How to glue cheap paper wallpaper correctly. Pasting paper wallpaper: all the most valuable tips from experts

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Wall murals began to win more and more fans among apartment owners. The idea of ​​using them is not new, but modern technologies and design ideas allow you to create with this material unique, practical and beautiful interiors. A good result depends not only on right choice material, images on it. The most important thing is to avoid mistakes when gluing photo wallpapers on the wall. Let's take a closer look at how to glue photo wallpapers on paper basis with a vinyl covering, and also usual paper photowall-paper.

A feature of photo wallpapers is their division into small fragments, which can be simply glued to the wall separately, creating a common image.

Features of working with paper-based photo wallpapers

Wall murals can only be made of paper or have a paper backing on which a vinyl layer is applied.

  • The paper material can be single-layer or more durable two-layer, have different densities, but in any case requires very delicate handling.
  • It is much easier to work with paper-based vinyl wallpapers, since their outer layer is much stronger than paper.

Despite the serious differences in the performance characteristics of paper wallpapers and vinyl sheets on a paper backing, the principle of their gluing is the same.

Preparatory activities

Preparatory work before sticking paper-based photo wallpapers on the wall will include the following steps:

  • Preparation of materials and tools. It is important to immediately prepare all the necessary tools and materials. You will have to work at a fairly fast pace, there will be no time to run for the missing components.

Important! For photo wallpapers of any type, a special adhesive composition is used, which comes with finishing material, or ordinary wallpaper glue, corresponding to their type and density.

  • Wall surface preparation. Before sticking photo wallpapers on the wall, it is necessary to carefully level the surface. To do this, you will need (wallpaper, paint, etc.), if necessary, level the walls with plaster, and then putty, apply a primer. If the wall was originally perfectly flat, it just needs to be cleaned of dirt and dust, and then primed.

If the wallpaper will be glued to a painted wall, the paint on which holds very well, it can not be removed. The surface is washed with detergent, a very smooth base to improve adhesion is processed with sandpaper.

  • Applying markup. The evenness of the final image on the wall will depend on this stage. Marking is applied using a level or plumb line. It is necessary to apply so many lines to get a markup for attaching each piece of wallpaper with a photo image.

Gluing methods

Wallpaper can be glued in two ways:

  1. Overlap, when the edge of one piece is pasted over the edge of the previous piece. This is possible due to the presence of a technological strip on the edges of the fragments, which is available on all types of wallpaper.
  2. Butt to butt, when this strip is simply cut off.

We glue the wallpaper correctly

  • In order to correctly carry out the overlapping of photo wallpapers, first lay them out on the floor and check the location of the technological strips. If they are on all sides of the fragments, it is necessary to cut off those stripes that are located on the left. It is most convenient to stick fragments along the right edge.
  • With a wide brush, glue is applied to the wall. If the paper for photo wallpaper is thick enough, the adhesive composition should be applied to the fragments in turn, soaking them for 2-3 minutes (depending on the manufacturer's recommendations). Thin photo wallpapers should be glued to the wall immediately after applying the glue, otherwise they will get wet and spread.

Important! For thin wallpapers, the glue should be more liquid than for thick and dense ones.

  • The first fragment is applied to the wall, starting from the top, then leveled along the vertical markings. Bubbles and wrinkles are expelled from under the paper with gentle movements of the roller from the center to the edges of the fragment. When ironing the wallpaper with a roller or spatula, excess glue is squeezed out from under them and then erased with a soft sponge.

It is very important that the first part of the photo wallpaper is glued perfectly evenly, since the first fragments will serve as a guide for placing all other parts of the image.

If the fragments are overlapped, care must be taken to ensure that the technological strip does not show through at the joints. At the same time, it is important to carefully combine the pattern at the junction of the edges of the photo wallpaper, since after drying such a defect can no longer be corrected. First of all, the image is combined, and only after that the fragment is smoothed. It is necessary to act very carefully, but at the same time quickly enough so that the fragment does not have time to get wet from the glue.

While fragments of a drawing made on paper dry out, bumps form again on their surface, and the image is slightly deformed - this is a natural process, to get scared and try to fix something on this stage not worth it. If the photo wallpapers on the wall were glued correctly, then their surface will level out again after complete drying, and the pattern will take on the correct shape.

October 23, 2017
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Many people have experienced sticking paper wallpapers, but few people glue them correctly. The fact is that this procedure contains quite a lot of small nuances. Therefore, I want to tell you in detail how to glue paper wallpaper right.

Gluing process

Pasting paper wallpaper includes several stages:

Preparation of materials

First of all, you need to choose the right wallpaper paste. It must be said that in Soviet times paper trellises were often glued with PVA glue. On the one hand, the adhesive ensures high-quality adhesion of the material to the walls. However, when removing canvases glued in this way, some problems usually arise.

In addition, PVA slips worse and sets quickly, which somewhat complicates the gluing process. Therefore, I will definitely say that wallpaper glue is better than PVA.

The only thing to keep in mind is that there are many different wallpaper adhesives. Therefore, when buying, make sure that the composition is intended specifically for paper sheets. Of course, paper tapestries will also adhere perfectly to glue intended, for example, for vinyl wallpaper, but the price of the latter is much higher.

In addition to glue, you will also need the following inventory:

  • clean bucket;
  • Acrylic pigmented primer;
  • Paint roller;
  • rubber roller;
  • Soft spatula;
  • Paint brush;
  • Building level;
  • Roulette and pencil;
  • Sharp knife.

Surface preparation

Since paper wallpapers are thin, the base needs high-quality preparation. I must say that improper wall preparation is the most common mistake when gluing paper tapestries.

The instructions for preparing the base look like this:

Illustrations Actions

Removal of old coating. Often, beginners glue paper wallpapers on paper canvases. But, such a decision is a violation of technology.

Often, after such gluing, paper wallpapers are peeled off along with old canvases. Therefore, take the time and effort to remove the old coating, and prepare the base as expected.

After removing the old coating, be sure to wash the walls to remove adhesive residue and all sorts of dirt.

  • Dry the walls;
  • Treat the surface with a pigmented primer, which will not only improve adhesion between materials and strengthen the base surface, but also provide it with an almost perfect white color;
  • For best results, apply a second coat of primer after the surface has dried.

To get rid of old wallpaper, pre-soak it with water.

I must say that in case the base is uneven, it is necessary not only to prime the surface, but also to putty at least the starting putty. Otherwise, all the irregularities under the paper sheets will be clearly visible. The wall puttying technology has been repeatedly described on the pages of our portal, so I will not repeat it.

Preparing wallpaper and glue

Before gluing paper wallpaper, you need to prepare the materials by doing the following:

Illustrations Actions

Coating preparation:
  • Measure the height of the room;
  • Cut the canvases according to the height of the room, the only thing is, if the tapestries have a pattern, add a pattern step, which will allow you to adjust the strips relative to each other;
  • If you are going to glue photo wallpapers, first lay them out on the floor and number them.

    Do not use scissors to cut the canvases, as the cut edges will turn out uneven. Better use a sharp knife.

Applying markup. To align the first canvas when gluing, draw a vertical line with a plumb line or level.

Since the first strip should be glued from the corner with a slight twist, the line should be located from the corner at a distance equal to the width of the canvas minus 5 cm.

Glue preparation:
  • Pour water into a clean bucket room temperature;
  • Swirl the water so that a funnel forms;
  • Gradually pour glue into the funnel and mix until a homogeneous jelly-like mass is formed;
  • Leave the glue on for 15 minutes and then stir again.


Now that all the preparatory steps are behind, consider how to properly glue paper wallpaper . The work is carried out as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Glue processing:
  • Apply glue to the canvas with a wide brush evenly thin layer. Common mistake newbies is drawing too a large number glue or its uneven distribution (most often the edges are poorly smeared);
  • To glue the wallpaper to one person, you should fold the canvas with an accordion, back side outward so as not to stain the front side with glue.
  • Start gluing the strip from top to bottom, while aligning the edge along the intended line;
  • Using a rubber roller, soft spatula or rag, smooth the canvas from the center to the edges to squeeze out air bubbles and excess glue;
  • Using a soft spatula, push the corner so that the canvas fits snugly against the wall, and does not hang in the air;
  • If the corner is uneven, make a few cuts in the canvas so that it lies flat and without wrinkles;
  • Align the second canvas end-to-end with the first and smooth it on the wall in the same way;
  • Paint the entire wall in this manner.

  • Cut off the excess canvases from above and below with a sharp knife, as shown in the photo;
  • Cut holes for sockets and switches. They do not have to be perfectly even, as they will later be hidden under decorative overlays.

This completes the wall covering. Ceilings are glued according to the same principle, with the only difference being that the work is done in a horizontal plane.

Push the joints with a narrow roller

  • Immediately remove the front side from the adhesive. If glue gets on the front surface, immediately wipe it off with a damp cloth or sponge;
  • Give the canvases time to soak up the glue.. Ordinary thin tapestries can be glued immediately after applying glue to them. If the wallpaper is dense, for example, the so-called American, after applying glue to them, you need to wait 10-20 minutes until the glue is absorbed;
  • Do not ventilate the room. Until the glue dries, exclude any drafts in the room.

By following these recommendations, you can avoid a number of problems that beginners often face when wallpapering.


We have figured out how to glue paper wallpapers, and now you can cope with the task yourself. Just watch the video in this article. And if you suddenly have any difficulties - write comments, and I will be happy to help you.

October 23, 2017

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In the list of materials in demand in interior decoration, paper wallpapers are far from the most last place. Invented back in medieval China, they are practically the cheapest and, most importantly, environmentally friendly solution with which you can create a cozy and eye-pleasing environment without much effort. But in order for the interior made with paper wallpaper to serve as long as possible without delivering extra hassle, it is important to study the main criteria for their selection and understand the practical intricacies of gluing and caring for them during operation.

Types and features of paper wallpaper

Paper is a fibrous material, moisture and grease easily penetrate into its structure. It is an excellent springboard for dust and is even able to absorb odors. All this must be taken into account when decorating the premises - if you choose the wrong wallpaper, the atmosphere prevailing here will soon leave its indelible imprint on them.

Protection of the paper web from aggressive operating factors is provided by a number of modern technologies. In accordance with them, the following types of paper wallpaper are distinguished:

  1. Smooth

The basis is paper various sorts, sometimes with a light-resistant base, and the drawing on the front side is applied by printing.

  1. duplex

They have 2 layers, thanks to which they do not tear, and if necessary, they can be easily removed from walls or ceilings.

  1. embossed

Also two-layer, but the front side is embossed, i.e. has a certain, often patterned, relief.

  1. Structural

They are made with the addition of sealants - sawdust, crushed walnut shells, etc., due to which they acquire a unique facial relief.

  1. Acrylic (foam wallpapers)

They are a two-layer canvas, on the front side of which a thin layer of foamed acrylic is laid - as a result, rather unusual patterns are obtained.

  1. moisture resistant

This type of wallpaper has a moisture-resistant coating, thanks to which they can be cleaned and washed.

Obviously, the more aggressive the atmosphere in the finished room, the higher the resistance to wear and tear should have wallpaper and the more they will cost. But the most important thing when buying is not to confuse different kinds canvases. For example, some paper wallpapers are almost indistinguishable in appearance from vinyl, which cannot be said about their price. In short, be careful not to accidentally overpay for properties you don't need.

Preparing for sticking

Paper wallpaper is a fairly simple material to work with, which is easy to handle even if you have no experience in gluing and alone. But first, it is necessary to properly prepare the surfaces to be trimmed: dust, remnants of whitewash and old wallpaper, etc. will not allow gluing normally, and defects in the rough finish will immediately appear on the front side of the canvas.

For sticking paper wallpaper you will need:

  • roller or brush;
  • wallpaper brush;
  • tracer;
  • plumb;
  • construction knife;
  • sponge;
  • container for glue;
  • wallpaper table;
  • ladder;
  • roulette;
  • long line;
  • wallpaper glue.

Having collected everything you need, you can begin the preparatory work. They are performed in the following order:

  1. Removing old wallpaper, whitewash and peeling plaster

Old wallpapers are very easy to remove if you scratch them first and moisten them with soapy water with a sponge. It is most convenient to work with a metal spatula. Those areas that peel off badly will have to be moistened again.

  1. Removing paint residue

Oil paint or enamel is removed with coarse sandpaper. Water emulsion and whitewash, similar to old wallpaper, is first soaked with soapy water, after which it is removed with a spatula.

  1. Elimination of defects of glued surfaces

For high-quality gluing of paper wallpaper, it is necessary to carefully plaster all the cracks and smooth out the irregularities on the walls or ceiling, after which they should be cleaned with a plaster mesh.

  1. Primer

Before wallpapering, the surface of the walls and ceiling must be primed. This will ensure the normal setting of the glue and prevent the formation of air bubbles under the wallpaper.

  1. Cleaning

After completion of the preparatory work in the room, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning. This will avoid contamination of new wallpaper during the cutting process.

Preparing for sticking paper wallpaper on the photo

Web preparation

Wallpapers are sold in rolls, which are printed immediately before work begins. But first you need to mark the walls. To do this, you need a plumb line and a tracer. In the absence of the latter, you can use the level, a long ruler and a pencil or chalk. You should mark the top level of the wallpaper (for rooms with high ceilings) and mark the joints of the canvas with vertical lines.

There are two methods of wallpapering: butt and overlap. If the first option cannot be used, the web should be glued in the direction towards natural or electric light.

Immediately before gluing, you can perform wall laying: along the lines of the corners, as well as the area along the baseboard and the ceiling line, a 10-cm strip of glue is applied. After 2-3 minutes, the wall will be ready for gluing.

When starting to cut the wallpaper, you should wipe the surface of the table or, in the absence of the latter, the floor area on which you will temporarily fold the cut pieces of the canvas. Cutting is carried out with a margin of 3-5 cm on both sides of each segment for a small overlap along the line of the baseboard and ceiling. The finished stack moves with a 10-15 cm indent, due to which, applying glue to the top sheet, you will glue the joint strip on the next one. And remember that paper tends to get wet quickly, so glue should be applied in a moderate layer.

After gluing, the upper strip is folded in half, after which the same action, only in the opposite direction, must be repeated. The folded strip is set aside, after which you can proceed to the next one while the previous one is saturated with glue. It’s not worth taking more than 3-4 strips into work: you may not have time with pasting, because wallpaper glue dries very quickly in the air.

Selection, preparation and application of wallpaper paste

For gluing paper webs of medium density, glue for lightweight wallpapers, for example, CMC, is ideal. As for its quantity, it depends on the area to be glued, which, like all the necessary proportions, must be indicated on the package. When buying, it is very important to pay attention to the presence of a quality certificate. The adhesive must not contain substances harmful to health.

Wallpaper glue preparation:

  • 5-7 liters of water are poured into a pre-prepared container;
  • the water is shaken and a dry adhesive mixture is poured into the resulting whirlpool;
  • the resulting mass must be thoroughly stirred, and then left for some time to swell.

The thickened wallpaper adhesive must be homogeneous. If you find lumps, they are easily eliminated by re-mixing the mass.

Glue on the back side of the wallpaper should be applied evenly, distributing it over the entire plane. It is most convenient to use a roller for this. After applying the glue, you must wait 5-7 minutes for it to be well absorbed by the paper web.

If the adhesive accidentally gets on the front side of the wallpaper during application, it must be removed with a damp sponge. Too much great effort at the same time, it is not worth applying - it is better to use more water. This will preserve the structure and color of the front surface.

Some types of wallpaper glue have special additives that reduce the setting time. Therefore, before cooking, you must carefully read the instructions, otherwise you will find unpleasant surprises in the form of a composition that thickens too quickly.

The technology of pasting walls and ceilings with paper wallpaper

You need to glue the wallpaper quickly and accurately. That is why it is desirable to work together. Paper wallpapers are almost always laid with a slight overlap, otherwise, due to the low wear resistance of the canvas, the joints wear out very quickly.

The sheet of canvas that you glued first, after 5-7 minutes, unbends so as to gain access to the upper edge. Next, you need to stick the top strip on the wall - just on the section of the wall that you treated with glue. Now, holding the canvas by the top, it must be carefully unfolded and glued to the wall. Along the way, with smooth arcuate movements with a dry sponge or rag, you need to smooth the wallpaper until they stick properly.

Small air bubbles can be left alone. When the glue dries, the paper wallpaper will shrink a little and drive the air out. If the bubbles are large, they need to be carefully pierced with a needle and etch the air. In such areas, it does not hurt to add glue. This can be done with a syringe, while the edges of the canvas are best glued with a brush.

After gluing 4-5 sheets, it is very desirable to remove the indents - after the glue dries, carefully cut them off without affecting the main canvas, it will be very problematic. Do not forget to control the orientation of the pattern on adjacent sections of the canvas - it must match.

Wallpapering on the ceiling is carried out in a similar way, with the only difference being that the canvas should be placed perpendicular to the direction of lighting. Please note that on the ceiling, wallpaper is always glued end-to-end.

Joint lines between adjacent sheets must be rolled with a narrow rubber roller. It does not hurt to perform this operation when gluing wallpaper on walls with an overlap - as practice shows, it is here that they most often peel off due to the different microstructure, and hence the absorbency, of the front and back surfaces of the wallpaper. You also need to remember about cutting the web in the currents for placing switches and sockets. It is advisable to do this before gluing - after the hole it remains to correct with a clerical knife.

If you have carried out thorough preparation for sticking, have chosen a reliable glue, correctly cut and pasted paper wallpapers, they will serve you for the longest possible time. Of course, provided that you protect them from damage, moisture and dirt.

How to glue paper wallpaper correctly - preparation, gluing, difficult places.

Many people can boast that they have glued paper wallpapers more than once, and in this case, as they say, "they ate the dog." But are you doing everything right? Are you afraid every time that the wallpaper may fall off the next day? Are you experiencing problems with blisters and open seams? In general, in order to know for sure how to glue paper wallpapers correctly, I recommend that you read my article on the relevant topic. After all, knowledge is never superfluous!

Tools and materials

First of all, we stock up on the right tool with which your work will go much faster, and the quality of the result will be better. You will need to purchase or get from the bins a roller or brush, a wallpaper brush, a cord, scissors or a plumb line, a razor blade, a sponge, a bucket of water, a scale folding ruler, a wallpaper cutter, a wallpaper table or a stepladder, a tape measure, cardboard or film on the floor, a ruler for cutting the canvas, wallpaper glue. What glue is better to glue wallpaper? The one indicated by the manufacturer of the material. Or, on extreme case, take non-woven glue, which also shows good gluing results. They glue vinyl, American wallpaper, as well as duplex, so it is suitable for paper canvases without any problems.

Preparatory work

In order for paper wallpaper gluing to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work and do it carefully. Your task is to achieve the ideal strength, evenness and dryness of the wall on which the wallpaper will be glued. Before starting, we turn off all the electricity in the room, remove the covers of electrical outlets and electrical switches leaving gaping holes. If possible, skirting boards and floor plinths are also removed. In order not to confuse their order when installing back, make marks with a pen or pencil on the reverse side during removal.

Surface preparation

1. Surface with old wallpaper

Old wallpaper must be removed, because further work will be held on an exceptionally solid foundation. around corners, door jambs, windows and skirting boards, old canvases, as a rule, depart by themselves. But on the walls themselves will have to work hard. If before you had pasted structural wallpaper or paper-based vinyl sheets, first remove them upper layer. If the wallpaper was glued not end-to-end, but overlapped, the joints can be cut off or evenly sanded. In extreme cases, the joints can be puttied with a layer of 15 centimeters wide. On uneven areas where previously there were torn wallpapers, it is also possible to carry out grinding over the entire surface of the area. In other places of the main and putty surfaces, light grinding is carried out to maximize the leveling of the wall. Putty surfaces must be vacuumed and then primed. Priming is carried out using a special primer or diluted wallpaper glue, according to the instructions.

2. Surface with painted fabric or glass

Before sticking paper wallpapers, the base of old glass wallpapers is washed with a solvent or a similar compound that can wash off the paint. After that, the entire surface is putty, it is polished and pre-primed.

3. Surface with straw or textile wallpaper

Wallpaper is removed with special means for removing textile wallpaper if you can't remove the top layer manually. The surface is primed and puttied.

4. Surface with paint

Wash the substrate with solvent or other paint remover. After that, the paint is scraped off with a spatula, starting with peeling surfaces and cracks. Next, putty and sand the surface.

5. Plastered surface, concrete

You need to putty all joints and irregularities, as well as the entire surface with a thin layer. After grinding, walk over the surface with a vacuum cleaner, having previously made a primer.

6. Chipboard, fiberboard, gypsum

On these surfaces, all holes from screws and nails, as well as all joints, must be puttied. The surface is sanded and pre-primed. The strips from the joints are also leveled with putty and primed. Puttying work is easiest to do with a conventional spatula. Chipboard joints must be protected from destruction by priming them with alkyd paint.

7. Contrasting walls

If the base of the wall has a drastic difference in tone with the new wallpaper, prime the wall with a recommended primer over suitable shade. Alternatively, you can paint the wall along the joints of the new wallpaper.

We cut the wallpaper

When figuring out how to glue paper wallpapers, you will certainly encounter cutting them.

1. First of all, check the wallpaper series number, which must be the same on each roll. This will ensure that the shade of the canvas is identical on the entire surface of your wall. The label should also contain information on exactly how to glue it - butt or overlap.
2. We measure the height of the wall and mark it with a tape measure and a pencil on the wallpaper. If there is a drawing, you need to pick it up in height.
3. We take a metal ruler for cutting, as well as a wallpaper knife.
4. Cut off 5-10 strips at a time, leaving an upper and lower margin of 3-5 centimeters.
5. The direction of wallpapering is best marked with a pencil arrow on the back.

We apply glue

1. In the process of applying glue to the wallpaper, put the first strip of the canvas exactly to the edge of the table.
2. We put several strips under the first canvas, with an indent from the edge of 1.5 centimeters each. This will help protect the table from glue. The table is protected due to the fact that the glue from it can stain the front of the canvas. Short pieces can be protected on the end sides with pieces of cardboard.
3. Glue is applied evenly, with distribution over the entire wallpaper strip. It is better to start from the middle, spreading on different sides.
4. Glue must cover the entire surface of the web! If there is no glue somewhere, you will get a bubble.
5. ¾ of the strip is folded in half, starting from the top edge.
6. Glue is applied to several strips at once.
7. Wait 10 minutes for the adhesive to soak into the strips. Wallpaper should be thoroughly wet.
8. If glue gets on the front side, use a damp sponge to remove it as soon as possible. Don't rub hard. Better use more water.

How to glue paper wallpaper?

1. Hopefully, by this point, you have already clarified whether your wallpaper is glued with an overlap or butt. If gluing is done with an overlap, you need to start from the window in order to avoid the effect of butt shadows. If there are several windows, you need to start from the south.
2. Mark a vertical line from a corner or window across the width of the wallpaper strip using scissors or a plumb bob.
3. We straighten our bent "wallpaper".
4. We glue the upper half of the bent strip onto the wall, not forgetting about a couple of centimeters of overlap intended for ceiling skirting boards.
5. Make sure that the first strip is glued vertically. It will depend on it how other bands will go.
6. We release the strip in its lower part and glue it to the wall.
7. We press the canvas with a wallpaper brush, smoothing it to the edges from the middle.
8. We press the wallpaper at the plinths and baseboards, cut off the excess with a sharp knife. Remove adhesive with a damp sponge if it gets on the baseboards.
9. When pasting the next canvas, make sure that you glue evenly, guided by the already pasted strip.
10. Special care is required for a butt sticker.
11. When gluing with an overlap, glue one strip to another with a 2-3 mm overlap.
12. If glue gets on the front side, immediately wipe off the glue with a damp sponge, without excessive force with plenty of water.
13. Steps 3 to 8 are repeated for the next strips.

Difficult places:

Working with an outside corner

1. Measure the distance from the corner to the last wallpaper strip, and cut off a new strip to this width with a 10-20 mm overturn for the outer corner. If you make the top and bottom cuts, you can easily go around the strip around the corner.
2. The second strip, which is cut off from the previous strip, is superimposed on the first canvas with an overlap of a centimeter, even if the wallpaper is selected strictly according to the pattern.
3. If the wallpaper ends at the corner, you need to retreat from it at least 5 millimeters, which will not allow them to tear upon physical contact with the person who hooked them.

Working with an inside corner

1. We measure the desired distance. We cut the wallpaper so that they can go to the second wall by a centimeter.
2. The second strip, cut off from the previous one, is glued to the corner. Use a plumb bob to check if the bonding is vertical.

Sockets and switches

1. Do not forget to turn off the electricity before pasting. Wallpaper paste contains conductive water, contact with which can cause electric shock. After a power outage, you can remove all sockets and switches.
2. Wallpaper should cover the openings of electrical switches and sockets. After gluing, while the wallpaper is not yet dry, carefully cut a hole under it with a knife. Sockets and switches are put back only after the wallpaper has dried.

Cutting wallpaper

1. Wallpaper is best cut with a wallpaper cutter, wide spatula or steel ruler.
2. It is very important that the wallpaper knife always has a sharp blade. If the blade becomes blunt, wet wallpaper may become “tousled”.

crooked stripes

Sometimes a situation arises when the wallpaper strip is glued crookedly. To correct the situation, in no case do not move the wallpaper strip in the glued state. So you're just tearing it up. Instead, remove the strip completely from the wall and glue it properly.

How to glue borders?

To begin with, curbs are needed to improve appearance wallpaper on the wall. It is glued in different ways: at the baseboard, at the ceiling, in the middle of the wall or around the window. If you need to glue the border near the ceiling or along the baseboards, then follow the instructions below. The issue of gluing a border in the middle of a wall will be raised in the next heading.

1. Apply glue to the border using a brush. If the border is self-adhesive, wet it with a damp sponge. Having smeared the border with glue, fold it with an accordion and leave it for 5 minutes. This will help ease the bonding process.
2. In the corner, the border is overlapped by a few centimeters, pressing down the material with your hand.
3. The next curb is overlapped, starting directly from the beginning of the corner. The drawing is adjusted very carefully.
4. If the purpose of the border is to form a frame, cut the strips at a 45 degree angle. Next, the pattern is adjusted and the border is cut off as usual in length. Lay the border with the right side up, mark the cut line with a pencil, then cut it off with a sharp blade.

If the wall is divided by different wallpapers

Gluing wallpaper

1. Determine the height of the curb gluing. For example, this could be the level of the furniture, the end of the bed, or the window sill.
2. We measure the height that suits you, draw a joint line on the wall with a pencil. We cut off the wallpaper, guided by the drawing.
3. Glue the top wallpaper.
4. When sticking the lower wallpaper, it is necessary to move the lower canvas by half the width of the upper canvas.

Remember that paper wallpapers behave like "live", that is, they have different level extensions, so you are unlikely to get perfectly even vertical lower and upper joints.
5. The horizontal joint is glued edge to edge. Do not over-glue. It is better to leave a small gap, which later you simply putty.

We glue curbs

1. Make small pencil marks on the wall along the bottom edge.
2. Next, we raise our eyes to the previous action plan for the standard gluing of borders.


Before starting work, you need to properly ventilate the room. The stability of room temperature will help the wallpaper dry quickly and reliably. If spots and bubbles are observed on freshly glued wallpaper, do not worry, this is normal. After a day, the spots will disappear, and the wallpaper will straighten out. If you have unglued rolls or strips, save them for future use as part of gluing damaged areas. Save labels. On them you can purchase similar wallpapers that will not differ in shade.

Paper wall papering

Paper wallpapers are an excellent and inexpensive way to equip an interior with minimal time and material costs. The modern construction industry still produces a wide range of both relatively cheap and more expensive paper wallpapers, and polymer paints only add beauty and dynamism to them. If you take the process responsibly and follow the accepted technologies, then there will be no problems in how to stick paper wallpapers, and they will last long enough, refreshing your home.

Preliminary stage of preparation

Sticking paper wallpapers always begins from the moment they are selected and purchased. Accurate calculation of the required quantity is one of the indispensable conditions for the correct implementation of the process. Plain or simple abstract designs will create minimal counting difficulties, but if wallpaper with a tapestry or coupon pattern is chosen, connoisseurs buy more than the required amount. Sometimes the main difficulty is not how to stick paper wallpaper, but how to make a match from the available amount according to the pattern in all visible segments of the room.

This is what a simplified wallpaper scheme looks like.

The technology of gluing paper wallpaper with a complex coupon ornament or an interconnected pattern consists in preliminary adjustment of the paper strips. Sometimes someone who cuts the required amount has to cut up to several meters of the paper web in order to achieve the most decorative match in the joints on the walls. So the first thing to do when preparing for the responsible process of transforming walls is to carefully measure the footage of the walls of the room and add some margin to it for gluing corners, awkward places and matching the pattern if a complex ornament is chosen.

Wallpaper is always better to buy with some margin. If there is some left, it will always come in handy later to seal the resulting damage.

The main stage of preliminary ensuring the readiness of the process is the correct and qualified measurement of wall footage, the selection of wallpaper that matches the new design concept, the purchase of a border or baguette that will complete the design of the wallpaper at the top, the selection of glue that best matches the type of wallpaper and the nature of the wall panel.

Preparatory stage: walls and tools

The main secret How to glue paper wallpaper correctly consists in preliminary preparation of the walls. Even the most modern and technologically advanced glue will not hold paper strips on an uneven surface, which does not provide sufficient adhesiveness. Therefore, before you start sticking paper wallpaper with your own hands, connoisseurs and perfectionists are engaged in preliminary preparation walls. First of all, the remnants of the old coating are removed from the walls, trying to clean the surface intended for refining as much as possible. This process is visible in the photo.

If the old wallpaper was pasted on plaster, which began to flake off the wall from time to time, or the previous owners glued the paper directly onto the untreated brickwork, you have to do wall decoration for preliminary stage. This can be done by repairing the old plaster or removing it and applying several coats of primer.

The whole process can be seen on the video.

Not only the decorative component of the new interior, but also the service life, which will be significantly extended if the gluing is done in accordance with all the rules, depends on how smooth and finished the wall will be for future wallpaper. Features of gluing thin and simple paper strips depend on whether there are holes, bumps, ruts or protruding chips under them that can damage the strip when applied to the surface.

Wallpapering technology

When sticking it is necessary to observe certain rules which are visible in the figure.

Tools and materials

Knowing how to glue paper wallpapers correctly, even a non-professional begins to prepare for the process in advance. After a suitable pattern has been selected, the required number of rolls has been purchased and the wall has been brought to a mirror-like smoothness, the main one begins, but still preparatory stage, which includes the cultivation of glue and the preparation of the necessary tools. For a standard procedure, you will need:

  • sharp wallpaper knife or large sharp scissors;
  • pencil, level and tape measure;
  • different-sized brushes for applying glue, and a roller for spreading the wall;
  • dishes for dipping brushes and rollers;
  • a surface for spreading strips, if this happens on the floor, then the place must be lined with newspapers or plastic wrap;
  • rags for rubbing glue residue;
  • a long-haired brush to release air and smooth the wallpaper;
  • stool or stepladder, depending on the height of the ceiling.
Tools and materials needed for proper paper wallpapering

Required Tools and materials can be seen in the picture.

It is not necessary to purchase wallpaper without seams for gluing, this not only does not reduce the cost of the purchase, but also simply makes it impossible to stick one strip on the other with an overlap, so that the impression of a single colored canvas is created.

Cutting strips and plastering walls

Often, it takes daylight hours to stick wallpaper, especially if the room is large or there are problem areas in it. To speed up the process of refining the interior, it is better to work with several pairs of hands.

The recommendations of experts in this regard are unambiguous: it is extremely inconvenient for one person to carry out the entire process. While one measures the required length of the strip or adjusts the pattern, the second provides significant assistance.

A person working alone has to rack their brains to figure out how to glue an uncomfortable and wet strip cut for an establishment into a corner. The whole process is shown in the figure.

For successful gluing, work should be carried out together, starting from the ceiling and to the floor, gradually driving lingering air from the space between the wall

Some nuances of the correct paper wallpaper stickers.

and wallpaper down. After that, you need to remove the remaining glue on the seams with a trowel so that it does not remain at the joints.

They begin to wallpaper the room with wallpaper from one of the corners located by the window, choosing a wall to start work that will accommodate large quantity stripes.

The most important thing is to glue all the cut full-length strips in place in the space visible from the threshold, because if the number of wallpapers was incorrectly calculated or it took more to fit the pattern than previously calculated, it will be possible to glue the leftover places that will be closed by furniture. To ensure that there is enough material, short segments are left on the over-door and over-window space.

Table - Causes of defects in the performance of wallpaper work and remedial measures

Sticking paper wallpaper, despite the seeming simplicity of the process, even for an experienced worker can sometimes be quite difficult task under certain conditions. In order for the result of the work to be sufficiently professional and unique, all stages of work must be carried out according to the rules.
