How to lay young grapes for the winter. How to cover grapes for the winter? Why does the bush freeze

Since ancient times, grapes have been accompanying a person, quenching thirst, amusing the soul, healing the body. With passing success, the vine has been cultivated in Russia since the end of the 16th century. The success was transient because in some snowy winters, he successfully kept the root system (under the snow) from high negative temperatures, in the spring formed the above-ground mass and yield. Over time, the concept came that the conditions of Russia require grape varieties with special properties: increased resistance of the root system to negative temperatures and increased resistance of the vine to winter frosts.

The varieties bred for the middle and northern regions of Russia contributed to its advancement to the North, and today grapes form good yields both in the Urals and in the northern regions. But the genetic memory of the grapes of the past still requires growing conditions close to the conditions where viticulture originated: required amount thermal temperatures, sufficient lighting and shelter from the late autumn and winter cold. Temperature fluctuations more often cause the death of unripened vines and young seedlings. To avoid losses, you need to winter time cover the vineyard, especially table varieties, and you need to do it right.

Preparing grapes for winter cold

Winegrowers with experience in their household arsenal have a whole range of winter shelters: spunbond, burlap, mats, straw, nets, wooden racks, boards, etc.

Depending on the region of cultivation, the duration of cold weather, snow cover, spring and autumn features weather conditions, sheltering vineyards in dachas and adjoining plots use different types shelters.

Preparing grape bushes for shelter

Grape bushes must be prepared for shelter. Otherwise, rodents can gnaw at the roots and vines, mold and other fungal diseases will appear on improperly covered lashes, eyes will die, etc. To properly prepare the bushes for wintering, you must perform the following preparatory work:

  • In dry autumn, vine bushes should be watered abundantly.
  • In September, fertilize vines with potash or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  • After the leaves have fallen, prune the unripe vines. It is green or greenish in color. An unripened grape vine always freezes in winter.
  • In addition to sanitary pruning of unripe grape shoots, form a load, leaving 2-3 buds in excess of the norm for spring control.
  • Treat grape bushes with a 3% solution of copper or iron sulphate, solutions of other drugs from diseases and pests.
  • Prepare the aerial part of the grape bushes for shelter. Remove from the wire, tie the shoots into loose bundles.
  • Prepare trenches (if the technology provides) for laying vines for shelter.
  • Prepare covering material.

Disinfection of covering material.

  • Spunbond materials, burlap, mats used for sheltering grapes must be dried, cleaned and treated with working solutions of antifungal drugs immediately after removing the shelters in the spring. Fold carefully until autumn in a dry place, inaccessible to precipitation.
  • Wooden flooring, roofing material, straw and reed mats should also be carefully treated with a 5-7% solution. blue vitriol or other compounds from diseases and pests. Fold neatly under the canopy.
  • In the fall, before sheltering the grapes, review all prepared materials. Throw away and destroy the rotten.
  • By autumn, the missing cover reed or straw mats, straw, autumn leaf litter, coniferous spruce branches can be prepared. Dry the fallen leaves, treat with preparations for fungal diseases and pests.
  • Prepare and dry bunches of insecticide herbs from pests, including rodents (tansy, wormwood, marigolds, marigolds and others). Stems of herbal insecticides can be used to cover leaves, straw, and mats. You can sprinkle with dust or shift with poisonous baits from rodents and other pests.

How to cover grapes for the winter?

Types of vine shelters can be divided into several ways:

  • near the standard instillation of grapes,
  • semi-covering of grapes,
  • complete shelter of the vine for the cold period.

Regardless of the region, young 1-2 year old seedlings, European varieties that are unstable to temperature extremes, and hybrid forms need shelter.

Near the standard instillation of grapes

In the south, they start sheltering grapes around mid-November. After preparing and conducting all necessary activities to prepare the above-ground mass for the winter period, they cover the root system of grapes.

Since the roots of grapes begin to freeze at -5..-7°С, then during the first frosts within 0.. - 2-4°С, an earthen hill is formed around the bole.

For about standard shelter grapes use the land from row spacing. Shelter with earth is carried out so that the head of the grape bush and the lower part of the stem are completely covered. They form a hill with a diameter of at least 30 cm and a height of 10-25 cm (focusing on the age of the bush and the root system).

A well-ripened vine of frost-resistant grape varieties can withstand frosts down to -15°C. After sheltering the root system, the vine is simply removed from the support and placed on the bottom wire or through the bedding (board, plywood) on the ground. If frosts do not exceed -15 ° C, then no more covering work is performed. If there is a further decrease in temperature, then urgently carry out covering work.

Semi-covering grapes

In some southern regions and in central Russia they use a semi-shelter of a bush to protect against frost. Its difference is that only the part of the bush closest to the soil is protected from frost. Considering that cold accumulates in the ground layer, the head, lower sleeves and shoot bases are covered near the vine bushes. The higher parts of the plants are protected with integumentary materials, wrapping them in a protective suit made of straw, spunbond, and old bedspreads. The protection should be at least 4 cm. So that the wind does not break off the wrapper, it is strengthened with twine. All work is done carefully so as not to break off the kidneys.

You can cover the above-ground mass of grapes in another way. Make shallow trenches on the sides of the bush. Bend the removed whips to the ground, pin and also sprinkle with earth. Arcs of shoots may remain above the ground. They are left open or covered various materials. Use mats, old blankets, blankets, spunbond or agrofibre. Cover carefully so as not to break off the kidneys. A film is stretched over the shelter, secured with willow arcs or twine, and its edges are sprinkled with earth. Vents are left at the bottom so that during the thermal autumn temperature drops the grape bushes do not become moldy.

The ripened vine of young grape bushes can simply be laid in dug shallow trenches and sprinkled with a 10-15 cm layer of earth. So that in the recesses of the row-spacing, where the soil was taken for backfilling, water does not accumulate, be sure to dig up this place.

Low bushes of grapes can be neatly tied into a loose bundle and wrapped with insulation. Get winter clothes for the bush.

Young grape seedlings are covered with bottles for the winter. It is most convenient to use 3-5 liter transparent bottles. Cut off the bottom and drive the bottom of the bottles into the ground. Unscrew the plug. The bottle is covered with earth from all sides.

Full cover of grapes

Full shelter of grape bushes is carried out in regions where the temperature during the winter months drops below -20 ° C. After completing all the preparatory work, cover the head of the bush with earth. The vine is removed from the trellis, carefully tied into a loose bundle and laid on a prepared bedding of slate, boards, plywood. They serve as insulation for the vine from the ground. The vine must be isolated from the ground.

They are pinned to the ground in arcs so that the tied vine of grapes does not hunch high above the ground. The laid above-ground part of the plants is covered with a pre-prepared covering material: burlap, blankets, reeds, straw mats. Covering material must be natural, artificial materials do not hold heat. The vine may die. Carefully poke cover. A film-insulation is stretched from above and fixed with arc-brackets or U-shaped structures. The ends of the film are sprinkled with earth, and make sure that the film does not come into contact with the kidneys. Be sure to leave air gaps so that the vine does not get tired.

Some winegrowers pin the prepared vine with arcs to the soil and cover it with a layer of earth of 15-30 cm, and when it snows, they also throw it with snow.

If it is not possible to remove the vine from the trellis or other high support, then the vine is wrapped and attached to the support. At the same time, the roots are protected separately, but carefully. A mound of earth is poured, covering the head, lower sleeves and trunk, covered with spruce branches and tied with twine. They throw snow and make sure that he covers the spruce branches with a hat. It is not allowed to be exposed. Otherwise vine may freeze.

In cold regions with prolonged frosts, they are prepared from spruce branches or wooden shield like a house or box, which is covered with dry leaves or straw. From above they cover with straw mats, mats and cover with slate or a heavy board. In the spring, the structure is dismantled and the bush is released. It is more rational to cover young or small grape bushes with such structures. You can make such a shelter for a vine removed from a trellis, tied into loose bundles. When filling the shelter with leaves or straw, and for any other type of shelter, be sure to spread poisoned baits against rodents at the base of the bole and shift the stuffing with the stems of insecticide plants. Rodents will not come to such a house.

Opening grapes in spring

Grapes begin to open in the third decade of April - early May. With the onset of steady warming, the film must be removed so that condensation does not form, which can destroy swelling buds. All shelter grapes are removed when the first sprouts appear. Removing shelters is best done in the evening or in cloudy weather so that young shoots and buds do not get sunburn. All packing is collected and burned or moved to the aisle and sprinkled with earth. The mulch will rot and serve as organic fertilizer.

With the onset of stable positive temperatures, they rake the earth and free the base of the grape stem, the lower sleeves, and raise the vine to the supports. In the same period, the state of the vine is monitored. Rakes fluff up the earth for the flow of oxygen to the roots. If the bushes were simply covered with roofing felt or film and covered with snow, then the snow cover is raked, leaving only a permanent shelter. On warm days, the film or roofing material can be removed, dried, and at night again cover the grape bushes until constant positive temperatures are established.

Preservation of grapes when grown in cold regions requires labor and effort. Therefore, in dachas it is better to grow winter-hardy varieties that do not require complex protective structures and can do without shelters or only under the protection of the root system.

Non-covering grape varieties for growing in the country

Frost-resistant grape varieties in the southern regions are not covered at all for the winter. For the southern regions and areas of the middle lane, the following non-covering varieties can be recommended: Lydia, Vostorg, Isabella, Victoria, Christina, Strashensky, Laura, Amethyst, Ontario, Extra, Talisman, Arcadia, Negrulya and others. The same varieties with partial or complete shelter for the winter can be successfully grown in the northern regions. They can withstand temperatures down to -25°C. According to the materials of some growers, the given grape varieties withstood temperatures up to -35-40ºС.

Of the more modern grape varieties, be sure to pay homage to Samantha. Unusually resistant to disease and frost, with a beautiful large brush, unusual taste. From early varieties The best and most common grape varieties are Pineapple, Rogachevsky. From the group of isabelle varieties, the Buffalo hybrid stands out. With arched formation, Buffalo forms a crop of more than 100 kg per bush. The grape varieties Nezhny and Lucille are distinguished by their unusual taste. Lucili berries are intensely pink with a strong floral aroma, in the variety Delicate berries pink-violet with a pleasant nutmeg aroma and taste.

Large-fruited table grapes in a growing area that is not traditional for viticulture is not an adventurous idea for a long time, but a fait accompli. My daughter and variety "Flora" (Laura). Belarus Gomel.

This question arises before any novice grower who decides to start on his site, in a non-traditional shelter zone for growing grapes, this is a wonderful plant.

But almost all "southern" varieties of large-fruited table grapes have frost resistance not exceeding -18 degrees, which makes them unsuitable for traditional methods of growing in regions with winter temperatures below this.

Conducting winter shelter vines, we are destroying the only obstacle on the way to our goal - obtaining grapes in terms of taste and size that are in no way inferior to our southern neighbors.

There is nothing difficult about hiding. After spending half an hour, we get a great opportunity to grow large-fruited table grapes early term, and in the presence of a greenhouse and an average ripening period.

In our today's article, and the photo and video materials attached to it, we will try to consider the main types of winter shelter for a grape plant.

Preparing to shelter grapes in winter

Regardless of the choice of shelter, the first thing to do is to carry out a set of measures to prepare our vineyard for winter:

Types and methods of winter shelter of grapes

To begin with, let's try to list the main types of shelters from the simplest to the most complex and determine their weak and strengths so that you, my reader, can choose the method of wintering a grape plant that is most suitable for your conditions and possibilities.

Covered with snow

This is the simplest type of shelter, but, unfortunately, it is not suitable for all regions. The essence of such shelter lies in the natural natural shelter vines covered with snow. The grower only needs to remove the vine from the trellis and, bending it to the ground, fix it with U-shaped brackets or some kind of load. All. Nature will do the rest. Snow is an excellent insulation, under a layer of 30 or more centimeters, the vine is not afraid of any frosts. But this type of shelter is suitable only for regions with constant and stable snow cover throughout the winter period and the absence of temperature fluctuations in the positive direction. Unfortunately, such conditions are possible only in Siberia, and even then, no one is immune from a sharp cold snap, in the absence of sufficient snow cover. And what can we say about Belarus, Ukraine or central Russia with our constant thaws and sharp cold snaps on bare ground ...

Shelter with spruce branches

Shelter with spruce branches

Also a very simple way to hide. As in the first version, the vine tied into bundles is bent and fixed to the ground along the row or twisted in a ring around the base of the bush. Next, the vine is covered with a layer of spruce branches. The more severe the expected winter, the thicker the layer of spruce branches is needed.

Despite its simplicity, this type of shelter is quite reliable, but it is applicable only on young plantings or small vineyards due to the difficulty of annually extracting a large amount of this covering material.

For the extraction of spruce branches, it is not at all necessary to damage the trees in the nearby forest, it is enough to drive up to the place where logging or sanitary cutting is carried out and quickly and without problems collect the required amount of spruce branches.

Shelter with earth from the aisle

A fairly simple, but very time-consuming type of shelter. A trench 20-30 cm deep is dug along the vine row (shovel bayonet), the width depends on the thickness of the bunch of vines tied together. A grapevine is laid in this trench and covered with earth from the aisles.

An earthen rampart 15-20 cm high is created above the trench, protecting the vine from low temperatures. Shelter with earth is the most ancient and widespread type of shelter for vines, however, it has both undeniable advantages and significant disadvantages.


  • Reliably protects the vine from low temperatures
  • Absolutely no financial investment required.


We have reviewed classic way covering grapes with earth. As you can see, this method has many negative points, but there are also alternative way shelter with the help of the earth, partially devoid of some negative qualities. A viticulturist from Ukraine Alexander Krot will introduce you to him in this video:

Video shelter grapes for the winter

Dry shelter grapes

This is, without a doubt, the best way shelter vines in winter.

It consists in sheltering bunches of grapevine pressed to the ground with two layers - heat-insulating and moisture-proof. Materials such as straw, wood shavings, pine litter (fallen needles), spruce and pine spruce branches, etc. can be used as insulation. I do not recommend using foliage as a heater fruit trees and shrubs, as well as the foliage of grapes directly, it has a very high fungal infection background.

As a waterproofing - an opaque film (we do not need a greenhouse during early spring thaws), old pieces of roofing material, linoleum, rubber, slate, etc.

Prepared and tied vines are laid on the ground along a row and covered with a thick layer of insulation. Then the whole thing is covered from above waterproofing material, pressing it on the sides with bricks or sprinkling it with earth.

Dry shelter using a frame of arcs. Fiberglass acts as a waterproofing layer. Dry shelter of vines. In the role of insulation - straw, waterproofing - roofing material.

Advantages of dry shelter:

  • Reliably protects from low temperatures.
  • It does not get wet and, accordingly, wetting and decay of vines and buds in conditions of excessive humidity is excluded.
  • Allows you to quickly cover large areas of the vineyard.


  • Requires financial investment.


When constructing a dry shelter with a waterproofing layer, it is necessary to leave open parts of the shelter - air ducts. This is necessary to ventilate the shelter and prevent condensation from accumulating under the shelter.

The open ends of this shelter are the vents.

My grape shelter for the winter in Belarus

Since my small vineyard is located in a summer cottage, I do not have free access to straw, shavings and other types of insulation, and it is too troublesome to bring it to the site every season.

At first, I covered the young vineyard with pine spruce branches (by the way, very successfully), finding sanitary deforestation on the way to the dacha, but the vineyard matured and expanded, which prompted me to look for other shelter material.

And I found it - a laminate substrate in rolls. It is made of expanded polystyrene and has a very low thermal conductivity, which makes the substrate only 3-4 mm thick. excellent heater. In addition, it does not allow moisture to pass through and is also a waterproofing layer.

That is, one material performs both functions of a dry shelter - keeping heat from the ground and preventing moisture from entering. And the fact that this material is in rolls is generally a gift of fate. He laid tied bundles of vines along a row of trellises, unwound a roll over them, pressed stones along the edges or sprinkled them with earth - everything is ready. The cost of the material is relatively low, but it will last, with careful handling, for more than one year.

This type of shelter showed excellent results of overwintering grapes not only with me and my colleagues in Belarus, but in more northern regions. Let's not forget the spirits! I do not press the ends of the shelter to the ground and leave them open. To prevent snow from getting under the shelter and excessive movement of cold air through the open ends, I cover them with pine branches.

If, instead of a substrate, less thermal insulation materials(black film, roofing material, etc.), the space between the vine and the covering material can be filled with insulation (straw, pine litter, spruce branches, etc.). You can see more about how to make such a shelter in the video of my colleague and countryman V. Tochilin:

Shelter of seedlings and young vine bushes

If seedlings and young bushes are in a common row, then their shelter is no different from adult bushes. But if they are separate, then you can cover them in simple ways demonstrated in this video:

Time and date of winter shelter of grapes

If there is agreement on the arrangement of a winter shelter among winegrowers, then opinions drastically differ on the timing of this action. Some winegrowers believe that shelter must be carried out in advance, at the slightest threat of sub-zero temperatures, others prefer to wait for stable negative temperatures of -5-6 degrees or more and only then carry out shelter activities.

Each of the parties has its own arguments and arguments in defense of certain terms of shelter, I will devote separate material to their analysis in the future, but for now, since this is still an author's site, I will write about my personal vision of this issue.

As always, I prefer not to take radical positions in disputes, but by analyzing the opinions of other growers and my own personal experience to find the golden mean precisely for their own conditions for growing grapes:

  • A well-ripened vine and grape buds are able to withstand the critical sub-zero temperature indicated in the ampelography of the variety. For most even the most delicate varieties, it is at least 14 degrees.
  • The first small frosts stimulate chemical and biological processes in the vine aimed at increasing winter hardiness. The so-called "hardening of the vine."
  • The vines and buds on poorly matured vines, due to disease, crop overload, youth or general weakness of the plant, do not reach their varietal frost resistance and can be damaged even with minor frosts.

From this I drew two simple conclusions:

  1. Healthy, well-ripened vines on strong fruit-bearing vine bushes do not need to be hidden under cover until stable nighttime freezing temperatures set in. Small first frosts will only “harden” them and increase the overall frost resistance. In Belarus, this time comes at the end of November.
  2. I temporarily cover seedlings, first-year-olds, weakened and poorly ripened for some reason, before the onset of the first frost, with a light covering material (SUF 40 spunbond in 2-3 layers), and then, together with the rest of the vineyard, as it should be with a substrate under the laminate.

That's all wisdom. The strong - we temper, the weak - we protect.

The main mistakes of beginners

  • Neglect of the process of preparing vines before shelter.
  • Incorrectly chosen method of shelter for your region in general and the characteristics of the site in particular.
  • Incorrectly chosen dates for the shelter.
  • Excessively sealed shelter with air and moisture-proof materials without leaving any odors.
  • Isolation of the vine with insulation material from the ground. The earth is the only source of warmth in winter, and if you put insulation between it and the vine, you reduce to almost nothing the whole point of winter shelter.

How to cover grapes for the winter and why do it? In the south, this type of plant is grown without shelter. But in the north (in Siberia, beyond the Urals, in Altai) and in the temperate zone (Moscow region, Belarus, in northern Ukraine), where the temperature drops below -15 degrees, most varieties have to be protected from frost. Otherwise, the buds, and even the roots, may freeze, the vine will die. But the covering method of viticulture allows you to cultivate a crop in many regions.

Why shelter grapes for the winter

Sheltering grapes for the winter allows you to grow this crop even in cold areas. Exist different varieties, some are more sensitive to frost, others tolerate rather low temperatures, being satisfied with natural snow cover. According to frost resistance, grape varieties are divided into several types, depending on how many degrees of frost the vine can withstand:

  • First category. In frosts - 25-28 ° C, 80-100% of the kidneys are preserved
  • Second category. In frosts - 23-27 ° C, 60-80% of the kidneys are preserved
  • Third category. In frosts - 18-22 ° C, 40-60% of the kidneys are preserved
  • fourth and fifth category. In frosts - 13-17 ° C, all eyes can die.

Even frost-resistant varieties can hardly tolerate a long drop in temperature (over a week or two) to -15-20 ° C. A prolonged cold snap can destroy the entire vineyard. Therefore, winter shelter of the vine in cold climates is always recommended, even if the variety is frost-resistant. If the temperature in the region does not fall below -16 ° C, sheltering the bushes is not necessary. At the same time, it is necessary to protect young seedlings, which were planted this or last year.

The roots of grapes are also very sensitive to cold, even more than the buds. They can freeze if the soil temperature drops below -5-6°C. If a root system damage, the whole plant dies. Therefore, when sheltering grapes, it is very important to warm the roots well. If you didn’t cover the grapes well for the winter, didn’t take care of warming the roots, you can lose not only the harvest in next year, but the whole bush.

Terms and methods of shelter

The timing of the shelter of the grape vine is different, it all depends on the region. In most cases, this is done after the first decade of October. You can not wait for the first frost, the vine may become too dry and brittle. If you cover the grapes in this state, it is easy to damage them. In addition, during frosts, some of the eyes may die, which reduces the chances of a bush for successful wintering, reduces next year's yield, makes the vineyard less profitable.

Shelter of grapes for the winter in the Moscow region is carried out in the second half of October. In areas to the south, this can be done even in early November or December. First, be sure to cut the branches. Then preparation is carried out, the vine is removed from the trellis and pressed to the ground. There are many ways to properly cover grapes for the winter. Here are some of them:

  • Earth and snow
  • dry shelter
  • Film.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Once covered with soil, the grapes can withstand very low temperatures, but may succumb during a thaw. The film is also a reliable option, but it can be too hot inside such a greenhouse, and the vine “wakes up” ahead of time. It is better to use geotextile instead of a film.

Fairly cheap options are covering grapes with reeds, straw, fallen leaves, sawdust, slate and other improvised materials. The shelter of grapes in winter with spruce branches has proven itself well. Let's take a closer look at all of the listed methods of sheltering grapes, young and old, the difference between them, the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Covering grapes with earth

Covering grapes with earth is very simple. To do this, the vine is bent to the surface of the soil and well fixed. Land must be taken from row spacing. If it is taken directly from under the bush, the roots may freeze, which will destroy the plant. Then the grooves are covered with fallen leaves and other waste. In a year they will rot, formed good compost which can be used for fertilizer.

How to cover grapes with soil in autumn so that they do not freeze. To do this, you need to pour a layer 20-25 cm thick, in cold regions it can be up to 30 cm. If the layer is too thick, the kidneys will rot, and if it is too thin, they will freeze. Before covering the grapes for the winter, it is advisable to treat the vine with fungicides. There are a lot of fungi and bacteria in the soil, they can cause diseases in grapes after covering. At the same time, copper sulfate, nitrophoska and other preparations are used. It is necessary to spray them carefully, use about 400 ml of solution per bush.

So that the branches do not rot, the ground is covered from above with slate or roofing material. You can also use a substrate that will not allow the branches from below to come into contact with the ground. This prevents moisture from entering and allows the vine to better survive in the winter. You can try a simpler option, use reeds or straw. But such a winter shelter for grapes is not very reliable. Organic matter passes water and can itself rot. It is best to cover it with a film after sprinkling with earth, periodically open it for ventilation. If there are no problems with snow, it will perfectly protect the vine, even with minimal shelter.

dry shelter

How else can you cover the grapes, are there other ways? Very often used, the so-called dry shelter grapes. With him, the branches are not sprinkled with earth. A small groove is prepared in which the vine is laid. Secure it with various clips. Top covered with various materials. Can be used:

  • Wooden shields
  • wooden boxes
  • Slate
  • Ruberoid.

The easiest way is to lay unnecessary boards, plywood, pieces of slate, laminate on grape branches. The cracks are caulked with straw or covered with earth. This is where the process ends. This method of sheltering grapes at home for the winter is cheap and does not require much effort. In winter, the shelter is covered with snow, which additionally retains heat.

When sheltering grapes with boxes, a small “house” is built over the vine, which will protect the vine and the entire vineyard from frost. Most often, wooden boxes are used. But you can replace them with slate, roofing material. Materials are used both this year and next year. Also suitable are special mats made of reeds and straw, bags filled with sawdust, spruce branches or leaves. But such a shelter may deteriorate next year.

Dry winter shelter for grapes has its advantages. There is no risk that with the earth the vine will become infected with diseases, the kidneys will begin to rot. With this method, a more or less uniform temperature is maintained throughout the winter, since air is a good heat insulator. In addition, moisture can get under the shelter, the vine does not dry out, but it does not rot, as under a film. Such a technique also does not require much effort and expense, as well as sheltering grapes in the fall with earth.

Film covering

How to cover grapes in the Urals and other cold areas? There is a very good material that is available to everyone, ordinary film. It allows you to save the kidneys from freezing even at very low temperatures. In addition, the method is not too expensive. Before you cover the grapes with a film, you need to prepare it - cut it off, remove it from the trellis and fix it at a distance of about 10 cm above the ground. It is also advisable to spray the plant with a polycarbonate solution or other fungicide.

After the vine is ready for shelter, metal arches are placed on top. You can use wood instead of metal, but it is short-lived. The film is carefully stretched, the edges are sprinkled with earth or pressed down with bricks, stones. Must be left open spaces so that the grapes are ventilated. Sometimes small holes are made in the greenhouse. It is possible in warm weather to open the vine from time to time so that it does not rot and is ventilated. It's good when the film is covered with snow. Then the buds do not break and in the spring almost all bloom.

It is best to use a white opaque film to cover winter grapes. Black can heat up, the kidneys in such conditions prey, begin to develop prematurely. A transparent film for shelter is absolutely not suitable, it heats up as much as black. Sometimes instead of a film they use modern materials- geotextiles, spunbond, cover the vine with isolon. From above, you can sprinkle the vine with spruce branches or reeds, even earth. If the soil does not come into direct contact with the branches, rotting and fungal infection will not occur. Such a shelter for the whole winter will be safe for him.

Other ways to hide

How to cover young grapes in autumn? Seedlings of the first year can be protected with ordinary plastic bottles. The crown is completely cut off, leaving only the trunk, up to 10 cm high. Then they take a bottle, cut off the neck and carefully cover the vine. You can make several holes in the plastic so that the buds do not rot in the seedlings. From above, such a structure is sprinkled with sawdust or straw, you can dig a grape bush with earth. Before covering young grapes in winter, they must be sprayed with fungicides.

How can you cover grapes in regions where winters are not too cold? In the Kuban, in Ukraine, in some regions of Belarus, a partial integumentary technique is used. The upper high-stem part of the bush is left unprotected. The lower, or low-bolt, is covered. Why is this method suitable for warm regions? The fact is that winters there are very different. If the weather is warm, closed eyes die from overheating. When frost hits, the unprotected part can be hit. If you use half-cover, the bush is at least half preserved, the vineyard will not die.

  • In the second half of the growing season, fertilizers must be applied. It is best to use mineral (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen) additives. Also, the vine is sprinkled with ashes.
  • Be sure to cover young grapes in the fall, even in warm areas.
  • We clean air or dew roots on young bushes in a timely manner to stimulate the growth of underground ones.
  • No need to get carried away with abundant watering, we do the latter no later than August 10th (20th for the south).
  • If necessary, water the vine immediately after pruning if the ground is too dry.
  • On grapes, the harvest should be normalized, and the bushes should not be overloaded.
  • At the beginning of August, the vine is pinched, stepsons are removed, this improves its maturation.
  • If there is no crop on the bush, or it is scarce, it is not fertilized so that the branches do not grow.
  • Let the vines harden off before covering the vines in autumn. At the same time, try to prevent freezing of the kidneys.
  • Grapes must be protected from fungal diseases before shelter, for this we spray with fungicides.
  • Proper preparation for shelter, normal pest control, disease prevention, allows you to save bushes as much as possible in winter.
  • So, we know how to cover grapes, how to do it right, what methods are best. Do not ignore this procedure, even if the varieties are frost-resistant. In temperate climates, winters are variable, and an unexpected frost can kill the vine. Detailed step by step description can be seen in the photo, and even better in the video. The rules for sheltering for wintering are simple, accessible even to beginners, and allow you to save the entire vineyard in the cold season. The time spent on shelter will return a hundredfold. Like good care This procedure improves productivity.

    To grow a fruit vine in the domestic climate, you need to know about the intricacies of cultivating a capricious plant. Lack of snow or sudden thaws can kill all bushes. In the review, we will describe in detail how grapes are properly covered for the winter in the Middle lane.

    Well-seasoned grapes

    reference Information

    The fruit vine is a very demanding plant: the lack of heat or moisture negatively affects the yield. But it is even more difficult to please the grapes in winter. Many beginners underestimate the domestic climate and acquire cold-resistant species. The instructions for the varieties say that the frost resistance of individual hybrids reaches -35 degrees, then why do plants freeze out?

    Temperature fluctuations and lack of snow in severe cold destroy even the most resistant species.

    If the culture has bare roots, then no cold-resistant characteristics will help protect the grapes from freezing. Harsh winters will destroy any fruit vine.

    Severe frosts and temperature fluctuations are very dangerous for young plantations that have not yet formed a protective layer of wood.

    The death of plants in the first three or four years of life is the main mistake of novice growers. Freezing occurs at minimal temperature drops.

    Frost-damaged vine bush

    In addition to frost, grapes do not like sudden thaws in the middle of winter and a sharp cold snap. The plant wakes up and begins to grow buds. Sudden frosts adversely affect the health of crops that take a long time to recover in the spring.

    Heavy rains at positive temperatures are dangerous for the roots of the fruit vine. Excess moisture is not absorbed by a sleeping plant, so putrefactive processes and diseases begin.

    Shelter methods

    To protect the culture from the vagaries of the climate Middle lane, experienced growers have long used proven methods of sheltering the fruit vine. Preparatory work begin in October, when the first frosts have already passed. Such natural procedures will harden young whips.

    Laying vines in front of shelter

    “The hardened vine becomes light brown and mature. In this case, she will winter well until spring.


    The simplest and affordable way to protect plants is to encircle the bushes with an earthen rampart, the height of which should not be less than 30 cm. The soil is carefully loosened and broken. Be sure to cover the roots and part of the stem. Experienced gardeners add sawdust to the soil, and cover it with spruce branches on top.

    Hilling a young vine bush

    Before the procedure, be sure to water the plants in advance: the water in the soil will protect the crop in case of a sharp cold snap. At least 200 liters of liquid are poured onto each bush.

    Do not forget about preventive treatments with Bordeaux mixture or blue vitriol. For the winter, aggressive chemicals will not damage young shoots and will not affect their growth, so spraying is carried out according to the instructions.


    This is the most reliable and time-consuming method to protect the fruit vine from the vagaries of the climate of the Middle Strip. Shelter in this way is effective for young and adult shoots. Before wintering, the plants and the soil next to them are carefully watered and treated for fungi and infections. Bordeaux mixture is an excellent antiseptic that will protect the culture from decay.

    The grapes are removed from the trellises and each lash is carefully examined. In order to avoid problems with wintering, the gardener must foresee all the nuances, so they cut:

    • branches (immature, diseased, old, dry);
    • antennae;
    • stepsons;
    • foliage.

    Shelter with soil cannot be done at high groundwater

    The remains of the lashes are collected in bundles, tied with twine and bent to the ground. Experienced growers isolate the crop from the ground with a covering of boards or dry branches. To prevent the plant from rising, it is recommended to fix the structure with special metal brackets.

    The bushes are carefully sprinkled with soil. The height of the hill must not be less than 30 cm for mature grapes and not less than 50 cm for young grapes.

    protect plants from excess moisture shelter from roofing material or slate will help. With this method of wintering, all plantings survive until spring. Remember: you need to monitor the amount of liquid so that the vine does not get wet.


    This method of shelter for the winter in the Middle lane is recommended for young plants whose lashes are still flexible. The fruit vine after cutting is completely placed in the middle of the tire. Two tires are used:

    • the first digs in level with the ground;
    • the second is installed on top.

    The structure is covered with slate or roofing material, and then covered with soil. To prevent light rubber from being blown away by the wind, the tires are pressed to the ground with bricks. Experienced gardeners make small holes in the coating so that putrefactive processes do not start due to high humidity inside the shelter.

    mini greenhouse

    Frost-resistant varieties are advised to cover for the winter with plastic bags from cereals or cement. Such material perfectly passes oxygen to plants and does not allow moisture from precipitation.

    Mini greenhouse made of PVC pipes

    So that the wind does not rip off the structure, it is pressed down with bricks and covered with soil. After snow falls, the structure is sprinkled with natural insulation.

    In the absence of suitable bags, growers cover the bushes with roofing material. To prevent damage to the plants under the weight of the material, it is recommended to drive small arcs of strong wire into the ground. Remember: be sure to ventilate the greenhouse so that the plants inside do not start to rot.

    box shelters

    Professionals use collapsible wooden structures that perfectly protect grapes in winter. When the temperature drops to +8 degrees, shelters are assembled in the form of houses and installed on bushes prepared for wintering. To prevent moisture from seeping through the walls, the inside of the box is covered with a waterproof layer. The lower edges are sprinkled with soil and left for the winter.

    Box shelter with sawdust

    In the spring, the structure is dismantled and the plants are ready for the vegetative period. With proper operation, such "houses" serve for a very long time.

    Winegrowers order collapsible structures that do not take up much space during summer storage.


    Frost-resistant grape varieties or culture on arbors are often covered in an upright position. After pruning and all preventive treatments, the plant is tied into bundles and tied to a high wooden stake. Each bush is wrapped with heat-insulating material and fixed with twine.

    Even in the most aggressive cold weather, the fruit vine will be protected from freezing. But we must not forget about the insulation of the roots, since without hilling the whole structure does not make sense.

    Vertical shelter on a trellis

    Be sure to carefully dig the ground at the base, then sprinkle with sawdust, spruce branches. Remember: you can not use fallen leaves, because when rotting, a dangerous microflora for the plant is formed.

    We figured out how to protect the grapes for the winter in the climate of the Middle Strip. Each gardener will find in the presented recommendations an affordable way to ensure a comfortable wintering. thermophilic culture.

    Each grower has his own secret about how to effectively cover the grapes for the winter. From this process will depend on how plentiful and rich the harvest will be. All varieties of this plant need their own climate. Some species feel comfortable growing in a subtropical climate, others are suitable for a temperate climate, and others are pleasing. bountiful harvest in the tropics.

    There are those varieties that will grow exclusively in mild climates. Those that can withstand the most severe frosts have also been bred.

    Gradation of varieties

    Frost hardiness is how well grapes can survive cold temperatures. As for winter hardiness, this is the ability of varieties to resist natural phenomena characteristic of the winter period.

    About varieties with a high degree of frost resistance:

    • Grapes belonging to highly resistant varieties. Will withstand bad weather, even when it's cold, and the thermometer drops to -25 and -28 degrees. These varieties retain the viability of eyes up to 80%, and even up to 100%.
      Those types of varieties that are resistant to low temperatures, and can withstand cold temperatures from -23 to -27 degrees. From 60 to 80% of the eyes are preserved.
    • The group, which is classified as moderately resistant, is the most numerous. Grapes tolerate winter temperatures well, when the thermometer drops to -18 to -21 degrees. The percentage of safety of the eyes is from 40 to 60.
    • Weakly resistant grape varieties endure temperatures from -13 to -17 degrees. Unfortunately, for the whole winter period they lose all eyes, 100%.
    • Certain varieties that die at -10 degrees.

    This is an approximate division according to frost resistance. There are grape varieties that can be included in 2 categories at once. At different parts grape bush - its sensitivity to low temperatures.

    For example, at old wood every chance to withstand the bitter cold. But the young one doesn't. The main buds are the part of the plants that is most vulnerable to the negative effects of cold weather. The dormant parts are those parts that endure cold temperatures best. Grapevine - less sensitive to frost than the root system.

    If the grapes grow in an area where temperatures can reach -21 degrees (and below) during the winter season, the grower must definitely cover the grapes for the winter. This applies to any variety. In the event that the cold is in the temperature range from -16 to -20 degrees, it is not necessary to cover varieties that belong to frost-resistant ones.

    As practice shows, if the grapes are planted next to the wall of the house, they do not suffer so much from wind and precipitation. Than one that grows in the open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. Probably, if a grape variety is resistant to frost, but grows in an open area, it is better to cover it anyway.

    Time and date of winter shelter of grapes

    Vine growers are unanimous in their opinion on how to equip a winter shelter for grapes. But, as for the timing, here their opinions become completely different. Some growers are convinced that at the slightest hint of a drop in temperature, they should immediately cover the vineyard.

    Growers of both the first and second categories give their reasonable arguments regarding what should be the timing of sheltering grapes.

    1. You can study the ampelography of the variety. The maximum minus temperature will be indicated there. Therefore, if the buds and vines are in good condition, they will withstand frost. Most of the varieties that are the most tender can withstand -14 degrees in winter.
    2. The occurrence of the first natural frosts is the stimulation of vital processes occurring in the vine in order to increase winter hardiness. This process is called "hardening the vine".
    3. When the shoots are not ripe enough: there were diseases, the harvest was plentiful, the bush is young or weak - even at low sub-zero temperatures, this grape will be damaged.

    As a result, we can conclude:

    If the vines of grapes are healthy, perfectly ripened on grape bushes that have abundantly given fruit, you can not cover them. Wait until sub-zero stable temperatures come. It is necessary to "harden" the grapes when the first "hints" of pestilence appeared, in the form of the first frosts. This will help increase their overall frost resistance.

    For example, in the Republic of Belarus, this time corresponds to the last days of November.

    seedlings, annual plants, weak and poorly ripened grape bushes should be covered before the first frosts come into force. As a rule, light covering material is used, 3 layers of SUF 40 spunbond. Then, as for other bushes, a laminate is laid using a substrate.

    There are no special tricks here. If the bush is healthy, it must be hardened; if it is weak, it must be protected.

    What mistakes do beginners make when sheltering grapes for the winter

    Shelter preparation

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    Vine bushes need to be prepared for shelter. If this is not done, the vine and root system may suffer from rodents. In addition, if the whips are not covered according to the rules, the appearance of mold and other fungal diseases is not excluded, the eyes may die, etc.

    For proper preparation grapes for the upcoming winter, perform the following list of activities:

    • If the autumn is dry, the owner of the site should water the grape bushes well.
    • Usually, in September, bushes are fed with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.
    • As soon as the leaves have fallen, sanitary pruning of shoots that have not matured is carried out. They are easily distinguished by their green or greenish tint. During the winter months, shoots that are not ripe always freeze.
    • Form a load. For this, an additional 2 or 3 buds are left in order to control in the spring.
    • It is necessary to process the grapes using, for this, a solution of 3% copper sulphate (or iron). You can use other drugs to control pests and diseases.
    • Prepare for shelter part of the bushes above the ground. The wire is removed, the branches are tied, in the form of loose bundles.
    • If the technology provides, trenches are prepared to lay grape shoots for shelter.
    • Take care of the acquisition of covering material.

    Video: how to cut grapes before shelter for the winter

    Shelter methods and types of materials

    Specialists, today, have developed a large number of various methods of sheltering grapes. They are distinguished, depending on the type of material used, and on the technology used, according to which the procedure is carried out.

    Depending on the type of material, the following methods are used:

    • Cover grape bushes with snow cover.
    • Use soil.
    • Sawdust is used. Some experts and growers believe that sawdust, as an independent means of shelter, does not give a good result. They are convinced that sawdust should be used when the combined method is applied. Then they will be one of its elements.
    • Bushes are covered with straw.
    • Cover with spruce branches (these are branches of pine, spruce, etc.).
    • Shelter is carried out using polyethylene.
    • Use of agrofibre (industrial material).
    • Shelter in a combined way(when 3-5 types of materials are used). By the way, this is one of the most popular and effective methods.

    The soil is the most accessible, simple and cheap material used to shelter vines. The layer of soil to be covered may vary. It will depend on what kind of grapes, on climatic features. Its thickness can vary from 5 to 50 cm. Usually, growers take the soil between the rows.

    Important!”] Carefully observe, at the same time, to ensure that, when moving the soil, the roots are not exposed.

    This method has the main drawback: there is too much risk that the plant will start to rot if the thaw, or high humidity.

    Shelter of grapes nonwoven fabric

    The film is used by many site owners, as it can be bought at any store. This material is inexpensive and easy to use. So, it has a lot of "pluses". But you can’t do without disadvantages:

    1. as soon as sections of the grape bush come into contact with the film, in winter, they can be seriously damaged;
    2. if a thaw occurs, there is a great risk that the greenhouse effect cannot be avoided. This means that vital processes in the vineyard are activated. As a result, the process of decay will begin, the grapes will become susceptible to frost.

    Advice! ”] To reduce the negative qualities of the film, you need to buy it: color, reflective, dark.

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    The technology of sheltering grapes for the winter is carried out in 2 ways:

    • application of the wet method

    What is the wet method? It means the use of: soil, snow, spruce branches, hay, etc. The main thing is that moisture has free access to grape bushes.

    The dry method is when the grower is busy preparing special fixtures. These include: shields, reinforced trenches, multilayer tunnels made of agrofiber or film. With their help, it is possible to create protected conditions. Reusable protection tools are possible.

    There are three types of protection:

    1. The first is hilling.
    2. The second is a half-open cover.
    3. Third - complete shelter of vine bushes at 100%

    If the bushes are young, then hilling is exactly the way that is suitable for them. In the southern regions, it is also advisable to use this method of shelter, since in winter there are rarely strong sub-zero temperatures. Protection of grapes from frost consists in creating a soil mound with a height of 30 to 40 cm around the bush. Depending on the size of the bush, this will be the height of the mound.

    Important!”] Open kidneys - from negative impact frosts are not protected if hilling is applied. The grower should apply this method only in certain climatic conditions, and the appropriate region.

    The south and regions with warm winters are places where it is advisable to use half-open shelter. The trunk (lower part of the bush) is covered with soil. top grapes are covered with film, cloth, spruce, hay and other materials. This method also involves the use of agrofibre. The "upper" shelter should have a thickness of 5 cm, no more.

    Most often, site owners completely cover the grapes. In those regions where winters are very severe, this method is especially relevant. The process involves the removal of shoots from the trellis.

    After that, foliage and other organic formations that have already “served” during the season and are no longer needed are removed from them. Then the cutting is done. The shoots, which are thus prepared, are collected in a bunch and pressed to the soil.

    Shelter of grapes for the winter with a film

    Detailed shelter of the vine for the winter

    Earlier, we talked about several options for protecting grape bushes from winter low temperatures. Now we need to consider one of the methods more carefully. How to create an air-dry shelter for a vineyard that is optimal for the central regions of Russia?

    1. The vine is removed from the trellis.
    2. Thick branches of trees are laid across the ridges (spruce branches, timber, dry logs can be used).
    3. Carefully remove the vine from the wire.
    4. Cut ties with scissors. In the process of this, it is necessary to inspect each branch of the grapes, since after frost the ends of some shoots could freeze. They need to be cut off. All green and light green vines (unripe) are removed because they will die in winter. Only the stiffened part is subject to shelter. This is the whole trick: how to properly prune grapes before sheltering them for the winter.
    5. Grape lashes must be pulled along the rows, from one bush to another, onto the crossbars that are planted.
    6. Lay cover material. To do this, use any kind of film. It's best if she dark color. There is no urgent need to install arcs, or something similar, if there is no alternative to them. You just need to put the material on the shoots.
    7. After that, with the help of bricks, press down the edges of the film. It does not hurt to fall asleep with earth. If flooring is performed on arcs, they must be installed as often as possible. If the frosts are strong, it will be necessary to completely cover the grape shoots with earth. If the material for shelter will lie on the lashes themselves, it will be inconvenient to work.

    In the end, about a few secrets: how to make sure that the grapes successfully overwinter? Most importantly: do not forget to pay attention to the root. If it freezes, the grape bush will die.

    Vine is easier. If she dies, a new shoot can easily be grown from the bole. That is why it is advisable to pour as much as possible around the bush more land, sketch more mulch on top. The layer should be 5 cm, no less.

    Covering material for grapes must be periodically lifted so that the bushes are ventilated. This is done so that the vine does not start to rot during the thaw.

    Video of sheltering grapes for the winter with a film step by step
