Blue and blue letniki seeds in the ground. Names and descriptions of small and large blue flowers

Nature has given man a rich selection of colors and shades of country plants. Reds, yellows, oranges and whites - I can't list them all. But sometimes the eye stops at the extraordinary splendor that blue flowers give. Big, small, scattered along the stem or collected in elastic buds - the variety of colors of blue and purple shades is simply mesmerizing.

Colored tints of blue

Fashion exists everywhere, it also touched garden plots. It is currently fashionable to grow single-color flower beds or make smooth overflows of one shade into another. Thanks to the modern variety of flowering plants, even an ordinary amateur gardener can do this.

For those who are not repelled by the coldness of blue and some fabulous heaviness of purple, nature and breeders have picked up flowering plants of blue, blue and unprecedented purple hues. From blue flowers, whose names are various, it is possible to note the most popular among summer residents, these are:

A beautiful garden flower called aquilegia has pleasant pale blue buds. The plant itself belongs to the class of perennials and in a permanent place reaches a height of 50 to 100 cm. The main period of its flowering is from May to June, it is unpretentious in care and easily produces seeds from which you can grow new bright fragments in a flower bed or alpine hill.

Rare for our region, a blue flower, whose name is amsonia, very unusually decorates flower beds and household plots. A bushy plant blooms in early summer and reaches a height of 90 cm. It feels great in partial shade and on well-moistened soils. Propagated by bushes or seeds and is a perennial.

A plant with blue flowers called the African lily was also seen by many, they simply did not know its name. The plant is southern and thermophilic, does not tolerate frost on the soil. In summer, it pleases the eye with its inflorescences, the buds in which reach 5 cm. It likes an open sunny place and moist soil.

From periwinkle to flax

The small periwinkle (garden) is unpretentious and easily tolerates domestic winters. This guest of household plots creeping along the ground quickly creates a curly carpet of rich dark greenery and delicate blue flowers. Periwinkle also belongs to perennials. The plant is a real salvation for those who have few sunny and well-lit areas in the country.

Brovallia, a plant with weak stems and a beautiful blue inflorescence, is most often grown at home, but it is also found in gardens. It likes places protected from drafts and feels good in hanging baskets on the streets.

A creeping plant called a brunner in its characteristics resembles a garden periwinkle. It also loves shady places and quickly spreads throughout the territory. It blooms with small blue flowers that are very reminiscent of forget-me-nots.

The mountain cornflower is also familiar to most gardeners in appearance, the name of which speaks of its unpretentiousness and resistance to various environmental conditions. Cornflower already in May pleases others with its flowering.

Unusual for the ear of a simple layman is the name of this plant with blue large and delicate flowers - the Himalayan blue poppy. For our latitudes, growing this very fastidious handsome man is a rather unusual test of strength. Himalayan poppy loves moist soil and air, and pleases with its flowering from June to the first months of autumn.

Blue flax is used not only for industrial purposes, but is also quite popular with ordinary gardeners. The plant with blue flowers looks great in well-lit flower beds and requires regular watering. The only inconvenience of its cultivation is the need to treat it from natural pests - flax fleas.

From Mordovnik to Pushkinia

The ball-headed muzzle, whose flowers look like pale blue hedgehogs, is quite common in modern flower beds. The plant calmly tolerates drought and places with a burning sun, and if there is simply no opportunity to often come to a personal plot, then the muzzle is just for you. In good conditions, it can reach 2 meters in height. Perfect for those who like to dry flowers for the winter, looks great in dry bouquets.

Forget-me-not, the pale blue flowers of which really do not let this guest in the flower bed be indifferent, belongs to perennial plants. It blooms in the second year after planting and creates a delicate bluish-white carpet of small stars with yellow centers.

Unusual for our latitudes is the flowering plant nutwing or karyopteris. Each of its blooming buds resembles splashes of water around the edges, and from a distance the inflorescences look like the fluffy tail of an exotic bird. Very well and quickly sown without human intervention. He does not like the cold, so for the winter it must be covered.

Pushkinia is a primrose flower that pleases with its blue inflorescences in the spring, when the bulk of the flowers have not yet risen. This plant belongs to a variety of hyacinths, and the conditions for caring for it are appropriate.

blue gamut

Adherents of a rich blue color or its smooth transition along the petals of a blooming plant also have a fairly wide choice. In this case, flowers such as:

  • aconite;
  • anagallis;
  • borago;
  • hyacinth;
  • spring gentian;
  • clematis.

Aconite is attractive to the eye, and its large deep blue buds resemble a helmet with a lowered visor. A bright plant blooms from mid-summer to early autumn, but you should not succumb to its beauty. Aconite is highly poisonous from root to flower.

The blue flower, whose name is anagallis, has a very rich bright color. It is about him that we can say that he is even “blue of blue”. Small flowers in shape resemble opened three-dimensional stars with white-yellow centers. Anagallis pleases the eye of gardeners from late spring to mid-autumn and does not stop blooming until the first frost.

An exotic flowering plant with a taste of cucumber, in addition to borage, it is also popularly called Cucumber Grass. It is not only pleasing to the eye, but also delicious to taste. You can eat all parts of Borago, dry the flowers or preserve them for the winter. Cucumber grass prefers partial shade and not too wet soil. Blooms from late May to September.

Hyacinth - a flower that is known to all. Its blue inflorescences of large stars resemble a spear. A flower in a pot is constantly given to women in early spring on March 8th. In flowerbeds, a mini version of a plant called Mouse Hyacinth is often grown. It smells pleasantly of musk and pleases the eye with its flowering for a long time. It will well dilute a strip of other bright plants.

A low perennial plant that blooms with large blue flowers, Spring Gentian is also well suited for lovers of cool tones in their flower garden. It can grow on both stony and arid soils and is not whimsical to care for. The only thing you should pay attention to before planting is whether this particular species is listed in the Red Book, since most of the subspecies of the plant are under state protection.

The Clematis plant with large buds from soft blue to deep blue is quite demanding in its care. It must be fed with fertilizers 2 times a month and watered abundantly every 7 days. Clematis is a perennial plant and negatively tolerates cold, which is why bushes are covered in late autumn.

purple addiction

For those who prefer to grow purple-colored flowers in flowerbeds and adjoining territory, the following representatives of the flora are perfect:

  • heliotrope;
  • iris;
  • crocus;
  • lavender;
  • sage.

The ancestors of the heliotrope flower, which has rich purple buds, arrived in Europe from Peru. In clusters-inflorescences, an exotic guest resembles some varieties of lilac, but in habit to constantly monitor the sun - a sunflower. That is why the heliotrope got its name, which means “rotation of the sun”.

Iris is a frequent visitor to home gardens in central Russia. Its flowering begins at the end of April and ends in May. The snow will not have time to melt, as green tubercles of iris are already sticking out of the ground. The plant loves well-lit areas and the sun, belongs to perennials.

Delicate and bright crocus flowers are also an expensive saffron spice. In our area, the plant is quite rare and belongs to the primrose family. Crocus usually prefers to grow in the shade of trees or cool areas with moist soil.

Lavender with small purple flowers, which in the total mass from afar resemble haze creeping over the field, is considered to be a mountain plant. However, this is far from the case, a pleasant-smelling plant loves arid soil and open areas. Lavender bushes also feel great in black earth open areas of vegetable gardens and summer cottages.

Sage will not only decorate your adjoining area with pristine beauty, but will also serve as a preventive service in winter. During flowering, its flowering arrows are harvested and dried for the winter, as sage is a perennial medicinal herb.

Different and wonderful

Among the plants, in the range of colors of which there are not only bright and warm shades, but also purple and pale blue, the following can be noted:

  • delphinium;
  • morning glory;
  • cineraria.

Delphinium is a plant of both annual and perennial species. It blooms with large flowers, on high arrow-legs. Caring for a delphinium is quite simple., and even a novice gardener can handle it. All you need to know about it is that the plant loves the sun in the morning and negatively tolerates stagnant water. The range of shades that nature endowed the flowers of the plant with varies from white to deep purple.

Ipomoea bindweed blooms with multi-colored buds up to 6 cm and smells good. What is morning glory in the color variety is not hard to imagine. Due to its curly properties, it is ideal for decorating fences, arches and arbors. It grows well both in the shade and in the sun and blooms all summer and the first autumn months.

An aster annual called cineraria produces large, gerbera-like flowers. The color schemes in which this herbaceous plant is found include all shades of the rainbow. Cineraria loves moist air and well-lit areas, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

The modern abundance of ornamental fauna can satisfy the most strict and refined taste of the gardener. Every year, craftsmen-selectors continue to bring out more and more flowering varieties of plants that are able to decorate a flower bed, flowerpot or backyard meadow in a new way.

A monochrome flower garden or flowerbed with flowers of the same color, but different in texture, height and timing of flowering plants is a hit of recent years. What color will you choose? A pink flower garden or a white flower bed, or maybe? I suggest experimenting with the colors blue and cyan. There are not very many plants with flowers, so it will be more interesting and unusual to grow blue and blue flowers in your home. Such a sky-blue flower bed will definitely attract attention and become the highlight of your garden.

Features of creating a flower bed with blue flowers

  • Flowerbeds with blue and blue flowers visually expand the space
  • Choose blue flowers with different flowering times to keep your flower bed blooming all summer long.
  • In the background, plant blue flowers, and fill the foreground of the flower bed with dark blue flowers.
  • In a flower bed with blue flowers, you can plant several plants with white flowers to shade the blue of the flower garden
  • When placing plants, consider their height. Tall ones are planted in the background of a flower garden or in the middle of a flower bed, if it is visible from all sides.

Well, now, let's proceed to the selection of blue flowers, taking into account the flowering period.

Blue flowers blooming in spring

Liverwort- an early perennial with blue and blue flowers, only 15 cm high. Depending on the species, it blooms for 20 days from March to May. Prefers partial shade, loose fertile and moist soils.

Scylla or Scilla- bulbous perennial plant with delicate blue-blue flowers. Natural conditions - the forest, so the soil should be rich in leaf humus. In one place it can grow up to 5 years.

Chionodoxa- spring primrose, similar to Scylla, can even pollinate with it. Looks great in group plantings. It tolerates transplanting well at any time of the year.

Muscari- a bulbous miniature perennial with a long, almost a month, flowering. After the growth of the uterine nest, it is necessary to plant the plant.

Pushkin- bulbous primrose with pale blue flowers. Prefers nutritious, light, weed-free soil. Dug out bulbs dry out quickly, so when transplanting, they must be constantly moistened.

forget-me-not- a delicate biennial with blue, white or pink flowers. It starts flowering in May. If not controlled, it can "capture" the entire garden by self-sowing. It grows both in the sun and in the shade, and in the shade it blooms more long.

or forget-me-not- shade-tolerant perennial with variegated foliage. Prefers moist soils. It blooms with small blue flowers in April-May.

They have many different colors, but we are interested in varieties with blue, blue or purple flowers. Crocuses look beautiful in small group plantings.

umbilicus- Shade-tolerant ground cover plant. Its leaves do not die off in winter, so the green meadow will greatly enliven the winter garden. The umbilical cord blooms with delicate blue flowers.

- ground cover, evergreen, drought-resistant, winter-hardy, unpretentious, flowering, shade-tolerant - that's what a wonderful plant. Growing it is a pleasure. Its light blue and blue flowers are among the first to emerge from under dark green leaves in spring.

blue flowers blooming in summer

The popular name is "catchment". Plants with beautiful flowers of different, often variegated colors. But there are wonderful and interesting colors in blue and blue tones. Blooms beautifully in both sunny and shady places. Loves moisture, but tolerates drought well. Seeds of varietal varieties must be stratified. In the future, it propagates by self-sowing, but does not retain varietal characteristics.

- an amazing flower that blooms all summer. Lobelia is planted very early in January-February. The first 2 months the flower develops very slowly, but then neat lobelia bushes will decorate your flower garden with bright blue miniature flowers.

Represented by various species: high and low, perennial and biennial plants. The blue color among bluebells is very common.

- an aristocrat among summer flowering plants. Despite its sophistication in care, it is simple and undemanding, in one place a perennial delphinium can grow for 20 years. It winters well in open ground without shelter. The only thing you should pay attention to is that you cannot bury the root neck of the plant when planting.

Hyssop- drought-resistant, medicinal, light-loving shrub. Grows best in calcareous soils. Excellent honey plant, flowering time - June.

Linen represented by annual and perennial plants. The landing site is chosen sunny. Blooms profusely, long and beautiful.

, What is a garden without irises? And now there are a lot of varieties of irises. Amazing Bearded irises surprise with their shape and color. There are varieties with modest ordinary flowers, but with an amazing aroma. Irises are transplanted to a new place every 3-4 years, 2 weeks after flowering.

Phlox. For a bed with blue flowers, choose a ground cover blue phlox splayed or styloid phlox with blue flowers. Phloxes of these species are planted on moderately moist soil and well-lit areas. After flowering, the flowers are cut.

- fluffy balls of blue and blue flowers will be a wonderful border in a flower garden.

Blue flowers for an autumn flower bed

Astra perennial decorative all year round throughout the summer, its neat green bushes will be the perfect backdrop for bright annuals. And in the fall, when most flowers stop blooming, it's time for the aster. There are bright ones with blue, purple and lilac colors. Their flowering is so lush and plentiful that it gives the impression of bright hats in the garden.

Ceratostigma- low creeping shrubs with bright blue flowers. Blooms for a long time from summer to November. It tolerates heat well, requires moderately fertile soil. Cover the plant for the winter.

Gentian blooms with blue flowers, forming a continuous carpet. Flowering time: September-October. Transplanted with a large clod of earth without exposing the roots, as the flower does not tolerate transplantation /


For many millennia, bright flower cultures have given people joy and good mood. Each flower is unique and unusual in its own way, and the combination of several species creates spectacular contrasts due to the variety of shapes, color of the petals and their aroma. The garden looks very stylish, decorated in one color scheme. A flower bed with blue and blue flowers has a calming effect, gives a feeling of lightness and spaciousness, reminiscent of the endless sea and clear sky.

Classification of flowering plants

All flower crops grown in open ground are divided according to biological characteristics: annuals, biennials and perennials.

The group of annuals includes flowers that develop, bloom, produce seeds and die within one season. Beautifully flowering cultures of this species are most popular in garden art due to the wealth of varieties and shades, and also because of the opportunity to create new flower arrangements every year.

After flowering, the bed can be prepared for the next season, without fear of damaging the roots of plants, plan a new planting pattern. Typical annuals are asters, cornflowers, petunias, sweet peas, blue salvia and others.

Flowers in garden design

In the flower world, the blue color of the petals is quite rare. Most often they have various shades of lilac, lilac or purple. The saturation of the colors in the flower bed depends on the companion flowers. The blue-blue background creates the illusion of space, and dark blue flowers further enhance the feeling of depth and boundlessness.

Blue and white shades

A smooth transition from light blue to blue shades will help to dilute the dark background. The same effect can be achieved by planting flowers with white centers or spots in a flower bed.

Blue and white flowers for the garden:

annual crops

Using a rich palette of blue-blue flowering plants, you can come up with many original landscape compositions. The full list of annual crops is very voluminous. Especially popular are early and cold-resistant varieties that bloom all summer.

Scheme of a flower bed of continuous flowering from perennials

List of annual flowers in blue shades:

Biennial flower bed

Today, experienced and novice gardeners are less and less likely to use biennial crops to decorate the garden. The sharp decline in popularity occurred due to the fact that the range of annual and perennial plants has significantly expanded, which in shape and color palette can easily replace bright biennials. However, some plants will never be forgotten or go out of fashion, still taking pride of place in the garden. These include:

How to care for a cumbria orchid at home

Currently, monochrome flower beds with blue flowers in the same range have become very popular, which look stylish and elegant and create a certain mood. The blue flower bed soothes, bewitches, has a calming effect on you. You can look at it for an infinitely long time, like at the sky or the sea. It is better to break a flower bed in a quiet, secluded corner of your garden. Sitting on a bench, you can dream, relax and forget about problems for a while.

What does blue color mean?

First of all, it gives a feeling of serenity, calmness and coolness. A flower with blue flowers is considered irresistible by both specialists and amateur gardeners. It is like the sky or water on a sunny day. Blue flowers are rare. Perhaps that is why they are so desired and loved, like everything unusual and rare.

Symbolism of flowers

A widespread symbol of young life is a blue flower. And because of the structure of the petals that create a star shape, it symbolizes the sun, the circle of the earth or the center. Flowers are not only innocent harbingers of spring, but also a symbol of carnal pleasure, vitality or the joy of life. They symbolize the end of winter and the celebration of victory over death.

A cup of a flower open up, in the symbolism of Christianity, indicates the acceptance of the gift of God and the delight of the child from the nature seen in paradise. For the Aztecs, flowers are a symbol of the joy of life and the frailty of being.

If you dreamed of blue flowers, what does it mean?

If you dreamed of a flower with blue flowers, mystical events await you. But they will not scare you, but will cause a lyrical mood. Blue flowers in a dream portend calmness in relationships and affairs in reality, they speak of the nobility of the deeds that you will perform. Such a dream promises the respect of the people around you. However, a flower with blue flowers speaks of depression associated with unrequited love. If a man has such a dream, in reality it portends an early meeting with an impregnable, but very beautiful woman. A blue rose in a dream is a good sign. Get ready for a new stage of life, there will be no return to the past.

Small blue flowers: forget-me-not

This group of horticultural crops includes: forget-me-not, ageratum, didiscus, limonium, amellus, lavender, veronica, hakelia and others.

Forget-me-not is a small flower with blue flowers that symbolizes fidelity and constancy. Poems, legends are composed about him, songs are sung. Pale blue petals and a bright yellow center make the forget-me-not irresistible. It is rightfully considered the best decoration of spring flora. A bouquet made up of forget-me-nots is very beautiful. To highlight the beauty of each flower, untie it and place the flowers in a bowl of water, arranged in a wreath. Change the water constantly and they long time will stay fresh and blooming.

Forget-me-not is beautiful only during flowering. And when this period passes, it becomes inconspicuous. Although, if you look closely, small hairy leaves look very touching. As soon as the buds begin to bloom, the glades and edges on which the forget-me-nots grow are transformed - they become sky blue. Amazing beauty!


This is the second name of the flower, and the first is Houston, as the name of the breeder who first discovered these magnificent little blue flowers in the 18th century. They are very small, collected in small inflorescences or baskets, which, in turn, form umbellate corymbs up to 10 cm in diameter, shaped like balls. They are very soft and fluffy to the touch.

Ageratum (Houston) blooms in early summer and pleases others with its beauty before the onset of frost, while emitting a stunning aroma. The bright blue flowers of this plant have medicinal properties. Ageratum juice relieves pain, and the leaves heal wounds. These flowers are grown with pleasure by gardeners on their plots.


This is a wonderful exotic plant that blooms in natural conditions in July-August, and in greenhouses from March to November. Romantic, openwork inflorescences-umbrellas, uniting a large number, are attached to thin velvet stems. This is clearly visible in the photo of blue flowers.

Flowers collected in lungs, as if inflorescences filled with air, emit a subtle pleasant aroma. Didiscus is widely used by florists for making wedding and anniversary bouquets and compositions.


Kermek (limonium, statice) is a modest, charming and very beautiful plant with which are collected in the form of umbrellas or panicles. Kermek is a frost-resistant plant. Blooms in August-October. It is used by phyto-designers to create decorative compositions. This flower attracts attention in group plantings when decorating garden plots, perfectly retains its shape if it is dried. Dried flowers stand in vases for a long time, complementing the interior of your home, and do not lose their attractiveness.

Names of blue flowers. Rose

There are a huge number of large blue flowers. The most popular are roses, asters, gladioli and cornflowers. Bells, anemones, balsam, bindweed, delphinium, bluebells and nasturtium are also widely known.

The blue color of a rose is not natural. In the natural environment, such a color in its pure form is practically not found. Many flowers, although considered blue, have a variety of shades. The blue rose is a different story. Breeders from different countries tried to get this color, but to no avail.

For the first time, a sky-colored rose was bred in the middle of the 19th century. The name of the blue flowers was conditional, since they had this shade only after they had faded.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a new attempt to develop a blue rose was again unsuccessful. At first, the petals then faded and became gray-lilac, and in hot weather they acquired a subtle blue tint.

Breeders made more and more attempts to bring out a blue flower, but all to no avail. And only now our contemporaries found out that the rose does not initially have a blue gene. She is unable to produce delphinidin. And without this pigment, it is impossible to obtain a blue tone in flowers under conditions of natural growth.

blue aster

Callistefus (blue aster) is the most popular garden flower with densely double, single or double petals 4-12 cm in diameter. In appearance, it is similar to peony, chrysanthemum, daisies and dahlias. Very bright, fast growing blue asters every time surprise gardeners with a variety of flower shapes, which can be tubular and reed.

They bloom all summer, capturing the first month of autumn. Blue asters grow in flower beds and flower beds, independently and with other plants, in the shade and in the sun, they make up bouquets and compositions.


This flower has long become a resident of our country, a hallmark of Russian nature. Cornflower can be found everywhere: in fields, meadows, in cereal crops. As the main character, he is found in folk tales, parables, songs. Girls wove wreaths and made bouquets of cornflowers. In the people, these flowers are called bean, alarm and blue flower.

The blue color of the cornflower is its natural color. The flowers are double, tubular, collected in inflorescences and attached to a long stem. Cornflower is unpretentious and grows both in the field and in the garden, where flower beds are decorated in the style of a meadow. Often they are planted in an array or used as a border. Blue color goes well with yellow or white. Cornflowers remain cut for a long time if this is done in the morning and immediately pour boiling water over the stems, and then put in cold water.

Gladiolus (skewer)

He is considered the king of victory and an excellent duelist. In the photo of blue flowers, gladiolus is distinguished by a tall, slender stem and collected in a straight, pointed spike.

It is reminiscent of chivalry and victory. It is rarely given to women and girls. Gladiolus look good in bouquets and are intended for business partners. They are given to winners and laureates of various awards.

There are many legends associated with this flower. Shamans endowed it with magical properties. The ancient Romans used the gladiolus as an amulet and believed that such a talisman would bring victory over the enemy.

Despite the whimsical growth, these flowers are considered favorite and well known in our gardens. Blue gladioli look unusual and solemn. They grow independently and in compositions with other flowers, they decorate flower beds and flower beds. Cut gladioli, placed in vases, perfectly complement the interior of your home.

In landscape design, it has recently become fashionable to create flower arrangements in one color scheme. Why not try to create islands of plants with blue or blue flowers on the site, because these are the colors of the sky and the sea, which soothe and create a feeling of coolness.

There are many blue-blue colors, whether they are annuals or perennials, and when creating monochromatic flower beds, there is something to choose from.

Agapanthus umbrella perennial thermophilic plant in open ground grows only in the south. In the conditions of central Russia, they are grown in a pot culture, from spring they are taken out to balconies or gardens.

Sun-loving - tolerates slight shading, moisture-loving and needs top dressing once every two weeks. In winter, while on the windowsill, watering is reduced to a minimum, top dressing is excluded. Transplanted as the pot is filled with roots and the bush grows.

long-flowering annual flower from the aster family. He loves well-lit places, is thermophilic, does not withstand even light frosts, so seedlings grown from seeds are planted in open ground in the second half of May.

Ageratum is grown on light, fertile soils with neutral acidity, avoiding waterlogging of the soil and fertilizing with fresh manure. In care, the flower is unpretentious, loves top dressing with complete mineral fertilizer 2-3 times per season. Propagated by seeds.

If the overgrown and elongated bushes of the ageratum are cut and fed, then the shoots grow rapidly, and a new wave of flowering begins.

evergreen creeping perennial the plant grows to form a continuous carpet. The height of the periwinkle flower does not exceed 30 cm. The flower is unpretentious, grows both in the sun and in the shade. After flowering, it needs pruning, otherwise it will crowd out all nearby neighbors.

With a periwinkle, it is good to close the near-trunk circles of trees.

Cheerful flower - mountain cornflower. unpretentious perennial up to 0.6 m high, photophilous, does not like the slightest shading and overdrying of the soil.

Winter-hardy, does not require shelter for the winter. In one place it can grow up to 10 years. The cornflower is propagated by seeds. The division of the bush.

Veronica - undersized fast growing plant, no more than 20 cm high. It can be used as a lawn, it is small and resistant to trampling, and as a ground cover. Prefers to grow on neutral or slightly acidic soils.

Bulbous early spring fragrant plant up to 40 cm high. It grows in open ground and is suitable for forcing in winter. Light-loving. Bulbs are planted in light, fertile soils in September-October.

With blue caps of flowers, this is a noble luxury in the garden.

deciduous shrub with lush hats of flowers, loving abundant watering and regular top dressing. Tolerates shade preferably in the midday hours.

For the winter, the soil under the hydrangeas should be well mulched, and the plant itself should be covered, bending down to the ground.

To maintain the blue color of the flowers, it is necessary to maintain the acidity of the soil pH at a level of no more than 5.5 and constantly apply aluminum sulfate.

As mulch, use sawdust, coniferous bark to acidify the earth.

Graceful perennial plant. Likes sunny places, drought and frost-resistant. Soils for growing need light, rich in organic matter.

Beautiful when planted in groups of 5-7 pieces. To form lush inflorescences, the delphinium must be fed at least three times per season. The plant is tall, so in order to avoid breaking off the stems, they must be tied to stakes.

The delphinium is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush.

Re-blooming is possible if faded flowers are removed.


  • Platycodon or broadbell

The bells are perennial frost-resistant plants, with flowers corresponding to the name. Height, depending on the type, bells are divided into:

  • tall - 1-1.5m;
  • medium height - 0.5-0.8m;
  • low not more than 0.15 m.

Grow in sunny areas with fertile, well-permeable soils, tk. The bell does not tolerate stagnant water at the roots; moderate watering is needed. To increase the decorative effect, fading flowers must be removed. The flower is propagated by seeds, followed by division of the bush.

Lavender belongs to fragrant shrubs. It grows in open ground, in the conditions of central Russia, only English narrow-leaved lavender.

Loves open sunny areas. At air temperatures below -25 ºC, shelter for the winter is required.

After flowering, for decoration and maintaining the shape of the bush, it is necessary to cut the lavender. Propagated by seeds, division of the bush and cuttings.

Herbaceous thermophilic perennial loving sunny areas. After planting with seeds, like all perennials, it blooms the next year.

Moisture-loving and winter-hardy flax loves soils rich in organic matter and regular top dressing. Plant height 0.3-0.5 m.

Lobelia is blooming fluffy bush ampelous or bush form. The height of bush varieties is up to 0.2 m, ampelous ones form flower cascades up to 1-1.5 m.

For good flowering, lobelia needs sun, abundant watering, regular top dressing.

At the end of the first wave of flowering, the lobelia should be cut at a height of 5 cm from the soil, fed. Repeat flowering lasts until frost. Lobelia propagates by seeds.

“There are forget-me-not flowers in Russia - blue as the sky ...”

perennial unpretentious plant up to 0.2 m high. When grown in the sun, flowering is plentiful. Forget-me-not is demanding on watering.

Annual photophilous height 0.3-1.0 m self-seeding. Drought-resistant, but loving abundant watering.

Uncoarse leaves (before flowering) have a pronounced smell of fresh cucumber, they are used as food in the preparation of salads, okroshka.

perennial bulbous up to 0.5 m high, growing both in the sun and in partial shade. Winter-hardy, moisture-loving.

Perennial winter hardy plant growing on light calcareous, sandy soils. Sun-loving, up to 0.8 m high.

Cut flowers are used to create dry bouquets.

perennial flower with hard stems up to 1.5 m high. Prefers sunny places, with alkaline soils, moisture-loving.

Medicinal plant, crushed roots are used as a coffee substitute.

Nigella damask or nigella

Annual cold hardy herbaceous plant up to 0.5 m high. Grows in sunny areas, unpretentious. Propagated only by sowing seeds and immediately to a permanent place.

With insufficient watering, flowering stops.

Sage refers to perennial herbaceous winter-hardy plants up to 0.7 m high. Likes sunny places and fertile soils. Does not like waterlogged soil. Sow seeds with pre-germination.

Medicinal plant and used as a spice in cooking.

perennial undersized bulbous plant height 10-15 cm, winter-hardy. When planted in the sun, it blooms one of the first, flowering is delayed in partial shade. The soil prefers fertile and loose.

Sky blue and blue tones of flowers will bring a feeling of freshness and romance to the garden.
