Is it possible to sow carrots in the winter. Planting carrots before winter: planting dates, which varieties are suitable, how to plant carrots in the fall

In addition, the roots of autumn sowing often turn out to be larger, and they are less susceptible to attack by pests and diseases. Disadvantage - early carrots are unsuitable for long-term storage. But planting carrots in the spring or early summer gives a crop that will lie all winter.

How to choose a site for planting carrots in the fall

At the end of summer, a place is selected for planting carrots for the winter. It is required to find a flat, well-heated and fenced area from the winds. It is impossible to plant seeds on a slope, as they will be washed away during the spring snowmelt.

It is important to pay attention to crops that have grown over the previous three years where carrots are supposed to be planted. It is highly undesirable if these were representatives of the Celery family: parsley, dill, fennel, as well as celery or carrots themselves. They provoke an increased "interest" of specific pests of carrots in this area. In addition, over the past years, the listed species have already removed from the soil a significant amount of micro- and macroelements required for a full-fledged carrot harvest.

It is much better if, if cucumbers, melons, onions or potatoes grew in this place earlier. Cabbage and tomatoes are also considered good predecessors. Immediately after harvesting, the bed must be freed from the remains of plants, dug deep (for a whole bayonet of a shovel) and loosened: carrots love loose soil.

Fertilizers for carrots - observe the measure

At the same time, digging up the soil, fertilizers are applied. Fresh manure is not suitable in this case, since after its introduction, carrots in this place can be sown only after two years. Otherwise carrot tops it will turn out high and thick, but the roots are clumsy and branched.

Fertilizers for carrots are prepared as follows: for one square meter beds required

  • 2-4 kilograms of humus (one fourth of a bucket)
  • Tablespoon of superphosphate
  • Half a tablespoon of potassium salt

If the soil is too acidic, it can be neutralized by adding wood ash. Poor soils should be additionally fed with nitrogen fertilizers: an incomplete tablespoon per square meter of soil. It makes no sense to exceed the indicated dosage of mineral fertilizers: this will not affect the yield in any way. In heavy, clay soil, sand or half-rotted sawdust should be added when digging. Fresh sawdust and other undecomposed components of organic nature cannot be introduced into the soil: the plant begins to suffer more from carrot flies, and root crops lose their presentation.

Bed for planting carrots for the winter

Immediately after the land is fertilized and prepared, a bed is formed. A bed for carrots needs a high one, from fifteen centimeters, so that the water does not stand on it. Now the place prepared for planting can be left untouched for a month and a half.

During the planting of carrots, the seeds will need to be sprinkled with dry sifted soil. This land needs to be prepared in advance, because after the first frost the soil structure will change. Dry, better sifted through a large sieve, the soil is poured into a bag or box. Store under a canopy in a dry, even better, warm place.

In October, the earth in the garden was soaked with moisture and settled. Now you need to break it with a rake. This will retain moisture and loosen the soil.

Next, grooves are cut for the seeds. They should be deeper than during spring planting, up to five centimeters. Max Depth bookmarking seeds is used on light, prone to drying soils, the minimum (about one centimeter) - on clay and heavy. The distance between the grooves should be fifteen or twenty centimeters.

Now the land is left alone for another month, before sowing. So that the rains do not wash out the grooves made, the bed is covered with a film.

How to plant carrots before winter

In mid-November, even if the ground is already covered with snow, you can start planting in pre-prepared grooves. Autumn planting of carrots does not require any special seed treatment. In no case should the seeds be soaked - they are laid dry in the ground to avoid premature germination. There is enough time ahead to naturally absorb moisture, go through winter hardening and spring together in spring.

When planning when to plant carrots in the fall, you have to take into account weather anomalies, for example, prolonged November warming. During such periods, seeds at a temperature of three degrees above zero begin to hatch and grow without waiting for spring, and then die from frost. Ideally, if the soil is frozen, and warming is unlikely. Therefore, when deciding when to plant carrots before winter, it is better to focus on mid-late November. In order not to lose the required volume of the crop, the rate of seeds prepared for planting should be increased by twenty percent.

Successful planting of carrots in the fall is also due to the correct selection of the variety. It is necessary to take early and cold-resistant. It should also be taken into account that varieties with a short root crop have the shortest growing season: such carrots grow faster.

If the prepared grooves are sprinkled with snow, it is carefully swept away with a broom. Seeds are poured into grooves along the entire length with an approximate frequency of ten seeds per ten centimeters.

From above, the seeds are sprinkled with pre-prepared dry soil, pre-mixed with sand or peat. It is good if this mixture differs in color from the main tone of the soil. Then in the spring it will be easier to understand where the aisles are located in order to loosen them. Planted seeds are lightly tamped or rolled with a special roller to reduce the risk of being washed off during spring snowmelt.

Care - finishing touches

A four-centimeter layer of peat or humus is thrown on top of the bed. This is soil protection (mulching) so that it does not freeze unnecessarily. Additionally, plantings are covered with spruce branches or cut branches.

When loose snow falls, they need to throw a bed to create additional protection from frost. Now it remains to wait for spring.

When the snow melts, the branches from the garden are removed and covered with a film to speed up germination and protect against night frosts. Germinated seeds can only withstand temperatures down to minus four degrees. When shoots appear, the film must be removed.

From pests, the culture can be processed fifteen days after the emergence of seedlings. Carrots begin to demand complementary foods no earlier than the third and fourth leaves appear.

Weeding in long areas is laborious, so carrots are often treated with herbicides. The most famous herbicides for carrots are linuron, promethrin and gezagard. They are effective, but have a feature:

Root crops can be used for food only four months after processing.

It turns out: in order to eat fresh carrots already in June, herbicides will have to be abandoned. Weed control will have to be done manually. Otherwise, caring for the June and August generations of carrots is no different.

So, with the rays of the first sun, you want to taste fresh and juicy carrots and saturate the body weakened over the winter with essential vitamins. And this is quite feasible if you use winter sowing of carrots. It allows you to get a crop a couple of weeks earlier, and the root crops are pleasing to the eye in size. With this method, seeds are sown in autumn, and at the beginning of summer they enjoy the fruits of their labor.

When to plant carrots before winter

When deciding to sow seeds in the fall, there is every opportunity to harvest an excellent harvest of unusually sweet fruits due to the fact that seed germination begins during a period of good soil moisture.

Planting dates for carrots in the fall

Sowing carrots in the fall is carried out subject to the rules for each specific region of the country. This should take into account climatic and weather conditions, the composition and structure of the earth, as well as the experience of experienced gardeners. According to general recommendations sowing seeds should be carried out in frozen soil when average daily temperature air will be set to about 0 C °.

Some vegetable growers unknowingly carry out sowing work before the onset of light frosts. This is a big mistake, since the seeds give the first shoots in the fall. It is clear that in this case they will not receive any harvest in the spring, since the sprouts will not survive the winter.

How to properly arrange a garden

Before carrying out sowing work, you need to take care of the beds in advance and arrange them correctly. They should be at some elevation (up to 20 cm), be horizontal and even, and it is also desirable to block the edges wooden planks. It is worth paying attention to the fact that if there is even the slightest slope of the earth on the site, you should not plant seeds, because spring rains and floods can wash them away, and all work will be in vain. Grooves for seeds must be made in advance, because it is very difficult to arrange them on frozen soil. The depth of the grooves is 5 cm. In advance, you should also prepare the soil for filling the grooves. The bed should be on the sunny side so that in the spring the snow will quickly melt in this area. And in a darkened place, the yield of root crops will decrease significantly.

How to sow winter carrots

  • Seeds are poured into pre-formed grooves using a seeder and sprinkled with earth. The land for falling asleep seeds must be saved in advance so that it remains dry and not frozen.
  • Prepare mulch - to do this, mix peat and humus in a 1: 1 ratio, mulch the beds and be sure to compact with your palm, otherwise the wind will spread the mixture.
  • It is advisable to sprinkle the mulch with fallen snow.
  • In the absence of snow, the beds are insulated with spruce branches.

Planting carrots in autumn before winter

Winter sowing of carrots greatly facilitates care in the spring and frees up a lot of time for others. spring work on the site, if you follow the crop rotation rule, choose the best soil and fertilize it.

After what crop to plant carrots

It is advisable to sow winter carrots in a place where certain vegetable crops grew before it. The best of them are onions, potatoes, all types of cabbage, watermelons, cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin. Carrots should not be sown after parsley and beans, dill. In no case should carrots be planted two years in a row in the same area, as root crops will grow small, deformed and tasteless.

Carrots before planting - preparation

For under winter sowing you need to purchase in advance the appropriate cold-resistant varieties cultivated in this area, familiarize yourself with the features of their cultivation, and also prepare the beds and soil.

Soil for carrots

For autumn sowing, sandy loams or loams with a loose structure and a neutral environment are ideal, not prone to compaction in winter time. Soil preparation should begin immediately after harvesting the previous crop, so that it rests, is cleared of vegetation residues and is saturated with the introduced mineral fertilizers. In October, the soil needs deep digging with the simultaneous application of top dressing. For top dressing, 3 kg of humus, 25 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt are prepared for 1 m 2 of the beds and mixed.

If fresh cow dung was introduced into the soil, then carrots can be sown on it after only 2 years, but not earlier.

To give a looser structure to heavy soils, sawdust or fresh sand can be added to them.

It is also advisable to disinfect the soil with a solution before planting. blue vitriol at the rate of 1 tablespoon per bucket of water.

Carrots are very sensitive to acidic soils and therefore gives a small harvest. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare an ideal environment in advance and add a mixture of 350 g of chalk, a glass of wood ash and 150 g of dolomite flour per 1 m2 of area.

winter carrot seeds

The number of seeds for winter sowing should be approximately 30 percent more than for spring sowing. For these purposes, use only ordinary dry planting material, but seeds on a tape or in a nutrient shell are not suitable.

How to plant carrots before winter

As mentioned above, the number of seeds for autumn and spring sowing differs from each other. Approximately 30 percent more is required for autumn sowing of seeds. For light, loose soils, the depth of the grooves is 5 cm - if the seeds are not deep enough, they can be washed out by rains. If the soil has more dense structure, then in this case, 2 cm will be sufficient depth - with greater depth, the seeds will not sprout. The distance between the ridges of the sown carrots should be about 15 cm.

Caring for carrots after planting in the fall

Carrots begin to be cared for in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. With the first sun, the first weeds appear. Getting rid of them in small beds is not difficult and manually, but on large areas use special herbicides: "Prometrin", "Linuron" and "Gezagard". However, it is worth remembering that herbicide treatment is not carried out for carrots with short ripening periods.

IN spring period it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and maintain it at the proper level - seedlings can die in dry soil, and with a lack of moisture, carrot roots accumulate nitrates. Therefore, regular watering should be done every 2 weeks.

With the advent of the first sprouts, they need to be thinned out. But here, many gardeners make a big mistake: they pull out extra shoots, while they need to be pinched. When pulling out sprouts, the roots of neighboring ones are damaged, which is why they develop poorly in the future. And when pinching, the root remains in the ground and dies, but the neighboring plant is not damaged. The second thinning is done with the appearance of the fourth leaf on the sprouts.

An important part of caring for developing carrot roots is loosening the soil. But it must be carried out with moist soil - it gives a significant growth of root crops.

In addition to all the above methods of caring for sprouts, it is necessary to feed them minerals. The first top dressing is carried out between thinning seedlings, when the second leaf appears. The second and third feeding is carried out every 3 weeks. As a result, during the growth period of the vegetable, 3 top dressings are made. For these purposes, liquid mixtures with ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium salt. Do not use during the growing season organic fertilizers.

Features of planting carrots before winter

In general, for middle climatic latitudes, winter carrots are planted and cared for in accordance with general recommendations. The only difference is a responsible approach when choosing a carrot variety suitable for cultivation in a particular region,

Planting carrots before winter in the Moscow region

After waiting for the established weak frosts, you can sow carrots in pre-prepared grooves to a depth of 6 cm. Winter carrot varieties such as Nantskaya-4, Losinoostrovskaya-13, Moscow winter, Incomparable and Calypso are ideal for the Moscow region.

Planting carrots before winter in the Urals

In the Urals, the timing of sowing and caring for carrots is the same as in the Moscow region. For the Ural strip, the varieties Nantes-4, Moscow Winter, Vitamin-6, Incomparable and Altai shortened are most suitable for growing. After sowing, it is advisable to carefully sprinkle the bed with mulch and cover with spruce branches.

Planting carrots before winter in Siberia

The optimal time for sowing in the Siberian region is mid-October - mid-November. The best varieties that have proven themselves well for growing in harsh and cold climates are Altai shortened, Nastena-Slastena, Shantene, Queen of Autumn, Dayana, Nantskaya-4, Vitaminnaya-6 and Losinoostrovskaya-13.

What varieties can be sown before winter

So that the harvest is ripe and sweet carrot pleased by the summer, and the work was not in vain, you need to know which varieties are bred for these purposes. These include early and frost-resistant varieties.

Red girl is a common winter variety of carrots with an unsurpassed elite taste and middle length cylindrical root crops and a blunt base. The hybrid belongs to early ripe varieties and contains a large amount of sugars, carotene and minerals.

Vitamin-6 refers to early ripening and high-yielding varieties. Carrots are unusually good for fresh consumption in salads, as the roots are red- orange color juicy, rich in carotene and sweet in taste.

Dobrynya characterized as a mid-season variety with a pointed cone-shaped end. Carrots are in perfect harmony with other ingredients in salads and are indispensable for making juices and vegetable puree due to the significant content of vitamin A and nutrients.

touchon- mid-season variety, has a beautiful orange color and a cylindrical even shape of root crops. Excellent taste qualities and the absence of a hard core allow carrots to be used fresh. It is also ideal for winter storage.

fox-sister- new unpretentious variety, giving a rich harvest even when grown in adverse conditions. Due to the high content of Vitamin A, the variety is excellent for cooking all kinds of dishes.

Illada F1 characterized by cylindrical smooth fruits and a pleasant orange color. The variety is ideal for fresh consumption.

Calypso F1 is unpretentious early hybrid. Root crops reach a length of up to 25 cm and have an even cylindrical shape with a smooth surface. The variety is characterized by a rich red-orange color and has an incomparable taste due to the large amount of sugar it contains. Suitable for use in all types.

Nantik Rizistafline F1 has roots of a beautiful orange color, which indicates a high content of carotene in them. The shape of the root crop is cylindrical with a very small core, reaching a length of 16 cm. It is recommended for fresh consumption, as it tastes unusually good.

Terms of sowing carrots for winter storage

Sowing works begin from the end of April to June. The timing depends on the type of seed. It is worth noting that such carrots are distinguished by good keeping quality.

Summer sowing carrots for winter storage

Sowing a vegetable in the summer is usually done in early or mid-June. Carrots from this crop are ideal for winter storage. In addition, sowing during this period avoids the spread of various carrot pests, especially psyllids. For winter storage, varieties with high keeping quality are suitable, such as Losinoostrovskaya, Moscow, Shantene, Incomparable.


Planting carrots in the fall allows you to solve the problem of the lack of this valuable root crop in the summer-autumn period. At this time, many vegetables are already ripe for conservation, and for a large number recipes require carrots. In the summer market, it will cost more, but root crops sown in autumn will just ripen in your beds.

In autumn, we are used to harvesting, but planting something in the ground seems completely illogical - the soil has not yet rested, pests have not yet hidden, fertilizers have not yet been applied. However, with proper crop rotation and right choice planting time everything falls into place. Autumn planting is also often called winter planting - indeed, seeds should be sown in the soil only when you are absolutely sure that warm weather will not return to your area.

Harvesting carrots

What gives the autumn planting of carrots? First of all, more early harvest those crops that can be planted in this way. The same carrots will be fully ripe by mid-June! At this time, even early varieties do not yet have time to please us with vitamins. Sowing carrots late autumn also allows you to get larger, juicy and sweet root crops. They are not suitable for long-term storage, although there are always ways.

autumn planting

The most active period of development and growth for such a carrot will fall at a time when the soil is still saturated with melt water and spring rains.

Many gardeners believe that carrot seeds may not withstand winter frosts or freeze after germination. The probability of the first is practically excluded - the seeds perfectly tolerate frosts under a layer of soil and mulch. The probability of the second is also low - hardened sprouts tolerate return frosts well, in addition, carrots are known for sprouting in one and a half to two weeks if the weather is warm. If the mercury column does not rise above +3 ° C, then shoots can be expected for a whole month, and by that time all frosts will have passed. But the sprouts in this case are very friendly and strong.

Another plus of planting carrots in late autumn is the ability to correct mistakes. Even if for some reason your crops froze or did not appear at all, there is always time to analyze the errors and, as usual. The very first nuance that you should pay attention to is the choice of variety. Sow should be cold-resistant, resistant to bolting carrots from mid-season and early-ripening varieties.

Variety selection

Vitamin 6, Shantane 2461, Moscow Winter, Incomparable are well suited for the central regions of Russia. Look for zoned varieties that should be planted in your area. Remember that good planting material is half your success. For winter sowing, carrot seeds do not need to be soaked, dressed, or subjected to any other manipulations characteristic of spring planting. In the spring we do this to speed up the shoots - the presence of a large number essential oils slows down the growth of shoots, and it is desirable to wash these oils out of the planting material.

However, over the winter it will happen completely naturally. Melt water is also known for its stimulating effect on seeds, so there is no need for treatment with stimulant preparations. Frosts will perfectly replace seed dressing in a solution of potassium permanganate or other antiviral and antiseptic preparations. You only need to place the seeds in the soil. Moreover, any preparation can harm the whole process! For example, due to seed soaking, seedlings may appear before winter and freeze at the first frost.

Planting seeds in the soil

Another common mistake is the wrong choice of predecessors. In no case should carrots be planted in the same garden where they grew last season - at least 3 years must pass! Also avoid beds where parsley and celery grew. The best predecessors are cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers and melons.

Now we have come to the point when it is best to sow the seeds. Analyze the weather forecast and try to calculate the timing so that the planting material does not have time to hatch before the onset of winter frosts. Some prefer to plant carrots only when the first snow falls and frosts become permanent. In any case, the number of seeds compared to spring planting should be increased by about a quarter.

You can prepare a bed and grooves in advance, even before frost. A plot for winter carrots is best chosen on sunny place, which is freed from snow earlier. Doesn't like carrots high humidity and proximity ground water. But he loves loose, airy soil, with a homogeneous structure and the complete absence of any solid inclusions - stumbling upon them, root crops can grow in the form of ugly hooks or forks.

Plot for winter carrots

Carefully dig a bed on a shovel bayonet a few weeks before sowing, add superphosphate granules at the rate of 25 g per 1 square meter and potassium salt - 15 g per square. You can fertilize the soil with humus, but in no case fresh manure! Soil acidity should be low or neutral - reducing acidity will help dolomite flour or wood ash. Heavy soils are dug up with the addition of rotted sawdust or peat, which makes them much easier and allows plants to receive right amount oxygen.

You can also prepare the soil mixture in advance, with which you will fill the seeds from above. Seeds should be sown shallowly - it is enough if there is only 1-2 cm of earth above them. If the soil thickness is greater, seedlings may be rare and unfriendly. It is worth making grooves deeper only on very light peat soils. After the seeds are in place, the bed is covered with spruce branches or stems of garden plants that remained after thinning.

Shelter beds spruce branches

Another way to grow carrots is to arrange high beds. It is especially relevant for heavy soils or gardens with high level groundwater. To do this, on the selected site, the desired piece of land is fenced with boards or slate. The edges of the sides can rise 10-15 cm above the surface. Inside, a mixture of earth with fertilizers, peat, sand is poured. high bed it is convenient to cover with a film during spring frosts, it thaws faster, it is easy to remove weeds inside.

As soon as the spring sun melts the snow, free the bed from spruce branches, branches and covering material - the bed will warm up faster under the rays of the sun. When the snow is completely gone, you can build something like a greenhouse from arcs and polyethylene film, but as soon as friendly shoots appear, you should get rid of this design or replace the film with spunbond - a special covering material that allows moisture and air to pass through. Under the agrofibre of your carrots, no frosts are terrible! In this form, the bed can be left until mid-June.

Caring for carrots planted before winter is no different from caring for spring beds. In general, there are 4 areas of work:

  • thinning;
  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • weed weeding.

Soil loosening

Particular attention should be paid to thinning - no matter how sorry you are to pull beautiful and succulent plants out of the ground, but without this you will not reap a good harvest. Carrots need a lot of room to grow, so as soon as the seedlings have two true leaves, we begin to remove the weakest plants. Between the remaining ones there should be a distance of at least 3 cm.

After thinning, we slightly compact the soil, water it, and after the earth dries out a little, we loosen the aisles. We don’t leave anything in the garden, we collect all the plucked plants and send them to compost heap or a hole away from the beds - they will attract a carrot fly.

Water from time to time, loosen the soil and pull out weeds. The second thinning is carried out when the young root crops can already be eaten. In order not to greatly injure the plants, and to facilitate the thinning process, we moisten the soil well and let the water soak in properly. Your goal is to leave the plants in the garden at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. Everything that is superfluous, we pull out and eat with the whole family. Don't forget to compact the ground.

Carrots like regular watering - depending on weather conditions up to two times a week. As you grow, increase the volume of water from 3 liters to 12 per square meter. Along with watering, fertilizing can also be applied. The first time the plants are fertilized a month after germination - a tablespoon of nitrophoska is diluted in a bucket of water. The second time the same composition is applied 20 days after the first feeding.

There is no particular trick to planting carrots in the fall, and yet there are some nuances that are significant during this particular period of time. So that the procedure does not turn out to be laborious and costly, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the choice of individual varieties of carrots for winter sowing, suitable timing and a place to grow. You will read below how to correctly take into account all these subtleties, as well as recommendations for direct sowing and further care in the fall.

What is the point of sowing carrots before winter: the benefits

Some gardeners do not quite understand why sow carrots in the fall if it can be done in the spring. However, all the advantages of such winter sowing, in principle, are quite clear:

  • saving time in the spring;
  • getting an earlier harvest;
  • plants grow more resistant to diseases and pests, especially.

Important! The only downside sowing carrots before winter is the risk that, if you planted too early, thaws may come, because of which the seeds will germinate, and then they will most likely be picked up and destroyed by frost.

Varieties of carrots for winter sowing

Important! It is worth saying right away that not all varieties of carrot seeds are suitable for sowing before winter, especially it concerns early varieties which grow very quickly. The fact is that as a result of the arrival of a thaw, the seedlings may freeze, and then in the spring you, of course, will not receive any crop.

Accordingly, if you decide to sow carrots in the fall, then when buying seeds, be sure to carefully study the packaging. In the instructions for growing (agricultural technology), it must be written that this variety is suitable for sowing before winter.

Advice! It is very practical to buy pelleted (granulated) seeds, which already contain both growth stimulants and all the necessary fertilizers for fast, confident germination and further growth. In addition, they are much easier to sow than ordinary, very small seeds. However, it should be understood that the price will also be much higher. But still, the benefits are on the face!

Among the varieties of carrots suitable for sowing before winter, the following are distinguished:

And only you need to choose a specific variety of carrots for winter sowing from those presented - depending on your personal preferences and growing goals.

Video: the best varieties carrots for winter sowing

When to sow carrots before winter: the best time

The winter sowing of carrots is very important to carry out at the right time, for this you need to follow the weather forecast and take your time. It is recommended to sow seeds only when the temperature drops to +5 degrees and below. More precisely, you need to wait until the earth seizes and becomes solid, and not loose (wet and warm).

Note! In no case should you sow earlier - when the temperature, for example, is still confidently at +6..+11 degrees.

If you plant ahead of time, then this is what will happen: the seeds, hitting the moist and warm ground, “think” that it is spring and begin to germinate, and when the frost hits, they simply freeze.

As for the approximate dates for sowing carrots before winter, for example, in the middle lane (Moscow region) you can start from the second half of October (and in the Urals and Siberia even earlier, from the second half of September) and until November, although, in principle, you you can do it even in December and January.

Important! If, according to the weather forecast, thaws are expected soon, then the landing should be postponed and postponed to a later date. As a rule, the average is November.

By the way! You can plant even when it snows. You just need to clear a pre-prepared bed (grooves) from it, for example, with the same broom.

How to sow carrots in the fall before winter: tips and tricks, as well as step-by-step instructions

In general, the most important autumn planting carrots is to choose the right time (weather) for sowing and suitable seeds. You should also choose the optimal place for growing and prepare the garden bed (grooves) in advance.

Video: the main rules for sowing carrots before winter

Place to land

It is very important for the winter sowing of carrots to find a fairly calm and well-lit place on the site (all root crops, including, for example, beets, need a lot of sun, because you want orange, not yellow carrots?). Moreover, it is desirable to place the bed on a small hill, so that this area is freed from snow as soon as possible. It is also necessary that the bed be flat (horizontal surface) and without a slope, so that the spring meltwater does not wash the seeds.

The soil for sowing and growing carrots requires light (loose) and fertile (loamy or sandy loam). As for acidity, the earth should be neutral or slightly acidic. It is on such soil that you can get the highest yield.

As for crop rotation, it is best to sow carrots after following crops:

  • early potatoes;
  • early cabbage;
  • pumpkin and other melons;
  • cucumbers;
  • onion and garlic.

Note! The worst predecessor is the carrot itself. It is recommended to sow it in the same place no earlier than after 3-4 years.

By the way, along with carrots, you can plant onions nearby. Also, parsley is perfect for joint sowing. You can still

Preparation of beds (grooves) and land

Preparing the garden is quite easy. To do this, you first need clean it from plant residues of previous cultures and hold deep digging on the bayonet of a shovel, while it is desirable to bring into the ground by 1 sq. meter beds organic fertilizers - up to 2-3 kg excellent humus and 1 glass of wood ash, or mineral - a handful with superphosphate a (20-25 grams) and potassium salt(10-15 grams).

It is necessary to prepare grooves for the autumn sowing of carrots in advance, when the earth is still loose (moist and warm), so to speak, while it can still be cultivated and processed.

The depth of the grooves for the winter sowing of carrots is standard - about 2 cm (although some gardeners are recommended to sow 2 times deeper than with, that is, 3-5 centimeters), the distance between the seeds is 3-4 cm. The interval between the grooves is 10-20 centimeters (with the future).

Advice! So that the grooves do not wash away the autumn rains, the bed should be covered with something, for example, with a film. And on the sides it would be wise to fix it with bricks.

In principle, you can sow carrots before winter and on special paper tapes.

By the way! Carrot seeds before winter can, in general, be sown on the surface of the soil, without making any grooves. From above, it is recommended to simply sprinkle them with loose earth, a bucket of which will have to be prepared in advance and kept warm. Then cover with spunbond so that the crops are not washed away in winter. And in the spring, when all the snow has already melted, the spunbond will need to be quickly removed.

Video: preparing beds for planting carrots before winter

direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing carrot seeds before winter:

Video: winter sowing of carrots

Further care for carrots after its winter sowing

Often many gardeners complain that winter carrot spring goes to the arrow. As a rule, this happens either due to the sowing of poor-quality seeds, or due to the stress that occurs due to the long stay of the seeds in cold soil. Nevertheless, it is recommended to sow carrots in frozen soil so that the seeds do not germinate (remain cold and dry) until spring. And as always, thaws are not ruled out, which means stress.

Only by correctly sowing carrots before winter, you are guaranteed to be able to expect friendly shoots and good harvest. And for this, it is necessary to take into account the variety of carrots, and the right time for sowing, and a place for further cultivation.

Video: how to sow carrots before winter

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