What material is best for a computer chair. How to choose a computer chair (chair)

CPU Special Executive Director Martela office interior design company Elena Aralova compiled a list of things to consider when choosing an office chair.

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Which piece of office interior "eats up" almost half of the entire budget for furniture for a new office? Work chair. And this is also a suitable excuse for mass manipulation and shamanism: "Here's a synchro-extra-super-mechanism for you, so 1099 euros is the most suitable price for it ..."

Jens Kapelmann, head of sales for Dauphin, one of Germany's largest chair manufacturers, gave us advice on how to sort through a million chairs and a billion options, how to identify a good office chair, and most importantly, how to choose the most worthy option for the least money.

The algorithm is as follows (all questions are arranged in order of importance, in descending order):

  • Does the chair have a synchro mechanism? This is when the seat and back synchronously and automatically repeat the movements of the person sitting: forward, backward, sideways. Thus, without losing the contact of the spine with the back of the chair, the person is in active movement, the spine is relaxed, there is no unnecessary tension on the muscles. This is the main thing. Without a synchro-mechanism, a chair is not a chair, but a stool with a back.
  • Is there a backrest adjustment? Each person has a different weight, so the different forces that we put on the back of the chair must be proportionally compensated by its resistance. Otherwise, fragile little girls will sit like soldiers, unable to overcome their backs. And large men are always in a relaxed reclining position, which is not very well received by the authorities. It's good when you find a balance: the back should deviate relatively easily - but not so much as to "fly away". Adjustment can be mechanical or automatic.
  • Seat depth adjustment. She definitely should be. According to the rules of ergonomics, there should be a distance from the edge of the seat to the inner bend of the knee with the width of your palm. If it is less - you "slide" from the chair. If it is more, you drown in it, forcing the leg muscles to strain unnecessarily.
  • Is there a negative seat angle. And, at the same time, backrests, less than 90 degrees - this is when the backrest, following the seated one, sort of descends to the table. The negative tilt of the seat is needed in order to get rid of excess pressure on the inner thigh, due to which the blood flow in this place is pinched and the muscles do not receive proper nutrition and oxygen. This happens when you are forced to work for a long time in a position tilted to the table (writing with a pen, peering at the data on the monitor). Claim a negative slope!
  • Where are my armrests? When you want to save money, the first thing you get rid of in a chair is the armrests. And this is a mistake. The armrests are aligned with the tabletop, so the wrist, forearm and hand on the keyboard (or with a pen) are always at the same level. The arm (including the shoulders) is always relaxed. And that's great. There are no armrests - and all day long your muscles do nothing but support your arms, forcing your shoulders to rise higher and higher, leading to slouching and increased tension in the shoulder girdle. In the armrests, the ability to adjust their height and width is important. All sorts of 3D and other mechanisms - from the evil one.
  • Is the back height adjustable? More precisely, the height of the lumbar support. Well, if yes. The lumbar support provides the closest contact between the back of the chair and the point of greatest curvature of the spine. It is bad when the lumbar support rests on the buttocks or, on the contrary, almost on the shoulder blades. The tighter the contact, the more relaxed the sitting posture. But, in fact, the height of the backrest does not play an ergonomic role. This is purely a symbol of the status and importance of the seated person, nothing more.

Everything. The "minimum" program has been completed. The remaining options are a matter of subjective wishes and available budgets.

And finally, a few comments:

  • The mesh back is not inferior in ergonomics to a regular back upholstered in fabric. The grid is more convenient in the summer - it passes air well and is ventilated.
  • The headrest is a completely empty fixture. It has no ergonomic role. The headrest is needed in order to demonstrate the status of the seated person, to emphasize his high position.
  • The plastic base of the chair is not inferior in its characteristics to the metal one. Modern plastic in chairs is special, high-strength. Serves quietly for 10 years or more, is not particularly susceptible to any serious damage.
  • When choosing an office chair, it would be good to pay attention to the fabric with which it is upholstered. Main characteristic fabrics - an index of its abrasion, wear resistance. It is expressed in martindales. For an office chair, this index must be at least 80,000.
  • It is worth specifying the type of wheels. They are for hard floors (with soft felt nozzles so as not to damage the floor) and, on the contrary, for soft floors (with plastic nozzles to glide better on the carpet).
  • The normal warranty for the office chair is 5 years. If they give less - a reason to think.
  • A real work chair cannot be cheaper than 400 euros (price in Russia, including customs duties, delivery). If you need to save money: choose cheaper fabric, a plastic chair base, mechanical rather than automatic adjustments, a lower back. It is impossible to save on mechanisms and armrests. Then it's wiser to go to IKEA and buy a nice, pretty stool. Same result, and also very cheap.

Comfortable organization of the place at the computer is important for maintaining your health. And the main role in this is played by ergonomics, functionality and workmanship of the chair on which you sit. Find out how it should be!

Purpose, comfort and appearance

All office furniture, including computer chairs, are divided into three categories according to their purpose:

  • for visitors;
  • for staff;
  • for leaders.

As a rule, the furniture for visitors is the least comfortable and looks the most unassuming. This is not surprising, because many people use it every day, each of whom spends not so much time on it.

Somewhat different requirements are imposed on staff furniture: with its modest appearance, it must be durable and provide maximum comfort to the person sitting in it.

Armchairs for executives should only be comfortable, but also look presentable.

If we talk about the domestic use of this classification, then office chairs from the “personnel” category are suitable for workplace equipment, and for home use it would be nice to purchase a beautiful, comfortable and ergonomic chair for the head.

upholstery material

This characteristic computer chair responsible not only for the appearance, but also for the duration of the service life. The following materials can be distinguished from the modern assortment:

  • leather (the most expensive and one of the most durable materials);
  • eco-leather (similar to natural leather in its characteristics, only a little cheaper);
  • nubuck (wear-resistant material of medium price category);
  • artificial leather (relative to inexpensive option, but wears out quickly)
  • acrylic mesh (wear-resistant and plastic material, usually used for the manufacture of furniture for staff);
  • fabric (the most diverse type, as it can be either cheap burlap or more expensive combinations of woven and non-woven materials).

Naturally, the more durable and prettier material the more expensive it is. Moreover, it is not necessary to use only one option for the manufacture of upholstery of the chair. A combined composition is also possible, for example, the seat upholstery can be made of fabric, and the backrest can be made of acrylic mesh.

Chair width and depth

All computer chairs and armchairs are divided into 3 categories according to the width of the seat and back - narrow (less than 55 cm), medium (55-60 cm) and wide (more than 60 cm). To determine the group of furniture that is comfortable for you, be guided by such a parameter of your body as the semicircumference of the hips - it should be equal to or slightly larger than the expected width of the chair.

If we talk about depth, then according to this parameter, the chairs are divided into small (less than 60 cm), medium (60-70 cm) and deep (more than 70 cm). The easiest way to calculate the depth of a computer chair that is comfortable for you is to simply sit in it. If you buy furniture on the Internet, then be guided by your own parameters - just measure the distance from the base of the kneecap to extreme point buttocks in a sitting position.

In this case, the comfortable depth of the chair is usually equal to the measurement result you received, or about 3-5 cm less. The exception is deep chairs for executives, the design of which suggests the ability to lean back and stretch your legs for a more comfortable stay.

Wheels and armrests

Most computer chairs are equipped with wheels - they provide furniture with mobility and allow you to comfortably sit at the computer. These rollers can be entirely plastic or equipped with soft rubber inserts.

Rigid plastics work great on soft and shaggy surfaces like carpet, and wheels with soft inserts are designed to move on parquet, laminate and other hard and smooth surfaces, as they do not scratch them. In any case, it is advisable to use a special mat for a computer chair, which will protect smooth surfaces from scratches, and fleecy ones from punching.

However, there are models of computer chairs without wheels - with ordinary legs or runners, if you prefer ergonomic classics.

If we talk about the armrests, then they can connect the back and seat of the chair or be independent (attached only to the seat or to the back).

Firstly, they act as an additional reinforcing structural element, so it is undesirable to disconnect them, even if such a possibility is provided by the manufacturer.

The independent armrests can be detached or folded down as needed. In many models of chairs, you can adjust the height, depth and angle of the armrests.

The material of the cross

The crosspiece to which the wheels are attached is one of the most vulnerable parts of any chair. In models of the middle and highest price category, it is made of silumin or aluminum, which significantly increases the service life.

In budget chairs, it is molded from plastic and often breaks. However, for most models, you can replace a broken cross with a new one, and such repairs are not too expensive.

Chair adjustment mechanism

The height of most chairs can be adjusted. This is done with the help of a built-in gas lift (pneumatic cartridge), the power reserve of which depends on the category of a particular model. On average, it allows you to raise the seat by 10-12 cm and fix it at the desired height.

In general, the following types of mechanisms designed to adjust the chair can be distinguished:

  • piastra;
  • spring-screw mechanism;
  • top gun (swing mechanism);
  • multiblock;
  • synchronous mechanism.

Piastre is simplest form a mechanism that is installed on budget models and makes it possible to press the gas lift valve and adjust the seat height.

Often such chairs are additionally equipped with a spring-screw mechanism, which is responsible for the angle and rigidity of the backrest and its height.

The top gun allows you to change the angle of the entire chair up to a reclining state, and also adds the function of a rocking chair to it.

This is a very bulky mechanism, and therefore it is usually installed only on expensive director's chairs.

The multiblock and synchronous mechanism are the most expensive and are used in ergonomic chairs.

Their advantage is in autonomous fine-tuning under individual characteristics the body of a seated person. Moreover, in most of these chairs there is a function of remembering the optimal position.


Also, many computer chairs are equipped with additional devices - a headrest and a roller under the lower back and hips. Of course, their presence makes a particular model more expensive, but at the same time it becomes much more comfortable and better supports an anatomically correct body position. This is important for health, as your vision depends on your position in the chair. And it will help to relieve eye strain when working at a computer.

Should I buy an orthopedic chair?

So, you have familiarized yourself with the main characteristics of computer chairs and already have a rough idea of ​​​​how to choose the right one for you. And here, perhaps, you paid attention to orthopedic computer chairs as an ideal of ergonomics and fine tuning for personal needs.

The cost of such furniture corresponds to their functionality, and if you can purchase such a chair, do it. This is especially true for those people who already have problems with the spine. If you are healthy and you just need an ordinary comfortable chair for a computer, give preference to a simpler model, because buying it will cost you much less.

A little about children's computer chairs

Also, you probably noticed that there are also children's computer chairs. How are they different from furniture for adults?

In principle, the main difference between a child seat is the absence of armrests in most models. In fact, this is an ordinary computer chair, just a little smaller and more cheerful colors. Why no armrests? Because it is assumed that the child's hands will be located on the table, and he himself will not sit at the computer for several hours in a row.

It is also noteworthy that some models of children's computer chairs have more fine tuning the angle of inclination and the rigidity of the backrest compared to similar furniture for adults. If we talk about the cost, then children's computer chairs for the most part can be attributed to the budget and average price category, with rare exceptions.

When choosing a children's computer chair, you should pay attention to the upholstery material and the gas lift stock for height adjustment. Also, please appreciate physical parameters your child, and if you buy a chair for a teenage student, then some models of furniture for adults may suit him.

Also don't forget about proper fit at the computer (you can get to know this information better in my article): take care of having a footrest if your child still cannot reach the floor with his feet. However, some orthopedic child seats differ from the representatives of the class by the presence of armrests and a built-in stand.

We summarize: how to choose a computer chair for home or office

Do you prioritize your own comfort? Choose models with increased comfort and large quantity settings to suit your needs. As an option - get an orthopedic computer chair - this is ideal if you focus on convenience and subtlety of settings.

We need not only convenient, but also stylish item interior? Pay attention to director's chairs, which combine practicality and discreet style.

Need an ergonomic design affordable price? Choose a computer chair from the budget or mid-price category with the best value for money and functionality.

Child seats are basically all the same, the difference is only in the number of additional functions, as well as the quality and durability of the upholstery and crosspiece material.

And which computer chair you would not choose - in any case, it will be better than a complete lack of comfortable furniture as such. For the rest, be guided by the description of the characteristics provided above and your own common sense!

With all the dynamism modern life, any person, striving for comfort, spends quite a lot of time in a sitting position. Working at a computer is becoming an integral part of different age groups, and people spend more and more time sitting on the Internet.
In order for prolonged sitting to have a positive effect on the general condition of the body, and especially on the health of the spine, it is necessary to create conditions under which it will feel natural. To create such an environment, a properly selected computer chair will help, which should be chosen in compliance with all basic requirements.

In order to feel comfortable and not harm your health, spending a lot of time sitting at a computer, when buying a chair, you need to take care that it can adapt to the figure of the person sitting, providing the most comfortable working conditions.

If the body is in the wrong position long time, the back spontaneously begins to bend, resulting in deformation of the spine. Prolonged stay in this position leads to curvature, skeletal fatigue and posture disorders, which can subsequently be supplemented by related problems: headache, problems with the pelvis and legs, pain in all parts of the back, from the neck to the lower back.

Only being in the correct position, the spine will not experience excessive stress, this affects the overall well-being and performance. A smart chair will invisibly maintain the correct position of the body during the entire process of work, creating comfortable conditions for it. Before buying a computer chair, you need to understand what qualities you need to pay attention to. The comfort of a chair depends on:

The presence or absence of various properties of a chair depends on the criteria for its use: the amount of time spent sitting on the chair, and the number of people who will use it. Having decided on these criteria, it is easier to figure out which computer chair to choose so that it becomes reliable, durable and orthopedically designed correctly.

Manufacturers of computer chairs try to think through all aspects of improving their ergonomics and functionality as much as possible. The price of a computer chair directly depends on its ability to adapt to the various requirements of those sitting on it, and the materials from which it is made. Buying a computer chair inexpensively, with high functionality and made of expensive materials will certainly not work. Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance the necessary set of requirements, and based on this, choose the most suitable option. It makes no sense to pay for features that will not be used later.
For those who spend no more than two hours a day at the computer, an ordinary chair that is not equipped with any additional functions is quite suitable. In such a short time, the back and legs may get tired from insufficiently comfortable sitting, but this will not seriously affect health. With a longer sitting on a chair, you need to take care of organizing a comfortable environment for productive work. From the created conditions will depend not only momentary conveniences, but also health in the future.

seat height

If several people will use the computer chair, then for the correct position of the legs it will be necessary to change the height of the seat, adjusting it to different heights. For this purpose, computer chairs are equipped with a special seat height adjustment mechanism. The most attractive are models in which you can change the height of the seat without getting up from your chair.

With proper sitting, the body should form right angles, on all bends of the legs. Between the thighs and lower leg, and further between the feet on the floor and the lower leg. The legs should not be in a hanging or, conversely, in an elevated position, this can lead to impaired blood circulation and muscle tension.

dynamic back

Particular attention must be paid to the shape and the possibility of changing the position of the backrest. Its shape, in the lumbar region, should have a characteristic bend, repeating the anatomically correct position of the back.

When choosing a computer chair for the home, it is enough that the back height reaches the middle of the shoulder blades. Spending a lot of time at the computer at home, there is always the opportunity to get up and rest, giving the opportunity to relax the muscles of the neck. For those who like to relax without looking up from the monitor, it is better to purchase a chair with a higher back and equipped with a headrest. Its presence will allow in the process of work to periodically allow the muscles of the neck to relax, preventing the appearance of headaches and neck pains.

Sitting on a chair should rest firmly on the entire surface of the back, evenly distributing the load on all muscles. This supportive position will provide adjustment of the back of the chair, changing the depth of the seat. In addition to reliable fixation of the back, this mechanism will allow you to properly position yourself on the seat, changing its depth so that the knee area does not rest against the edges of the chair, creating excessive pressure on the blood vessels.

The design and material of the cladding

Computer chairs for the home have many design solutions for the location of the legs. In most models, this is one support, diverging at the base into several legs with wheels. The safety and reliability of the chair in operation depends on the strength and stability of the leg structure. Easily sliding on the floor surface, it should not roll over. Special rubberized rollers on wheels will avoid scratches on the floor.

For the seat upholstery of computer chairs, materials of various textures and colors are used. It is better to choose a color scheme in accordance with the general style of the room, so that the chair harmoniously fits into the interior. When choosing the texture of a fabric, you should pay attention to its hygroscopic qualities and naturalness.

It is preferable to choose a medium-soft seat and back, they are more comfortable for long-term work than hard or too soft ones.

Convenient and practical additions

The presence of armrests significantly reduces the load on the shoulder and prevents pain in the neck, but only if they are properly located. The permanently fixed armrests are adjusted to average parameters and cannot be changed, so it is more convenient to purchase a computer chair with a mechanism that adjusts the height and width of the armrests.

Many office workers who spend several hours a day at their desks complain of back and neck pains in the evening. Often the cause of these sensations is a bad chair in which a person sits in a tense or unnatural position. Poor-quality furniture negatively affects both health and work efficiency: it causes fatigue, leads to the development of osteochondrosis, sciatica, and intervertebral hernias.

In order not to face such problems, you should carefully consider the purchase of an office chair. There are many models on the market that differ quite a lot in terms of appearance and cost. How to choose a comfortable and reliable option, avoiding unnecessary expenses?

Types of chairs

Depending on the place where it is planned to install the chair, there are models for managers, for employees and for visitors.

Executive chairs are of solid size. As a rule, such models have a high back, wide armrests and soft upholstery made of natural leather in discreet colors: black, brown or beige.

Under the seat there is a strong metal support with five horizontal beams, at the ends of which wheels are installed - this design allows the person in the chair to quickly turn around or move from one edge of the table to another, solving work tasks.

Armchairs for employees look more modest. Their five-beam support can be either made of plastic or metal, the back often ends at shoulder level, and sometimes there are no armrests. For the upholstery of such chairs, both artificial leather and durable textiles are used.

They look completely different chairs for visitors- externally they look like ordinary chairs. Such furniture does not need wheels to move around the office, so skids or traditional legs act as a support. Seats for such models can be hard (made of polypropylene) or soft (upholstered in fabric or leather).

The premium seats in this category have upholstered back and seat genuine leather, and the legs and armrests are made of polished wood. Such furniture is usually installed in the director's office or in meeting rooms where important business partners are received.

Of course, swivel chairs on wheels are bought not only for offices. Many people need such a model at home - for playing games or working on a computer.

For example, a student can buy a special Baby chair . It looks like a staff model, but is smaller.

For keen gamers release gaming chairs with a cross on wheels, high back and armrests. They differ from office ones in a more striking design - such furniture can be red, turquoise, lemon, light green. Since during the game a person often leans or, on the contrary, leans back, gaming chairs are characterized by high stability and more precise adjustment to the needs of the owner.

For example, in many models, the backrest reclines to an almost lying position, and the armrests have 3D adjustment: they can be moved horizontally, vertically, and even placed at an angle.


Key features of office chairs include:

  • maximum load capacity;
  • support material;
  • upholstery material;
  • the presence of a headrest;
  • the presence of armrests.

weight limit or maximum load capacity chairs are an important characteristic for those who belong to people of increased complexion. Most models are designed for a load within 120 kg, however, there are products that can withstand 150 and even 250 kg.

In chairs with a load capacity of up to 120 kg support material can be both metal and high-strength plastic. Models designed for a user weighing from 150 kg are mounted on a metal cross. To give the executive chairs a presentable look, this detail is sometimes decorated with wood panels.

Considering the support of the chair, pay attention to the wheels of the furniture. Non-scratch elements with rubberized or felt pads are designed for hard floor coverings. Fully plastic wheels suitable option for carpet.

It is also of great importance upholstery material. Usually it is leather (natural or artificial) or wear-resistant textiles. Leather chairs look more solid and easy to care for, but if the office is hot, sitting on them may not be too comfortable. fabric upholstery in this regard, it is more convenient, but if necessary, such a model is more difficult to clean from stains or dust.

In some armchairs with textile upholstery, the backrest is completely or partially covered with a strong mesh. Such models freely pass air, providing good ventilation, which is especially important in the summer.

Headrest- more of a status than a functional element. It is most commonly found in executive furniture or gaming chairs. For a regular model for employees, this detail is not required at all.

But the presence armrests on the contrary, it is highly desirable. If they are set flush with the tabletop, the hands, wrists and forearms will be at the same level, relieving the arms and shoulders of stress.


For the comfort of a person in a chair, such a parameter is responsible as seat softness. Models are divided into hard, medium and soft, with a thick layer of elastic foam rubber. If you plan to work a large number of time, it is desirable to give preference to the latter option.

Seat front edge shape directly affects the well-being of the owner of the chair. To avoid squeezing the vessels and ensure normal blood flow, it should be round and not cut into the hips of a seated person.

Help relieve leg muscles from fatigue seat depth adjustment. For a comfortable stay in the chair, there should be about 6 cm from the inner bend of the knee to the edge of the seat. If this distance is less, you will “slide” off the chair, and if more, you will have to constantly strain your legs. Provides a comfortable position and helps negative seat angle when its edge is slightly raised - in this position you will not get tired, even if you have to work for a long time, leaning towards the table.

It helps to adjust the furniture parameters to the height of the owner seat height adjustment, which changes the distance from the floor.

Comfortable back must have anatomical shape, repeating the contours of the body - for this, the furniture is supplied with a small roller in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lumbar deflection. To place it in the zone of the greatest curvature of the spine of a particular person, you need a function back height adjustment.

If not only the height changes, but also backrest angle, while relaxing, you can relax by leaning back in your chair. All adjustments should be smooth and easy: ideally, the user should control the height of the seat and backrest with one hand without getting up.

In many office chairs available swing mechanism but it's not just for fun. This option allows you to take different postures, reduces the load on the intervertebral discs and allows you to relax the back muscles during short breaks in work. Using this mode, you can swing in the chair, fix the tilt positions of the back and seat, and adjust the resistance of the backrest depending on the weight of the user.

Swing mechanisms are divided into several types. The most popular of them include:

  • "top gun";
  • "Top Gun Lux";
  • "multiblock";
  • synchro mechanism.

The most common " top gun”- it is built into both office and play furniture. This mode allows you to enable the rocking option (the angle of the backrest varies from 90 to 130 degrees) or fix the chair in the working position (with a straight back). At the chair equipped with the function " tog gun lux”, the backrest and seat tilt can be fixed at different angles.

Systems " multiblock" and synchro mechanism usually installed in expensive executive chairs. They allow you to simultaneously change the angle of the back and seat, fix the model in several positions, adjust the structure depending on the weight, or recline the back strongly, taking a reclining position.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a chair, first of all decide for what purposes it will be used. Office chairs are suitable for receiving visitors and equipment for meeting rooms, and for working at a computer you will need a chair with wheels.

For a child, it is better to buy a special child seat with a load capacity of 80-100 kg. Such models are not only comfortable, but also delight the eye with a bright design: they have multi-colored upholstery and wheels, and funny drawings adorn the back.

Gamers will find it comfortable to sit in a gaming chair with plenty of adjustments. Another advantage of these models is wide selection colors, allowing you to choose furniture for the interior of the room. The range of gaming chairs includes options with any upholstery:

Research has shown that modern man spends at the computer on average about 6 hours a day. When a person is sitting in the wrong position long time He has a twisted spine. Often after such work, fatigue and back pain are felt. Poor posture or scoliosis is a disease that begins in early childhood. Therefore, in order not to spoil the posture, it is important for the student not only to monitor how he sits at the table, but also to choose the right computer chair for him. But before you go to the store for a purchase, you need to decide for what purpose you are purchasing this piece of furniture and who will work on it. There are several options for a computer chair for the home: a gaming chair for a gamer, for a student, an orthopedic chair, for a child.

Top 10 computer chair rankings

Choosing the right computer chair for your home

take into account the individual characteristics of a person. A properly selected model will avoid health problems, prevent fatigue, and increase efficiency. We have selected a rating of the 10 best computer chairs, including:

  1. Samurai SL-3;
  2. Duorest SMART DR-7500;
  3. AV 108 PL (727) MK;
  4. CTK-XH-8060;
  5. Bureaucrat KD-4;
  6. Stanford Duo (Y-135) KBL;
  7. Aerocool AC80C AIR-BW;
  8. Bureaucrat KV-8;
  9. Orthopedic chair T-9915A/BROWN;
  10. Ergohuman PLUS LUX.

We offer to consider in more detail the presented models, get acquainted with their characteristics, find out reviews, prices, recommendations for choosing.

Samurai SL-3

Orthopedic computer chair for the home, repeats the anatomical features of its owner. Maximum comfort is achieved by adjusting the rigidity of the seat and lumbar support.

Price: 18 683 rubles.


  • adjustable back height (up to 131 cm);
  • seat adjustment (from 49 to 59 cm).


  • not detected.

I have been using this chair for more than a year, it is comfortable, I am satisfied with the purchase. During the period of use (1 year) minuses were not found. The seat is soft and adjustable. I recommend to purchase!
