After what crop should garlic be planted. Joint planting - what vegetables can be planted with each other? What grows well next to garlic

Garlic is a perennial herbaceous crop popular in our country and is available on any personal plot. He is unpretentious in terms of care, however, observing some simple rules you can increase the yield of the plant. Along with the choice of a well-lit area with high-quality soil, there is such a thing as a fruit change. Today we will tell you after which crops it is best to plant garlic before winter, which predecessors are considered unsuitable, and what nuances should be taken into account when planning to plant garlic.

If you know and follow the basic rules of fruit change, you can significantly increase the yield of many crops, including garlic. When one type of vegetable tends to draw a lot of nutrients from the structure of the earth for the purpose of its own normal growth and development, crops of another type are able to make up for their deficiency.

Many gardeners with sufficient practical experience know that garlic has a superficial type of root system. This explains the fact that he can receive nutrients from the top layer of soil. For normal growth and development, it needs fertile and rich land. It is best to plant garlic before winter, after species of crops with a long root system grew in the garden before it.

Experts advise choosing a place where any crops grew, with the exception of oats and barley.

Excellent predecessors are clover and alfalfa, squash and zucchini. It is permissible to plant garlic after berry bushes. Not so desirable, but possible predecessors are tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkin.

If we talk about a specific list of cultures that are good predecessors garlic, then it must include crops that are green manure (with the exception of barley and oats), forage grasses (alfalfa, clover and others), legumes (beans and peas), pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cucumbers, early and color cabbage, as well as berries. You can plant such a plant after eggplant, pepper, tomatoes, cabbage, varieties of which have medium and late ripening. These are not excellent, but quite acceptable predecessors for garlic in your garden.

Novice gardeners are interested in after which crop garlic should not be planted in their backyard? landing given cultivated plant it is better not to carry out after vegetables. Since during their growth and development they manage to take many useful elements from the soil. The bad predecessors can be safely attributed to such vegetable crops like cabbage, potato, carrot, beetroot, tomato, radish, radish. For example, carrots tend to greatly impoverish the soil, using the obtained useful elements for their own development.

And if you plant garlic after potatoes and beets, there is a big risk that the culture will get fusarium. The same list includes onions. It provokes a calcium deficiency in the soil, since it itself consumes it in significant quantities. Even after onions, other plants run the risk of being affected by pests remaining in the ground. Therefore, green, fragrant, onion, shallots and batun are banned as predecessors. Between plantings of the garlic itself, it is required to strictly withstand 3-4 years. Otherwise, the harvest will be not only poor, but also sick.

Nuances to know when planting garlic

In addition to the good and bad precursors of garlic, importance have other conventions, the observance of which is required when it is cultivated on the site.
Among them is the choice of landing site. Since the culture is very fond of a large amount of light, you need to choose the appropriate place in the garden. Then really get big and tasty teeth. When this is not possible, landing in a shaded area should be carried out with a rarer landing.

You can not bring manure into the ground, as some do little experienced gardeners. Otherwise, you can get loose heads and many leaves. The plant responds gratefully to the introduction of high-quality humus. Since garlic still requires fairly fertile land.

Pay attention to the selection of planting material. You can not plant those specimens that are taken from the garden with pests. It is worth choosing viable bulbs of a large size.

There should be no dark fragments or any damaged areas on the surface of the teeth. Disinfection is also required. It is recommended to use a solution of copper sulfate, placing the teeth in it for no more than half an hour.

Strawberries and wild strawberries feel great next to garlic. It becomes for them a reliable protector from a possible attack of pests. It can also grow next to tomatoes. But between garlic and them, a minimum of 65 cm must be left. This is a mutually beneficial neighborhood. Garlic will protect tomatoes from damage by a disease such as rust. And they, in turn, will be able to protect him from possible appearance scab. If garlic grows near potato plantings, it will be able to scare away Colorado potato beetles.

Sufficient watering required. Drying out the soil is fraught with grinding the future crop. It is advised to use exclusively settled and warm water. Do not forget about weeding, as well as loosening. They must be done carefully, since there is a high risk of damaging the roots.

It is necessary to make mineral and organic top dressing. To avoid nitrogen deficiency, you can prepare a solution of urea. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in 10 liters of water. Consumption is not more than 5 liters per square meter usable area. So that the bulbs do not start to rot, you should stop fertilizing from the moment the growth of the foliage of the crop stops.

If your goal is not to obtain seed material, you need to remove garlic arrows in time. They are best pinched at a distance of about 7 cm from the inflorescences. You can not pull out the arrows by hand, so as not to injure the bulbs. Use a special pruner or gardening scissors. If cutting is carried out at an early stage of their formation, it is permissible to use the usual kitchen knife. This increases the degree of yield by 20% or more.

Video “Secrets of growing garlic”

In this video, a specialist will talk about interesting and useful secrets growing garlic.

In any horticultural economy, it is of great importance correct crop rotation. That is why experienced farmers always plan plantings in advance, always taking into account what grew in the garden last season and which neighbors will surround each of the crops.

A properly selected "ensemble" of vegetable, berry and green crops will always work smoothly, help each of the "team members" to resist diseases and pests, and provide you with a rich and healthy harvest in the fall. But unsuitable predecessors and companions inhibit plant growth, contribute to the defeat of pathogenic microflora and a variety of insects. In addition, "war" individual crops adversely affects all landings. The stable symbiosis between other species is broken, and there is no need to wait for a good harvest.

All of the above fully applies to such a popular and beloved garden "inhabitant" as garlic.
What can and should be planted next to garlic?

Due to the high concentration of biologically active substances garlic acts as a natural fungicide in the garden, successfully coping with various fungal infections. In addition, phytoncides secreted by the plant are able to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. These outstanding qualities have a beneficial effect on most garlic neighbors, helping them become strong and healthy.

For example, planting potatoes, surrounded by garlic shoots, are much less affected by such an unpleasant disease as late blight.

A few garlic cloves planted in autumn between strawberry bushes will scare away most insect pests from the future fragrant crop.

A bed of garlic, located next to a carrot, will save the latter from the invasion of a carrot fly or psyllid.

Garlic will be a good companion for other vegetables and herbs: cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, parsley and any kind of salads. Its cloves are useful to plant directly between plants.

Berries and flowers also love garlic as a protector and helper. The most grateful "partners" will be raspberries and currants, as well as roses, gladioli and tulips.

What plants do not like the neighborhood with garlic?

Despite the abundance useful qualities, garlic is not to the liking of all cultures. There are also “garlic-haters” among vegetables. Such legumes, useful for the soil and many plants (beans, lentils, beans and peas), categorically cannot tolerate the presence of garlic beds nearby. They grow and bloom poorly and give a very meager harvest.

precursors for garlic

When planting garlic, like any other crop, one should think not only about its future neighbors, but also about its predecessors. If this point is not taken into account when planting, then you can completely be left without a crop.

Often those plants that get along well in the same garden are completely unsuitable as predecessors.

  • For garlic, such "ill-wishers" will be radishes and onions grown on a feather.
  • Garlic will feel oppressed after root crops, especially after turnips and carrots.
  • Does not like spicy vegetable to grow after many green crops. He is especially not satisfied with celery, basil, mint and coriander as predecessors. Even lettuce, which grows wonderfully in the same bed as garlic, is poorly perceived as a plant of the previous season.
  • But after cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers and zucchini, as well as pumpkins and squash, you will collect an unprecedented crop of fragrant, large and strong heads.

In conclusion, it should be noted that garlic itself as a precursor is a universal plant. After it, any vegetables, herbs and berry crops grow well.

Garlic is one of the most unpretentious plants. But despite this, to get good harvest, you need to know a lot of subtleties. And therefore, beginner gardeners often have questions about how to plant garlic.

Garlic belongs to the group bulbous plants and needs cold to develop. In this regard, it is usually planted either in early spring or in autumn. Each of these methods has its own characteristics. If you are wondering how to properly plant garlic, depending on lunar calendar, you can read about this in our article:. We will tell you how and when it is better to plant this crop in accordance with the rules of agricultural technology.

How to plant garlic in spring

Planting spring garlic should be started as soon as the frosts end and the snow melts. Only in this case, the garlic will have time to build up the vegetative mass well before the onset of heat, that is, its heads will be large enough.

The day before planting, it is necessary to disinfect the soil. To do this, the bed is abundantly watered with lightly salted water (60 g of table salt are taken for 10 liters of water).

A large head of garlic is carefully divided into individual cloves. Spring garlic should be planted as follows: a clove is stuck into the ground with a bottom so that the second end protrudes from the soil by a couple of millimeters. The distance between the teeth should be at least ten centimeters, and between the rows - 15 cm.

Sprinkle the bed with sawdust or sand on top and water it abundantly. Since garlic is a frost-resistant plant, cover the bed additionally plastic wrap there is no need.

After the appearance of the first shoots, they are fertilized with ammonium sulfate. The second top dressing is performed around mid-June. You can read more about top dressing in our article:.

Speaking about how to plant spring garlic, I would like to draw attention to the fact that this crop should not be planted in the same place every year. In addition, planting garlic is not recommended on land plots where onions or potatoes were previously planted.

How to plant garlic in the fall

Before the onset of stable frosts, garlic should have time to form a fairly branched root system, penetrating into the soil by at least ten centimeters, but at the same time not allowing leaf growth. It takes him about two or three weeks to do this. Therefore, in central Russia, garlic should be planted before winter in mid-October.

Properly planting garlic is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Ignorance of some features of this crop will lead to the fact that the harvest will turn out to be meager. Yes, it is very important to choose the right planting material and prepare it.

To do this, a large head of garlic is divided into individual cloves. At the same time, all cloves that have any signs of mechanical damage, rot or disease (presence of mold, black or rusty spots) should be discarded. Never use for planting cloves from bulbs that have decayed on their own. Immediately before planting, the cloves are soaked for several hours in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

It is equally important to properly prepare the soil for planting. To do this, holes are made in the garden with a depth of about 10 cm. river sand and a prepared clove is already placed in it, making sure that its sharp end is pointing up. From above, the holes are covered with a handful of earth mixed with rotted manure.

The bed with garlic should be protected from the upcoming frosts. To do this, it is insulated with dry leaves, tops of flowers or straw. The thickness of the insulation layer must be at least 15 cm.

You can find information on garlic harvesting time in our article.

What can you plant garlic with?

Experienced gardeners always plan future crops, taking into account the rules for crop rotation. Knowing the basic provisions of agricultural technology will allow you to achieve a good harvest in the country.

Why plant garlic?

Agronomists recommend planting garlic in areas where vegetables with a fairly short vegetative period grew before (cereals, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper, cauliflower and white cabbage). It also grows well in areas of soil after legumes, for example, after beans.

Why not plant garlic?

Garlic should not be planted several years in a row in the same place, as well as on the spot. former landings Luke. Violation of this rule leads to infection of the soil with a stem nematode.

Garlic also grows very poorly on soils previously occupied by potatoes, beets, carrots, and tomatoes. In this case, plantings are often infected with Fusarium.

What to plant garlic with?

It is very good to plant garlic between strawberry rosettes. Phytoncides of this plant improve the soil well and repel pests, which ensures a good harvest of berries.

Not bad if not far from the beds with garlic there are beds with tomatoes (at a distance of about 60 cm). In this case, garlic will be protected from scab attacks, and tomatoes from infection with rye.

Also, garlic plantings protect nearby potato plantings from the attack of the Colorado potato beetle.

On the video - what can be grown next to garlic:


Before planting crops such as dill, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers or potatoes in the ground after garlic, it is necessary to take into account which plants can fully grow and produce crops after it. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the variety of garlic. As you know, today gardeners can grow winter or spring garlic.

The first type is distinguished by the fact that it is able to withstand frost. Thus, it needs to be planted in the fall, and in winter it feels great in the ground. But spring garlic does not tolerate severe frosts. It should only be planted in the spring, when there is no threat of frost returning.

What are the sweet onion varieties for middle lane, and how they look, indicated

The fact is that garlic, planted for winter and spring, has different agricultural practices. After winter varieties, nitrogen fertilizers are concentrated in the soil. For excellent growth of spring crops, it is necessary to additionally apply potash and phosphorus fertilizers. at the same time, plants that will be planted after garlic should be fed with those fertilizers that have been accumulated in the soil.

Some types of plants can be planted not only after garlic, but also near it. Thus, beneficial cooperation is observed, because the plantings will mutually protect and enrich each other.

The following plants are allowed to be planted near garlic:

  1. Strawberry. This is the most best neighbor for garlic. Phytoncides, which are part of garlic, protect berry culture from underground pests and fungal pathologies. Teeth can be planted directly on the bed with strawberries. The latter will allow the bulbs to start and activate the garlic for the development of the heads. But how to germinate strawberry seeds at home, and how to do it right, is indicated here.

    Strawberries in the garden

  2. Tomatoes, beets, cucumbers. These plants will also make excellent neighbors for garlic. Thanks to him, the presented plants will not be affected by aphids, bears, May beetles and other pests. Heads are best planted between rows. And you can get the maximum result from such a neighborhood if you add dill to them. Thanks to garlic, tomato bushes receive reliable protection against rust, and garlic will not be affected by scab. When planting garlic heads, it is necessary that they be at least 65 cm away from tomatoes. What varieties of beets for Siberia can be planted in open ground, indicated

    Tomatoes in the garden

    Carrots in the garden

  3. Flowers. Often planted near garlic flower crops. These include gladioli, roses and asters. Thus, they will be protected from fungal infection.

    Flowers in the garden

  4. Chicory or calendula will protect the garlic from onion fly . You can plant plants even on the same bed with garlic. Just dig trenches between rows and plant change grasses. In addition to the fact that they have a positive effect on the growth of garlic crops, they can be used directly for their intended purpose.


  5. Horseradish. Experienced gardeners know that the concentration of vitamin C in the leaves of garlic increases, this is done at a distance of 20 cm, since horseradish tends to grow.

    Horseradish in the garden

  6. Already ripe garlic will be an excellent protection for nightshade crops.. This includes tomatoes and potatoes. Thus, they will no longer be affected by the Colorado potato beetle.

bad neighbors

With even the most competent layout of the location of garlic beds, it must be borne in mind that bad neighbor for culture is beans, beans. It is worth paying attention to cultivation. Garlic also has a detrimental effect on peas, as a result of which it will grow poorly.

When planning neighbors in the garden, it is worth taking into account which crops have grown before. Sometimes you can even take into account all the rules of symbiosis, but at the same time the gardener did not think about the predecessors. Thus, the yield of garlic is reduced, even with quality care.

Garlic will not tolerate such a neighbor as onions. Especially we are talking about the crop that is grown for greenery. Various spices also adversely affect the growth and development of garlic. This should include basil (when planting basil seeds for seedlings, indicated) coriander and mint. In this case, the garlic will grow slowly, and its bulbs will slow down in development.

But even after garlic, not all plants can be grown in the garden. This culture belongs to those after which vegetables and greens will grow and develop quite normally.

If you properly care for them, as well as choose suitable varieties, it is quite realistic to get a good harvest even after garlic.

Garlic is one of the few crops that enjoys in great demand among gardeners. It differs in specific taste and aroma, but at the same time it is very useful. But it is not always possible to rejoice at the high harvest of garlic. It is important to choose the right landing site. In this case, you need to take into account the plants that have grown before and those that will grow next to it.

Spring comes, the sun warms the earth, a hot time for the gardener comes. These days, it is very important to plan the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200byour site and distribute it under the beds occupied different cultures. Today we will try to optimize your planting together by talking about the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. Some plants, as it turns out, are friends, help each other and protect against various pests, while the latter, on the contrary, cause mutual inhibition of growth and even death. But we are primarily interested in getting excellent harvest. So, the compatibility of vegetables in the beds is a very important and relevant issue.

Is spring site planning necessary?

Indeed, why redraw your garden every year, if you can once and for all build and plant cucumbers on one, tomatoes on the other, and so on? This is convenient, but somewhat irrational. Each plant requires its own set of microelements, and it turns out that the bed, which has been used for planting the same crop for many years, is oversaturated with unclaimed elements. Or, on the contrary, devastated by the most important to her. Therefore crop rotation is necessary. However, on small plot sometimes it is difficult to provide a full replacement, they are forced to use mixed landings, and therefore for proper organization they need to know the compatibility of vegetables in the beds.

What can be the beds

We are used to the fact that our land is divided into neat rectangles, each of which grows one crop. However, there are a lot of options, and in order for your garden to be as productive as possible, you need to know the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. These may be narrow Mittlider beds that require application. a large number mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as high and multi-tiered beds. The latter are quite complex in arrangement, but they are the best suited for growing several crops. In this case, you should also be concerned about the compatibility of vegetables and flowers in the same garden, because the close proximity of plants allows them to influence each other.

compacted beds

Sowing several crops on the same bed allows you to save a lot of space and at the same time get a good result. At the same time, we must remember: it is a little easier to observe the compatibility of vegetables and flowers in one garden than to plant several fruit crops at the same time. Here it is already necessary to take into account the difference in the growing season. However, back to the bright flower-fruit beds. Why use such a technique, is it just for beauty? It turns out not. For example, marigolds planted near tomatoes perfectly protect bushes from various pests. Other flowers serve as tasty traps for insects. Plant nasturtium in the garden - all aphids will focus on it, not paying attention to garden vegetables.

and fragrant herbs

And the greenery in the beds has long been proven, they do not compete, do not interfere with each other, but at the same time you save a lot of space and get a nice variety for your table. Herbs planted next to the fruit bed will give the vegetables a delicious taste and will protect them from insects. Rosemary repels beetles that attack beans, cabbage pests do not like thyme, aphids are afraid of onions and garlic. Oregano, like marigolds, is a reliable protection for everything fruit plot from uninvited guests.

Every gardener, even if he does not have professional knowledge, should have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the compatibility of vegetables and herbs in the beds is. For this, not so much is needed. So, fast-growing lettuce, radishes and other spring vegetables and herbs can be planted between pumpkins and melons. By the time the powerful stalks of the pumpkin have grown, the radish crop will have already been harvested. If you plan to plant shade-loving greens such as spinach, then choose tall plants that will reliable protection. For example, it could be corn. Sunflowers grow well next to corn, plants do not compete with each other.

We discussed a little general issues, will now jump directly to views garden plants. We will consider the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds. How to plant this or that species, the neighborhood with which will bring him more benefit than harm, and much more.

Favorite peas: what to plant next to

This is a plant that gardeners do not like for its creep. However, it is worth considering the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds - and the disadvantage turns into a virtue. The fact is that it gets along well with corn, and its powerful trunks will be an excellent support. Thus, you will collect two crops from one bed and save yourself the trouble of tying up tender peas. But you can go even further and unify the garden bed by planting it around the perimeter with beans or carrots, lettuce, radishes, parsnips or turnips.

What else is compatible with peas? It can be planted among cucumbers, such a neighborhood will benefit both cultures. Eggplants and melons love peas, in addition, if potatoes grow in your garden, then be sure to scatter peas over the planting, its roots will enrich the earth with essential trace elements. But onions and garlic should be planted away from peas, such a neighborhood is useless at all.

Beauty Carrot

We continue to consider the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. Leading agrotechnical companies give advice to gardeners, recommending planting carrots along the edge of a bed with tomatoes and peas. Pairs very well with various herbs. It's sage and rosemary. Therefore, you can make prefabricated beds with fragrant leafy greens and plant them with carrots. Or vice versa. But dill and parsley need to be moved away from carrots, such a neighborhood leads to a deterioration in the growth and development of the root crop.

Green onion

This is the first spring source of vitamins, which is loved and grown on every garden plot. However, today we are talking about the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. The list of plants with which the onion is "friends" is quite large. These are almost all the most important garden crops: beets and bell peppers, tomatoes and carrots, lettuce and broccoli. Onions are very well compatible with spinach, potatoes and cabbage. However, for planting to please you, avoid its proximity to beans, sage and peas.

bell pepper

A capricious culture that doesn't grow so well in our climate zone as in more southern areas. However, this can be slightly corrected by choosing the right neighbors. First of all, you need to remember that it cannot be planted on the same bed with beans. But the neighborhood with tomatoes, on the contrary, is very well tolerated. Do not forget to plant greens and fragrant herbs in order to make the most of the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. About ten different herbs can grow in the garden at the same time. Basil and coriander, onions and spinach go well with peppers.

Lettuce, a precious source of vitamins

Another plant that eloquently shows the compatibility of vegetables can count a dozen fruit crops, which from such a neighborhood will only grow even more magnificently. These are asparagus and beets, sunflowers and tomatoes. Experienced gardeners recommend planting lettuce along with white and Brussels sprouts, carrots and corn, cucumbers. Given that lettuce grows in a low, curly carpet, it helps conserve moisture by preventing the liquid from evaporating so quickly. Cucumbers love this neighborhood very much.

There are many ways to get off different plants on one bed. If this is an ordinary bed on a flat surface, and not a multi-tiered structure, then, in addition to interspecific competition, you need to consider the size of the plants. The central part of the garden can be occupied by sunflowers or tall tomatoes, cucumbers, then you can place onions and peas, eggplants. Or put peas on corn, and plant lettuce around. All these plants complement each other well.


Often it is this crop that occupies a significant part of the garden, which means that you need to carefully consider the compatibility of vegetables in the garden. Photos of garden plots of professional gardeners very often show classic combination potatoes and beans. Indeed, beans and peas are perfectly weaving along a potato planting, primarily benefiting by enriching the earth. Although the harvest of legumes will also not be superfluous. Potatoes go well with white cabbage and broccoli, corn and eggplant, garlic, lettuce and onions.

The friendliest neighbor - eggplant

Indeed, its compatibility with other vegetables in the garden is fantastic. He has no enemies, he complements almost any culture well. However, if we talk about the health and quality of growth of the eggplant itself, then experts advise planting it next to potatoes and legumes, in particular beans and peas. Excellent neighbors for eggplant will be leafy vegetables. Experienced gardeners recommend planting basil and lettuce, spinach next to the blue ones.

This begs the question: "In what order should vegetables be planted so that the garden bed is as efficient as possible?" We offer a scheme that is used by German farmers. They arrange a bed for planting root crops very wide, about 1 meter. In this case, the potato is located in the center ( early varieties can be planted in two rows, and later - in one). On the one hand, an eggplant is planted in a line, and on the other, a head lettuce, kohlrabi and cauliflower. All these vegetables can be alternated in one row. Two rows of spinach are sown along the edge of the bed, and the distance between them and other crops is sown with lettuce and radish.

Will take place as crops mature. The green umbel of lettuce appears first, it shade other slowly growing crops and save them from the scorching sun. Lettuce ripens first, then spinach, then radishes. About a month later, it's time for the head lettuce and cauliflower. Thus, the bed is gradually emptying, leaving room for the growth and development of eggplant and potatoes. Now it’s clear how to use the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds. How to plant correctly - will tell you personal experience, and for the first time, use the finished scheme.

Peanuts - exotic in our beds

Indeed, this crop is very rarely grown in the garden, but in vain. After all, agricultural technology is no more difficult than growing cucumbers, and you get a valuable and nutritious product. The compatibility of peanuts in the garden with vegetables is due to its high needs for nutrients. He gets along well with cucumbers, which also love high, warm and fertilized beds. In addition, any legumes can be planted with it.


A useful culture that is often undeservedly forgotten. However, it can serve as a natural support for trailing cucumbers, in addition, aphids do not like corn, which means that your cucumbers will be under natural protection. Curly legumes are also perfectly compatible with corn, they can be planted around the entire perimeter of the garden. These are beans and peas. She gets along well with melons and potatoes, zucchini and sunflowers. But the tomatoes are better planted away.


A bed of tomatoes is not so conducive to the neighborhood, since voluminous bushes tend to capture all the free space. But you can use different ways planting, for example, arrange a high embankment in the center of the bed, on which to plant asparagus and basil, dill, lettuce, onion, parsley, spinach and thyme. Tomatoes love the neighborhood of legumes, so beans can be planted between rows. Carrots and melons will be an excellent option for planting in the nearest garden. But cabbage and corn should occupy another part of the garden.


As you already know, there are a lot of varieties of this plant, while at least white and cauliflower grow in every garden. It would seem that they can be easily planted on one bed, since you will remove the color one much earlier than its neighbor ripens. But in fact, they do not tolerate each other well, therefore, when planning a common garden bed, it is better to give preference to beans and celery, cucumbers. Fragrant herbs coexist well with cabbage, they help repel insects. These are sage and spinach, thyme, dill, onion. If landing white cabbage do not make it too thick, then in the aisles you can grow enough greens, as well as radishes.


It does not grow well next to its closest relative, but it perfectly complements beds with beans and beets, celery and cucumbers, sage and thyme. Dislikes tomatoes and strawberries. Broccoli goes well with all of the listed plants, but does not tolerate cauliflower at all, so you will have to form several beds for cabbage different types. Brussels sprouts are one of the most tolerant and blend best in garden beds with other species. The only enemy is tomatoes, so tomatoes and cruciferous plants cannot be planted side by side under any circumstances. But dill and lettuce - please, you can add radishes and sage, spinach and turnips to the garden.


When planting this crop, make sure that there are no potatoes, melons and aromatic herbs nearby, it is better to plant all the greens along with cabbage. Cucumber loves high warm bed, on which peas and beans, corn and lettuce, and radishes will grow well with it. As in the case of the previous example of a universal bed, we allocate the central strip for corn. It will become a support for cucumber, beans and peas, which can be sown not only mixed, but also together, in one hole. Along the edge of the garden bed can be planted with lettuce and radish, which will be harvested quickly enough.

How to combine incompatible

This question is especially relevant if you have a greenhouse. All vegetables love comfortable conditions, however, a large greenhouse should not be empty, and it is occupied by a variety of fruit plants. To separate poorly compatible plant species, film canopies are used, which divide the greenhouse into certain sections. This helps to create a kind of microclimate.

Summing up all that has been said, I would like to note that planning mixed beds greatly helps to save space and significantly improves the quality of the crop. Soil resources are used more evenly, and the plants themselves serve as natural protection for each other from diseases and pests. It should be borne in mind that the planting pattern can be changed to suit the needs of your garden, we have given only general templates. But be sure to observe the compatibility of vegetables. This simple rule always gives excellent results and does not require any additional costs and investments. From one garden, experienced gardeners remove 11-15 kg of a variety of vegetables. Correct location planting in the garden also helps save resources, as less water and fertilizer are required. That, perhaps, is all regarding what the compatibility of vegetables in the beds is. A list of plants that are "friendly" and "not friendly" with each other is given at the beginning of our review in the form of a table. Use it - and a good harvest is guaranteed to you!
