Saxifrage planting and care in the open. Saxifrage: Proper Planting and Care

Room saxifrage - beautiful plant, which is used for landing in hanging planters. The plant looks amazing against the background of light walls, especially at a time when filamentous shoots are growing, at the ends of which rosettes of new plants are formed. The charming plant tolerates shade well, so you can use saxifrage to create compositions in the back of the room. Beauty and rapid growth are not the only advantages of saxifrage, its leaves are used for medicinal purposes. This article provides recommendations for growing saxifrage at home.

In nature, this plant can settle on bare rocks.

Saxifraga is a perennial rosette plant of the Saxifraga family. The name of the species is formed from two words "rock" and "break", another name for plants is "gap-grass". Saxifrage has a compact stemless rosette of rounded scalloped leaves on long petioles. From the internodes grow a thin whip-like mustache, reaching 60 cm, which ends in a small formed rosette. Saxifraghu is easy to propagate with mustaches by rooting them in light soil.

The natural habitat of the saxifrage is the subtropical zone of China and Japan, where almost 400 species of this plant are settled on the rocky surfaces of the mountains. Any crack in the stone can serve to root the mustache of the saxifrage.

IN room conditions only one species is grown - the wicker saxifrage (Saxifraga stolonifera).

The flower is very unpretentious, can put up with room conditions, endures insufficient lighting, but for successful cultivation saxifrage must follow some rules.


Usually saxifrage grows well away from a light source, but this applies to varieties with uniform leaf color. Variegated varieties require growing on a light windowsill, but without direct sunlight.

The eastern and northern windows can be considered an ideal place for growing representatives of this species.


Indoor specimens of saxifrages are quite satisfied with the temperature of the enclosed space. In summer, plants will be grateful for keeping at a temperature of +20 to 24 ° C. IN winter period charming saxifrages tolerate temperature drops to + 12-18 ° C.


Weaving saxifrage requires regular, but not plentiful watering. The soil must be kept moist, excessive waterlogging threatens to rot the saxifrage roots.

Water for irrigation must be used after settling, you can pass it through the filter.


Saxifragha is quite tolerant of the dry air of rooms, because its dense leaves are protected by villi, but this does not mean that the outlet does not need to be sprayed. In the summer, a warm shower is essential indoor flower to wash the dirt off the leaves and reduce the high air temperature. After bathing, the saxifrage flower requires protection from drafts, it is best to dry the leaves indoors, such as in the bathroom.

Planting and soil

Variegated varieties are very decorative.

For landing saxifrage it is necessary to use flat bowls with small sides, landing containers can be made of plastic or ceramics. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of expanded clay, coarse sand, small pebbles or pieces of polystyrene must be laid.

If the plant takes root from the mustache, you can not plant it in large pots, size landing tanks increase as the saxifrage rosette grows.

Transplantation of adult plants can be carried out when the diameter of the existing pot becomes half the diameter of the outlet. The best time to schedule this event is in the spring.

Best Cast planting soil for saxifrage:

  • Leafy earth - 1 tsp.
  • Humus - 1 hour
  • Peat land - 1 hour
  • Sand or vermiculite - 1 tsp

The second soil option for planting saxifrage:

  • Sod land - 4 hours
  • Clay - 4 hours
  • Leafy ground - 2 hours.
  • Peat land - 1 hour
  • Sand - 1 hour


If the saxifrage is annually transferred to fresh soil or a partial replacement of the substrate in a pot is made, the plant can do without top dressing with nutrient compounds.

If desired charming saxifrage can be fertilized in spring summer period complex fertilizers for ornamental deciduous plants 1 time in 2 months, less often in winter.


The miniature plant blooms in small white flowers.

Looking at a photo of an adult saxifrage, you can see numerous whiskers with small rosettes at the ends. It is these sockets that are most often used for breeding crops.

If there are still small plants at the ends of the whiskers, you can attach the whisker to the ground surface, prompting young plant give your own roots.

Sometimes the rosettes on the mustache reach a significant size, then you can cut off the young plant from the mother's mustache, rooting it in a separate bowl.

The plant can be propagated by seeds that are formed after flowering of the saxifrage, as well as by dividing the bush.

Diseases and pests

Of particular harm to the saxifrage are pests that are activated in the summer: aphids, spider mites, mealybug, thrips. At the first detection of a pest, you should immediately take appropriate measures: treat the plant with insecticides.

A mealybug can live on the roots of a plant in the ground, so the preparations must spill the ground in a pot.

Pathogenic fungal infections can cause plaque and spots on saxifrage leaves:

  • Powdery coating of gray color - this disease is called powdery mildew. It occurs when there is too much moisture in the air. Treatment: drugs Topaz, Oksihom, Fundazol.
  • Rust - rashes of a dirty orange color appear on the leaves of the plant. Treatment: treatment with fungicides.
  • Root rot - can occur when the room temperature is low and the soil is excessively waterlogged. Treatment: re-root the outlet, bring the conditions of the plant back to normal.


Chic variegated variety of saxifrage.

An unusual variegated saxifrage variety with pink spots on the leaves looks very impressive in the home collection, but another variety with dark olive leaves with silver stains is very effective.

Popular plant varieties:

  • Harvest Moon ("Harvest Moon") - the color of the leaves is pale, green-yellow.
  • Tricolor ("Tricolor") - a variegated variety, on the leaves there is a spectacular wide white-pink edging.

Saxifrage is a herbaceous plant that can be either annual or perennial. It is often used in landscape design. The saxifrage forms a solid carpet. The flowering period occurs at the end of spring and all summer.

There are approximately four hundred varieties of saxifrage. This plant pretty unpretentious. The saxifrage is common in Eurasia, Central America and the mountainous parts of the African tropics.

The size of the plant can be different: from 5 cm to 0.7 m. It can form a carpet of various density. The saxifrage belongs to the rhizomatous plant species. The basal rosette is formed by leaves that may have gray tone, as they differ in the property of lime accumulation.

Flowers have five petals and can be different color: white, soft pink, lilac, sunny yellow. There are varieties of saxifrage with bright scarlet flowers.

This plant is used for decoration. adjoining territory and for keeping in the house.

Positive qualities and varieties of saxifrage

TO positive qualities includes unpretentious care and resistance to cold. Pollination of some varieties occurs due to insects, others can self-pollinate.

The plant will delight you with the tenderness of its flowers, leaves of various configurations. All this adds to the saxifrage special appeal.

This plant is perfect for beginner gardeners - amateurs. It is unpretentious. Planting and caring for saxifrage are available to everyone. And the result will surprise you.

The saxifrage flower can grow in shaded areas. This is her undoubted advantage, because often indoor plants it is difficult to provide sufficient illumination.

The most popular varieties are Arends saxifrage, Bedrenz saxifrage, soddy and indoor saxifrage.

There are such well-known varieties as the Manchurian, paniculate, round-leaved, wicker, reed saxifrage.

How to grow saxifrage by seed? Landing and care

For growing saxifrage seed way it is best to use closed soil. It's pretty small plant, therefore it is preferable to mix the seeds with river sand and scatter over the leveled ground.

It is advisable to compact the soil before this. As a soil, you can use a mixture of peat, sand and earth. But before planting, saxifrage seeds need special treatment. They should be put in a container, lightly sprinkled with sand and removed in the cold for 14 - 21 days.

Then the container must be covered with a film or glass and placed in a lighted room. The first shoots can be seen after 12 days. The grown seedlings are transplanted into pots.

Seedlings are planted outside in early summer. Remember that saxifrage, obtained from seeds, will bloom only next year.

Rules for planting saxifrage in the ground

Saxifrage seeds can be planted directly into the ground. In this case, they do not need preliminary stratification. In open ground, seeds are best planted in early spring, best option- it's April. Not every seed will germinate. If there are no sprouts after 21 days, then the sowing must be repeated.

For sowing, you need to properly prepare the soil. Lime, peat, a little sand and gravel can be added to it. Seeds must be planted 20 cm apart. Only then will you get a luxurious green carpet.

The saxifrage is an unassuming plant. But still, in order for it to bloom magnificently, some care is needed.

For planting, you need to choose a fairly dry and shaded area. The soil should not be too wet.

Watering should be moderate, but systematic.

Also, do not forget to regularly loosen and weed the soil and trim old leaves and flowers.

It is necessary to feed the plant once a month. To do this, you need to use only mineral fertilizers.

Do not use fertilizing containing nitrogen. You need to feed together with watering, while there should be 2 times more water than what is written on the fertilizer package. Feeding should not be overdone.

How to propagate saxifrage

Saxifrage is propagated in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • with the help of layering;
  • sockets.

What can cause saxifrage

It is a fairly disease resistant plant. The most vulnerable saxifrage to fungi. They can lead to root rot.

Damaged bushes must be removed, undamaged cuttings can be cut off and used to grow a new plant.

If speak about harmful insects, then the most dangerous are spider mites, aphids and mealybugs.

Photo of saxifrage

Description and features of saxifrage

Saxifrage- amazing herbaceous with insanely beautiful, bright and sophisticated flowers collected from paniculate or racemose inflorescences.

The rustic flora delights with the enviable vitality inherent in it from nature, the wisdom of which often endows organisms with extraordinary qualities for survival.

fragile grass saxifrage (on the picture this is demonstrated), breaking through to the sun at birth, is able to destroy the power of solid stone, growing through the cracks formed to appear to the world.

Attracting with its unpretentiousness and appearance, this plant has found its application in the design of landscapes, being actively used to create garden and park interiors and.

Numerous species of flora, of which there are more than four hundred in the world, are combined into a saxifrage family, consisting of genera, often perennial,.

This is a rhizomatous herbaceous flora, the height of which can be very small (no more than a few centimeters). There are also higher species, the length of some reaches 70 cm.

The shape of the leaves depends on the variety, but is more often rounded. They are collected in a rosette with a heart-shaped base and tend to accumulate lime in themselves, from which saxifrage color becomes greyish.

Strong flower stalks, framed by leaves, end in star-shaped five-petal pink, purple, yellow or white, as well as other pleasant shades.

Most of the species and varieties of saxifrage are ground cover, that is, undersized, incredibly and rapidly growing and capturing new areas, and blooming profusely and beautifully.

In nature, flora grows most often on scree, penetrating roots into small crevices of rocks, as a rule, spreading in temperate latitudes in the mountainous regions of Eurasia, in addition, it exists in Central America and in the African tropics.

Grass saxifrage loves areas with moist fertile soil, protected from the direct rays of the scorching sun. Its varieties are different various shades stems and leaves, the color and shape of flowers, as well as the timing of flowering. Most of them are great for breeding on alpine slides.

Planting and breeding saxifrage

There are several types of flora reproduction. First of all, small, black seeds are used for breeding it. They ripen after flowering, which lasts from May to August, in capsule fruits.

In the photo, growing saxifrage from seeds

Grow saxifrage from seeds, whose germination is quite high, is not at all difficult. It is only necessary to sow them at a temperature of 18 ° C. This should be done closer to the middle of summer. And after about a week, you can already enjoy the shoots.

After waiting for the appearance of two or three leaves, the sprouts need to be transplanted to the site chosen for permanent growth. Outdoor saxifrage it is better to place, so that the gap between the seedlings can accommodate the hands of a human hand. But flowering should be expected only next season.

Successfully used by flower growers as well vegetative propagation. For propagation by cuttings, they are carefully cut in July, in winter, rooting in a container, leaving them in the cellar until spring. The next year they are planted in a suitable area.

Reproduction by branches is also easy to implement. After flowering, having previously made shallow grooves, long shoots are placed in them, well strengthened in the soil. In autumn they are fertilized with humus, and with the onset of the next season, in spring, they are separated from the main bushes, transplanted to another place.

After flowering, dividing is also carried out. To do this, young rosettes are carefully removed from natural bases directly with pieces of rhizomes. Then they just transplant to another place and watered.

Planting saxifrage in this way is effective, and young ones usually take root without problems, enduring the winter cold well, without even requiring shelter.

characteristic feature plants is accelerated development and the passage of all phases of growth until the maturation of seeds. The nectar secreted is extremely attractive to insects that pollinate saxifrage flower.

Some species are self-pollinating. Achieving abundant flowering and diversity bright colors, it is better to plant several varieties on the site at once, creating conditions for cross-pollination.

Perfectly develops in one place, delighting beautiful flowers within five years. However, over time it decorative properties are noticeably reduced, so the landings should be updated.

Often, original in its simplicity and impressive external qualities propagated by seeds and saxifrage seedlings, decorates city apartments, country houses, verandas, winter gardens.

It is customary to plant flora in shallow flower beds, since its root system is not too developed. Containers are filled with humus soil, and drains are laid out at the bottom. Saplings and seeds buy saxifrage available in specialized stores and online.

Saxifrage Care

It is one of the most unpretentious. This can be guessed from the name of the flora, which speaks of incredible, almost fantastic vitality, as well as its ability to use even the most meager, almost unbearable conditions for the growth of other plants, for life.

Saxifrage Care does not contain any special tricks, but in order for decorative grass to please with colorful and abundant flowering culture must be given due attention.

On the soil of medium fertility, on sandy loam, clay and loam grass takes root perfectly. However, the flora is able to feel good almost everywhere, but the soil on the site, where does saxifrage grow needs notification. When planting, it is better to add a certain amount of crushed limestone, gravel, coarse river sand, high-quality humus, peat to the soil.

Constant exposure to the sun is harmful to the plant, this can lead to a rapid loss of decorativeness, therefore it is not recommended to plant on the top of alpine hills, where there is absolutely no shade and protection from hot sun rays scorching around the clock in summer.

A protective barter can be built around the bushes to help keep the roots moist and cover from excessive lighting. Some shade is required for best growth.

Saxifrageplant mountain, growing in nature in the crevices of rocks, so laying out stones contributes to the successful development of the flora, while saving moisture and protecting from destructive light.

Regular watering is necessary, but in moderation. Excessive accumulation of water in the soil can cause disease, leading to the formation of decay, which is almost impossible to fight.

It can even cause death. In addition, it is important, in order to avoid excessive moisture in the growing area, which is more terrible than drying out, to provide a high-quality drainage system.

The soil must be weeded and loosened in a timely manner. After flowering, it is required to cut off the aerial part of the flora, which is important for the appearance of new leaves. To the cold perennial plant very stable, but in severe frosts still need shelter.

Top dressing should be done monthly, but only with mineral fertilizers introduced along with watering. Nitrogen top dressing in this case is not suitable, and excess can cause fungal diseases.

indoor saxifrage, although light-loving, however, for her, as well as for her garden counterparts, diffused lighting is more recommended. Tanks with should be placed near the windows on the east and west sides.

The plant requires moderate watering and spraying the leaves with water in a room with dry air. IN winter time watering domestic saxifrage decreases, and the temperature in the room, which is optimal at 22 ° C in summer, should be reduced by five degrees in the cold season.

Types and varieties of saxifrage

The saxifrage family is extremely diverse and diverse, including many species, most of which are decorative. Perennial varieties are the most common. Some of the varieties are annual and biennial. Among them there are garden and indoor options.

    Arends' saxifrage.

The species is relatively short. Usually, the flora rises from the ground to a distance of no more than 15 cm. At the same time, the leaves of this variety, separated from each other, form a continuous carpet of bright greenery of the original appearance.

The appearance of the occupied space is complemented by flowers that have bright red, pink, white and other tones. Plants of the described type please the eye with flowering from late spring to early summer.

The variety has earned popularity among gardeners of northern latitudes due to its extreme resistance to frost. Among the well-known varieties of the species, each has its own characteristics, delighting flower growers and those around them with a variety of colors.

In the photo, the saxifrage arends

Floral Carpet - saxifrage,purple a mantle covering the earth or woven from a scattering of pink;

Sleeping Beauty - a variety that delights with red hues;

Peter Pan, bestowing scarlet buds;

The snow carpet, justifying its name, delights everyone who takes care of it properly, covering the earth every year with a snow-white blanket of flowers.

In the photo, the saxifrage flower variety "Snow Carpet"

    Saxifrage soddy.

Appears in the form of a dense turf, consisting of rosettes with dissected leaves. Planting flora that rises no more than 20 cm is best in slightly acidic, enriched soil, then the plant in June, for almost a whole month, will delight everyone who wishes to admire it with its flowering.

The richness of shades and color solutions depends on the variety that the grower wishes to choose.

Triumph - a plant whose flowers are inherent, conspicuous, flashy ruby-red hues;

Rosa-kenigen is distinguished by delicate bright pink flowers;

Purplemontel will endow the flowerbeds in abundance with a rich blue range.

In the photo, the saxifrage soddy "Triumph"

    Saxifrage shadow.

A low-growing species (about 8 cm high), classified as a perennial. It has dark green leaves and small light pink shades. Flowering begins in mid-June and lasts about a month.

The flora is frost-resistant and cold period does not need shelter. In the northern regions in winter, the plant is usually hidden from severe frosts, covering with straw or dry foliage.

In the photo, the saxifrage is shadow

    Saxifrage paniculata.

This species, unlike those described above, belongs to the tall type, rising from the ground to a height of up to 60 cm. Perhaps that is why it is rarely used in design, being little used as decorative ornament varied landscapes.

This variety, often referred to as saxifrage, better known as medicinal. Yes and by appearance flora differs from its own relatives, having umbrella-shaped inflorescences with small flowers, usually white. The flowering of such a plant usually falls on May Days, continuing until the beginning of June.

In the photo, panicled saxifrage

Diseases and pests of saxifrage

Disease resistant. However, at cultivation of saxifrage, especially indoor plant species, everything is possible and problems cannot be avoided. Most often, such misfortunes happen due to adverse conditions in the room where the flora is bred.

In a cool place with high humidity, the roots of the plant may begin to rot. Too high a temperature is often a favorable environment for the appearance of pests: spider mites, mealybugs, thrips.

The first means of struggle is to establish the conditions for maintaining the flora. Spraying in this case is not best method. More fit folk remedies. To combat the pest, tampons soaked in juice and are placed in flower pots.

If the humidity, on the contrary, is excessive, spots appear on the leaves, which leads to the appearance of abscesses. powdery mildew- a rapidly spreading disease of the flora, which received its name for its manifestation in a form similar to powder, white coating, spoiling the appearance of the leaves, is a type of one of the fungal diseases.

To fix the problem, all affected leaves are urgently cut off and replaced upper layer soil in a container. Next, spraying with copper-based preparations is carried out.

You can also use more available funds, for example, potassium permanganate, from which a weak solution is made. It makes sense to dilute soda with liquid soap using a similar spraying substance.

In addition, insects can attack the plant from pests, which should be removed manually and treated with anti-coccidial agents. The leaves are covered with a sticky black coating from the invasion green aphid, to get rid of this insect, pyrimor is used.

The leaves of many species of the saxifrage family are endowed with healing properties and contain useful components. Decoctions and infusions of the leaves are used to treat inflammation of the liver and Bladder, infectious and purulent diseases, diseases of the nervous system.

But uncontrolled use of properties is not recommended. This can lead to the development of dermatitis. You can not take funds made from a plant, patients with thrombosis and bradycardia, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.

Truly, the forces of nature are amazing, and the desire of plants to survive is limitless. A delicate, fragile flower, striving for light, breaks stones. Saxifrage is one of the favorite flowers of landscape designers and gardeners. It grows in a continuous carpet and blooms from May to August.

Saxifrage is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant. It has about 400 species and grows even in the most favorable conditions making the most of them. Natural habitats - Eurasia, Central America and mountainous regions of tropical Africa.

The saxifrage is tiny - up to 5 cm tall, and can grow up to 70 cm, covering the soil with a carpet of different density. It is a rhizomatous plant, the leaves form a rosette and sometimes have a grayish tinge due to their ability to accumulate lime. The leaves grow surrounded by several peduncles, on the tops of which five-petalled flowers of the most varied colors are formed, but almost always very delicate shades. They can be white, pink, purple, yellow. Only a few varieties bloom bright red.

Saxifrage can be decorated household plot, but you can grow it as a houseplant.

Advantages of the plant, types and photos of flowers

The undoubted advantage of the saxifrage is its unpretentiousness and frost resistance. It is pollinated by insects, and some of its species are self-pollinating. It is very convenient for creating a bright flower soil cover when several species are planted nearby. ground cover plants, stimulating cross pollination. The saxifrage pleases not only with delicate flowers, but also with different shapes of leaves, which makes its plantings even more attractive and interesting.

A photo. Saxifrage

The saxifrage is a godsend for inexperienced gardeners, it is easy to care for, and planting it is not difficult. But the return can exceed all expectations.

The advantages of indoor saxifrage include its ability to grow in the shade. This is important because it is not always possible to provide proper lighting for home flowers.

Ornamental species are bred in culture:

  • undersized view- no more than 20 cm in height. As it grows, it forms dense thickets. The leaves are rich green, flowering period - May-June. Its varieties have bright red, white, rich pink flowers. The most popular are Flamingo, Snow Carpet, Sleeping Beauty and Peter Pan.
  • - differs in short-term flowering - only three weeks in June. It forms a dense turfy layer and prefers slightly acidic soil, unlike its counterparts. Known varieties of this species are Purpurmantel, Rosa-Kenigen and Triumph. All of them bloom with red flowers of different shades.
  • - This is a tall species with umbrella inflorescences. Rarely bred in culture.
  • - a plant on which a beginner florist can learn. Grown as ampelous plant by repeating your natural features. In nature, it grows on rocky slopes and in the crevices of the mountains of China and Japan.

Of the species known to gardeners, one can name the Manchurian saxifrage, paniculate, round-leaved, wicker, reed and others.

A photo. Indoor saxifrage

Growing saxifrage from seeds

From seeds, saxifrage is preferably grown in closed ground. They are very small, so they are not planted separately, but mixed with sand and simply scattered on the surface of lightly compacted light nutrient soil. It can be made up of peat, sand and greenhouse earth. But before planting, the seeds must be prepared. They must be stratified - they are poured into a container, sprinkled with sand a little and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

After sowing, the container is covered with a film and left for germination in a bright place. Shoots appear in 10-12 days. When the seedlings grow up, they are seated in separate pots. Seedlings are transferred to open ground in early June. It must be borne in mind that young plants grown in this way will begin to bloom only next year.

How is saxifrage planted in open ground

Saxifrage is planted in open ground in early spring.

You can plant saxifrage seeds directly in open ground. Then they will not need stratification, they will pass it in natural conditions. Sowing is done in early spring, most often in April. Not all seeds will germinate. If shoots do not appear in 2-3 weeks, then the flower will not grow at all.

Seedlings are planted in prepared soil. To create conditions close to natural, lime, gravel, peat and sand can be added to it. The distance between plantings can be done no more than 20 cm, so that the flowers grow in a continuous carpet.

Outdoor care for a saxifrage plant

Despite the unpretentiousness, the saxifrage still requires the creation of certain conditions for growing and abundant beautiful flowering.

The place should be chosen dry and shady. Some difficulties are presented by its cultivation in the southern regions, where it has to be protected from the sun. At the place of its landing there should be no stagnation of moisture.

Watering the plant needs moderate, but regular. It is desirable that it be flowing, which provides well-drained soil.

Loosening and weeding are essential components of flower care. Made as needed.

Watering for saxifrage should be moderate.

For supporting decorative look plantings regularly cut dried flower stalks and leaves.

Preparation for wintering consists in cutting off the above-ground part of the plant and covering it with foliage or spruce branches in cold regions.

top dressing

It is produced once a month and only mineral fertilizers. Nitrogenous fertilizers are not suitable for this plant. Fertilizer is applied along with the next watering. You need to dilute it twice as much as indicated in the instructions.

Important! Excess fertilizer makes the saxifrage vulnerable to various fungal diseases.

Ways to propagate saxifrage flowers

The saxifrage reproduces by seeds, layering, cuttings and rosettes

Saxifrage can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering and rosettes. Propagation by seeds is described above, in the "Planting" section.

As the saxifrage grows, lateral rosettes form, which serve excellent material for reproduction. After flowering, they are separated from mother plant together with a piece of rhizome and placed in a box with fertile soil for rooting. In winter, it can be kept indoors in a cool place, and planted in open ground in spring. You can plant them immediately in the ground and leave them for the winter in a flower bed, sheltering them from severe frosts.

In order to propagate the flower by layering, a long shoot is laid out in a small furrow and pinned to the ground, sprinkled with soil. It needs regular watering. For the winter, the layers are mulched, and in the spring they are carefully separated from the mother bush and transplanted.

Cuttings are cut in July and rooted in a box. It is better to leave them to winter in the house in a cool room. In the spring they will be ready for planting in open ground.

Important! In one place, the saxifrage grows no more than 5-6 years, then it needs to be transplanted.

Diseases and pests

The saxifrage is fairly disease resistant. Cause fungal disease there may be high humidity. Then there is root rot, which is very difficult to fight. It is better to remove such a plant from the flower bed, cut off healthy cuttings from it and grow a new one from them.

Of the pests, the plant can be affected spider mite in very dry summers, aphids and mealybugs.

Saxifrage in landscape design and compatibility with other plants and flowers

This delicate flower is indispensable in decorating alpine slides and rockeries. It is enough to sprinkle the stony soil with a small layer of fertile soil and the saxifrage will take root perfectly on such soil.

The saxifrage is well suited for decorating alpine slides.

It can be used to disguise an unsightly empty space in the garden or place beautiful flower beds combined with other colors. Used to decorate borders.

The best neighbors any undersized flowering plants, such as irises, will be in the flower bed. Looks great saxifrage with phlox and tiarella. Its combination with cranberries and Chinese gentian will give the rock garden a very original look.

Growing indoor saxifrage

At home, wicker saxifrage is most often grown. It is cultivated as an ampelous plant, sending down long shoots from the pots, on which new rosettes form. In addition, varieties of Arendsy mossy, Cotyledon, similar to succulents, Tricolor and Harvest Moon are popular in home cultivation.

Lighting for home plant should be dim. It does best in the shade. If it is placed in bright light, the leaves will begin to turn pale. Most for a flower will do west or east room.

At home, wicker saxifrage is grown.

The temperature for room saxifrage should be in the range of 20-25°C. In winter, during the dormant period, the optimum temperature is 12-16°C.

Watering is necessary moderate, but regular. In winter, in conditions of reduced temperature, watering is reduced, only slightly moisten the soil. Regular spraying is useful for the plant, especially at low humidity.

Important! Water should be settled, soft, at room temperature.

The composition of the soil must include coarse sand and peat. A drainage layer is required. The pot is better to take a flat ceramic. Several plants can be planted in one container, then the saxifrage will be more decorative.

Top dressing in spring and summer is carried out once a month with mineral fertilizers. If the shoots are strongly drawn out, top dressing should be increased up to 2 times a month. In winter, fertilizers are applied 1 time in 2 months.

Pruning is done after flowering. The old socket is cut off to make way for the new one. In addition, the flower needs sanitary pruning- removal of dried leaves and faded flower stalks.

Benefit and harm

Many types of saxifrage have medicinal properties. The benefits of the plant are in its leaves. They contain alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids, vitamins, fatty acid and other useful substances. They even produce essential oils.

The plant is used as an antitumor, antihemorrhoidal, antifebrile agent. It has antiseptic and bactericidal action. plant juice soothes nervous system, infusions and decoctions help with asthma, vomiting and infectious diseases, inflammation of the liver and bladder. Leaves treat purulent skin diseases.

And in the end, watch the video, this type of saxifrage is planted in open ground.

Bright flowers and silvery leaves that seem to grow from the very stones will undoubtedly attract the attention of even the most avid gardener and landscape designer. At the beginning of flowering - in May - these plants are a beautiful carpet of flowers. The rest of the time they create a green pillow, completely covering the ground.

Saxifrage is often used by craftsmen to create floral and herbaceous masterpieces. But this flower is also unpretentious. That does not create problems when caring for him. So if you are looking for plants for, or a border, you should pay attention to the photo of flowers in the article.

In the title photo - Saxifraga oppositifolia Saxifraga oppositifolia.

Saxifrage happens both annual and perennial culture . In nature, about 400 species of this plant are known. And it can grow even in the most favorable conditions. The distribution area of ​​this herbaceous plant- Europe, Asia, Central America and the tropics. This is creeping along the ground.

It happens to be miniature - only 5 cm in height. But it can grow up to 70 cm. The plant has a large rhizome, and silver-green leaves form a rosette. The silvery hue gives them lime, which they have the ability to accumulate. Among the leaves grow several stems that have flowers. The flowers have 5 petals. They can be pink, white, yellow and purple colors. Occasionally, saxifrage flowers are bright red.

Calmly tolerates frost. And it can grow even on soil of medium fertility.

Types and varieties of saxifrage

There are many species and varieties of this ornamental plant. Among them, the following types are most popular:

  • Arends' saxifrage;
  • Weaving saxifrage;
  • Saxifrage paniculata.

Stone grinder shadow

Arends' saxifrage- This is a type of saxifrage, which is distinguished by its short stature. It grows up to 20 cm in height. During the growth of this species, a dense green coating is formed. The leaves are bright, green, separated from each other. This species begins to bloom in May. The flowers of this species are bright pink, bright red and white. Since this type of saxifrage is very resistant to frost, the Arends saxifrage is also popular in northern latitudes. Among the varieties of this species, the following most popular varieties can be distinguished:

  1. flamingo,
  2. Peter Pan,
  3. snow carpet,
  4. Sleeping Beauty.

Saxifrage purple mantle

Weaving saxifrage- also a low-growing type of plant. Its height ranges from 20 to 50 cm. This species grows on mountain slopes in Asian countries. It differs from others in the presence of long filamentous lashes. The leaves are almost round in shape. The flowers form complex racemes. They are mostly white or slightly red in color. Usually this type of saxifrage is planted at home. Blooms from May to August. Of the varieties of saxifrage weaving can be called:

  1. Tricolor,
  2. maroon beauty,
  3. Harvest Moon.

Paniculata saxifrage or Thigh- This is a tall type of flower. Grows up to 60 cm in height. This species is rarely used as an ornamental decoration. Most often it is used as a remedy. The inflorescences of paniculate saxifrage are umbellate, and the flowers are small and usually white color. Flowering of the species occurs in May-June.

Grass thigh

Landing in open ground and care

As already mentioned, saxifrage is an unpretentious plant. This is just a godsend for beginner gardeners. However, planting a saxifrage, as well as caring for it, has its own difficulties and nuances.

soil and place

First you need to choose a place for landing saxifrage. The soil can be any. It is not necessary that it be highly fertile and well fertilized. However, the saxifrage likes limestone. Therefore, where the flower will grow, it is worth adding a little lime.

It is very important to think over the limiter in advance. Since this flower, it occupies the entire area provided to it. It is necessary to ensure that he does not interfere with his neighbors in the garden.

The saxifrage can be planted both in the sun and in a dark place. In order for the plant to grow well and for a long time, enhanced soil drainage is necessary. If water stagnates at the planting site, the roots may begin to rot.

Saxifraga Jenkinsiae

When is the best time to plant?

The most suitable time of the year for planting a flower in the soil is spring. Don't wait for the heat to come. It is best to sow seeds in open ground in April.

How to plant in open ground?

To plant a plant in the soil, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Form small holes in the ground;
  2. Place a plant seedling in the hole;
  3. Dig on top of the earth;
  4. Water the bed generously.

It is desirable to add the following fertilizers to the soil for planting:

  1. Lime;
  2. Peat;
  3. Sand;
  4. Gravel.

Proper care

Caring for saxifrage does not require much hassle. Most species of this rock-breaking plant tolerate heat, frost, and drought with ease.

The main secrets of care:

  1. Water only when needed even if it's hot. Immediately after planting the saxifrage, it is required to monitor the level of soil moisture. Then, when the plant covers the soil, it itself can retain moisture in the soil. That is why the roots of the flower are not afraid of drought.
  2. Weeding is only necessary in open areas around the saxifrage, as it is able to suppress weeds;
  3. No need to cover the flower in winter because the saxifrage is not afraid of frost.

Grade Pablo Picasso (Saxifraga Pablo Picasso)

How to grow from seed?

Growing from saxifrage seeds is also quite possible and does not present any particular difficulties. Saxifrage can also be grown from seeds, planting them immediately in open ground or for seedlings. You can do it yourself. In order to plant a plant from seeds for seedlings, you must perform a number of the following steps:

  • Fill the planting box with a thin drainage layer. Then you need to pour pre-prepared soil on top. It should include the following components: sod land, sand, peat.
  • Plant pre-dried seeds in a box in early spring. Seeds do not need to be planted deep in the ground, it is enough to sprinkle them with sand a little and water them;
  • To create a greenhouse effect, the box must be covered with foil. You can periodically moisten the soil by spraying it with water. The first shoots can be seen already on the 15th day;
  • When true leaves appear, the plants must be planted in separate pots;
  • As the pots warm up, it is advisable to take them out onto the balcony in order to harden the flower before planting it in open soil;
  • In early June, it is already time to plant plants in open soil.

You can try planting saxifrage seeds immediately in open ground. However, not all of them can ascend. Seed germination time reaches 3 weeks.

Saxifraga ´Paul Cezanne´ Saxifraga ´Paul Cezanne´

How to plant and how to care at home?

Room saxifrage will perfectly decorate the apartment. To plant a plant in room conditions, you must choose a window that is not too illuminated by the sun's rays. In warm weather, it is advisable to put the plant on the balconies, as it loves fresh air.

The air temperature should be between 20-25 degrees from spring to autumn. And in winter, it is desirable to lower the temperature to 15 degrees.

The plant does not require abundant watering. In winter, saxifrage should be watered as little as possible. During the heat period, it is advisable to spray the flower with water. Water for irrigation should be taken warm and settled.

The land in which indoor saxifrage grows must be fertilized regularly. In the spring, this should be done 1 time in 2 weeks. In winter, 1 time in a month and a half will be enough.

Indoor plant

Landing in the autumn

Saxifrage is rarely planted in autumn. However, some gardeners plant seedlings of the plant and in autumn period for the winter. This method of planting is no different from spring.

Application in landscape design

The saxifrage is very popular with landscape designers. With its help, real masterpieces are created. The best place for planting saxifrage is alpine slides and rockeries.

The saxifrage is perfectly capable fill empty seats in the gardens. The plant is able to instantly turn an empty rocky place into a chic floral carpet. Also, these plants can decorate borders.

The flower goes well with other plants of the same height. The best neighbors for a saxifrage in a flower bed can be phloxes, irises or tiarellas.

Stone grinder Snezhnaya

video consultation

About whether it is possible to grow saxifrage from seeds earlier - in the Garden Experiments blog.
