What air humidity is considered normal in an apartment - the importance of the parameter and its standards. Comfortable air humidity in the apartment: methods of increasing and decreasing

The article discusses in detail such a concept as air humidity in an apartment: the norm of this indicator for residential premises for various purposes, prescribed by GOST, the consequences for a person resulting from deviations from the norm in one direction or another. The text describes alternative ways measurements of moisture levels and intended for this, as well as recommendations for maintaining optimal climatic conditions.

Humidity in the apartment: normalwater content for comfortable living conditions

The optimal level of air humidity is one of the components that provide comfortable climatic conditions for human habitation. Moreover, each of the rooms, depending on its purpose, has its own microclimate. Most often, people care about the temperature and quality of the air masses in the house, forgetting about this indicator. But it is the number of water (steam) molecules in the composition of air that affects the perception of temperature by the human body, the safety of the situation in the room and the condition of plants.

Note! The generally accepted average of normal air humidity in an apartment should be at the level of 45%. It may vary depending on the type of premises and its operating conditions.

Deviation from the norm is possible, both in the winter season and in the warm period. In both cases, a lack or excess of moisture leads to a deterioration in human health, the condition of plants and damage to furniture, finishes, etc.

What should be the humidity in the apartment (average indicators for the main premises):

Room typeHumidity level, %
Dining room40-60
Bathroom, kitchen40-60
Library and work area30-40

Rooms such as the kitchen, bathroom and toilet will always have elevated level moisture, so the standard for these rooms is higher than for other rooms.

What are the consequences of a deviationfrom humidity standards in the apartment: dry air

When the batteries turn on, the air in the rooms becomes dry. As a result, the residents irritate the mucous membrane of the throat and nasal cavity. Drying of hair and skin is observed. If the humidity norm is violated in a residential area, static electricity is generated, which raises dust particles into the air. This process can be the basis for the spread of germs and dust mites.

Excessive dryness of the room entails many negative consequences:

  • decrease in elasticity skin, nails and hair - as a result of this, dermatitis, peeling, microcracks and premature wrinkles appear;
  • drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes - redness, unpleasant itching and sensation of foreign bodies ("sand");
  • blood thickens - because of this, the circulation of blood flow slows down, a person develops weakness, headaches. There is a decrease in efficiency, the heart is subjected to increased stress and wears out faster;
  • the viscosity of intestinal and gastric juice increases - work digestive system slows down significantly

  • dryness of the respiratory tract - as a result, local immunity is weakened, the likelihood of colds and infectious diseases increases;
  • air quality is declining - air masses concentrate a large number of allergens, which, at the norm of indoor air humidity, are bound by water particles.

Note! Plants and animals that are close to the apartment suffer from a lack of moisture. Reduced service life wooden furniture and finishes, they fade, become covered with cracks.

What are the consequences of exceeding the norm of humidity in the room

An excess of water can also be dangerous for humans, so many people wonder what air humidity is considered normal in an apartment and how to keep climatic conditions within this indicator. The increased content of water vapor in the room becomes an excellent breeding ground for fungi, mold and harmful bacteria.

In such conditions, many problems arise:

  1. The frequency and severity of respiratory diseases increase - diseases such as bronchitis, runny nose, allergies and asthma become chronic, difficult to treat.
  2. The microclimate in the rooms becomes unacceptable for life - people feel damp or stuffy in the rooms.
  3. The feeling of freshness is lost - the excretions of multiplying pathogenic organisms cause the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  4. Increases the drying time of washed laundry.

An increased indicator of air humidity in the apartment is also harmful to the situation. Plants begin to rot, mold appears on the ceiling and walls, wooden surfaces undergo deformation. Books and other paper products change structure.

What should be the humidity in the apartment: standards according to GOST

Humidity can be relative or absolute. To create comfortable climatic conditions in the house, it is calculated optimal value. GOST 30494-95 regulates an indicator indicating what normal air humidity in an apartment should be.

Relative humidity is indicated as a percentage in the form of two values:

  • optimal indicator;
  • permissible value.

The permissible value is the limit that does not harm human health, but can adversely affect overall well-being, mood and reduce performance.

Note! If in relation to bedrooms, children's rooms and other areas where a person stays for a long time, certain rules, then it is not necessary to strictly adhere to normal humidity in the kitchen, bathroom, corridor and bathroom. These rooms are considered auxiliary.

The actual vapor content in 1 m³ of air is taken as the unit of measure for absolute humidity. For example, one cubic meter of air can contain 13 g of water. In this case, the absolute humidity will be 13 g/m³.

To obtain relative humidity, you will need to perform certain calculations. This requires two metrics:

  • the maximum possible water content in 1 m³ of air;
  • the actual amount of water in 1 m³ of air.

The percentage of real data to the maximum possible indicator will be the relative humidity. For example, 21.8 g of liquid can fit in 1 m³ of air at a temperature of 24°C. If in fact 13 g of water is present in it, then the relative humidity will be 60%. For convenience, you can use a special table of absolute humidity, which contains auxiliary data.

Indices of the norm of humidity in the room according to GOST

The indicator prescribed by GOST depends not only on the purpose of the premises, but also on the season. For the warm period, 30-60% is provided. In this case, the indicator of relative humidity in the room is 60 percent, and the maximum allowable will be 65%. For some regions where the summer months are accompanied by high humidity, normative value can be increased up to 75%.

For the cold season, the standards for relative humidity in the room are 40-45%. In this case, the maximum allowable value is 60%.

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The norm of air humidity in the apartment for a child

The immune system of the child is not so effective in coping with negative influence factors environment like an adult body. Children overheat or freeze much faster, catch colds easily, suffer from infectious diseases and are more difficult to tolerate.

For this reason, it is important to maintain optimal air humidity in the apartment for a child, especially in his room, where you need to create conditions to maintain the baby's immune forces.

In no case should the air in the children's room be dry. Such an atmosphere provokes an intense loss of moisture in the baby's body. Drying of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx leads to their inability to resist viruses and infections. The child may develop itching in the eyes and peeling on the skin. For a child, it is considered optimal air humidity in the apartment in the range of 50-60%.

According to Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky, the value of normal air humidity in an apartment can be increased to 60% for a healthy baby and 70% for a sick child. infectious disease. The higher the level of humidity, the less intense the drying of the mucous membranes.

Indicators of normal humidity in an apartment for a child's body in winter are the same as for the warm season. However, there is one caveat here: the maximum air temperature in the room should not exceed 24 ° C. If the room is hotter, then the humidity of 60% will make it tropics. In practice, in the heat, increased humidity in the apartment is more difficult to endure than in the cold season.

Important! Exceeding 24°C in the children's room can lead to overheating of the baby's body. As a result, the drying of the mucous membranes and the loss of fluid will accelerate.

How to achieve optimal humidity in the apartment

The main factor that has the greatest influence on humidity is temperature. The warmer the room, the more water the air can absorb. However, when calculating relative humidity, it is worth remembering that at high temperatures the volume of liquid in the same amount of air will be less. This nuance can be advantageously used to maintain the norm of humidity, the air outside in winter is very fresh and optimal parameters are provided by ventilation.

Humidity is absorbed:

  • devices intended for heating;
  • interior items such as toys, cushioned furniture, carpets;
  • air conditioners.

Plants and an aquarium, containers filled with water, wet laundry, a leaky roof or pipes can be considered as a small source of moisture.

How to determine the humidity in the apartment without device

To determine how strongly the level of humidity in the house has deviated, you can do without a special device and use:

  • a glass of water;
  • Assman table;
  • fir cone.

To determine the relative humidity of the air with a glass of water, it is necessary to cool the filled container in the refrigerator to 5 ° C. It will take about 3 hours for the water and vessel to reach the specified temperature. After that, the glass is placed away from the battery on the table. Condensation will form on the walls of the container within 5 minutes.

Further results will depend on the behavior of this condensate:

  1. After a few minutes, the glass dried out - the moisture index was lowered.
  2. Condensation on the walls has not disappeared - the room has a normal microclimate.
  3. Drops flowed down the vessel in streams - there is an excess of moisture in the air.

A spruce cone can serve as a measuring device. It should be put away from heating appliances and after a few hours check the condition of the scales. If the air is too dry, the cone will open, if there is an excess of moisture, the scales will shrink tightly.

All of these devices only indirectly indicate the presence of a problem. To accurately determine the microclimate in the room, it is better to buy an air humidity sensor.

Helpful advice! Dry plant tips are the primary sign of dry air. Insufficient levels of moisture can also be identified by synthetic clothing, which emits electrical charges under such conditions.

Features of the use of the temperature and humidity sensor

To measure humidity, you can use special devices called sensors or hygrometers. The device independently converts the received data and displays the result as a percentage.

Many people are looking for a solution, wondering how to remove humidity in an apartment. To control the microclimate in the bathroom and in other rooms with an excess of moisture, exhaust fans. They prevent the formation of condensate on the walls and on the floor.

For residential premises, it is recommended to purchase a humidifier if there is a lack of moisture on an ongoing basis. You will also need to additionally buy air humidity sensors for the fan and humidifier, if they are not provided for by the designs of the devices themselves.

The operation of a hygrostat or sensor is based on the principle of operation of a thermostat. The device opens and closes contacts in response to the amount of water vapor in the air. Thus, the operation of the fan or humidifier becomes automated. The device turns on only when it is needed.

Humidity control in the apartment: how to reduce / increase the amount of steam in the air

Used to control the amount of vapor in the air various methods, including hand tools. Their combination allows you to achieve a certain result.

How to get rid of humidity in the apartment:

  1. Ventilate rooms regularly.
  2. Install exhaust fans where needed.
  3. Purchase an air conditioning system or.
  4. Timely make repairs in the house (maintenance of plumbing and plumbing).
  5. Use heaters and air conditioners.
  6. Avoid drying laundry indoors.
  7. Install a powerful range hood in the kitchen.

Helpful advice! In order for the hygrometer readings to be reliable, it is recommended to install this device deep in the room in order to exclude the influence of drafts and other factors. orov.

How to increase the humidity in the room:

  1. Buy a table fountain or aquarium (if no one in the household has asthma).
  2. Minimize the use of air conditioning and heaters.
  3. Hang wet towels on radiators.
  4. From time to time, spray water with a spray bottle, thereby saturating the air with moisture.
  5. Regularly do wet cleaning in the house.
  6. Plant as many as possible indoor plants.

There are many devices that will allow you to achieve one or another result, depending on the needs. They are selected taking into account the microclimate in the house. Before buying them, it is recommended to accurately set the humidity parameters. To do this, measurements are taken over several days.

Perfectly fit into the interior

To maintain optimal humidity in the house, you can use special devices - humidifiers. This category of climate technology includes many modifications: traditional, steam, ultrasonic devices. "Washing" of air and climatic complexes - more than complex options of these devices, equipped with a hygrometer, timer and other useful additions. Helps fight mold ultraviolet lamp.

The norm of air humidity in the apartment must be constantly maintained. Due to the dry air that forms after turning on the batteries in winter, dust spreads faster, dust mites appear, and respiratory organs can be irritated. Such an atmosphere has the greatest impact on children, asthma develops. In addition, excess water or lack of it in the air affects the formation of fungi on the walls, the development of plants and the durability of furniture.

The effect of dry air on people

Humidity is the amount of water vapor contained in the air. Its level is affected by the temperature in the rooms. The average norm is 45%, and it can change based on the direction of the room:

  • dining room - 40-60%;
  • bedroom for adults - 40-50%;
  • room for a child - 45-60%;
  • work zone with books - 30-40%;
  • kitchen or bathroom - 40-60%.

Rarely, without any devices, it is possible to remain within the normal range. And too high or low humidity leads to disastrous consequences for human health, the condition of repairs and furniture, as well as for pets and plants.

Dry air, which appears most often with the onset heating season, leads to irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and throat, and can also begin to dry the skin and hair, and children develop asthma.

Due to dryness, static electricity is generated, which raises dust, dust mites and many germs can appear. Too humid air also has a bad effect on the human body, and fungi and mold can form on interior items, walls and ceilings.

Note! Due to the overdried air, the human body is cooled, as there is a large loss of fluid.

It is precisely because of such harmful effects for a person, an apartment and flowers, equipment has been developed that maintains the required level of moisture.

What device to measure the humidity of the air in the room to use

To understand whether the norm of air humidity in the apartment is being met, special equipment is used - a hygrometer. It is easy to use and shows the result as a percentage.

Important! The average reading should be within 40-60%!

If there is no special device, use folk remedies. The measurement accuracy will be lower, but strong deviations from the indicator that the air humidity in the apartment should correspond to will be shown.

There are several methods:

  • The use of a thermometer and Assman's psychometric table. To do this, first fix the temperature in the room, then wrap the end with mercury with a damp cloth and check the data after 5 minutes. If the readings are higher, it is necessary to repeat the procedure by better wetting the rag. After receiving the data, check it with the table.

  • Fill up a glass cold water and refrigerate for three hours. The temperature of the liquid should drop to 3-5 degrees. Position the container away from the batteries and watch for changes on the glass surface. If fogging occurred at first, and after 5 minutes. the walls are completely dry - lack of moisture in the room. If the glass remains misted, then you have an optimal state of humidity in the apartment. When streams appear, it exceeds the norm.

  • Another way to measure the humidity in a room using improvised means is to use a spruce branch 20–30 cm long. You need to fix the cut on the board and mark the location of the free tip. When wet, the branch will drop. Now every day, watch the weather forecast and write down the data on the board, while watching the changes in the spruce. So, after a few days you get a homemade hygrometer that can be used without a weather forecast.

  • The norm of air humidity in an apartment can also be determined by a spruce cone. Put it away from the heating system and watch for changes. If the level is increased, the scales will press against each other, if vice versa, they will expand.

Such options will not give measurement accuracy, but will show a strong increase or decrease in humidity.

The norm of air humidity in the apartment: how to put the indicators in order

You can change the indicators up or down using certain equipment or folk methods. In any case, it is necessary to do this, especially if you have children.

We increase indicators

To get the norm of indoor air humidity when the air is too dry, you can use a humidifier or folk methods. A simple device is designed for an area of ​​​​up to 150 sq.m. For its operation, it is necessary to pour water into the container, which will evaporate.

Such devices are divided into three subgroups:

  • Traditional. They work using a fan, they drive air through the water compartment, where dust is removed and moistened. The device is quite noisy and can raise the level to 60% as much as possible.

  • Steam, which works like a kettle, that is, it heats water to a boil. The disadvantage is that hot steam is produced, a lot of noise and electricity consumption. However, it is possible to increase the humidity level above 60%.

  • Most modern version– ultrasonic humidifier. Works not so noisy, able to fight germs. There is a drawback - in operation it is necessary to use only distilled water, otherwise the equipment will need to be repaired or replaced.

To increase the humidity in the room, you can use folk remedies:

  • put a wet rag on the radiator;
  • install a container of water on the battery;
  • drying clothes;
  • installation of an aquarium and an increase in the number of indoor plants;
  • can be mounted decorative fountain;
  • insulate the apartment.

You can choose any suitable way to increase the humidity if, after measurements, it is found that the air in the rooms is dry.

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Devices that provide required humidity atmosphere, are not cheap. It turns out there is simple ways solve this problem on your own.

We reduce indicators

Not only dry, but also humid air adversely affects human health, as well as household items and repairs. To reduce the water vapor content, there are special devices that can process from 12 to 300 liters of water per day.

They are portable and stationary. Even in the pools, powerful stationary devices are installed so that mold and fungus do not form. At the same time dehumidifiers can work also in cold rooms. During operation, it is necessary to periodically change the water containers, which are filled in the process.

There are options with adsorbing substances, where there is no capacity, and moisture is absorbed into them, but the power of such devices is limited, and the performance is calculated only up to 20 sq.m.

The easiest way to reduce the humidity in the apartment with folk remedies is frequent airing. And in the bathroom and toilet - installation of a ventilation system. There are also models of oil radiators that not only increase the temperature in the room, but also reduce humidity. For those who like to do everything with their own hands, you can mount a whole ventilation system around the apartment or make a dehumidifier with your own hands.

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Elimination of moisture in the house (video)

In custody

Having figured out what air humidity is considered normal in an apartment, and having measured it, it is necessary to bring the indicators back to normal, since deviations have a bad effect on a person and interior items.

You can use special equipment or folk methods to obtain data on the level of humidity. Readings should be taken in each room separately. Do not forget to ventilate the room, as this is good for health and affects the amount of water vapor in the air in the apartment.

Maintaining a normal microclimate inside the apartment is the key to the health of all its inhabitants. There is a certain norm of air humidity in the apartment, which, if it is violated, will have a bad effect on well-being. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the norm of humidity in your apartment by removing excess moisture in the air. About what it is normal rate and how to change it, is described in this article.

What humidity should be in the apartment?

The exact answer is in state standard under the number 30494-2011. It regulates the characteristics of the microclimate inside the room. In accordance with the presented normative document, the permissible norm of air humidity in any apartment must be observed at a level of 30 to 60 percent in summer and 30 to 45 percent in winter. At the same time, for the winter time, the limit indicator is set - 60%, and in the summer period it should not exceed 65 percent.

It should be noted here that the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the state standard are focused mainly on designers and service staff and not on the inhabitants themselves. This is noticeable at least by the fact that for the winter season the percentage decreases compared to the summer season. The thing is that in the cold, the air temperature is much lower, which affects the level of relative humidity when heated inside the apartment. Design and maintenance of buildings with the maintenance of the "summer" norm in winter period- it's pretty challenging tasks. On the other hand, the indicator of air humidity must be brought to such a level that residents do not experience health problems.

Important! According to physiologists, regardless of the period, the optimal percentage of humidity should be maintained at a level of 40 to 60 percent.

If the indoor air humidity indicator is at the level of 30 percent, many people feel it is “dry”, which can provoke Negative consequences for the body. This is clearly not enough for a wide range of plants that are grown on window sills - in such an environment they quickly wither and then completely dry out. For our latitudes, the optimal indicator for indoor flowers is from 40 to 70 percent. Accordingly, it should be moist, but within reasonable limits.

Norms for individual rooms

Judging by the figures given above, we can draw the following conclusion - with the onset of winter cold weather, the air dries up. The optimal humidity level in a living space should be maintained in all rooms, regardless of how much time people spend in them.

  1. Children's. In the children's room, small residents freeze or overheat faster. Due to their underdeveloped immunity, it is more difficult for them to endure different kind diseases. Therefore, a healthy microclimate must be created for the child. The ingress of dry air adversely affects the nasopharyngeal mucosa, because it gradually loses its moisture supply. Ultimately, this leads to coughing, bronchitis, runny nose. Dry air is a source of increased danger for newborns. It's simple - the skin suffers from a lack of moisture, which first provokes peeling, and then leads to atopic dermatitis. The optimal rate is from 50 to 60 percent.
  2. Bathroom and kitchen. As you know, the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are places where real indicators go beyond all acceptable limits. When showering, bathing or cooking, the humidity and temperature levels rise significantly. The solution to the problem is to install a quality ventilation system. If the power of the hood is insufficient, it is necessary to additionally equip it with another fan, while simultaneously ventilating the rooms with greater intensity. It is recommended to make it so that it is saturated with relative humidity - for example, 50-60 percent.
  3. Living room. It is this room that is the most spacious and largest. Family members spend the most time here. A comfortable indicator is equated to a bathroom, kitchen and toilet - from 40 to 50 percent. In such a microclimate, indoor flowers and pets also feel good, household appliances and furniture work fully.
  4. Greenhouse. If the area of ​​​​the apartment is sufficient for arranging winter garden, do not forget that comfortable temperature regime and quality lighting are far from the only factors that need to be given more attention. The optimal dose of moisture for plants varies from 50 to 70 percent, depending on the type of flowers and their origin.
  5. Study. For one's own library or workplace, the recommended amount is 30 to 40 percent. With its increase, the books will quickly deteriorate, the ink on the documents will begin to “float” inside the polyethylene file, and the equipment will begin to rust and oxidize faster. As a rule, the microclimate in the rooms intended for work is characterized by dry air, so it is recommended, if possible, to increase the performance.
  6. Pharmacy. In accordance with technical requirements, the permissible norm of humidity in a pharmacy according to a hygrometer varies from 40 to 60 percent. At this level, all drugs inside will be stored correctly. Three orders issued by the Ministry of Health regulate the level of humidity in the pharmacy.

Optimum humidity according to GOST

Permissible rules and requirements sanitary standard air humidity regulates sanpin. Below are the norms of indoor air humidity according to SanPin, depending on the type of room.

  1. Bedroom. At temperatures up to 20 ° degrees, the indicator should not exceed 55 percent and not be lower than 40.
  2. Children's. Many people wonder about what humidity should be in a child's room. The answer is as follows - from 50 to 60 percent, while allowable temperature should not be more than 24 degrees.
  3. Living room. According to temperature indicators, it is necessary to focus on the nursery, but the humidity should be a maximum of 50 percent.
  4. Bathroom. It is for this room that the minimum temperature level is set - from 21 ° C, the maximum - 2 ° more. The size is the same as in the living room. The indicators are considered optimal if there is an additional ventilation system inside.
  5. Kitchen. To maintain a healthy microclimate, it is also necessary to equip the air ducts with a ventilation and air conditioning system. Level - from 40 to 50 percent.
  6. Toilet. The values ​​are identical to the entrance hall - both rooms should have a value of 40 to 45 percent.
  7. Study. Given the presence of a large number of paper products - folders, documents, books, brochures, and so on, the recommended humidity during the warm period should be somewhat lower - from 30 to 40 percent. By the way, the office is a room with a minimum value of humidity in general.

Important! Sanpin also indicates what should be the humidity in the apartment in winter. Generally speaking, we can conclude that it is necessary to increase the humidity due to the frequent entry of cold air inside (opening windows, doors, open ventilation ducts, and so on).

The consequences of exceeding the humidity norm

Always remember the danger high humidity. So that it does not harm human health, it is necessary to check the permissible indicator from time to time. Failure to comply with this requirement leads to a number of negative consequences.

  • The frequency and degree of complexity of respiratory diseases is increasing. Residents of the apartment will more often suffer from a runny nose, allergies, high fever. Worse, asthma and bronchitis appear.
  • Comfortable living becomes impossible - people begin to notice stuffiness or dampness inside the premises.
  • "Freshness" disappears - harmful bacteria and microorganisms begin to multiply more and more intensively. They can become a source of serious illness, so it is strongly recommended to keep the level within acceptable limits.
  • Washed clothes will dry much longer.
  • Houseplants inside the apartment will rot.

And this is not a complete list of troubles that the owner may face. So, for example, due to too high humidity, mold begins to appear on the walls and ceiling. Wooden crafts lose their original strength.

How to measure air humidity?

The current indicator can be determined using improvised means or a humidity measuring device. Let's consider both options.

How to reduce air humidity?

There are situations when the air inside the room is too humid. There are several reasons - a reservoir near the apartment, a dilapidated roof or living near the basement. The most reliable way is to do repair work using waterproofing materials. It is not always necessary to resort to cardinal methods - there are alternative ways to normalize the state of the air in the room. The most effective is the use of dehumidifiers. They are divided into two categories - adsorption and compressor type.

You can also get by with traditional methods, especially when the help of special devices is not enough. For example, frequent ventilation, saturation of the room sunlight cleaning the ventilation duct in the kitchen and bathroom.

AT total, the humidity in the room must always be maintained at an adequate level. Otherwise, the appearance of health problems, failure household appliances, damage to paper products, the development of pathogens. The choice in favor of one or another method is made depending on the personal preferences of the homeowner.

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video material

One of the main characteristics of a healthy indoor climate is air humidity. A normal level of humidity is very important for a person's well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to know what the normal humidity indicator should be in order to control it and, if necessary, increase or decrease.

Air humidity norm

To assess the microclimate various premises used relative humidity, measured as a percentage. That is, the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to a given ambient temperature is determined.

For good health, the optimal humidity level is between thirty and forty-five percent. Permissible rate for residential premises - no more than sixty percent. Such humidity is considered comfortable not only for humans, but also for birds, animals and even household appliances and furniture.

According to state building codes in residential premises, the humidity indicator should be:

  • from 30 to 45% in the cold season;
  • from 30 to 60% in the warm season.

The humidity rate also depends on the value of the room:

  • in the bathroom and in the kitchen, it should be from 40 to 60%;
  • in the living room and dining room - from 40 to 60%;
  • in the library and office - from 30 to 40%;
  • in the children's room - from 45 to 60%;
  • in the bedroom - from 40 to 50%.

In winter, the air in the apartments dried by heating systems and air conditioning in the summer. Along with this, the amount of dust increases, and pathogenic microbes appear that contribute to a decrease in immunity and cause viral diseases.

If there are no air conditioners in the room, then in autumn and summer, at temperatures up to thirty degrees and frequent ventilation, the humidity index of the air in houses and apartments is most often normal.

The value of normal air humidity

A normal humidity indicator in the room helps maintain immunity and human health, as well as keep furniture, things and furniture in good condition. beautiful view indoor plants. However, it is not easy to keep the indicators in the norm. In most houses and apartments, the humidity is lowered for the main part of the year.

If the level is below normal:

  1. The nasal mucosa dries up.
  2. The process of breathing worsens, as a result of which the body is little enriched with oxygen.
  3. The risk of viral diseases increases.
  4. Often there is a feeling of drowsiness.
  5. Decreased performance.
  6. The mucous membrane of the eyes dries up in those who wear contact lenses.
  7. Due to the increased dust content in the room, allergic reactions can occur.

Children especially suffer from low air humidity in an apartment or house.

Increased moisture content indoors contributes to the formation of fungus and mold, the occurrence of respiratory diseases, reduced immunity, reproduction of dust mites.

In order for the humidity in the apartment to be optimal, it is recommended to monitor its indicators and, if necessary, increase or decrease it.

How to check the humidity in the apartment

To do this, you can use a special device or improvised means.

Humidity instruments

The percentage of water vapor in the air can be found using a psychrometer, hygrometer, or a special household indicator.

More accurate instruments are psychrometers which may be electrical or mechanical.

Hygrometers exist:

Each type of device has its own characteristics, but one base of measurement. Using a hygrometer is very simple - it shows the percentage of the amount of moisture in the room.

Today you can buy domestic weather stations, which are digital thermometers equipped with humidity indicators. With the help of such a device, you can find out not only the humidity in the room, but also the ambient temperature, as well as upcoming changes in nature.

Folk remedies

If there is no special device for this device at hand, then you can use improvised means.

For example, you can use a glass of water, which will need to be cooled in the refrigerator for five hours. After that, the glass is pulled out and placed on the table away from the radiators:

  1. If after five minutes a glass of water remains misted, then the microclimate in the apartment is normal.
  2. If trickles flow down it, then the humidity is increased.
  3. If the glass has time to dry in five minutes, then this indicator is lowered.

You can estimate the humidity level in a room using tables Assmann and thermometer. To do this, having fixed the temperature that the thermometer shows, it will need to be wrapped in a wet cloth and wait five minutes. After that, the tissue is removed, and the result obtained on the thermometer is recorded.

In the Assmann table, the dry thermometer readings are shown vertically, and the difference between the two indicators is shown horizontally. At the intersection will be the humidity indicator of the room.

You can build a "hygrometer" yourself, taking for this spruce bump and fixing it with tape or a carnation on plywood. Then you will need to watch her:

  • if bump long time will lie unchanged, then the humidity in the room is normal;
  • if her scales quickly begin to open, then the indicator is lowered;
  • if even after a day the tips of the scales do not rise at least a little up, then the humidity in the apartment is high.

You can determine the moisture content by indoor flowers. From them it is easy to find out that the air in the room is dry. If fatsia, asplenium, diefenbachia, dracaena, ficus, the tips of the leaves dry up and even spraying does not help, then in a house or apartment low humidity air.

You also need to listen to your feelings. At an extremely low rate, irritation and constant dryness in the throat and nose may occur.

For a comfortable microclimate in the apartment, you must:

  • regularly do wet cleaning;
  • ventilate the room;
  • grow indoor plants.

If the humidity level is low

Most often in the winter season in the apartment humidity index lowered. To normalize it, you need to take measures:

But most modern way increasing the moisture in the air is a special humidifier, into which water is poured, evaporating during operation of the device.

Traditional Humidifier equipped with a fan that drives air through the water tank and at the same time cleans it from dust and moisturizes.

AT steam humidifier water boils and steam comes out. You can even use it for hard or dirty water. Such a device can be sold with built-in nozzles and used as an inhaler.

ultrasonic humidifier Water is converted into steam using a special membrane. With it, you can fight germs in the room. However, only distilled water should be used for it, or special cartridges should be installed that will soften and purify the water.

If the air humidity is high

Dehumidifiers can be portable and stationary, which are mounted into the wall and have a large capacity.

An oil cooler can also be used as an air dryer. m equipped with a fan.

The kitchen and bathroom need install hoods. They will help fight moisture and excess odors.

If the humidity index is increased, then it is not recommended to dry the washed laundry in the room, and the sink and bath should be wiped immediately after use.

But, with any indicators of air humidity, it is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible. Oxygenated Fresh air kills bacteria, fungi and neutralizes dust mites. And most importantly, it normalizes the humidity in the room, while establishing a comfortable microclimate for a person, which is so important for health and well-being.

Comfort and coziness indoors depends on the microclimate in it. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the desired level of humidity in the room. How can you control humidity levels? What are the ways to decrease or increase it? What are the consequences of improper maintenance of the microclimate?

The level of humidity inside the room - it depends on the season, the climatic conditions of the area. During the winter period, the degree becomes less, in summer, on the contrary, more. The right microclimate is the key to excellent human health, the surrounding objects remain in good condition. Many elements of the house such as furniture, appliances, flooring and much more do not tolerate constant changes in moisture and eventually become unusable.

What humidity should be in the apartment? Comfortable air humidity can be different. Optimum air humidity in the apartment is achieved by various methods.

What air humidity is considered normal? What should be the humidity in the apartment? How many percent? Indicators must necessarily comply with GOST.

A certain indicator depends on the purpose of the room, as well as the season:

  • Permissible variation during the summer period: 30-60%. The indicator should not be higher than this value.
  • Range in winter: 30-45%. The maximum value is 60%.

These standards are intended for architects and builders. residential buildings. They are necessary in order to more economically maintain an acceptable level of moisture.

Single Room Standards

As we have seen, the degree of humidity during the winter period is less than during the summer. Because the moisture of the cold air stream, when it enters the room, decreases when heated to room temperature (20-25 degrees Celsius). During the period of heating the house, the human body needs the same amount of moisture, and according to the recommendations of doctors, the humidity level in the apartment should be in the range of 40-60%.

This indicator does not depend on the season:

  • Bedroom. To maintain excellent health, the permissible humidity in the room, the bedroom should be 40-55%. There should be little equipment in this room, and it should be regularly ventilated. Also, according to the recommendations of doctors, when you sleep, leave the window in the bedroom ajar. This rule must be followed even in winter, not only in other seasons in the bedroom.
  • Children's. Remember that children are more vulnerable. Infection, cold are enemies for them. Therefore, maintaining the correct microclimate inside the nursery is required element. Due to dry air, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx of the child dries out, which leads to colds such as runny nose and bronchitis. Lack of humidity most dangerous enemy for a newborn baby. Because of this, he will begin to have skin problems, for example, peeling. Therefore, the optimal rate in the children's room is 50-60%.

  • Living room. In this place, most often there is the whole family. 40-50% is the ideal humidity inside a room for a person. Not only you, but also your pets and plants will benefit from such moisture. Various interior items will also become unusable.
  • Kitchen and bathroom. Here, the performance usually exceeds the standards. food preparation, water procedures These are the factors that affect the increase in air temperature and humidity levels. This problem can be eliminated with excellent ventilation. If the hood in the kitchen does not work well, then it is necessary to additionally install a fan in it. Don't forget to ventilate the room. The overall indicator should be in the range of 40-50%.
  • Office for work. Humidity percentage 30-40 — best option. If the moisture level exceeds given value, then various documents, books, or the like will become unusable. But more often it is necessary to increase the level of humidity inside this room, since the air is quite dry.
  • Greenhouse. Excellent lighting and correct mode temperatures are the main factors for maintaining a winter garden. But moisture is also the most important parameter. Range, normal air humidity - 50-70%.

If the child is sick with acute respiratory infections, then it is better to raise the humidity in the apartment to 70%, but the temperature should be 24-25 degrees Celsius.

Ways to change the level of humidity in the room

How to determine the level of humidity in the room, in the room? There are four methods to be used. The best is to use measuring device- hygrometer. He will do an excellent job. But what if this measuring device is not available? Improvised means will help to find out the value of moisture. Certainly, exact value you will not get, but you can find out what is needed for air: humidification or drying?

Let's consider each method in more detail:

  • Using a measuring device. The device will not only show the percentage of moisture, but also the temperature inside the room. How many types of hygrometer? To date, there are several varieties of hygrometer: psychrometric, mechanical, electronic and others. It is recommended to use an electronic device because it gives more accurate readings and, if necessary, you can easily move it anywhere indoors.
  • Application of Assmann's psychrometric table. Record the temperatures on the thermometer. The head of a mercury thermometer must be wrapped with a napkin, which must first be wetted. At the end of ten minutes, it is necessary to record another temperature result again. Next, you need to subtract two temperature indicators. The second must be subtracted from the first. Then use the Assman psychometric table. In the left column, which is located vertically, you need to find the first temperature indicator, and in the upper horizontal part, find the difference between your values. At the intersection of these two values, your humidity level will be visible, approximate.

  • Using a glass filled with water. Put it inside the refrigerator. The water temperature should drop to five degrees. Pay attention to the outer wall of the glass, namely the reaction of water, which manifests itself at 20-25 degrees Celsius for seven minutes. If during this time the outer wall was able to fog up and dry out almost immediately, therefore, the air in the apartment is very dry. If the wall remains misted for a certain period of time, then the moisture level is average. If drops are already starting to flow down the wall, then the degree of humidity is high.
  • The use of fir cones. It must be left indoors for several hours. It should be located far from various heating devices or other heat sources. The scales begin to open in the presence of dry air, and they shrink with an increased rate.

Ways to increase the moisture index

In winter, the heating device makes the air flow dry, during the summer - air conditioning. With an increase in moisture, specially designed devices or folk remedies will cope.

Use of humidifiers

There are three types of humidifiers on the market today. Their principle of operation is to evaporate water from a specially designed reservoir and deliver moisture to the air atmosphere, which is so lacking.

Let's consider each in detail:

  • Mechanical humidifier or traditional. This humidifier works on the basis of an internal fan, which promotes the distribution of air through a tray that has liquid, thereby cleaning dust particles and humidifying. The main disadvantages this device are a lot of noise during operation, and it is possible to humidify the air only up to 60%.
  • Steam humidifier. This device functions in almost exactly the same way as a kettle. Steam enters the room through boiling water. You can use water that flows from the tap. But the steam humidifier also makes a lot of noise during operation, it also consumes a large amount of electrical energy. We must not forget that when using a steam appliance, safety precautions must be observed, because hot steam can burn your skin. Steam can also adversely affect the surface of furniture and other items.
  • ultrasonic humidifier. There is a specially designed membrane platinum, which converts water into steam. This unit makes the least noise during operation. Pathogenic microorganisms are killed, thanks to the function of heating water. It is important to use purified water for the operation of the device. Or you can purchase specially designed cartridges for water purification and softening.

Some models of steam devices have special nozzles with which inhalation procedures are carried out. This is especially important during a period of illnesses that are respiratory. Such models are used if children live in the room.

home methods

If there is no special humidifier in the room, then there is nothing wrong. To achieve the missing moisture, you can use time-tested methods:

  • Using a container of water. To do this, it is necessary to arrange containers with water near heating preparations. This will cause the water to evaporate and the moisture level to rise.
  • Use of wet towels. We will use either wipes that are damp or wet towels. During the day, it is necessary to moisten the towels and place them on the radiator. As soon as the towel dries, the procedure must be repeated.
  • Plants. Houseplants are sources of oxygen and moisture in the air. To maintain an optimal microclimate, plants need to be constantly watered and sprayed. They are considered natural sources of moisture.

If you can’t put water containers somewhere, and there’s no time for wet towels, what should you do? To do this, it is enough to start an aquarium with fish. Or you can purchase a special desktop fountain in which water circulates. This is both excellent decoration and the presence of the required level of moisture indoors.

Ways to reduce moisture

How to lower humidity? High humidity harms the human body. The source of high humidity can be different. raw basement, old roofing can cause increased humidity. To solve this problem, it is necessary to carry out high-quality waterproofing. But if dampness arose due to vital activity, then you can use the following methods.

Use of dehumidifiers

How to reduce humidity with dehumidifiers? There are two main dehumidifiers to reduce moisture, consider them:

  • Compressor dryers. The principle of operation is quite simple. The fans, which are built-in, draw in moist air and then draw it through the evaporator. Due to the temperature difference, moisture begins to settle, after which it flows into a specially designed receiver. The air stream, which is already heated, penetrates back into the room through the hole.
  • adsorption dryers. This desiccant is a "moisture absorber". The advantages are quiet operation, as well as low consumption of electrical energy. The absorbent inside the dehumidifier is responsible for absorbing moisture. Periodically, this substance must be changed.

These devices can be used in an apartment in winter, which is not heated. If you do not empty the tank of water in time, the device will turn off.

Applying home methods

There are three main rules to follow:

  • Carrying out ventilation. The constant carrying out of this procedure reduces the level of humidity.
  • Sun exposure. The sun will help dry the house for a certain period of time (several hours).
  • Hood. Rooms that are not ventilated high-quality hood just needed. High-quality ventilation in the apartment should have metal-plastic windows.

People want comfort. It is not necessary to frequently use heating devices or air conditioners, regardless of the season. Comfortable humidity is achieved through constant ventilation and wet cleaning. The air humidity should be different - it depends on the room. The moisture level must be optimal.
