How to open a construction company business plan. How to open a construction company: a detailed business plan

* Calculations use average data for Russia

In any relatively major city today there are many construction sites. Construction multi-storey buildings almost never stops, but, as you know, builders do not do interior decoration, and the buyer of a new building receives an apartment that still needs to be fully renovated. Yes, and in many residential apartments finishing and construction work is constantly required. rare person independently starts repairs, therefore, the services of repair and construction teams are in sufficient demand on the market.

These generalists offer their customers fast completion of tasks, the cost of their services may vary depending on the level and fame of the team, but it is not difficult to find builders and repairmen in any city. This business niche is quite densely occupied, because it does not require serious investments, and a person with a civil engineering education, if he wants to own business will probably choose not to open a full-fledged construction company. The level of competition in this area is very high, and it is quite difficult for a newcomer to enter the market, he does not have a reputation and famous name, while many construction teams already have an established clientele.

On the other hand, residents of new buildings, people who are faced with the need for finishing work for the first time, are trying to find out information about repair and construction teams in general sources, for example, on the Internet, and here the young company has a chance to interest its client in a more profitable offer of services, and not famous name. In this regard, even a start-up company can take its place, but for this you will have to constantly engage in a marketing campaign and earn a positive reputation.

At the first stages, a small number of orders can be economically justified, but later the organization must develop, and in order to survive in this market, you need to offer your customers truly high-quality services without hack work.

It is also worth noting that a relatively large number of repair construction teams today just offer low-quality services, they are builders who are engaged in finishing in their spare time from their main work and therefore rarely care about good work, but offer the customer a low cost and short terms, which particularly attractive to consumers. These are the teams that bypass with random orders, may not have very good reviews in the market, but at the same time survive thanks to connections and outward appearances. favorable conditions. Thus, the newcomer must end up offering competitive terms, but also aiming to set their prices below average.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The repair and construction team offers a wide range of its services, ranging from simple cosmetic wall finishing to laying communications. Depending on the list of services, OKVED codes are selected, but all such activities fall under the definition of a general grouping (OKPD 2) 43 Specialized construction works. In order to start your own business, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity, and in the case of organization small firm it makes sense to choose a form of individual entrepreneurship, because it takes less time, requires less serious reporting, and as a result, registration is somewhat cheaper. If there is a need to issue entity, then the preferred form of society with limited liability, because in this case, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available.

At present, obtaining special construction licenses is not required, but in order to legally engage in business, it is necessary to join a self-regulatory organization (SRO) for construction. In this regard, it is impossible to accurately name the amount of the required investment of the entry fee and other conditions for accepting newcomers to the self-regulatory organization, because each of them sets its own conditions and requirements.

It is strictly forbidden to work without joining the SRO, but it also has some advantages. For example, in a self-regulatory organization, information may appear that it will transfer to its members. It also contains information about state grants and competitions that can be used. In any case, the entrepreneur no longer needs to constantly apply to state authorities and carry out his activities under the supervision of governing bodies. The self-regulatory organization issues work permits, and although it requires its members to fulfill all the conditions set, it is less demanding.

Next, you need to think about finding a room, while seriously considering the option of not having your own office and representative office at all. If the budget is limited, then you can conduct all negotiations with your customers at their home, moreover, this will allow you to combine negotiations with the assessment and calculation of the cost of work. Clients rarely judge a company by its office, because it is much more convenient for them when the team immediately arrives at the place and there is no need to go anywhere. In this regard, you can significantly save on renting premises in the first months of work, especially when there are still only a small number of orders, and the company does many days without work. However, later you will have to think about your own office, because a developing company increases the range of services provided, the level of its service increases, and it cannot do without its own representation.

Ready-made ideas for your business

To do this, it is better to look for premises in a major construction area, for example, in a new quarter under construction, which will soon be commissioned, and apartments will begin to be sold. Of course, sooner or later the quarter will be fully populated, and the demand for Finishing work will gradually drop, but by then the company will have a good reputation, which will allow it to work throughout the city, and in a pinch, it should be able to move to a new quarter. Therefore, if the company has not yet become widely known, it is worth renting small offices with the possibility of a quick move.

It should be noted that it is better to start a repair and construction business for an entrepreneur who himself understands repair and construction, but at the same time also has a higher professional education and sufficient work experience in order to personally manage the construction or repair process. Of course, complex projects require the involvement a large number people, including additional management personnel, but it is preferable for an entrepreneur to personally manage the work of his employees. In other words, the businessman himself should act as the foreman at the facility, otherwise the team with its own foreman does not need to work for a third-party company, because, having received the facility, it will strive to keep all the profits for itself. It follows that a team with a foreman involved from outside is very likely to start providing its services bypassing the employer, without caring about the reputation and image of the latter.

In this regard, the repair and construction business can be recommended to those people who can independently manage the process of construction and repair and who want to organize their own business, but for entrepreneurs who are far from construction, it is better to choose some other direction of their activity, and if there is a huge desire and / or prospects to engage in this particular area, then it is necessary to study the main points of this business, but also constantly monitor the work of your employees.

The decisive factor in such an undertaking will be the selection of your own team. It is people who determine the quality and speed of work, so this issue must be approached very carefully. In the labor market today, you can easily find repairmen and builders, but these will not always be qualified employees who are responsible and do not seek to deceive employers and / or the client. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended to do the work of the foreman on your own or at least constantly monitor the work of your team. It will probably be a long time before you can find truly honest and skilled workers, and at first you will have to cooperate with various people.

Ready-made ideas for your business

However, in this type of business, it makes sense to consider hiring people only after receiving an order. That is, employees are not on the staff of the company, but are involved from outside only as needed, this allows you to significantly reduce the cost of maintaining your company, because there is no need to pay a fixed salary. And the repairmen themselves, in their free time from orders, can work on the side, which will bring you additional income, which means it will eliminate dissatisfaction with the main employer. A significant disadvantage of this approach is that employees will not be directly subordinate, and therefore they will not always be able to take on tasks, but this problem is partially solved by finding spare people who also cooperate with the company only for the duration of the task.

For a large company that constantly has orders, it is much easier to maintain a staff of its own employees than constantly looking for them on the side, so such informal cooperation is acceptable only in the early stages of work. In addition to the brigade itself, it is necessary to find people capable of performing additional tasks; this includes technologists, design engineers, estimators, designers and architects. These people will be needed in the later stages of the work, but you need to think about finding them from the very beginning.

A repair and construction company should offer its clients not only interior finishing services, but also a whole range of additional services, which include drawing up a project for redevelopment, regulation of all legal issues or assistance in them, the creation of a design project, dismantling works, installation of communications, replacement of windows and doors, plumbing and electrical engineering works. This list can be substantially expanded if the appropriate staff and facilities are available. All business processes that are not related to the profit of organizations should be outsourced, because it is much more profitable economically.

For your work, you need to purchase several sets of appropriate equipment, but there is not always a need to purchase an expensive tool. The main task of the equipment is to enable craftsmen to quickly and efficiently perform their task, so simple devices that are not equipped with various functions are often suitable for them. All equipment is purchased in several sets so that there is a spare tool and it is enough for several teams on simultaneous calls.

The repair and construction team must carry out without fail the plastering of ceilings and walls, painting work, wallpapering, laying floor covering, plumbing and electrical technical work, replacement of doors and windows, including from wooden to metal-plastic. The arsenal of employees should contain various devices to work with different types of materials, in addition there should be tools for waterproofing, thermal insulation and soundproofing. Therefore, a large number of various small construction tools are bought, such as: level, drill, puncher, screwdriver, jigsaw, miter box, sets of brushes, rollers and spatulas; roulettes, knives, graters; simple construction kits, including pliers, screwdrivers, hammers, chisels and an awl.

You also need to buy a large number of consumables, which are hardware and typical consumables for the work being done ( polyurethane foam, two-component mastic, glue, paint and varnishes). However, you don’t need to buy too many consumables at once, you should only keep them in reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances, while purchasing all consumables is only worth receiving an order and calculating the estimated costs. Only the necessary is bought, and materials such as wallpaper, tiles and similar finishing elements should be purchased only in agreement with the customer; moreover, he often buys them himself.

Depending on the proposed list of work, it may be necessary to purchase special clothing if employees perform work that is harmful to life or health. The most serious protection is a special suit that covers the whole body, with a respirator. But it must be used only when carrying out a limited list of works; in most cases, the repair and construction team can do with simple and comfortable construction clothing.

For workers, you should buy special transport, on which they will get to the place of work. To do this, you can buy a small van that fits everything. necessary equipment and purchased materials. This is not always necessary, because employees may have their own car, which is more convenient for them to drive, but for their own needs, an ordinary inexpensive car can sometimes be indispensable. Its minimum cost is 200 thousand rubles, but for such an amount you can only buy a used car in not the best condition.

In order to attract your customers, you need, as already noted, to closely engage in an advertising campaign. To do this, you should place information about yourself on all thematic portals on the Internet, advertise in local media: radio, television, print publications (although you can’t expect much effectiveness from this method of promotion).

Most often today, people are looking for interior fitters on the advice of friends and acquaintances, those potential customers who have no one to ask for advice or get a recommendation, look for information on their own, mainly on the Internet. Therefore, you need to seriously think about creating your own website, which will become an important information and advertising platform for the company. The cost of creating and promoting a site can be quite significant, depending on the subject, content of the site and the level of competition. However, it is through the Internet that today you can find the largest number of customers, because the site immediately offers a list of prices, a list of services and all working conditions.

The cost of the work of the repair and construction team varies depending on the complexity, and among professionals there are several repair groups. By complexity, and hence by price, repairs are divided into cosmetic, economical, capital and European standard (European-quality repair). The cost of the latter is usually 3-4 times higher than the former, and therefore a renovation for 1 square meter costs the client about 6,000 rubles, and a cosmetic one and a half thousand rubles for the same area. However, these prices are very approximate, and the exact cost is determined already on the spot.

The most labor-intensive, energy-intensive and time-consuming work can cost customers several times more. Therefore, such a business is beneficial when there are a large number of orders, but a significant drawback of such a business is its seasonality, because almost no one is engaged in repairs during the cold season. In connection with this, the repair and finishing business is to be engaged in together with some other, unless, of course, there is a need to receive cash and all year round.

Matthias Laudanum

190 people are studying this business today.

The market economy introduces significant changes not only in economic activity most enterprises, but also on the very perception of life by a modern person.

For many of us, it is no longer enough to simply have Good work with a stable income, but I want to open my own business enterprise. A business started and built from scratch with my own hands- this is the cherished dream of truly enterprising people.

In the present conditions, one of the most profitable and promising types of business is considered to be construction. If you have chosen this type of commerce, then you need to know how to start a construction business, this will help you avoid many of the typical mistakes that most novice entrepreneurs tend to make.

Features of the construction business

Like any modern commercial enterprise, the presented business is divided into several main categories, these are:
- sphere civil engineering;
road construction;
- industrial construction of buildings.

Services of a construction company can be divided into two types:

- basic services, including such types of work as: the construction of residential buildings, garages, baths, warehouses, and so on, on a turnkey basis, and: installation, dismantling, repair of apartments and other premises;
– additional services – leasing of personnel and equipment, sale building materials, training of personnel from other companies.

To start a construction business from scratch you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

- writing a clear business plan;
— preparation of all registration documentation;
- collection of permits;
- purchase of inventory, equipment, machinery;
— recruitment of qualified personnel;
- Finding existing and new clients.

For successful commercial activities in the chosen direction, you will need to draw up a good business plan. This is necessary not only for organizing a company, but also in order to get a loan from a bank.

It usually contains everything you need to know about the liabilities and assets of your firm, as well as what methods will be chosen to increase profits.

With the help of a business plan, you will accurately calculate the payback and profitability construction company business.

Pros and cons of the construction business

The main advantage of engaging in the presented type of entrepreneurial activity is the opportunity to get good profit, though after a certain period of time. On average, the profitability of the construction business ranges from 50 to 70%.

Among all types of private entrepreneurial activity given result called the most impressive. It is also worth noting that the presented type of commercial activity pays off on average within one year.

To start a construction business from scratch be sure to have large financial resources. Also important is the ability to attract qualified and conscientious personnel and possession of sound knowledge in the chosen specialty.

However, as in any other commercial activity, you may encounter some pitfalls and problems.

The most typical of them are the following:

1) A significant decrease in profits can cause problems such as difficulty in entering the market. A positive factor will be hiring employees who already have experience in this field, they will contribute to the fact that your company will have a good reputation in the market, you will not need to spend additional money on advertising. Also, hiring employees with experience is a great opportunity to avoid forced price cuts;

2) A company that has recently registered and is just entering a wide market may experience serious problems with a loan in large banking organizations. The fact is that banks doubt the stability and prospects of a young company. You can only convince them otherwise if you have a well-written business plan and significant assets;

3) When starting a construction company from scratch, be prepared for high level competition in the represented business area. To be successful, you must provide your customers with good benefits compared to your competitors.

The financial component of construction activities

In order for your company to actively develop for a long time, you need to learn how to properly manage your accounting, without the correct calculation of profits and expenses it will be impossible to maintain stable development and make wise investments. What can we say about attracting new customers, and so on.

It should be noted that one of the important conditions for organizing a construction business is the implementation of constant large financial investments, the retention of money at the stages of construction that has not yet been completed. Compliance with these conditions will allow a novice entrepreneur to make a good profit after some time.

There is the following list of main attachments:
- purchase of construction equipment;
- purchase of special equipment;
- transport taxes, Advertising activity, taxes;
— lease of office and industrial premises.

One way to reduce financial expenses is not the acquisition of special equipment in the property, but to rent it. Usually, a significant part of the funds from start-up entrepreneurs goes to the promotion of the company and investments in advertising activities.

A good solution is to create an Internet site for your company, which will present a complete catalog of services, projects, price list, and so on. Investments in the site and advertising are among the most important.

Collection of necessary documentation

Each construction company must have the following set of documents:
- certificate of state registration;
- certificate of registration with the tax authorities;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- seal;
— statistical codes;
- the decision to form an enterprise.
Licensing of the company includes the collection of the following documents:
- building permit - issued by the local government and the chief architect;
– license for engineering work;
— license for the design of structures and buildings.


If you decide to organize your construction business from scratch, then you cannot do without hiring qualified and conscientious personnel. The reputation of the company, its performance and profitability will largely depend on this factor.

Depending on the specific conditions of doing business, the list of personnel may vary significantly, but usually it includes the following items:
- Purchasing Manager;
- designer;
- HR inspector;
- architect;
- foreman;
- lawyer;
- accountant.

If you plan to open a small finishing company, then the minimum number of people in one team is 4 people. Accordingly, they should include an electrician, a painter, a plasterer, and a carpenter. An important point is that in order to obtain a license in state institutions, at least more than half of the registered employees must have a higher education in construction.

To increase productivity, be sure to provide your workers with everything necessary set construction equipment and supplies. They must be in good condition, regularly undergo technical inspections, and also comply with safety standards and requirements. It is best to give your preference to expensive, but quality tool than to buy cheap low quality inventory.

How to attract new customers

For the successful development of any modern commercial enterprise, it is essential to be able not only to win your group of regular customers, but also to attract new customers. The implementation of this task will significantly expand the capabilities of your company, and reach a new level of development.

For start-up entrepreneurs, the following ways to find clients are suitable:
— creation of own base of potential clients;
– the beginning of independent development of the site in order to further sell real estate on the market. You can start selling at any stage of construction - both at the initial and final stages;
- A good way to attract new customers is to receive orders after winning a government tender.

If you don't know how to open a construction business, then the presented material should definitely help you with this.

If you follow all the above recommendations and the proposed algorithm of actions, then starting this type of entrepreneurial activity should not cause any obstacles and difficulties. It is worth remembering that success comes only to businessmen who are strong-willed and able to strive to obtain new information.

Entrepreneurial structures for the uninitiated look the same from a legal and organizational point of view. It may seem that you can create a construction company in exactly the same way as opening a cafe or a store. In fact, with all the similarity, these processes are the same only in some moments.

A construction firm can be established as a limited liability company, a joint-stock company, or a small private enterprise. But for builders, only permits are needed, for establishments Catering- completely different. What restaurateurs need in terms of business organization is useless for architects. Therefore, you need to be aware of the nuances.

Relations with the state

An entrepreneur from the very beginning of his activity, or rather, even before it begins, necessarily interacts with the state on many issues. It all starts with the registration of a company, because you cannot start work without an officially created structure, the legislation in Russia considers such a procedure to be mandatory.

Before you open a construction company or a TV repair studio, you need to come up with a name for the company, choose an office (legal address) for it, decide on the size authorized capital and with the composition of the founders, if it is a limited liability company. After completing a small number of documents required by law, it's time to go to the registration authority and go through all necessary procedures. If you want to save time - you need to contact a specialized company, if you want money - do everything yourself.

The next step is obtaining permits for certain types of activities. For construction companies, they are not so few, but also uncritically many. What exactly should be received depends on the intended type of activity.

There is such a SRO document (self-regulatory organizations) that is needed by those who intend to build buildings of four floors and above, block residential buildings of eleven blocks or more. There are also restrictions on the area and the number of living families. If all the indicators are below those described, the SRO is useless.

The right to design various objects must be confirmed by a license, as well as the right to conduct survey work. Local authorities issue a permit for the construction of any building or structure. If there is no such permission, buildings and structures are considered to be unauthorized construction, with all the ensuing consequences.

Market research

The start of any business projects is necessarily preceded by a thorough study of the market in which you have to work. It is necessary to find out how possible it is to organize a particular enterprise in a given territory, including from a technical point of view. For example, if there is no gas pipeline in the settlement, it is possible to build a brick factory in it, but the cost of supplying gas will be included in the construction costs.

So, for a construction company, it is important to determine:

  • whether there are appropriate resources in the area;
  • the demand for certain construction services;
  • How intense is the competition in the market?
  • what are the statistics of the construction of construction projects;
  • Is there a sufficient number of specialists with the required qualifications?

This necessary information are not exhausted, the more of them, the better. The main thing is to analyze the information received correctly, drawing conclusions about which niche in the market it is worth applying for.

See also: How to open a construction company and make money on it


It has already become a tradition that for a novice entrepreneur, planning is a business plan. Many consider such a document to be something like confirmation of status or simply a necessity for obtaining funding from banks and other financial institutions.

In fact, a business plan is not a formal reply, and not even a tradition. This is the document that the entrepreneur himself needs. It contains calculations of all the nuances of a project. Without calculations, a business turns into amateur activity, which usually ends up in bankruptcy rather quickly.

Equipment, machinery and methods of its acquisition

How to open construction company if there is no equipment and technology? Almost nothing, because cooking food for customers on a fire is not welcomed by the sanitary and hygienic services, as well as with construction.

The easiest and cheapest way to purchase equipment is if the company will only deal with repairs. But even in such cases, rollers, brushes and buckets alone are not enough, you still need transport and some devices. A serious construction company needs a solid in quantity and in total a very expensive set of equipment.

What exactly is worth buying? You should proceed from the same business plan and think about buying only what you need necessarily and constantly. Construction equipment is expensive to maintain and operate, so every extra, say, a truck crane, will be a heavy burden on the cost of work and services. If some machine or mechanism is used occasionally, it is better to rent it. Special equipment rental services are not uncommon. You can rent almost everything - from an airbrush to a panel carrier, and it will be less expensive than keeping, for example, a drilling rig so that once a year it will come in handy for something.

In this article, we will guide you about the features and nuances of the question "how to become a contractor for a construction company."

How to become a partner of a construction company

The ubiquitous and steadily growing construction business seems attractive to many professional managers and investors. But what is needed to start this activity, and how to become a contractor or subcontractor in the construction or repair of newly created or modernized facilities?

To understand the aspects of this type of employment and earnings, it is necessary to more systematically understand how the construction process works, how the distribution and further production of construction contract work is carried out in the construction services market. To start construction work, it is most logical to become a partner of a construction organization that already has sufficient scope of work and established experience in relations with key customers.

How contractors and subcontractors work in construction

In construction, with rare exceptions, there are no enterprises that independently carry out full complex accepted work. Therefore, the concepts of General contracting for construction work and partial or full subcontracting have developed. In order to understand how contractors work, it is advisable to study open tender procedures announced on trading floors, to analyze the documentation offered by Customers for the construction of various facilities. In the package of competitive materials, there are often special individual parameters that the selected contractor must comply with. Often, in order to win a tender or competition, it is required not only to have experience, to have a specified number of completed and handed over objects, but also to have specific resources. It could be special construction machinery, human resources, contracts with manufacturers of building materials. To understand how subcontractors work in construction, in the documentation for the facility, you can see separate lists of work, as a rule, not related to the implementation and timing of other work packages that can be transferred to other contractors. Often the general contractor selects subcontractors for himself also through competitive procedures. In this case, you can familiarize yourself with the documentation and the main parameters for subcontracting work.

What do you need to become a contractor or subcontractor?

It only takes three to become a greenfield construction contractor important conditions:
Availability of resources;
Proven experience;
Competitive price of the offered works.
In addition to these conditions, in order to undertake certain types of work, permits may be required. For a whole set of certain types of construction work, this is membership in SROs (self-regulatory organizations), which carry out the control required by law for the availability of the required qualifications and competencies of performers, and also issue permits for the production of these types of work. Certain types of work, such as handling certain hazardous substances, working with high voltage, others dangerous work should be carried out under the supervision of specialized state organizations. This also requires certificates and permits from both the staff and the organization as a whole.
Many types of construction work are not subject to legal regulation and require only the organization of compliance with the rules of work and safety.
Customers, choosing an organization for the construction or repair of an object, pay great attention to the experience of successfully performing similar work. Therefore, the easiest way to get involved in such a business is to start by partnering with an experienced organization as a subcontractor. Subcontracting works performed with high quality and on time will also be included in the portfolio of successful projects and, over time, will become calling card for individual orders.

How do construction contractors make money?

It will be easy for a manager from any business segment to understand how contractors earn in construction, since the main task of a contractor is competent organization all construction processes and their provision with materials. The contractor formally may not produce any volumes of direct construction at all, subcontracting them. Very often, organizations retain only the functions of supplying construction materials and providing special construction equipment. All other works can be transferred to other organizations.
The construction business is a very structured type of activity, therefore, in order to become a contractor or subcontractor in construction, it can be recommended to start the first steps with some specific types or compositions of work. It can be: electric installation work low-voltage networks, building walls, finishing or plumbing work, etc. In addition, it is extremely useful to become a subcontracting partner of a large construction organization, taking on a feasible list of works from the general order.

According to statistics, more than 20% of the population of our country use the services of builders. At the same time, orders can be received both for minor household repairs and for the construction of houses, garages, and various outbuildings. Based on this, this type of business is profitable, despite the general trends in the fall of the economy. Its profitability, in some cases, reaches 70-100%, depending on the type of activity. Therefore, below we will talk about how to create and develop this type of business.

What are the nuances of the construction business, how to get around them and make it profitable

Any business requires a careful approach, as well as clear planning of its future activities. Construction services require careful attention, as well as taking into account all the nuances. Only thanks to this strategic planning can make it profitable.

Consider important nuances


Despite the fact that some experts say that you can open your own construction business from scratch, this is not so. Certain investments will be needed. First of all, this is the registration of a legal entity, since an IP is not suitable for a profitable company, and the formation of its authorized capital. The minimum amount for this is about 100-200 thousand rubles. In addition, it is better to buy the simplest equipment. This is also about 100 thousand rubles.


If you carefully study the labor market, you can pay attention to the fact that there are enough personnel with construction specialties, but among them there are many people with bad habits. The main rule is that if the builder is a professional and does not have bad habits, then many construction companies will hunt for him, so only a good salary and the attitude of the company's management towards him can keep the employee. This also applies to the foreman.

Finding Clients

In the first case, immediately after opening, you need to remember all your acquaintances, colleagues, relatives and friends and inform them that they can apply for services. It is better to give advertisements in newspapers, as well as hang them in districts. construction stores and markets where the respective goods are sold. Tenders are posted on the websites of various organizations, as well as on Internet resources that specialize in this.

Marketing approach to clients

This nuance is that it is necessary to come up with a system of discounts depending on the amount of work, as well as send out business proposals to large construction companies that win large orders and hire subcontractors.

Knowing all these nuances, you can get around them and create a truly competitive enterprise. First of all, a novice entrepreneur must draw up a business plan, where to take into account all the above nuances, as well as carefully study the construction market locality where the activity will take place. Also, in the business plan, you will need to calculate all initial costs, and develop a detailed cost of services and their list.

The staffing problem can be solved in this way. It is necessary to take employees on a trial period, and carefully look at them (are there any bad habits, poor-quality work). Only after a full check of the employees can be issued.

And be sure not to forget about the secretary who will take orders. It is important to know that success further work depends on the correct system of taxation. Many aspiring entrepreneurs who have achieved success in this business choose the simplified tax system (15% of profits).

Construction business areas

According to the current legislation, the following areas of the construction business are distinguished:

Based on these types modern construction, you can come to the unequivocal conclusion that for a successful undertaking and up to the first profitable millions, it is easiest to start with minor repairs and construction projects. Further, when the first profits appear, you need to improve and move to greater heights.

It is important to know that in order to engage in such types of construction as industrial and road construction, a legal entity must enter the association of such a business SRO - a self-regulatory organization. There you need to pay contributions, which can reach several hundred thousand or millions of rubles.

Starting a construction company

Registration is required to start this business. For small construction organizations, there is registration as an individual entrepreneur or the creation of an LLC. Consider the benefits.
IP requires a minimum package of documents for registration and payment of state fees. There is also a simplified tax system for entrepreneurs.

But such entrepreneurs are limited in the amount of income. That is, if the profit crosses a certain threshold, then a person will have to register a legal entity. Also, individual entrepreneurs are subject to a restriction on the number of employees, for example, they cannot be more than 20, in addition to this, a legal entity must be opened.

You will need the following documents:

  • a copy of the passport and TIN;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee;
  • filling out a special application for a list of activities that the IP will be engaged in.

Based on this, it can be concluded that the best options for those who want to do minor household repairs, IP is best suited.

Registering an LLC requires a little more expense and paperwork. But as a legal entity, it is not burdened with a limitation in profits, as well as in the number of employees.

The following documents will be required:

  • copies of documents of the founders (if there are several), or the founder with TIN;
  • the original and a copy of the minutes of the meeting where the decision to establish the LLC was made, as well as the appointment of the director and chief accountant, as well as the amount statutory fund, as well as the legal address (location);
  • the original and a copy of the charter, which will spell out the duties of the founder (lei), as well as the types of activities;
  • bank statements on opening an account;
  • receipt of payment of the special registration fee.

This form of legal entity is suitable for any type of construction activity.

It is important to know that currently many law firms offer the creation and registration of a turnkey LLC. That is, a desire is needed from a person, and then lawyers will do everything, and the price of such a service does not exceed 3-5 thousand rubles.

How much does it cost to open a construction company

It must be said right away that such a business cannot be created without investments. Therefore, if there is no money, you can write a competent business plan and take a loan from a bank.

The total costs will be as follows:

As you can see, all you need is about one million rubles. But the amount can be reduced.

Recruitment and customer search

  • About what problems there are with personnel, it was described above. Generally availability bad habits in people with construction specialties, this is a chronic disease in the labor market.
  • Based on this, it is possible to build a selection of personnel according to such a scheme.
  • Contact the employment office. Its employees will send employees for interviews, and they will be able to view work books. They indicate the previous place of work, and the reason for dismissal.
  • If it is written that the person was dismissed because of the negative, then such an employee can not be taken. The manager can even call the former employer and ask about the characteristics.
  • Ask friends. It happens that among acquaintances or friends, there are those who are looking for work as a former builder. At least the owner of the company will already know the biography of future employees.
  • It is not advisable to take unverified people from the street and those who came to work from other states if there is no information and recommendations about them.

Now you can move on to finding clients.

Let's start with a simple one, these are friends and relatives. They also need to carry out construction work, so it is better for them to turn to those they know.

The next is advertising. It is better to give it to the building sections of newspapers and, if possible, to radio and television, but it should be noted right away that these are additional expenses. In advertising, you need to indicate various promotions from the company and discounts. It is also recommended to negotiate with the sellers of building materials so that when selling their products, they recommend the established construction company as a contractor.

The last one is visiting and registering on the resources where public and private tenders for construction work are posted. Many entrepreneurs get jobs there. Also, one should not be too lazy and go around all the major companies in the region that are engaged in construction, and offer their services for some types of work as a subcontractor.

It is important to know that any ad or business proposal must be written correctly, so for this it is better to attract competent marketers, and do not be too lazy to spend some money on their services.

Other nuances of the company's development

Some of the main nuances were described above. But aspiring entrepreneurs need to take advantage of the following tips.

The first is the observance of safety measures by employees. In the event of their injuries, the employer is fully responsible, both material and criminal, so he must reinsure himself in every possible way in this regard.

Secondly, it is a competent financial policy. According to the laws of business, the profit received should not be spent on the needs of the founder or founders, but should be invested in business development.

By adhering to all the rules and nuances, entrepreneurs will be able to create a really strong business, withstand competition, and develop a large network of branches. The construction business is highly competitive. Only those who will plan everything and not stop there can withstand it.

In contact with

Today we will talk about how to start your construction business correctly and what pitfalls can be in this area. The advantage of this service sector is the constantly growing demand. Just imagine, every day potential clients are looking for their contractor to carry out repairs, eager to build their cozy house or put a fence near already finished house. Some representatives of the stronger sex take on this work, but not every man is able to install a double-glazed window, replace a pipe, or even drive a shelf into a wall. And when a person understands his helplessness in the field of construction, our task will be to provide the client with all the services that he only wishes. You can’t refuse a person who brings money into your hands, but you shouldn’t think that opening a construction company is an easy task and there will already be huge incomes in a couple of days. Any business is hard work and now I will explain why.

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The first stage of opening a construction company is registration

First of all, we need to open a company and for this we choose the type of registration. The easiest way is to register a company as a legal entity, that is, a limited liability company. To do this, you need to come up with a name for the company, choose its location, create an authorized capital and founders of the company. Let's analyze these points in a little more detail. The name of the company should be unique and easily recognizable - if you slightly alter the name of a competitor, you get an ugly situation and customers are likely to refuse your services. The location of the company means the city in which your company will operate. The authorized capital is the money that the founders invested in the company, that is, the start-up capital that the company needs for initial functioning.
Let's summarize the package of documents required for registering a company: copies of the passports of the founders of the company, information about the location of the company and the main type of activity, as well as information about the authorized capital and the method of its formation. You can go through the registration yourself, or you can pay a special office and she will do everything herself. The issue price is 3000 rubles.

Scope of activity and permissions

Do not think that if you open a construction company, then you can build and repair everything at once. Construction is divided into three types - industrial, civil and road, and for each of these types you need to obtain a separate permit, have special equipment and specialists. You should not immediately rush into a huge piece of work, you still won’t pull it, it’s better to choose the simplest and most permanent way of repair work - civil engineering. This area of ​​work includes repairs residential buildings, construction of houses, garages, saunas. It is worth noting that the number of small firms that do not live up to a year of their work increases every year in the civil construction market. We won't be like that, right?
You can’t just come to a person and start building a house for him; for any type of construction work, you need to have a permit. At the beginning of our work, we need to obtain a building permit and a license to design structures. This package of documents does not incur large costs. Also, many are sure that in order to open a company, you need to have the status of SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization), but if we are not going to build private houses (cottages no more than 3 floors), the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will not exceed 1500 sq.m, then this no status needed.

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Equipment and machinery

I would like to say right away that not a single small construction company can provide itself with all the equipment for repair or construction. The main problem is the high price of specialized equipment, without which the work cannot be done. The average price of all machinery and equipment for a construction company is 20 thousand dollars and this is the minimum number of all units for the work of one team of workers. If the budget has already been spent, and the company still needs a concrete mixer or other equipment, then you can use the services leasing companies. Leasing is, in fact, renting something. Sometimes it will be cheaper to rent an excavator than to buy one for a one-time use. Let's add 20 thousand dollars to the list of expenses - for the purchase of a car for a team of workers and all equipment.

Personnel is an important component of a construction company

Our company is small, so it is not necessary to open a large office and spend a lot of money on rent. Everything that a start-up construction company needs can fit in two rooms. One room will be used as a warehouse for equipment, in the second you need to put a table, a computer, a telephone and a girl with a sweet voice. It is she who will answer calls, record data and create a customer base.
It is worth starting with one working team of five people. In the brigade, four workers are equal in terms of obligations and rights, they carry out repair work. The average price of a builder is 40 thousand rubles a month, and this amount should be calculated. The fifth person in the team will be the foreman, who is responsible for the quality of the work performed and the preparation of estimates. The salary is 60 thousand rubles. In the future, when the company grows, you need to hire a professional estimator.
As a result, in terms of personnel, the following picture is obtained: 20 thousand rubles for the salary of a secretary, 4 builders for 40 thousand each and a foreman. The total salary per month is 240 thousand rubles.

Finding Clients

In spite of economic crisis approximately 20% of the total population of the country annually spends money on repair or construction work, so it will not be difficult to create a client base. First of all, you should use word of mouth - tell your friends and acquaintances about the opening of a construction company. You will be able to get a couple of orders, because any person at home has something nailed wrong or the door needs to be repaired. This way we will ensure an influx of small orders, but we need to grow to great heights. It is worth advertising your company in places where building materials are sold - a person comes for a new washbasin and notices an advertisement that the washbasin can be delivered very well and of high quality for a small fee.

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Summing up

Any business is a series of problems and failures that you need to endure in order to carve out a place for yourself in the sun. At first it will be difficult to find a normal place for a warehouse, professional workers and a foreman, there will be difficulties with the supply of materials and orders. Try to do everything right and do not be ashamed of small orders, because this, although small, is money for the company. It will not be easy to recoup the initial paperwork, purchase of equipment, rent and salary. The equipment will cost 680 thousand rubles, the registration of the company another ten thousand. The functioning of the company will take 240 thousand for salaries and 8 for renting premises, the same amount for gasoline for a working car. Don't forget about ads. In the presence of start-up capital at 940 thousand rubles, you can safely open a construction company, but only on condition that you recoup the salary of workers in the first month.

The main advantage of the construction business is the presence of a constant growing demand. Every day, several potential clients are looking for contractors who can carry out repairs, build cozy home or installing a fence around an existing structure. Of course, there are many representatives of the stronger sex who will take up the job themselves, but not every man can install a double-glazed window, replace a pipe or build a cabinet.

About how to start a construction business and what pitfalls can lie in wait for a businessman in this field, and there will be further discussion. The main rule that every entrepreneur must remember is that you cannot refuse a single client who is ready to pay money.

Market monitoring

So, the idea came to my mind to try myself in such an area as the construction business. Where to begin? Many will say that by contacting the tax office. Not! With serious preparatory work associated with detailed market research.

Currently, many companies are open, ready to build both apartment house and a private cottage.

Every novice entrepreneur should understand that organizations that have worked on the market for more than one year can act as competitors. And this means that they have the trust of customers and partner suppliers. Therefore, the only right decision is to stand out "from the crowd". Leadership should be expressed either in the volume of attracted capital, or in a fundamentally new approach to construction.

Activity registration

How to start a construction business? A thorough market analysis should be followed by formal registration. The most suitable form is a limited liability company.

After that, you can choose suitable name company, search for the optimal location of the office, the creation of authorized capital and the selection of founders. More about each item.

How to start a construction business from scratch: a plan

  1. With a unique and easily recognizable name.
  2. From the location of the company's office in a place accessible to customers.
  3. From the authorized capital invested by the founders or from the start-up capital, without which the company will not be able to start its stable functioning.
  4. From the collection of a package of documents necessary for registering a company - the passport of each founder, information about the location, the main type of activity, as well as the size of the authorized capital and the method of its formation.

All these actions can be performed independently or seek help from the appropriate specialists.

Professionalism and organizational skills. What's more important?

How to start a construction business from scratch and achieve success? Experience is an invaluable assistant in this matter. In this case, some problems disappear on their own. Although, according to statistics, there are a lot of people who started to realize themselves in this area from scratch and still climbed very high up the business ladder.

Organizational skills, the ability to create a professional team, to find a common language with any partner or client are the main components of success.

In addition, it is necessary to determine how the work will be carried out - independently or with the involvement of additional companies. Thus, the opinions of experts agree that it is better to go through the beginning of the construction activity together with good partners and solid sponsors who are able to support any, even a global project, or provide all possible assistance during the absence of at least some significant order.


How to start a business from scratch construction industry? Need to find conscientious skilled workers. This profession is recognized as the most necessary in the world.

A large enterprise with a personnel reserve can apply any measures to an unscrupulous employee, up to and including dismissal, without fear of anything. But a small company left without a specialist may lose an order due to a missed deadline.

Therefore, if a workable team was not assembled at the beginning of the activity, then it is not worth starting work.

By the way, it is necessary to complete the basis of the team only from qualified workers, and then to recruit newcomers as the company expands.

In the framework of the modern market economy, everything must be done quickly and efficiently. That is, yesterday, a specialist hired should immediately begin to implement the plan.

The tightening of requirements for personnel is observed due to the fact that construction is not only a responsible, but also a lengthy process. After all, the appearance of cracks or midges, not to mention collapses, is not an ordinary breakdown of household appliances.


How to start a home improvement business? Any competitive environment involves professional interaction - binding to master plan, coordination of the project, connection of communications, etc. In view of this, it is necessary to notify colleagues in advance about the planned actions, about the niche found for oneself, about the sequence of work.

A sudden jump can turn into big problems, for example, a complete misunderstanding with the state structure, because development must be carried out in strict accordance with the law.

Financial part

How to open a construction business from scratch? It is necessary to talk with investors and discuss with them the initial "infusion".

The amount of investment costs is approximately 12,000,000 rubles. and includes the purchase and rental of several units of special equipment, the development of design documentation, as well as the conduct of geological and geodetic surveys. About 1,000,000 rubles will have to be spent on tools and overalls. Office rent will cost about 150,000 rubles / year. In addition, you need to think about travel and entertainment expenses - 200,000 rubles / year, as well as membership fees, promotional activities and website promotion - 100,000 rubles / year. Total initial costs will amount to 13,450,000 rubles.

To calculate the income and payback period, you need to arm yourself with the average value of the profitability of a small construction company. In a metropolis, this figure may be 100%, but only a beginner is unlikely to be able to take root here. Subsidized hinterland is able to provide no more than 25-30%. Orders are also present here, but they require a large number of trips. The average profitability in Russia is about 60%, which results in a payback of 20 months. Indeed, it must be taken into account that winter time mostly related to downtime.


How to start a construction business? With the decision on the entry of builders. An entrepreneur who avoids this moment will have to pay a fine of at least 5,000 rubles. Each firm that has joined the SRO pays fees, the amount of which is set by the local authorities of the region (but they are unlikely to be small). So, only requires 400,000 rubles. in year. Not everyone construction organizations are able to cope with such expenses, therefore they often prefer semi-legal work.

Entry into the SRO is not required for the following organizations:

How to start a construction business? From the sequential execution of the following actions:

  1. Collection of papers that allow you to engage in construction.
  2. Registration of a license for the design of various kinds of structures.
  3. Obtaining permits for conducting engineering surveys.

You will also need to visit Rospotrebnadzor and the Department for Emergency Situations.

What does a construction company do?

You can open a highly specialized or large format small construction business. Where to begin? Determine the range of services demanded by the population. So, a construction company can:

  • erect various buildings and facilities, both partially and on a turnkey basis;
  • engage in repair and installation work;
  • rent machinery, equipment and construction tools;
  • develop projects;
  • materials.

The breadth of the field of activity directly affects the number of investors needed to start.

Required personnel

A construction company cannot do without:

  • architect or designer;
  • accountant;
  • personnel officer;
  • supplier;
  • foreman.

It will not be superfluous to have your own lawyer.

Each team must include qualified carpenters and electricians. The issuance of a state license largely depends on the availability of higher education the bulk of the company's employees.

If we are talking about a small company, then it is much more expedient to use the services of a hired accountant. The advantage lies in the absence of a monthly salary, since payment is made upon completion of the work.

Where to look for orders?

You can place an order in one of the following ways:

  • Winning the tender. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before submitting an application.
  • Conclusion of an agreement with a construction company. For example, some can build walls, while others can do the finishing.
  • Become a subcontractor of a large organization - an executor of a large-scale project.

Most reliable way to become popular in the construction industry is a responsible approach to the fulfillment of any order. A positive reputation in the market has not harmed anyone yet.
