Phloxes: features of autumn planting and preparation for winter, problems in growing. When to transplant phlox: autumn is better! Phlox: planting and care in the fall

Phlox - enough unpretentious perennials. They are able to grow and bloom in the same place for more than one year. But, like many others herbaceous plants, over time, their flowers become smaller, become less lush and beautiful. To avoid this, phlox bushes are rejuvenated - divided and seated in new places.

Most experts call best time for transplanting in early spring. In practice, transplanting phlox in the fall is not only possible, but also has a number of advantages. First, timing autumn planting significantly longer than spring ones and range from 35 to 40 days. Whereas in the spring it is necessary to keep within only two weeks. Then the stems grow back, and the transplant operation becomes already risky.

Secondly, a properly carried out autumn planting allows you to get beautiful, fully flowering plants for the next season. Transplanted in the spring, phloxes delay the formation of buds for one to two weeks, or they may not bloom at all. In addition, at the end of the season it is easier to determine the variety of the plant to be divided.

But for those who are going to transplant phloxes in the fall, you need to remember that such a planting has its own characteristics, its own rules, non-compliance with which can lead to very disastrous results.

Landing dates

Autumn planting of phloxes, which have early and medium flowering periods, begins at the end of August, when they have already formed renewal buds. Plants with late flowering can be planted only in the second half of September. In any case, phlox should have time to take root before the onset of frost. Therefore, delaying this work until mid-October is very risky.

To be on the safe side, at the end of October, and even in November, many gardeners mulch their plantings with peat, sawdust, or other loose organic materials. In a harsh winter, this will slightly increase the temperature of the soil around the roots and protect it from freezing. But in no case should you cover the ground with a film or roofing material that does not allow air to pass through. Such a coating very often causes the death of plants from damping off. With the onset of spring, as soon as the snow melts, the mulch must be removed so as not to prevent the soil from warming up in direct sunlight.

Selection and preparation of planting material

In autumn, it is better to plant relatively large delenki - they take root faster and endure wintering more easily. At the same time, plants that were obtained from spring cuttings can also be placed in permanent places.

A delenka suitable for planting usually has at least two thick stems, which should be cut at a height of about 20 cm, and fully formed large renewal buds at the base. The skin on the stems should be quite hardened. The roots must be shortened, leaving no more than 15 cm.

In phloxes transplanted along with a clod of earth, only the top that has finished flowering should be cut off. Or leave intact at least two - three healthy leaves. At this time, the leaf apparatus is still continuing its work, helping the plant to prepare for winter.

Soil preparation

It is advisable to prepare a site for phloxes in advance, at least two weeks before planting. Otherwise, the earth simply will not have time to settle enough. The soil should be thoroughly cleaned of perennial weeds and various kinds of debris, because the bushes will grow on it for more than one year.

The best are considered fertile and loose medium loamy soils with an acidity level close to neutral. If the soil is clayey and heavy, coarse-grained sand, ventilated peat, compost or humus must be added to it.

Sandy soil, on the contrary, must be made moisture-intensive and nutritious. To do this, soddy soil and clay are mixed into it. At the last stage, when digging, mineral fertilizers and lime are applied.

You have to dig quite deep - phloxes have a powerful, well-branched root system, reaching a depth of 30 cm. And the bulk of the roots that feed the bush are located at a distance of 20 cm from the surface.

The planting hole must be made wide enough - the roots should be freely placed in it. The planting depth is required so that top part rhizomes were 5 cm below ground level. If this distance is less, the roots may freeze in winter, more - they will form a two-tiered root system, which will greatly slow down the development of the aerial parts of the plant.

Immediately before planting, the hole is well spilled with water, a handful of sifted ash, humus and a tablespoon of phosphate fertilizers are covered. Then, the prepared delenka is placed directly into the resulting "dirt" and covered with earth.

In autumn, only phosphorus and potash mineral fertilizers are applied to the planting holes, leaving complex mixtures containing nitrogen in the spring. It is very useful to use root growth stimulants, for example, Kornevin.

Phloxes can also be placed on clean sand. To do this, the soil is completely selected on the selected site, digging a hole about half a meter deep. A layer of clay is laid on the bottom, 20 cm thick. A pre-prepared soil mixture well leveled and compacted. The finished flower bed should rise 15 cm above ground level.

Some gardeners mistakenly believe that phlox do not need care and grow like a weed. The plant is really hardy, easily tolerates drought and lack of additional nutrition, but in such conditions it quickly dies. Special care for the plant should be in the fall, when phlox is planted.

Features of the autumn planting of phloxes: when to carry out?

Experienced gardeners plant phloxes not only in spring, but also in autumn. As a rule, varieties of medium and early deadlines flowering. The timing of the work depends on climatic conditions but no later than September. At this point, the plant already has renewal buds. If the weather allows, then planting and transplanting the plant can be extended until the beginning of October, but the end of all work should be no later than the end of the month. Later planting leads to the death of the shrub.

After planting, it is imperative to mulch the soil, which speeds up the process of rooting phloxes in a new place. It has been observed that those seedlings that have preserved leaf cover are best rooted. Overripe sawdust, peat are used as mulch.

Autumn planting of phloxes has its own advantage, which is not present during spring work. The point is that at autumn transplant the plant fully adapts and takes root in a new place, and the next season the bush begins to bloom. Planting phlox in the spring does not give such results, the seedling needs time to adapt, and flowering does not begin this season.

How to choose planting material

For autumn planting, large delenki are most suitable, which take root more easily and tolerate winter well. Also during this period they are planted on permanent place bushes that grew during spring cuttings. Buying new planting material should pay attention to the following factors:

A good plot has more than two thick stems;

Large buds of renewal are noticeable near the roots;

The skin on the shoots is quite dense, coarsened;

Earth ball and roots in a wet state.

By choosing suitable material for planting, phlox shoots are cut at a height of about 25 cm from the base. The roots of the seedling also need to be shortened by a third. If the seedling is transplanted with an earthen clod, then only its top is cut off, trying to leave a few leaves.

A suitable place for planting phlox in the fall

Plants are undemanding to maintenance, but lush bloom can only be seen in well-lit areas. In partial shade, the flowers will be smaller, but the flowering period will stretch. The best place for planting phlox is a sparse shade. AT southern regions it is advisable to shade the plants in the midday heat.

Phloxes grow well on any soil, but it is better to plant a flower in loose, moderately nutritious and moist soil. Autumn planting of phloxes in the lowlands is prohibited, as an ice crust appears on the soil surface. This adversely affects the condition of the plant.

Soil preparation for planting phloxes in the fall is carried out in advance, at least 14 days in advance. The site is well dug up, cleared of weeds. Poor soils are enriched with humus, peat and sand. Mineral fertilizers are applied under digging.

root system phloxes are powerful, so digging is done on two bayonets of a shovel. The bulk of the roots lie at a depth of about 30 cm.

Autumn planting of phloxes in the ground, photo

After preparing the soil and seedlings, they begin planting. landing pits make it quite wide and deep. The depth should be such that the upper part of the root ball is not 5 cm below ground level. A higher autumn planting leads to freezing of the plant in winter, and too deep slows down the development of phloxes.

Immediately before planting, the wells are well watered and drained. A layer is poured over the drainage fertile soil, humus and fertilizers. After that, a seedling is installed and sprinkled with earth. Preparations can be added to the water for watering the plant to accelerate the formation of roots, for example, Kornevin.

Advice! In autumn, when planting phloxes, do not add nitrogen fertilizers to the wells, it is better to leave them for spring application. The wells are filled only with phosphate and potassium complexes.

Preparing phlox for winter

Phloxes are frost-resistant plants, but neglect autumn pruning not worth it. Without it, the flower may die. Why cut phloxes?

Pruning protects the plant from fungal diseases;

Facilitates the process of mulching and care;

Allows you to get a compact bush next spring;

Allows the plant to accumulate enough nutrients in the root system;

Protects the plant from freezing cold winter.

Phlox pruning is carried out in the fall, after planting or transplanting to a new place. Bushes that have not been transplanted also need pruning. It's not worth messing with her. Pruning must be completed before frost. As a rule, it is held from September to the end of October.

Pruning is carried out in several ways:

The aerial part of the plant is cut at a level of 5 cm from the soil surface. Such pruning allows you to retain snow and protects the plant from frost.

The second type of pruning serves to protect the plant from fungal diseases. In this case, all shoots are cut flush with the soil.

In addition to pruning, phloxes are fed and mulched. Autumn top dressing of phloxes is carried out on frozen soil. Apply mineral complexes mixed with ash, which prevents the appearance of pests.

Winter mulching is carried out 10 days after planting. For these purposes, peat, compost, fallen leaves and humus are used. Such a mulch in combination with pruning allows you to grow a healthy bush that will please bright bloom spring.

Problems when growing phlox

1. Phloxes are often affected by powdery mildew. This is due to improper care or an unsuitable place for growing. In the shade, the flower is most vulnerable.

2. Phlox nematode leads to the death of the plant. It is not treatable, the bush is uprooted and removed from the site. Symptoms of the disease are manifested by pallor and wilting of the tops of the shoots, while the leaves become thinner.

3. Great harm slugs are applied to plantings. Lime and ash, which is sprinkled on paths and aisles, will help get rid of them. Timely loosening of the soil also has a detrimental effect on slugs.

Phlox - perennial undemanding plants, which serve as a flower bed decoration. They have gained popularity among gardeners due to their frost resistance, unpretentious care and brightness of colors. Phloxes are used in modern design, they fit well into the interior of any garden. When choosing plants, you need to take into account the timing of flowering, the color of the petals and the height of the bush. By choosing the right phlox, you can achieve continuous flowering during the season. Having mastered the basic rules for caring for a shrub, planting it will not cause trouble. And the advice experienced gardeners will help to grow a healthy plant that will successfully overwinter even in the most severe conditions.

Phlox are wonderful bright flowers from the cyanotic family, which are very decorative, are used in the formation of flower beds. Beautiful plants have advantages, for which gardeners fell in love - unpretentiousness in care, the ability to grow in conditions different illumination, survival on any soil. In the cut, phloxes stand for a long time - they can often be found in the design of the interiors of living rooms.

Phloxes grow in flowerbeds for many years, surviving the winter, very coldy. Breeders have bred many varieties that differ in shades, plant height, endurance, and other indicators. This genus of plants is one of the best in the flower bed for the duration of flowering, the ability to survive frosts.

You can get your own plant by getting seeds or cuttings. In both ways, you can quickly grow mature plant, which in the shortest possible time begins to bloom.

Planting phlox in open ground and caring for them

Phloxes can be grown on almost any soil - they are unpretentious. But the most ideal are loamy. It is recommended to add some lime to the soil to improve the growing conditions of the plant.

The site begins to be prepared in the fall: they arrange a thorough digging of the earth on it, during which the rhizomes of weeds and pebbles are removed, since in the early years the bushes weakly resist wild vegetation.

Choose the most illuminated areas of the flower beds, because phloxes love the sun. The exception is hybrids, the petals of which can quickly burn out in the sun.

If phloxes have dark colors of petals, it is better to plant them mixed with light ones, so that both in the evening and in the afternoon the flower bed looks as profitable as possible.

How to plant phlox in the ground, look at the video:

Caring for phlox is easy. It is necessary to regularly maintain the soil loose, remove in time weeds. In order for the flower bed to please with violent flowering, fertilizers must be applied periodically.

For phlox, it does not matter where to grow - in the shade or in the sun. And here undersized varieties need more sun. Those and other forms of plants need to be fertilized in time so that they quickly and in a timely manner grow to the desired forms.

Watering should be sufficient, but rare. The exceptions are the weeks when it is very hot outside and the air humidity is minimal. Then the soil loses water very quickly, so the plant needs to be watered more often. This procedure is performed in the afternoon, in the late afternoon.

Some varieties of phlox in vivo forms seeds. But this is not a 100% guarantee. In order for the plant to produce seed, the necessary optimum temperature air, proper growth conditions, proper care. Therefore, do not worry if there are no seeds - this is quite a common occurrence.

Phlox care in autumn

Before winter, all phloxes must be protected from frost, spudding with earth or humus, manure. The recommended layer thickness is 8-12 cm, which is sufficient to protect underground buds from frost. Mandatory procedure is for young plants 1 year old.

Phloxes that suffered from fungal diseases need fungicide treatment, which is carried out in October, when most of the shoots have faded.

Often, plants build up seed, but do not have time to do this before frost. To achieve seed production, the bushes are removed from the flower bed along with the soil and planted in pots, which are kept in the building until the seeds are fully ripe.

Autumn is a great time to rejuvenate phlox and transplant, which will be discussed later.

When to transplant phlox

Panicled phlox - which does not require frequent transplantation. It feels comfortable up to 15 years in one place. But due to the growth of lateral shoots and the aging of the center of the plant, it is recommended to rejuvenate and transplant at least every 5-7 years.

How, when and how to feed phlox

Phloxes are fed several times per season:

  • In spring, in May, before flowering - nitrogen and potassium. Potassium nitrate is perfect.
  • In early June, feeding is repeated by adding superphosphate to potassium nitrate, which will stimulate budding and flowering.
  • In early July, they feed for the third time, reducing the dose of nitrogen.
  • At the end of July, they are fed only with phosphorus and potassium salt.
  • Phloxes are fed for the last time in August, and then if they are still blooming. Phosphate and potassium fertilizers are used.

The consumption of each fertilizer is calculated as follows: Matchbox loose or granular fertilizer (or mixtures thereof) per 10 liters of water. Spend this solution per square meter.

An excellent fertilizer for phlox is fermented bird droppings, which is applied before the phlox begins to bloom. Bring in 0.5 liters. thick chatter on a bucket of water and pour 1-2 liters of solution under a bush.

Reproduction of phloxes by dividing the bush

Any phloxes need to be divided into separate bushes so that they develop normally and have a neat appearance. The procedure is carried out at least once every 5-7 years, but it is possible more often - once every 3-4 years. A special season is not chosen for this, division is carried out at any warm time.

The bush is dug in a circle, it is taken out of the soil and the shoots are shortened to 10-15 cm long. Then, with an ax, a shovel, a knife, the bush is divided into parts with 2-5 renewal buds in each. There is no need to worry about the roots: they are long and developed.

The pits where the plant will sit should be prepared in advance, that is, in the fall they are prepared for spring, and in spring for summer. The distance between the pits is 60 cm for tall phloxes and less for the rest.

The pit is filled with compost (0.5 buckets), mineral fertilizer, ash as a source of potassium. If the pH of the soil is acidic (that is, less than 5-7), you need to pour a glass of lime into each hole. Before planting phloxes, all the ingredients in the pit are thoroughly mixed in order to prevent root burns.

Water is poured abundantly into the pit and placed. They fall asleep with a substrate, making sure that the renewal buds are covered with earth only by 5 cm. Then they tamp the earth, adding compost if necessary.

The final planting layer is a mulch of peat, leaf litter or humus, the thickness of which is 10 cm. This layer is needed to create optimal conditions in the ground and accelerating the rooting of new plants, because they must have time to do this before frost.

Phlox rejuvenation method

There are other ways to rejuvenate plants. They take a narrow pointed shovel, with which they cut out the center of the bush, treat the cut point with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and pour humus on top. The resulting segment of the plant can be planted in another place or divided.

Reproduction of phlox cuttings photo

Green cuttings are used for propagation, which are harvested when the plant reaches a height of 15 cm. This is the ideal time when the cuttings take root best, and then their vitality decreases throughout the year.

Cutting off young shoots, make sure that mother plant left with at least two developed kidneys. Young cuttings stand in water for an hour to protect them from withering during planting and speed up the rooting process. It is not worth keeping the greens in the water longer, so as not to cause the reverse process.

  • Before planting the cutting in the ground, cut off the peduncle, pinch off the lower leaves, and partially cut off the rest to reduce evaporation.
  • Ideal length planting cutting is 6-10 cm.

A mature cutting can be planted in the shade in a flower bed or held on a windowsill. The survival rate of phloxes increases when they are covered with wet paper. The stalk is inserted deep into the ground only 2-3 cm, lightly tamping the soil around. Be sure to monitor the soil moisture, you can cover the stalk with a cropped plastic bottle and remove the cap from the neck for ventilation. Rooting occurs 6-14 days after this operation.

Using autumn cuttings to propagate phlox

Autumn - an ideal planting material for the reproduction of phlox. August-September is suitable for harvesting, although before that you can also harvest shoots by rooting them in shady places in the garden. When the plant winters on its own, it will bloom profusely in the spring.

It is important to plant the cuttings deep by placing a large number of buds underground, which will provoke an excellent wintering and violent growth in the spring.

Growing phlox from seeds

Phlox seeds have excellent germination, so they are sown directly into the ground in spring. Many people prefer to sow phlox seeds before winter, using seedling boxes. They are left for the winter in the garden and, at the first warm weather, they are brought into the room to get early seedlings.

They sprout together, so they need to be sown as little as possible to avoid picks. However, with dense crops, it is better to plant the plants in separate cups in order to get powerful seedlings. They are planted in the ground in May, after hardening the plants.

The video will tell you about growing phlox from seeds:

Phloxes and powdery mildew What to do if phloxes turn yellow

Phloxes are not very susceptible to disease, but powdery mildew is a frequent guest of this plant. It is unpleasant in that the green foliage and flowers are covered with an unpleasant white coating, which is difficult to get rid of. The peak of the development of the disease occurs in July-August. When the leaves are damaged, they curl - the plant loses them. It is necessary to immediately begin the fight against the disease.

Preventive measures include treatment late autumn flowers with copper sulphate or Bordeaux liquid at a concentration of 1%, and in summer fungicides are also added to the complex, with which the entire flower bed is treated twice a year (foundazol, topaz, green soap, fast).

If the disease actively manifests itself again, you need to change the therapy and treat the foliage with soda ash in a concentration of: 2 tbsp. l. soda is mixed with 50 g of soap and a bucket of water. Bordeaux liquid (1%), a solution of copper with soap (20-30 g of vitriol and 200-300 g of soap) also work well. But when the plant stops blooming, diseased and dried residues are removed, after which the phloxes are again treated with fungicides.

Phloxes have a pleasant external, noble flowering, so they will be a pleasant addition to any garden, without requiring special care and growing conditions.

Phlox types with photos and names

Consider the most popular varieties and types of phlox, which are especially in demand in ornamental gardening.

Phlox paniculata or Phlox paniculata

The most popular type of plant. Blooms in the last month of summer - early autumn. Differs in large inflorescences collected from multi-colored fragrant flowers - white, pink various shades, lilac, violet. Yellow petals are missing. Breeders have bred varieties that have multi-colored stripes on the petals.

The height of the bushes is 0.4-1 m. They are filled with leaves, lush greenery. The bushes themselves can consist of more than 20 shoots, growing as widely as possible.

flowering time panicled phlox makes up the entire season. The number of varieties, their diversity are so great that you can choose summer and autumn varieties, increasing the total flowering time of the flower bed by several months.

Phlox awl-shaped or subulata Phlox subulata

The herbaceous plant is characterized by very low growth (no more than 15 centimeters), with pale lilac or lilac-pink flowers in the amount of 2-4 pieces per inflorescence. Each stem contains a lot of branches that end in inflorescences. Thus, phlox subulate forms a whole carpet covered with delicate flowers, under which there is a dense soddy bush. Therefore, it is also called turf phlox. Flowering time is May-June.

The species is distinguished by interesting leathery leaves, which, due to their small width and pointed end, resemble needles.

The styloid phlox is grown as a border flowering plant, used for discounts, perennial curtains, planted in flower baskets, flowerpots. It can be cut while trying to shape flower arrangement interesting shape.

Douglas Phlox Phlox douglasii

The plant is even smaller (5 cm), which spreads like a carpet over the surface of the flower bed. It has two blooms a year, which makes it especially popular. The first falls in May-June, and the second in autumn. The leaves are gray-green in color, small width. It blooms in white, pink, pale lilac and blue.

Phlox creeping groundcover

Also small plant which blooms very early. The height is only 15-20 cm. It is characterized by no less strong branching than other similar plants. Flowers are combined into umbrellas, which individual individuals can have up to 10. Flowering time is May-June. Possible colors of the petals are pink, purple, red.

Phlox Canadian or splayed Phlox divaricata

The plant is already taller, the height of the stem of which is in the range of 15-40 cm. With an increase in size, the plants became larger and the size of the flowers - they are larger than the rest, have purple color, shades of gray. The diameter of the main inflorescence - an umbrella - is 10 cm. Seeds after flowering, which is May-June, are not formed.

This species is more sensitive to soil composition than others. On peat, acidic forest soils, it will wither, but soils based on humus and various light components will be ideal. They should not add peat, leaves, fresh manure.

As already mentioned, panicled phlox is the most popular type, but this does not mean that other options should not be considered. If you plant undersized phloxes that bloom early in May-June, this will be an excellent flower bed decoration in spring. And taller species will continue to bloom in late summer and autumn. Thus, on the site all the time will be blooming carpet which can be used for decoration Alpine slide and rockery.

Due to the fact that phloxes are unpretentious, and their flowering and pleasant aroma are attractive, many gardeners plant these plants in their gardens. These flowers got their name in connection with the bright color, so similar to the flame. This is how the word "phlox" is translated from Greek. But, despite the fact that these flowers are not capricious, they put forward their requirements when planting in open ground. Caring for phlox in the spring also provides for some rules.

Phlox varieties

In total, there are 65 varieties of this plant, and according to the structure of the stem, they are divided into erect, creeping and ascending. Planting and caring for phlox in the spring depends on the amount of free space in the country. If it is enough, then you can plant creeping species which, like a colorful carpet, will cover the earth.

Phloxes have an amazing ability to adapt to external conditions. This plant species has not yet been fully classified, as it can be found both in the harsh conditions of Alaska, and in the hot desert and humid climate of North America.

Most phloxes - but in their own way appearance they differ only in terms of where they grow. For example, stunted, moss-like phloxes grow on the slopes of the mountains, which bloom in spring.

There are species of this plant that prefer moist forests, and there are those that love sandy soil and the sun. Naturally, it depends on the variety in which part of the garden and how to plant phloxes in the spring in the open field. Most often, summer residents plant shrubs that do not take up much space, but give lush inflorescences with many flowers and a delicate aroma.

Place for planting phlox

To enjoy as much as possible longer flowering flower beds, you should determine in advance where, how to plant phloxes in spring and prepare the soil:

  • The flower bed should be protected from cold winds in winter. Although phloxes are frost-resistant plants, it will be a pity to lose them due to a frosty and snowless winter with a chilly wind. They love to be covered in snow during frost.
  • The site should have a slight shade in the midday heat, for example, from fruit trees. This will protect them from burnout. In the sun, these flowers feel good, but their flowering time is somewhat reduced, so top dressing of phloxes in spring is required.

  • The flower bed should have access to watering or be located in a wetter part of the garden. If they are exposed to the sun for a long time without adequate moisture, then their lower leaves turn yellow, and the inflorescences become small and faded.

If the summer is hot, it is better to water in the evening.

Soil selection and preparation

To be bright blooming flower bed with phloxes, it is better to prepare the ground for their planting in advance. Caring for phlox in the spring is not too burdensome if everything has been done correctly since the fall. Since these plants have shallow roots and they are distributed in the arable layer of the earth, it is enough to add 2 buckets of humus from 1 tbsp. ash and mineral fertilizers per 1m 2 during the autumn digging of the earth.

If the soil in the garden is clayey, then it is better to add river sand which will allow it to retain moisture during the hot summer. If the soil, on the contrary, is sandy, then dry clay, ground to a powdery state, should be added.

It is also important to ensure that there is no stagnant water in the soil before planting, otherwise the plants will die. To simplify the care of phlox in the spring in the country, you can build an artificial hill or mound from the ground and break a flower bed on it. Landing is recommended to be done in April or early May, it can also be done at the end of August and in September.

Reproduction of phloxes from seeds

It is good to plant annual varieties of this plant from seeds. For perennial species this method of reproduction is unacceptable, as they most often do not retain generic characteristics.

Phlox seeds should not be buried in seedling containers, it is enough to put them on top of the ground and cover with foil, providing good lighting. You can also use peat tablets.

Caring for phlox in the spring when growing seedlings requires daily spraying of seeds and shaking the resulting condensate from the film. When sprouts appear, you can lightly sprinkle the earth. It is best to plant seedlings at the end of March.

The raised sprouts can be transplanted in May, keeping a distance of 15-20 cm between them, which will provide them with enough space to form a lush inflorescence.

Reproduction of phloxes by roots

For perennial species of phlox, root propagation is used. It is not difficult to do this, the main thing is to prepare holes for new "residents" in advance. You can divide the plant both in spring and autumn. It is important to remember that at the same time, top dressing of phloxes in the spring is laid immediately in the prepared hole for the new plant.

You can divide the rhizomes in adult plants, which are from 3 to 5 years old. They should be carefully dug up, cut off the stems by 10 centimeters and cut the rhizome into several parts with a sharp knife. The soil in the holes must be moist. The roots of the plant must be carefully distributed over the hole, and then sprinkled with earth. If the procedure is carried out in the fall, then on next year new seedlings will give lush inflorescences.

Phloxes can also be propagated by axillary shoots that form on the plant from July to mid-August. The shoot must be carefully broken out, leaving 1-2 internodes on it. Care for phlox in the spring is the same, even if they were transplanted from cuttings in the fall. The main thing is to cover them for the winter from frost, then the flowering in the spring will be lush and bright.

Feeding and watering phlox

Phloxes are very grateful plants, as they are not too demanding in care. They answer good growth and beautiful inflorescences even with minimal efforts of their admirers.

Top dressing of phloxes is carried out by adding humus or mineral fertilizers in the spring. They respond well to watering them with urea, and you can also pour mowed grass or bird droppings, let them ferment and water the plants.

It is important to loosen the soil, especially during the flowering period of phlox. As they appear, phlox should be freed from weeds.

In hot summers, it is better to water the flowers additionally, especially in the evening, without letting the soil dry out. To avoid overheating, plants are best planted with east, west or southwest side home or area.

For northern territories with a continental climate, it is better to plant phloxes on the side of the site protected from the wind, where there is a lot of light. So, care for phlox in the spring in the Urals will be minimized if you pick up in advance appropriate place and feed him.

Styloid phlox

The most common type of phlox that summer residents prefer to plant is subulate variety. It can grow under the most unfavorable conditions, but for beautiful flowering and a bright aroma, it is better for him to create an earthen hill with a good flow of melt water.

Care subulate phlox easy in the spring, but still you need to make sure that there is no stagnation of water on the ground, loosen the soil and carefully weed the weeds. These are the basic requirements, the fulfillment of which is guaranteed up to 5 years of dense and fragrant flowering.

Phlox pests and diseases

Phloxes rarely get sick, but still, if the flower bed is planted in the shade, they may also show rust. If a plant is struck by a stem nematode, then it urgently needs to be dug up before it moves to neighboring phloxes.

For seedlings. Flower seeds quickly become unusable, so you should not delay planting and buy them better in a specialized store.

How to plant phlox: 3 effective ways

Phloxes do not like the bright rays of the sun, which make the colors of the buds dull. In a place that is too dark, there is not enough light for growth. The best option- plant a flower in partial shade. Before starting work, you need to prepare the soil, the acidity of which should be neutral or slightly salty.

Then dig the ground to a depth of 30 cm, remove the weeds and break the beds. Sow the prepared place only after the soil has settled. In late autumn or early winter, place the seeds in the ground, 5 cm apart. With pre-prepared or store-bought soil, sprinkle the seed. If it has already snowed, make a small snowdrift on top.

It is better to divide the bushes in early spring or late August. Dig carefully phlox, remove excess soil. Divide the plant into parts so that they have growth buds. Lower the flower root into the prepared shallow hole and sprinkle with earth.

Propagation by cuttings. Cut off a healthy stem and divide it into pieces with two knots. Make cuts under the bottom knot and just above the top one. Plant the cuttings in soil fertilized with leaf humus, mixed with sand and watered.

How to grow phlox

To grow luxurious phlox, you need to care for them. Flowers do not like dry soil, they especially need moisture during the flowering period. It is necessary to water them under the very bush, without touching the buds. Water planted cuttings 2-3 times a day for several weeks. In order for the flowers to bloom beautifully and for a long time, nourish the soil with various fertilizers.

The first stage of feeding begins after the snow melts. At this stage, the flower needs nitrogen and water. Fertilizer is diluted in liquid and poured into the soil or covered in dry form, and then watered from a watering can. Dung or chopped grass - good view top dressing. At the second stage, the formation of a bud and the appearance of flowers begins. During this period, the plant needs potassium and phosphorus more than nitrogen.

Top dressing begins in late spring with complex mineral fertilizers. It can be a mixture of mullein with potassium humate or with ash. At the last stage, the seeds ripen and prepare for winter, so phloxes need phosphorus. Top dressing is carried out in June with potash fertilizers, and in some cases with a solution of urea.

Excess nitrogen supplements make the plant more susceptible to various infections, for example, powdery mildew. This is the most common disease when the leaves become covered with white spots and then dry out. In this case, prevention is necessary with a solution of soda ash or a mixture blue vitriol and soap.

Now you know phloxes and them. If you properly care for the flowers, they will bloom for a long time and luxuriantly.
