Production of wall blocks. Installation for the production of building blocks with your own hands

It is not difficult to organize a business for the manufacture of cinder blocks: the technology is simple, the raw materials are cheap. However, a careful calculation of profitability is required. This niche cannot be called free, which means that the products must be competitive in quality and price.


Cheap wall materials are in demand in the construction of cottages, garages, outbuildings, and sometimes industrial facilities. The production of cinder blocks as a business is attractive due to the simple technology, the cheapness of raw materials and the breadth of the sales market. Currently, not only slag, but other fillers are used for their manufacture. The outdated name is strongly associated with the low-grade building material of the Soviet era, from which it was customary to build mainly cowsheds. Modern blocks have little in common with it, they are often called by the composition of the main components or manufacturing technology.

Raw materials, varieties, certification

In fact, any cinder block is an artificial building stone obtained from concrete mortar. Composition by 80 - 90%: boiler slag, waste from metallurgical production, crushed granite and screenings, broken bricks, sand. Modern environmentally friendly components are becoming increasingly popular: expanded clay (expanded clay), wood concrete (wood pellets, sawdust), polystyrene (porous plastics). Depending on this, a wide variety of names of the finished product arise. The bonding mass is represented by cement, sometimes with the use of plasticizing additives that accelerate the hardening process (Table 1).

When planning the production of cinder blocks, you need to have answers to three main questions:

  1. what materials are available for use as filler;
  2. what types of stone are in demand in a particular area;
  3. what is more profitable to use as an advantage: price or quality of products.

The most interesting thing is that the cinder block is not subject to mandatory certification. Unlike the constituent components: cement, sand, gravel, chemical additives - they must comply with established standards. If desired, the manufacturer can pass it on a voluntary basis in any relevant laboratory. At the same time, the products will be checked for compliance with GOST 6665-91 "Concrete wall stones. Specifications". This will require:

  1. certificate of state registration (OGRN, TIN);
  2. technical specifications, if any (TU);
  3. application and details of the company.

The absence of the guest, on the one hand, unties the hands, and on the other hand, it gives rise to certain problems. Buyers are critical of the unfounded statements of the seller, and the presence of a certificate is a convincing argument when choosing a building material. The use of industrial waste is especially not welcome - such products can hardly be attributed to environmentally friendly materials.

Cinder block production technology

The full cycle of building stone production includes:

  • kneading the initial semi-rigid mixture in a mixer or concrete mixer;
  • loading concrete into the matrix (with or without a blank former);
  • leveling the mixture, sealing corners (for manual loading);
  • compaction of the solution using vibration (from 2 to 30 seconds) and pressure;
  • molding by lifting the matrix; block remains on the floor or pallet;
  • transportation of finished products to the place of final drying.

The rigid solution does not allow the block to crumble after pressing, and lose shape after drying. The temperature in the working room must be at least 1°C. Solidification to a degree that allows transshipment occurs within 1.5 - 4 days. When adding special plasticizers, it is reduced to several hours. The final ripening is carried out on racks, or on the street, at natural temperature for a month. Humidity should be high, sometimes steaming is used.

Common types of equipment

The principle of operation, as well as the performance, of most mechanical, semi-automatic machines differs little from each other. Rather, when choosing, attention is paid to the reliability of materials, design features, and ease of use. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:

  • simple mechanical machines using manual labor, (popularly known as "zhivopyrki"); with low-power vibrators or without them;
  • semi-automatic vibropresses equipped with additional labor-facilitating elements: lifting mechanism, rollback, etc.;
  • automatic lines, including forced-action concrete mixers, buckets with dispensers, conveyors, vibropresses in one process.

If we talk about small businesses, then most use machine tools and vibropresses. For example, one of the largest online stores has 175 offers for the sale of equipment for the manufacture of cinder blocks. Consider what manufacturers offer.

1 Machine tools with a low power vibrator.

In the total volume of supply, they occupy about half - 80 pieces at a price of up to 50,000 rubles. About 40 models are sold at prices up to 25,000 rubles (RMU-1, Strom-unique, 1X Universal, Mars, M3 K). The principle of operation of "simplified" vibration is that it allows you to give a semi-rigid concrete mass a shape using a matrix.

Most of these devices (Fig. 1) have a capacity of 200 - 1,000 blocks per day. Mixing the mortar, feeding into molds, leveling are done manually. They differ in the power of the electric motor, the number of dies (from 1 to 4 pieces), the design of the lifting mechanism, and the possibility of rolling back the machine. Working on them is hard physical labor, it is difficult to maintain the geometry of products.

Part of the machines with enhanced vibration costing 50,000 - 100,000 rubles can also be attributed to this category (Fig. 2). The number of proposals is about 30. Fundamentally, they do not differ from their low-power counterparts. Usually in them large quantity matrices (up to 8 pieces), some models have a table, others have wheel mechanisms, and so on.

According to concrete business practitioners, an increase in the number of matrices does not lead to a direct increase in efficiency. Productivity is a relative concept when it comes to manual or semi-mechanized labor. Such machines are more difficult to maintain, they must be operated by at least two people. They practically do not reduce costs, but are more expensive.

2 Semi-automatic hydraulic vibropresses.

This group includes machines, devices costing from 170,000 to 470,000 rubles (Stroy-Profi-4, Sirgis-3, Rifey, Skala 15ML, Mastek-Meteor, Universal). Usually they are designed for the production of 3 - 4 blocks per cycle, the pressure on the concrete mass is 2,000 - 5,000 kg, the pressing time is up to 30 seconds. A significant advantage (in addition to facilitating physical labor) is the high quality of products. Shaping equipment (matrix, punch) provide accurate geometry. Productivity is positioned as 120 - 180 pieces / hour, that is, from 1,000 to 2,000 per shift.


  1. automatic, semi-automatic control; minimum manual labor;
  2. high quality, good geometry of products, different types of block;
  3. additional equipment for the production of borders, paving slabs;
  4. unloading bunkers, belt conveyors; damping springs;
  5. the ability to connect in line with other equipment;
  6. production of blocks with a decorative surface: smooth, corrugated, under a stone.

3 Mini-factories for the production of cinder blocks.

The price of automated lines that implement the full production cycle from forced mixing of the initial mass in a concrete mixer, from automatic feeding, pressing and drying (steaming) - from 2 to 5 million rubles. They are distinguished by high productivity, producing up to 400 finished blocks (80 pallets) per hour of work, as a rule, they are equipped with a set of interchangeable modules for the production of other types of concrete products (up to 350 pieces). The set includes forced-action concrete mixers, high-power vibrating presses, vibrating tables, overpasses. Such mini-factories are produced by Mastek LLC and some other manufacturers (Fig. 3).

Investments, payback, profitability

Cinder blocks belong to small-piece concrete products along with cellular concrete(foam and gas blocks). The main advantage is the low price. A feature is seasonal demand, because construction is preferred to be carried out in the summer. In addition, stone wall materials are not equally in demand by region. Indirectly, the need can be estimated by the distribution of the main competitor - bricks (Fig. 5).

The amount of investment depends on the type of equipment purchased, the availability of filler (mainly local materials), and the cost of cement - this is the most expensive part of the raw material.

For example, let's calculate the cost of costs for 1 cinder block at the prices of the Middle Urals in 2015.

  • cement - 9.28 rubles. (3.5 kg);
  • screening of granite - 1.12 rubles. (9.3 kg);
  • sand - 3.16 rubles. (9.3 kg);
  • e / energy - 0.44 rubles;
  • salary - 2.18 rubles.

Total: the cost per unit of production is 16.17 rubles. A year ago it was about 12.24 rubles.

For 9 months of 2015, the average cement price increased by 1.9% and amounted to 3,931 rubles/t in October (2,858 rubles for the same period in 2014). And its consumption decreased by 11% (Fig. 6).

The cost of one standard cinder block ranges from 27 to 29 rubles apiece, the expanded clay block is more expensive: 37 to 39 rubles. At first glance, the profitability seems high, but you still need to add the cost of equipment, rental of premises for production and storage.

Other things to consider when planning:

  • building materials are characterized by inelastic demand - price reduction has little effect on sales volumes; the buyer prefers quality, as the period of use is long;
  • do not rely on the performance parameters of the equipment specified by the manufacturer; in reality, it is usually lower by 15-20%;
  • at the beginning of work, time will be spent on selecting the optimal ratio of components, testing the technology - product quality strongly depends on the equipment used and the composition of the mixture.


Definitely, it is impossible to say whether the manufacture of cinder blocks is profitable or not. In each case, a huge number of local factors must be taken into account: demand, access to cheap (or even free) filler, the number of competitors, labor costs in the region, its organization, delivery costs, product quality. It all depends on what the goal is for the entrepreneur: to earn a living for the family, or to reach a certain business level.

The most difficult thing in this business is to find a niche in the sales market. Better business develops among those who leave "on the shoulders of the builders" - that is, they begin work with certain guarantees. For those who rely on the end consumer, it is more difficult. Although right now, during the crisis, they began to order services less, to build on their own - more.

The colossal potential of modern technologies and a wide range of building materials provide almost unlimited opportunities for professional and private spheres construction. Wall blocks are budget analogue expensive bricks and involve a significant simplification of installation work.

The production of wall blocks allows you to implement any construction projects without significant financial costs, while meeting all the requirements of construction at different sites under any conditions.


The production process of wall blocks involves the use of concrete mixtures, followed by the addition of special solutions to them, the composition of which determines the characteristics of the future material. Various technologies (casting, vibrocompression) can be involved in the manufacturing process.

To a large extent, the formation of the properties of concrete blocks is influenced by temperature conditions and the pressures at which the material solidifies and takes its final shape. Under different conditions, mixtures of the same composition have various characteristics strength and uniformity. For example, with spontaneous hardening of a concrete mix under natural conditions, the material will have lower properties than when creating optimal temperature indicators and using an autoclave.

To date, there are several types of wall blocks, each of which is characterized by special properties:

  • Expanded clay blocks - construction material, focused on the construction of both small buildings and industrial facilities. The concrete mixture contains high-strength clay granules, which leads to high heat-saving properties and sufficient strength indicators. Wall blocks based on expanded clay do not freeze, condensation does not collect on their surface, fungi and mold do not spread.
  • Polystyrene concrete blocks are a composite material, in the production of which concrete mixtures based on polystyrene granules are used. They can be made directly on construction sites, since the production process does not require the creation of specific conditions for hardening. Polystyrene concrete has good heat and sound insulation properties, but is extremely vulnerable to fire.
  • Foam concrete blocks are a kind of lightweight wall blocks, which are produced using standard concrete mixtures based on a strong foaming agent. The manufacturing process is quite simple, does not require the use of hard-to-reach components and the creation of special conditions for hardening. The material does not differ in high strength and requires additional finishing of the erected walls.
  • Aerated concrete blocks are a durable and homogeneous material from the category of light cellular blocks, the production of which uses autoclaves. High strength, excellent heat and sound insulation properties, fire resistance and frost resistance are the main advantages of gas blocks. Objects built from aerated concrete blocks practically do not shrink.

Concrete based on sawdust is isolated from inexpensive composite materials. Such blocks have high environmental friendliness, are distinguished by good thermal insulation and fire resistance. The disadvantages of sawdust concrete include a long drying period and increased water permeability.

Advantages of the production of expanded clay concrete blocks

The production process of expanded clay concrete blocks involves the use of special concrete mixtures based on environmentally friendly expanded clay and clay granules, fired in a special way. The correct ratio of the components of the mortar and the use of special equipment make it possible to obtain light and high-strength blocks for the construction of walls at the output.

Expanded clay blocks, manufactured in accordance with established standards, are superior to some types of wall blocks both in terms of chemical parameters and operational characteristics. Of the advantages of a composite material based on expanded clay, there are:

  • high coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • active air exchange and vapor permeability;
  • versatility of use in any climatic conditions;
  • fair durability;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of storage and transportation;
  • relatively low cost.

Expanded clay blocks speed up the process of building walls by 4-5 times, which allows you to significantly save time without losing quality. Installation of wall blocks based on expanded clay is quite simple and does not require special professional skills.

The block production line is very

Vibropress for tamping blocks

in-demand hardware because the building blocks have some attractive properties:

  1. Thanks to the blocks, you can build a low-rise (2-3 floors) structure (house, garage, cottage, workshop) without needing the services of a bricklayer. One block is equal to 4-5 bricks.
  2. The walls built with the block production line are heat and sound proof.
  3. The cost of a block is much lower than the cost of a brick, foam blocks and other building materials are very affordable products due to their low price.
  4. The block assumes the ability to make it yourself. Also, clay-straw bricks can be produced independently.

Production technology

The technology for the production of building blocks consists of three stages:

Stage I: preparation of concrete.

Stage II: production of blocks.

Stage III: drying and storage of finished blocks.

Stage I: preparation of concrete.

Concrete preparation is carried out in several stages.

  1. It is necessary to fill in 3 shovels of fine screenings and 3 shovels of granulated slags.
  2. Pour one shovel of cement sand.
  3. Mix carefully.
  4. Add 260 milliliters to 8–10 liters of water, this is half a 0.5 liter jar, UPD solution. The solution of the mixture must be prepared as follows: pour 0.8 kg of UPD into 45 liters of the container and mix thoroughly.
  5. To stir thoroughly. In this case, the concrete is thoroughly impregnated with a mixture of UPD.

Stage II: production of blocks.

Block forming machine 1). Pour the prepared concrete into the vibrating machine. Briefly, for 2-3 seconds, turn on the vibrator and when the concrete settles in one movement, level the plane of the settled concrete.

2). Install the clamp and, without making any special efforts to press on it, turn on the vibrator.

A block with rectangular and round voids vibrates for 5-6 seconds. until the moment when the clamp falls on the limiters.

Full, narrow blocks (there are 2 of them) vibrate for 4-6 seconds.

3). During vibration, the machine rises, and the blocks remain on the sites.

Stage III: drying and storage of finished blocks

Using FDD, completed blocks must be removed from the site and transferred to the warehouse in 6-7 hours. Without using UPD - after 48 hours. After this time, the blocks do not fall apart, subject to the technology of their production and the proportions of concrete.

Putting a completed block into storage is allowed in pyramidal stacks. In one block by 3–4 cm, with space between the blocks, which are needed for the subsequent drying of the side face.

Each of these pyramids contains 110 blocks. Each pyramid must be marked with the date and time of production of the final block. This is required for implementation. On the 5th, 6th day, the blocks are shipped.

Block Making Equipment

The automatic line for the production of blocks is a modern equipment for the production of complete list different types building products:

building block

Automated block production lines
produce the following types of blocks:

  1. wall: dimensions 195*195*395 mm, 190x195x395 mm or 205x205x405 mm:
  • sand concrete;

b) plinth and foundation: dimensions 195*195*395 mm, 190x195x395 mm or 205x205x405 mm:

c) partition walls: dimensions 95*195*395 mm:

d) partition dimensions: 105*195*395 mm:

  • sand concrete;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • concrete;
  • arbolite;
  • polystyrene concrete;

e) partition dimensions 145*195*395 mm:

Arbolite block
  • sand concrete;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • concrete;
  • arbolite;
  • polystyrene concrete.

Pallets are not needed, and all matrices are included.

The molding kit of the block production line is designed to work with any cement, even the lowest quality. It is also possible to use any type of sand and filler. Construction waste is well recycled.


Polystyrene concrete block
  1. vibropress.
  2. Sets for the manufacture of paving slabs.
  3. Concrete mixer.
  4. Belt conveyor with receiving hopper.
  5. Dosing bunkers for one vibropress.

Price automated equipment quite low. Lines for the production of blocks, the price of which is about 250,000 rubles, are very cost-effective equipment and are in great demand among manufacturers of various types of blocks.

Wall blocks

Building block production line requires special room

Wall blocks are by far the most convenient building material for the construction of private houses and other structures. Wall blocks are produced on cement, which becomes a binder with any type of fillers:

  • sand and gravel mixture (SGM);
  • ash;
  • expanded clay;
  • screening of crushed stone;
  • slag;
  • polystyrene (crumb);
  • sawdust.


For wall blocks, cement becomes the best binder. Cement has a sufficiently high hardening rate, which provides high reliability and resistance to moisture. For the production of blocks, all types of cement can be used, the strength grade of which is from 450 to 550.


As a placeholder, as a rule, is used:

  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • slags;
  • ash;
  • expanded clay;
  • sawdust;
  • wood chips
  • other inert materials and their combinations.

The aggregates must be free from dust, as it is usually excessive. Also soft clay inclusion, ice, frozen block. In order to defrost a frozen piece of aggregate in its permanent storage, it is necessary to place it in a warm area of ​​the room or provide a bunker exit hatch with a steam heating device. This heating will contribute to the fastest hardening of concrete in the cold season of the year.

Small aggregates, except for ash according to the granulometric set, must be attributed to the groups "medium" and "large". Aggregates of smaller size are used, while allowing combination with large aggregates. The presence of grains larger than 11 mm is not allowed in the sand. The amount of dusty, clayey, silty particles in native sand should not exceed 4%. Fine aggregates must be stored in a bunker that is closed from atmospheric precipitation. In winter, it must be equipped with aggregate heating.

Studies have shown that if the chips or chips are very long (greater than 45 mm), then the compressive strength characteristic deteriorates. If the chips or sawdust are small, this means a sharp deterioration in the bending strength characteristics. The tree becomes a filler without carrying any utility and does not improve the material.

Placeholders are generally divided into two types:

  1. Small.
  2. Large.

fine aggregate

Fine aggregate for concrete

It has a grain size of 0.02 to 2.1 mm. Raw sand is a particularly widely used fine aggregate. A small content of silt, loam or clay in the sand is permissible, but if their amount does not exceed 11% of the total weight. Wastes of crushed stone production are: a fine particle of granite, dolomite, marble, ash, fine slag union. Small aggregates provide the elasticity of impurities, reduce the number of crevices in products and make their plane as smooth as possible. Nevertheless, the remainder of fine aggregates, namely the dust component, reduces the durability of the product.

coarse aggregates

coarse aggregate for concrete

A coarse aggregate is a raw material that has a grain size of 6 or more millimeters. As part of the concrete mix, large aggregates are needed to create a spatial frame within the product. The durability of the product depends on its strength. As a rule, an insufficiently strong product is explained by an insufficient amount of coarse aggregate in concrete. An excess of a large aggregate union in the impurity ensures that porous, irregularly shaped edges are obtained on the surface of the product. When transporting finished products, in a large aggregate, the amount of battle is added. With the expansion of the grain size of large aggregates, the durability of products doubles.


Water for concrete has special additives

The water used to make concrete should not contain a mixture of certain oils, acids, strong alkalis, organic matter, and industrial waste. Water is acceptable drinking quality, as well as water from household water pipes. Water guarantees the setting (hydration) of the cement. Any admixture in the water can greatly reduce the hardness of the concrete and also create premature, unwanted and delayed gradation of the cement. Also, dirty water can form stains on the surface of the finished product. The water temperature must be at least 16°C, because low temperature will lead to a multiplication of the hydration time of the concrete. Water is recommended to be supplied to mixers through perforated pipes.

Chemical additives for concrete

Recently, domestic production has made significant progress in the field of research on various chemical additives to concrete mix. It is used to reduce the consumption of the cement mixture, to increase the rate of its gradation, to reduce the duration of warm and wet processing of products. And also to enhance the ability of concrete to harden in winter period, to increase its frost resistance and hardness.

Calcium chloride (CaCl) is used both in the form of a solution and in dry form. In dry form, it is added to the aggregate, in the form of a solution, it is added to the water, which is intended for the preparation of the mixture, while maintaining the total amount of water in the mixture. The addition of calcium chloride slightly increases the price of raw materials. However, a quick set of hardness guarantees the manufacturer construction products energy savings for space heating. The product must be aged before shipment to the customer. This significantly exceeds the consumption of calcium chloride, however, reduces the amount of breakage of the product during transportation.

A great advantage of the block production line is the use of an air-entraining agent:

  • wood pollinated resin (LMS);
  • neutralized air-entraining resin (SNV);
  • thermal pitch glue (KTP);
  • sulfite yeast brew (SDB).

The air-entraining additive improves the activity of the mixture in filling the matrices of the vibropress, while increasing the quality of the product plane, and minimizing the amount of breakage. The main advantage of the air-entraining additive is the greater frost resistance of concrete. The effect of increasing frost resistance is explained by an excess of air bubbles in the pores of concrete, which minimizes the occurrence of water ingress into them. It also prevents the appearance of destructive stress in concrete during cooling of capillary water due to the damping contraction of air bubbles.

The production of wall blocks and lines for their production use a pallet or alternative method, using a cement binder and any type of filler. Blocks are obtained with a rectangular void.

This equipment small size, low price, ideal for private developers.


  1. 180 watt (220 volt) vibrator with non-adjustable vibration level. Power of this vibrator: 1.4 kN. Outlet block size: 395x195x190 mm.
  2. Hollow former with parameters: 85x115 mm (removable).

The void former is designed to form a void in a block. This will save the concrete mix by a third. The void is also necessary to increase the thermal insulation of structures. The void former and the installed overlay on the punch, which is included in the kit, form full-bodied, foundation blocks.

The block production line, whose price never exceeds the amount planned by the entrepreneur, has very important production equipment in stock. Namely, the clamping upper plate of the molding of the punch (the upper plane of the block). Due to it, the manufactured block has the necessary geometry on all sides, this will greatly simplify and make the work of high quality. The punch (bar clamp) is realized manually. Line productivity: 155-305 blocks per shift. The time required to form one block and reinstall the equipment to form the next block is 35–45 seconds from the moment the concrete is loaded into the receiving tray. If necessary, both a molding and a molding vibrating table can be in operation. It is necessary for the production of plinth and paving slabs, ebbs, facing stone.

The total weight of the equipment is 21 kg. The mass of the line, which is lifted by the operator during removal and rearrangement, without upper clamps, is 15 kg. The parameters of the line packed for operation are: 655 X 650 X 400mm (LxWxH).

Video: Block Making Equipment

Technology for the production of wall bricks and blocks, facing blocks, tiles and tiles by the non-firing method
Currently, reinforced concrete parts are successfully used in rural construction, which, as it were, overshadowed the traditional local materials, undeservedly forgotten, from time immemorial. But from local materials in the village they built, and are still building, strong, beautiful, warm, durable and absolutely environmentally friendly residential buildings and other buildings.
The goal that our design team has set for itself is to collect and connect old, proven technologies for the manufacture of building materials with new methods, technologies and equipment. The union of old and new technologies makes it possible to raise the quality of building materials to the highest high levels and mechanize their production. At the same time, competitive availability and low cost should be achieved. This is what we have achieved.
The proposed documentation is intended for citizens who experience difficulties in providing building materials for their own needs during the construction of a house, dacha, garage, outbuildings or for the establishment and development of a private, family or collective farm and farm, as well as for small business entrepreneurs who are going to engage in construction work or production of building materials.
DIRECT PRESSING - absolutely environmentally friendly production. Using this technology, it is possible to obtain building materials for various purposes: brick, road stone (paving stones), tiles, facing and paving slabs. The quality of the products is high and depends only on the quality of the punch and matrix: the surface is glossy, the strength, depending on the quantity and quality of the binder introduced into the mixture, is up to 600 kg/ We do not consider obtaining materials with high strength due to their uneconomical nature.
In the construction of buildings and structures of one-two-story line-up, the strength of bricks of the M30 brand is quite sufficient. So, calculations show that the M20 grade should support a masonry pillar (theoretically) up to 80 meters in height, but taking into account the heterogeneity of the masonry strength.
stability and safety margin. It is accepted that it is quite safe to build buildings up to two floors when laying walls 45 cm thick. When building three-story buildings, it is necessary to increase the wall thickness of the first floor to 66 cm.
The meaning of direct pressing is to press products with a minimum amount of moisture and high pre-compression.
At minimum required quantity moisture in the mixture, using a binder cement and pre-compression up to 5 kg / sq. cm, finished products have the ability to self-heat, i.e. drying is more intensive, and in a day the product matures for use in masonry. Complete natural drying ends in a week. The production of building materials by direct pressing of a semi-dry mixture has a consumption of binders (cement, lime) half as much as with vibration molding, and in most cases it can do without them. With vibration molding concrete mix must have a sufficient amount of water, otherwise its mobility will be insufficient, however, an excessive amount of water reduces the final strength of the products (closed circle), and we do without water.
Concrete products of the most economical recipe
for direct pressing (with respect to cement)
can be made according to the recommendation of the INTERBLOK system, which has gained popularity all over the world with "dry masonry", fine crushed stone - 10 parts, sand - 6 parts, cement M4Q0 - 1 part.
Products are ready for laying after a day of drying at a positive temperature. Strength - 30 kg/ Products can be used in the cool cycle: foundations, plinth, road paving, curbs, etc.

Cement-sand tile (or block):
sand - 10 parts,
cement - 1-3 parts.
The amount of cement available depends only on the required final strength and grade of cement. For the protective layer, it is desirable to adhere to a ratio of 10:2. Cement is taken grade M30G - M400.
Terrablocks (soil blocks) are prepared from soils with a clay content of not more than 10%. Unsuitable are: vegetation layer and silted soils. When using lean soils, clays are added for correction. The prepared mixture should have such a moisture content that a handful of the mixture clenched in a fist grabs into a lump, but does not get your hands dirty. When using fatty (with a high content of clay) soils, lean additives are added to correct the composition: sand, ash, slag.
Soil suitability is defined in different ways. If, for example, slopes and walls of ditches or deep ruts on dirt roads that are not overgrown with grass do not crumble, the soil is suitable for building walls or making wall blocks. If a pedestrian roads are not washed away by rain or clods of earth do not disintegrate on a shovel, this indicates the suitability of the soil.
The soil is also tested. They take a bucket without a bottom, put it on a flat floor or a flat, solid lining. Soil is poured into the bucket in layers of 10-12 centimeters, and each layer is rammed until the rammer starts to bounce.
Having thus filled the bucket with soil, it is lifted and overturned on a flat board. The resulting cone is protected from rain, wind and sun for 8-12 days. During this time, the cone should not warp or crack. If after two weeks the cone, falling from a height of one meter, does not break, this indicates high quality soil. The formation of cracks indicates that the soil is greasy; if the block crumbles, the soil is thin. Don't worry - everything is easily corrected.
Lean or sand, ash, slag, bonfire, straw chopped, shavings, reed fines are added to fatty soil. Clay is added to the lean soil. A small amount of small stones, crushed stone and organic impurities (up to 30%) does not reduce the quality of terrablocks. To lighten the soil and reduce its thermal conductivity, it is recommended to add a comforter - fibrous additives. The amount of insulation depends on the content of clay particles in the soil (see table on the next page).
Loess-like soils can also be used, but be sure to add up to 40% fine slag or up to 15% fluff lime to them. When lime is added, the initial strength after 20-30 years increases from 15 to 100-120 kg/
When preparing terrablocks according to the above recipes, they must pass natural drying. After two weeks of such drying, the strength of terrablocks will be more than 15-20 kg / sq. cm, but sensitivity to moisture will remain. Such blocks are best used in partitions.
Clay, percent Insulation, kg / 1 cubic meter of soil
straw cutting campfire chaff needles
10-15 to 4 to 4 to 3 to 6
15-20 5-8 5-8 3-5 6-10 I
20-30 g
8-10 8-10 5 8 10-15

To increase the strength and moisture resistance, additives can be introduced into the raw mixture: 3-8% of low-grade cement, or 15-20% of fluff lime, or 70-90 kg/m3 of peat chips per 1 m3 of soil. Peat crumb increases moisture resistance by 10 times, while the strength of the blocks does not decrease. The addition of cement to the mixture gives an increase in strength three times at once. The addition of lime to the soil increases the strength gradually, and in 15-20 years it can reach 100 kg/ or more, depending on the quality of the lime and the initial raw mix. When adding cements, the soil mass must be used no later than an hour after its preparation. The best results (in saving binder materials) when using direct pressing are given by additives in the raw mix of low-quality cement 2-4% or lime 5-7%. It should be borne in mind that the use of low-grade cement when adding mixtures is more justified for economic and technological reasons.
When using cement grade M300 and higher, it is desirable to lower its grade to M150 and lower by diluting it with slag dust, furnace ash or sand, which then goes into the mixture (for a more even distribution of it in the mixture). It is better to take slag dust from electrostatic precipitators - it has low binding properties and can completely replace cement, adding it 2-3 times more than low-grade cement.
The presence of water. With direct pressing technology, the prepared mixture should have a moisture content of 6-8%, despite its composition ("a compressed lump in a fist does not get dirty and does not crumble). At higher humidity, the mixture is mixed with a drier one of the same composition, followed by mixing until homogeneous conditions Water is not added - moisture in clay, soil.
History reference. The famous two-storey palace in the city of Gatchina, which is 180 years old, has survived several wars with bombing and shelling without acquiring a single crack. It was built from a monolithic soil mass, the composition of which can be used in the manufacture of terra blocks (composition in% by volume): gravel with a particle size of 3-7 mm - 4, sand - 58, dust ( shallow ground) - 20, clay - 18. Organic impurities were not added. Lime was added - up to 5% of the total mass.

Building blocks are a common material for the construction of structures for various purposes. They differ in size, constituent components, manufacturing method, but all are popular wall constructive material. Building blocks are manufactured in industrial conditions, in household also make concrete products and cinder blocks, which requires a DIY building block machine. According to the material of manufacture, these products are divided into the following types:

  • cinder concrete;
  • concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • fiber foam concrete;
  • polystyrene concrete.

Cinder blocks as a building material

Cinder block refers to standard concrete products, only instead of heavy gravel and crushed stone, an aggregate in the form of waste slag is used. Such a replacement gives the material lightness compared to concrete and additional thermal insulation properties, since slag compares favorably with heavy and dense crushed stone in terms of thermal conductivity.

The production of cinder blocks provides for the exact dosage of components in the solution, namely:

  • cement grade not lower than 400 or 500, one part (bucket) is taken;
  • quarry sand, 3 parts (buckets) are kneaded;
  • slag, burnt brick, expanded clay, this material is added in the amount of 5 parts (buckets);
  • water.

To obtain cinder blocks of the same quality as in the factory, a solution of medium viscous consistency is used. A liquid solution will reduce the strength of the blocks, and a thick one will create uncontrolled voids inside when solidified.

concrete blocks

Building blocks made of cement, sand and gravel are used for the construction of wall and other structures, if increased strength is required. The ratio of components for standard concrete is taken in the ratio of 1:3:6, other options for the concrete mixture are described in the builder's reference books and depend on the brand of cement used, the size of the aggregate and the type of sand.

Construction sawdust blocks

For erection residential buildings, dachas, cottages use light and warm wall material made of sawdust, sand and water. The binder in the solution is lime. The amount of material added to the solution changes the properties of the final product. An increase in the mass of sawdust leads to an increase thermal insulation properties, but contributes to a decrease in strength. With an increase in the amount of sand in the solution, an increase in strength occurs, while the frost resistance limit increases, which increases the operational properties of the material. Blocks are widely used in private housing construction as cladding for insulation of structures.

The main advantages of the blocks are the availability of materials and low price, long service life without destruction, environmental friendliness of the material, ease of production. A do-it-yourself building block plant is available to manufacture and is popular among home craftsmen. Sawdust concrete is different increased time drying, so several through holes are made inside the product to improve air intake.

The dimensions of sawdust blocks are not strictly regulated, their width is taken as a multiple of the wall thickness. If we talk about standard sizes, then the blocks are made according to the double thickness of the brick (140 mm - 65x2 + 10 cm). In the manufacture of sawdust stones, dry components are first mixed, then water is added, mortar mixers are used for work.

Aerated concrete building blocks

Their preparation includes a complex process of saturating the solution with gases, which is difficult to reproduce at home. Aerated concrete building blocks are distinguished by their lightness, high soundproofing, heat-insulating properties.

Fiber foam concrete products for masonry

Fiber foam concrete is essentially an environmentally friendly wall material containing sand, foam and cement. High-tech machines for building blocks spray foam in the mass of the solution, it forms uniform closed particles of space. To increase the strength of the blocks, manufacturers apply polyamide fiber reinforcement throughout the mass. Such wall material is very durable, does not rot, light and durable.

Blocks of their fiber foam concrete are produced in various sizes. For bearing walls use 20x30x60 cm, which weighs 22 kg. To build a brick wall of the same size, 18 stones will be required, they will weigh 72 kg. Blocks of smaller thickness (10 cm) are used in the construction of walls inside the building, partitions, they are used to insulate ceilings and walls. The thermal conductivity of fiber foam concrete is 2.7 times less than that of brick and 2 times less than that of slag concrete and shell rock.

The large size of the blocks reduces the use of cement-sand mortar for masonry by 20 times compared to building a wall of small-sized stones. Fiber foam concrete does not burn, when exposed to high temperatures does not change shape and does not emit harmful impurities when heated.

Polystyrene concrete blocks

The material belongs to the next variety of lightweight wall concrete blocks. It differs from standard concrete in the best operational qualities and reducing production costs. The innovative wall material surpasses all known lightweight concretes in terms of weight, even foam concrete is one and a half times heavier than it. Thanks to this indicator, houses are built without the usual massive foundation, and the cost of transporting material is reduced.

The production of styrofoam blocks involves the careful mixing of cement, sand, styrofoam particles and special additives to retain air in the total mass. Other physical characteristics material put it a step above the usual materials. Low water absorption and vapor permeability make expanded polystyrene concrete resistant to repeated freezing and thawing, which affects the durability of the structures being constructed. After the construction of walls from standard materials, a slight shrinkage occurs during the year. In the case of polystyrene blocks, such a time is not expected.

Installation for the production of building blocks with your own hands

For the manufacture of building structures use a special device that works on the principle of a vibration processor.

Such a vibrating machine or a vibrating table is designed independently. A do-it-yourself installation for the production of building blocks significantly reduces the cost of the blocks, respectively, and the walls of the house.

Solution preparation

The solution is prepared from sand, cement, water and aggregate, which are used as various materials, as written above. To check the consistency of the solution for fluidity, a small amount is thrown onto the ground. A high-quality mixture does not spread in watery streams; when squeezed in a fist, it sticks together into a lump.

The production of cinder blocks involves a thorough cleaning of slag from foreign debris; chips and unburned parts of coal are not allowed to enter the solution. Sometimes gypsum is added to the solution. In this case, three parts of slag and one part of gypsum are mixed, water is simultaneously introduced. This mortar is quickly used as the plaster hardens in minutes. Pre-slag before kneading is soaked with water. To improve the quality of products at the outlet, modern plasticizer additives are added to the solution. Their action increases the frost resistance, water resistance and mechanical strength of the blocks.

Depending on the purpose, two types of concrete blocks are made - solid and hollow. The former are used for building durable structures, load-bearing walls, foundations. The second type of blocks is used as a partition material, it isolates well from cold and extraneous sounds.

Production of concrete blocks without a vibrating table

Of the two technologies, the use wooden form, which is intended for the natural spreading of the solution without vibration, is in constant demand. The placement of the solution in the prepared form is carried out in several stages. First, the container is filled with a third of the solution, after which the walls of the mold are carefully tapped around the perimeter with a hammer for high-quality shrinkage of the concrete solution. In the next two stages, the solution is poured according to the original technology until the mold is filled. The manufacture of building blocks with voids involves a technique when two plastic bottles with water, which, after setting, remove it.

Forms are left for 2-5 days to dry. Then the blocks are carefully removed from the collapsible structure and laid out on pallets until completely dry. with this method of production, it is not required to purchase.

Of the tools and fixtures you will need: a sieve for sifting sand, forms for mortar, a trough for mixing or a concrete mixer, a hammer for tapping, a bucket, a shovel, a trowel, drying trays.

Method for making blocks using a vibrating machine

To do this, a vibration machine for cinder blocks is purchased or manufactured independently. A special form made of metal is installed on the plane of the machine, and the concrete mixture with slag aggregate is poured into it by one third. After that, the vibrating table is connected to the action for up to 20 seconds, which allows you to remove all unnecessary air bubbles from the solution, and the cement will get good shrinkage. The solution is poured into the mold three times. Blocks are removed from the mold in the same way as in the non-vibration manufacturing method.

The cinder block does not tolerate overdrying in hot weather in the open rays of the sun, so on hot days it is sprinkled with water and covered with oilcloth or cellophane so that moisture does not evaporate so actively. Formed, completely dried concrete blocks gain 100% strength on the 28th day, and after that they are ready for use in construction.

Features of the manufacture of cinder blocks

Forms are made independently, using metal or wood for this, boards take at least 190-200 mm in width. They are connected to a prefabricated structure, the side parts of which are detached for extraction. finished block. In the general design, no more than 6 cells for laying concrete are combined. Finished construction set on a dense waterproof material, such as oilcloth, forming the bottom of the form.

If wood is chosen as the material for the mold, then it is pre-treated with impregnations or primers to increase moisture resistance. Forms are made from dry wood. These conditions are met, otherwise, in the process of work, the tree will lead away from the water, and the geometric size of the block will change. The standard sizes of stones are 400x200x200 mm, but each private manufacturer makes blocks for his own construction.

For metal matrices, sheets with a thickness of no more than 3-4 mm are taken. When welding the structure, all welds are made from the outside so as not to round the corners of the block. The voids inside the cinder block are made using segments metal pipes suitable diameter, for example 80 mm. The distance between the pipes and the distance from the walls are controlled, the composition is welded with strips for rigidity and fixation.

If equipment is being made for the production of building blocks, then when attaching the vibrator to the table, after tightening the nuts, they are still slightly welded by welding. The motor must be closed with a protective casing made of any material from splashes of solution, water, dust.

Production technology of sawdust concrete blocks

Available materials are not pre-processed, but you can buy them at any hardware store, so they start making blocks of sand, lime and sawdust immediately after purchase. A concrete mixer or a mortar mixer is used to mix the mortar, since manually mixing wood waste difficult.

Dry sawdust, passed through a large sieve, is mixed with sand and cement. Lime or cooked clay dough is added to the solution. The resulting mixture is well mixed and only after that water is added, gradually pouring it in small portions. To determine the readiness of the solution, it is squeezed in the hand, after which fingerprints should remain on the lump, which indicates the correct proportions.

Before filling the molds with mortar, they are lined with a thin layer of sawdust. Internal holes in the blocks are made using wooden plugs about 70-80 mm in size, which are installed in the matrix before pouring the mortar. The material of the building blocks is tightly packed into the mold using a special rammer. The container is filled to the top and left to dry for three days. After the end of this period, the solution gains about 40% of the required strength.

The molds are dismantled, and the blocks are dried for another four days, after which the strength becomes 70% of the prescribed limit. Finished goods Transfer to trays and keep out of direct sunlight. Drying of blocks is faster if gaps are left between the products during storage. It is advisable to place pallets in a draft or use a fan for forced airflow.

Sawdust concrete blocks gain 100% strength after drying for 3 months, but they can be used after a month of airing. At this time, their strength is 90%.

Machine tools and equipment

To make the number of blocks necessary for construction, they purchase a ready-made vibroforming machine. The TL-105 brand is distinguished by good performance. And although its power is only 0.55 kW, it produces about 150 concrete blocks with different aggregates per hour. Its approximate cost on the market is approximately 42,800 rubles. Modern machine tool manufacturers produce many varieties of block machines with additional features. Prices for machine tools are different, and the cost of building blocks directly depends on this.

For small private construction, a 1IKS vibrating machine is suitable, it costs about 17,000 rubles, its power is only 0.15 kW, it produces such equipment 30 blocks per hour. When buying a machine, take into account the level of production of blocks for the needs of construction.

In conclusion, it should be noted that making building blocks with your own hands will save a lot of money on the production of products. The cost does not take into account wages that the employee is paid. Overhead and production costs, taxes and other deductions are not added to the cost of the block, therefore, making building material cheaper than a house.
