Shade-loving berries for the garden. What to plant in the shade behind a house of vegetables and flowers? Perennial plants for a shady garden

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In many summer cottages there are certain zones of natural lighting - well lit by sunlight and shaded. Very often, the areas of the site located in the shade are partially used or remain completely empty, which not only looks inorganic, but also sometimes leads to an irrational distribution of plants on the site. This article will talk about How to choose the right shade plant for your garden who can feel comfortable in such conditions.

It is worth noting that the partial shadow cast by mature trees or small buildings of the house does not frighten most plants, since during the day they manage to get required amount sunlight. But it happens that there are places on the plots that are completely sheltered from the light and the plants are transferred to them, become less hardy, and often do not take root at all and die.

Particularly problematic is the issue of shading areas of the site country house becomes for owners of small summer cottages, since in a small area you need to place all the necessary crops and the desired plants.

The issue of the correct distribution of plants over the territory of a summer cottage should be approached quite seriously, since from proper disembarkation plants and different cultures will depend on the harvest and, accordingly, the forces spent on growing plants. Very often, beginners who are just planning a planting and deciding where and how exactly the flower garden, vegetable garden and garden will be located face difficulties in this matter.

Quite often, planting various trees is carried out along the fence or fences. This approach is quite expedient, since with this arrangement the trees do not occupy a usable area, but here you need to consider which side of the site is best for planting so that the shadow from the trees does not fall on large area suburban area and did not prevent the saturation of plants with sunlight.

If planting trees is only in the plans, then you need to take into account in advance where the plants that prefer the maximum amount of light will be located, and where you can partially shade the area.

Shrubs are also often planted along hedges and fences, but it should be understood that some of them will be in complete shade from the trees that were planted earlier, or the fence. Based on this, a more correct option would be to plant ornamental or berry bushes closer to the central part of the summer cottage, which will also serve as an additional division of the territory into zones.

Things are a little easier with growing flowers, since for these purposes there are simple technologies for growing flowers on hills or at vertical gardening and accommodation in hanging pots. Thus, flowers have the opportunity, regardless of location, to receive right amount Sveta.

In order to prevent possible problems when growing plants, one should distinguish between the concepts of shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants, since the former adapt and cope with existence in shaded areas, while others, by their nature, prefer to grow and develop in the shade. For a complete understanding, before planting a plant, it is recommended to study agricultural technology and take into account the requirements for the planting site.

It should be borne in mind that the shadow can be stable (constant), partial (the zone can be shaded at a certain period of the day and illuminated at a certain time of the day, due to the course of the sun) and diffuse (light penetrates through the foliage and tree branches).

In the dense, stable shade cast by trees, shrubs or buildings, magnificent elecampane, kupene, heart-leaved tiarka, shoot-bearing sedum, European hoof will feel good. Such a zone of illumination, in combination with well-moistened soil, is perfect for planting dark geranium, hellebore, astilbe, black cohosh and primrose.

In those areas where the shadow is scattered, for example, under old apple trees or nuts, it is recommended to plant spring umbilical, lupins, fragrant woodruff, daylily. In such conditions, such will feel great medicinal herbs like lemon balm and peppermint. And also you need to take into account that in addition to the shading and humidity of the place, the composition of the soil can affect the plant. For example, on sandstones or sandstones in conditions of scattered shade, creeping tenacity, violet, lily of the valley, periwinkle and kupena grow well.

Usually in the shade orchard place various shrubs that do not require too much attention and develop magnificently.

In the semi-shaded areas of the garden, you can often find a shade-tolerant rhododendron, which prefers just such conditions and does not like sunlight at all.

But it is worth remembering that this shrub should grow in partial shade, since in the complete absence of sunlight, its flowering may not be so plentiful and beautiful.

Shade-tolerant shrubs are also considered viburnum, elderberry, hydrangea, ivy, clematis and parthenocissus.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant flowers for the garden and flower beds

Some flowers can not easily feel good in the shaded areas of their summer cottage, but they can do without sunlight at all.

Shade-loving perennials

Even for a novice florist, it will not be difficult to grow on your own suburban area perennial of shade-loving flowers. Among perennials, there are a huge number of flowers that prefer shade. Due to the fact that there are incredibly many such types of shade-loving flowers for the garden, summer residents have the opportunity to plant not monotonous flower beds, but entire flower beds that will decorate the shaded landscape.

  • Badan is a perennial plant that loves dense to medium shade, but although it can grow well in full shade, its flowering may suffer.
  • early blooming daylily, a perennial that loves partial shade, and in strong shade its flowering noticeably weakens.
  • hosta- This is a plant that prefers to grow and develop in the shade. The only requirement is constantly moist soil.
  • Aconite Feels pretty good in the shade, but like the hosta, prefers moist soil.
  • Lily of the valley- familiar and classic perennial flowers for shaded areas in suburban areas.
  • Astilbes- prefer partial shade and develop well in it and grow.
  • Dicentra- flowers that love partial shade and shade with moist soil.
  • Brunner- picky and pretty perennial flowers that feel calm in any shade. But at the same time, a brunner needs permanent care, as the plant tends to grow rapidly.
  • Blueberry and lily of the valley- classic plants for shaded areas of the suburban area.

All varieties do well in shady areas. pansies, besides, when planting them, you can achieve flowering from spring to late autumn.

  • foxglove - a biennial, tall, shade-tolerant plant that copes well with a small amount of sunlight, but it is possible to ensure the normal state of the plant only if agricultural practices are followed.
  • Forget-me-nots - a shade-tolerant plant that is absolutely not afraid of full shade and tends to grow rapidly, forming a whole flower carpet.

Choice annual plants for planting in the shaded areas of the suburban area is very small, so many summer residents do not plant them so often in their plots, but still there are a number of plants that can please with their beauty.

  • Balsam feels good in partial shade, but in full shade the plant may experience a lack of flowering.
  • Begonia evergreen Suitable for shaded areas of the garden or flower garden.
  • fragrant tobaccobeautiful plant, which feels good in diffused light, for example, a good place for such a plant there will be a young garden where the foliage and branches are able to let in a sufficient amount of sunlight.

Many plants love the color of the sun and the maximum yield can be obtained by growing them on sunny places Oh. However, in any area there is a shadow and partial shade. This is a shadow from buildings on the site (houses, baths, a barn), a fence, from tall fruit trees with a dense crown. What to plant in such places, you need to know. Do not give these areas to weeds.

"Country hobbies"

Shrubs growing in the shade

However, the shadow is different and depends on the cardinal points. On the south side in partial shade, you can grow many vegetables up to watermelons and tomatoes. But in the north only greens grow (dill, parsley, lettuce).

In order to properly plant plants, you need to understand well in which areas and how long the sun is.

In the shade with low light, various varieties grow well. coniferous crops: spruces, firs, yews. From and trees you can plant shadberry, honeysuckle, viburnum, mountain ash, currant, lilac, hawthorn. These breeds grow well in a small amount of sunlight.

However, for good development the following rules must be followed:

  • regularly cut the lower hanging branches;
  • thin out a dense crown to increase the illumination of all shoots;
  • dig the ground under the trees carefully and carefully as far as possible root system plants;
  • regularly carry out top dressing;
  • use raised flower beds with fertile layer so that the planted plants do not compete for nutrition.

What to plant under trees

Rhododendrons, girlish grapes, hydrangea, ivy develop well in the shade of trees.

You can also plant black and red elderberries with their bright and unusual colors of foliage and ripe berries. Or joint landings mountain ash, shadberry, hazel, which do not require attention and practically do not get sick.

You can arrange beds with vegetables that easily tolerate slight shading. In the southern latitudes, such a planting is even desirable so that the vegetables do not suffer from the scorching sun. These crops include: garlic, lettuce of all varieties, cabbage, even broccoli and kohlrabi, chard, sorrel, arugula, spinach. Beets planted in the shade do not suffer from a lack of sunlight and not very large, but sweet and juicy root crops grow during the season. Of the spicy crops, dill, basil, parsley, cilantro, and chervil grow normally in the shade. Calmly refers to the penumbra forest strawberries. Try, experiment and find crops that grow well in partial shade.

Reception that improves lighting

If you have a corner where the sun practically does not peek, then here the plants will be elongated, pale with a weak taste. You can increase the illumination by mulching between plants with a reflective film.

On sale there is a film with a reflection of light different shades. The greatest result in the reflection of light is obtained from a metallized film. The most commonly used film is white. But for a tomato it is better to use a red film. Application reflective film allows you to expand the list of crops grown in the shade of trees.

The film, in addition to increasing light and photosynthesis of plants, makes it possible to raise the air temperature near plantings, increase soil moisture, reduce damage by aphids and thrips, which generally leads to an increase in the quality and yield of crops.

Remember that the soil under the trees warms up later, so do not rush to plant vegetables so as not to freeze them.

What flowers grow in the shade

Even in a dense gloomy forest there is no bare ground, there are always plants that can grow there. Nasturtium grows in partial shade, in which, in the bright sun, the flowers shrink and the leaves dry up. You can: wax flower, pyrethrum, Snapdragon, sage, pansies.

However, trees can take moisture away from flowers. And if you can’t water often, then you should plant drought-resistant flowering crops. These are periwinkle, Caucasian cyclomen, spurge, osmanthus, beautiful dicentra, large-rhizome geranium. It is worth paying attention to foxglove, nigella.

If moisture remains under the trees for a long time, then it is advisable to plant a fern, a variety of hostas, Canadian derain, japanese anemone, hellebore, moss, high gerbil, catchment area (aquilegia).

What to plant near the fence?

Now often the fence is made high and solid, so there is enough shadow there. It's worth planting here. berry crops: raspberries, currants, shadberry, cranberries, gooseberries. And although these shrubs are recommended to be grown in sunny places, they grow well in the shade, although the yield is reduced. You can even plant plums and cherries in the shade of the fence.

If the owners want to hide the fence behind the greenery climbing vines, then clematis, akebia five, hydrangea and curly honeysuckle, six-leaf stauntonia are suitable for this.

So, we found out. There are many. And even if something did not work out, do not be sad, maybe just an unsuccessful variety. Experiment, plant, care, and everything will work out. I wish you success.

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I invite you to the group on for summer residents, gardeners: "Country hobbies" Everything about country life: cottage, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, recreation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

In every garden there is a place which, because of its shading, remains pale and dull. Such places are found under the closed crown tall trees, along fences and walls of buildings. Sometimes it even becomes a problem, as moss begins to grow in such places. In this situation, shade-loving perennials come to the aid of the gardener. By choosing and planting them correctly, you will solve the problem with the design of the shady area for more than one year.

In relation to the illumination of the growing area, all plants, including perennials, can be conditionally divided into light-loving, shade-loving and shade-tolerant.

Light-loving plants prefer well-lit places during the day, in other conditions they can stretch out strongly and will not bloom. Shade-tolerant - love sunny areas, but they tolerate light shading well, however, they can bloom less intensively. And shade-loving people feel good in the shade. Such plants in the sun can get burned and dry out.

In order to choose the right place for each of them, you also need to figure out what the shaded areas are.

“Shadows are places where there is less than three hours of sunlight during the day. Regardless of the time of day (morning, afternoon or evening).

- Penumbra is when the sun hits the site for more than three hours a day (most often only in the morning or evening).

- A rarefied shadow is formed under a loose crown of trees when the sun's rays penetrate between the foliage.

- Deep shade - these are places where sunlight does not penetrate almost completely or for a very short time.

In nature, for each of these places there are suitable plants. In order to choose them correctly and form a flower garden that will look decorative all season long, it is also necessary to determine the flowering time of certain flowers. shade-loving perennials.

The success of any design is a harmonious combination of its key elements, which is achieved with the right…


Although the sun is not very active in spring, but while the leaves on the trees have not yet appeared, spring primroses feel good in the shade of the branches. Snowdrop (Galanthus) and blueberry (Scilla) are forest inhabitants and therefore it is natural and comfortable for them to grow in the shade. Muscari (Muscari), daffodils (Narcissus), frost-resistant varieties of kandyka or erythronium (Erythrónium), beautiful Pushkinia (Puschkinia), tender liverwort (Hepatica), as well as “broken hearts” dicentra (Dicentra) are perfectly tolerated by a slight shading.
Suitable perennials for planting even in dense shade are lilies of the valley (Convallaria). Lily of the valley curtains look beautiful in a shady corner of the garden.


lilies of the valley

In areas where the sun appears only in the morning hours, the brunner (Brunnera) will feel ideal. For small blue flowers that form miniature clouds from inflorescences, it is also called forget-me-not. It starts flowering in May and finishes by July. But not only flowers are good brunner, after flowering it is also decorative due to large beautifully colored leaves. Brunner is indispensable for rockeries, mixborders. This plant will help flower growers in filling shady and waterlogged places.


Ayuga (survivor)

No wonder cute groundcover ayuga (Ajuga) received a second name - tenacious. It can grow in almost any environment. And what is important - shade-tolerant. In a short period of time creates a dense beautiful carpet. After all, its leaves can be burgundy, green and chocolate shade. Ayuga blooms in May. On a low (10-15 cm) peduncle it forms a false spikelet of a dozen small blue-violet flowers. Flowering is long and therefore the carpet of tenacity acquires a bluish tint. Great for shady rock gardens. She can draw slopes and slopes.

You can see an example of the design of a spring flower garden in the proposed scheme. The upper tier of the mixborder is represented by shade-loving shrubs.

Holly mahonia (Mahōnia aquifōlium) - evergreen shrub, bloom in spring, have a spicy aroma. It grows from 30 to 100 cm. It lends itself well to a haircut. The leathery leaves are very decorative. Reddish in spring, they turn dark green and shiny in summer, turning bronze in autumn. Shade tolerant plant.

Mahonia holly

Atlantic rhododendron

Atlantic rhododendron (Rhododendron atlanticum) is a deciduous shrub growing up to 60 cm. Winter-hardy and shade-tolerant. Leaves appear at the same time as flowers in May. The flowers are fragrant white stars with a pinkish tinge, collected in a brush. Leaves turn bright yellow in autumn.

Azalea garden (Azalia, Azalea) - very beautiful. It will not grow in full sun or heavy shade. She needs partial shade. Azalea is quite demanding in care, but when it blooms in May, the flowers cover the entire bush so that even the leaves are not visible. It looks amazingly beautiful!

Azalea garden

middle tier filled with plants beautiful leaves.

Kochedyzhnik female

Female kochedyzhnik (Athyrium filix-femma) - a fern with delicate beautifully dissected foliage about a meter high. Shade plant. Frost-resistant. Unpretentious.

Badan thick-leaved (Bergénia crassifólia) is an evergreen perennial. Its dark green leaves, thick and rounded, do not die in winter. In the spring, its brownish-green ears-leaves begin to peek out from under the snow. In autumn they turn bright red. Large panicle inflorescences consist of pink flowers that bloom in May. Shade-tolerant and unpretentious in care.

Badan thick-leaved

Hosta plantain

Plantain hosta (Hosta plantaginea) - has large bright green heart-shaped leaves. The shape of the leaf and pronounced veins resemble a plantain leaf. On a high pedicel are large white star flowers that have a delicate aroma of lilies. Blooms in August. But all types of hosta are valued primarily for their large and beautiful leaves. Very shade tolerant, survives in places where other plants can die.

Hosta white-edged (Hosta albo-marginata) - a plant with very beautiful oval-pointed white-green leaves. Lilac bell-like flowers are collected in an inflorescence-brush. Blooms in July. Like other types of hosta, shade-tolerant plant.

Hosta white-rimmed

Fragrant violet

The fragrant violet (Viola odorata) is the decoration of the lower tier. This is a gentle forest guest, and therefore shade-tolerant and unpretentious. Everyone knows her miniature purple butterfly flowers with a wonderful aroma. It blooms in May, and then again at the end of summer. There is decorative varieties from large flowers white, dark purple and reddish purple.


Summer is a sunny time. But even at this time of the year there are shade-loving garden flowers and shrubs. Using the example of the design of a summer-flowering shadow mixborder, let's get acquainted with such plants.

We are already familiar with thick-leaved bergenia and hosta from spring flower beds. These plants are decorative throughout the warm season, so they are often used in landscape design.

In our composition, digitalis (Digitalis), a biennial unpretentious plant. She does well in both sun and shade. A high (more than one and a half meters) peduncle crowns a one-sided spike of large bells. Their coloration is very varied. It can be pink, white, yellow, purple, red, and also with a pattern in the form of blurry spots and dark dots. Blooms almost all summer. A very beautiful but poisonous plant.


The background is lush bushes of two types of hydrangeas: tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) and large-leaved or garden hydrangea (Hydrángea macrophýlla). This type of shrub loves a loose shade. Blooms in summer. Beautiful hats in pink, blue and white color cover almost the entire bush and look incredibly beautiful.

Hydrangea large-leaved (garden)

Phlox paniculata

Also, the upper tier is occupied by panicled phlox (Phlox paniculata) - a perennial with many varieties. Their coloration is very diverse, there are also two-tone ones. The height ranges from 60 cm to 1.3 m. The flowers are collected in fairly dense inflorescences of various shapes. They bloom all summer and some varieties even in autumn. Shade-tolerant and unpretentious plant, but sensitive to drought.

The middle tier, along with hostas and bergenia, is occupied by perennial shade-loving flowers - astilbe (Astilbe) and aquilegia (Aquilegia). Astilba can be called a universal plant, it can grow almost anywhere. But the ideal place for her is penumbra. Appreciated by designers for beautiful paniculate inflorescences of small flowers of various colors. Blooms in summer. (You can learn more about this elegant plant). Aquilegia is also a lover of partial shade. The charm is given to her by the unusual shape of a flower with a spur. Coloring of flowers is various - both one-color and two-color. For the ability to collect water droplets in flowers, she was given a second name - a catchment area.


The lower tier is decorated with soft cuff (Alchemilla mollis), geuchera (Heuchera) and garden primrose (Primula).

Cuff is a creeping perennial with inconspicuous greenish-yellow flowers. The main advantage of this plant is rounded fan-shaped leaves, with pubescent slightly concave lobes, on which dew drops miraculously linger, giving the plant an additional charm. Practically does not suffer from the illumination of the site. Feels good everywhere.

Cuff (flowers)

Geichera is a very popular plant due to its decorative leaves and small (up to 50 cm) height. Rounded-lobed pubescent leaves are collected in a rosette. Their coloration is varied: green, red, yellow, silver-gray. Flowers, similar to bells, are collected in small loose panicles of white and reddish-pink hues. Likes shady places.


Primrose or primrose - beautiful flower, the variety of its species allows for the flowering of flower beds from spring to autumn. In our case, a primrose is presented, blooming in the summer. Primroses are mostly undersized, rounded leaves form a rosette. The flowers are collected in a group (bouquet) and have a variety of colors, both monophonic and bicolor. They do not like direct sunlight, prefer to grow in partial shade.

Primula (primrose)

You can also recall such summer shade-loving garden flowers as periwinkle (Vinca), gelenium (Helenium), bluebells (Campanula), forget-me-not (Myosotis), kupena (Polygonatum multiflorum), Rogersia (Rodgersia) and others.




In autumn, the sun gradually loses its activity, the flowering of plants is on the decline, but nevertheless, it is possible to create an attractive shady flower garden at this time. Let's turn to the diagram.

As you can see, the autumn composition does not spoil us with flowering. Now plants with beautiful leaves come to the rescue again. Among them are various varieties of hosts, namely Siebold (Hosta sieboldii), swollen (Hosta ventricosa) and wavy (Hosta undulata). The hybrid astilbe (Astilbe), which blooms in early autumn with pretty panicles, also helps us out. Blooming black cohosh (Cimicifuga rasemosa), growing up to 2 m, pleases with flowering. Its flowers are small, white, collected in a pyramidal inflorescence, have a specific medicinal smell. The stem and leaves of this type of black cohosh are green-purple, which is also decorative. Since black cohosh is a forest plant, it grows remarkably well in the shade.

Hosta Siebold
Hosta Siebold
Hosta swollen

Hosta wavy

Availability shade-tolerant shrubs in the garden is important not only for decoration. Such plants are perfect for arranging a recreation area in a shady corner. There are many types of these shrubs. You can easily pick up something from an extensive list to your taste.

What you need to know before planting shade-tolerant shrubs

In nature, there are many shade-loving plants. They prefer to grow out of direct sunlight. Shade-tolerant - a wider group. It also includes cultures that, if necessary, adapt in the shade. big trees or buildings. However, they still need about 5-6 hours of light.

Places around future shrubs can be taken and flowering plants. Among them, there are also many who love the shade. For example, . It is beautiful, undemanding to care and grows rapidly.

In the absence of sun, shade-tolerant shrubs need the right soil composition. The homeland of these crops, as a rule, is the forest, so they need the appropriate land: with a neutral pH and good level fertility. Each type has its own nuances. An indicator that you have chosen the right soil will be lush growth and full flowering.

Advice. It is best to grow those shrubs that are specific to your region. They are adapted to the climate and other natural features.

Other aspects of growing shade-tolerant shrubs:

  1. They don't like tight spaces. Observe the recommended distance for each type.
  2. Use low-growing species to strengthen and decorate embankments.
  3. The shape, height, abundance of flowering of many shrubs is controlled by ordinary pruning.

Fruit bushes for shady corners of the site

There is a small group fruit and berry bushes that are able to produce crops without intense lighting. With a lack of light, most varieties of raspberries and blackberries develop quite normally. It has to do with the origin of cultures. In the wild, shrubs grow in dense thickets and damp ravines. Blackberries and raspberries adapt in deep partial shade, when the rays hit the branches for only a few hours a day.

Advice. Gooseberries and barberries cope well with the lack of illumination. They are often planted next to raspberries. So you can create a berry corner in your shady garden.

Modern breeding has brought out individual shade-tolerant species, among others fruit bushes and trees. It is not difficult to choose from them. Check with local nurseries and garden shops for details on what varieties are ready to grow in your area, what varieties can grow in the shade, how tasty and productive they are. Beware of fakes. Work only with trusted sellers, experts and manufacturers.

Types of shade-tolerant shrubs for decorating the site: names

The plants most adapted to the shade are distinguished by interesting external data:

  • . The culture familiar to the urban landscape has long adapted to the high content of harmful gases in the air, frost and drought. She will be able to transfer and landing in the shade, except that the abundance of flowering will decrease somewhat. The description of lilac is widely known. It can reach 5 m in height.
  • Elder. Decorative varieties of this culture include black, red, and also Canadian. The bush is beautiful both when it blooms and when it bears fruit (pictured). Elderberry, like lilac, is highly resistant to negative environmental factors, including lack of light.

  • . Its dense branches are used as a material for a living fence. Gardeners use a similar planting in shady places. The privet is ready for such conditions. The bush is different beautiful foliage. It just doesn't tolerate frost well enough.
  • ordinary. For many years it has been successfully used by landscape designers to create hedges and in group green compositions. Cornel blossoms in spring, with yellow inflorescences. During this period, the shrub is especially fragrant. In autumn, instead of flowers, bright fruits form. And in winter, dogwood or dogwood looks quite attractive.
  • Junipers. Very beautiful representatives of conifers. Fits well with most landscape solutions on the site. Bushes look elegant in the form single landing, surrounded by flowers. Juniper does not care how much sun it grows.


  • Jasmine garden, or. A well-known shadow lover. It tolerates winters, is not capricious during care - shade-tolerant, unpretentious, winter-hardy. In summer, it is abundantly covered with flowers with a thick, strong aroma.

Other varieties of shade-tolerant shrubs

The range of plants suitable for planting in the shade is not limited to the listed species. Among other cultures:

  • weigela;
  • wisteria;
  • forsythia;
  • snowberry;
  • rhododendron.

Weigela is another bright representative of shrubs that prefer shade. Blooms beautifully from late spring. Weigela planting is practiced to decorate the space near fences or as part of a hedge. It can also grow under a large tree.

Wisteria is very beautiful during its lush flowering. Garden pergolas, arches, arbors are decorated with this culture, planted along walls or fences. Forsythia during flowering is covered with bright yellow inflorescences. It will visually “warm up” a darkish place in the garden.

Attention! This shrub sheds its foliage before winter.

The snowberry is especially valuable during fruiting. Fruits grow on it for a long time, until the first frost. The berries are white, with a slight green or pink tint and blush. Rhododendron is another popular shrub in the climate of the Russian Federation. Grows, even if it is shaded, in ascetic conditions. It has very beautiful flowers.

Even the most well organized garden plot has such zones where a shadow forms for most of the day - a place near the fence of the cottage, a zone under a sprawling tree, behind the house. Many consider these areas unsuitable for growing fruit trees and shrubs. And in vain: there are many plants that themselves do not like a long and bright sun. There are also those that, with proper care, can tolerate some shade.

It's time to figure out how to correctly select shade-loving fruit trees and shrubs for the garden. How to use wisely every meter of a summer cottage or garden plot.

Shade-tolerant and shade-loving - what are their differences

We will talk about fruit trees and shrubs that grow well and bear fruit in the shade. Theoretically, any plant can be placed in the shade - it can survive. But not everyone will be able to get a good and plentiful harvest. After all, plants, like people, are different: someone can sunbathe in the sun, and someone over the edge has enough sunburn in the shade of trees.

Fruit trees and shrubs in the shade

Before choosing which fruit trees and shrubs can be planted in the shade, it is recommended to find out which ones are shade-loving and which are shade-tolerant.

  • Shade-loving - these are plants that do not need rays of bright light, on the contrary, they need poorly lit places.
  • Shade-tolerant plants grow well in full sun but can tolerate shade. At the same time, if shade-tolerant fruit trees are planted in a very dark place, they will not bear fruit, although they may bloom.

Shade-tolerant cultures are called scioheliophytes, and shade-loving ones are sciophytes. There are much fewer of the latter in nature than those who love the sun or are considered shade-tolerant.

Many gardeners mistakenly believe that their site is of little use for breeding. good garden, because it contains a lot of “dead” places in terms of illumination. In fact, there is usually not so much true and deep shadow. In the worst case, there is an area where no light beam hits at all. Such, for example, can be a path, bounded on one side by a fence, and on the other - by a wall of a summer residence. This is really the most unfortunate place for planting, but if there is no other way, then it can also be used properly by planting, say, tall cherries or cherry plums there. In the end, they will grow and begin to reach the sun.

Podbelskaya cherry (tall)

Special literature defines penumbra as the presence of direct sun rays for three hours in the mornings and evenings, when in the middle of the day the site is without direct sunlight. Or when the area is well lit all day, but the direct sun does not fall on it.

On a note. Shade is when only three hours of the day the site is lit, and the rest of the time the illumination is very limited.

There is also the concept of a rarefied shadow - the sun gradually penetrates here constantly, but only through the foliage of trees. All this can be attributed to the category of shaded places. In principle, plants can grow everywhere, it is important to choose where and which one. Without taking into account the characteristics of a particular plant (its shade tolerance), without creating conditions for its development, you can get the following sad results:

  • the fruits will be tasteless or not tied at all;
  • the fruits will ripen with an offset to the edges of the crown;
  • the death of fruit branches occurs;
  • the leaves lighten, the wood does not ripen well and does not undergo hardening.

As a result, the young tree is damaged in frost and suffers. And a fruit seedling that has fallen into a strong shadow in the first years of life will completely wither away.

To avoid all this, you should carefully study which plants can and should not be planted in places that are not too bright.

Which fruit trees love shade

Most fruit trees are photophilous. However, there are those who feel quite normal in the shade.

Let's call them:

  • cherry - it can be planted in the most secluded places of the garden, because it perfectly tolerates shade and even thickening;
  • cherry plum - although it is considered a southern tree, it is quite tolerant of the lack of direct light, unpretentious and productive;
  • plum - blue varieties of plums are suitable for growing in partial shade, but the yellow varieties suffer from a lack of sun and therefore will not give a good harvest;
  • apple tree - except for the lowlands, it tolerates any landing sites, including shady ones.

What shrubs can be planted in the shade in the garden

The choice of shade-tolerant shrubs is more diverse than that of fruit trees. However, it is absolutely impossible to leave them without lighting. So, with excessive shading, a culture such as raspberries weakens. As for the currant, which is traditionally planted in the most inconvenient places, the red currant tolerates shading worse than the black currant. At the same time, when planting a red currant variety, it should be taken into account that good overhead lighting is a must, but it can cope better with the lack of side light.

In shaded places in the country, you can plant the following perennial bushes:

  • currant different varieties- red, black, white;
  • blackberry
  • raspberries;
  • black elderberry;
  • common hazel;
  • dogwood and deren male;
  • viburnum;
  • barberry;
  • honeysuckle.

Important! Not all of them are equally easy to take root in a serious shade. Most allow shading, but do not tolerate a deep lack of sun.

Therefore, they do not need to be specially shaded. These fruits and berries do not exactly adore the shadow, but are ready to endure it. And berry bushes with sweet fruits, in any case, ripen well only with sufficient lighting.


You can focus on how closely the chosen shrub looks like its wild, forest comrades. It is characteristic of forest communities garden plants easier than others to grow and bear fruit well in the shade. An example would be blackberries, alpine currants, varieties of barberry, viburnum. Irga shows itself well, blue honeysuckle - all those plants that in nature are accustomed to live and develop in the lowest tier of the forest. And the best representative in terms of endurance - chokeberry, she is chokeberry, and hazel.

How to grow trees and shrubs in the shade

Plants that can survive and thrive in the shade are fighters in their own right. They are ready to withstand stress and not the most convenient growing conditions. But if a raspberry planted along north side at home, is able to bestow large enough and juicy berries, you can’t say the same about some others.

For example, white and red currants, in principle, are a sunnier berry than blackberries with raspberries, and therefore they develop well in the sun and can wither without serious support in the shade. Therefore, if necessary, it can be planted in shaded areas, it will cope. However, currants, like a number of other shade-tolerant plants, will have to be helped.

On a note. That life in the shade is a constant struggle for light, warmth, for existence. And in this struggle, the plant may even die.

What affects the survival of plants in the shade?

  1. First of all, they should not suffer from a lack of moisture. Like other plants, shade-loving ones require the right amount of water, the soil should not be allowed to dry out, which can happen in the heat even from the northern shady side of the house. Moisture is especially needed in late spring, with the onset of hot weather.
  2. All plants for the shade must be fed. They are very dependent on food. Many seek to feed plantings with nitrogen fertilizers. This is where moderation and accuracy are needed: with a lack of sunlight, nitrogen must be given carefully, without an overabundance. Otherwise, there is a danger that the plant will stretch or be thickened.

Many novice gardeners are interested in what should be the soil before planting a shade plant? Naturally, in this case, the plants are even more demanding on the composition of the soil than under normal conditions. Therefore, when planting even such a completely unpretentious shrub as an ordinary garden viburnum, you need to see what kind of soil suits it best. In this case, viburnum needs a slightly acidic environment or neutral soil. At the same time, on poor, infertile soil or on peat soil, it will grow poorly and will not bloom.

garden viburnum

Important! Before planting any plant or tree in the shade, soil compatibility must be checked. In shade conditions, the wrong choice can become an aggravating factor, leading to the death of the plant.

When planting, you need to prepare the soil in advance. A feature of most plants that can grow in the shade is the abundance of surface roots. This means that the soil should not be heavy. On the contrary, the looser, lighter, more airy the top layer of the earth, the easier it will be for the plant to take root, the easier it will be for it to live in such difficult conditions. Loose soil will provide the surface roots of plants with better moisture absorption.

Note! At the same time, it is completely unacceptable that shady soil be constantly waterlogged. high humidity, and besides, connected with the thickening of the plant or excessively compacted planting, can lead to diseases. Thus, both of these factors - the abundance of water and the thickening of plantings - very often provoke the occurrence of garden diseases and pest damage.

As can be concluded from this article, one should not worry and be upset, believing that there are few open sunny places in the summer cottage. Even shady and poorly lit places can be used wisely, with creativity and benefit. Moreover, there are a sufficient number of different plants adapted for growing in partial shade and shade.

These plants, of course, will not surprise you with their yield, but they will give a certain amount of fruit. And they will also bring aesthetic pleasure to the gardener. Of course, with the right agricultural technology for cultivating crops and their competent distribution on the site and relative to each other.
