Rocking chair size diagram. Do-it-yourself rocking chair made of metal and wood: drawings and assembly

A do-it-yourself rocking chair made by many craftsmen will cost less than a store product. Self-made furniture will be better and more environmentally friendly, you can think over your design and design concept. The rocking chair will be a good addition to the interior design of the room, a device that will calm you down, give you the mood to work, and relax. Such a product will become indispensable when rocking a child. For the baby himself, such a chair is a real swing.

If a person is not related to carpentry, then a natural question arises: how to make a rocking chair with your own hands? Initially, it is worth deciding on the type of rocking chair, there are several of them. There are types according to the design features:

  • Rocking chair, which has radius skids. This model is classic and most popular. It has a low landing, as it is very difficult to keep balance when swinging on rounded "radii".
  • Armchair with runners of variable curvature. In this case, the "radii" do not represent part of the roundness, which means that the wobble can have a large amplitude. In this case, the use will be safer and more comfortable.
  • Armchair nirvana. There are two subtypes: elliptical and spring. The former is considered unsafe, as tipping over often occurs, but the swing is soft and smooth. Spring models are more adapted to widespread use, but making a rocking chair with your own hands for such an upgrade requires skills and experience.
  • Rocking chairs 3 in 1. All three modes are presented here: chair, rocking chair, sunbed. Depending on the degree of reclining on the back of the structure, the position of the body is determined. Multifunctional furniture but oversized.

The presented design options can be made from almost any material: wood, metal, wicker, rattan. The seat can be hard, soft or a combination. Materials can be combined, and in some models even necessary. Thanks to the photo on the Internet, you can choose your favorite model of the product.

braided pattern

It is quite difficult to make furniture from a wicker or rattan with your own hands. Rattan is an expensive material, but a product made from it has a long service life, and the body is more resistant to mechanical stress. The same cannot be said about the vine, but it is more accessible and malleable in work.

To create original wicker furniture, you can view the master class. Such instructions will be quite enough to implement the project. First, the material is prepared:

1. Rattan cannot be assembled on your own - it is a tough liana that grows in certain areas of America. The vine is harvested independently: the branches are harvested throughout the year. Length and thickness may vary. When the vine is harvested, it is placed vertically outside to dry.

2. Processing of rods consists in stripping. The branches are placed in a bath with warm water where the material should spend about 12 hours. The branches will become elastic. When each twig begins to bend well, then you can remove the bark from them.

3. To continue working, you need to give each element the appropriate form. Thick branches are fixed in clamps in the appropriate position, and thin branches are divided into several parts, which are called taverns, with the help of a splitter.

4. Each shank must be passed through a press so that they become flat and fit for weaving.

5. The prepared vine is placed in a dryer for three days, where the shape of each element of the future product is fixed. Only from such a vine can a rocking chair be made.

The next step will be the production itself:

1. First, a frame is made from thick branches or wooden planks. The sizes are determined independently. All parts are fixed with nails or wire. The item is placed in the dryer for several days.

Frame is being made

2. The braid consists in pasting the back and seat with tatters. Furniture glue is applied to the body, which will serve as an additional connection. The taverns themselves braid the bars of the crate in a checkerboard pattern.

Weave the back and seat

3. When the body is ready, the skids are attached and the product is tested. The chair needs to be slightly rocked, if this process proceeds easily, and it does not tip over during swinging, then the center of gravity is determined correctly.

4. The last step is to open the vines with furniture varnish.

The made rocking chair can be used in the country house, veranda, balcony, garden, hallway. In addition to positive feelings during the use of this piece of furniture, this element will become a wonderful authentic design.

On video: making a fully wicker rocking chair

Wooden rocking chair

Making a rocking chair with your own hands from wood is quite simple, the main thing is to make the appropriate preparation. If such work is done for the first time, then a master class will help in this. . First, prepare the tools:

  • wood saws, jigsaw;
  • grinder or sandpaper;
  • screwdriver;
  • set of drills;
  • measuring tape;
  • a hammer;
  • putty knife;
  • level;
  • construction angle;
  • brushes, pencil.

Material preparation is also important. Wooden rocking chair made partly from plywood. The remaining wooden parts are best selected from an elastic material. It's great if it's flannel.

After collecting the tools and material, you can get to work. Initially, a drawing of a rocking chair is made, performed in accordance with the parameters of the future product. The diagram is an exact copy, but on a reduced scale:

1. From plywood with your own hands, you need to cut out the side elements, which are semicircular bases with grooves for flannels. A jigsaw, wood saws and a grinder will come in handy here.

Making sidewalls

2. Flannels are being prepared, you can make them from plywood with your own hands, but on condition that the plywood is at least 30 millimeters thick and flexible in nature.

We make flannels

3. The plywood side parts are interconnected using 30x50x600 mm bars. Crossbars (flanels) are attached to the frame from above with a screwdriver at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

Assembling the structure

4. We attach flannels to the frame, for this we use a screwdriver.

We fasten the flannels to the frame

5. A plywood rocking chair is waiting for finishing. Places where there is an attachment of flannels to the sidewalls are covered with putty. When the putty dries, you can varnish the product on wood.


A plywood rocking chair can be additionally equipped with other elements. For example, you can make the seat soft. To do this, a foam base is laid on a wooden base, on top of which a fabric is laid.

On video: how to make a rocking chair out of wood.

Metal armchair

There is another class of product - these are metal rocking chairs. Not every master will be able to make such a design, since this requires more serious equipment and skill. Although, it is worth trying to make a rocking chair out of metal with your own hands. This can be done by focusing on the pictures, or by viewing the master class.

For work we need the following components:

  • steel bars;
  • galvanization;
  • steel corners;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • drill with special drills;
  • Bulgarian.

Often, arcs for skids are made from a profile pipe, and corners are cut out of the profile itself, which will serve as fasteners. From profiled sheet metal everything can be made necessary elements to create a structure like this:

1. First, drawings are made according to product design. To do this, you can take a finished chair and transfer this sketch, but besides this, think about how to attach the rounded skids.

2. Steel bars are cut to a length of 1 meter. After that, the frame is welded, to which the rods will be welded. The distance between them is about 1 centimeter. The metal is twisted into an oval.

3. After that, the master must attach the seat to the oval base. The seat itself is made of galvanized steel. Fastening is carried out using bolts, and the holes for them are made using a drill.

4. The final step will be painting and sanding sharp parts.

If we compare the operating conditions of wicker, metal and wooden furniture, then the most universal option is woven. It does not damage the floor surface, is easy to move, can be used in any room and on the street.

You can decorate such an element of furniture with textiles, in particular decorative pillows, quilted bedspreads, warm blankets. Thus, a note of comfort and coziness is introduced into the overall idea.

Many of us are familiar with such an interior item as a rocking chair, which can be found in many country houses. For most, it is one of the favorite vacation spots, but not everyone knows that everyone can make such a chair. However, first you need to acquire certain knowledge, skills and prepare a tool.

AT last years rocking chair has become a fairly common piece of furniture. In the assortment of many furniture enterprises you can find a large number of models of rocking chairs designed for use in apartments and offices. Moreover, among them there are models made in the classic version by the weaving method, as well as modern products that fully meet the requirements of high-tech style.

Benefits of a wooden chair

Before you start manufacturing, you need to decide what material to use for it as a basis. Although there are many options, the wooden chair is the most common. Therefore, further list the advantages that this material has:

  • environmental Safety. Wooden furniture has been very popular among consumers for many years, which provided it with such qualities as natural origin, safety and hypoallergenicity. Therefore, the owners of wooden chairs do not face any inconvenience in the process of using it, because they are confident in the environmental friendliness of this material;
  • strength and long service life. Wood is a fairly durable material, which was transferred to the furniture made from it. In addition, it perfectly tolerates mechanical stress and demonstrates a long service life;
  • attractive appearance and variety of forms.

Rattan rocking chair

We repeat that rocking chairs today offered in in large numbers most various options. One of these products is a rattan rocking chair, which not only has a pleasant design, but is also able to perfectly harmonize with other elements of the cottage interior. The birthplace of rattan is South America, and this plant itself is often referred to as a flexible liana.

Of the features of this material, it should be noted high strength, in which it is capable compete with wicker.

The technology of manufacturing armchairs from this culture is characterized by the fact that instead of traditional joints based on screws and bolts, glue and skillful knitting are used. Alas, it is impossible to buy this tree in our country, so most owners country cottages it is impossible to make such a chair with your own hands.

Wicker rocking chair

A photo of the options available today for this piece of furniture allows us to judge that a wicker rocking chair is quite in demand today. It can be found in cottages and even in apartments in many regions of our country. Willow vine is used as a material for it, and the finished chair itself fits well into the interior. garden house, cottages and even garden greenery. consumer rocking chair willow vine attracts primarily because of its low weight and high strength. However, such furniture has one serious drawback: excess moisture negatively affects the material, so it is not recommended to keep such chairs outdoors in wet weather.

Materials for manufacturing

Regardless of what type of wood you decide to use to make a wicker chair, you must have certain skills. The tree is affordable and easy to process, so many owners who are thinking about making a rocking chair with their own hands most often consider using wood as the basis for it. But first it is necessary prepare certain tools for making furniture:

  • electric jigsaw with a set of knife blades;
  • disc grinder with a set of coarse and fine-grained nozzles;
  • screwdriver with drills;
  • tape measure and corner with a ruler;
  • hammer and spatula;
  • brush and pencil.

Execution of the drawing

Even before you start work, you should consider that in order to make a quality rocking chair with your own hands, a drawing is required.

Having a sketch in hand, you can avoid serious errors in terms of product dimensions and correctly determine the quantity of materials that you will need to make.

First you need to take metal mesh, each cell of which corresponds to 1 cm, and outline on it a template for the side of the chair. To further make it more convenient to work, it is recommended to transfer the created chair template to plain paper. So it will be easier for you to mark the outline of the chair already on the plywood itself. Do not worry if small errors are made. Here it is important to maintain the symmetry of the sidewalls and avoid protruding corner elements on the outer rolling part.

To do this work, we need plywood 3 cm thick, from which three drawers are cut dimensions 120 x 800 mm. The manufacture of sidewalls is carried out using an electric jigsaw exactly according to the pattern. After that, you need to take a beam 50 mm wide and 25 mm thick and cut out 35 fragments from it, each of which should be 120 cm long. The finished bars will later serve as a seat and back for us.

Try to get as much timber at the very beginning to minimize waste. This will be quite easy to do, given that you can calculate the total length of the timber even before buying. Let's say if it will have a length of 2.3 m, then better chair make narrower. As a result, its width will decrease to 115 cm, however, this will allow you to avoid waste. The given dimensions of the rocking chair do not require their exact observance. Therefore, if in the course of work it becomes clear to you that it would be better to increase or decrease the size to minimize waste, you can do it without fear.

Workpiece processing

Surface treatment of workpieces is carried out using a grinding machine. During the operation, it is necessary Special attention give them to the ends. If, during work, wood fibers protrude on them, then you need to use a hammer and level them, and then process them with hot drying oil. So you will make the ends of your furniture more resistant to moisture, which will positively affect its service life. When the drying oil dries, it is necessary to re-process to consolidate the result.

The assembly of the chair is carried out, focusing on the drawing of the rocking chair. Need fasten the two sides, used kings. But first you need to mark the places where they will connect.

According to common schemes for the manufacture of rocking chairs, it is recommended to fix them in the head area, in the middle and at the legs. When you have to fasten the tie bars to the sidewall, use a confirmation for this. This name is given to a special screw screed, with the help of which wood materials are fixed. First, before fastening, it is necessary to create holes in the sidewall 8 mm and in the end of the drawer side 5 mm.

Next, we begin work on creating the seat and attaching it to the base. We take earlier cooked 35 pieces of timber, in which you need to make four holes for two on each side. After that, the bars must be fixed to the sidewalls. Given the number of holes present, it is recommended to fix the bars with 3 or 4 mm self-tapping screws. During the fastening of the boards, constantly check the horizontal position of their installation.

Finished product processing

If we turn to the experience of making rocking chairs made of wood and plywood by ordinary owners with their own hands, we can identify a number of serious mistakes made after assembly. Among them, I would especially like to dwell on poor-quality finishing or its absence. In order to do everything right and ensure the chair has the longest possible service life, it is necessary do the following:

  • process the hole above the screws with putty;
  • cover with a layer of antiseptic;
  • apply waterproof varnish in two or three layers.

If you perform all the above work exactly, you can be sure that a rocking chair made by yourself will be able to please you for more than one year.

If you are going to start making a rocking chair with your own hands for the first time, then it will be useful for you read the recommendations experienced craftsmen who have done this work more than once:

Other types

One of the varieties of this piece of furniture is wooden Baby chair . It is done according to the same scheme as described above, however, you need to adjust the size for the age of the child. This also applies to the tilt of the backrest and handles. Quite often, child seats are made in the form of a horse.

Of particular interest is the rocking chair for the office. The peculiarity of its manufacture lies in the fact that leather is used for facing, as a result of which the product acquires a respectable and solid appearance. With such a chair at hand, a person will have the opportunity to relax and unwind during the working day.


Despite the fact that furniture manufacturing offers enough big choice furniture, one of the most desirable for many owners of summer cottages is a rocking chair. Settled in it you can relax and allow yourself to forget about everyday affairs for a while.

Moreover, in order to personal experience to feel all the benefits of having such a piece of furniture, it is not necessary to spend big money on buying a rocking chair. You can always make it yourself. Given that you can use available materials and tools, any person who at least once held a hammer and saw in his hands can cope with this task. There are many ready-made schemes for the manufacture of such furniture, therefore, if you strictly follow the technology of manufacturing a rocking chair, you can create a fairly elegant and reliable product that can serve you for many years.

The rocking chair has always been a very convenient item for relaxing in the country or in country house. But not every fan of such a holiday knows that it is possible to make a rocking chair with your own hands if you have certain knowledge, skills and a simple tool. Moreover, the rocking chair is associated not only with country rest. Now there are many models of this type of furniture for apartments and even offices. Manufacturing variations differ from the standard wicker version to the modern armchair in.

In contact with


Rattan rocking chair

As we said above, the variety of rocking chairs in modern life impressive. For example, a rattan rocking chair has a cozy appearance and will fit perfectly into the interior of your cottage. Rattan is a plant that grows in forests. South America and is also called a flexible liana.


In terms of strength, it is not much inferior to willow twigs.

Armchairs from this culture are woven without the use of screws and bolts, and all connections are made with glue and skillful knitting. Unfortunately, rattan does not grow and is not sold with us, only in the finished product, so making such a chair with your own hands seems unlikely.

DIY rocking chair video:

Wicker chair

A very popular look is the wicker rocking chair. common element of any suburban area or even apartments in our latitudes. Such an armchair is woven from willow vines and looks great against the backdrop of a garden house, cottage or greenery of your garden. Willow wicker rocking chairs are lightweight and very durable. But such furniture has one small drawback. When it is damp or raining outside, it is advisable to hide such chairs in the house, as they are afraid of excess moisture.

Chair material

Wicker chairs made of rattan and wicker require special skills. Therefore, if we are going to make a rocking chair with our own hands, then the most acceptable option would be wooden. Let's look at what we may need to make it:

  1. with a set of blades.
  2. Sander disk type with coarse and fine-grained nozzles.
  3. with drills.
  4. Roulette and corner with a ruler.
  5. Hammer and.
  6. Brushes, pencil.

Execution of the drawing

Before starting work on making a chair, you need to draw a simple drawing of a plywood rocking chair. An example of such a drawing is shown below.

First of all, it is needed for the precise manufacture of the product and the correct calculation of the required material. Let's put on a metric grid, in increments of 1 cm, a template for the side of the chair. Then, for convenience, we transfer the resulting chair template to plain paper. Then it will be easier for us to transfer the contour of the chair to plywood. Don't be afraid of small inaccuracies. It is important that the sidewalls are identical and that there are no protruding corner elements in the lower rolling part.

Detail cutting

First you need to cut out of plywood, 3 cm thick, three drawers (in other words, a screed) measuring 120 by 800 mm. The sidewalls are cut using an electric jigsaw strictly according to the pattern. Then we take a bar 50 mm wide and 25 mm thick and cut 35 pieces 120 cm long. From these bars we will subsequently make a seat and back.

Consider the amount of waste from the purchased timber. The total length of the beam can be easily calculated before buying, and if, for example, its length is 2.3 m, then it is better to make the width of the chair a little narrower, it will be 115 cm, but do without waste. The dimensions of the rocking chair are not dogma, and if you see that they need to be changed a little to make better use of the material, then you can do it without problems.

Workpiece processing

Applying grinder, it is necessary to process the surfaces of the obtained workpieces and especially their ends. The protruding wood fibers at the ends must be flattened with a hammer, and then treated with hot drying oil. This will protect the ends of your chair from moisture and prolong its life. After drying, you will need to process them again.

Product assembly

Using the drawings of the rocking chair, we begin to assemble the product. We connect with the help of the tsarg two sidewalls. To do this, we mark the places of their fixation. Logically, the best option would be to install them in the head area, in the middle and at the legs.


The fixing of the tightening strips to the sidewall must be done with the help of a confirmation.

Confirmat is a screw screed for joining wood materials. Previously, before fastening, we drill holes in the sidewall of 8 mm and in the end of the sidewall of 5 mm.

After that, we proceed to the manufacture and fastening of the seat. To do this, in each bar, we recall that we have as many as 35 pieces, we make four holes, two on each side. And then we attach the bars to the sidewalls. For this frequency of fastenings, a three- or four-mm self-tapping screw can be used as a retainer. Do not forget that in the process of fixing such a number of planks, you need to periodically check the evenness of their installation. A video instruction for assembling a rocking chair is in this article.

Processing the finished assembled chair

Analyzing feedback from amateurs who have been involved in self assembly rocking chairs made of wood and plywood, it can be said that one of the main mistakes after assembly is poor-quality finishing or its absence at all. Therefore, it must be recalled that for the longest possible service of the chair, it is required:

  • holes above the screws.
  • Treat with an antiseptic.
  • Two or three times you need to treat the surface with a waterproof varnish.
  1. Make wooden armchairs best quality woods. Such material is needles, oak, larch. They have high strength, ductility and moisture resistance. A good option would be to use euro plywood. Armchairs made of such wood will last as long as possible.
  2. Plywood sheets should be selected with good plasticity, for easier subsequent processing.
  3. Mandatory to produce finishing even when using quality wood. This will greatly increase the life of the product.
  4. It is strongly not recommended to sheathe the chair with foam rubber or fabric. The wood under it will rot and rot, which will significantly reduce the life of the product.
  5. Try to keep furniture under a canopy, in a gazebo, or bring it home in wet weather to avoid unnecessary wetting.

Rocking chair with lamp

Other types

There is another type of wooden chairs for children. The principle of their manufacture is identical to the above option, only when crafting it is necessary to take into account smaller dimensions, a different backrest slope and the presence of handles. A horse is often used as a chair.

Highly original version products - rocking chair for the office. It is covered with leather, and it has a very respectable, solid appearance. On such a chair, during the working day, you can relax and unwind.

High-tech rocking chairs are distinguished by their very original design. Note that the listed furniture is manufactured in a factory way, has complex structure and it's hard to do it yourself.

What could be better easy chair for a pleasant relaxation after a hard day?

Into this classic comfortable furniture people have managed to make a very useful addition by inventing the rocking chair. A comfortable position of the body, combined with unhurried rhythmic rocking, perfectly calms and disposes to pleasant thoughts.

The popularity of the rocking chair over the centuries of its existence has led to the emergence unimaginable amount options and modifications. So today everyone House master can freely choose suitable design and material for its manufacture.

For detailed information about the best examples engineering and design solutions, embodied in specific models, a whole book is not enough. Therefore, we will consider the most interesting and original options for rocking chairs, choosing the most affordable ones for making at home.

Overview of popular rocking chair options

The classic rocking chair was made from durable and lightweight willow wicker.

Openwork hand-woven pattern blends perfectly with the interior country house and looks great among the greenery shady garden. The only drawback of a rocking chair made of wicker is its low resistance to a humid environment. Therefore, it must be carefully monitored to protect it from a sudden downpour.

Wicker chairs today are also made from rattan.- a flexible liana growing in countries South-East Asia. Despite all its beauty, a rattan rocking chair is inferior in strength to willow, since this material does not allow the use of joints on screws and nails, but only glue contact and knitting.

Without mastering the weaving technique, a home craftsman will not be able to make a high-quality chair from willow vines, not to mention natural rattan. We do not sell this material as a raw material, but only in the form of finished products. Therefore, a wicker rocking chair for many summer cottage owners is the best way to buy in a store, not a way to use your creativity.

Built for home comfort, rocking chair smoothly migrated to office rooms, where it was duly appreciated as great accessory to relax from the bustle of business. It is quite natural that the office version of this furniture is particularly solid and respectable.

Speaking of factory models of rocking chairs, it is necessary to mention very unusual high-tech design options.

The possibility of active swinging is what distinguishes this furniture from the usual stationary structures. Therefore, a rocking chair for children is the best solution to help direct the energy of a growing organism in the right direction and at the same time keep it under the vigilant control of adults.

A lot of design options for children's rocking chairs have been created, starting with the classic wooden horse and ending with comfortable chair with electronic control.

To rest on outdoors most often use rocking chairs made of metal, wood or plastic. They are not afraid of the vagaries of changeable weather, differing in durability and ease of care.

Among modern designs there are truly unique models which, in addition to comfort, guarantee the owner independence from external sources energy. Here, for example, is an enclosed rocking chair equipped with solar panels. Their power is enough to power a laptop or tablet computer.

By the way, this original version can be reproduced with sufficient quality by a home master using a polycarbonate sheet for a visor and thick plywood for the base of the structure. Install on her solar panels- not a problem. Today, they can be freely purchased online.

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands?

The main differences between a rocking chair and stationary structures are the presence of curved skids for rocking and a center of gravity shifted down, which increases stability.

Therefore, when great desire and lack of professional recruitment carpentry tools such a chair can be built even from regular chair, shortening its legs and placing it on bent runners made of wood or a metal strip.

A rocking chair made of wood is stronger than wicker wicker. It is resistant to moisture changes and retains its marketable condition outdoors. For self-manufacturing such a design, you must have basic carpentry skills, as well as purchase high-quality hardwood (oak, hornbeam or beech).

A rocking chair is made of plywood much lighter and faster than wood., which can be given a very original form.

Plywood - great material for plastic modeling. Using a conventional electric jigsaw, you can make a structure that combines the two most complex parts of a rocking chair - sidewalls and skids.

Let's take a closer look at how you can make a rocking chair with your own hands from plywood. In order to avoid problems during assembly, it is necessary to prepare a drawing, indicating on it the dimensions of the sidewalls and connecting strips.

The main tools for work will be a jigsaw and a screwdriver, and the main materials will be a sheet of plywood 15 mm thick, several planed pine or oak slats with a section of 10x50 mm and wood screws.

Having drawn the contours of the sidewalls according to the pattern on a sheet of thick plywood, they are cut out with an electric jigsaw. Then the sidewalls must be connected at three points with transverse bars with a section of 30x50 mm (fixed with carpentry glue).

After this operation, a facing strip from a bar with a section of 10x50 mm is carefully attached to the assembled frame. Then all structural elements must be sanded with a fine emery cloth, covered with stain for 2 times and opened with acrylic varnish.

If the rocking chair will stand not only in the house, but also in the yard, then the protection of the plywood sidewalls from dampness should be of especially high quality.

For those who are confident welding machine and Bulgarian, it is worth considering the manufacture of a rocking chair with a steel frame. For such a design, a small steel corner 20x20x3 mm and a steel strip 40 mm wide and 4 mm thick.

After metal carcass fully assembled, it needs to be painted. After this work, holes are drilled along the entire length of the corner of the back and seat for self-tapping screws for fastening a wooden facing plank.

A rocking chair is a very necessary and comfortable thing that helps to relax while relaxing, or, conversely, to concentrate while working. In the furniture market, you can choose this piece of furniture at different taste and in different price ranges.

But there is a more reliable and less expensive option - to make a rocking chair yourself at home. It is important to carefully calculate and measure all the details, because if the exact balance is not observed, the chair will either not move or tip over on its side.

The main types of rocking chairs

Below are photos of rocking chairs of different types.

An excellent option for a private home would be a massage rocking chair - it will not only give your interior modern style, but also has great functionality!

Look at the photo how the massage rocking chair fits beautifully in the interior:

Armchair on skids

The chair is the most popular among users, that is, it has radius skids. Such a rocking chair is distinguished by its simple design and rather simple assembly technique.

The disadvantage of such a chair is that it will not be possible to swing strongly, as it will simply tip over forward or backward.

Armchair with variable curvature

Armchair with variable curvature eliminates tipping over. It is the most comfortable to use and allows almost any landing height.

Armchair on elliptical runners

The chair on elliptical runners is equipped with bumpers to prevent tipping over.

Multifunctional armchair

The multifunctional chair has another name "3 in one". Such a piece of furniture, if necessary, can be turned into a sunbed, but its dimensions are quite overall, so use is available only in relatively large rooms.

Materials for manufacturing

Usually rocking chairs are made of wood, as the metal is too heavy for such a construction. Most often, beginners assemble a plywood rocking chair without violating the following recommendations:

  • the plywood of the middle layer should be much thicker than for the edges;
  • it is necessary to use predominantly waterproof glue, or when using PVA, it is better to fix the parts with small carnations;
  • all connections are treated with glue, securing them with several self-tapping screws on both sides;
  • the surfaces on which the entire mass rests should be reasonably protected with rubber or strong wooden slats to avoid chipping of plywood from the load.
  • for more strength finished structure must be treated with a special emulsion or water-based varnish.

Of the tools, an electric jigsaw, a screwdriver, a drill and a hammer are useful.

A forged rocking chair, of course, can only be made by a specialist, since special equipment and premises are required.

Of course, it is possible to make such a chair by welding metal profile pipes that resemble wicker rocking chairs. But this option is more suitable for the garden street area.

Also in the garden you can place a lounger with an awning (like a swing), which is a little more difficult to make, but it will be a lot of fun to use!

For home coziness and comfort, it will be more aesthetic to use a tree, decorating it with wicker rattan rods.

A rocking chair for children is also easy to arrange, but its proportions will differ from the adult version. Making it yourself is not at all difficult even for a beginner.

Important steps and rules of work

Before you make a rocking chair with your own hands, you need a competent drawing! Most often, self-taught masters find ready-made drawings of a rocking chair on the Internet, but it is worth considering the mass of the largest person who will use it in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future.


And then, on occasion, it will be possible to put a pillow on the seat, for greater comfort and avoid sharp rocking.

Beginning masters may not immediately get the ideal option, even if all sizes of the rocking chair are observed. This can easily be corrected by balancing the product.

The rear overhang can be made heavier by simply joining the rear ends of the skids with a stick in a "U" shape. So the rocking chair will be easier to go and "not shove" when swinging.

When tilting the chair back, accordingly, it is necessary to attach the weights to the front overhang.

Required pads for chair rails

On the runners of the rocking chair, it is imperative to install pads that prolong its durability and make the furniture wear-resistant.

  • you need to turn the chair upside down;
  • we heat the bar of the required size quite strongly with a special hairdryer;
  • then gently press the hot blank to the skid and wrap it with a dense braid;
  • we repeat a similar action with an adjacent skid;
  • after waiting for the final cooling of the blanks, we glue them with waterproof glue;
  • we fix the lining with small carnations along the entire length;
  • after a maximum of three days, when the glue is completely dry, temporary fasteners can be removed. Then finally fix the ends with self-tapping screws;
  • the heads of the self-tapping screws must be carefully rubbed with a putty prepared from sawdust of the same material (wood), mixing them with glue.


DIY rocking chair photo
