New rules of the road RK. Overtaking, oncoming traffic. Technical condition of cars

New amendments and changes to the traffic rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan entered into force on November 11, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 21, 2017 No. 667. In additions to the Rules traffic Kazakhstan, new signs appeared, such as: “Photo-video fixation”, “Congestion”, new terms and concepts (“advance”, “bike path”, “bicycle lane”, “limited visibility”) were introduced, and the interpretation of old terms was expanded.

So, let's take it in order, what changes and additions have appeared in the updated Rules of the Road of the Republic of Kazakhstan, how to ride now, what rights and obligations road users have, what the new signs look like and what they mean, about the technical condition of the car, important information for cyclists , moped drivers. In general, you need to read at least once and see what has changed.

In section " General provisions» gave extended interpretations to several concepts, corrected old ones, and also new terms appeared.

"Overtaking" in new edition is written like this:"The advance of one or more vehicles moving ahead, associated with the departure from the occupied lane and the subsequent return to the previously occupied lane." In the current version, overtaking was considered to be the same, only without returning to the occupied lane.

The concept of "crossroads" has changed again:“A place of intersection, junction or branching of roads at the same level, limited by imaginary lines connecting respectively opposite, the beginnings of the curvature of the carriageways of the roads, which are the most distant from the center of the intersection. Exits from adjacent territories, as well as places of intersection (adjacency) with field, forest, exits from residential areas and other minor roads, in front of which priority signs are not installed, are not considered intersections. Finally, everything is back to normal. Even 6 years ago, this clause sounded exactly like this in the traffic rules. After its “dismantling”, a lot of disputes arose in determining the zone of action of the signs, as well as in the event of an accident.

From November 11, 2017, it is worth remembering again that the speed limit, for example, will be valid until the next intersection, and the exit from the yard is no longer an intersection.

Appeared in addition to this topic in the Rules and completely new concepts:
« Surrounding area - the territory directly adjacent to the road and not intended for through traffic of vehicles. Movement on the adjacent territory is carried out in accordance with these Rules.
"Advance" - the movement of a vehicle at a speed greater than the speed of a vehicle moving in an adjacent lane in one direction.

Rights and obligations

You have already heard from the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Road Traffic” that, in the event of a stop, a police officer must “immediately approach the vehicle, explain the reasons for the stop and present, at the request of the driver, a service certificate for familiarization and identification of the name and position without handing it over to the driver. And in case if traffic violation recorded by certified special technical means and devices, present the relevant materials to the driver for review. Now this duty has been prescribed in the SDA.

In section "2. General duties of drivers":

The new version reads: When driving a motorcycle, drivers are wearing a fastened motorcycle helmet and do not carry passengers without a buttoned motorcycle helmet; Former version: When driving a motorcycle, drivers are in a buttoned motorcycle helmet.

The following rule is excluded from the duties of a passenger: Do not leave the vehicle if stopped by an employee of the internal affairs bodies without his permission.

How to ride

The item that emptied more than one pocket and left thousands of drivers without a license is finally detailed in the traffic rules. Section 9 "Location of vehicles on the carriageway" paragraph 2 was reworded as follows:
“On two-way roads with four lanes or more, it is prohibited to enter the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic. On such roads, left turns or U-turns may be performed at intersections and other places where it is not prohibited by the Rules, signs and (or) markings. We remind you that from July 15, 2017, a turn and a turn in this situation is a deprivation of rights for one year (part 3 of article 596 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Section 8 "Maneuvering" paragraph 13 was added: “Reversing is allowed provided that the maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users. Reversing is prohibited at intersections and in places where a U-turn is prohibited.

According to the new version: 10. At an intersection where traffic is regulated by a traffic light with an additional section, the driver, who is on the lane from which the turn is made, continues to move in the direction indicated by the turned on arrow, if his stop will interfere with the vehicle (vehicles) following (following) after them in the same lane.

And here's the old version: 10. At an intersection where traffic is regulated by a traffic light with an additional section, the driver, who is on the lane from which the turn is made, continues to move in the direction indicated by the turned on arrow, if his stop will interfere with vehicles following him in the same lane.

In section "13. Passage of intersections":

New option: In the residential area it is prohibited: ... 7) parking on sidewalks, lawns, children's and playgrounds.

Former version: In the residential area it is prohibited: ... 7) parking on sidewalks, lawns, children's and sports grounds.

There was an indulgence in the Rules for custom buses. In particular, they removed the rule prohibiting the irregular transportation of passengers and luggage by buses and minibuses in intercity, interregional, interdistrict (intercity intraregional) and international communications at night (from 23:00 to 06:00).

Who needs beacons

We have expanded the list of operational and special services whose vehicles are to be equipped with special light and sound signals and painted according to special color schemes. From November 11, blue or red beacons can also be installed on cars:

  • operational units of the Economic Investigation Service;
  • operational service of the anti-corruption service;
  • State Courier Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In addition, the developers of the amendments have added to the list of vehicles that have the right to be equipped with an orange or yellow flashing beacon, these are:

  • specialized vehicles of collection services when leaving the route for collection of valuables;
  • vehicles accompanying organized groups of cyclists.

New Signs in traffic rules

New signs will appear in Kazakhstan, and some of them have their purpose adjusted.

This section of the SDA has undergone a fair amount of alteration.

Signs 4.1.2 "Turn right" and 4.1.3 "Turn left" will now look like this:

Clarified the coverage area of ​​the sign 4.1.1 "Movement straight ahead", set at the beginning of the road section: it also extends to the nearest intersection, while the sign will not prohibit turning right into the surrounding areas.

Sign "Movement of vehicles with a trailer is prohibited" will restrict, among other things, the towing of motor vehicles.

Identification mark "Spikes" allowed to install at the request of the driver.

Soon new warning signs may be seen on the roads:

1.33 "Dangerous roadside". In the current Rules, there is only a plate with a similar meaning and was used together with the “Road Works” sign;

1.34 "Congestion". A sign that will appear in front of sections of roads famous for their traffic jams;

3.17.3 "Control". There is also a similar sign (service), only it is called “Transport Control Post”. The new sign will prohibit passing through checkpoints without stopping.

The "Information Signs" now have additional ones:

5.8.3a "Mandatory minimum speed in different traffic lanes";

5.8.4a "Beginning of the lane";

5.8.9 "Speed ​​limit for different lanes". useful sign for wide avenues where there are speed limits on the outer lanes;

5.9.1 "End of lane for route vehicles". The end of the lane intended for the movement of only route vehicles and other public transport moving along the general flow of vehicles;

5.22a "The beginning of the settlement";

5.23а "End of settlement";

5.40 "General maximum speed limits";

5.41 "Platform for emergency stop";

5.42 "Photo-video fixation". The long-awaited sign of every second motorist in Kazakhstan, because it informs about the approach to the site where violations of the Rules are fixed by a stationary certified special technical tool and device. But this sign will not have any relation to mobile complexes of the "Kris-P" type.

The Committee of the Administrative Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan explained the use of the new road sign "Photo-video fixation".

“The specified road sign can be used to inform drivers about the fixation of traffic violations by a stationary certified special technical device or device, and installation of the sign is not mandatory. Drivers must comply with the requirements of traffic rules, including the established speed mode, requirements for road signs, markings,” the KAP said in a message on its Facebook page.

And they noted that the absence of this sign is not a basis for canceling the payment of an administrative fine for traffic violations recorded stationary systems photo-video fixation, working in automatic mode.

Replenishment happened in the section "Service Marks":

6.3а "Filling station for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)";

6.3b "Gas station on a compressed natural gas(LNG)";

6.14 "Police";

6.15 "Reception area of ​​a radio station transmitting traffic information";

6.16 "Radio communication zone with emergency services";

6.17 "Pool or beach";

6.18 "Toilet".

In the section "Signs additional information(plates)":

7.4.8a "Type of route vehicle";

7.21.1 "Type of route vehicle".

By the way, an interesting explanation appeared in the updated Rules on how to put up speed limit signs:"Stepwise speed reduction in increments of not more than 20 km / h, by sequential installation of signs spaced from each other at a distance of 100 to 150 m." Previously, this was written only in GOSTs, but now they decided to report it and ordinary drivers. We hope that with the advent of this requirement, it will be impossible to sculpt a “50” sign on a highway along which everyone drives 100 km / h. A systematic decrease will become mandatory - 80, 60, and only then 40. True, the stepped speed limit will not be applied "in front of settlements if the visibility of the signs is at least 150 m."

About the technical condition of cars

Some sections of the Basic Provisions on the admission of vehicles for operation have also been adjusted.

Main news: and from them the rule prohibiting airbrushing was excluded.

This annex to the SDA now clarifies that the operation of vehicles is prohibited, which, among other things, have additional objects installed that restrict visibility from the driver's seat (with the exception of rear-view mirrors, windshield wiper parts, external and applied or built-in radio antennas, heating elements defrost and dehumidifier windshield), entailing the risk of injury to road users; transparent colored films are applied or pasted on the wind and (or) front side windows of the cab (salon) of a power-driven vehicle.

In addition, driving onto the road is prohibited if elements (devices) are installed on state registration plates that allow hiding letter and number designations. Previously, traffic rules only talked about curtains, which gave cunning car owners a reason to show their ingenuity.

Important for cyclists. And motorists too

Finally, the cyclists waited in the wings. They, as well as moped drivers, in the absence of bike lanes or bike paths, from November 11, 2017, were allowed to ride on special lanes for public transport in one row. Yes, they went there anyway, but in which case it would not have been possible to rely on any Rules.

"Cyclist"- the person driving the bike. Which, in principle, was already clear, but now it has been officially registered here.

"Bicycle lane"- a separate road or part of the road intended for the movement of bicycles and marked with an appropriate sign. A cycle path is structurally separated from other roads or from other elements of the same road.

"Bicycle lane"- a lane of the carriageway intended for the movement of bicycles. The cycle lane is separated from the rest of the carriageway by a longitudinal road markings and special characters.

Mopeds in the SDA have long included bicycles with an outboard engine, as well as mopeds, scooters and other vehicles with similar characteristics. The ending "... including with an electric motor" was added to the already known definition.

Section 24 has been amended. "Additional requirements for the movement of bicycles, mopeds, horse-drawn carts, as well as the passage of animals":

1. The right to drive a moped is granted to persons who have reached the age of sixteen.

2. Cyclists move along a cycle path, a cycle lane, and in their absence, along the right edge of the carriageway, including a lane for route vehicles or along a roadside, sidewalk or footpath, without endangering pedestrian traffic. It is not allowed to drive along the legal edge of the carriageway, the lane of route vehicles, the roadside of cyclists under the age of fourteen.
On roads with a cycle lane marked with sign 4.5 with sign 7.14, no other vehicles, except for mopeds, are moving or stopping on this lane.
If the lane marked with sign 4.5 with plate 7.14 is separated from the rest of the carriageway by a broken marking line, then when turning, vehicles change lanes to it. It is also allowed in such places to drive into this lane at the entrance to the road and for boarding and disembarking passengers at the right edge of the carriageway.

3. Bicyclists move in a row on the road.

4. Mopeds move along the cycle path, cycle lane, and in their absence - along the right edge of the carriageway, including the lane for route vehicles, in one row.

5. Horse-drawn carts (sledges), pack, draft or riding animals move along the rightmost lane in one row or along the roadside, if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

6. Columns of cyclists, horse-drawn carts (sledges), pack, draft or riding animals when moving along the carriageway must be divided into groups of ten cyclists, riding and pack animals and five carts (sledges). To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be eighty to one hundred meters.

7. Bicycle and moped riders are prohibited from:
1) drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;
2) carry passengers;
3) transport cargo that protrudes more than fifty centimeters in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control;
4) move along the road if there is one nearby bike path;
5) turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in this direction.
6) towing bicycles and mopeds, as well as bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped;
7) ride on a pedestrian crossing.

8. At an unregulated intersection of a cycle path with a road, located outside the intersection, drivers of bicycles and mopeds must give way to vehicles moving along this road. The driver of a horse-drawn wagon (sleigh), when entering the road from a secondary road in places with limited visibility, leads the animal by the bridle.

9. Animals on the road should be distilled, as a rule, during daylight hours. The drivers guide the animals closer to the right side of the road.

10. When driving a group of animals along the road or through it at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, drovers give signals to warn drivers about the presence of animals on the road.
Note. The signal is Roundabout Circulation hands with a torch or a lantern, while the giving signal is at a distance of ten to fifteen meters from the group of animals towards the approaching vehicle.

11. When driving animals through railways the herd must be divided into groups of such size that, taking into account the number of drivers, the safe passage of each group is ensured.

12. Drivers of horse-drawn carts (sledges), drivers and owners of pack, draft, riding animals and livestock are not allowed to:
1) leave animals unattended in cases that do not exclude their appearance on paved roads;
2) drive animals across railway tracks and roads outside specially designated areas, as well as at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility (except for cattle passes at different levels);
3) lead animals along the road with asphalt and cement concrete pavement if there are other ways.

The main part of the material from the site

From October 31, a number of changes will be made to the traffic rules of Kazakhstan, including those relating to the specifics of driving on roads with a dedicated lane for public transport and the actions of a traffic inspector when a driver stops, reports.

Collage site (photo by, and

By the Decree of the Government of Kazakhstan dated October 21, 2017, amendments and additions were made to the rules of the road, the main provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation, the list of operational and special services, the transport of which is subject to equipment with special light and sound signals and painting according to special color and graphic schemes

In particular, the new version of the SDA states that in the event of a vehicle stop, persons who have the right to check documents from the driver of the vehicle or use the vehicle immediately approach the vehicle, explain the reasons for stopping the vehicle and present, at the request of the driver, for familiarization and identification surnames and positions, service certificate without handing it over to the driver, if the violation by the driver of the vehicle of the requirements of the law "On Road Traffic" or traffic rules is recorded by certified special technical means and devices, present the relevant materials to the driver for review.

IN old version the paragraph went like this: in the event of a stop of the vehicle, persons who have the right to check the documents of the driver of the vehicle or use the vehicle, explain the reasons for stopping the vehicle and present, at the request of the driver, for familiarization and identification of the name and position, service certificate without handing it over to the driver.

Paragraph 4 has also been amended to state that drivers are not allowed to transfer control of the vehicle:

Persons in a state of intoxication, under the influence medicines that impair reaction and attention, in a painful or tired state,

Persons, except for those who are being trained to drive, who do not have a driver's license (a temporary license issued instead of a driver's license and a document proving the driver's identity) with them for the right to drive a vehicle of this category or not indicated in the waybill (route) sheet,

Persons who do not have the right to drive or are deprived of the right to drive a vehicle.

The SDA also states that drivers of vehicles with an orange or yellow color when performing construction, repair or cleaning work, mobile groups prompt response of private security organizations, mobile checkpoints of transport control authorities on the road, specialized vehicles of cash collection services accompanying organized groups of cyclists may deviate from the requirements of road signs (except for signs 2.2, 2.4-2.6, 3.11-3.14, 3.17.2 , 3.20) and markings, as well as paragraphs 4-8 of section 9 and paragraph 1 of section 16 of the SDA, provided that traffic safety is ensured. Drivers of other vehicles do not interfere with their work.

It also says that reversing of the vehicle is allowed provided that the maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users. Reversing is prohibited at intersections and in places where a U-turn is prohibited.

On dual carriageways with four or more lanes, it is forbidden to drive on the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic. On such roads, left turns or U-turns may be made at intersections and other places where it is not prohibited by the Rules, signs or markings.

The rules also state that on roads with a lane for public transport, marked with signs 5.9, 5.10.1 - 5.10.3, no other vehicles are moving or stopping, except as provided for in paragraphs 2 and 4 of section 24 of the Rules .

Paragraph 10 is worded as follows: at an intersection where traffic is regulated by a traffic light with an additional section, the driver, who is in the lane from which the turn is made, continues to move in the direction indicated by the turned on arrow if his stop will interfere with the vehicle following him on the same lane.

Section 24 has also been amended. Additional requirements for the movement of bicycles, mopeds, horse-drawn carts, as well as the passage of animals” shall be stated in the following edition. Yes, it says the right to drive a moped is granted to persons who have reached the age of sixteen.

Cyclists move along a cycle path, a cycle lane, and in their absence, along the right edge of the carriageway, including a lane for route vehicles or along a roadside, sidewalk or footpath, without endangering pedestrian traffic.

It is not allowed to drive along the legal edge of the carriageway, the lane of route vehicles, the roadside of cyclists under the age of fourteen.

On roads with a cycle lane marked with sign 4.5 with sign 7.14, no other vehicles, except for mopeds, are moving or stopping on this lane.

If the lane marked with sign 4.5 with plate 7.14 is separated from the rest of the carriageway by a broken marking line, then when turning, vehicles change lanes to it. It is also allowed in such places to drive into this lane at the entrance to the road and for boarding and disembarking passengers at the right edge of the carriageway.

Bicyclists move in a row on the road.

Mopeds move along the cycle path, cycle lane, and in their absence - along the right edge of the carriageway, including the lane for route vehicles, in one row.

Wherein Bicycle and moped riders are prohibited from:

Drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;

Carry passengers;

Carry cargo that protrudes more than fifty centimeters in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control;

Move along the road if there is a nearby bike path;

Turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction.

Towing bicycles and mopeds, as well as bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped;

Ride on the pedestrian crossing.

The Decree is put into effect upon expiration of 10 calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

The editors of the site carefully studied the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 21, 2017 No. 667. And I found out what has changed for Kazakhstani motorists and cyclists.

No. 1. Vehicle stop rules

Paragraph 7 of the general provisions of the Rules of the Road has been changed. Now the person (who has the right to do so) who stopped the vehicle must immediately approach the driver, explain the reason for the stop, at the request of the driver, present an official ID and, if a violation is recorded present relevant evidence. Earlier in this paragraph it was indicated only about the reason for the stop and the service certificate.

No. 2. Passenger safety

From now on, not only car drivers have to monitor their passengers and not transport them unfastened. New Amendment also applies to motorcycle riders, who can now carry passengers only after making sure that they fasten their helmet.

No. 3. Transfer of vehicle control

Section 2 "General obligations of drivers", subparagraph 7 of paragraph 4 - on the prohibition of the transfer of control of a vehicle was supplemented with another category of citizens: persons who do not have the right to drive or are deprived of the right to drive a vehicle. Apparently, in the previous version of the law, this situation was considered rather ambiguously, so the developers decided to clarify and clarify.

No. 4. The passenger can leave the vehicle

It was this provision in the last version of the law that caused a lot of criticism. Passengers were forbidden to leave the car if it was stopped by a traffic inspector. This rule has now been removed. The passenger will now be able to safely get out of the car.

No. 5. Traffic signals

In the new edition, the meaning of the traffic light was prescribed " + ", which facilitates the movement of drivers of vehicles at intersections when turning left.

"Red" + "-shaped signal, which informs that for vehicles in the opposite direction, a prohibitory red traffic light is turned on.

The switched off red "+" -shaped signal informs that for the vehicles of the opposite direction the green traffic light is enabled.

No. 6. Application of special signals

Item 4 has been edited in this section. To those who have the right to ignore certain traffic signs when flashing orange or yellow lights are on, drivers of specialized collection services vehicles and drivers accompanying organized groups of cyclists have been added.

No. 7. Reversing

This point has also changed. There was one nuance: at intersections and at intersections in places where a U-turn is prohibited, it is still impossible to reverse. However, the new version of the law was supplemented with a description of the cases when this can be done: "Moving a vehicle in reverse is allowed provided that the maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users."

No. 8. Location of vehicles on the carriageway

In this section, point 2 has become more loyal. If earlier on roads with two-way traffic with four lanes or more, it was forbidden to enter the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic, now there is a clause: "On such roads, left turns or U-turns can be performed on intersections and in other places where it is not prohibited by the Rules, signs and (or) markings.

No. 9. Cyclists and bus lanes

If earlier the rules stated that “on roads with a lane for route vehicles, no traffic is carried out and no other vehicles stop on this lane, except for public transport”, then in the new amendments this does not apply to cyclists. They can use the public transport lane, provided there is no bike path nearby.

No. 10. Passenger transportation

If earlier it was forbidden to transport passengers "at night (from 23:00 to 06:00 in the morning) through irregular transportation of passengers and luggage by buses and minibuses in intercity, interregional, interdistrict (intercity intraregional) and international communications." Now this item is completely excluded.

No. 11. Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists, mopeds, horse-drawn carts, as well as the passage of animals

This section has undergone more changes in the addendum than the others. From innovations:

  1. It is not allowed to drive along the right edge of the carriageway, the lane of route vehicles, the roadside of cyclists, under the age of fourteen.
  2. On roads with a cycle lane marked with a sign 4.5 with a sign 7.14, no movement and no stop other vehicles on this lane, except for mopeds.
  3. If the lane marked with sign 4.5 with plate 7.14 is separated from the rest of the carriageway by a broken marking line, then when turning, vehicles change lanes to it. Permitted also, in such places, drive into this lane when entering the road and for boarding and disembarking passengers at the right edge of the carriageway.
  4. Bicyclists move in a row on the road.
  5. Columns of cyclists, horse-drawn carts (sledges), pack, draft or riding animals when moving along the carriageway should be separated for groups of ten cyclists, riding and pack animals and five wagons (sledges). To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80-100 meters.
  6. Bicycle and moped drivers prohibited ride on the crosswalk.

Collected and clearly showed everything that drivers really need to know.

In the "General Provisions" section, they gave extended interpretations of several concepts, corrected the old ones, and also introduced new terms.

"Overtaking" in the new edition it is written as follows: "The advance of one or more vehicles moving in front, associated with the departure from the occupied lane And subsequent return to the previously occupied lane". In the current edition, overtaking was considered all the same, only without returning to the occupied lane.

Concept " crossroads" was changed again: "The place of intersection, junction or branching of roads at the same level, limited by imaginary lines connecting, respectively, the opposite, the beginnings of the curvature of the carriageways, which are the most distant from the center of the intersection. Exits from adjacent territories are not considered intersections, as well as places of intersection (junction) with field, forest, exits from residential areas and other secondary roads in front of which priority signs are not installed. " dismantling" there was a lot of controversy in determining the zone of action of signs, as well as in the event of an accident.

From November 11, it is worth remembering again that the speed limit, for example, will be valid until the next intersection, and the exit from the yard is no longer an intersection.

Appeared in addition to this topic in the Rules and completely new concepts:

"Surrounding area- the territory immediately adjacent to the road is not intended for through traffic of vehicles. Movement on the adjacent territory is carried out in accordance with these rules.

"Advance"- the movement of a vehicle at a speed greater than the speed of a vehicle moving in an adjacent lane in one direction.

Rights and obligations

According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Road Traffic", a police officer in the event of a stop must " immediately approach the vehicle, explain the reasons for the stop and present, at the request of the driver, a service certificate for familiarization and identification of the name and position without handing it over to the driver. And if the violation of traffic rules is recorded by certified special technical means and devices, present the relevant materials to the driver for review". Now this obligation is also prescribed in the traffic rules.

Also, the controversial clause obliging passengers to remain in the passenger compartment of the car until the traffic cop allows them to leave was excluded from the Rules (clause 1.1 section 4).

How to ride

As the publication notes, the point that emptied more than one pocket and left thousands of drivers without a license is finally described in detail in the traffic rules. In section 9 "Location of vehicles on the carriageway", paragraph 2 was set out as follows:

"On two-way roads with four lanes or more, it is prohibited to enter the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic. On such roads, left turns or U-turns may be performed at intersections and other places where it is not prohibited by the Rules, signs and (or) markings"Recall that from July 15, 2017, a turn and a turn in this situation is a deprivation of rights for one year (part 3 of article 596 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Section 8" Maneuvering"added paragraph 13:" Reversing is allowed provided that the maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users. Reversing is prohibited at intersections and in places where U-turns are prohibited.

There was an indulgence in the Rules for custom buses. In particular, they removed the rule prohibiting the irregular transportation of passengers and luggage by buses and minibuses in intercity, interregional, interdistrict (intercity intraregional) and international communications at night (from 23:00 to 06:00).

Who needs beacons

We have expanded the list of operational and special services whose vehicles are to be equipped with special light and sound signals and painted according to special color schemes. From November 10, blue or red beacons can also be installed on vehicles of: - operational units of the Economic Investigation Service;
— operational service of the anti-corruption service;
- State Courier Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In addition, the developers of the amendments have supplemented the list of vehicles that have the right to be equipped with an orange or yellow flowers, this:
— specialized vehicles of collection services when leaving the route for collection of valuables;
— vehicles accompanying organized groups of cyclists.

Signs from above

New signs will appear in Kazakhstan, and some of them have their purpose adjusted. This section of the SDA has undergone a fair amount of alteration. Signs 4.1.2" Right turn" and 4.1.3 " Left turn" will now look like this:

Clarified the coverage area of ​​the sign 4.1.1 " Going straight", set at the beginning of the road section: it also extends to the nearest intersection, while the sign will not prohibit right turns into adjacent territories.

Sign " The movement of vehicles with a trailer is prohibited will restrict, among other things, the towing of motor vehicles.

Identification mark " spikes"allowed to install at the request of the driver.

Soon new warning signs may be seen on the roads:

1.33 "dangerous verge". In the current Rules there is only a plate with a similar meaning and was used together with the "Roadworks" sign;

1.34 "Congestion". A sign that will appear in front of sections of roads famous for their traffic jams;

3.17.3 "Control". There is also a similar sign (service), only it is called "Transport Control Post". The new sign will prohibit passing through checkpoints without stopping.

"Information and indication signs" have additional ones: 5.8.2a " Direction of lanes"; 5.8.3a " Mandatory minimum speed in different lanes"; 5.8.4a " Beginning of the strip"; 5.8.8a " Driving directions by lanes";

5.8.9 "Speed ​​limits for different lanes". Useful sign for wide avenues where there are speed limits on the outer lanes; 5.9.1 " End of lane for shuttle vehicles". The end of the lane intended for the movement of only route vehicles and other public transport moving along with the general flow of vehicles;

5.22a" The beginning of the settlement"; 5.23a" End of settlement";

5.40 "General maximum speed limits"; 5.41 "Emergency stop area"; 5.42 "Photo and video recording". The long-awaited sign of every second motorist in Kazakhstan, as it informs about the approach to the site where violations of the Rules are fixed by a stationary certified special technical device and device. But to mobile complexes such as "Chris-P" will not have this relationship sign.

By the way, an interesting explanation appeared in the updated Rules on how to put up speed limit signs: "A stepwise decrease in speed in increments of no more than 20 kilometers per hour, by sequentially installing signs spaced from each other at a distance of 100 to 150 meters". Previously, this was written only in GOSTs, but now they decided to inform ordinary drivers as well. The publication notes that with the advent of this requirement, it will be impossible to sculpt the sign "50" on the highway, along which everyone travels at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. A systematic decrease will become mandatory - 80, 60, and only then 40. However, a stepped speed limit will not be applied "in front of settlements if the visibility of signs is at least 150 meters."

Technical condition cars

Some sections have also been revised. Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation. The main news: and the norm was excluded from them, prohibiting airbrushing.

This annex to the traffic rules now specifies that the operation of vehicles is prohibited, which, among other things, have additional items installed that limit visibility from the driver's seat ( with the exception of rear-view mirrors, parts of windscreen wipers, radio antennas external and applied or built into the windows, heating elements of windshield defrosters and dehumidifiers), entailing the risk of injury to road users; transparent colored films have been applied or pasted on the wind and (or) front side windows of the cab (salon) of a power-driven vehicle.

In addition, driving on the road is prohibited if elements (devices) are installed on the state registration plates, allowing to hide alphabetic and numeric designations. The publication noted that earlier the traffic rules only talked about curtains, which gave cunning car owners a reason to show their ingenuity.

Dear users!

We bring to your attention the Rules of the Road of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the most recent version to date, which takes into account all the changes and additions for the period 2006-2008.

The Republic of Kazakhstan has its own characteristics in terms of roads and the relationship of car owners to each other, for example, roads outside the central cities are mostly broken and primed, and the population has personal fuel supplies that can help you out in a critical situation.

Taken together, the traffic rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan are not much different from the Rules of the Road in other CIS countries. But familiarize yourself with traffic rules text RK will be useful not only to those who spend every day on the roads of Kazakhstan, but also to those whose automobile route will somehow pass through it.

In order to download the Rules of the Road of the Republic of Kazakhstan either in .pdf or in .doc., you just need to click on one of the two links, each of which indicates the format of the traffic rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan you need, select the desired path for the downloaded file on your computer and click "Save".

Rules of the road of the Republic of Kazakhstan (.doc)
Rules of the road of the Republic of Kazakhstan (.pdf)

On approval of the Rules of the road of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and obligations officials and road users to ensure road safety and the List of operational and special services, the transport of which is to be equipped with special light and sound signals and painted according to special color and graphic schemes (as amended and supplemented as of 25.05.2007)

In order to bring the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of road traffic in line with the requirements of the International Convention on Road Traffic, as well as in pursuance of Article 92 of Part 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 15, 1996 “On Road Safety » The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

Rules of the road of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Appendix 1);

Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the obligations of officials and road users to ensure road safety (Appendix 2);

List of operational and special services, the transport of which is to be equipped with special light and sound signals and painted according to special color schemes (Appendix 3).

2. Grant the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan the right to place an order for the publication (reissue) of the Rules of the Road of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation and the duties of officials and road users to ensure road safety.

3. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by December 15, 1997, shall ensure the publication of the indicated normative documents mass circulation and coverage in the press, on radio and television of their demands.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Balgimbaev
Annex 1 to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 25, 1997 No. 1650

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules of the road of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish a unified procedure for road traffic throughout the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Other regulatory and legal acts relating to road traffic must be based on the requirements of the Rules and not contradict them.
Paragraph 1.2 was amended in accordance with the Decrees of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 26, 1999 No. 643; dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

1.2. The following basic concepts are used in the Rules:

  • motorway - a road marked with the sign 5.1.;
  • Footnote. Here and below, the numbering of road signs is given in accordance with Appendix 1.
  • traffic safety - the state of traffic, reflecting the degree of protection of its participants and the state from traffic accidents and their consequences;
  • bicycle - a vehicle, other than wheelchairs, having two or more wheels and set in motion by the muscular strength of the people on it;
  • driver - a person driving a vehicle, a driver leading pack animals, riding animals or a herd along the road. A driver is equated with a driver;
  • forced stop - stopping the movement of a vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger created by the transported cargo, the condition of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road;
  • main road - a road marked with signs 2.1, 2.3.1-2.3.3 or 5.1 in relation to the crossed (adjacent), or paved road (asphalt and cement concrete, stone materials and the like) in relation to a dirt road, or any road in relation to exits from adjacent territories. The presence of a paved section on a secondary road immediately before the intersection does not make it equal in value to the crossed one;
  • road - a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure, equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles. The road includes one or more carriageways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, shoulders and dividing lanes, if any;
  • road traffic - a set of social relations arising from the movement of people and goods on the roads using vehicles or without them (pedestrians), as well as in the process of regulating the conditions of this movement;
    - traffic accident - an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures, cargo were damaged, or other material damage was caused;
  • railway crossing - the intersection of a road with railway tracks on the same level. The boundary of the crossing is a section of the road bounded by an imaginary line at a distance of 10 m from the nearest rail; edge of the carriageway - determined by the marking line, and in its absence by a conditional line passing along the edge pavement, as well as at the junction of the carriageway to the tram tracks at the edge of the road. If it is impossible to determine the edge of the road surface, including according to road conditions, the edge of the carriageway is determined by the driver himself along the edge of the rolled strip;
  • residential zone - a plot, a built-up area or an array, marked with the sign 5.38;
  • maneuvering - the beginning of movement from a stop (parking), stopping, turning (turning), changing lanes, braking and moving the vehicle in reverse;
  • route vehicle - vehicle common use(bus, trolleybus, tram) intended for the carriage of passengers on the roads and moving along an established route with designated stopping points (stops);
  • power-driven vehicle - a vehicle, other than a moped, driven by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines;
  • moped - a two- or three-wheeled vehicle driven by an engine with a working volume of not more than 50 cm3 and having a maximum design speed of not more than 50 km/h. Bicycles with outboard motors, mokikis and other vehicles with similar characteristics are equated to mopeds;
  • motorcycle - a two-wheeled motor vehicle with or without a side trailer. Three-wheeled motor vehicles having a curb weight of not more than 400 kg are equated to motorcycles;
  • settlement - a built-up area, the entrances to which and the exits from which are marked with signs 5.22 - 5.25;
    insufficient visibility - the visibility of the road is less than 300 m in conditions of fog, rain, dust, snowfall and the like, as well as at dusk;
  • overtaking - ahead of a vehicle or a set of vehicles moving ahead at a minimum safe distance, associated with the departure from the occupied lane;
  • curb - a strip of dirt or reinforced coating between the curb (or curb stone) and the edge of the carriageway at the same level with it;
  • danger to traffic - a sudden change in traffic that threatens its safety and requires a change in speed and (or) maneuvering of the vehicle;
  • organization of traffic - a complex of organizational and technical measures and administrative actions to control traffic on the roads;
  • organized pedestrian column - a group of pedestrians moving along the road, organized and marked in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3.2 of the Rules;
  • organized transport column - a group of three or more motor vehicles following directly one after another along the same lane with constantly on headlights, accompanied by a lead vehicle with a flashing beacon on of blue color or beacons of blue and red colors;
  • stop - deliberate cessation of the movement of a vehicle for up to 5 minutes, and also for more, if it is necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle;
    Note. The need to stop the movement of a vehicle due to the organization of traffic is not considered a stop (parking).
  • passenger - a person who is in (on) a vehicle and does not control it;
  • crossroads - a place of intersection, junction or branching of roads at the same level, limited by imaginary lines connecting, respectively, the opposite, the beginnings of the curvature of the carriageways, which are the most distant from the center of the intersection. Exits from adjacent territories, as well as places of intersection (adjacency) with field, forest and other minor roads, in front of which priority signs are not installed, are not considered intersections;
  • rebuilding - change of lane occupied by a vehicle;
  • pedestrian - a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not work on it. Pedestrians are treated as persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sled, cart, baby or wheelchair;
  • pedestrian crossing - a section of the carriageway, marked with signs 5.16.1, 5.16.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 - 1.14.3 and allocated for pedestrian traffic across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between the signs 5.16.1 and 5.16.2 along the axis of the road;
    Footnote. Here and below, the numbering of road markings is given in accordance with Appendix 2.
    traffic lane - any of the longitudinal lanes of the carriageway, marked or not marked with markings and having a width sufficient for the movement of cars in one row;
  • advantage (priority) - the right to priority movement in the intended direction in relation to other participants in the movement;
  • traffic obstruction - any material object that makes it difficult or impossible to move further along a given lane of the carriageway or along the entire width of the road;
  • adjacent territory - the territory directly adjacent to the road and not intended for through traffic of vehicles (yards, residential areas, parking lots, gas stations, businesses, etc.)
  • trailer - a vehicle not equipped with an engine and intended for movement in combination with a power-driven vehicle. The term applies to semi-trailers and dissolution trailers;
  • carriageway - an element of the road intended for the movement of trackless vehicles;
  • dividing strip - a structurally separated element of the road that separates adjacent carriageways and is not intended for the movement or stopping of trackless vehicles and pedestrians, with the exception of the forced stop of pedestrians when crossing the road outside the settlement;
  • permissible maximum mass - the mass of an equipped vehicle with cargo, a driver and passengers, established by the manufacturer as the maximum allowable. For the permitted maximum mass of the composition of vehicles, that is, coupled and moving as a whole, the sum of the permitted maximum masses of the vehicles included in the composition is taken;
  • traffic controller - an employee of the internal affairs bodies (police), a military automobile police or a serviceman of a road commandant unit, an employee of the Transport Control Committee of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Transport Control Committee), an employee of a road maintenance service, a duty officer at a railway crossing, a ferry crossing, having an appropriate certificate and equipment (uniform or a distinctive sign - an armband, a baton, a disk with a red signal or a retroreflector, a red lamp or a flag), authorized to carry out administrative actions to control traffic on the roads;
  • parking - a deliberate stoppage of the movement of a vehicle for more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle;
  • dark time of the day - the period of time from the end of evening twilight to the beginning of morning twilight;
  • vehicle - a device designed to transport people, goods or equipment installed on it by road;
  • sidewalk - an element of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians, adjacent to the carriageway or separated from it by a lawn;
  • give way (not obstruct) - a requirement meaning that a road user must not start, resume or continue driving, perform any maneuver, if this may force other road users who have an advantage over him to change direction or speed;
  • road user - a person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle.

1.3. Right-hand traffic of vehicles is established on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.4. The necessary changes and restrictions in the organization of traffic are introduced in the prescribed manner within the framework of the Rules only with the help of road signs, road markings, traffic lights and traffic controllers, as well as orders of persons authorized to regulate traffic.

1.5. Road users are required to know and comply with the requirements of the Rules, traffic lights or traffic controllers, signs and markings, as well as comply with the requirements of employees of the internal affairs bodies.

1.6. Road users must act in such a way that they do not endanger traffic or cause harm.

It is forbidden to damage or pollute the road surface, remove, obstruct, damage, arbitrarily install road signs, traffic lights and other technical means of organizing traffic, leave objects on the road that interfere with traffic. The person who created the interference is obliged to take all possible measures to eliminate it, and if this is not possible, then available means provide information to road users about the danger and inform the internal affairs authorities.

1.7. Persons who violate these Rules are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. General duties of drivers

2.1. The driver of a power-driven vehicle must:

Paragraph 2.1.1 was amended in accordance with the Decrees of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 26, 1999 No. 643; dated October 12, 2005, No. 1021; dated 09.01.07 No. 6

2.1.1. Have with you and, at the request of authorized officials of the internal affairs bodies (police), hand over to them for verification:

a driver's license (a license issued in exchange for a driver's license and a document proving the identity of the driver) for the right to drive a vehicle;

coupon for a driver's license;

vehicle registration documents;

a document confirming the right to own or use or dispose of this vehicle - in the case of driving a vehicle in the absence of its owner;

document on passing the state technical inspection;

in cases established by law, an insurance policy for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners and / or an insurance policy for compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier to passengers;

in established cases, a waybill and documents for the transported cargo.

In cases stipulated by law, present for verification to the employees of the Transport Control Committee a special permit, permit and license (or registration document) when carrying out international transportation. In the absence of a special permit and permission, to transfer to the employees of the Transport Control Committee for their registration and receipt a driver's license (a certificate issued instead of a driver's license and a document proving the driver's identity) for the right to drive a vehicle, registration documents for a vehicle, a waybill and documents for transported cargo

2.1.2. When driving a vehicle equipped with seat belts, be fastened and do not carry passengers who are not wearing seat belts (it is allowed not buckle up children under 12 years of age, teaching driving when the trainee is driving the vehicle, and in settlements and residential areas, in addition, to drivers and passengers of vehicles of operational and special services and taxis).

Footnote. The list of operational and special services is established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When driving a motorcycle, wear a fastened motorcycle helmet and do not carry passengers without a buttoned motorcycle helmet.

2.2. The driver of a power-driven vehicle participating in international road traffic must:

have with you the registration documents for the vehicle and a driver's license in accordance with the Convention on Road Traffic;

have on the vehicle the registration and distinguishing marks of the state in which it is registered.

2.3. The driver of the vehicle must:

Paragraph 2.3.1 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021.

2.3.1. Before leaving, check and ensure on the way working condition vehicle in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the obligations of officials and road users to ensure road safety.

Footnote. In the future - Basic provisions.

2.3.2 At the request of an employee of the internal affairs bodies (police), filed in accordance with clause 5.3, stop and follow his instructions.

2.3.3. To pass, at the request of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, an examination for the state of intoxication.

The rules are supplemented by paragraph 2.3.3-1 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.3.3-1. Pass a test of knowledge of the Rules in cases established by the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses.

2.3.4. Do not leave the vehicle without taking measures to prevent spontaneous movement of the vehicle or its use by unauthorized persons.

Paragraph 2.3.5 was amended in accordance with the Decrees of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 19.12.02 No. 1329; dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.3.5. Provide vehicle:

medical workers traveling in the same direction to provide medical care, as well as, regardless of the direction of movement, medical workers, employees of internal affairs bodies and bodies national security for the transportation of citizens in need of urgent medical care to medical institutions;

employees of internal affairs bodies for transportation of vehicles damaged in accidents, travel to the place natural disaster, as well as employees of the internal affairs bodies, the Security Service of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the national security bodies, in other urgent cases provided for by law.


1. The requirement to provide a vehicle does not apply to vehicles of representative offices of foreign states and international organizations with diplomatic immunity.

2. Persons who have used the vehicle must, at the request of the driver, issue a certificate or make an entry in waybill(indicating the duration of the trip, the distance traveled, your last name, position, service certificate number, name of your organization).

3. Costs associated with the provision of a vehicle to the above employees government organizations, at the request of the owner of the vehicle are reimbursed by these organizations in the prescribed manner.

2.4. Persons who have the right to check the documents of the driver of the vehicle or use the vehicle are required to present an official certificate at the request of the driver.

Paragraph 2.5 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.5. In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it must:

immediately stop (do not move) the vehicle, turn on the emergency light alarm and set the emergency stop sign (flashing red light) in accordance with the requirements of clause 7.2 of the Rules, do not move objects related to the incident;

take all possible measures to provide first aid to the victims, call an ambulance, and in emergency cases, send the victims on a passing, and if this is not possible, deliver them to the nearest medical institution in your vehicle, provide your last name, registration plate of the vehicle ( presenting an identity document or driver's license and registration document for the vehicle) and return to the scene of the accident;

immediately report the incident to the nearest internal affairs body, write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and wait for the arrival of employees of the internal affairs bodies;

free the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible;

if it is necessary to free the roadway or deliver the injured in their vehicle to a medical institution, first fix in the presence of witnesses the position of the vehicle, traces and objects related to the incident, take all possible measures to preserve them and ensure a detour of the scene.

Paragraph 2.6 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.6. If there are no victims as a result of a traffic accident, drivers, by mutual agreement in assessing the circumstances of the incident, may, having previously drawn up a diagram of the accident and signed it, arrive at the nearest traffic police post or a subdivision of the internal affairs bodies to document the accident.

2.7. The driver is prohibited from:

2.7.1. Drive a vehicle while intoxicated (alcoholic, narcotic or otherwise); under the influence of drugs that impair reaction and attention; in a sick or tired state that endangers road safety.

Paragraph 2.7.2 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.7.2. Operate a vehicle that is faulty or has not passed the state inspection.

Clause 2.7.3 is set out in the version of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.7.3. Operate a vehicle, the owner of which, in the cases established by law, has not concluded a contract of compulsory liability insurance of vehicle owners and / or a contract of compulsory insurance of the carrier's liability to passengers.

The rules are supplemented by paragraph 2.7.3-1 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.7.3-1. Operate the vehicle in the absence of state registration plates or their inconsistency with registration documents.

Paragraph 2.7.4 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.7.4. Transfer control of the vehicle to persons in a state of intoxication, under the influence of drugs that impair reaction and attention, in a sick or tired state, as well as to persons, except for those who are learning to drive, who do not have a driver's license (a license issued instead of a driver's license, and identity document of the driver) for the right to drive a vehicle of this category or not specified in the waybill (itinerary) sheet.

2.7.5. Cross organized (including foot) columns and take a place in them.

The rules are supplemented by clause 2.7.6 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.7.6. Throw garbage, objects that create a danger to traffic on the roadway. This requirement also applies to other road users.

Paragraph 2.8 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.8. It is forbidden to move a vehicle with an inoperative service brake system or steering, a faulty coupling device (as part of a train), and at night on roads without artificial lighting or in conditions of poor visibility - with unlit (absent) headlights and (or) rear markers. lights, during rain or snowfall - with a faulty driver's side wiper.

Note. A service brake or steering system that does not allow the vehicle to stop or maneuver while driving at minimum speed is considered invalid.

If other malfunctions and conditions occur along the way, with which the operation of vehicles is prohibited by the Basic Provisions and which the driver is able to detect, he must eliminate them, and if this is not possible, he can proceed to the place of parking or repair, observing the necessary precautions.

3. Responsibilities of pedestrians

3.1. Pedestrians must move along sidewalks or footpaths, and in their absence, along roadsides, as well as in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 17.1 and 17.4 of the Rules.

Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky items, as well as persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, may move along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway) if their movement along sidewalks or shoulders creates obstacles for others pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or roadsides, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway).

outside settlements when moving on the carriageway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles.

Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a motorcycle, moped, bicycle along the edge of the carriageway, must follow the right side of the road in the direction of movement of vehicles.

3.2. The movement of organized pedestrian columns along the carriageway is allowed only in the direction of movement of vehicles on the right side of no more than four people in a row. In front and behind the columns on the left side there should be escorts with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility - with lights on: in front - white color, behind red.

Groups of children are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and footpaths, and in their absence - on roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.

3.3. Pedestrians must cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, including underground and elevated ones, and in their absence at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides.

If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway where it is clearly visible in both directions. It is forbidden to cross the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing if there is a dividing strip in the settlement, as well as in places where pedestrian or road barriers are installed.

3.4. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or a pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence, a transport traffic light.

3.5. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the carriageway after they estimate the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

Note. The concepts of regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings are similar to the concepts of regulated and unregulated intersections, established in paragraph 13.4. Rules.

Paragraph 3.6 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

3.6. Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the transition must stop on the line separating the traffic flows of opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure that the further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic lights (traffic controller).

3.7. When approaching vehicles with a blue flashing beacon and a special sound signal turned on, pedestrians must refrain from crossing the carriageway, and those on it must give way to these vehicles and, if possible, clear the carriageway.

3.8. It is allowed to wait for a route vehicle and a taxi only on landing sites raised in relation to the carriageway, and in their absence - on the sidewalk or roadside. At stopping points that are not equipped with elevated landing areas, it is allowed to enter the carriageway to board the vehicle only after it has stopped. After disembarkation, it is necessary to clear the roadway without delay.

When moving across the carriageway to or from a stopping point, pedestrians must be guided by the requirements of paragraphs 3.4-3.7 of the Rules.

4. Obligations of passengers

4.1. Passengers are required to:

when riding a vehicle equipped with seat belts, be fastened with them (taking into account paragraph 2.1.2), and when riding a motorcycle - be in a fastened motorcycle helmet;

boarding and disembarking should be carried out from the sidewalk or roadside and only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.

If boarding and disembarking is not possible from the sidewalk or shoulder, it can be carried out from the side of the carriageway, provided that it is safe and does not interfere with other traffic participants.

4.2. Passengers are prohibited from:

distract the driver from driving the vehicle while it is moving;

when driving a truck with an onboard platform, stand, sit on the sides or on a load higher than the sides;

open the doors of the vehicle while it is moving.

5. Traffic lights and traffic controller


5.1.1. To regulate traffic, traffic lights are used, having a vertical or horizontal arrangement.

Traffic lights use green, yellow, red and white-lunar light signals.

In traffic lights with a vertical arrangement of signals, the red signal is placed at the top, and the green one is at the bottom; with a horizontal arrangement of signals - red is placed on the left, green - on the right.

Depending on the purpose, traffic light signals can be round, in the form of an arrow (arrows), a silhouette of a pedestrian or a bicycle, and X-shaped.

Traffic lights with round signals may have one or two additional sections with signals in the form of a green arrow (arrows), which are located at the level of the green round signal.

5.1.2. Round traffic lights have the following meanings:

green signal allows movement;

a green flashing signal allows movement and informs that its time expires and a prohibition signal will soon be turned on (digital displays can be used to inform drivers and pedestrians about the time in seconds left before the green signal turns off);

a yellow signal prohibits movement, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 5.6 of the Rules, and warns of the upcoming change of signals;

a yellow flashing signal informs about the presence of an intersection or a pedestrian crossing that is not regulated by a traffic light, warns of danger;

a red signal, including flashing, prohibits movement. The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming green signal.


5.1.3. Traffic light signals made in the form of arrows of red, yellow and green colors have the same meaning as round signals of the corresponding color, but their effect extends only to the direction (directions) indicated by the arrows. At the same time, the arrow that allows a left turn also allows a U-turn, unless this is prohibited by the corresponding road sign.

Footnote. Instead of red and yellow arrows in the same meaning, round red and yellow signals with black contour arrows printed on them can be used.

The green arrow in the additional section has the same meaning. The switched off signal of the additional section means the prohibition of movement in the direction regulated by this section.

5.1.4. If a black contour arrow (arrows) is applied to the main green signal of the traffic light, then it informs drivers about the presence of an additional section of the traffic light and indicates other permitted directions of movement than the signal of the additional section.

5.1.5. If the traffic light signal is made in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian (bicycle), then its effect applies only to pedestrians (cyclists). At the same time, the green signal allows, and the red one prohibits the movement of pedestrians (cyclists).

To regulate the movement of cyclists, a traffic light with round signals of reduced size can also be used, supplemented by a white rectangular plate 300x200 mm in size with the image of a black bicycle.

5.1.6. To inform blind pedestrians about the possibility of crossing the carriageway, traffic light signals can be supplemented with an audible signal.

5.1.7. To regulate the movement of vehicles on the lanes of the carriageway, in particular on those whose direction of movement can be reversed, reversible traffic lights with a red X-shaped signal and a green signal in the form of an arrow pointing down are used. These signals respectively prohibit or permit movement in the lane above which they are located.

The main signals of a reversing traffic light can be supplemented by a yellow signal in the form of an arrow, tilted diagonally down to the right or left, the inclusion of which informs about the upcoming signal change and the need to change lanes to which the arrow points.

When the signals of the reversing traffic light, which is located above the lane marked on both sides with markings 1.9, are turned off, entry to this lane is prohibited.

5.1.8. To regulate the movement of trams, as well as other route vehicles moving along the lane allocated for them, one-color signaling traffic lights with four round white-lunar signals arranged in the form of the letter “T” can be used. Movement is allowed only when the lower signal and one or more upper ones are turned on at the same time, of which the left one allows movement to the left, the middle one - straight ahead, the right one to the right.

5.1.9. A round white-moon flashing signal, located at the railway crossing, allows the movement of vehicles through the crossing. When the flashing white-moon and red signals are turned off, movement is allowed if there is no train (locomotive, railcar) approaching the crossing within sight.


The signals of the traffic controller are the position of his body and gestures with his hands, including with a baton, which have the following meanings:

arms extended to the sides or lowered:

from the left and right side - the tram is allowed to move straight, trackless vehicles straight and to the right, pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway;

from the side of the chest and back - the movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited.

right hand pulled forward:

from the left side - the tram is allowed to move to the left, trackless vehicles in all directions;

from the side of the chest - all vehicles are allowed to move only to the right;

from the right side and back - the movement of all vehicles is prohibited;

Pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway behind the back of the traffic controller.

hand up:

the movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited in all directions, except as provided in paragraph 5.6 of the Rules.

The traffic controller can give hand gestures and other signals understandable to drivers and pedestrians.

For better visibility of the signals, the traffic controller may use a baton or disk with a red signal (reflector).

See also: Typical list of traffic police gestures for traffic control and the procedure for their implementation.

Paragraph 5.3 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

5.3. The request to stop the vehicle is made using a loudspeaker or a hand gesture directed at the vehicle with a simultaneous whistle signal. The driver is obliged to stop at the place indicated to him. An employee of the internal affairs bodies (police) who stopped the vehicle in accordance with clause 2.3.2 is obliged to immediately approach the driver and state the reason for the stop.

5.4. An additional whistle signal is given to attract the attention of traffic participants.

5.5. With a prohibitory signal of a traffic light (except for a reversing one) or a traffic controller, drivers are required to stop in front of the stop line (sign 5.33), and in its absence:

at the intersection - in front of the crossed carriageway (taking into account clause 13.8 of the Rules), without interfering with pedestrians;

before a railway crossing - in accordance with clause 15.4 of the Rules;

in other places - in front of a traffic light or a traffic controller, without interfering with vehicles and pedestrians whose movement is allowed.

Paragraph 5.6 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

5.6. Drivers who, when the traffic controller raises his hand or turns on the yellow signal in cases where the operating mode traffic signal does not ensure the flashing of the green signal immediately before it turns off, cannot stop without resorting to emergency braking, in the places specified in paragraph 5.5 of the Rules, further movement is allowed.

Pedestrians who, when the traffic controller raised their hand or turned on the yellow signal, were on the carriageway must free it, and if this is not possible, stop on the line dividing the traffic flows of opposite directions.

5.7. Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the requirements of the signals and orders of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic signals, traffic signs or markings.

5.8. At railway crossings, simultaneously with a red flashing traffic light, an audible signal may be given, additionally informing traffic participants about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

6. Application of special signals

Clause 6.1 was changed by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.01.04 No. 115; changes were made in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

6.1. Drivers of vehicles of operational and special services with a blue flashing beacon turned on, performing an urgent official task, may deviate from the requirements of sections 5 (except for the signals of the traffic controller), 8-18 of the Rules, annexes 1 and 2 to the Rules, provided that traffic safety is ensured.

To gain an advantage over other road users, drivers of such vehicles must turn on a blue flashing beacon and a special sound signal. They can take advantage of priority only by making sure that they give way.

The same right shall be enjoyed by drivers of vehicles accompanied by vehicles of operational and special services in the cases established by this paragraph of the Rules.

On the vehicles of the Presidential Security Service, the National Security Committee, the military automobile police of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the traffic police, when they accompany other vehicles, in addition to the blue flashing beacon, a red flashing beacon may be switched on.

6.2. When approaching vehicles with a blue flashing beacon and a special sound signal on, drivers are required to give way to ensure the unimpeded passage of these and other vehicles accompanied by them.

6.3. When approaching a stationary vehicle with a blue flashing light on, the driver must slow down to be able to stop immediately if necessary.

Paragraph 6.4 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

6.4. Drivers of vehicles with an orange or yellow flashing beacon turned on when performing construction, repair or cleaning work on the road may deviate from the requirements of road signs (except for signs 2.2, 2.4-2.6, 3.11-3.14, 3.17.2, 3.20) and markings, and also paragraphs 9.4 - 9.8 and 16.1 of the Rules, subject to ensuring traffic safety. Drivers of other vehicles must not interfere with their work.

An orange or yellow flashing beacon does not provide any advantage in traffic and serves to warn other road users of the danger.

7. Application of alarm and warning triangle

7.1. Emergency light signaling must be switched on:

when forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited; when reversing;

when the driver is blinded by headlights;

when towing (on a towed motor vehicle);

when stopping and parking on unlit sections of roads or in conditions of insufficient visibility with faulty parking lights;

outside the settlement when stopping on the side of the road in the case when its width is insufficient for a complete exit from the carriageway or it is not possible to determine the width of the side of the road in these road conditions.

Hazard lights must also be switched on in other cases to warn road users of the danger that the vehicle may create.

7.2. After turning on the emergency light signaling, as well as in case of its malfunction or absence, an emergency stop sign (or a flashing red light) must be immediately displayed on the roadway from the side of the greatest danger:

in case of a traffic accident;

when forced to stop in places where it is prohibited, or in places where the visibility of the road is less than 100 m in at least one direction.

This sign (or lamp) is installed at a distance that provides timely warning of other drivers about the danger in a particular situation. However, this distance must be at least 15 m from the vehicle in built-up areas and 30 m outside built-up areas.

7.3. In the absence or malfunction of an emergency light signaling, an emergency stop sign must be attached to the rear of the towed power-driven vehicle.

8. Maneuvering

8.1. Before starting the maneuver, the driver is obliged to give signals with light indicators of the appropriate purpose, and if they are absent or faulty, by hand. At the same time, the maneuver must be safe and not interfere with other road users.

Paragraph 8.2 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

8.2. maneuver signal for left side is the left turn indicator light on or extended to the side left hand or right, extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The signal for maneuver to the right is the right turn light indicator turned on, or the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The brake signal is given by a brake light or a raised hand. The reverse signal is given by turning on the reverse lights and alarm.

Signaling by direction indicators or by hand should be carried out in advance of the start of the maneuver and stop immediately after its completion (hand signaling can be completed immediately before the maneuver is performed). At the same time, the signal should not mislead other road users.

Giving a signal does not give the driver an advantage and does not relieve him from taking precautionary measures.

8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road, to pedestrians and cyclists whose path he crosses.

8.4. When approaching a stop or parking place, the driver must give way to pedestrians moving along the edge of the carriageway or the roadside, drivers of bicycles, mopeds, horse-drawn carts, drivers of riding and pack animals.

8.5. When rebuilding, the driver must give way to vehicles moving along the same way without changing direction. When simultaneously rebuilding vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.

It is forbidden to change lanes, as a result of which a dangerous distance is created between moving vehicles.

8.6. Before turning right, left or making a U-turn, the driver must take appropriate extreme position on the carriageway and on the lane intended for movement in this direction, except when a turn is made at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

If signs 5.8.1 or 5.8.2 are installed on the road, then these maneuvers are allowed along the corresponding traffic lanes; at the same time, it is forbidden to occupy non-extreme lanes with free extreme lanes.

If there are tram tracks on the left of the following direction, located on the same level with the carriageway, a left turn and a U-turn must be carried out from them, unless signs 5.8.1 or 5.8.2 prescribe the direction of movement along the lanes of the carriageway. In this case, the driver must give way to the tram.

8.7. The turn should be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageway, the vehicle does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic.

8.8. If the vehicle, due to its dimensions or for other reasons, cannot make a turn at the intersection and outside it or a U-turn at the intersection in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8.6 of the Rules, it is allowed to move partially, and if necessary, completely, to the adjacent lane, subject to traffic safety and if it does not interfere with other vehicles.

8.9. When turning left or making a U-turn outside the intersection, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to oncoming vehicles.

If, when turning outside the intersection, the width of the carriageway is insufficient to perform a maneuver from the extreme left position, it is allowed to perform it only from the right edge of the carriageway (from the right shoulder). In this case, the driver is obliged to give way to passing and oncoming vehicles.

8.10. In cases where the trajectories of the movement of vehicles intersect, and the order of passage is not defined by the Rules, the driver must give way to whom the vehicle is approaching from the right.

8.11. If there is a deceleration lane, the driver intending to turn must change lanes in a timely manner and slow down only on it.

If there is an acceleration lane at the entrance to the road, the driver must move along it and change lanes to the adjacent lane, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

8.12. U-turn is prohibited:

at pedestrian crossings and at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides;

in tunnels;

on bridges, viaducts, overpasses and under them;

at railway crossings;

in places where the visibility of the road in at least one direction is less than 100 m;

at the stopping points.

8.13. The movement of the vehicle in reverse is permitted provided that this maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users. If necessary, the driver must enlist the assistance of other persons.

Reversing is prohibited at intersections and in places where a U-turn is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 8.12 of the Rules.

9. Location of vehicles on the roadway

9.1. The number of lanes for trackless vehicles is determined by markings or signs 5.8.1, 5.8.2, 5.8.7, 5.8.8, and if there are none, then by the drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the carriageway, the dimensions of the vehicles and the necessary intervals between them. In this case, the side intended for oncoming traffic is considered to be half the width of the carriageway (or the roadway if it is impossible to determine the edge of the carriageway), located on the left, unless a different traffic order is determined by the traffic organization. When determining the conditional line separating the side intended for oncoming traffic, the local widening of the carriageway (roadway) should not be taken into account.

9.2. On two-way roads with four lanes or more, it is prohibited to enter the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic.

9.3. On two-way roads with three lanes marked with markings (with the exception of marking 1.9), of which the middle one is used for traffic in both directions, it is allowed to enter this lane only for overtaking, bypassing, turning left or turning around. It is forbidden to drive into the leftmost lane intended for oncoming traffic.

9.4. Outside built-up areas, as well as in built-up areas on roads marked with signs 5.1 and 5.3, or where driving at a speed of more than 80 km/h is allowed, drivers of vehicles should drive them as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway. It is forbidden to occupy the left lanes when the right lanes are free.

In built-up areas, subject to the requirements of this clause and clauses 9.5, 16.1 and 24.2 of the Rules, traffic is allowed in any lane, however, drivers of vehicles moving along the left lanes at a speed less than the permitted speed should, if possible, release the lane they occupy with rebuilding to the right for vehicles approaching behind in the same lane with more high speed and giving warning signals in accordance with paragraph 19.12.

On any roads that have three or more lanes for traffic in a given direction, it is allowed to occupy the leftmost lane only in heavy traffic when other lanes are occupied, as well as for overtaking, turning left or turning around, and trucks with a permitted maximum weight more than 3.5 tons - only for a left turn or U-turn. Exit on the left side of the road one way traffic for stopping and parking is carried out in accordance with clause 12.1 of the Rules.

The movement of vehicles in one lane at a speed greater than in the adjacent lane is not considered overtaking.

9.5. Vehicles whose speed must not exceed 40 km/h or which, for technical reasons, cannot develop such a speed must move in the rightmost lane intended for the movement of this vehicle in the direction it needs, except for cases of detour, overtaking, rebuilding before turning left, U-turn or stopping (parking) in permitted cases on the left side of the road.

9.6. It is allowed to drive on tram tracks of the same direction, located on the left at the same level with the carriageway, when all lanes of this direction are occupied, as well as when bypassing, overtaking, turning left or turning around, taking into account paragraph 8.6 of the Rules. This should not interfere with the tram. It is forbidden to drive onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, as well as driving through the intersection on tram tracks if signs 5.8.1 or 5.8.2 are installed on the road.

9.7. If the carriageway is divided into lanes by marking lines, the movement of vehicles must be carried out strictly along the marked lanes. It is allowed to run into broken marking lines only when changing lanes.

9.8. When turning onto a road with reverse traffic, the driver must drive the vehicle in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageways, the vehicle occupies the rightmost lane. Rebuilding is allowed only after the driver is convinced that movement in this direction is also allowed in other lanes.

9.9. The movement of vehicles on roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths is prohibited (except for the cases provided for in clauses 12.1 and 24.2 of the Rules), and in populated areas - in addition, outside the carriageway. The movement of vehicles of road maintenance and public utilities is allowed, as well as the entrance along the shortest path of vehicles transporting goods to objects located directly at the shoulders, sidewalks or footpaths, in the absence of other access possibilities. At the same time, traffic safety must be ensured.

Clause 9.10 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

9.10. The driver, depending on the speed of movement, is obliged to maintain such a distance from the vehicle moving in front, which will allow avoiding a collision, as well as the necessary lateral interval, ensuring traffic safety.

Clause 9.11 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

9.11. Outside built-up areas on two-way roads with two lanes, drivers of vehicles for which a speed limit is set, as well as vehicles (vehicle composition) with a length of more than 7 m, are obliged to maintain such a distance between their own and the vehicle moving in front so that overtaking their vehicles could move into the lane previously occupied by them without interference. This requirement does not apply if the driver is preparing to overtake, as well as in heavy traffic and when driving in an organized transport convoy.

The rules were supplemented by clause 9.12 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

9.12. On roads with two-way traffic, in the absence of a dividing strip, safety islands, bollards and elements of road structures (supports of bridges, overpasses, etc.) located in the middle of the carriageway, the driver is obliged to go around on the right, unless signs and markings prescribe otherwise.

10. Movement speed

10.1. The driver must drive the vehicle at a speed not exceeding the established limit, taking into account the traffic intensity, the features and condition of the vehicle and cargo, road and meteorological conditions, in particular visibility in the direction of travel. The speed must provide the driver with the possibility of constant control over the movement of the vehicle in order to comply with the requirements of the Rules.

In the event of an obstacle and (or) danger to traffic that the driver is able to detect, he must take measures to reduce speed until the vehicle stops or avoids the obstacle safely for other road users.

10.2. In populated areas, vehicles are allowed to move at a speed of no more than 60 km/h, and in residential areas and yard areas - no more than 20 km/h.

Note. Excluded in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.01.04 No. 115

10.3. Outside built-up areas, traffic is allowed:

cars and trucks with a maximum authorized weight of not more than 3.5 tons on motorways - at a speed of not more than 110 km/h, on other roads - not more than 90 km/h;

intercity and extra small buses and motorcycles on all roads - no more than 90 km/h;

other buses, passenger cars when towing a trailer, trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 tons on motorways - no more than 90 km/h, on other roads - no more than 70 km/h.

10.4. Vehicle speed must not exceed:

60 km / h - when transporting passengers in the back of a truck;

50 km/h - when towing mechanical vehicles;

the prescribed value - when agreeing on the conditions for the transportation of dangerous, heavy and bulky goods.

The rules are supplemented by paragraph 10.4-1 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.01.04 No. 115

10.4-1. In populated areas and outside populated areas in separate areas highways the speed of movement (with the installation of the corresponding sign 3.24) of cars up to 120 km/h, buses up to 110 km/h may increase, if road conditions provide safe movement with more speed.

10.5. The driver is prohibited from:

exceed top speed defined technical specification vehicle;

exceed the speed indicated on the identification sign "Speed ​​Limit" installed on the vehicle;

interfere with other vehicles by driving unnecessarily at too low a speed;

brake hard unless required to prevent an accident.

11. Overtaking, oncoming traffic

11.1. Before overtaking, the driver must make sure that: the lane he intends to enter is free at a distance sufficient for overtaking and by this maneuver he will not interfere with oncoming and behind vehicles moving along this lane, including warning signals in accordance with paragraphs 19.11 and 19.12;

a vehicle following behind in the same lane has not started overtaking;

the driver of a vehicle moving ahead in the same lane did not give a signal to maneuver to the left;

upon completion of overtaking with exit to the lane (side) of oncoming traffic, he will be able, without interfering with the overtaken vehicle, to return to the previously occupied lane.

11.2. It is allowed to overtake a trackless vehicle on the left side. However, the overtaking of a vehicle whose driver has signaled a turn to the left and proceeded to perform a maneuver shall be carried out on the right side.

11.3. Upon completion of overtaking with exit to the lane (side) of oncoming traffic, the driver must return to the previously occupied lane.

11.4. The driver of the vehicle being overtaken is prohibited from preventing overtaking by increasing the speed of movement or by other actions.

11.5. Overtaking prohibited:

at regulated intersections with exit to the oncoming traffic lane, as well as at unregulated intersections when driving on main road changing direction (except for permitted overtaking on the right), and on a road that is not the main one (with the exception of overtaking at roundabouts, overtaking two-wheeled vehicles without side trailer and allowed overtaking on the right);

at pedestrian crossings if there are pedestrians on them;

at railway crossings and closer than 100 m in front of them;

overtaking or bypassing vehicle;

at the end of the ascent and on other sections of roads with limited visibility with an exit into the oncoming traffic lane.

11.6. The driver of a low-speed or large-sized vehicle outside built-up areas, in cases where overtaking this vehicle is difficult, is obliged to take as far to the right as possible, and if necessary, stop in order to let the vehicles that have accumulated behind him pass.

11.7. If the oncoming passing is difficult and the priority of the passing is not determined by signs 2.6 and 2.7, then the driver on whose side there is an obstacle must give way. On slopes marked with signs 1.13 and 1.14, in the presence of an obstacle, the driver of a vehicle moving downhill is obliged to give way.

12. Stop and parking

12.1. Stopping and parking of vehicles is allowed on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the carriageway at its edge.

On the left side of the road, stopping and parking are allowed in built-up areas on roads with one lane for each direction without tram tracks in the middle and on one-way roads stop for loading or unloading).

12.2. It is allowed to park a vehicle on the carriageway in one row parallel to the edge of the carriageway, except for those places whose configuration (local widening of the carriageway) allows a different arrangement of vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

Parking on the edge of the sidewalk bordering the carriageway, with full or partial arrival on it, is allowed only for cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles, provided that this does not interfere with the movement of pedestrians.

12.3. Parking for the purpose of long-term rest, lodging for the night and the like outside the settlement is permitted only on the sites provided for this or outside the road.

Paragraph 12.4 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

in the immediate vicinity of the tram tracks, if this interferes with the movement of trams;

at railway crossings, in tunnels, as well as on flyovers, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for traffic in this direction) and under them;

in places where the distance between a stopped vehicle and a solid marking line (except for marking the edge of the carriageway) or the opposite edge of the carriageway, or a vehicle standing at the opposite edge of the carriageway is less than 3 meters, if this interferes with the movement of vehicles;

at pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them;

on the carriageway near dangerous turns and convex fractures of the longitudinal profile of the road when the visibility of the road is less than 100 m in at least one direction;

at the intersection of carriageways and closer than 15 m from the edge of the intersected carriageway, with the exception of the side opposite the side passage of three-way intersections (crossroads) having solid line markings or dividing strip;

closer than 15 m from stopping areas, and in their absence - from the stop sign for route vehicles or taxis, if this interferes with their movement;

in places where the vehicle will block other drivers from traffic lights, road signs or make it impossible for other vehicles to move (entry or exit), or interfere with the movement of pedestrians.

12.5. Parking is prohibited:

in places where stopping is prohibited;

on overpasses, bridges, overpasses;

outside settlements on the carriageway of roads marked with sign 2.1;

closer than 50 m from railway crossings;

motor vehicles with a running engine in built-up areas, if this causes inconvenience to residents.

12.6. In case of a forced stop in places where stopping is prohibited, the driver is obliged to take all possible measures to divert the vehicle from these places.

12.7. It is forbidden to open the doors of the vehicle, leave them open or enter the carriageway without making sure that this will not create a hindrance or danger to other road users.

13. Passage of intersections

13.1. When turning right or left, the driver is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the carriageway of the road onto which he is turning, cyclists crossing it along the cycle path, and route vehicles moving along the lane marked with sign 5.9 (subject to paragraph 18.2).

13.2. It is forbidden to go to an intersection or intersection of carriageways if a traffic jam has formed that will force the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction.

13.3. It is forbidden to overtake vehicles moving in the same direction, limiting the driver's view.

If a vehicle has stopped at or in front of an intersection, drivers of other vehicles moving in adjacent lanes may continue driving only after making sure that it will be safe.

13.4. The intersection, where the sequence of movement is determined by the signals of a traffic light or a traffic controller, is considered regulated.

With a yellow flashing signal, non-working traffic lights or the absence of a traffic controller, the intersection is considered unregulated and drivers must follow the rules for driving through unregulated intersections and priority signs installed at the intersection.

Regulated intersections

13.5. When turning left or making a U-turn at the permissive signal of a traffic light, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving from the opposite direction straight or to the right, including those entering the intersection in accordance with clause 5.6 of the Rules. Tram drivers must be guided by the same rule among themselves.

13.6. When driving in the direction of the arrow switched on in the additional section at the same time as the yellow or red traffic light, the driver must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

13.7. If the signals of a traffic light or a traffic controller allow the movement of a tram and trackless vehicles at the same time, then the tram has an advantage regardless of the direction of its movement. However, when moving in the direction of the arrow included in the additional section at the same time as the red or yellow traffic light, the tram must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

13.8. A driver who enters an intersection with a traffic light signal is obliged to leave in the intended direction, regardless of the traffic lights at the exit from the intersection. However, if there are stop lines and (or) signs 5.33 at the intersection in front of the traffic lights located on the driver's route, the driver must follow the signals of each traffic light.

13.9. When the permissive signal of the traffic light is turned on, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles completing the movement through the intersection, and to pedestrians who have not completed the crossing of the carriageway of this direction.

13.10. At an intersection where traffic is regulated by a traffic light with an additional section, a driver in the lane from which the turn is made must continue to move in the direction indicated by the turned on arrow if his stop will interfere with vehicles following him in the same lane.

Unregulated intersections

Paragraph 13.11 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

13.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement, including those making a U-turn. A driver moving on a main road with a median must make sure that vehicles approaching the intersection on a secondary road give way to him before completing a U-turn at the intersection.

13.12. In the event that the main road changes direction at an intersection, drivers moving along the main road must follow the rules for passing the intersections of equivalent roads. The same rules must be followed by drivers moving on secondary roads.

13.13. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching from the right. Tram drivers must be guided by the same rule among themselves.

At such intersections, the tram has an advantage over trackless vehicles, regardless of the direction of its movement.

13.14. When turning left or making a U-turn, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving straight or to the right on an equivalent road from the opposite direction. Tram drivers should be guided by the same rule among themselves.

13.15. If the driver cannot determine the presence of a surface on the road (dark hours, mud, snow, etc.), and there are no priority signs, he must assume that he is on a secondary road.

14. Pedestrian crossings and stops of route vehicles

14.1. The driver of the vehicle is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the carriageway of his direction of movement at an unregulated pedestrian crossing.

14.2. If a vehicle has stopped or slowed down in front of an unregulated pedestrian crossing, drivers of other vehicles moving in adjacent lanes may continue driving only after making sure that there are no pedestrians in front of the stopped or slowed down vehicle.

14.3. At regulated pedestrian crossings, when the traffic signal permits, the driver is obliged to give way to pedestrians completing the crossing of the carriageway of his direction of movement.

14.4. It is forbidden to enter a pedestrian crossing if a traffic jam has formed behind it, which will force the driver to stop at the pedestrian crossing.

14.5. In all cases, including outside pedestrian crossings, the driver must give way to blind pedestrians signaling with a white cane.

14.6. The driver must give way to pedestrians walking towards or away from the shuttle vehicle standing at the stop (from the side of the doors), if boarding and disembarking are carried out from the carriageway or from the landing site located on it.

14.7. Approaching a stopped vehicle with a sign "Transportation of children", the driver is obliged to slow down, if necessary, stop and let the group of children pass.

15. Movement through railway tracks

15.1. Drivers of vehicles can cross railway tracks only at railway crossings, giving way to a train (locomotive, trolley).

15.2. When approaching a railway crossing, the driver must be guided by the requirements of road signs, traffic lights, markings, the position of the barrier and the instructions of the person on duty at the crossing, and, in addition, make sure that there is no approaching train (locomotive, trolley).

when the barrier is closed or starting to close (regardless of the traffic light signal);

at a prohibiting traffic light signal (regardless of the position and presence of the barrier);

at the forbidding signal of the person on duty at the crossing (the person on duty is facing the driver with his chest or back, in his raised hand - a rod, a red lantern or a flag, or with his arms extended to the sides);

if a traffic jam has formed behind the crossing, which will force the driver to stop at the crossing;

if a train (locomotive, trolley) is approaching the crossing within sight.

In addition, it is prohibited:

cross railroad tracks outside railroad crossings;

bypass vehicles standing in front of the crossing with exit to the oncoming traffic lane;

arbitrarily open the barrier;

move agricultural, road, construction and other machines and mechanisms through the crossing in a non-transport position; without the permission of the head of the track distance railway the movement of low-speed vehicles, the speed of which is less than 8 km / h, as well as tractor drag sleds.

15.4. In cases where movement through the crossing is prohibited, the driver must stop at the stop line, sign 2.5 or traffic lights, and if there are none, at the border of the railway crossing.

15.5. In the event of a forced stop at a crossing, the driver must immediately disembark passengers and take measures to free the crossing. At the same time, the driver must:

if possible, send two people along the tracks in both directions from the crossing for 1000 m (if one, then in the direction of the worst visibility of the track), explaining to them the rules for giving a stop signal to the driver of the approaching train (locomotive, trolley);

stay near the vehicle and give general alarm signals;

when a train appears, run towards him, giving a stop signal.

Note. The stop signal is a circular movement of the hand (during the day with a patch of bright matter or some clearly visible object, at night - with a torch or lantern). The general alarm signal is a series of one long and three short beeps.

16. Driving on motorways

16.1. On motorways it is prohibited:

the presence of pedestrians, as well as domestic animals outside the vehicle, the movement of bicycles, mopeds, tractors and self-propelled vehicles, as well as other vehicles, the speed of which, according to the technical characteristics or their condition, is less than 40 km/h;

movement of trucks with a maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons beyond the second lane;

stopping outside special parking areas marked with signs 5.15 or 6.11;

U-turn and entry into technological gaps of the dividing strip;


training ride.

16.2. In case of a forced stop on the roadway, the driver is obliged to mark the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of the Rules and take measures to bring it to the lane intended for this ( to the right of the line denoting the edge of the carriageway).

16.3. The requirements of this section also apply to roads marked with sign 5.3.

17. Traffic in residential areas

17.1. In the residential area, pedestrian traffic is allowed both on the sidewalks and on the carriageway. In a residential area, pedestrians have the advantage, but they must not create unreasonable obstacles to the movement of vehicles.

17.2. In the residential area it is prohibited:

through traffic of vehicles;

movement of vehicles outside the carriageway;

training ride;

parking with a running engine;

parking of trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 tons outside specially allocated and marked with signs and (or) markings.

17.3. When leaving a residential area, drivers must give way to other road users.

17.4. The requirements of this section also apply to yard areas.

18. Shuttle vehicle priority

18.1. Outside intersections where tram tracks cross the carriageway, the tram has priority over trackless vehicles, except when leaving the depot.

18.2. On roads with a lane for route vehicles, marked with signs 5.9, 5.10.1 - 5.10.3, the movement and stopping of other vehicles on this lane is prohibited.

If the lane marked with sign 5.9 is separated from the rest of the carriageway by a broken marking line, then when turning, vehicles must change lanes to it. It is also allowed in such places to drive into this lane when entering the road and for boarding and disembarking passengers at the right edge of the carriageway, provided that this does not interfere with route vehicles.

18.3. In built-up areas, drivers must give way to trolleybuses and buses starting from a designated stop. Drivers of trolleybuses and buses can only start moving after making sure that they give way.

19. Use of external lights and sound signals

Paragraph 19.1 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

19.1. At night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of road lighting, as well as in tunnels on a moving vehicle, the following lighting devices must be turned on:

on all motor vehicles and mopeds - position lights and high or low beam headlights, on bicycles - headlights or lanterns, on horse-drawn carts - lanterns (if any);

on trailers and towed motor vehicles, marker lights.

19.2. High beam must be switched to low beam:

in settlements, if the road is lit;

at an oncoming pass at a distance of at least 150 m from the vehicle, as well as at a greater distance, if the driver of the oncoming vehicle by periodically switching the headlights shows the need for this;

in any other cases, to exclude the possibility of blinding drivers of both oncoming and passing vehicles.

When blinded, the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights and, without changing lane, stop.

19.3. When stopping and parking at night on unlit sections of roads, as well as in conditions of insufficient visibility, the side lights must be switched on on the vehicle. In conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition to the side lights, dipped beam headlights, fog lights and rear fog lights can be turned on.

If the marker lights are out of order, the vehicle must be driven off the road, and if this is not possible, it must be marked in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 of the Rules.

Clause 19.4. set out in the wording of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 19, 2002 No. 1329

19.4. The contours of the side and rear sides of vehicles of categories M2, M3, N2, N3, O2, O3, O4 in accordance with GOST 22895-77, with the exception of vehicles not registered with the traffic police, technological vehicles operated in closed areas and not subject to operation on public roads, as well as vehicles of peasants and farms used within these farms, concrete and cement trucks, must be marked with retroreflective material in accordance with ST RK GOST R 51253-2001 and ST RK GOST R 41.104-2001.

19.5. Fog lights can be used:

in conditions of insufficient visibility, both separately and with dipped or main beam headlights;

at night on unlit sections of roads together with dipped or main beam headlights;

instead of dipped headlights under the conditions provided for in clause 19.6 of the Rules.

The rules are supplemented by paragraph 19.5-1 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

19.5-1. Fog lights must be switched on when the side lights are on, regardless of the high and (or) low beam headlights on.

Paragraph 19.6 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25.05.07 No. 420

19.6. When driving during daylight hours, in order to indicate a moving vehicle, the dipped headlights must be switched on:

when driving outside settlements;

on public transport in cities and other settlements;

on motorcycles and mopeds;

when moving in an organized transport convoy;

on a vehicle accompanied by a vehicle of operational and special services with a blue flashing beacon on;

on route vehicles moving along a specially allocated lane towards the main traffic flow;

at organized transport groups of children in non-route buses or on trucks;

when transporting dangerous, bulky and heavy cargo;

when towing a power-driven vehicle (on a towing vehicle);

when passing in accordance with the requirements of sign 5.34.1, a section of the carriageway closed for traffic on a road with a dividing strip.

19.7. A searchlight and a searchlight can only be used outside built-up areas in the absence of oncoming vehicles. In populated areas, only drivers of vehicles of operational and special services can use such headlights when performing an official task.

19.8. The rear fog lamps can only be used in low visibility conditions. Do not connect rear fog lights to brake lights.

19.9. The identification sign "Road train" must be turned on when the road train is moving, and at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, during its stop or parking.

Clause 19.10 is set out in the wording of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

19.10. An orange or yellow flashing beacon must be turned on on vehicles when performing road construction, repair or maintenance work, loading and transporting damaged, out of order and other vehicles; on vehicles during the transportation of heavy, bulky goods; on vehicles accompanying the transportation of heavy, bulky and dangerous goods; on buses designed to transport organized groups of children.

19.11. Sound signals can only be used:

to warn other drivers of the intention to overtake outside built-up areas;

in cases where it is necessary to prevent a traffic accident.

19.12. To warn of overtaking, as well as in the cases provided for in paragraph 9.4 of the Rules, a light signal may be given, which during daylight hours is a periodic short-term switching on and off of the headlights, and at night - repeated switching of the headlights from dipped to high beam.

20. Towing motor vehicles

20.1. Towing is carried out using a hitch or by hanging the front of the vehicle on a special supporting device of the towing vehicle, or by partially loading it onto the platform of the towing vehicle.

20.2. Towing on a rigid or flexible hitch should be carried out only when there is a driver behind the wheel of the towed vehicle, unless the design of the rigid hitch provides for rectilinear motion following the towed vehicle along the trajectory of the towing vehicle.

20.3. When towing on a flexible hitch, the distance between the towing and towed vehicles must be within 4-6 m, and when towing on a rigid hitch - no more than 4 m. The connecting links must meet the requirements of paragraphs 11 and 12 of the Basic Provisions, respectively.

20.4. When towing on a flexible or rigid hitch, it is prohibited for passengers to be in a towed bus (trolleybus) and in the body of a towed truck, and when towing by hanging or partial loading, it is prohibited for passengers to be in the cabin or body of a towed vehicle, as well as in the body of a towing vehicle.

20.5. Towing is prohibited:

a vehicle that does not have steering control (towing by hanging or partial loading is allowed);

two or more vehicles;

a vehicle with an inoperative brake system, if its actual mass is more than half of the actual mass of the towing vehicle. With a lower actual weight, towing of such a vehicle is allowed only on a rigid hitch or by partial loading;

a motorcycle without a side trailer, as well as such a motorcycle;

in icy conditions on a flexible hitch.

21. Training ride

21.1. Initial driving instruction must be conducted in closed areas or racetracks.

21.2. Training driving on the roads is allowed only with a trainer and if the trainee has initial driving skills, while there should be no passengers in a motor vehicle during individual training. The student is obliged to know and comply with the requirements of the Rules.

21.3. The trainee is obliged to have with him a document for the right to learn to drive a vehicle of this category or a driving experience of more than 3 years, as well as a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category, and an individual trainee - an identity document and a certificate of passing a medical examination for suitability to drive a vehicle of this category. It is forbidden to teach driving individually on vehicles of categories C, D and E.

21.4. A learner on a car must be at least 16 years old, and on a motorcycle - at least 14 years old.

21.5. The mechanical vehicle on which the training is carried out must be marked with identification marks - "Training vehicle" and equipped with a rear-view mirror for the trainee. Motor vehicle for learning to drive, owned by educational organization, must be additionally equipped in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 5 of the Basic Provisions.

21.6. Driving practice is prohibited on the roads, the list of which is announced in the prescribed manner.

22. Transportation of passengers

22.1. To transport passengers in the back of a truck, drivers are allowed who have a certificate for the right to drive vehicles of category "C" (when transporting more than 8 people, including passengers in the cabin - categories "C" and "D") and the experience of driving vehicles of this category over 3 years.

Note. The admission of military drivers to the transportation of passengers in trucks is carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

22.2. The carriage of passengers in the body of a flatbed truck is permitted if it is equipped in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 4 of the Basic Provisions.

22.3. Before the trip, the truck driver must instruct passengers on the procedure for boarding, disembarking and placing in the body; warn that standing in the body and sitting on the sides while driving is prohibited.

You can start moving only after making sure that the conditions for the safe transportation of passengers are provided.

22.4. Passage in the body of a truck with an onboard platform, not equipped for the carriage of passengers, is permitted only to persons accompanying the cargo or following it, provided that they are provided with a seat located below the level of the sides.

22.5. When transporting groups of children in a non-route bus or in a truck with a van body, they must be accompanied by an adult (over 18 years old) accompanying them, and in the back of a truck with an onboard platform - at least two, who must ensure safe transportation in accordance with the requirements of section 4 Rules.

These vehicles must have front and rear identification marks"Transportation of children".

22.6. The driver is obliged to carry out boarding and disembarking of passengers only after a complete stop of the vehicle, and start driving only from behind closed doors and do not open them until they come to a complete stop.

outside the cab of a car (except for the cases of transportation of passengers in the body of a truck with an onboard platform or in a van body), a tractor, a self-propelled vehicle, on a cargo trailer, in a cottage trailer, in the body of a cargo motorcycle and outside the seats provided for by the design of the motorcycle;

in excess of the amount provided for by the technical characteristics of the vehicle, excluding children under 12 years of age. At the same time, the actual mass of the vehicle must not exceed the permitted maximum weight established by the manufacturer, and the number of children under 12 years of age must not exceed the number seats for passengers;

in a state of intoxication on the back seat of a motorcycle;

in excess of the number of places equipped for sitting in the back of a truck.

in the back seat of a motorcycle;

in the front seat passenger car in the absence of a special child restraint. This prohibition does not apply to utility vehicles and passenger cars.

23. Transportation of goods

Clause 23.1 is set out in the version of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

23.1. Carriage of goods must be carried out by means of transport and combinations of vehicles intended for this purpose.

It is forbidden to carry cargo, including luggage, outside the luggage compartment on buses.

23.2. The mass of the transported cargo and passengers, the distribution of the load along the axles must not exceed the values ​​established by the manufacturer for this vehicle.

23.3. Before starting and during the movement, the driver is obliged to control the placement, fastening, shelter and condition of the load in order to avoid its falling, interfering with the movement.

23.4. Carriage of cargo is allowed provided that it:

does not restrict the driver's view;

does not complicate control and does not violate the stability of the vehicle;

does not cover external lighting devices and retroreflectors, registration and identification marks, and also does not interfere with the perception of hand signals;

does not create noise, does not produce dust, does not pollute the road and the environment.

If the condition and location of the goods do not satisfy specified requirements, the driver is obliged to eliminate violations of the listed rules of transportation, and if elimination is impossible, stop further movement.

23.5. The load or parts of the vehicle protruding beyond the dimensions in front and behind by more than 1 m or to the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light must be marked with identification signs " Oversized cargo”, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, in front of a lamp or a white reflector, in the back - a lamp or a red reflector.

Paragraph 23.6 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

23.6. Transportation of heavy, bulky and dangerous goods, the movement of a vehicle whose overall dimensions with or without cargo exceed in width - 2.55 m (2.6 m - for isothermal bodies), in height - 4 m from the surface of the carriageway, along the length of the road train (including one trailer) - 20 m, or with a load protruding from the back beyond the dimensions of the vehicle by more than 2 m, as well as the movement of road trains with two or more trailers must be carried out in accordance with special rules approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The vehicle must be marked with identification marks: "Dangerous goods" - when transporting dangerous goods; "Long-length vehicle" - in the cases provided for in paragraph 8 of the "Basic Provisions".

24. Additional requirements for the movement of bicycles, mopeds, horse-drawn carts, as well as the passage of animals

24.1. To drive a bicycle, a horse-drawn cart (sleigh), to be a driver of pack, riding animals or a herd while driving on roads is allowed for persons not younger than 14 years old, and a moped - not younger than 16 years old.

24.2. Bicycles, mopeds, horse-drawn carts (sleighs), riding and pack animals must move only in the rightmost lane in one row, as far as possible to the right. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians.

Columns of cyclists, horse-drawn carts (sledges), riding and pack animals when moving along the carriageway must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists, riding and pack animals and 5 carts (sledges). To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80-100 m.

24.3. Bicycle and moped riders are prohibited from:

drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;

carry passengers, except for a child under the age of 7 years, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests;

transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control;

move along the road if there is a bike path nearby;

turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in this direction.

It is forbidden to tow bicycles and mopeds, as well as bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped.

24.4. At an unregulated intersection of a cycle path with a road, located outside the intersection, drivers of bicycles and mopeds must give way to vehicles moving along this road.

The driver of a horse-drawn cart (sleigh) when entering the road from the adjacent territory or from a secondary road in places with limited visibility must lead the animal by the bridle.

24.5. Animals on the road should be distilled, as a rule, during daylight hours. Drivers should guide the animals as close to the right side of the road as possible.

24.6. When driving a group of animals along the road or through it at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, drovers must give signals to warn drivers about the presence of animals on the road.

Note. The signal is a circular movement of a hand with a torch or a lantern, while the signaler must be at a distance of 10-15 meters from the group of animals in the direction of the approaching vehicle.

24.7. When driving animals across railroad tracks, the herd must be divided into groups of such a size that, taking into account the number of drivers, the safe passage of each group is ensured.

24.8. Drivers of horse-drawn carts (sledges), drivers and owners of pack, riding animals and livestock are prohibited from:

leave animals unattended in cases that do not exclude their appearance on paved roads;

drive animals across railway tracks and roads outside specially designated areas, as well as at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility (except for cattle passes at different levels);

lead animals along the road with asphalt and cement concrete pavement if there are other ways.

The title of Appendix 1 is set out in the version of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021; changes were made in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 25, 2007 No. 420

Annex 2. List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited

The preamble was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021; Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 25, 2007 No. 420.

This List establishes malfunctions of cars, buses, road trains, trailers, motorcycles, mopeds, tractors, self-propelled machines and the conditions under which their operation is prohibited. Methods for checking the above parameters are regulated by ST RK GOST R 51709-2004 “Vehicles. Requirements for technical

traffic safety conditions. Verification Methods.

1.Brake systems

Clause 1.1 is set out in the version of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

1.1. During road tests, the standards of braking efficiency of the service brake system, given in the table, are not observed:


1. Tests are carried out on a horizontal section of the road with a smooth, dry, clean cement or asphalt concrete surface at a speed at the beginning of braking of 40 km/h for cars, buses and road trains and 30 km/h for motorcycles and mopeds. Vehicles are tested by a single impact on the control of the service brake system. The mass of the vehicle during the tests shall not exceed the permitted maximum mass.

2. The efficiency of the service brake system of vehicles can also be assessed by other indicators in accordance with ST RK GOST R 51709-2004.

1.2. The tightness of the hydraulic brake drive is broken.

1.3. Violation of the tightness of the pneumatic and pneumohydraulic brake drives causes a drop in air pressure with the engine off by more than 0.05

MPa (0.5 kgf/cm2) 15 minutes after complete reduction them into action.

1.4. The pressure gauge of the pneumatic and pneumohydraulic brake drives does not work.

1.5. The parking brake system does not provide a stationary state:

vehicles with a full load - on a slope up to 16% inclusive;

cars and buses in running order - on a slope of up to 23% inclusive;

trucks and road trains in running order - on a slope of up to 31% inclusive.

2. Steering

2.1. The total steering play exceeds the following values:

Note. Excluded in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

2.2. There are movements of parts and assemblies not provided for by the design; threaded connections not tightened or secured in the specified manner.

2.3. The power steering or steering damper (for motorcycles) provided for by the design is faulty or missing.

3. External lights

3.1. The number, type, color, location and mode of operation of external lighting devices do not meet the requirements of the vehicle design.

Note. On vehicles discontinued from production, it is allowed to install external lighting devices from vehicles of other makes and models.

Paragraph 3.2 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

3.2. Headlight adjustment does not meet the requirements of ST RK GOST R 51709-2004.

3.3. Do not work in the set mode or external lighting devices and retroreflectors are dirty.

3.4. There are no diffusers on the lighting devices or diffusers and lamps are used that do not correspond to the type of this lighting device.

3.5. Installation of rotating beacons does not meet the requirements of the standard.

3.6. Lighting devices with red lights or red reflectors are installed at the front of the vehicle, and white at the rear, except for reversing lights and registration plate lighting, retroreflective registration, distinctive and identification marks.

4. Windshield wipers and windshield washers

4.1. Windshield wipers do not work in the set mode.

4.2. Windshield washers provided for by the design of the vehicle do not work.

5. Wheels and tires

5.1. Passenger car tires have a residual tread height of less than 1.6 mm, trucks - 1 mm, buses - 2 mm, motorcycles and mopeds - 0.8 mm.

Note. For trailers, standards for the residual height of the tire tread pattern are established, similar to the standards for tires of tractor vehicles.

5.2. Tires have local damage (punctures, cuts, ruptures), exposing the cord, as well as delamination of the carcass, delamination of the tread and sidewall.

5.3. The fastening bolt (nut) is missing or there are cracks in the disk and wheel rims.

5.4. Tires by size or permissible load do not match the vehicle model.

Clause 5.5 is set out in the version of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

5.5. Tires are installed on one axle of vehicles various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, chamber, tubeless), models with different tread patterns, studded and non-studded, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and restored.

Clause 5.6 is set out in the version of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

5.6. On the front axle of an intercity bus (class II**) and a bus long distance(class III) have retreaded tires and the other axles have tires

restored according to the second class of repair.

Paragraph 5.7 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

5.7. The front axle of a passenger car and a city bus (class I) is fitted with tires retreaded according to the second repair class.

6. Engine

Clause 6.1 is set out in the version of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

6.2. The tightness of the power supply system is broken.

6.3. The system of release of the fulfilled gases is faulty.

The list is supplemented by paragraph 6.4 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

6.4. The tightness of the crankcase ventilation system is broken.

7. Other structural elements

Paragraph 7.1 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

7.1. There are no rear-view mirrors provided for by the design of the vehicle or their equipment does not meet the requirements established by ST RK GOST R 51709-2004.

The list is supplemented by paragraph 7.1-1 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

7.1-1. There are no windows and sun visors provided for by the design of the vehicle.

Paragraph 7.2 was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

7.2. The sound signal does not work or the sound signal is set, with a changing fundamental frequency.

Clause 7.3 is set out in the version of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

7.3. Additional objects have been installed that restrict visibility from the driver's seat, entailing the risk of injury to road users.

Coatings, including transparent colored films, have been applied to the windshield and front side windows of the cab of a motor vehicle.

Note. On the upper part of the windshield, it is allowed to use a strip of a transparent color film with a width of not more than 140 mm, and on motor vehicles of categories M3, N2, N3 - with a width not exceeding minimum distance between the top edge of the windshield and the top edge of the wiper area.

It is allowed to use curtains on the windows of buses, as well as blinds and curtains on the rear windows of cars.

7.4. Cracks in the windshield motor vehicle in the wiper area of ​​half the glass located on the driver's side.

Clause 7.5 is set out in the version of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

7.5. The body or cabin door locks provided for by the design, the locks of the sides of the cargo platform, the locks of the tank necks and the fuel tank plugs, the adjustment mechanism and the locking devices of the driver and passengers seats, the emergency door switch and the stop request signal on the bus, the emergency exits of the bus and actuating devices, devices indoor lighting of the bus cabin, door control drive and signaling of their operation, speedometer, tachograph, anti-theft devices, glass heating and blowing devices.

7.6. There are no rear protective device, mudguards and mudguards.

7.7. The towing and coupling devices of the tractor and the trailer link are faulty, as well as the safety devices provided for by their design are missing or faulty.

cables (chains). There are backlashes in the connections of the motorcycle frame with the frame of the side trailer.

Paragraph 7.8 was amended in accordance with the Decrees of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12/19/02 No. 1329; dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

7.8. Missing:

on buses, cars and trucks, wheeled tractors, a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, an emergency stop sign (a flashing red light);

on trucks with a maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons and buses, chocks (at least two);

on a motorcycle with a side trailer, a first-aid kit, an emergency stop sign (flashing red light);

marking with retroreflective material that meets the requirements of ST RK GOST R 51253-2001 and ST RK GOST R 41.104-2001 of vehicles of categories M2, M3, N2, N3, O2, O3, O4 in accordance with GOST 22895-77.

Note. Minimum content medicines and medical products, first-aid kit is established by the Ministry of Health.

7.9. On vehicles that do not belong to operational and special services, flashing beacons, sound signals with alternating tones and color schemes provided for by GOST R 50574-93 are used.

Footnote. At the same time, they use official language and symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

7.10. There are no seat belts if their installation is provided for by the design of the vehicle.

7.11. The seat belts are inoperable or have visible tears in the webbing.

7.12. The registration plate of the vehicle does not meet the requirements of the standard.

7.13. There are no safety bars on the motorcycle.

7.14. On motorcycles and mopeds there are no footrests provided for by the design, transverse handles for passengers on the saddle.

7.15. Not provided by the design or installed without agreement with the vehicle manufacturer or other authorized organization additional elements brake systems, steering and other components and assemblies, the requirements for which are regulated by this List.

Clause 7.16 is set out in the version of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021

7.16. Re-equipment of vehicles was made without the permission of the traffic police.

Note: re-equipment (change in design) of vehicles - exclusion of those provided for or installation of vehicles not provided for by the design constituent parts and items of equipment affecting road safety.

Appendix 3 to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 25, 1997 No. 1650

List of operational and special services, the transport of which is to be equipped with special light and sound signals and painted according to special color schemes

The List was amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12.10.05 No. 1021 (see previous edition)

1. Security Service of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2. Operational services of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan

3. Operational services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

4. Operational services of the Ministry of emergencies Republic of Kazakhstan

5. Military automobile police of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. Emergency services

7. Ambulance Service


1. Color graphic coloring, identification marks, inscriptions, installation of special light and sound signals are regulated by the standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Vehicles of the Presidential Security Service, operational services The National Security Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs may not have a special color graphic coloring, identification marks and inscriptions.
