Yellow-red flowers and their photos. Undersized flowers - the main types and features of caring for such plants (150 photos)

Red, orange and yellow are warm active colors. Red symbolizes energy, strength and courage, orange, formed by a mixture of red and yellow, is the color of joy, optimism and dynamism.
Radiant, sunny yellow evokes pleasant sensations, it is associated with fun and high spirits.

For most people, colorful colors are primarily associated with a tropical garden and exotic plants, which sometimes look so breathtakingly beautiful and dazzlingly bright that they evoke sensations similar to those experienced by looking at the enchanting riot of colors of the Brazilian carnival in Rio de Janeiro. .

In the cold climate zone with few sunny days a year, warm and vibrant colors in the garden will come in handy. In dull weather and gloomy days, they will “warm” us, give us a lot of positive emotions and a great mood.
Juicy warm colors, especially dark red gamma optically narrow the space, create an atmosphere of mystery and mystery in the garden.

In hot climates, on the contrary, saturated colors can seem annoying and burning.

The yellow palette, combined with the golden hues of the foliage, makes the garden space bright, light and airy. Against the background of purple colors, fiery shades seem darker and more saturated. Some gardeners believe that the fiery colors look too defiant and annoying. If you have a different point of view, you have an amazing opportunity to create an unconventional and memorable garden look with your own color and conceptual design.

In Russian, cooler climatic conditions, dogwood and mountain ash grow well. Most of the "red shade" trees are famous for the exquisite beauty of their fruits. First of all, this includes the wild apple tree, garden apple tree, apricot, strawberry tree, persimmon, syzygium.

Among the shrubs, it is necessary to highlight the popular cotoneaster and wild rose. Of particular note is skimmia with colorful bright red fruits, as well as common physalis, or Chinese lantern, perennial herbaceous plant with a woody stem at the base. Its characteristic feature is the fruit-berry, enclosed in a shell of fused sepals similar to a Chinese paper lantern.

Yellow garden for beginners

For a novice gardener who is not too familiar with the laws of color, we recommend using not red-orange as a dominant in the garden, but yellow palette - one of the simplest in circulation among the colors of the warm spectrum. The most popular color scheme- yellow in combination with white and with slight splashes of blue - creates a feeling of joy, fun and lightness in the visitor.

Yellow flowers against the background of golden foliage look amazingly beautiful, filling the garden with warmth and comfort and giving pleasant emotions. Yellow has many shades. The soft mustard tones of the Moonshine yarrow are a stark contrast to the bright yellow of the narcissus or the orangey yellow of the sunflower.
Some types of plants, such as bougainvillea, moussenda, poinsettia, are highly valued for their bright showy bracts.
To help beginner summer residents: Orange flower garden, planting plan

The more orange-red tones contained in the yellow, the more saturated and bright the garden will appear. Such intense shades go well with juicy lemon yellow and bright blue flowers. Conversely, a more muted yellow gamma looks better in combination with delicate shades of lilac and cream, especially against a dark green background, which makes them more expressive and juicy.

Plants with brightly colored foliage are great for fire garden compositions. For example, red flowers look great against a background of dark purple leaves, and a golden palette goes well with white and yellow flowers.

Golden leaves look very elegant and solemn, give the garden a luxurious respectable look. That's why golden yellow is so popular with even the most humble amateur gardener.

Some plants are yellow-golden

ground cover plants
Winged sedge Aurea, helipterum petiolyaris Limelight, oregano Aureum, stonecrop Adolf, thyme Aureus.

Canna Striata, golden heliotrope, garden geranium, New Zealand flax Variegatum, red elderberry Plumosa Aurea, maiden tansy Aureum, loosestrife, euphorbia, St. John's wort, rudbeckia, gelenium.

Japanese aucuba Picturata, Thunberg's Aurea barberry, Sundance trifoliate hoisia, Japanese spindle tree Aureus, Aureus coronal jasmine, Japanese Goldflame spirea, forsythia.

Palmate maple Lutescens, yellowish chrysalis lidocarpus, Ebbing Limelight goof, forest beech Aurea Pendula, honey locust Sunburst, black locust Limelight, black elderberry Aurea, rough elm Lutescens.

Bright orange marigold flowers brighten up the landscape of the garden, in addition, their edible petals can decorate any salad.

Gorgeous plants of the tropics can become a true decoration of the fire garden: OT-hybrids of lilies, blooming with yellow flowers with red stamens, emitting a heady aroma, callas with a variety of flower colors.

If your region is located in a cool climate zone, but there is a strong desire to recreate a luxurious tropical garden in your area, we recommend that you pay close attention to cannes - decorative leafy plants with lush striped leaves and exceptionally beautiful flowers of various colors, orange, bright red, golden yellow. Spectacular garden plants such as knifofiya, krasnodnev and alstroemeria grow in a mild climate.

landscape materials

The warm color scheme of garden vegetation looks good against the background of a compacted earthen surface in combination with walls made of yellow or red baked clay. earth and clay is an excellent and reliable way to decorate the surfaces of a fire garden.

Terrazzo concrete and polished granite slabs are perfect for finishing large structures (stair steps, working surface of a garden dining table).
For the improvement of the borders, pink granite paving stones are used. Cut sandstone with red veins is an excellent material for paving.
Stone walls, built using rubble masonry, perfectly organize the space of the garden.

Water features are decorated with glass mosaic tiles, red ceramic tiles are used to decorate the borders, artificially made cells on the back of the tile help it stay firmly in place.
Porous limestone tuff is an excellent decorative material.

Mulching material in the form of tanning bark, crushed stone or volcanic slag will add red and orange colors to the garden; glass beads, inlay with ceramic chips and gravel will highlight individual landscape elements.

Metal panels with a touch of rust, reinforced iron screens, artificially aged metal surfaces fit perfectly into the style of the fiery garden. An alternative budget option is to paint the product with the appropriate paint and give it a touch of gold, or stylize the surface as rusty.
Pickled and oiled wood of reddish hues will bring brightness and color to the garden.

Indoor flowers with orange flowers give a feeling of warmth, holiday and fill the house with a sunny mood.

Plants with such positive colors can become the pearl of any flower collection.

To the delight of flower growers, there is many kinds home flowers with flowers of various shades of orange and with the same incredible names. And everyone will find a plant to their liking.

Indoor flowers with orange flowers


An excellent representative of the amaryllis family, clivia differs from relatives in that it does not have bulbs and grows a powerful root system. Its orange inflorescences look very beautiful against the background of dark green belt-like leaves. Clivia is also beautiful because it blooms its cheerful flowers in winter, when other plants "rest". Good lighting and the right rest period are the main requirements of a beauty.

Strelitzia is a plant of rare beauty with orange flowers, which is not without reason called the "bird of paradise". Her unusual flower consists of orange and blue petals, which is a surprisingly harmonious combination. With proper care, strelitzia can bloom several times a year. To do this, she needs a lot of light and space.

Tropical crossandra has gained popularity in indoor floriculture not so long ago. The plant attracts attention with bright orange flowers against the background of brilliant foliage of juicy green color. Crossandra blooms all year round, with the exception of a short dormant period in winter. The plant is not very capricious in its care, but it makes some demands.

Lantana is an amazingly cheerful plant, when you look at it, your mood immediately rises. All shades of orange are collected in its spherical inflorescences. The plant blooms from May to October. For abundant flowering, lantana needs 3 to 5 hours of direct sunlight per day.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld
This representative of succulents is extremely popular among plant lovers. Kalanchoe surprisingly combines the exquisite beauty of inflorescences, decorative fleshy leaves, beneficial features plants and its unpretentiousness. The only thing Kalanchoe cannot do without is a lot of sunlight and a little attention. The plant can bloom all winter.

Ailostera cactus
Happy owners of the Ailoster cactus admire its dazzling orange flowers every spring. There are several types of this cactus, each of which has its own unique flower forms of various shades of orange. Contrary to popular belief, cacti require attention and certain conditions of detention. With proper care, the Ailostera cactus can re-bloom in the fall.

begonia elatior
Begonia elatior is a tuberous hybrid of the Begonia family, specially created for indoor floriculture. The beauty blooms her luxurious flowers, from autumn to spring, for six months. The plant is demanding in care and needs certain conditions for abundant flowering. There are other varieties of begonia elatior colors.

A very pretty hypocyrta is attracting more and more attention from flower growers. Her dense bush, hanging from a planter, is decorated with cute orange flowers. unusual shape similar to goldfish. Hypocyrta blooms profusely in winter, and with proper care - all year round.

Streptosolen is a member of the Solanaceae family. The British call it the "marmalade bush". The green foliage of the plant is densely strewn with clusters of bright orange flowers. Streptosolen is a climbing shrub, so it needs support. "Marmalade Bush" is a big lover of light, heat and fresh air.

Calathea saffron
This is a very beautiful plant with light orange flowers against a background of foliage that shimmers with a slight metallic sheen. Bright inflorescences calatheas are bracts, and the small flowers of the plant are almost invisible. Calathea is absolutely unpretentious, however, for abundant flowering, certain conditions should be created.

Abutilon Bella
This is a popular miniature hybrid from the genus Abutilon with large flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. A small bush of a plant looks very beautiful, completely strewn with beautiful orange flowers. Abutilon Bella loves water and regular spraying. He himself forms a magnificent bush shape and rarely needs pruning.

Epidendrum rooting
Epidendrum rooting belongs to the orchid family and is famous for its abundant flowering. On its bush, you can simultaneously count up to 12 lush bright orange inflorescences. Depending on the conditions of detention, the plant may bloom at different times of the year. Good ventilation and coolness at night are the main requirements of the epidendrum.

Thunbergia Gregory
Thunbergia Gregory is a real beauty. Its rather large light orange flowers stand out brightly against the background of green foliage. A native of tropical countries needs fresh air in summer, so balconies and verandas are often decorated with it. In winter, the plant requires cool conditions.

Aeschynanthus beautiful
This is an ampelous plant with amazingly shaped orange inflorescences that bloom on long shoots that grow up to 70 cm in length. The unusual structure of the flower explains the name of the plant, which translates as "distorted flower." Aeschinanthus beautiful is not demanding in care, but it cannot do without regular spraying.

Read on for general advice.

The soil for anthurium can be prepared independently. Take on advice on caring for it.

If arrowroot tricolor appeared in your garden, this article will help organize proper care for it.

As we see, everything houseplants from orange colored flowers make a bright and cheerful impression. Each grower can choose a plant to their liking in order to enjoy its sunny color. One has only to give a flower a little care - and he will certainly reciprocate, bringing the warmth and brightness of summer into the house.

Before you on this page is a large catalog of border flowers and plants that allow you to beautifully design garden paths, flower beds and rockeries. Here you will find the names of border flowers, and read brief descriptions of their agricultural properties. Photos of border flowers in various stages of their vegetative development will help to appreciate the beauty of all this diversity. For the most part, border flowers are plants that are resistant to trampling and soil compaction. Perennial border flowers are preferred for breeding on the site, since they do not require mandatory planting in the spring, when the gardener has so many worries.

Perennial border plants and their photos

Most border plants are classified as hardy perennials. Depending on their height, perennials are isolated for a rock garden or border. These are border perennials that are grown in one place without digging for the winter year after year, although the leaves and peduncles of most of them die off in winter. You can see perennial border plants at their best at the height of summer in a well-planned herbaceous border, although these days mixed borders (mixborders) composed of perennials, bulbs, shrubs, etc., are more common than flower beds, entirely of perennials. herbaceous plants. And now look at the border plants in the photo presented on this page.


  • Flowering time: April June
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: division in autumn

An easy-to-grow perennial that is planted for its evergreen, colorful leaves rather than the small flower clusters that appear on short spikes in late spring.

The brightest flower decoration is the creeping tenacious (A. reptans) ‘Alba’ 15 cm high. Any garden soil will do.

border flower agapanthus

The agapanthus border flower is suitable for long-term gardening due to the long flowering period.

  • flowering time: July - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

Inflorescences of funnel-shaped flowers appear on long peduncles above belt-shaped leaves. Each flower is about 5 cm in diameter and usually blue in color. Plants of the most popular variety type - 'Headbourne Hybrids' - reach a height of 75 cm. It is not quite hardy and requires shelter for the winter.


  • flowering time: July - September
  • Location
  • reproduction: fall division

This plant is grown for its beautiful flowering and foliage. It has large, deeply dissected openwork leaves. Tolerates drought well. Does not like heavy structureless soils. After flowering, cut off the aerial part close to ground level.

Prickly acanthus (A. spinosus) - reaches 1.2 m in height. AKANTH soft (A. mollis) is taller and has soft spines.


  • flowering time: August - October
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • reproduction: segments of rhizome

Unlike the short tuberous anemones, these are tall, curb perennials that produce white or pink flowers 5 cm in diameter. The leaves are deeply dissected. The usual choice is varieties of Anemone hybrid (A. hybrida) with a height of 90 cm to 1.5 m. Cover the bushes for the winter with mulch.


  • flowering time: June August
  • Location: best sunny

Reproduction: division in the spring. The perennial anhuza is an unattractive plant - its rambling stems need support, the large leaves are rough, and it is short-lived. However, few flowers can compete with the bright blue Ankhuz flowers in the border. The most popular variety is A. azure (A. azurea) ‘Loddon Royalist’ 90 cm high.


  • flowering time: June - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: fall division

A bright plant for the front of the border. The foliage is thinly dissected, and Chamomile - prominent inflorescences appear periodically throughout the summer. Each inflorescence has a central golden disk, and the reed flowers are white or yellow. The dye umbilical (A. tinctoria) has a height of 60 cm.


  • flowering time: June July
  • Location: penumbra
  • reproduction: fall division

Volzhanka ordinary, or dioecious (A. dioicus) - a tall plant up to 1.8 m. Cirrus sultans of tiny cream flowers rise above a fountain of pale green leaves. For most gardens, a more compact type is preferred - pay attention to the 1.2 m high Volzhanka 'Glasnevin' or the 30 cm high dwarf Volzhanka (A. aethusifolius).


  • flowering time: September October
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: fall division

New Belgian asters (A. novibelgii) are the most popular asters, but not the easiest to grow - powdery mildew can cover the whole plant with a gray bloom. The usual height is 60-90 cm. The New England Asters (A. novae-angliae) group of varieties is similar to them, but has good resistance to powdery mildew.

What to grow border flowers in the country?

Now it’s worth talking about what kind of border flowers in the country can be grown, taking into account the fact that you will not be able to provide constant watering and care for them.


  • flowering time: March, April
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • reproduction: fall division

This groundcover grows well under trees, spreads quickly, suppresses weeds and provides foliage color all year round. In spring, hyacinth-like flowers appear. Typical species - Badan hearty (B. cordifolia) 45 cm high - choose from white, pink or red hybrids. Remove dead leaves in spring.


  • flowering time: May - July
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • reproduction: division in spring

You will find varieties of this plant with bell-shaped or star-shaped flowers for the front middle and back of the border. There is a Bellflower (C. lactiflora) 'Loddon Anna' - height 30cm, Bellflower peach (C. persicifolia) - height 60-90 cm and Bellflower broadleaf (C. latifolia) - height 1.2-1.5 m. blue and lavender.


  • flowering time: June - October
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: sowing seeds under glass in March

A wonderful plant for a cottage garden - you will find it growing on old walls and rocky soil. Red centrantus (C. ruber) 45 cm high has pink flowers, but there are also red and pink varieties. Plants are short-lived, but they reproduce in abundance by self-sowing. Not the best choice if drainage is poor.


  • Flowering time: July - October
  • Location: protected sunny place

Propagation: By cuttings of germinated canna rhizome in bloom, it provides an attractive focus for the center of a flower bed with flower beds. bright flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, and large leaves are often colored. Canna garden (C. generalis) with a height of 60 cm to 1.2 m has many varieties. Rhizomes are planted in June.


  • flowering time: April May
  • Location: partial shade is best
  • reproduction: division in October

Graceful bells on arched peduncles appear at the same time as the lanceolate leaves - an excellent choice of groundcover with spring flowers for shady areas. May lily of the valley (C. majalis) 25 cm high has many varieties. 'Prolificans' flowers are double, 'Rosea' flowers are pink, and 'Albostriata' flowers have green stripes on the flowers.


  • flowering time: usually september - october
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

These small-flowered chrysanthemums are hardy, but in autumn they are cut and covered with mulch. There are Korean hybrids - 60-90 cm high, Rubellum hybrids - 90 cm high and, finally, cushion-shaped, which form leafy mounds 45 cm high.

We form border flower beds

Beautiful border flower beds are a newfangled trend in landscape design. We form border flower beds using the plants listed below.


  • flowering time: July - October
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

The yellow flowers appear in abundance on thin spikes - a great choice if you're interested in a floral arrangement. Whorled coreopsis (C. verticillata), 60 cm high, and its cultivars are a popular choice. Variety ‘Grandiflora’ with large inflorescences; ‘Moonbeam’ with lemon yellow. K. pink (C. rosea) ‘American Dream’ has pink inflorescences.


  • flowering time: May - July
  • Location: best sunny

Reproduction: Arcuately curved peduncles over openwork leaves bear flowers in the form of a medallion. She needs a place protected from cold winds - she grows quite successfully under trees. A popular choice is D. spectabilis 60 cm tall, but D. eximia hybrids are the best choice.


  • flowering time: April June
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • reproduction: division in May

There are many yellow daisy flowers for the border - choose this one if you want spring bloom. In many borders, Doronicum provides the first splash of color of the season. A popular choice is Doronicum high (D. excelsum) ‘Harpur Crewe’ 90 cm high with 8 cm inflorescences.


  • flowering time: July - October
  • Location: best sunny

Propagation: A prominent feature of this late-flowering border perennial is the pineal center of each inflorescence, surrounded by down-curved petals. A popular species is Echinacea purple (E. purpurea) with a height of 90 cm - 1.5 m. The variety ‘White Swan’ has a yellow center and white petals.


  • flowering time: July - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: fall division

An upright plant for the middle or back of a border. Inflorescences are spherical, and on strong peduncles deeply dissected leaves. Wear gloves when handling it. Does not grow well in shade or thin soil. The usual choice is common Mordovnik (E. ritro) 1.5 m high. There are pale and dark blue varieties.

beautiful border garden flowers


  • flowering time: July - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

Thistle-like leaves form a rosette, and inflorescences with spiny marginal flowers open on branched peduncles. Flowers persist for many months. The evergreen flat-leaved eryngium (E. planum) 90 cm high is popular, as is the variegated eryngium (E. variifolium), in which the leaves have white veins.

Jaundice - ERYSIMUM

  • flowering time: June August
  • Location: best slightly shady
  • reproduction: fall division

The tiny flowers appear in showy plumes - leaves deeply dissected and often copper-red in spring. There are a large number of hybrids with many colors in height from 30 to 90 cm. Moist, humus-rich soil is needed. There are several dwarf hybrids 15 cm high for a rocky garden.


  • flowering time: July - October
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • reproduction: cuttings under glass in July

Plants in this group are hardy and produce graceful branches with hanging flowers year after year. These stems die from frost; in areas with the mildest climate, the stems become woody and permanent, forming a flowering shrub. The most popular species is Magellanic Fuchsia (F. magellanica) with a height of 1.2 m.

Gaillardia - GAILLARDIA

  • flowering time: June - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

Large inflorescences with a diameter of 5-10 cm continue to appear from early summer to autumn. Colorful, but a poor choice if there is a problem with drainage. The usual type is one of the hybrids of Gaillardia large-flowered (G.grandiflora) 30-90 cm high, having red or orange flowers with yellow tips. Divide bushes every few years.


  • flowering time: May - August
  • Location: best sunny

Propagation: division in spring Popular varieties form dense bushes in front of the border - yellow, orange or red cupped flowers appear in early summer. Chilean gravel (G. chiloense) 30-60 cm high is the main species, and favorite varieties are ‘Mrs J. Bradshaw’ (scarlet) and ‘Lady Stratheden’ (yellow).


  • flowering time: July - September
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • reproduction: division in spring

An important source of red and yellow flowers for a grassy border in late summer. Chamomile inflorescences have a prominent central disc; unlike rudbeckia, the petals are serrated. There are many varieties of Helenium autumn (H. autumnale). Popular copper-red variety ‘Moerheim Beauty’ 90 cm high.


  • Flowering time: depends on the variety
  • Location: best part shade
  • Reproduction: acquisition of young plants

Deeply dissected leaves bloom from winter to late spring. The black hellebore (H. niger) 30 cm high is also called the Christmas rose - in regions with a mild climate, white flowers appear in January-March. Eastern hellebore (H. orientalis) 45 cm high with different colors blooms later.


  • flowering time: June August
  • Location: partial shade is best
  • reproduction: division in spring

A dual purpose plant grown for its funnel-shaped flowers in spike-shaped inflorescences and attractive leaves that are often variegated or colored - ideal for growing under trees. There are many varieties that are 15-90 cm tall. For deep shade, choose fully green varieties.

Daylily, Krasodnev - HEMEROCALLIS

  • flowering time: June August
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • reproduction: fall division

Branched flower stalks rise above belt-like leaves in summer. Each flower only lives for a day or two, but new ones keep appearing for many weeks. There are many hybrids with a variety of colors and a height of 60-90 cm. There are terry varieties and varieties with arachnid petals.


  • flowering time: June August
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady

Propagation: division in autumn Heuchera, Tellima and Tiarella are ground cover plants that can be confused at the leaf stage, but not when they flower. Geyhera flowers are bell-shaped, in loose inflorescences. The blood red geicher (H. sanguinea) is a typical 60 cm tall species. Dig up every few years.


  • flowering time: May June
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: sowing seeds in spring

An unusual plant with an exotic look. Peduncles bearing flowers similar to gloxinia appear in spring in front of the leaves. All growth disappears in winter, so mark the place with a stick and mulch the base of the bush. Incarvillea Delavey (I. delavayi) - a popular species 60 cm high with pink flowers and openwork foliage.


  • flowering time: depends on the variety
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: rhizome division

Most irises grow from rhizomes - the most popular bearded irises, with a "beard" of hairs on the outer petals. Sizes vary from a group of tall bearded irises (75 cm high) to miniature ones such as the dwarf iris (I. pumila) 20 cm high with June bloom.


  • flowering time: July - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

Easily recognizable plant - cereal-like leaves and spike-shaped inflorescences of long tubular flowers. Some, but not all, have the traditional "fiery" look - red on top and yellow on the bottom, such as the 'Royal Standard'. Knifofiya berry (K. uvaria) from 75 cm to 1.5 m high has produced many hybrids.


  • flowering time: June August
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

Old favorite flowers that used to be classified as chrysanthemums. Single or double white marginal flowers, and the centers of single inflorescences are yellow. Magnificent leucanthemum (L. superbum) - the main species 1m high. He has several varieties - semi-double 'Wirral Supreme' and also 'Esther Read' are popular.

The best perennial for the border

It's time to determine the best perennial for the border among the specimens that we have prepared, so to speak, "for dessert".


  • flowering time: July - September
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • reproduction: fall division

The upright spike-shaped inflorescences are densely dressed with small fluffy flowers in white, pink or pale purple. An unusual feature is that the flowers open from the top down. Liatris spikelet (L. spicata) 1.2 m high with pale purple flowers has many more compact varieties, such as ‘Floristan Weiss’ and ‘Kobold’.


  • flowering time: July - September
  • Location: penumbra
  • reproduction: fall division

This plant needs space, well-drained soil and some shade. Large leaves cover the ground and suppress weeds, and yellow or orange flowers appear in summer. Toothed buzulnik (L. dentata) is a garden species - height 90 cm. The variety ‘Desdemona’ is popular. Giant - variety 'The Rocket' - reaches 1.5m.


  • flowering time: June July
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: planting cuttings in March

Large spikes of butterfly flowers provide vibrant bursts of color. Fast growing and inexpensive, but short-lived. Multi-leaved lupine (L. polyphyllus) with a height of 90 cm - 1.2 m has many hybrids. 'Russell Hybrids' are the most popular - there are many bicolor varieties.

Meconopsis - Meconopsis

  • flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: best slightly shady
  • reproduction: sowing seeds under glass in spring

There are only two types you are likely to find - both require humus-rich, moist soil. Meconopsis letter-leaved (M. betonicifolia) 90 cm high forms azure flowers in June-July. Mekonopsis Cambrian (M. cambrica) 30 cm high blooms with yellow flowers in June-September.


  • flowering time: June - September
  • Location: best slightly shady

Reproduction: division in spring Inflorescences, consisting of whorls of flowers, open on the tops of hard stems. Dig up and divide plants every three years. There are many hybrids of Monarda double (M. didyma) 60-90 cm high. Examples are ‘Snow White’ (white), ‘Cambridge Scarlet’ (red) and ‘Prairie Night’ (lilac).


  • flowering time: May - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

A big favorite of cats who love to wallow in its fragrant grey-green foliage. Flowers appear in upright spike-shaped inflorescences - removal of faded inflorescences stimulates further flowering. A popular species is Musina Catnip (N. mussini) 30 cm high. Usually the color is lavender or blue, but there is also a white variety ‘Snowflake’.


  • flowering time: July - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

Large silky saucer-shaped flowers are somewhat reminiscent of poppies. Most big flowers in a dwarf species, Oenothera is large-fruited, or Missourian (O. macrocarpa) 15 cm high. If taller plants with yellow flowers are needed, then shrubby O. fruticosa is chosen; for the sake of pink flowers they grow a beautiful evening primrose (O. speciosa) ‘Siskiyou’.


  • flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Beautiful large-flowered plants for the border. It may take several years for the new plants to gain strength. Common peony 60 cm high - Peony officinalis (P. officinalis), which blooms in May - June. For flowering in June-July, milky-flowered peony (P. lactiflora) is chosen, up to 75-90 cm high.


  • flowering time: May June
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • reproduction: fall division

A beautiful sight when in full bloom, but the flowers are short-lived and the foliage looks unkempt when flowering is over. The main species is Oriental poppy (Porientale) 45-90 cm high. Cupped flowers have black petals of various colors at the base. Divide every three years.


  • flowering time: March - May
  • Location: best slightly shady
  • reproduction: division in spring

In the garden, both the common primrose (P. vulgaris), 10 cm high, and its numerous hybrids are grown. Variable primrose (P variabilis) 20-30 cm high is a hybrid of common primrose and P. spring (P. veris). There are many colorful varieties such as 'Pacific Giants'.

Highlander - POLYGONUM

  • flowering time: July - September
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • reproduction: division in spring

Blue flowers have been grown for generations, but mixed colors are now more popular. Easy to grow flowerbed plant, but its flowering period is short. Ch. damask (N. damascena) 45 cm high is the main species, and ‘Miss Jekyll’ is a favorite blue variety. ‘Persian Jewels’ is a mixture.


  • flowering time: April May
  • Location: partial shade is best
  • reproduction: fall division

This plant is commonly grown for its white-spotted leaves and flowers that change color from pink to blue. The main species Lungwort medicinal (P. officinalis) 30 cm high. Blue is not the only color; both white and pink varieties are available. There are also completely green views. All lungworts grow strongly.

Buttercup - RANUNCULUS

  • flowering time: April May
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • reproduction: division in spring

These plants are taller than Asian buttercups, but the flowers are smaller and less colorful. Buttercup (R. aconitifolius) is the main species, reaches a height of 60-90 cm and produces masses of small white flowers - "buttons". For yellow flowers, choose the summer-blooming Ranunculus (R. acris).


  • flowering time: July August
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: planting tubers in March

The most spectacular buttercup - bright semi-double or spherical double flowers appear in summer. L. Asiaticus (R. asiaticus) is a garden species 25-30 cm high. There are many varieties, but the usual choice is a mixture. For the winter, the plants are dug up and stored indoors.


  • flowering time: July August
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

A popular border plant with a long flowering period. Attractive wide, 8 cm in diameter, flowers with a fringed edge, but there is never an abundance of flowers at one time. Scabiosa Caucasian (S. caucasica) lavender color and 60 cm high is the most successful species for the garden. There are varieties of white, blue or purple.


  • flowering time: May - July
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • reproduction: fall division

Popular Chistet Byzantine (S. byzantina), which is grown for its gray woolly leaves, and not its inconspicuous flowers. For floral decoration it is better to grow Chistets large-flowered (S.macrantha) 60 cm high. This species produces tubular flowers 4 cm long; foliage is green.

Tansy, Feverfew - TANACETUM

  • flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

Former name Feverfew (Pyrethrum). There are two types for the border. Feverfew red (T. coccineum) is a common feverfew that grows to 45-75 cm tall and produces flowers 5 cm in diameter in early summer. Feverfew (T. vulgare) is a common tansy that blooms in autumn with a mass of small yellow flowers on stems 90 cm high.


  • flowering time: June - September
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • reproduction: fall division

Three-petaled flowers appear from early summer to early autumn, although each flower only lives during the day. A plant that can grow anywhere - in the sun or in the shade, in wet or dry soil. View for the garden - Tradescantia Anderson (T. andersoniana) 45-60 cm high. There are varieties with white, red, lilac or purple color.


  • flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: fall division

Small flowers appear in summer in large inflorescences on tall stems above openwork foliage. A popular species is the Delaware Basil (T. delavayi), which grows up to 1.5 m. Plant for the back of the border. The lower species is the 90 cm high basil (T. aquilegifolium), which blooms with fluffy flowers in late spring.


  • flowering time: June August
  • Location: best sunny
  • reproduction: division in spring

Border varieties are tall plants with spike-shaped inflorescences. There are many varieties with different colors and heights - from giants 1.8 m to more popular ones - 1 m high. Olympic mullein (V. olympicum) is a typical giant with yellow flowers 3 cm in diameter. group.

Choosing flowers to decorate flower beds on the site is a process that any gardener likes. A variety of flowering plants are found in specialized stores and nurseries. You can add sunny colors to a flower garden even on a gloomy day by planting in it yellow color.

Early daffodils, crocuses and tulips, summer sunflowers and chrysanthemums and marigolds blooming until late autumn - all these are perennial flowers that create a mood in the garden.

Yellow flowers: description and meaning

Yellow flowers are traditionally associated with the sun. They bring joy, energize and attract the eye. Breeders have bred a large number of plant varieties with yellow flowers.

To design a summer cottage, you can choose high, medium tall or miniature perennials. Select plants in such a way as to create a yellow flower bed of continuous flowering, from the first spring months until the onset of autumn cold.

Below is a catalog of beautiful yellow perennials that can be grown in the country, with descriptions and photographs.

Spring flowers

Among the yellow perennials, there are many representatives that bloom in April-May, as soon as the snow melts and frosts stop. It is recommended to plant them on the site in the fall, so that by the new season they have time to take root and gain strength to form buds.


Crocuses are among the first to bloom in the garden. These are unpretentious perennial flowers that are successfully grown by gardeners.

Features of crocuses:

  • They reproduce with the help of bulbs.
  • Blooms in mid-spring for 2 weeks.
  • They prefer acidic, fertile soils with high humidity.
  • They grow in one place for no more than 4 years, after which they gradually degenerate.

The most common varieties of crocuses with yellow buds:

  • golden yellow;
  • Goldilocks;
  • Yellow Mammoth.

Crocus Golden Yellow

Crocus Goldilocks

Crocus Yellow Mammoth


Spring garden without tulips - a rarity. Already in early May, amicable flowering of bulbous perennials begins on the plots.

Tulip Growing Tips:

  • Depending on the variety, they are found with simple or double buds.
  • The height of the stems ranges from 20 to 80 cm.
  • Tulips are planted on sunny areas with light fertile soil.
  • For proper development, they need abundant watering and loosening.
  • It is not recommended to plant different varieties next to each other, as they tend to over-pollinate.
  • Every 3-4 years it is necessary to rejuvenate to avoid degeneration.

The stores have a huge selection of varieties of bulbs. Among the representatives with yellow petals, the variety is especially popular. Strong Gold. Due to the large bud and tall stem, it is suitable for cutting and arranging bouquets. Terry variety Monte Peone has an unusually decorative bud and a delicate aroma.

Tulip Strong Gold

Tulip Monte Peone


A perennial flower won the hearts of gardeners not only with its decorative appearance, but also with an unforgettable aroma. Low (up to 30 cm) flower stalks like clusters are dotted with miniature flowers, shaped like bells.

The bulbous plant is quite demanding on growing conditions:

  • , loose structure and drainage.
  • Areas with shading from the midday sun are preferred.
  • Protection from the winds is necessary, so it is recommended to plant near shrubs or buildings.
  • Mandatory superphosphate during the growing season.
  • It is important to remove weeds in a timely manner and mulch the soil.
  • Watering is moderate, waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed.

Hyacinths with yellow petals bloom a little later than other varieties, retaining their decorative effect for 2 weeks.



Fragrant herbaceous perennial blooms in late spring:

  • The plant tolerates winter well without additional shelter.
  • Shade tolerant, but blooms best in sunny areas of the garden.
  • Regular watering and loosening of the soil is required.
  • On fertile soils, it can grow 5-6 years without a transplant.
  • Flowers solitary, borne on long stems.
  • The shape of the petals of daffodil is very diverse, depending on belonging to different varieties.
  • There are both monophonic flowers, and with a bright border of the perianth.

Terry varieties of daffodils look especially impressive - "Double Gold Medal" and "Flyer".

Narcissus Double Gold Medal

Narcissus Flyer

yellow daffodil


These perennial flowers are distinguished by a wide variety of varieties, which are divided according to the following criteria:

  • according to the timing of flowering;
  • by type of root system;
  • plant height;
  • by color of flowers.

Agrotechnics for growing irises depends on the species and variety. They are united by their exactingness for abundant watering, especially during flowering.

It is preferable to grow perennials on neutral, loose soil, providing drainage. Irises bloom best in flower beds open to sunlight. Pay attention to varieties: Reticulated Iris Dunford and Spotted Yellow(with red dots).

Iris Danforda

Iris Spotted Yellow


Representative of the Liliaceae family, whose fragrant buds decorate the flower bed from April to May. It grows well on sandy and loamy soils, needs moderate watering and high illumination.

Among the varieties of this bulbous, there are both undersized and tall (up to 1 meter) varieties. The plant got its name due to the spectacular appearance of flowers with a colorful pattern on the petals.



Miniature primrose bushes are covered with numerous buds from mid-spring to June. Primrose tolerates winter frosts well grows in light, moderately fertile soil. Abundant flowering is ensured if you plant a flower in an area where the sun shines in the morning. Primrose reproduces by dividing the bush of an adult plant.



It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Yellow flowers - frequenters of flower gardens

It is hard to imagine a summer garden without such popular flowers as roses, lilies, peonies, daisies or gladioli. Breeders have long bred many varieties of sunny colors of these crops.


Bulbous perennial with a huge variety of varieties. It reaches its greatest decorativeness when grown in areas open to the sun. In one place it develops up to 4-5 years. Subsequently, it needs rejuvenation by dividing the bulbs.

The culture is responsive to fertilizing with fertilizers for bulbs. Blooms throughout the second half of summer, while the buds that have faded are recommended to be removed immediately. This will prolong the formation of new flowers.



Curly clematis liana is a wonderful decoration for arches and pergolas in the garden.

To please with an abundance of flowers, follow the recommendations for caring for a perennial:

  • The soil needs neutral acidity with a layer of drainage.
  • should be chosen protected from the winds and midday rays of the sun.
  • Be sure to have support for fragile stems.
  • Top dressing is applied several times per season.
  • For the winter, shelter and shortening of shoots are required in accordance with the pruning group.

Yellow petals are found in varieties " Langutika», « Lopatnik"and saw-leaved clematis.



Flower beds give a special charm. A herbaceous or treelike shrub takes center stage in the garden. He loves bright sun and fertile soil. Do not plant peonies near buildings or in the shade of trees.

Lush flowering is achieved if the bushes are regularly fed with fertilizers and proper watering is ensured, without stagnant water. To maintain a decorative appearance, it is recommended to transplant every 3-4 years to a new place. In this case, the bush must be rejuvenated by dividing the roots.



Probably, there is no such gardener who would bypass this beautiful flower with his attention. Numerous settled in flowerbeds around the world. Despite the difficulties that growers face when growing rose gardens, the popularity of the plant is only growing.

The number of varieties is increasing every year, including yellow colors:

  1. Graham Thomas- climbing with fragrant yellow buds that cover the bush all summer.
  2. Mary Rose- English peony rose from the famous collection of David Austin. Distinguished by a delicate aroma of yellow-orange flowers on a branchy bush.
  3. golden showers- the rose is perfect for decorating arches due to the ability of the stems to braid the supports. Wavy petals of pure yellow color attract with their decorative effect.

Rose Graham Thomas

Rose Charlotte

Rose Golden Showers


The light-loving plant comes to the fore of the flower garden with the onset of August, when large buds completely cover the plant. The flowering period continues until late autumn. It is necessary to provide chrysanthemums with neutral soil acidity and regular fertilizing with nitrogen and organic fertilizers.

In order to form as many buds as possible on the shoots, pinch the tops at the beginning of summer. After the chrysanthemum fades, the ground part is cut off and covered for the winter.



Tuberous culture, with a large number of varieties and varieties. Among them there are tall representatives who need support and undersized varieties suitable for decorating borders.

Dahlias do not withstand frost, therefore, with the advent of negative temperatures, the tubers are carefully dug up and placed in a dry and cool place.

Large flowers, up to 20 cm in diameter, are formed on bushes with 3-5 stems. If left large quantity peduncles, the size of the buds will decrease significantly.



Yellow gladiolus fit perfectly into the autumn look of the garden. It is necessary to plant the bulbs of a handsome perennial at the end of spring, and in August the first buds will appear on it. The landing site should be well lit, the soil needs phosphorus.

The variety of gladiolus looks original on the flower garden " Contrast". Its bright yellow petals set off burgundy spots. On one peduncle, up to 23 sequentially blooming buds are formed.


A flower familiar from childhood, turning after the sun. Belongs to the Astrov family over 100 species are known. The inflorescence-basket is formed by tubular and reed flowers of a rich yellow-orange color. The stems are powerful, grow up to 3 meters in height. Planting in open areas is preferred, support is required to protect against strong winds.

golden ball

Rudbeckia, better known as the Golden Ball, is a perennial herbaceous plant. The culture is unpretentious in care and quickly grows over the site, filling it with large balls of yellow, double flowers. The diameter of one "ball" is 10-15 cm. Varieties of different heights are known. The largest representatives need a garter to a support. Rudbeckia blooms from July until frost.

golden ball


A miniature representative of the violet family is often used by gardeners to decorate borders and rock gardens. Annual and perennial varieties of viola delight with a variety of colors.

Viola prefers to grow in shaded areas, direct sunlight can kill the flower.

superficial root system requires frequent moistening and loosening of the soil. For long flowering, remove wilted buds in time. Viola yellow is recognized by gardeners as the most unpretentious.



Blooming throughout the summer perennial shrub. Rough heliopsis is the most widespread in Russia. On tall stems, inflorescences of yellow-orange colors are formed. The petals resemble chamomile in shape, reed at the edges and tubular in the middle of the inflorescence. The diameter is 7-10 cm.


More rare, but no less yellow flowers


elf flower- this is the name of this perennial for the unusually decorative shape of the petals. Belongs to the buttercup family. Green leaves with a wax coating are collected in a basal rosette.

On smooth peduncles, single drooping flowers of various shapes and colors are formed. Hybrid varieties have varieties with yellow simple and double buds. It blooms within one month, in rare cases up to 7 weeks.



Perennial compound culture belonging to the Astrov family. Inflorescences with yellow petals are collected around a brown cone covered with pollen.

Popular varieties have different flowering periods and stem heights:


The yellow petals of rudbeckia are gathered around a black-brown core. Perennial herbaceous plant is absolutely unpretentious. Once every 5 years, it is recommended to transplant plantings with a flower to a new place and rejuvenate it by dividing the rhizome. The height of the garden culture varies from 50 cm to 2 meters. Tall rudbeckia need additional support.



One of the most unpretentious perennial herbaceous plants on the site. Scientifically called Solidago. It grows on any soil and does not require special attention from the gardener. At the same time, it retains a decorative look throughout the season.

The erect stems are densely covered with small dark green foliage. Inflorescences are collected in panicles, which are covered with greenish balls of buds in early summer. In August, the petals open and acquire a rich golden color. Widely used by florists in the design of bouquets.



perennial shrub, rapidly growing in the garden. The petals of evening primrose are bright yellow, unlike annual and biennial varieties. Winter-hardy and unpretentious culture.

The only requirement for abundant flowering is bright sun. For many years it grows in one place, without requiring care. Bright, numerous flowers open in the afternoon.



Tall delphinium arrows with many gradually blooming flowers are a real flower bed decoration. Recently, breeders have managed to develop a perennial variety with yellow petals.

Delphinium needs regular fertilization. In the spring, add nitrogen-containing top dressing to the soil, during the flowering period, pay attention to fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium.

yellow delphiniums


A perennial herbaceous shrub whose biological name is Antirrinum. fragrant flowers The plants are shaped like a lion's mouth. They are collected in ascending inflorescences, opening gradually from the bottom up.

Is different long flowering period - up to 3 months. The yellow varieties of antirrinum have a pronounced aroma. Snapdragon care consists of weeding, watering in dry weather, and applying organic fertilizers.


bathing suit

Troll flower or swimsuit feels great in shady places. She can keep the company of shrubs or decorate stone decorative structures. The bright flowers of the bathing suit bloom in late spring or June.

Lush flowering lasts about 3 weeks. Mature plants do not tolerate transplanting very well. In one place, the bathing suit grows for many years, without requiring special care. Provide only frequent, but not abundant watering and loosening. For the winter, the shoots are cut to the bud.

bathing suit


A tall daylily native to Asia. The slender stems of a perennial flower stretch towards sunlight. Eremurus is able to grow in the driest areas and go without watering for a long time. Waterlogging the soil can adversely affect the flower.

In the design of flower beds used as the top layer. Spike-shaped inflorescences form in June and gradually burst into bright colors from the bottom up. A fully bloomed flower pleases gardeners for about 2 weeks.



The loosestrife or lysimachia belongs to the primrose family. Forms a branched bush with erect or creeping shoots, densely decorated with flowers.

The yellow color of the petals is characteristic of the following varieties:

  • Common loosestrife. An upright stem grows up to 1 meter. Blooms in mid-June, pyramidal inflorescences. Prefers partial shade and moist soil.
  • Pointed loosestrife. We love flower growers for lush bushes of light greenery and abundant flowering. Petals are yellow with an orange center. Blooms for about a month and a half in mid-summer.
  • The loosestrife is coined. Miniature perennial with single flowers and creeping shoots. Able to grow rapidly, crowding out neighboring crops.


garden ranunculus- the popular name of this tuberous perennial. Unusually delicate buds have attracted the attention of flower growers around the world. The flower is often used in bouquets and arrangements. It is better to grow ranunculus in well-lit flower beds with fertile soil.

Regular watering of the flower and providing a drainage layer is important. For the winter, garden ranunculus tubers must be dug up and stored in a cool place. With proper care, it blooms from spring to July.


Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth of garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

yellow herbaceous flowers


Perennial shrub with lush greenery and unusually shaped yellow flowers. Undersized representatives and large bushes rise 2 meters from the ground. Likes moist and fertile soils in sun-shaded areas. Under direct rays, it dries up and loses its decorative appearance. Inflorescences spike-shaped, solitary or paniculate.



Herbal plant of the Asteraceae family. It is used for decoration of the site and for medicinal purposes. Numerous flowers are collected in thyroid inflorescences. For the arrangement of the rock garden, pay attention to the Yarrow felt.

This is a groundcover growing no more than 15 cm in height. Baskets of lemon inflorescences cover flower beds and flower beds with a dense carpet.


St. John's wort

Garden St. John's wort, unlike its wild relative, is a herbaceous perennial with ornamental greenery and flowers. The yellow stars of the buds stand out effectively against the background of dark green shoots.

St. John's wort gives a special attraction a lot of the thinnest elongated stamens framed by delicate petals. It does not require care, as it is able to independently provide for its development.

St. John's wort

Gentian yellow

In the second half of summer, large gentiana flowers or gentian yellow. It is the tallest member of the genus. Its stems stretched upwards reach a height of one and a half meters. At their top, in the axils of the leaves, several flowers of a bizarre shape are formed at once.

Petals are elongated, with pointed edges. Gentian blooms for about 2 months. All Gentians need to thrive is full sun, light, well-drained soil, and moderate watering.


Low growing yellow perennials


Adonis spring - an ideal perennial plant to decorate the alpine slide. Delicate yellow flowers on needle-like stems go well with early primroses. Adonis is extremely demanding on the composition of the soil.

It grows best in black soil with the addition of wood ash. It dies in the shade, so you need good illumination of the site. It does not tolerate transplanting, so it has been growing in one place for many years.


Primula Yellow Giant

Refers to perennial herbaceous flowers. Low bushes develop well in partial shade on moist, moderately fertile soils. When planting, plants are placed close to each other so that there is no open space between the leaves.

Yellow primrose blooms from mid-spring to mid-summer. More often used in border compositions or container growing.

Primula Yellow Giant

Alyssum rocky

Yellow carpet of lush inflorescences appears on flowerbeds with alyssum in late spring. Low-growing perennial shoots spread along the ground. Miniature flowers have a delicate aroma.

Houseplants with yellow flowers


Differs in drooping stems with a small number of opposite leaves. Along the shoots are located fragrant flowers collected in brushes of several pieces. The shape of the buds resembles small stars that decorate for several weeks. The flower is protected from the scorching rays of the sun.

The splendor and duration of flowering directly depends on the nutritional value of the soil and air humidity. Regular spraying and fertilization for flowering plants will help to achieve maximum decorativeness of the crop.



grow a gerbera room conditions a number of conditions will help:


Pacistachis needs warm and humid air to develop. A decorative look is achieved with sufficient lighting. Spreading bush grows up to 1 meter high, on which large opposite leaves with prominent veins are formed.

Inflorescences of an unusual shape consist of numerous sepals of bright yellow color. Spraying daily and maintaining an air temperature of 20-23 ° C will avoid leaf fall.


Yellow flowers in landscape design

Warm shades of yellow are associated with the sun, joy and energy. Therefore, flower beds decorated with golden buds give the garden a special appeal.

Combinations of yellow perennials with plants of such shades look advantageous:

  • blue;
  • purple;
  • blue.

Cornflowers and forget-me-nots are wonderful companions of yellow flowers. Against the background of green grass or shrubs, you can plant yellow flowers of different heights (high, low, medium height) - you get a concise and eye-pleasing design. In autumn, a successful neighborhood is formed by joint plantings of yellow dahlias with red marigolds.


The yellow palette gives the front garden lightness and airiness. Growing sunny perennial flowers on the site is a simple and exciting activity. Breeders have bred a huge variety of species, so every gardener can easily find a solution for a flower garden.

For those who love garden flowers of joyful yellow coloring, there are ample opportunities to choose from among all their diversity. Perhaps the easiest way to make a flower bed of yellow flowers from spring to autumn. By the way, yellow flowers help get rid of depression.

It's never too late to start building your yellow garden. The main requirement for laying such a yellow garden is your unlimited desire.

It does not matter if it is already too late to transplant flowers from one place to another in order to collect all the yellow-flowering plants in one specific place. Until autumn, there is time to decide on the type of flower garden, choose the appropriate design for it, so that it fits organically into the overall design of the garden, look after the garden flowers you like, get to know them better in absentia, find out the conditions in which they will bloom best and already in the fall , and already, based on the information collected, you can start laying the flower garden.

Aquilegia remains decorative throughout the season, not only due to the original shape of the flowers, but also thanks to the openwork leaves.

viola), or pansies, is simply indispensable in the flower garden. If you are a beginner florist and don’t know where to start, then viola is exactly your flower. It is easy to grow it yourself from seeds. It is unpretentious to soils, grows well in sunny places. Since viola is a short plant and weed control is a little difficult, immediately after planting the viola in the soil, mulch the plantings with a high layer of freshly cut chopped grass, this will help retain moisture in the soil. Humus can be used as mulch, it will serve as additional nutrition for the viola. It should be remembered that viola cannot be fertilized with fresh manure.

It will look great not only in group plantings. It can be planted at the foot of shrubs such as roses. Viola varieties can be used for a yellow-flowering flower bed: Rhine Gold, Golden Crown.

Heliopsis rough(Heliorsis scabga) loves slightly moist soil. Heliopsis is a perennial that is easy to grow from seed, but in this case it will not bloom until the next year. Heliopsis is not demanding on soils, but if groundwater is close to your site, then good drainage is needed. Heliopsis blooms at the end of June and can bloom until the end of September, provided that you feed it. Heliopsis easily tolerates a transplant. Heliopsis Spitzeniazerin 130 cm high has bright yellow semi-double inflorescences.

Perennial ten-petal sunflower(Nelianthus desaretalus) can grow up to two meters. Recommended varieties of perennial sunflowers: Soleil d "Or and Saranok Star. If you cannot find perennial sunflowers, you can replace them with annual varieties of not only decorative, but also ordinary sunflowers. It is a pleasure to watch blooming sunflowers.

clematis)- perennial herbaceous or woody (liana) plant. Clematis is a heat-loving plant, so it needs shelter for the winter. For planting clematis, you need to choose a sunny place, the soil under clematis should be well fertilized. Remember that clematis do not tolerate acidic soils and need good drainage. Clematis can also be soloists on the site, and also serve as an excellent addition to climbing roses.

If pruning clematis and sheltering them for the winter makes it difficult for you, plant clematis that are cut to a stump in the fall, and grow back in the spring and bloom all summer. Clematis "Love Radar" and "Helios" are suitable in all respects.

14. Gelenium

Helenium(Helenium)- a perennial plant that prefers calcareous moderately moist fertile soils. With small waterings, it is necessary to mulch the plantings of gelenium. Depending on the variety, the gelenium is from 20 to 180 cm high. Gelenium is an autumn flower that blooms in August-September. Helenium is especially bright in cloudy rainy weather, when it rains in the morning. Gelenium inflorescences will delight you until frost.

Recommended varieties of gelenium: Waltraut, about one meter high, with golden brownish basket inflorescences and Kanari with yellow ones. In late autumn, gelenium shoots should be cut at soil level, cover the rhizomes with spruce branches and polyethylene film to prevent the gelenium rhizome from damping out.

One of the most popular garden perennials - rudbeckia (Rudbeckia). The garden form of rudbeckia dissected with double globular golden yellow inflorescences is known in Russia as the Golden Ball. Rudbeckia variety "Goldstrum" has a height of 60 cm, it has golden yellow inflorescences with a black center.

Not demanding on soils, very responsive to top dressing. It reproduces well both by seeds and by division of the rhizome in spring and autumn. Blooms in July-August. Faded inflorescences can be cut off to prolong flowering, or you can leave it: firstly, its black button heads do not spoil the look of the flower garden at all, and secondly, the rudbeckia seeds will ripen, and you will have many rudbeckia seedlings that you can always exchange with friends . Planting rudbeckia in your garden, you will not regret it! There are also annual varieties of rudbeckia.

16. Goldenrod, or solidago

Already from afar shines yellow unpretentious goldenrod, or golden rod(Solidago). Its variety "Strahlenkrone" reaches a height of 60 cm, "Golden Shower" - 80 cm.

Everything goldenrods- plants are very unpretentious and very responsive to the application of mineral fertilizers. In the first year of planting solidago needs weeding, watering in drought, in subsequent years they are no longer afraid of anything, even pests and diseases are almost not affected.

Prefers moist soil and partial shade buzulnik(Ligularia). Its hybrid variety "Weihenstephan" growing up to 180 cm has very large inflorescences-baskets collected in a large ear.

Buzulniks grow well in moist, well-drained soils, otherwise they are not picky about soils. You can place a buzulnik next to a pond, where he can become the center of the composition. If there is no reservoir on the site, then it is better to plant the buzulnik in partial shade, since the decorative effect of the buzulnik decreases in sunny, ventilated places. In one place without a transplant, a buzulnik can grow for a very long time, up to twenty years. Easily propagated by division of the rhizome and seeds. Buzulnik is practically not damaged by diseases and pests, it has high winter hardiness.

18. Yarrow

Yarrow (Achillea)- a plant that should not be neglected when laying flower beds. Its proximity to other flowers is very useful: it turned out that yarrow has the ability to extract some trace elements from the soil, including sulfur, and stimulate their absorption by neighboring plants.

Among the yarrows, there are undersized varieties that are convenient to use in mixborders, and tall ones that are used for cutting. Yarrow grows well on poor and even stony soils. The only condition for growing yarrow should be the presence of good drainage, with stagnant moisture in the soil, the yarrow will disappear.

For a yellow-flowering garden, it is better to use meadowsweet yarrow (A. filipendulina). It remains decorative throughout the season, not only thanks to the dense yellow inflorescences, but also the silvery carved openwork leaves. Among the many varieties and hybrids of meadowsweet yarrow, you can find shades of yellow for any, even the most sophisticated taste, from canary, lemon yellow, gray-yellow, the color of a pale moon, to dark yellow, and even the color of ancient gold. Best varietiesyarrowmeadowsweet: Coronation Gold , Gold Plate, Cloth of Gold. It is advisable to plant all yarrows in an open sunny place, where their decorative qualities will be fully revealed.

19. Korean chrysanthemum

Among perennial chrysanthemums, there are a lot of different highly decorative varieties. I would like to focus only on Korean chrysanthemums. They not only grow quickly and have time to bloom in the short summer of central Russia, are drought-resistant, but are also easier to care for, unlike other types of chrysanthemums.

Everything korean chrysanthemums very light-loving. Chrysanthemums are best suited for sunny places protected from the north winds. The optimal pH soil reaction for chrysanthemums is (6.0 - 6.5), that is, the soil should be neutral. To reduce the acidity of the soil, you need to make dolomite flour, fluffy lime in the fall. Peat can be added to the soil to increase acidity. For chrysanthemums, drainage is important. If groundwater is too close, chrysanthemums will not overwinter. In Korean chrysanthemums, mass flowering begins in August-September.

In spring and early summer, humus, diluted bird droppings, cow dung, and nitrogen fertilizers can be used as top dressings. In June, pinch chrysanthemums. During the budding period of Korean chrysanthemums, as well as during flowering, it is necessary to fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. If all the conditions for caring for chrysanthemums are done correctly, then the abundance of flowers on Korean chrysanthemums will not show leaves!

After flowering, in autumn, chrysanthemums need to be cut. The rhizomes of Korean chrysanthemums need to be slightly covered with spruce branches and dry foliage. As a shelter, you can use humus, dry peat, a layer of earth, nonwoven fabric- agrospan.

20. St. John's wort

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)- herbaceous perennial plant. St. John's wort is completely unpretentious, it winters well, it is not picky about soils, it easily tolerates droughts. It can grow both in sunny places and in partial shade. The only thing he cannot stand is the stagnation of water in the soil. On fertile soils, and in the presence of dressings, St. John's wort will give you a whole scattering of bright golden yellow flowers! Do not forget to pick off faded St. John's wort inflorescences for further flowering. However, St. John's wort can also be used as a medicinal plant: then, in the midst of flowering, cut and dry the shoots with color. St. John's wort helps with sore throat, stomach, abdominal colic.

21. Oenothera

Oenothera (Oenothera biennis), or aspen is a biennial tall plant. Evening primrose grows well on dry, infertile soils containing lime. Evening primrose should be planted in elevated places, because there is a threat that the evening primrose root rosettes will rot in the spring from melt water. If groundwater is located close to the site, then you need to take care of drainage.

Oenothera Missouri (Oenotheramissuris)- perennial ground cover plant. Evening primrose Missouri grows well on lightly drained nutrient soils with a neutral soil pH (6.0-6.5).

Evening primrose Missouri is used to decorate rocky gardens, mixborders, it looks great in group plantings. The flowers of the new primrose variety African Sun open throughout the day from June to October. Thanks to such a long flowering period and a very bright color of flowers, this evening primrose variety has a chance to take a strong place in the summer. flower assortment. In autumn, the stems of the Missouri evening primrose should be cut at the root.

22. Delphinium

Delphinium (delphinium)- perennial, without which it is difficult to imagine a modern garden, it is so popular among flower growers. If earlier there were only blue, blue, white, pink delphiniums, now new varieties of perennial delphiniums with yellow flowers have been bred.

Delphiniums grow well in fertile, drained soils with a neutral soil reaction. Delphiniums are very responsive to fertilizers. In the spring, at the beginning of the growing season, they need to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers in order to grow a tall and beautiful peduncle. During the budding period and during flowering, fertilizing is done with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. For delphiniums, it is best to choose a place in the background of the flower garden, otherwise they may obscure other, lower plants. After flowering, remove all faded delphinium peduncles and then in August-September the delphinium will bloom again.

Delphiniums winter well even without light shelter. Every three to four years, do not forget to divide the rhizome. Delphinium is easily affected by Fusarium, because of which its stems-peduncles can lie down. Therefore, as soon as the lower leaves of the delphinium begin to turn yellow, treat the plant with foundationazole, phytosporin, Maxim.

23. Chilean gravilate

Chilean gravel (Geum quellion)- perennial herbaceous plant. Chilean gravel grows well in open sunny places, but also tolerates partial shade, with drained soil, very responsive to watering, resistant to temporary drought, blooms from June to August. But for the winter it is recommended to organize a light shelter with leaves or covering material. Recommended varieties of Chilean gravilata in yellow flowers: Goldball, Lady Strateden.

24. Lily

Lily (lilium)- a perennial bulbous plant, from the variety of species and varieties of which the head is spinning: there are so many of them. The most unpretentious for the climate of central Russia are lilies of Asian hybrids, as they can winter without shelter. Other species and varieties of lilies need light shelter.

Lilies grow well in light, fertile soil. If the soil is clayey, add humus, sand, perlite. Close groundwater from the area where lilies grow, divert or make drainage. The best place for lilies is sunny, as flowering will be more scarce in the shade. Lilies do not tolerate fresh manure and nitrogen fertilizers. For top dressing, it is better to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Once every four years, lilies need to be transplanted and divided.

25. Gentian yellow

Gentian yellow (Gentiana lutea) is a perennial herb that can grow up to one meter in height. Gentians are plants that grow well on acidic soils. They can be planted in company with rhododendrons, azaleas. It will take a lot of patience and care to breed gentians in your area, especially for tall types of gentians.

Gentian yellow has a taproot, so they plant as small as possible, and two- and three-year-old plants are no longer transplanted. But where gentian yellow feels at home, it becomes one of the most durable garden perennials. In natural natural environment known plants 60 years of age. Plants grown from seeds will flower in twelve years.

26. Snapdragon

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum) perennial herbaceous plant. Fertile, loose, without stagnant soil moisture is suitable for snapdragons.

If you have on the site clay soil, add more organic matter, peat, sand to it in order to make the soil looser and eliminate stagnation excess moisture. If your site has sandy soil, add black soil, rotted organic matter, leafy soil, try to improve the soil structure so that it can retain water and stay moist longer. Irrigation of snapdragons is carried out only after the topsoil has dried.

It is better to choose a sunny place for snapdragon, but snapdragon grows well in partial shade. Snapdragon blooms from June to October, just do not forget to fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in time and remove faded inflorescences so that the snapdragon does not stop flowering.

27. Peony

Pion (Paeonia- perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant. Peonies can grow in almost all types of soil, but the best soils for peonies are cultivated, well-drained and fairly water-intensive loams. The reaction of the medium should be closer to neutral (pH not less than 6 and not more than 7, preferably 6.5).

The choice of a place for planting peonies is of paramount importance. Peonies are photophilous plants, so the site should be sunny, open for air circulation, but at the same time protected from the prevailing winds. Peonies should not be planted near buildings, it can be too dry and hot near the wall, and near trees, they will pull moisture and nutrients onto themselves.

Proper planting is also important for a peony: the buds should be at the level of the soil. Every three to four years, do not forget to divide the rhizome of the peony. yellow peony (Paeonialutea)- is no longer a rarity in our gardens.

28. Bathing suit

Bathing suit (Trollius)- perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant. Most suitable soils for growing swimsuits are light, medium loamy, structural, with a high content of humus. Bathing suits grow well on neutral soils. They winter well without shelter. In one place without a transplant, bathing suits can grow for a long time and do not like frequent transplants.

It is good to plant a bathing suit next to a reservoir, since in nature bathing suits grow along the banks of rivers and ponds. A bathing suit can quite make a company of a buzulnik.

29. Anemone

Anemone (Anemones-perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant. Anemones multiply rapidly and form extensive curtains. Anemones, or spring anemones, grow well in light, moist soils with a high humus content. Moreover, soil moisture must be maintained throughout the growing season, even after the death of the above-ground part of the plant. Anemones grow better on calcareous soils, so ash or dolomite flour should be added to the soil where anemones grow. Anemones are easily propagated by root offspring, with regular watering, anemones will easily take root in a new place.

30. Eremurus

Eremurus (Eremurus- tall herbaceous plants, representatives of the highlands, but well-established in our country in central Russia. The main condition for growing eremurus is the presence of well-drained areas with light soil.

I read a lot about them that eremurus are very capricious, they can get wet or freeze, but my eremurus has been living with me for five years. I found a place for him in a high flower bed, so the water never lingers there. Winters without shelter. Every year my eremurus adds one peduncle. Care is minimal, I only try to fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers for most flowers become fatal: they cause rot of shoots and buds, so I don’t use purely nitrogen fertilizers on the site at all.

In some species of eremurus, flower stalks reach three meters, one and a half of which are spike-shaped inflorescences. Eremurus begins to bloom from below, gradually rising up. The inflorescence of eremurus seems to be burning from the bottom up! And it has been blooming for more than a month, so there is something to look forward to!

31. Ranunculus

Ranunculus (ranunculus)- or garden buttercups, very beautiful tuberous plants. Be sure to find a place in the garden for buttercups. Ranunculus prefer sunny, not too damp, humus-rich soils.

Stagnation of moisture leads to the development of root rot in ranunculus, so good drainage is the key to success in growing ranunculus. Ranunculus nodules are planted with “claws” down to a depth of no more than five to eight centimeters, depending on the soil. Ranunculus are quite unpretentious.

They need to be watered moderately, periodically loosen the soil. Before flowering, it is good to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Remove faded flowers promptly. This provides a long flowering ranunculus, which lasts until the end of July. After flowering and leaf death, ranunculus tubers are dug up and laid for the winter in a dry, frost-free room. During wintering, make sure that the ranunculus tubers do not dry out.

32. Dahlia

Dahlia (Dahlia)- a herbaceous tuberous plant that grows well and blooms profusely in an open sunny place with fertile loam and sufficient moisture. When growing dahlias for better flowering, leave no more than three stems in the bush. If you leave more than three shoots, then the inflorescences on this dahlia bush will be much smaller, which is why the bush itself will be less decorative. Large dahlia bushes need support. When choosing a dahlia, be guided by your requirements, as there are varieties of tall dahlias, and very small, curb ones.

When growing perennial dahlias, there is one thing: in our climate, dahlia tubers do not hibernate, so for the winter they need to be dug up and stored in dry, frost-free rooms. Well, if there are such premises, but what should the townspeople do?

If you value dahlia varieties, then after the first frost, feel free to dig up the tubers, rinse well and dry them. Before sending them for storage, treat dahlia tubers with foundationazole, Maxim to prevent the development of rot, as well as fitoverm or actellik for pests. After that, place the dahlia tubers in a box with side holes for ventilation, sprinkle them with sawdust, shavings, sand, perlite or other material. Place a box of dahlia tubers in the coolest place in the apartment. In the spring, before putting dahlia tubers for germination, do not forget to re-treat against rot and pests.

If you do not have the conditions for storing perennial dahlia tubers, modern varieties of annual dahlias will come to the rescue, which are not inferior in size to their older counterparts in inflorescences, and even surpass them in abundance of flowering.

33. Rose stock

Rose stock (Alcea) is a perennial herbaceous plant, ideal for planting flower beds in the background, decorating walls and fences. The stock-rose is also beautiful as a single plant, soloing against the backdrop of a lawn. To plant it, choose a place without stagnant water, the stem-rose easily tolerates drought, and when watering and top dressing, it will thank you with chic flower stalks, from which chic bouquets are obtained.

34. Sedum, stonecrop

Sedum (sedum),or sedum- succulent herbaceous plant, undemanding to soils. Sedum blooms from July until frost and leaves blooming under the snow. Most stonecrops are very hardy and do not require shelter.

Tall types of stonecrops are suitable for flower beds with decorative annuals and perennials. In a flower bed, stonecrops can be planted in small groups, combined with asters, chrysanthemums, ornamental grasses or dwarf conifers. Preferring the bright sun, stonecrops are easily put up with a little shading. They retain their decorative effect even after flowering, so they can be left in the flower bed until next spring.

35. Gladiolus

- perennial bulbous herbaceous plant. Gladiolus is considered one of the most decorative garden flowers. Its peduncles, like victorious swords, are directed upwards, on which flowers of various colors are arranged in a joyful company, like a flock of butterflies.

Corms of gladioli before planting are treated with preparations from rot and pests. For planting gladioli, you need to choose a sunny and wind-protected place with light, fertile, drained soil. Gladiolus, like other garden flowers, need to be fertilized with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Gladiolus bloom in August - September. Sometimes gladiolus flower stalks need a garter to a support.

In autumn, after flowering, when the leaves begin to turn yellow, the gladiolus corms are dug up, washed well, and dried. Before storing gladiolus corms, treat with preparations for rot (foundazol, phytosporin) and pests (actellik, fitoverm). Gladiolus corms should be stored in a cool, dry place.


June is the time of entry into flowering of annuals. Annuals throughout the summer will give the flower garden the desired color, intensifying and growing towards the end of summer. Without annuals, the flower garden will look a little lonely. If perennials bloom, basically, only for one month, annuals do not stop their flowering during the entire growing season, only frost in late autumn can stop them. Among annuals, it is easy to pick up unpretentious plants in care. But in order to get the flowering of annuals already in June, you will have to grow them through seedlings.

36. Petunia

Petunia (Petunia- ground cover or ampelous plant. Petunia is planted with seeds in early March. In the second half of May, seedlings of petunias can already be planted in open ground, in most cases already with color. Petunias need bright sun, although they will bloom with little shading.

Petunia is not at all capricious about soils and is drought-resistant, but if you want to achieve continuous flowering of petunia, you need to constantly feed it and water it as the soil dries up. Feeding of petunias begins with nitrogen fertilizers or mullein infusion, and then until the beginning of August, with an interval of 7-10 days, they are given complete mineral fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium. Petunias can be grown in flowerpots, hanging baskets, and planters. If hanging baskets are located in the sun, it is advisable to cover the soil in the baskets with moss before closing the petunias in order to retain moisture.

37. Marigolds, or tagetes

Or tagetes (Tagetes). Tall and low, sprawling and upright with varying hues ranging from pale yellow and lemon to golden and dark yellow with a hint of copper, marigolds are indispensable in flower beds. Their presence will significantly reduce the number of pests. Marigolds are unpretentious to growing conditions, grow on any well-moistened soil, bloom in the sun and in partial shade, are very responsive to top dressing, bloom until frost.

Or an annual, not only beautiful, but also edible. photophilous, easily tolerates both cold snap and drought. Chrysanthemum annual seeds can be sown directly into the ground in early spring. Seedlings of crowned chrysanthemum, carefully dug out during thinning, can be planted, they tolerate transplantation well and all take root. Shoots of crowned chrysanthemum can be used in salads along with herbs.

39. Nasturtium

Nasturtium (Tropaeolummajus) herbaceous plant, which is very popular. Nasturtium is a thermophilic and photophilous plant. Nasturtium prefers a sunny location, moderately fertile, moist soils. Nasturtium is planted in open ground in late May - early June.

In care, nasturtium is unpretentious, like other annuals. Before flowering, nasturtium is regularly watered, and after it blooms, watering is needed only when the soil is sufficiently dry. In extreme heat, nasturtium leaves can droop, this is not dangerous, with the onset of evening coolness, the decorative effect of nasturtium is restored.

During the budding period and during the flowering of nasturtium, only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers should be used for top dressing. Nasturtium will bloom in the garden from June until frost. After flowering, it sets many seeds. Nasturtium seeds are able to overwinter in the soil and sprout the following year. By the way, all parts of the plant: flowers, leaves, and shoots are edible.

40. Cosmos

Kosmeya (Cosmos)- very unpretentious light-loving, drought-resistant, cold-resistant plant. Cosmea grows well on loose, moderately fertile soils. Kosmeya is easy to grow by direct sowing in open ground in late April - early May. Recommended varieties: Yellow double kosmeya (Cosmos sulphureus).

41. Calendula, marigold

Calendula (Calendula)- not only ornamental, but also medicinal plant. If you plant calendula in a flower garden, then essential oils, contained in calendula, will protect neighboring plants from pests, not only from above, but also underground. Marigold flowers will serve as a living barometer for you: they close before the rain. And dried calendula flowers will help you cope with sore throats and heart disease.

42. Fragrant tobacco

fragrant tobacco (Nicotiana suaveolens)- an annual very fragrant plant, completely unpretentious, responsive to watering and top dressing. When grown through seedlings, it begins to bloom in June. Gives self-seeding. Flowering increases with fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

43. Cosmidium

Cosmidium- a plant related to cosmos, or even a variety of cosmos. Unlike cosmea, the cosmidium is lower, its flowers are not so large, but the color of the flowers is so rich and bright that I decided to recommend this flower. Cosmidium flowers are yellow with a dark red or almost brown velvet color at the very middle of the flower. Looking closely at a cosmidium flower, you won’t immediately understand whether it is dry or wet: it seems that these dew droplets shimmer in the sun and enhance the color.

44. Astra

Aster annual, or Chinese aster (Callistephus chinesis)- perhaps the most multi-colored flower of all annuals. Depending on the height of the stem (from 15 to 90 cm) annual asters suitable for flower beds, mixborders, group plantings, serve as decoration for balconies and terraces. They feel good in a sunny place and in partial shade, on loamy and sandy permeable soils. Asters prefer calcareous or neutral soils with a high humus content. With an excess of nitrogen in the soil, asters are prone to Fusarium wilt, so use only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for top dressing.

45. Eschsolzia

45., or poppy california- an unpretentious annual plant, pleasing not only with its yellow flowers, which open throughout the summer, but also with carved silvery foliage. Eschscholzia grows well on moderately moist, fertilized soils, although it can easily tolerate temporary droughts.

46. ​​Zinnia

Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) not picky about soils, but grows best on moist, humus-rich, calcareous soils. In acidic soils, zinnia is susceptible to disease. When grown through seedlings, zinnia blooms in late June and blooms until late autumn. Among the variety of varieties of this plant, you can find zinnias with both large flowers and small flowers, but in no way inferior to them in decorativeness. In order for zinnia to bloom for a long time, do not forget to remove faded inflorescences and feed every two weeks with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Zinnia can be planted in company with other annuals that match in height. Zinnia looks great in a group planting, forming islands of greenery and large caps of inflorescences.


47. Rose

What is a garden without a rose? If it is difficult for you to shelter hybrid tea or floribunda roses for the winter, you can choose park yellow-flowering varieties of roses that are unpretentious in care. For example, "Freesia" in all respects is suitable for any garden. This blooms the Rose throughout the summer, fragrant. A small shelter of the root system for the winter is enough for her. If you have been engaged in floriculture for a long time, then the choice of roses in front of you is expanding significantly both among spray and climbing roses.

48. Potentilla shrub

Potentilla shrub (Pentaphylloides fruticosa)- a small shrub that will be a great addition to a yellow-flowering garden. Potentilla blooms from June to October, easily tolerates pruning, grows well on moist drained soils, is very responsive to fertilizers and top dressing. Potentilla shrub flowers can be dried and brewed instead of tea, because it is not without reason that the second name of Potentilla is Kuril tea.

49. Rhododendron

Rhododendron (Rhododendron) grows mainly on acidic soils, if the soil in your garden is neutral or calcareous, then all attempts to grow rhododendron may be unsuccessful. Only with the annual application of peat, pine needles or sawdust, pine bark, as well as special fertilizers, it will be possible to grow rhododendrons in the garden. However, it's worth it! Just the sight of a blooming rhododendron will drive anyone crazy! But in addition to the requirements for soil acidity, many more rules must be observed when planting and further caring for rhododendron, even in autumn and winter.

50. Dyeing gorse

Gorse dye (Genista tinctoria)- a low shrub, which, by the way, is perfect for growing in an alpine hill, in borders, in small group plantings. Gorse dyer prefers sandy light dry calcareous soils. In spring or early summer, the gorse shoots are covered with yellow flowers, behind which leaves are not visible. However, gorse is not only decorative, but also a medicinal plant. During wintering, thin shoots may freeze near the dyeing gorse, but in the spring the plant quickly recovers.

51. Forsythia, forsythia

Forsythia, forsythia (Forsythia)- flowering shrub in early spring beautiful yellow flowers. Immediately after the snow melts, the forsythia shoots are covered with flowers. Forsythia loves a bright and wind-protected place. Forsythia grows well in humus-rich, calcareous or neutral soils. If there is enough rainfall, then watering is not required. But if the summer is very dry and hot, then the forsythia should be watered at least once a month, 10-20 liters per bush.

In the spring, under the forsythia bush, you can put rotted manure, which will serve not only as fertilizer, but also as mulch. Every spring, all diseased, broken, weak shoots are cut off, as well as from a third to a half of faded inflorescences. Stump pruning is used to rejuvenate the bush. With such pruning, forsythia quickly grows and restores the crown, however, as with shortening faded old branches. For the winter, it is recommended to cover the forsythia root system with a dry leaf, spruce branches, as well as bending the branches to the ground to avoid freezing.

Forsythia has many decorative forms, among which the best are: dense-flowered forsythia (f. densiflora), wonderful forsythia (f. spectabilis), primrose forsythia (f. pmulina).

52. Barberry

Barberry Thunberg (Berberis thunbergii)- a shrub that is valued not only for its high decorative qualities, but also for its berries, which contain a very large amount of vitamin C.

All barberries are unpretentious, they are not demanding on soils, they are not afraid of strong prevailing winds, they tolerate drought and heat, they cannot endure only stagnant moisture in the soil. Therefore, for planting barberries, you need to choose a dry place or arrange good drainage. Barberries grow well in partial shade, but for forms with colored leaves, a sunny place is preferable, where the color of the leaves is most pronounced.

Barberry is responsive to top dressing with complete complex fertilizers with trace elements. In the first year of planting, the barberry needs to loosen the soil, weed weeds. Pruning barberry is to remove weak, diseased, broken shoots.

Among all the varieties and varieties of barberry, there are yellow-leaved forms, the representative of which is the Thunberg barberry Aurea. Barberry Thunberg Aurea is about a meter high. It can burn in the sun, so it needs a partial shade location. The new yellow-leaved variety of barberry Bonanza Gold is not afraid of the sun at all, but it is slightly shorter.

P.S. Do you like flowers? For example, I love it! And everything that somehow relates to flowers - too, for example, oil paintings of flowers! In the online art store you can buy a picture of a variety of colors, which can be hung in any room or presented to your loved one. You can make a custom-made painting in oil or watercolor, based on your preferences and wishes, you can order a painting from a photograph or make a copy of the painting.

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