can grow into a hefty tree. It is not very attractive aesthetically. In addition, the buds appear only at the ends of the shoots. Therefore, the bush must be formed from a very early age.

To do this, pinch the central shoot over the 4th leaf. They wait for the appearance of stepchildren, then tear off the tops of their heads, also above the 4th leaf. So do with all the shoots. Thanks to this formation, you will get a lush spherical bush with a large number of buds.

If during the winter the plant stretched out, or the moment of formation was missed, then it is better to cut the entire bush up to 3 leaves in the spring. So stepchildren will appear and you can again form geraniums beautifully.

By the way, don't throw away the scraps. You can try to root them for later planting. Or dry in the shade and arrange in cloth bags. It is good to lay out such blanks in cabinets; this specific aroma repels moths well.

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The secret of geranium bloom

And now the one promised above valuable advice. We created all the conditions, care for, feed, illuminate ... but the geranium does not want to bloom. What to do? We reveal the main secret. Geranium begins to bloom only when there is practically no room left for the roots in the pot. Sometimes the owners see that the roots are braiding the whole lump of earth and are in a hurry to transplant the pelargonium into a larger pot. And she, ungrateful, instead of buds, begins to build up the root system again.

How to do it right? In the spring we do not transplant a bush. It becomes crowded, it begins to bloom. At good care does this until the end of the summer. When the last bud has faded, cut it off and only then transplant the plant. Moreover, the pot should be only 1-1.5 cm larger than the previous one. During the winter, the root system will again completely braid the soil lump and the cycle repeats.

That's the whole trick.

  1. If the climate allows, then you can plant pelargonium in the garden in the spring. In this case, it is advisable not to remove it from the pot, but to drop it directly with it. Otherwise, in the fall, you will have to call an excavator to dig an overgrown root system.
  2. Geranium absolutely calmly tolerates direct sunlight on the leaves. But at air temperatures above 35 ° C, it is better to shade it a little. Still, this is excessively hot weather, burning the leaves and tops of the shoots.
  3. By the way, in winter, geranium content is sufficient at + 16-18 ° С. From spring to autumn, it is desirable to adhere to at least + 21-22 ° C.
  4. The first sign that the pelargonium does not like something is the yellowing of the lower leaves. But what exactly does not suit the beauty, you will have to determine on your own. Overfeeding with fertilizers, overwatering, incipient disease - any of these factors are reflected first of all in color shade foliage.
  5. If you have any difficulties with the choice of fertilizer for pelargonium, then pay attention to those products on the packaging of which it is indicated “for balcony plants”. It's hard to go wrong here.
  6. Starting from the age of 2 years, when transplanting, the size of the pot is not increased. By the way, a flower can grow up to 10 years, or even more, if it is provided with suitable conditions.
  7. Old dried leaves and withered flower stalks are not recommended to be cut off by hand, because there is a high probability of damaging the stem of the plant. It is better to do this with a sterile sharp knife.
  8. Self-collected seeds do not transmit the decorative qualities of parents to children. But don't despair. Maybe you can make your own unique variety geraniums?
  9. There is an interesting observation: if a person likes the smell of geranium leaves, then he is not all right with nervous system, and it would be desirable to be checked up at the corresponding doctor. Those people who find the aroma unpleasant have a strong healthy nervous system.

How to grow geraniums at home? Completely simple and effortless. Do not treat pelargonium with disdain and she will thank you with clean air in the house and a long bright flowering.

how to care for geraniums

Video: how to grow indoor geraniums

If you want to decorate a window sill or a balcony, then geranium is exactly what you need. The plant was brought from South Africa. Due to the fact that it is characterized by abundant and long flowering, geranium has become very popular. At the same time, the culture feels good in both indoor pots, and in the flowerbed.

general characteristics

The flower belongs to the geranium family. Grown as a perennial. Pelargonium has beautiful, decorative leaves. Stems can be branched, straight, creeping.

The natural form has:

  • powerful, branching shoots;
  • lowered cut or smooth leaves;
  • inflorescences can consist of one or two dozen flowers.

At home, the plant has a decorative effect for at least 5 years. With proper care, correct, timely transplantation, the flower will delight with flowering for at least a dozen years.


More than two hundred species of pelargoniums are known. popular for home growing are just a few.


It is distinguished by clearly defined leaves with a pattern. Color - from light to dark green. It does not hibernate on the street, but it can be dug up and transferred to a room where the bush will feel great.

After the zonal geranium has faded, pruning is done. Young shoots are cut to 10 cm. The container is placed in a cool room (+15 degrees Celsius) with good lighting. Although it can withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees.

This variety tolerates drought well. Flowers are distinguished by bright colors: white, red, raspberry pink. The most popular varieties are:

  • Rumba Fire;
  • Rocky Mountain Nobles;
  • Bravo Pastel.


Great for creating an unforgettable landscape design. Used to frame arched structures. The leaves are fleshy, framed by a red border. In appearance, they resemble green ivy. The length of the shoots can reach 90 cm.

Wintering is best tolerated in an apartment. Pelargonium is sensitive to frost. Temperature below +4 degrees does not tolerate.

Flowers are located on long peduncles, can be double, semi-double. Popular varieties are Mustang, Pygmy, Red Pandora, Belladonna 99.

Landing Features

Several landing methods are known. The main factor is location.

Landing at home

The planting algorithm is simple, but the following recommendations must be followed:

A layer of expanded clay or other drainage is laid on the bottom. A small amount of sand is placed on top, followed by a layer of earth. A small depression is made in the center, a plant is arranged, sprinkled with the remaining composition, watered with settled water.

Landing in open ground

Pelargoniums harmoniously look on the windowsill, flower beds, flowerpots in front of the house.

If you plan to plant geraniums on the street, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  • The prepared piece of land should be well loosened. It is best to dig it to a depth of 30-35 cm.
  • To enrich the soil with nutrients, you should use compost. It is scattered over the surface, and then mixed with the top layer of the earth.
  • For planting, holes are made, the depth of which should be approximately 20-25 cm.
  • The distance between the recesses should be from 15 to 60 cm (depending on the size of the plants).
  • Flowers are planted, sprinkled with earth, watered.

Because geranium loves good lighting, for him it is better to choose a sunny place.

Features of planting cuttings

Often, gardeners want to propagate a plant by cuttings. It is the rooted shoots that are best suited for the propagation of royal, fragrant, and other varieties of geraniums. However, this issue is relevant not only for obtaining "offspring". Very often, the flower loses its attractiveness: it stretches out, exposing part of the stem. To fix this, you have to cut cuttings from it, root them.

How to take a shoot?

If the cuttings are planned to be cut from a plant that is kept in the house, then any time of the year is suitable for this procedure. But, in order for the process to quickly take root, it is best to do this in spring or summer, when there is enough natural light.

If you decide to take a process, then pay attention to the mother plant: it should not have flowers. If the geranium managed to pick up buds, they should be carefully removed.

For the procedure, you will need a clean sharp knife, a scalpel. It is recommended to pre-disinfect with alcohol or other means. The cut must be done so that the process has a length of up to 7-8 cm. The best option this is what the top is for. You need to cut below the internode.

In order to root a shoot without roots without problems, to grow an adult, full-fledged plant out of it, it is necessary to carefully choose planting material. It should have at least 3-4 internodes or full leaves. The cut must be oblique.

How to plant a geranium with a shoot?

After the cut, it is not recommended to put a young twig in water or plant it in the ground at the same time. He must lie down for several hours so that the cut is slightly delayed. Additionally, they are treated with antiseptic agents (crushed charcoal), a rooting agent.

There are two options for the further path: the use of water or land mixture for rooting.

The first way is quite simple. In pre-prepared, clean containers, pour a small amount of settled water. The cuttings are lowered so that the liquid covers the cut. Roots will definitely appear in 7-10 days.

The advantage of this method is that you can constantly observe what is happening with planting material. If rot or another problem appears, you can immediately correct the situation. Water should be changed every 2 days.

After a sufficient number of roots have appeared, the plant is planted in the ground, following the recommendations for caring for a young plant.

The second way is rooting the shoots in the substrate.

A prerequisite for growing geraniums from cuttings directly in the ground is drainage. Containers or pots with special holes are suitable as a container, where excess water will go.

Cut cuttings are planted in pre-moistened soil. A distance of 2-3 cm should be observed between pelargoniums. The rooting process lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. Watering is carried out as it dries.

The advantage of this method is the fast rooting process. After its completion, young greens are transplanted into pots.

Proper care is the key to growth, violent flowering. "Green friends" tolerate ventilation well, but cold drafts are dangerous for them. It is important to follow the recommendations for the first time after landing.

Insufficient lighting will soon lead to a loss of splendor, the bush will begin to stretch upwards, wither. It is necessary to reconsider the placement of the flowerpot. In summer, it is recommended to take it out to the balcony. Bright light will give the foliage a reddish tint, which is not a sign of disease, but rather just a "tan".

Watering should be moderate, systematized. Spraying is not done. The main rule is not to allow the soil to dry out. Signs of this phenomenon are the yellowing of the foliage, its fall. Stagnation of water should be avoided (you should be afraid of rot of the root system, neck). Good drainage will help with this. In winter, moisture is produced less frequently. Enough 2-3 times in 4 weeks.

As fertilizers are suitable:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium.

With the right ratio of elements, your green pet will bloom profusely. You can use special fertilizers, complexes for this type of flowering.

Pruning is required. Held in autumn. The procedure contributes to the formation of a neat crown, greater branching.

Geranium is a great option for home, balcony, outdoor flowerpot, beds, flower beds. She is not capricious. Subject to simple terms abundant flowering will last from spring to late autumn.

Geranium is a fairly popular plant, grown both in the garden and in the rooms. But few people know that indoor geranium is actually pelargonium, but garden geranium is actually geranium.

Species and varieties

Indoor geraniums can be divided into fragrant - touching their leaves, you feel various smells (lemon, coconut, ginger and others), which depend on the variety. The flowers of such plants are usually small, pink or purple in color.

Angels - the flowers of these geraniums resemble pansies. Their inflorescences form caps and hang down. The bush itself is small - up to 30 cm.

unique - these varieties are obtained by crossing a brilliant geranium with a royal one. These plants have very dissected foliage, and the flowers resemble those of the royal geranium.

succulent - this group is not numerous, there are only 10 species in it, which are distinguished by the curvature of the shoots. Succulent geraniums are popular bonsai flowers.

Separately, we recall the royal geranium and ivy.

Royal (English) geranium is the parent material for a huge number of flower varieties. Variegated varieties, as well as terry ones, were bred from it. The height of the bush is about 50 cm.

Geranium ivy (thyroid) this species is valuable for its long stems, thanks to which it is grown as ampelous plant. It has beautiful flowers that are simple and double.

Types of garden geraniums are also quite diverse:

Forms tall bushes a little over a meter. Lilac flowers.

Balkan has massive roots. It grows very strongly, although the height of the bush is only 30 cm. The flowers are purple in color.

Bolotnaya species of medium height (60 cm) with straight shoots that branch well. Inflorescences are purple.

Growing rapidly, it reaches half a meter in height. Young flowers have a purple coloration, which acquire with aging brown shade. This geranium is not propagated by seed.

A species that is easy to grow, as in nature it lives in rather difficult conditions. May not be transplanted even longer than other geraniums. The color of the flowers is purple.

A highly decorative look. It has unusual bluish foliage and dark purple flowers. The bottom of the shoot and the lower leaves begin to turn red by autumn.

Geranium home care

Geranium is quite easy to grow at home, it is enough to know some of the features of this plant and everything will be fine.

Geraniums like strong light and love to be in direct sunlight. If you provide the plant with enough light and fertilizer, it will be able to bloom throughout the year.

The soil for geraniums must be chosen fertile, you can use a universal earth mixture.

It is necessary to water the flower moderately, since any excess moisture adversely affects it. Geranium does not need spraying.

The best temperature for growing is 18-20°C. In winter, it is better to lower the temperature, but it is impossible for the thermometer to fall below 10 ° C.

Fertilizer for geraniums

You need to feed the flower every 15 days, starting at the end of March and ending in November. In this case, it is better to use liquid top dressing. You can buy special fertilizers for geraniums, or you can use an iodine solution.

To prepare it, dilute a drop of iodine per liter of water. Apply 50 ml at a time. Try not to increase the dose so as not to burn the rhizome. You can also fertilize with ground eggshells.

Do not use organic fertilizers for fertilizer - geraniums do not like them.

Geranium transplant at home

Also, this plant practically does not need transplants, besides, it does not tolerate them well. This procedure is only necessary if the pot is filled with roots.

It is necessary to carry out a transplant in early spring, before the period of increasing green mass. Don't take too big a pot, because the result will be a lot of greenery, but no flowering.

Geranium pruning for lush blooms

With the advent of autumn, geraniums need to be cut. All stems that do not grow from the root, but are removed from the shoot. Also cut off the foliage, leaving 7 leaves. When a large amount of foliage appears in winter, pruning is also performed in spring.

Geranium from seeds at home

Propagating geraniums with seeds is quite simple, the condition is the use of purchased material, since the seeds collected from home geraniums, if they sprout, will most likely lose their varietal characteristics.

Seeds should be sown in a mixture of peat, sand and soddy soil (1: 1: 2). A couple of centimeters of sand are poured from above. Also, the soil is slightly moistened. Before planting, do not forget to treat the soil with a solution of manganese, in order to avoid the appearance of a "black leg".

Further, the planted seeds are covered with glass and moisten the soil from time to time. It is better to keep planted at a temperature of about 20 ° C. With the advent of a couple of true leaves (this will happen in about a month and a half to two months), it will be possible to transplant into a permanent pot. Once you have five leaves, pinch to make your flower bushier.

Propagation of geraniums by cuttings at home

You can propagate geraniums from cuttings at any time of the year, but spring is best suited for this. It is necessary to prepare seven centimeter cuttings with a couple of leaves.

After cutting, they are left to fade for a day, and then the cut is powdered with charcoal and planted in sand for rooting. When watering the cuttings, try to keep moisture only on the substrate. Rooting should be done at 20°C. With the appearance of the roots, you can safely plant the cuttings in separate pots.

It makes no sense to try to propagate a geranium with a leaf - it will not grow, even if roots appear. The stalk must have part of the stem.

Geranium garden perennial planting and care

Planting and caring for perennial garden geraniums (this is actually geranium, not pelargonium) also does not require special skills, you just need to know a couple of features of this plant.

It is better to buy a rhizome for planting in specialized stores at the end of winter. Choose a solid material that will have many adventitious roots. The growing point must be solid.

The purchased root is placed in a slightly damp peat, and then in the refrigerator. Moisten the peat a little every 15 days until it's time to plant the root.

When buying a flower with the beginning of vegetation, plant it in a container, the dimensions of which will be the same as the roots of the flower. Also, the container should have holes for drainage. The plant is kept in a lighted place until planting in the ground.

You can also buy the plant itself, which is immediately planted in the garden or stored until planting in a shaded place, not forgetting to water it. Proper planting is one of the most important steps in geranium care.

Choose an area that will be well lit. Next, you need to dig a deep hole, which will be 20 cm deeper than the root. Between individuals, you need to keep a distance of about 30 cm. Do not put unripe manure in the pit - it is harmful to geraniums.

Geranium grows quickly and displaces weeds, so you don’t have to weed it, and by mulching the soil, you will save yourself from loosening it.

Pruning geraniums for the winter

In autumn, some geraniums require pruning after flowering, but keep in mind that most of these flowers overwinter with green leaves, so pruning is not necessary.

This plant tolerates winter cold well and does not need shelter for the winter.

Geranium from seeds

The seed method of propagation of geraniums is quite complicated and varietal characteristics are lost with it. Collecting seeds is also difficult - the fruit cracks and the seeds are lost.

If you want to try, you can sow the seeds immediately after harvest. Perhaps in next year they will bloom.

Reproduction of geraniums by dividing the bush

The best way to propagate garden geraniums is by dividing the bush, which is produced in the spring. Compost and peat top dressing are introduced into the soil and part of the rhizome is planted.

Water abundantly at first. Fertilizer can be started 30 days after planting.

Diseases and pests

With improper care with geraniums, a number of problems can arise.

  • If your pelargonium grows in a dark container, drafts blow through it or it is waterlogged in winter period, then its leaves begin to turn yellow. Also, the causes of yellowing can be a lack of drainage, dryness and excess nitrogen in the soil.
  • If the plant does not bloom, then the reason for this may be too large a pot, because of which the flower will put all its strength into growing roots.
  • Also delays in flowering are due to pinching. Royal geraniums need to be pinched less often than others, as it may not bloom at all.
  • Warm wintering and excess nitrogen fertilizers also cause this effect.
  • If the geranium leaves turn yellow and dry, then the culprit is the spider mite, which can be recognized by the thin cobwebs on the foliage.
  • White bloom on the leaves indicates powdery mildew.
  • Geranium foliage curls with a lack of nitrogen, light, moisture. This may also be due to spider mites or viral diseases. The latter, in addition to curling the leaf, appear in crooked colors.
  • If your geranium is not growing, then it may not be getting enough light or the room is too hot and dry. Another reason is poor soil or its depletion.
  • Small leaves appear in the absence of pruning. They can also indicate the aging of the plant.
  • Sluggish stems and leaves indicate an excess of moisture, as a result of which rotting of the roots begins, which often leads to the death of the flower; or about its lack.
  • With a small amount of light, geranium leaves begin to fall off.
  • Blackening of stems and leaves occurs due to various rots or "black legs".

Flowering geranium on the windowsill Soviet time was considered petty. Modern man rejects such ideas, so you can meet pelargonium in almost every home. It blooms profusely and beautifully throughout almost the entire year, unpretentious, useful - what more could the owner want? The rules for caring for geraniums are simple, but they exist and must be followed. Experienced flower growers share the tricks of growing healthy pelargonium. For harmonious development, it is important to transplant the plant on time and correctly.

Features of growing a flower at home

There is nothing particularly complicated in the rules for caring for geraniums. But it is necessary to highlight the basic requirements for the conditions of growth and flowering of the plant and observe them. The main thing to remember: geranium is a drought-loving plant. After all, pelargonium is a guest originally from Africa. It copes better with a lack of moisture than with its excess.


You can water geraniums every day, two or three times a week, sometimes one procedure is enough for 7-10 days. It all depends on the air temperature in the room in which pelargonium grows. How to determine what needs to be watered? The answer is simple: dry upper layer soil in a pot. Obvious signs of waterlogging: sluggish leaves, lack of flowering, mold at the base of the stem and on the ground.

Geranium does not require leaf spraying. It's bad for her. Protect her from such an ordeal.

Air temperature

The ideal temperature ranges from 18 o C to 25 o C. Geranium tolerates strong heat well. 10 o C or slightly higher is optimal during the winter rest period, when the plant does not bloom.


Pelargonium loves a lot of sun. In the house, the flower should be placed on the south, southwest or southeast window. Geranium will survive in partial shade, but there will be no rapid and long flowering.

Geranium loves loosening the soil. But this must be done carefully, to a depth of no more than five cm.

top dressing

With the right soil, geraniums at home need to be fed once a month. For flowering and a healthy appearance, it needs potash and phosphorus fertilizers. The flower also needs nitrogen. Can be purchased special means for geraniums or use universal preparations for flowering houseplants.

To prolong flowering once a week, feed geraniums with iodine water (a drop of iodine per liter).

Fertilizer is applied after the main watering, after about half an hour. The earth must be moist so as not to burn the roots. In summer, for the time of feeding, it is recommended to remove the plant from the sun and then hold it in partial shade for another 2-3 hours.


In the spring, all shoots are pruned, leaving no more than 5 growth buds. If time is lost, the procedure can be carried out in early autumn.

Pruning the plant allows you to create a beautiful bush shape and stimulate the formation more buds.

How to plant geraniums: the choice of capacity, requirements for soil composition and other nuances

Geranium, with proper care, can grow and bloom for 10-12 years, while retaining its decorative effect. How often should it be repotted? It depends on the rate of green mass formation. Fast growth requires an annual plant transplant, slower - every two years. The usual schedule for updating a pelargonium pot is every 10–12 months.

How to choose a pot for geraniums

Geranium does not tolerate a lot of root space. If you plant a pelargonium in a large pot, it may even die. It will definitely not bloom until the roots "master" the entire soil. Therefore, it is better to plant a flower first in a small container, and after a year change it to a large one. For one root, a pot with a diameter of 10–14 cm is suitable, its height should not exceed 15 cm (ideally, 10–12 cm). When changing the container, its diameter is taken into account, the new pot should be 1.5–2 cm larger than the previous one.

The pot should have drainage holes. The appearance of pelargonium roots in them is a signal for transplanting into a large bowl. An unglazed ceramic container is best suited. The bush feels good in it, grows and blooms. But there is one drawback: in earthenware, the soil dries out faster than in plastic. Therefore, frequent watering is required.

Photo gallery: choosing the right pot

A geranium pot must have drainage holes to drain excess water.
For geraniums, it is important that the pot is not “for growth”, in a tight container the plant blooms more abundantly
Each new geranium pot should be 1.5–2 cm larger than the previous one in diameter.
Geranium grows better in ceramic pots - they pass air well, contributing to soil aeration.

Soil for pelargoniums

Geranium is not particularly demanding on the quality of the soil. But for the comfortable development of the bush, loose and well-drained land is needed. The following compositions are optimal:

  • a substrate for indoor flowers or a universal soil mixed with the components necessary for geraniums: perlite, vermiculite, river sand (the first two substances can be changed to peat and humus, taken in approximately equal proportions);
  • the top layer of soil from the garden (it is better to take it under bushes and trees);
  • soddy soil, humus, coarse river sand (8:2:1).

When can you transplant geraniums

Indoor flowers are usually finicky in terms of transplantation. Better and easier plants tolerate such stress in the spring. Geranium in this sense does not make any special claims. Of course, spring transplantation is perceived by pelargonium as a natural process after winter holiday and stimulates it to intensive growth of green mass and further flowering. This period covers the end of February, the whole of March and the first decade of April. After transplanting at this time, pelargonium will delight with lush flowers until frost.

If the deadlines are missed, you can transplant in the fall, in September-October. But if there are unambiguous signals that the plant needs an appropriate procedure (roots sticking out of the drainage hole, mold on the ground, disease), you can transplant at any time of the year. Nevertheless, it is very undesirable to disturb geraniums in winter and at the time of flowering.

Pelargonium transplant features after purchase

Buying a geranium does not mean instantly transplanting it from a transport store soil. Over the past weeks, the plant has had to hastily adapt several times to changing temperature and lighting, so you need to take pity on it and let it adapt to new living conditions. As a rule, it takes several weeks to get used to (from two to four). Then they act according to the algorithm:

  1. We take the pot a little more than the previous one.
  2. We prepare a fresh earthen mixture.
  3. We transfer the plant to a new container, after moistening the soil a little.
  4. We fill up the earth to the edges of the pot (do not tamp).
  5. Water carefully.

Before transplanting, carefully inspect the root system of the plant. Healthy roots braid the earthen ball completely. It is necessary to shake off the substrate and wash them only in case of detection of rot, diseases or insects. In other cases, a whole earthen room is moved to a new soil. Young roots will get everything they need from it. nutrients.

Some flower growers violate the generally accepted rules for transplanting purchased geraniums. They immediately carry out the above procedures with her, believing that there is no need to wait and it is better to immediately subject the plant to all the tests, and not stretch them for a month.

How to plant geraniums without roots

You can plant a sprig of geranium without roots. The ideal time is spring or early autumn. It's usually done like this:

  1. A sprig of geranium 5-7 centimeters long with two to five leaves is cut off at a right angle.
  2. Warm settled or boiled water is poured into a transparent glass.
  3. A geranium stalk is placed in the water. It needs to be changed every 2-3 days. To speed up the rooting process, succinic acid is dissolved in the liquid (250 ml tablet) or a little biostimulator is added - Epin, Zircon, Kornevin (2–3 ml per liter).

Long-term maintenance of the future pelargonium bush in water can cause rotting of the part lowered there. To prevent this, you can put an activated charcoal tablet in the container.

Most flower growers do not lower the cutting into the water, but immediately root it in a prepared pot with an earthen mixture. After cutting, the cuttings are dried at room temperature for about two hours. Then they are seated in transparent plastic cups filled with universal soil for flowering houseplants or peat chips. The type of geranium affects the method of rooting: zonal geranium gives roots faster in water, fragrant - in the ground, royal also prefers soil, but the process is slow.

Dishes with future bushes are placed in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. Ivy and zonal geraniums are ready to be transplanted into a pot in 10-15 days, the royal one will need a month. Transparent cups are good because the appearance of roots can be quickly noticed - they reach the walls of the dishes in a few days. Another criterion that the procedure was successful is the appearance of a new leaflet.

Is it possible to transplant flowering geraniums

Any plants during flowering spend a lot of energy on the formation of a bud and the ripening of seeds. During such a period, it is better to regret geraniums, increase feeding, and not subject them to additional stress. Otherwise, the flowers will fall first, then the leaves will turn yellow. The plant may even die. It is recommended to wait until the end of flowering and transplant pelargonium in 5–10 days.

If there is an urgent need to transplant geraniums into a new pot at the time of flowering (they dropped or damaged the plant, the bush got sick), then this can still be done. It is necessary to try to transfer the pelargonium into a new container without damaging the roots, without destroying the earthen clod. The flowers will fall, of course, but the geraniums will survive.

Features of plant care after transplantation

A geranium transplanted into a new pot does not need to be fed for the first two to three months. It will take all the nutrients from fresh soil. Therefore, the pelargonium bush requires only timely watering as the soil dries. It is important to ensure optimal temperatures and proper lighting. After the appearance of new leaves and the growth of a rooted cutting, the pelargonium is pinched so that it does not stretch upwards, but bushes.

Step-by-step instructions for planting and transplanting

Before starting work on transplanting or planting geraniums, you need to prepare everything you need: a pot, scissors, an earth mixture, a watering can with warm water. If you decide not to use new dishes, and the one in which another flower grew, it must be soaked for a day in bleach for disinfection or boiled. Then rinse thoroughly with running water and dry. Further actions are carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. At the bottom of the pot we lay brick chips, pieces of foam or expanded clay. You can use fragments of broken ceramic dishes, crushed stone and gravel. The thickness of the drainage layer is about 1–2 cm.
  2. We water the geranium, wait for the water to be absorbed. Then we take out the plant along with a clod of earth. To do this, turn the pot upside down, holding the pelargonium by the trunk at the base. Grasp the container with the other hand and pull out the plant. You can gently tap the bottom with your palm.
  3. We examine the roots of the extracted plant. We cut off the areas affected by rot, other damaged tissues with a sharp disinfected knife or scissors.
  4. Carefully place the rhizomes in the prepared pot on the drainage layer. The voids are filled with soil and lightly compacted. Two centimeters of empty space must be left to the top of the container so that when watering, the water does not overflow over the edge.
  5. The plant is watered and removed in partial shade for about a week. After seven days, put the geranium in its permanent habitat.

Video: how to transplant geraniums into another pot

How to rejuvenate geraniums with a transplant

Geranium feels good in the same pot for several years. But a three-year-old plant may already need updating. It is better to rejuvenate a pelargonium bush in spring, in March-April. To do this, geraniums are pruned, leaving about five points of growth on each shoot. This procedure helps to give the bush a beautiful shape and increase the number of buds in the future.

The second way to rejuvenate a geranium is to get seeds and grow them into a new plant. It is important to remember that if a variety of pelargonium belongs to the F1 category ( breeding hybrid), then the desired result may not be achieved - the varietal characteristics of the mother plant will not be transmitted to the descendants.

The third way is dividing the bush. To do this, the pelargonium is watered abundantly, after a day they take out a clod of earth from the pot and divide the roots into right amount copies. Then proceed according to the instructions.

Possible transplant problems and solutions

The transplanted geranium is a big sissy. She is exposed to many dangers. All of them come from improper care for the "newborn" flower. It is necessary to water the plant along the edge of the pot, and not under the root. The earth needs to be loosened especially carefully and shallow. The first week after transplantation for geraniums is dangerously active sun, it needs light partial shade.

Sometimes in pelargonium, the leaves change color, lose their tone. Why does geranium turn yellow after transplanting? This is the plant's reaction to the stress experienced. It is necessary to pinch them off and remove the inflorescences. After two to three weeks, pelargonium will return to normal. For prevention, you can pour a solution of Kornevin, Heteroauxin. They stimulate the formation of roots.

Geranium is a favorite of many flower growers. Growing it is no easy task. With proper care, you can breed a whole garden of pelargoniums. They bloom beautifully and profusely, their aroma neutralizes microbes in the room and has a beneficial effect on human vital activity.
