Opening a construction company from scratch step by step instructions. How to open a construction company from scratch: an example of a business plan

It is such that it will not work to start it without investments. Even if the newly minted entrepreneur is a jack of all trades and knows all the intricacies of these works, he will need money to buy a tool. And it costs a lot. It is futile to engage in such activities alone, so you will have to purchase equipment for the entire brigade. If you are thinking about how to start a construction business, then you need to consider and choose one of the following areas:

  • repair and finishing works of any level of complexity;
  • geodetic works;
  • construction of buildings and structures.

You can organize your business in two ways. The first option is to register as an individual entrepreneur and perform small amounts of work. In the second case, registration of an LLC is required. This is a more profitable option for the construction business, but it will require significant investments. For those who decide to test themselves as individual entrepreneur, it is recommended to pay attention to the provision of construction and finishing services frame houses. Today it is the most cost-effective way to organize a construction business. You can start it with a small amount, enough to buy yourself necessary tool: circulating and end saws, thickness gauge, screwdrivers, electric jigsaw, concrete mixer and numerous hand tools.

In the event that there is a desire to start a big business, it will be necessary to study all the features and difficulties of its formation. It takes a lot of effort to organize a construction business. The task is not easy, but doable.

How to start a construction company

  1. You need to start by registering an LLC (company with limited liability). In this case, it becomes possible to conclude contracts and make settlements with legal entities, which is not available to an individual entrepreneur.
  2. You will need to order and purchase stamps and forms, open an account in one of the banks. You need to put a certain amount of money on it, which from now on will be called the authorized capital.
  3. An important and mandatory step will be joining the SRO - a self-regulatory organization of builders. According to the current Russian legislation, each firm engaged in this kind of activity must be a member of it. If this requirement is ignored, then only one type of activity will be available: cosmetic repairs and finishing works. But for their implementation, individual entrepreneurship is enough.
  4. To join the SRO, you will need constituent documents and building certificates, which are proof of the organization's compliance with the required parameters. Registration of certificates is a labor-intensive, time-consuming and costly task. In addition to the fact that it will be necessary to bypass many instances, it will be necessary to collect a lot of documents. Building certification is voluntary, but a lot depends on it, because the legislator is sure that only a certificate can become a guarantor of the quality of services and materials that a company intends to provide or produce.
  5. Within a month, an application for joining the SRO will be considered, and after its approval, full-fledged activities can begin.

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Financial investments

The specifics of the construction business is that all initial large-scale investments will be mothballed for some time, that is working capital are in some period at the stage of unfinished projects, but after the order is completed, a solid return is obtained. A competent manager must take into account this feature of his business in order to ensure the payment of monthly salaries to his workers and office staff from the reserve fund for the duration of the work under the contract. At present, according to labor law, delay in payments to workers is punishable by substantial fines.

  • start-up capital;

To acquire it, there are only two ways: either invest your own money in the business, or attract investors. But in order to interest them, you need an accurate and detailed business plan which guarantees the profitability of the enterprise. The construction business, despite the fact that it ranks third in terms of profitability among all other activities, is still quite a risky business. Therefore, if there is no own money, it would be wiser to draw up a business plan and try to find investors before starting to register an LLC.

  • a short list of investments and approximate amounts:
  1. Purchase of special equipment - 10,000,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of equipment and tools - 1,000,000 rubles.
  3. Advertising, taxes, transportation costs - 250,000 rubles.
  4. Office, production and storage facilities- 300,000 rubles.

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Recruitment and advertising

Competent and executive staff is the key to success in any type of business. Specialists for leadership positions It is better to look at employment agencies. They check recommendations from previous jobs, conduct testing and a preliminary interview. They will also give advice regarding a particular applicant. This greatly facilitates the selection of personnel for the newly minted company. Workers can be invited through advertisements in the press and on television. Young professionals should not be ignored either. Their inexperience is more than offset by the desire for career growth and gaining high income. Often, they are the ones who lead the company to the orbit of success.

Simultaneously with the recruitment of staff, an advertising campaign should be launched. To make yourself known, you need to use all its types: booklets, leaflets and banners, videos on TV and sound on the radio, ads in newspapers and the Internet, rental of advertising posters on public transport and others. How competently this campaign will be carried out depends on how many customers will apply for the services you provide. Therefore, it is perhaps the most important moment in the formation of the company. Specialists - advertising managers will help organize the promotion of services on the market.

The construction business in Russia is booming and the outlook for the future is positive. The payback period for initial investments in construction has been reduced to an incredible value for the industry in 1 year. Profitability of an experienced construction company of 100% is quite real, and even a beginner in a subsidized region can count on 40%. So many businessmen, having accumulated enough capital to start (about 15,000,000 rubles), are thinking: how to open construction company?

But first you need to figure out if such bright prospects are fiction? It turns out not. Paradoxically, the burden of the past contributes to the development of construction in Russia.

Going with five-year steps towards the great bright future of the USSR, there was no time for such philistine trifles as a family of 4, waiting for 15 years two-room apartment, and in the dashing 90s, which actually stretched to the 10s, there was no time for fat at all, if I were alive. Now the housing issue is one of the most acute, and a lot of housing is needed.

The flourishing of construction in Russia is due to global, strategic reasons. Builders can count on favorable market conditions for a long time. No matter how the situation inside the country and international changes, in Russia there is still building and building.

How to enter the construction business?

First of all, construction is not for dummies. For a minimum start, you must be at least a skilled construction worker and own a PC. If you fully understand what a load diagram, material moisture absorption or paint hiding power are, then you might think: how to open a construction company and where to start?

Construction is a developed, complex industry and there are no “just construction companies”. In general, construction companies are classified as follows:

  • Architectural and design firms.
  • General contractors.
  • Subcontractors-specialists.
  • Subcontractors-suppliers.

Architects and designers are the elite of builders. Experience and qualifications are not enough here, talent is also needed. As a rule, a good architect has degree. Although architects do not invest in technology, materials and equipment and do not keep work teams, there is nothing for a beginner to do here. A naive neophyte will simply not be accepted into the SRO (see below).

General contractors are "cool" bison who know the business to the subtleties and are able to perform any kind of construction works: from cosmetic repairs apartments in "Khrushchev" before the construction of skyscrapers. There are no newcomers here either. In addition to very large initial investments and experience, we need a large number of reliable and conscientious workers (and this is the No. 1 construction problem worldwide) and a fleet of equipment.

A subcontractor-specialist either really specializes in certain types of work - say, plumbing or electrical power and signal communications - for the general contractor, or, formally specializing, for example, in repairs, also performs the entire range of construction work, but on a small scale.

Here, for a beginner in the construction business (but not in construction technology), immense opportunities open up. It is only necessary to assemble an intelligent, not drunk and not thieving, team of 5 specialists: a bricklayer, a painter-plasterer, a tiler-finisher, a plumber and an electrician.

The fact is that with the current construction boom, at least an average general contractor has a queue of orders, and they try to take them in major cities: it’s easier to turn around with materials, you don’t need to drive equipment far and pay workers travel allowances. Yes, and orders in large centers are most often large, profitable.

But to the outback, where rural and regional owners have money, and which also wants to be comfortable and civilized, hands often do not reach. The construction industry cannot be remade so easily, and in the USSR, construction was focused on the “construction of the century,” so the small-scale construction structure in Russia is still in its infancy. If you know how and want to build, there is where to apply your efforts and get a decent return.

A subcontractor-supplier must also know a lot about construction and can earn a good income, but in essence he is no longer a builder, but a specialist trader, so consideration of this activity is beyond the scope of this article.

Therefore, the answer to the question: “how to open a construction company from scratch?” will be like this - to become a subcontractor-specialist. Now let's see how to do it step by step.

Preparing for a debut in construction

To establish your own construction company, construction education and work skills are not enough. You need a constructive worldview and a positive psychological attitude. For those who have their own hut on the edge, and he is the master in it, and no one orders him, and he will not listen to anyone anyway, it is better not to count on success in the construction business.

Construction is essentially a collective activity. Let us remember how Robinson suffered alone, at least over his hut with a fence. And construction is a responsible business. The very life of the people in it directly depends on the quality of the building. Formal compliance with SNiPs (building codes and regulations) is not enough for high-quality construction, you need to think about the people who are here long years live and work.

If you feel that you are endowed with the necessary moral character, you can start forming a team.


Personnel in construction is everything. A conscientious skilled construction worker is one of the most needed professions in the world. In the leading construction powers of the world - the USA and Japan - foremen complain in their blogs: "Everywhere workers are like workers, they work and receive wages, but our materials are stolen and drunk."

Construction workers are not trash at all. It's just that at a construction site it is difficult to establish the same accounting and control as in production, and one black sheep spoils the whole herd. At a large construction site with a personnel reserve, an unscrupulous worker can be quickly identified, reasoned with or expelled from the team, but a small enterprise, having lost a specialist, can disrupt the order and be on the verge of collapse.

Therefore, without having assembled a workable team in advance, it is not worth getting down to business. Moreover, the team should consist of qualified specialists, preferably with vocational education. Beginners without qualifications with training in the process of work can be taken later, as the business expands. You should also be careful with the craftsmen - "Kulibins".

The market economy does not tolerate long-term construction of the Soviet type. The modern specialist, having become workplace, must, starting from the very first shift, consistently produce the norm with the proper quality. In construction, the requirements for personnel are tightened by the fact that construction, as already mentioned, is a responsible matter, and the responsibility of the builder stretches for years. Cracks or biting biting went along the walls, not to mention the collapse - this is not a microwave that burned down after repair.

Relationships with colleagues

All builders in any competition have to interact with each other in professional field- when linking to master plans, for interconnecting architecture, coordinating projects, connecting to communications, etc.

Therefore, inform your colleagues in advance about your plans, about what niche you have found for yourself, what work you plan to do. There is no point in hiding: they are not building a stone pillar in the middle of the desert. Jumping out suddenly, like a devil out of a box, you risk not only standing across the throat of the rest, but also entering into conflict with government agencies, because the development is not carried out randomly, but under the strict control of the law.

The risk that your niche will be filled faster than you is minimal - potential competitors also need to assemble a team and decide on a circle of customers, but you have already done this.


It is also advisable to discuss your plans with one of the local general contractors who, in your opinion, are the most trustworthy. The conversation should be conducted in the following vein: “There is a complex team, here and there - a breakthrough, I want to start my own business.”

Most likely, you will immediately be offered the position of foreman or foreman with a very decent salary. If you insist: “No, we want to work for ourselves, but we can give a share for support at the start,” then you will almost certainly get an answer: “Okay, get registered, we will help with money, equipment and materials.”

It is possible that the general contractor will not have free funds, but if necessary, you will certainly agree on the rental of equipment and receive recommendations from reliable and profitable suppliers. In any case, if it doesn't work out here, you can try with another one.

It is better to negotiate as soon as the frosts hit. Most general contractors, in order to pay workers less for winter conditions, in the summer they intensify the work, and by the winter they take off the profit. By spring, free funds are invested in the new season.

Starting a business

Having solved all the preliminary questions, you need to draw up papers for the company. It is not free, whether you have found an investor or not, so along the way we will figure out how much it costs to open a construction company at a minimum.

First step: registration

We register in the tax as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. easier and cheaper, but then you won’t be able to perform work for legal entities and government agencies, so it’s better right away.

In practice, registration, as well as the creation of a company website, without which the SRO will most likely not be accepted, is entrusted to intermediary lawyers and a webmaster. Of course, they need to be paid, but by running around with papers on your own, you will eat more for yourself. Registration, along with the creation of a simple site based on a template, costs 10,000 - 25,000 rubles. including state duty, depending on local rates.

Now you need to join a self-regulatory organization - SRO.

Second stage: SRO

Construction licensing has now been abolished. Construction specialists and specialists in related specialties (geologists, surveyors, divers, roofers, explosives, etc.) themselves determine who can work on construction, earthworks, preliminary geological surveys, etc. These people, practicing businessmen themselves and specialists working in their field, make up the SRO. Until you are a member of the SRO, you cannot build anything.

To join the SRO, you need to submit three packages of documents:

  • An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a notarized copy of the certificate of registration of the enterprise and tax registration, the Charter of the company and an extract from the decision of the meeting of founders that appointed you as the head.
  • Copies of senior diplomas. Without higher or secondary specialized education in the profile, you can only count on minor repairs and finishing work.
  • Copies work books, labor agreements and contracts, certificates of advanced training - to confirm seniority and therefore experience. For high-altitude fitters, you still need an expired certificate - permission to work with a mark on passing a medical examination. For electricians - also not an expired certificate with a group of access to electrical installations and a mark on the medical board.

In addition, all SROs require management business cards with contact details.

The entrance fee to the SRO ranges from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles. depending on the local situation, and it is immediately necessary to replenish the compensation fund of the SRO by about 300,000 rubles. Another 10,000 rubles. will make a fee to the notary and the first monthly membership fee to the SRO.

In total, the procedure for opening a construction company will cost 330,000 - 360,000 rubles.

Many SROs, especially in regions with developed construction, require candidates for membership to have a business plan with specific data on local conditions, including production plan for the first year. When compiling it, you can take as a basis the business plan of a construction company according to aggregated indicators.

Enlarged business plan for a small construction company

Since the success of negotiations with investors depends not only on you, we consider their results to be zero. Agree on the initial "infusions" - well, pay off faster and get on your feet. But to calculate the start, it is better to proceed from the worst.

So the initial cost is:

  • Purchase and rental of special equipment, design work, geological and geodetic surveys - 12,000,000 rubles.
  • The cost of tools and overalls - 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Payment for office rent - 150,000 rubles / year.
  • Travel and hospitality expenses - 200,000 rubles / year.
  • Membership fees to SROs, advertising events, website promotion - 100,000 rubles per year.

Total initial expenses 13,450,000 rubles.

To calculate income and payback period, we take the average statistical value of the profitability of a small construction business in the Russian Federation. In megacities, the profitability of even a small construction company can be 100%, but there “everything is under control” and it is difficult for a beginner to take root.

In the subsidized outback, you can count on 25-30% profitability. There are also enough orders there, but you will have to travel a lot and drive equipment far.

On average, in the Russian Federation, the distribution of profitability construction organizations depending on local conditions, it has a slight asymmetry with a maximum at a value of 60%. This gives a payback period of 20 months, but keep in mind that winter period drops out to a large extent. Then the payback period is 2 years, and the average monthly income is 560,000 rubles.

As you can see, the construction business is expensive and difficult at the start, but it provides consistently high profitability in the long run. By opening a construction company, you will be confident in your well-being and will know that you are engaged in one of the most worthy human deeds. And the time will come to sum up - you can not care about the monument. There will be many of them - all that you have built.

Every year, hundreds of people around the country glue wallpaper, build houses, lay floors and change plumbing. They are not able to perform most of these works on their own, as a result of which they invite masters. If you look at the scale, the idea of ​​investing your money in the construction business seems very attractive. The construction business is a very profitable, but rather difficult to implement enterprise that requires maximum professionalism and dedication, because customers trust only the best. How to start a construction business, how to act to achieve its maximum efficiency - read below.

Business characteristics

Before starting a construction business from scratch, it is necessary to clearly outline the scope of its responsibilities, goals and means.

In the first place, such companies usually have a profit that is sufficient to cover and cover the costs. In addition, the company provides a service to the state, providing the population with jobs, training, and sometimes even accommodation. This leads to a decrease in the unemployment rate and an increase in the number of highly qualified specialists in the construction business.

A high percentage of payback of the enterprise is provided by a wide range of services. Before organizing a construction business, outline the range of your opportunities.

It can be:

  • Interior and exterior design services;
  • Finishing or cosmetic repair services;
  • Floor laying;
  • Wallpapering and preparatory work;
  • Development architectural projects and drawings;
  • Plumbing installation;
  • Work of electricians and other services.

Except directly repair work can be carried out free consultations, estimate the cost, draw up individual schedules that are convenient for the client.

Work usually takes several stages:

  • Negotiations with a potential employer;
  • Departure to the place for inspection and measurements of the apartment;
  • Drawing up budgets;
  • Signing contracts;
  • Purchase of materials;
  • Direct repair.

Legal registration

When the rough sketches of the goals and characteristics of the firm are made, it's time to move on to the calculation of funds. How to open a construction business from scratch without calculating financial investments and distributing them point by point? No way.

If opening a construction company is a done deal, get registered.

Register your business as an LLC.

What should be done?

  • Come up with a company name;
  • Find a premise (the office of the company will be located at this address);
  • Availability of authorized capital;
  • The presence of founders;
  • Permission to carry out certain types of construction activities (house design, construction, engineering work).
  • A number of documents will also be required, for example, copies of passports, address legal entity, information about authorized capital and functions of the firm. To avoid paperwork, you can hire lawyers who will draw up all the documents and charge up to $ 100 for it. You can also purchase a ready-made registered company with a package of documents.
  • In addition, you need to join a self-regulatory organization, since without membership in this body, any type of construction work other than cosmetic repairs is prohibited at the legislative level.

Start-up capital

Room search

Most often, construction companies work "on the road", that is, employees do not sit in the office, but come directly to the place of work. The only space you need is an office. There will be meetings with clients, calculation of employees. Bookkeeping, documentation, electronic databases, drawings, estimates will also be stored there. Renting an office will cost an entrepreneur 5-10 thousand dollars.

A word of advice: do not start a construction business in the capital or big city. The competition in this business is very high and even a well-structured and very responsible company will find it difficult to squeeze into this market.

Purchase or rental of equipment

Purchasing equipment may seem like the most expensive item in your business plan. How to start a construction business if you do not have cranes, excavators and other necessary and useful things? It is quite real, because they will not always be required. In order not to buy too much, use leasing (simply renting equipment). Instead of purchasing crane, you can rent it for a certain type of work, and then return it when you don't need it. And in the same way, you can rent out your equipment if you have purchased it and it is idle.


By the beginning of the work of the company, almost everything is ready. But before you open a construction business, you need to recruit a team. The selection of labor resources requires a responsible approach: there is always a chance to run into irresponsible people. It is best to take one representative of all types of work performed by the company and entrust these people with the collection of work teams.

You will need the following employees:

  1. Director;
  2. Designer;
  3. Driver;
  4. Security guard;
  5. Workers-specialists in construction and repair;
  6. Architect and designer;
  7. Programmer;
  8. Accountant;
  9. lawyers and economists.

Employee salaries are negotiable. On average, they are about $400 and up.

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Promotion of the company can be not only a booklet or billboard. You promote yourself and achieve fame, including through tenders, interaction with the state and other companies. Establishing strong partnerships will have a very good effect on your status and fame. Well, standard advertising measures - commercials on TV and on the Internet, a website, booklets, promotions. The main thing is to use every opportunity.

In general, the construction business is characterized by high competition, complexity in organization and high costs. It is advisable to start if you have already worked in any other types of business. best advice how to develop a construction business will be the organization of its work in several directions at once.

Construction business from scratch profitable investment of money. It is worth saying that today many people dream of opening their own business, which can bring good profit. And therefore, some people need to pay attention to the business idea of ​​a construction business without investment. Construction is considered the most modern commerce, which will always develop and bring good profits. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the nuances of this case and trace its features.

How to Start a Construction Business: Business Features

Let's now answer the question of how to start a construction business from scratch without money. So, like any commercial enterprise The construction business is divided into several categories.

  1. The field of civil engineering.
  2. The field of road construction.
  3. The sphere of industrial construction of buildings.

Construction company services can also be divided into two types - these are basic services and additional services. The main construction works include the construction of:

  • residential buildings,
  • warehouses,
  • baths.

Also, the main works include: installation, dismantling of buildings and repair of premises.

Additional services include leasing equipment and personnel. This category also includes the sale building materials and paid training for employees of other similar companies.

To start a construction business, follow these steps. So, it is necessary:

  1. Make a clear and competent business plan.
  2. Complete all registration documents.
  3. Collect all the necessary papers.
  4. Purchase inventory, machinery and equipment.

Also, the success of this business depends on qualified personnel. Therefore, it is worth choosing competent and skillful workers. In addition, it must be said that a successful existence depends on finding new customers. It follows that the search for customers also needs to be given a lot of time and attention.

You probably realized that it is important to devote a lot of time and maximum attention to compilation. Why is it worth doing this? Yes, all because it will help to competently organize a company and get a loan from a bank.

It is important to include information about the liabilities and assets of your own firm in your business plan. Also in this paper it is worth writing down methods that will increase and multiply profits. In general, with the help of a business plan, you will not only answer the question of how to start a construction business, but also calculate the profit of your business.

Advantages and disadvantages of the construction business

The most important advantage of such activity will be considered - a good income. The profitability of the construction business is on average 50% or 70%. It is worth noting that this result is considered impressive. Such figures cannot be obtained from other commercial activities. In addition, such a business pays off within a year, and this is very pleasant.

To open a construction business from scratch, you need to have start-up capital available. In addition, it is necessary to hire qualified and conscientious personnel who will perform their duties with high quality.

Like any other commercial activity the construction business has its pitfalls as well as some problems. Now it is worth listing the most famous nuances of such a case.

Difficulties with entering the market can simply reduce profits. To avoid this, you should hire experienced builders and other workers who will help give your company an impeccable reputation in the shortest possible time. A good reputation is the key to success.

Serious difficulties may arise for those firms that have registered relatively recently and have not yet entered a large market. In this case, problems may arise with obtaining a loan. And all because reputable banks do not issue loans to start-ups due to the fact that they are unsure of their stability. Therefore, in order to get a loan, a novice entrepreneur should offer the bank a clear business plan and information about significant assets.

You should also not forget about high level competition in this area of ​​business. Therefore, to be successful, your customers need to provide good benefits for cooperation.

How to start a construction business without investment: Financial component

If you want to learn how to start a construction business? This post is made especially for you. So, in order for your company to develop well over many years of activity, you need to keep proper accounting. Indeed, without the correct calculation of costs and profits, it is difficult to maintain a stable business development and make smart investments.

An important condition in the organization of such a business is the implementation of constant and impressive financial investments. Also, success can bring the retention of money at the stages of unfinished construction. If you comply with the above conditions, you can always get a good profit.

The construction business is a costly business. Financial resources will have to be spent on the purchase of:

  • construction equipment,
  • special technology.

As you can see, such an activity will require a good start-up capital and professional approach. However, the initial costs can be reduced if special equipment is rented. The money saved is best spent on an advertising campaign. It should be noted that it is on advertising that many people spend a lot of money. cash. Therefore, it is best to prepare for such waste in advance.

Collection of documentation

Each construction company should have the following set of documentation. So, you need to get:

  • a document that confirms state registration;
  • a document that confirms registration with the tax service;
  • company charter;
  • company seal and statistical codes;
  • business decision.

In order to obtain an IP, you must also submit the following documents:

  1. A building permit issued by local authorities.
  2. Engineering license.
  3. License for the design of structures and buildings.

How to start a construction business: Personnel

If you have created your construction business from scratch, you will have to hire qualified and competent personnel. The reputation and profitability of the company depends on the quality of the work of the staff. Therefore, in this article, you need to provide a list of positions. So, in your construction company you will have to accept:

  • supply manager,
  • designer,
  • personnel inspector,
  • architect,
  • lawyer,
  • accountant,
  • foreman.

If you are planning to open a small firm, then the entire staff of the brigade will consist of four people. It is also important to consider that half of the workers must have higher education. Without this point, it will be difficult to obtain a license.

To provide your company with good performance, you need to provide all your employees necessary equipment and construction equipment. At the same time, construction equipment and special technical means should be in good condition and comply with all safety requirements. To get success from such a business, you need to choose an expensive, but quality tool, which can be operated for more than one year.

How to attract customers

For the successful development of the construction business, you need not only to be able to win your own group of regular customers. It is worth saying that in this business it is necessary to be able to attract new consumers. If you accomplish this task, you can expand the capabilities of your enterprise. Moreover, new customers will help to reach new level development.

Aspiring entrepreneurs can use the following ways to find customers. So, you need:

  1. Build your own database of potential customers.
  2. Start self-development of the site in order to sell the property on the market in the future. At the same time, you can sell not only upon completion of the construction process, but also on initial stage.
  3. You can get new customers after winning the state trend.


Now you know how to start a construction business without major investment. You will definitely like the tips in this article. After all, they are the most up-to-date recommendations that will help you open a business at the very a short time get a significant profit from it.

Detailed instructions for opening a profitable and successful construction company. How to register a company, what services can be offered, how to look for customers for construction and how to promote the company. What are the pitfalls of such a business and what are its advantages.

The construction business has been and remains one of the most profitable. And, despite the high competition, there will be enough space in the market for everyone - already established companies and young firms.

As practice shows, there are many construction organizations, but the demand for their services is greater than the supply. After all, many companies need administrative buildings, warehouses, workshops, garages, shops and other facilities. People need private houses, baths, various buildings and garages. Services for the repair and decoration of premises are in constant demand. Therefore, even a young company will not be left without work.

The organization of a construction company does not have any serious difficulties. And how to open and register such a company will be described in detail below.

Buying a ready-made company is the fastest way to open a construction company

If you do not want to go through all the stages of the formation of a new company, opened from scratch, then the most the best option will buy a ready-made construction company.

Buying a company requires going through the following steps:

  • Conclusion of a formal contract of sale between the current and future owner of the company.
  • Appointment of a new CEO of the company.
  • Obtaining ready-made documents: the charter of the company, certificates of registration and registration with the tax service, the decision to establish a company, the necessary statistical codes (Goskomstat, OKVED, etc.), seal.

Buying a company should be done with caution. In particular, be sure to make sure that the founder of the acquired company real person, and not a fictional person who exists only for founding documents. It is very easy to face scammers and lose money, but it is difficult or even impossible to get it back.

It is also worth noting that the registration and re-registration of all papers is already included in the cost of the company and you do not need to pay separately for such procedures.

Opening a new construction company from scratch

If the purchase option is not suitable, then best solution will be the creation of a new company from scratch and on your own. In this case, you can independently choose the scope of the company and the list of services.

To open a construction company you need:

  • Decide on the scope of activity and the list of services.
  • Calculate initial investment.
  • Register a company and get permits.
  • Buy the necessary equipment.
  • Hire the necessary professionals.

These and others important points will be discussed in detail below.

Choosing the field of activity of the future company

What can a construction company do? There are three main activities:

  1. Industrial engineering.
  2. Road construction.
  3. Civil Engineering.

Among the additional services it is worth noting:

  • Rent construction equipment, equipment or tools.
  • Production of building materials.
  • Sale of building materials.
  • Training in construction trades, holding seminars or organizing other possible thematic events(exhibitions, presentations, etc.).
  • Sale of projects of private houses.

Determination of the initial capital for the organization of the company

The starting capital figure can only be obtained by calculation. For clarity, below is a list of possible costs.

So, to open a construction company you will need:

  • 10 million rubles for the purchase of special equipment
  • 1 million rubles for the purchase of building tools
  • 300 thousand rubles for rent of office and premises
  • 200 thousand rubles for advertising, transport and tax expenses
  • 100 thousand rubles on the wages 4-5 specialists.

As you can see, the costs are significant. And if possible, it is better to find an investor who is ready to invest in a future construction company. To do this, it is enough to develop a detailed business plan with specific numbers.

You can also reduce costs by renting the equipment you need for the work.

If you plan to open a construction company that will specialize only in finishing work, then the costs will be slightly different, and in particular:

  • 200 thousand rubles for the purchase of tools and materials
  • 30 thousand rubles for advertising
  • 500 thousand rubles for the purchase of transport for the transportation of tools, materials and specialists
  • 35 thousand rubles for payroll contributions

In this case, the costs will be covered even faster, due to the high demand for finishing work among organizations and the population.

What are the potential challenges you will face

Before moving on to registering a company, it is worthwhile to clearly understand what difficulties you may encounter at the initial stage and in the future.

So, in the first couple, you should not expect large and serious orders. You will have to work with small orders, since for serious projects you need to earn a positive reputation and build more than one object of high quality. No one will entrust serious work to a novice company, as this is a risk.

“Everything must be comprehended from the simple to the complex. Starting from small objects, you can come to large and very large objects. Because the experience of the team is being gained.”

Dmitry Lapshov - CEO construction company

The second difficulty is the need for large financial investments in the organization of the construction business. Here you will need to either look for money on your own, take loans, or attract investors. The last one needs some serious work.

The third difficulty is very high competition. Therefore, in the beginning, you will need to focus only on a specific area and find a unique approach to customers in order to stand out in the market. Again this difficult task but very real.

The high cost of membership in the SRO is also a certain difficulty in running a construction business. However, if the firm does small projects, then membership is optional.

How to register a construction company and obtain permits

Now directly about the registration of the company and obtaining the necessary package of documents, building permits and further activities.

Company registration

The optimal form of ownership for a construction company is LLC (Limited Liability Company). For registration you will need:

  • Application for registration of the sample established by the state;
  • Information about the organization (for individual entrepreneurs, only the passport data of the entrepreneur will be required);
  • Company charter;
  • Agreement on the share distribution of funds between the founders of the company.
  • Get tax code enterprises;
  • Register with the State Statistics Committee;
  • Get an extract from the USR;
  • Choose a taxation system (general or simplified).

Collection of permits

To obtain permits, you should visit the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES. Obtaining a building permit will cost about 600 thousand rubles.

Also, the firm will be issued a license for structural design services and permission to carry out engineering surveys.

In general, it will take up to 3 million rubles to obtain all the documents.

Joining the SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization of Builders)

Joining the SRO is a mandatory event. A construction company operating without permission from the SRO is punishable by a fine of 5 thousand rubles. and more.

Each member of the SRO is required to pay contributions, the amount of which depends on the region. So, for example, the compensation fund for deductions is 400 thousand rubles per year. Naturally, not every company, and especially at the initial stage, has the opportunity to pay such fees. But some companies can work without membership in the SRO. These organizations include:

  • Firms dealing with interior decoration and renovation of premises or facades.
  • Firms engaged exclusively in the installation of windows and doors.

SRO is not needed even if the company will be engaged in the construction of buildings with a height of no more than 3 floors or an area of ​​​​less than 1500 square meters. m., single-family houses and not exceeding ten residential blocks.

On the choice of equipment and staff recruitment

Scroll necessary equipment directly depends on the scale of the company and the list of construction works performed.

So, for example, a large firm will need to buy large-sized equipment and construction equipment.

A small company can rent or lease equipment, as it is more profitable than, for example, a loan. You can also save money by purchasing used equipment. The main thing here is that the seller has documents for this equipment.

As for the staff, the first thing to do is to hire:

  • Procurement and personnel officer;
  • Architect, designer and foreman;
  • Secretary and accountant;
  • Programmer and lawyer.

For the formation of construction teams, workers will be required:

  • Painters and plasterers;
  • Electricians and plumbers;
  • Bricklayers and roofers;

Workers need to be recruited only for specific work that the construction company will offer.

“To open a construction company, you need to be close to some kind of work in construction. That is, in any case, you must know some technological cycles, some materials and understand that these works must be completed with the proper quality and on time.

Accordingly, you must be able to do something in construction. Or you must have close people who understand construction.

Mikhail Ryabukha - entrepreneur, founder of RusAlpStroy

Search for orders: where and how to look for them

Ways to receive orders

There are 3 ways to receive construction orders:

  1. Participation in the tender. Click here to apply for the competition. However, before submitting it, it is better to study in detail future project, because if this is a large construction, then no one will entrust it to a young and unknown company.
  2. Subcontract. Here it is necessary to agree with construction company engaged in some major construction. She will transfer part of the work to a subcontractor.
  3. Cooperation. In this case, a cooperation agreement is concluded with a company engaged in the construction of new buildings. That is, one company will build houses, and the second will make repairs in apartments, on landings and in other premises.

Ways to attract customers

To attract customers, you can use one of the most effective tools - word of mouth. It is enough to find friends who are ready to order services and leave a review. It is possible even at the initial stage to carry out work at prices lower than those of competitors, but at the same time maintaining good quality.

Satisfied with the end result and low price, customers will recommend the company to their friends and will gladly leave reviews or provide letters of thanks.

How to advertise and promote a construction company

To promote a new company, it is worth using all possible advertising tools. These include:

  • Own website on the Internet. It is better to order it from webmasters and not create it in free services, as this will have a bad effect on the image of the company. Moreover, it is difficult to achieve at least some results from a site developed with the help of a free constructor.
  • Leaflets and announcements. It is better to distribute them among new areas where a large number of new buildings. So you can get a lot of orders for apartment renovation.
  • Internet advertising. In this case, we mean the promotion of the company with the help of contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google.Adwords.
  • Cooperation with shops. Enough near the cash desks of construction or furniture stores leave company business cards. In such places, the target audience of a construction company is concentrated daily.
  • Ads in private sectors. The usual posting of announcements in the villages will give good flow customers for the construction of residential country houses or other buildings (baths, garages, sheds, etc.).

On the advantages and disadvantages of business

In conclusion, it is worth considering a few more points - the pros and cons of a construction company.

The advantages include a good profitability - an average of 75%, and a return on investment in 1-1.5 years. Such a business is stable and brings good profits.

Of the minuses, only very high competition can be distinguished. In a competitive struggle, it is often necessary to underestimate prices, but at the same time always do everything with high quality and on time. Although after the company becomes famous, you can start bending your pricing policy.
