Bedroom zoning ideas, photos of successful layouts. Zoning a room into a living room and a bedroom - methods and recommendations

Few people can say that they own an apartment that has a full living room, bedroom, kitchen, hallway and children's room. Therefore, many people try to combine and equip several functional areas in a small area of ​​​​one- and two-room apartments. But how to do this without sacrificing comfort and the chosen style of the interior? In today's review of the editors of the site, we will look at how to properly zoning a room into a bedroom and living room in order to maintain the comfort of living.

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Recommendations for organizing space when zoning a room into a bedroom and living room

If you are the owner of an apartment with a small area, but you need to equip a place for a nursery, a bedroom and a living room, then zoning the room would be the best option. However, before proceeding with the division of space into certain zones, everything must be carefully planned, and this must be done even before the repair work.

Basically, zoning of premises is performed in studios, but it is also acceptable for one-room apartments. When delimiting space into functional sectors, several recommendations must be followed:

  • first of all, the dominant zone is determined;
  • the bedroom and living room areas should be made in a single style solution;
  • it is necessary to take into account the features of the layout of the room;
  • the sleeping area should not be located next to the front door and be in the aisle;
  • it is desirable to place the bed by the window;
  • it is not recommended to overload the place to sleep with lighting fixtures, but in the living room you can make multi-level lighting - a chandelier, spotlights around the perimeter, a floor lamp and a wall lamp;
  • in a small room it is desirable to give preference to minimalism - only necessary furniture and some decorative accessories;
  • screens, partitions, cabinets, and other furniture structures can be used to distinguish.

Take note:

Highlights when zoning a one-room apartment

Properly executed division of the room into a bedroom and a living room will achieve maximum comfort and convenience. Each of these functional areas has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when arranging them. Living room - room general purpose, in which the whole family regularly gathers and receives guests, and the bedroom is a rather intimate place designed for rest and relaxation. There are several ways to harmoniously combine these multifunctional zones, which will be discussed below.

Using furniture to separate the bedroom and living room in the same room

The most common solution for separating a hall and a bedroom in one room is to use various items furniture. For zoning, wardrobes, chests of drawers, shelving and transforming structures are used. These are the most popular ways to delimit functional areas.

Zoning with transforming furniture

Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room using transforming furniture is a great option if the room does not have a large area. A good solution would be to install a wardrobe, which, if necessary, can easily be converted into a comfortable double bed. Now designers are competing in the skill of creating unusual transforming furniture.

The use of cabinets and shelving to delimit the space in the room

You can divide the room into a bedroom and a living room with a large wardrobe. It serves as a kind of partition and performs its direct function - storage of things. The most popular solution lately is the installation of a wardrobe up to the ceiling. Facades can be made mirrored, which will visually increase the space, or decorate them with a special film with an original print.

Another way to divide a room into two functional areas is to use shelving. Such designs do not overload the space and allow you to make it more airy. Racks can be made of wood, metal, or plastic, which makes it possible to fit them into almost any interior. In addition to dividing the premises, the structures perform the function of storing books, figurines, photographs, and the like.

How to divide a room into two zones using finishing materials and structures

You can zone a room not only with the help of cabinets and shelving. For these purposes, you can use various combinations of colors, finishing materials, differences in the ceiling and floor, as well as partitions or screens. Often used for zoning. You can also finish the walls in one area with putty, and in the other - decorative brick. This is good decision, especially if the division into zones is carried out in a small apartment. Consider options for such zoning.

One of the zoning methods

Zoning a room through color

If the room in which the bedroom-living room is set up is small, then it hardly makes sense to use a bulky closet or shelving for these purposes. The way out of this situation is to use different color combinations. In case of difficulty with the selection of colors, you can use the classic combinations:

  • blue - blue;
  • yellow orange;
  • yellow - white;
  • white - light green;
  • white - beige;
  • sand - wenge;
  • light cornflower blue - dark violet.

Such combinations harmoniously look in almost any interior design.

Multi-level floors and ceiling structures

A fairly effective way of zoning a room is the arrangement of multi-level floors. The height of the podium depends on the purpose of the structure and the dimensions of the room. On a small elevation, you can equip the living area, and on a high - sleeping place. The interior space of the podium can be used as a storage system.

In a small room on the podium, you can arrange a roll-out bed, above which there will be a living area. This is very effective method rational use of free space.

You can separate the hall and the bedroom in one room using multi-level ceiling structures, which will visually delimit the space. Greater effect can be achieved if the outlines of the ceiling are repeated in the contours of the podium. The configuration of the ceiling structure must match the style of the interior. In a small room it is better to install a glossy stretch ceiling which will visually enlarge the space.

How to equip a bedroom-living room using sliding interior doors

One of the simple and convenient means of dividing a room into two zones is. When the doors are closed, the illusion of the existence of two rooms is created, and when moved apart - a single space. Sliding structures made of transparent laminated glass allow you to make the room as light and spacious as possible. And to add privacy and comfort to the sleeping area will help blackout curtains attached to similar barriers. Besides sliding partitions allow you to reduce the noise level, which is very important, especially if one of the family members decided to watch TV in the living room, and the other to relax.

Dividing a room with a partition into two zones

The division of a room into two functional zones can be performed using stationary or portable partitions (screens). Stationary structures can be made of glass blocks or bricks, while mobile structures can be made of fabric, wood, plastic or glass. Partitions are made either low or up to the ceiling, deaf or with holes for placement ornamental plants, photo frames, figurines and books.

The stationary one can smoothly turn into an arch, which will more effectively emphasize the border between two functional zones. Depending on the style of the interior, the arch can have smooth or strict outlines, and thick curtains are often used to completely isolate the bed.

How to zone a room using the height of the room

If the height of the room allows, especially in studio apartments, then you can quite originally and rationally zone the space into the bedroom and living room, namely, raise the bed to the second tier. This method of dividing a room has several clear advantages:

  • to highlight the sleeping area, you do not need to use screens, partitions or curtains;
  • family members do not interfere with each other to spend time at their own discretion - sleep, read or watch TV;
  • climbing to the upper tier, you can read a book or listen to music during the day without disturbing anyone;
  • increase in the usable space of the room.

The possibility of installing a bed in the living room by combining the room with a storage room or a loggia

You can significantly expand the space and delimit it into a bedroom and a living room by combining a room and a loggia. However, this has its own difficulties, since redevelopment and its legalization will be required. It will also be necessary to glaze and insulate the loggia with high quality, on which you can equip a full-fledged sleeping place.

In some apartments, especially in houses old building The rooms had quite ample storage space. If you disassemble this design, you can increase the usable area and equip a full-fledged sleeping place there.

Which is better to buy partitions for zoning the space in the room

So, you have decided to divide the room into a bedroom and a living room, and now it remains to decide what type of partition you need to use. The design should be selected according to several criteria. The partition should be chosen in accordance with the style decision of the interior, the dimensions of the room, personal preferences and, of course, the budget. If the room is small best solution there will be an installation of light openwork or, which can be bought in specialized stores or made to order. In a spacious room, you can install, drywall constructions, shelving or closet.

Options for successful room zoning: photo examples

To perform the zoning of a room into a bedroom-living room correctly, you should turn to help professional designer. However, not everyone can afford it. You can independently divide the space into functional zones, using the recommendations of experts and photo examples of interiors that can be easily found in the interior. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some options for zoning rooms with different sizes.

Dividing a room of 14 m² into a bedroom and a living room

When zoning a room with an area of ​​14 m², it is not recommended to use large cabinets or install bulky stationary partitions. This is due to the fact that such structures visually reduce the space. It is better to use screens, curtains, shelving, delimitation by color, light or various finishing materials. For arrangement small room only a minimum amount of furniture and accessories is needed, and the finishing should be done in light colors. For ergonomics, it is recommended to use transforming furniture.

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Zoning of a room with an area of ​​16-17 m²

A room with an area of ​​16-17 m² can be zoned more effectively. In this case, there are more opportunities to distinguish between a room for a bedroom and a living room. Allowed vertical zoning, the use of multi-level floor and ceiling structures.

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Dividing the living room into zones is a very common technique that people resort to even unconsciously. For example, they separate a corner with a TV from the rest of the room by placing an armchair or a sofa in the form of a kind of barrier.

Zoning both large rooms and small ones. In addition to the TV corner, you can separate the desktop, thereby turning part of the living room into an office. And you can make a bedroom in the living room. Installing a bed in it and separating it. Even under the children's rooms they manage to allocate part of the living room

In the above example with an armchair or sofa, the easiest way to zoning is described. But there are many more ways to make the living room more functional by highlighting 1-2 zones in it (doing more, not recommended). There is design solutions, which are much more interesting than just fenced off with furniture.

As already mentioned, you can separate a certain area from the common space of the living room in a variety of ways. Let's look at a few examples.

Combining the living room and kitchen

Studio apartments have become fashionable for a long time among young people who have not yet created a family or among young couples who do not yet have children. The studio has its advantages, especially if friends often come to visit. And the room becomes much more spacious.

Therefore, even if the apartment is ordinary, that is, the kitchen is located behind the wall, this wall is demolished to combine the two rooms.

Advice: The most common way to separate the kitchen from the living room is the bar counter. It separates the area and serves as additional cabinets, which is not out of place for both a small living room and a kitchen.

Alternatively, you can use different levels floors and ceilings or their different colors. also do different lighting for kitchen and living room.

Combination of living room and bedroom

This method is resorted to when the apartment is two-room and there are children. Parents give them one room, and they themselves move into the living room.

In this case, there are certain rules:

  • the bed is set far from front door parts of the room, closer to the window;
  • it can be separated by ordinary curtains or screens ( a budget option) or partitions (more expensive).

In the event that a part of the room is allocated for the bedroom, then curtains, screens or partitions should not reach the ceiling so that it is not dark in the rest of the living room. It must be said that this is not the most the best way, so the bed is most often installed in the corner.

And they are already enclosing a corner, and not part of the room. Glass sliding partitions look great. Glass may be frosted. The option is good, but you have to spend money on the manufacture of such partitions.

Advice: Can be used for separation and shelving with shelves. They look great and let in light.

Another option is to ditch the big bed and use folding sofa. It all depends on the successful choice of such a sofa. He must be good quality, because it will have to be laid out every day, and the mechanism must withstand the load.

Allocation of the working area

If there is a need for a study, but there is no separate room for this, then a table is installed in the living room and separated with a rack. Today, when most people work using a laptop, there is no need to have big table. For cabinet limited to purchase small table and comfortable chair. Provide various racks for working papers and curbstones.

If you decide to make an office, then you must definitely provide for separate lighting. It is better if it is a good table lamp of sufficient brightness. You can work without disturbing the rest of the family.

Allocation of the dining area

It is very convenient to eat not in the kitchen, but in the living room. Yes, and it is convenient to receive guests. The ideal option is to combine the living room and the loggia. They demolish the wall and arrange on the loggia dining area. This is very convenient, because the room is increasing in size.

If there is no loggia, then it all depends on the size of the living room. If it is small, then it would hardly be appropriate to install a large dinner table. It is better to use folding furniture, laying out the table when guests arrive.

You can separate such a zone with a rack with indoor plants. Should provide good lighting. Depending on the chosen design style, these can be sconces, or swivel lamps mounted on the walls and aimed at the table.

Arrangement of a children's room

Perhaps the most difficult option. But if you decide to take part of the living room for a children's room, provide everything you need to make the kids feel comfortable. If there are two children, then it is established bunk bed. On the second tier, a fence is necessarily made so that the child does not fall during sleep. It is best to order such a product in a furniture workshop.

It is best to separate the nursery area with a rack on which children can store their toys. And be sure to provide separate light sources for this zone.

Zoning methods

The main zones are described, under which a part of the living room is allocated. To sum up, one can describe various options separation of the described zones. And you already choose exactly what is most suitable for your living room.


As you can see, there are plenty of options. It remains only to choose the one that you like best. But it is recommended to zone the living room, regardless of its size and how many rooms you have in your apartment. At least provide a seating area. Without this, the interior of the room loses.

The living room and bedroom located in the same room will solve the problem of lack of living space in small apartments. Thanks to successful zoning, in a single room will appear cozy zone rest that can be hidden in daytime and a comfortable area for receiving guests. This design technique is also used in the arrangement of modern studio apartments.

The living room and bedroom perform functions that contradict each other. One of them is designed for gatherings with friends, spending free time during the day and in the evening, watching movies, reading and relaxing. The other zone is used exclusively for sleeping mainly at night. Therefore, it is important to make the zoning of the bedroom and living room so that the zones look harmonious.

Choice of the most suitable way zoning is more dependent on the shape and size of the room. In large rooms, space can be divided using partitions made of different materials and with different designs.

For small rooms, the erection of bulky stationary structures completely unacceptable. You can separate the living area from the bedroom in a one-room apartment with furniture, curtains or light sliding partitions.

Where to begin

When zoning a room, it is necessary to take into account the subtleties and features of the interior design of both zones. Following the recommendations of the designers, the living room with the bedroom will turn out to be truly comfortable and cozy.

The main nuances of the layout of the room:

  1. First, you should decide on the size and location of each zone, taking into account the shape and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  2. Zones should be decorated in the same style. The use of finishes that match in color and texture, furniture of the same design, similar textiles and decor, will combine both zones.
  3. The sleeping area should not be a walk-through, it should be located away from the entrance to the room.
  4. The living room should be well lit, so it is recommended to install several light sources in different parts of it.
  5. Do not clutter up the space large quantity furniture.

Layout of a bedroom in a one-room apartment

To plan the living room and bedroom in a one-room apartment, you can choose one of the most popular methods.

The first option is to place the sleeping area near the window. It is great for narrow rooms, as well as for owners who prefer to fall asleep and wake up by the window.

The second way is to arrange a sleeping area in a remote, secluded part of the room. This will create an intimate atmosphere in the bedroom, conducive to restful and healthy sleep.

Rest zone

Successful zoning of a bedroom depends not only on its placement in the room, but also on filling it with the necessary pieces of furniture.

To equip a recreation area, you will need a minimum amount of furniture. Her main subject, of course, is the bed. It is advisable to put bedside tables near the bed, which will serve for storing various small things, placing table lamps and other decorative items.

Guest zone

The guest area should be comfortable, cozy and adapted for the daytime rest of the whole family. Regardless of the chosen style and design of the room, it needs to be filled with everything you need. Comfortable sofas, armchairs, coffee table, TV, shelving, various modular storage systems - this is the usual content of the living area. Of course, don't forget about beautiful decor this part of the room.

Common ways of zoning a bedroom-living room

Designers use various ways zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room, which allow not only to divide, but also visually expand its space.

The most popular ways are:

  • construction of capital or drywall partitions different heights, width and shape;
  • joining the loggia room, in which the sleeping area is usually arranged;
  • installation of sliding partitions;
  • zoning with furniture;
  • separation with curtains, screens and blinds;
  • visual zoning of the bedroom using decoration different types, textures and colors;
  • installation of transforming beds, which are hidden in a closet or podium during the day.

We described the second method in detail in the article: "".
The choice of one or another method depends on the shape and size of the room, financial capabilities and taste preferences of its owners. Let's consider these options in more detail.

Use of partitions

Partitions dividing the room into zones can be capital, plasterboard or glass.

The construction of a capital partition is a rather time-consuming process that requires prior approval from the licensing authorities. Therefore, it is better to give preference to drywall constructions. They can be high, low, different shapes, with niches or through "windows" in which they will look great decorative vases, figurines, photographs and flowers in beautiful pots. In addition, the arrangement of niches will improve the lighting of the room.

Translucent partitions made of impact-resistant glass or plastic will perfectly fit into the interior of the bedroom-living room. Stained glass painting, various images and ornaments can be applied to their surface. Such a partition will clearly delimit the zones, it will look very light and attractive.

Zoning with sliding doors

Sliding partitions and doors will fit perfectly into the design of the living room with the bedroom. These lightweight structures can consist of several panels made of different materials: wood, bamboo, plastic, glass in a metal frame. With the help of sliding doors, the zones can be completely separated from each other. When the panels are moved apart, the room will become a single space.

Zoning with furniture

Dividing a room into zones using furniture is the easiest and most affordable way. As a partition, you can use high racks, wardrobes and even corner sofas with high backs.

Wide shelving unit rear wall not only separate the living room from the bedroom in a one-room apartment, but also become convenient system storage. You can use two narrow racks by placing them against opposite walls. The advantage of this zoning is that the furniture does not restrict the penetration of daylight into the back of the room.

Cabinets can be used instead of shelving hinged doors or wardrobes. in narrow and long rooms it is better to install a pair of cabinets opposite each other to provide good lighting. For rooms of a different shape, one wide closet is perfect.

Can you share a room corner sofa, the side back of which will become a kind of partition. Above it, it is better to hang blinds, a curtain made of fabric, threads or decorative beads.

Curtains and screen

Another easy way to zone a room is to use curtains and screens. Curtains should be in harmony with the rest of the textiles in the interior. You can hang curtains from various fabrics, beads, glass beads or bamboo, with beautiful drapery, decorated with fringe and tassels. For maximum privacy, it is better to use dense heavy fabrics. Lungs, air materials visually designate the bedroom area in the hall, maintaining the unity of space.


In the bedroom, combined with the living room, you can use vertical blinds to separate zones. It's pretty simple and cheap way room zoning.

Moved blinds provide privacy in the sleeping area. At any moment they can be moved apart and the space will become one again. Modern technologies allow you to apply any images, ornaments and drawings to the canvas, which allows you to successfully fit the blinds into the interior.

Zoning with finishing (ceiling, walls, floors)

One of the options for dividing a room is visual zoning. Its essence lies in the use of different materials, textures and shades in the decoration, the construction of ceiling structures and floor podiums of various shapes. Such design techniques suitable for combining the living room and bedroom in small rooms and large studio apartments.

You can decorate the floor with different materials, for example, choose soft carpet for the bedroom, and lay parquet, laminate or linoleum in the living room.

How to choose furniture for a bedroom combined with a living room

The stylish and refined design of the living room, combined with the bedroom, implies the presence of furniture for various purposes.

There must be a sleeping place in the recreation area. It can be a folding sofa or a bed. You can install a stationary model required size, or give preference to a transforming bed. Vertical structures usually hidden in a niche or shaped like a cabinet. Horizontal beds slide into podiums.

Of course, you can not do without bedside tables or hanging shelves located at the head of the bed. If there is free space, you can add a couple of chairs or a rocking chair, a small table, a console with a mirror.

For the living area, you should choose a comfortable large sofa and armchairs. If desired, you can install a high wardrobe for storage. If you do not plan to install cabinets, it is worth installing various modular systems, shelving, cabinets for equipment, hanging shelves.

Lighting nuances

Light zoning of the bedroom and living room is used in combination with any other way of dividing the space.

In the sleeping area, it is better to use spot ceiling lighting. As an addition, you can install bedside lamps or place a sconce on the wall at the head of the bed.

For lighting the living room is perfect beautiful ceiling chandelier, in combination with spotlights or LED backlight ceiling. Can also be placed in different parts zones floor decorative lamps, floor lamp, table lamps.

As you can see, the arrangement of the living room and bedroom in a single space is not so difficult. The main thing to remember is that the decoration, textiles and furniture of the guest and sleeping areas should be combined in style and color. In a harmonious and cozy space it will be pleasant and comfortable to relax, spend time with family and receive guests.

We hope that this article will help to equip the living room and bedroom in a single space. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments below. Our experts will definitely answer them.

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If the loan is not given, you should find out the reason. For example, get your CI and study it to see if there are any delinquencies formed through the fault of banks. Maybe you have accumulated debt on utility bills - it needs to be paid off. After some time, you can re-apply to the MFI for a smaller loan amount. Several successive and timely repayment of small loans will improve your position in the MFI.

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Not everyone can boast of having spacious and free housing in three rooms or more, where each family member can find their own personal place and space. Many young families are starting life path in one or two-room apartment. small apartments need a competent layout so that a single room can simultaneously perform several functions. Most often this is a living room-bedroom. This article will discuss common ways to zone a room into a bedroom and living room.

Zoning features

Before every man stands enough difficult task: to connect a public place with an individual space. In fact, there are many different ways combining bedroom and living room in one, even small room. If we talk about modern premises, then we should mention a studio apartment in which the common space is divided into several zones at once, which is more difficult.

With clear planning and precise execution of work, you can achieve the desired result - creating a comfortable and functional environment. In such a room it will be possible to receive guests or hold meetings with friends at any time and at the same time fully relax from a hard day's work. It is important to carry out zoning correctly, that is, the room must be clearly divided, while maintaining a certain commonality of the stylistic decisions used.

When planning to divide, consider a few nuances:

  • the bedroom area should be deaf, therefore, in most cases, the farthest part of the room is assigned to it;
  • it is desirable that natural lighting be present in the bedroom;
  • the living room is located closer to the exit, artificial lighting is used as much as possible.

When developing zoning, the shape of the room, the number of window and door openings are taken into account. So, a rectangular room will be easier to divide than a square one.

Stationary partitions

This type of partitions include sliding doors and structures made of glass blocks and drywall, as well as podiums and arches. Drywall installation will good option only if there are several windows on two walls in the room. Thanks to this, natural light will fall into each zone.

To solve this issue, experts recommend supplementing the design with mirror or glass inserts that will give the interior lightness and will not block the path of sunlight into the interior of the room. Such structures are called false partitions: they perform the function of zoning and at the same time do not separate the zones from each other. Most often they are used in the loft style.

A significant drawback of the method is that if you want to change the layout of the room, it will be quite difficult to implement.

Mobile partitions

If you are interested in how to zone one-room apartment quickly and easily, then mobile partitions will be the right solution. In addition, the benefits include:

  • simplicity;
  • a large assortment;
  • universality;
  • mobility;
  • attractive design.

You can create such a partition with your own hands using the instructions and recommendations. If necessary, you can remove the divider, fold the screen and hide in the closet.

The easiest and most common way to quickly divide a room on a small budget. Curtains or curtains can be made from a variety of materials, ranging from dense to light - translucent. In addition, it will be interesting to look combined options, for example, weightless organza and heavy satin.

To do everything right, you need to choose the right fabrics. The main thing is that they are in harmony and combined with colors curtains on the windows. In addition, other materials can be used instead of textiles:

  • beads;
  • bugle;
  • beads;
  • decorative threads;
  • tapes;
  • bamboo.

Such curtains are not suitable for every interior, so it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail.

Curtains that are located at different levels look original.

Designers consider such furniture ideal for decorating a combined living-bedroom room. These include:

  • bed-wardrobe;
  • mattress bed;
  • chair-bed.

There are many options. For example, manufacturers easily connected an ottoman and a coffee table, which transforms with a flick of the wrist. If you fill the room with just such furniture, then at night it will easily turn into a place to relax, and during the day - into a cozy living room.

Remember that no sofa can replace a full-fledged bed with high-quality orthopedic mattress who will give good vacation and healthy sleep.


Even a slight elevation of 10–20 cm will visually divide the room. An addition to the podium for the bed will be a false partition or a canopy. The design of the podium must be properly planned, for example, to provide boxes inside in which various things and clothes will be stored.

The bed mattress can be placed directly on the podium without using a frame, which will reduce the bulkiness and occupancy of the room.

If you are a happy owner of an apartment or house with high ceilings, then it is better to give preference to vertical zoning, that is, to place a bed under the very ceiling. Non-standard solution rare in modern interior, but still it may be relevant, as the list of benefits is impressive:

  • the bedroom area does not require additional separation by partitions or screens;
  • you can fully relax upstairs, even if there are awake family members downstairs;
  • you can spend time in solitude at any time, for example, go upstairs to read a book or listen to music;
  • increase usable area rooms.

In the presence of low ceilings, there is also a similar solution that designers and designers came up with. It's about about a bed that is raised to the ceiling during the day and lowered down in the evening using the automatic mode. Under the bed in the daytime can be located work zone. There is a significant drawback - the high cost.

Most apartments have a balcony or loggia, which can also be rationally used, for example, to equip it with a cozy and small bedroom. This distribution will allow organizing almost two different rooms, which will be separated by a stationary wall. But for the implementation of this project, it will be necessary to carry out insulation and glazing, which will entail additional expenses. It is very important to get approval from the relevant authorities in order not to have problems in the future.

visual zoning

It is possible to divide a room into several zones in other ways, for example, by correctly using colors and textures in decoration. This approach will be interesting to look both on its own and in combination with the above methods. The whole idea is enough simple solution: different decoration of the living room and bedroom area. Despite the simplicity, it will be very difficult to achieve both separation and combination, that is, harmony.

Also, as a visual and simple partition, use:

  • tall indoor plants;
  • aquarium on a stand;
  • high decorative elements (a vase with flowers);
  • long bookcase and others.

To avoid cluttering the room, you only need to turn on necessary items furniture or use transformers.

Summing up, we can say that the design of the living room combined with the bedroom should be planned carefully, considering and studying all the options. Everything will depend on criteria such as the total area, linear dimensions rooms, ceiling height, the presence of a balcony or loggia, as well as your own preferences. The main thing to remember is that every person can create an interesting and multifunctional interior. Even the minimal division of the room will improve your rest, as well as save you from unnecessary quarrels with loved ones.

A photo

Below you can see photo examples of zoning:
