The structure of scientific research work. Structure, logic and design of students' research work

Traditionally, a certain compositional structure of research has developed, the main elements of which, in the order of their arrangement, are the following: 1. Title page 2. Table of contents 3. Introduction 4. Chapters of the main part 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliographic list 7. Applications according to strictly defined rules. After the title page, a table of contents is placed, which lists all the R&D titles and indicates the pages from which they begin. Table of contents headings should exactly repeat the headings in the text. Introduction. Here, the scientific novelty and relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks set are usually substantiated, the object and subject of research are formulated, the chosen method (or methods) of research is indicated, and the theoretical significance and applied value of the results obtained are reported. The scientific novelty of R&D gives the author the right to use the term "For the first time" when describing the results obtained, which means the absence of similar results before their publication. Scientific novelty is manifested in the presence of theoretical provisions that were first formulated and substantiated in their content, methodological recommendations that are put into practice and have a significant impact on the development of science in general and its individual areas. The relevance of the topic is assessed from the point of view of modernity and social significance, a problem situation is created, a way out of which you propose. In order to inform the R&D reader about the state of development of the chosen topic, a brief review of the literature is compiled, which should ultimately lead to the conclusion that this particular topic has not yet been disclosed (or has been disclosed only partially or in the wrong aspect and therefore needs further development). A review of the literature on the topic should show a thorough acquaintance with the specialized literature, the ability to systematize sources, critically examine them, highlight the essential, evaluate what was previously done by other researchers, and determine the main thing in the current state of study of the topic. All publications of any value that are directly and immediately related to the research topic should be named and critically evaluated. From the formulation of the scientific problem and the proof that that part of this problem, which is the subject of research, has not yet received its development and coverage in the specialized literature, it is logical to move on to formulating the purpose of the research being undertaken, as well as point out the specific tasks to be solved in accordance with to this end. This is usually done in the form of an enumeration (explore…, describe…, establish…, identify…, derive a formula, etc.). The formulation of these tasks must be done as carefully as possible, since the description of their solution should form the content of the R&D chapters. This is also important because the headings of such chapters are “born” precisely from the formulation of the objectives of the research being undertaken. A mandatory element of the introduction is the formulation of the object and subject of research. An object is a process or phenomenon that generates a problem situation and is chosen for study. A subject is something that is within the boundaries of an object. The object and subject of research as categories of the scientific process are related to each other as general and particular. In the object, that part of it is singled out, which serves as the subject of research. It is on him that the main attention is directed, it is the subject of research that determines the topic of research, which is indicated on the title page as its title. An obligatory element of the introduction is also an indication of research methods that serve as a tool in obtaining factual material, being a necessary condition for achieving the goal set in such a work. The introduction describes other elements of the scientific process. These include, in particular, an indication on which specific material the work itself was made. It also gives a description of the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic), as well as the methodological foundations of the study. In the chapters of the main part of the research, the research methodology and technique are discussed in detail and the results are summarized. All materials that are not essential for understanding the solution of a scientific problem are included in appendices. The content of the chapters of the main part must exactly correspond to the research topic and fully disclose it. These chapters should show the ability to present the material concisely, logically and with arguments. The research ends with the final part, which is called the "conclusion". Like any conclusion, this part of the R&D serves as an ending, determined by the logic of the research, which is in the form of a synthesis of the scientific information accumulated in the main part. This synthesis is a consistent, logically coherent presentation of the results obtained and their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks set and formulated in the introduction. It is here that the so-called "inferential" knowledge is contained, which is new in relation to the original knowledge. This inferential knowledge should not be replaced by a mechanical summation of conclusions at the end of chapters that present a brief summary, but should contain that new, essential that constitutes the final results of the study, which are often presented in the form of a number of numbered paragraphs. Their sequence is determined by the logic of the study design. At the same time, not only its scientific novelty and theoretical significance, but also practical value, arising from the final results, is indicated. After the conclusion, it is customary to place a bibliographic list of used literature. This list is one of the essential parts of R&D and reflects independent creative work. Each literary source included in such a list should be reflected in the text. If the author makes a reference to any borrowed facts or cites the works of other authors, then he must indicate in the subscript where the cited materials come from. You should not include in the bibliographic list those works that are not referenced in the text and that have not actually been used. It is not recommended to include encyclopedias, reference books, popular science books, newspapers in this list. If there is a need to use such publications, then they should be given in subscripts. Auxiliary or additional materials that clutter up the text of the main part are placed in the appendix. The content of the application is very diverse. For example, these can be copies of original documents, excerpts from reporting materials, production plans and protocols, certain provisions from instructions and rules, previously unpublished texts, correspondence, etc. In form, they can be text, tables, graphs, maps. Applications cannot include a bibliographic list of references, auxiliary indexes of all kinds, reference comments and notes, which are not applications to the main text, but elements of the reference apparatus that help to use its main text. Each application must begin on a new sheet (page) with indicated in the upper right corner of the word "Application" and have a thematic heading. If there is more than one annex, they are numbered in Arabic numerals (without the number sign), for example: "Annex I", "Annex 2", etc. The numbering of pages on which appendices are given should be continuous and continue the general pagination of the main text. The connection of the main text with the applications is carried out through links that are used with the word "see"; it is usually abbreviated and enclosed together with the cipher in parentheses in the form: (see appendix 5).

To better reflect the logic of scientific research in scientific papers, text rubrication, i.e. division of the manuscript into separate logically subordinate parts. The simplest section is paragraph(indent to the right at the beginning of the first line of each piece of text).

Paragraphs are designed to emphasize the thoughts of the author, as well as to make their presentation more complete. Proper breakdown of the text into paragraphs helps in the process of reading and understanding what is read.

Very often the chapters of the main part are divided into several paragraphs. Such a division should be made taking into account the logical rules for dividing the concept. These rules are as follows:

1. List all types of a divisible concept, i.e. the chapter in its semantic content must exactly correspond to the total semantic content of all paragraphs related to it.

2. The chosen sign of division must remain unchanged throughout the division, i.e. it is unacceptable to replace one sign of division with another, which may lead to incomplete division and/or partial coincidence of the content of various paragraphs in one chapter.

3. Members of the division must be semantically mutually exclusive, and not related to each other as a part and a whole.

4. Continuity of the fission process, i.e. when dividing, you should go to the nearest species without jumping over them.

For example:

What other requirements apply to the headings of chapters and paragraphs? They should briefly and accurately reflect the content of the text relating to them, neither reducing nor expanding the amount of semantic information contained in them. You should not use highly specialized or local terms in headings, it is unacceptable to include abbreviations, abbreviations, and various formulas in the heading.

The following heading numbering systems are possible:

The use of characters of different types - Roman and Arabic numerals, uppercase and lowercase letters, combined with paragraph indents;

The use of only Arabic numerals located in certain combinations.

In modern scientific and technical texts, mainly a purely digital numbering system is used, in which the numbers of the largest parts of a scientific work (the first stage of division) consist of one digit, the numbers of the constituent parts (the second stage of division) consist of two digits, the third stage of division - from three digits, etc.

There are three main methods of presenting scientific materials: strictly sequential, holistic (with subsequent processing of each chapter) and selective (when chapters are written separately in any order).

With a strictly consistent presentation of the research material, the author does not proceed to a new section until the previous one has been completely completed. This leads to the fact that the work can take a very long time, since while one section is being processed, the rest of the material, even if it almost does not need to be processed, will lie motionless.

When using a holistic approach, the time spent is reduced by about half due to the fact that the entire work is first written in draft form, and then it is processed in parts and details, with additions and corrections.

The final choice of this or that technique is purely individual and depends only on you.

The language and style of written scientific work has its own characteristics, based on the traditions of communication between scientists developed over the years.

Basically, a scientific presentation consists of reasoning, the purpose of which is to prove the truths revealed as a result of the study of the facts of reality.

A characteristic feature of the language of written scientific speech is the formal-logical way of presenting the material. The means of expressing logical connections are special functional-syntactic means of communication, which indicate:

The sequence of development of thought (at first, first of all, then, firstly, secondly, then, so, etc.),

Contradictory relations (however, meanwhile, while, nevertheless),

Cause-and-effect relationship

The transition from one thought to another (before moving on to ..., let's turn to ..., consider, stop at ..., having considered, move on to ..., it is necessary to stop at ..., it is necessary to consider),

The result, the conclusion (so, thus, therefore, in conclusion, we note that everything that has been said allows us to draw a conclusion, summing up, it should be said ...).

Pronouns, adjectives and participles (data, this, such, named, indicated, etc.) can be used as means of communication.

The scientific text includes only accurate information and facts obtained as a result of long-term observations and scientific experiments, therefore, for their exact verbal expression, special terminology. This makes it possible to give detailed definitions and characteristics of scientific facts, concepts, processes, and phenomena in a concise and economical form.

It is very important not to mix different terminology in one text, since each science has its own terminological system. Also, instead of the terms accepted in this science, professional words and expressions common among narrow specialists cannot be used.

Due to the specifics of scientific knowledge, which seeks to establish scientific truth, the main stylistic feature of scientific speech is the objectivity of presentation. Therefore, in the text of scientific papers, introductory words and phrases are often used, indicating the degree of reliability of the message. For example, with the help of such introductory words, a fact can be represented:

As quite reliable (of course, of course, really);

As supposed (apparently, it must be assumed);

As possible (possibly, probably).

In order to maintain the objectivity of the presentation of the material, it is imperative to indicate the source of the message, who expressed this or that thought, who specifically owns this or that expression. For this purpose, special introductory words and phrases are used in the text (according to the message, according to the information, according to the opinion, according to the data, in our opinion, etc.).

As a rule, in a scientific work, the presentation is conducted in the third person (“he”, “she”, “it”, “they”), since attention is focused on the content and logical sequence of the message, and not on the subject. The second person form of pronouns is not used in the singular (“you”). The first person pronouns are relatively rarely used, moreover, usually the author acts in the plural and uses “we” instead of “I”, which allows him to reflect his opinion as the opinion of a certain group of people, a scientific school or a scientific direction.

At the same time, excessive use of the pronoun “we” in the text also makes a bad impression, so the authors of scientific works try to use constructions that exclude the use of this pronoun. These designs include:

Indefinitely personal proposals (for example, “At the beginning, they formulate the goals of the examination, and then select and form a group of experts”);

Third person statement (for example, "the author believes ...");

Sentences with passive verbs (for example, "An economic and mathematical model has been developed ...").

One of the most important conditions that ensure the scientific and practical value of information contained in a written scientific work is semantic accuracy. An incorrectly chosen word can significantly distort the meaning of what is written, giving the possibility of a double interpretation and giving the whole text an undesirable tone.

Do not abuse pseudo-scientific terminology and foreign words, especially if you yourself do not know the exact meaning of these words and expressions.

The necessary quality of scientific speech is its clarity, i.e. Ability to write in an accessible and understandable way.

Unnecessary verbosity should be avoided. A necessary and obligatory quality of competent scientific speech, which determines its culture, is brevity. It is important to be able to avoid unnecessary repetition, excessive detail and verbal garbage. The goal in this case can be formulated as follows: “how can you not only more accurately, but also briefly convey the essence of the matter.

Quotations can be used in the text of a scientific work to confirm one's own arguments by referring to an authoritative source or to illustrate one's criticism of certain provisions expressed by the cited author.

The text of a quotation can be of two types: direct, when the text of the quotation is enclosed in quotation marks and given with the preservation of the author's spelling, or indirect, when, by retelling the thoughts of other authors in your own words, it is possible to achieve significant savings in the text.

In any case, it is necessary to reproduce the quoted text exactly, since any reduction can distort the meaning that was invested by the author of the quoted excerpt, and also do not forget to indicate the source of the quote.

In order to make digital material, as well as evidence and justification for the proposed provisions, conclusions and recommendations more visual special forms of reporting should be used, such as diagrams, tables, graphs, diagrams etc.

Depending on the content of the table, there are two types:

1. Analytical, which are the result of processing and analysis of indicators. Usually after them a generalization is made as new knowledge (conclusion).

2. Non-analytical, which usually contain raw data that serves only for information or ascertainment.

If the text contains more than one table, then all of them must be numbered in Arabic numerals (the “Table ...” is written above the upper left corner, indicating the serial number of the table).

The title of the table, if any, should reflect its content, be precise and concise. The title should be placed above the table.

When transferring part of the table to the same or other pages, the title is placed only above the first part of the table.

It should also be remembered to indicate the sources of all data given in the tables.

Very often, to present statistical data illustrating a particular conclusion or pattern, it is better to use graphs or charts. The following requirements are imposed on the design of illustrations in scientific work:

1. The illustration must be embedded in the text and associated with it, i.e. it should organically complement what has been said.

2. All illustrations must be consecutively numbered (except for the case when there is only one illustration in the entire text).

3. Links to illustrations are placed in the text in the place where it refers to the topic associated with the illustration. The link can be issued either in the form of an expression enclosed in parentheses, or using a special turnover, for example: “(Fig. 2)”, or “As can be seen from Fig. 2 ...”, or “... as can be seen in Fig. 2 ". You should not format the link as an independent phrase.

4. Each illustration must be provided with a caption, which must correspond to the main text and content of the illustration.

The following basic requirements are imposed on the design of the manuscript of a scientific work:

1. All texts are printed on standard A4 paper (210x297 mm).

2. The number of characters per line is 60-65 (including spaces), the number of lines on a full page is 28-30.

3. Margin sizes: top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm, right - 10 mm , left - 20-30 mm. The paragraph indent size is 5 characters (10 mm).

Topic 9.

Traditionally, a certain compositional structure of R&D has developed, the main elements of which, in the order of their arrangement, are the following: 1. Title page 2. Table of contents 3. Introduction 4. Chapters of the main part 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliographic list 7. Applications Title page is the first page of the research work and is filled out according to strictly defined rules. After the title page is placed table of contents, which lists all R&D titles and the pages they start on. Table of contents headings should exactly repeat the headings in the text. Introduction. Here, the scientific novelty and relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks set are usually substantiated, the object and subject of research are formulated, the chosen method (or methods) of research is indicated, and the theoretical significance and applied value of the results obtained are reported. The scientific novelty of R&D gives the author the right to use the term "For the first time" when describing the results obtained, which means the absence of similar results before their publication. Scientific novelty is manifested in the presence of theoretical provisions that were first formulated and substantiated in their content, methodological recommendations that are put into practice and have a significant impact on the development of science in general and its individual areas. The relevance of the topic is assessed from the point of view of modernity and social significance, a problem situation is created, a way out of which you propose. In order to inform the R&D reader about the state of development of the chosen topic, a a brief review of the literature, which in the end should lead to the conclusion that this particular topic has not yet been disclosed (or has been disclosed only partially or in the wrong aspect and therefore needs further development). A review of the literature on the topic should show a thorough acquaintance with the specialized literature, the ability to systematize sources, critically examine them, highlight the essential, evaluate what was previously done by other researchers, and determine the main thing in the current state of study of the topic. All publications of any value that are directly and immediately related to the research topic should be named and critically evaluated. From the formulation of the scientific problem and the proof that that part of this problem, which is the subject of research, has not yet been developed and covered in the specialized literature, it is logical to move on to the formulation objectives of the research being undertaken, and also indicate the specific tasks to be solved in accordance with this goal. This is usually done in the form of an enumeration (explore…, describe…, establish…, identify…, derive a formula, etc.). The formulation of these tasks must be done as carefully as possible, since the description of their solution should form the content of the R&D chapters. This is also important because the headings of such chapters are “born” precisely from the formulation of the objectives of the research being undertaken. An obligatory element of the introduction is the wording object and subject of research. An object is a process or phenomenon that generates a problem situation and is chosen for study. A subject is something that is within the boundaries of an object. The object and subject of research as categories of the scientific process are related to each other as general and particular. In the object, that part of it is singled out, which serves as the subject of research. It is on him that the main attention is directed, it is the subject of research that determines the topic of research, which is indicated on the title page as its title. An obligatory element of the introduction is also an indication of research methods, which serve as a tool in obtaining factual material, being a necessary condition for achieving the goal set in such work. The introduction describes other elements of the scientific process. These include, in particular, an indication on which specific material the work itself was made. It also gives a description of the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic), as well as the methodological foundations of the study. in chapters the main part of research the methodology and technique of the study are considered in detail and the results are summarized. All materials that are not essential for understanding the solution of a scientific problem are included in appendices. The content of the chapters of the main part must exactly correspond to the research topic and fully disclose it. These chapters should show the ability to present the material concisely, logically and with arguments. R&D ends the final part, which It's called "conclusion". Like any conclusion, this part of the R&D serves as an ending, determined by the logic of the research, which is in the form of a synthesis of the scientific information accumulated in the main part. This synthesis is a consistent, logically coherent presentation of the results obtained and their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks set and formulated in the introduction. It is here that the so-called "inferential" knowledge is contained, which is new in relation to the original knowledge. This inferential knowledge should not be replaced by a mechanical summation of conclusions at the end of chapters that present a brief summary, but should contain that new, essential that constitutes the final results of the study, which are often presented in the form of a number of numbered paragraphs. Their sequence is determined by the logic of the study design. At the same time, not only its scientific novelty and theoretical significance, but also practical value, arising from the final results, is indicated. After the conclusion, it is customary to place bibliographic list of used literature. This list is one of the essential parts of R&D and reflects independent creative work. Each literary source included in such a list should be reflected in the text. If the author makes a reference to any borrowed facts or cites the works of other authors, then he must indicate in the subscript where the cited materials come from. You should not include in the bibliographic list those works that are not referenced in the text and that have not actually been used. It is not recommended to include encyclopedias, reference books, popular science books, newspapers in this list. If there is a need to use such publications, then they should be given in subscripts. Auxiliary or additional materials that clutter up the text of the main part are placed in application. The content of the application is very diverse. For example, these can be copies of original documents, excerpts from reporting materials, production plans and protocols, certain provisions from instructions and rules, previously unpublished texts, correspondence, etc. In form, they can be text, tables, graphs, maps. Applications cannot include a bibliographic list of references, auxiliary indexes of all kinds, reference comments and notes, which are not applications to the main text, but elements of the reference apparatus that help to use its main text. Each application must begin on a new sheet (page) with indicated in the upper right corner of the word "Application" and have a thematic heading. If there is more than one annex, they are numbered in Arabic numerals (without the number sign), for example: "Annex I", "Annex 2", etc. The numbering of pages on which appendices are given should be continuous and continue the general pagination of the main text. The connection of the main text with the applications is carried out through links that are used with the word "see"; it is usually abbreviated and enclosed together with the cipher in parentheses in the form: (see appendix 5).

The researcher must write the paper logically, correctly using the necessary terminology, and during the defense clearly state his thoughts and give specific arguments. R&D has several classifications:

  • fundamental, the acquisition of new theoretical knowledge, scientific data and patterns in the area under study;
  • search, development of the latest formation forecasts in science and technology, as well as the search and discovery of patterns that did not exist;
  • applied, solving certain scientific problems to create new solutions (development of methods, recommendations and step-by-step instructions).

Compiling a scientific work, the student must independently conduct research that can solve specific problems. The work should fully reveal all the accumulated knowledge and skills of the student. R&D sets certain goals for the student, which are important to consider when researching and writing all the material:

  • develop skills for independent research that can be applied to solve actual problems;
  • a thorough study of existing works, both in our country and abroad;
  • the ability to independently study the chosen problem;
  • demonstration of skills to analyze and systematize the data obtained in the course of research;
  • develop an interest in R&D.

As soon as the student receives the assignment, he should familiarize himself with it and, if necessary, do not hesitate to ask questions. There is no need to postpone the work for later, as it can be delayed. It is necessary to work on scientific work regularly, qualitatively fulfilling all the tasks and recommendations of the head. R&D needs to be done regularly and given a lot of time, but it's worth it, because in just a few semesters you can get really high-quality work. It is important not to get upset if something does not work out, because everyone is learning and there is nothing to worry about. The student needs to remember four basic rules that will help to successfully cope with the task:

  • work regularly;
  • the leader does not have to completely direct all the steps of the student;
  • do not hesitate to take the initiative;
  • understand that everyone has the right to make mistakes.

Theme, task and material of the research work

Topic- this is a very broad understanding, which may change in the course of writing the work. The topic can be directed in any direction convenient for the student, so that it favorably emphasizes his knowledge and understanding in the chosen work.

A task- this is a more specific concept, since it has a clear statement, it is also called DNA (what is Given, what is to be found and what are the Criteria for solving the problem). Tasks are more complex and easier, the leader independently chooses the student based on his skills.

Material This is information that is provided exclusively in electronic form. This may be a proof of a theorem, various graphs, a draft report, the results of experiments and experiments. Over the years of study, the student must learn to present their work in the format that is required.

Selecting an appropriate research topic

Two practical steps have been developed to help you choose the right topic for writing a scientific work. A teacher can choose a topic for a student, or he chooses a topic on his own, depending on his knowledge and preferences. The choice can be made in favor of many sciences:

  • mathematics ("Limiting figures", "Dense packings and periodicity", "Trigonometry and complex numbers", "Equations and systems", "Mathematics and music", etc.);
  • physics (“Structure of the Galaxy”, “Influence of the moon”, “Space masers”, “Ionic layers of the space system”, “Problem of launching the Republic of Belarus into space”, etc.);
  • physics and chemistry (“General physics, chemistry and development of physical chemistry”, “Limits of the Periodic system”, “Dense packings, shells and nuclei”, “Ionization and dissociation energies”, etc.);
  • chemistry (“The past and future of periodic systems”, “Chemistry as the basis of biology”, “The concept of phlogiston as an electron”, “Chemistry and transformations of sugar”, etc.);
  • biology ("Classes of Plants", "Mysteries of Sleep", "Analysis of Mortality", "Electrograms of Various Organs", "Vavilov-Lysenok Project", etc.);
  • biology and chemistry (“The need for potassium content in the body”, “The role of radioisotopes in biology”, “The development of the green revolution”, “Main causes of death”, etc.);
  • man, society, state (“Nervous and Mental Diseases and Disorders”, “German Psychology, Goethe's Analysis”, “SOS-Complex”, “Right of Offense”, “Rights of Students”, etc.);
  • introduction to economics;
  • story.

Research structure

All scientific work must be drawn up in accordance with established standards, so it must be presented in this way:

  • title page (the first page filled out according to certain rules);
  • content (second page, chapters and paragraphs with their corresponding pages are indicated on it);
  • introduction (the problem is indicated, as well as its relevance and practical significance of the problem);
  • the main part (it is necessary to fully reveal the essence of scientific work);
  • conclusion (succinctly formulate the conclusion of the material);
  • conclusion;
  • Bibliography;
  • applications.

How to write a research paper correctly

Experienced specialists have developed a single correct algorithm that will help you write a high-quality research paper. The student should carefully study this development and adhere to these recommendations. Then he will be able to carry out his plan without any problems:

  • it is necessary to collect all available information on this issue;
  • conduct a thorough analysis and summarize the knowledge gained;
  • develop a well-planned action plan;
  • choose a method for conducting research;
  • conduct research;
  • carefully process the information received;
  • it is necessary to arrange the material in writing in the form of a holistic text;
  • submission of work for review;
  • granting for protection;
  • work protection.

Research work (R&D) - how to write correctly updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

There is an accepted scheme for writing a research paper. It is the same for term papers, diploma, bachelor's, master's and dissertation papers. This scheme assumes the presence of the following parts in the work: content, introduction, a number of chapters (with at least two paragraphs per chapter), conclusion, list of references, applications.

The most formalized part of the work is INTRODUCTION. The introduction sets out research program- the ideal plan of action for the researcher, which is necessary both for understanding what, why, how and With using what explore, as well as to understand how to implement this research(plan of successive actions). The introduction has a well-established structure:

Relevance of the research topic. In this part of the introduction, a rationale is given for why and why this particular topic, problem is being studied. It is important to formulate the relevance as specifically as possible, within the framework of the chosen research topic. Abstract general statements about the state of humanity and human knowledge, as well as arguments about the high significance of the direction chosen by the student and the importance of this work, are undesirable. Revealing the relevance of the study, it is necessary to show what tasks are facing theory and practice, before psychological and pedagogical science in the aspect of the chosen direction in specific socio-economic conditions, reflect what has already been done by previous scientists and researchers and what has not yet been fully studied, what new the perspective of the problem is revealed in the work.

Coverage of relevance should be laconic. There is no special need to begin its description from afar. It is enough within one (maximum two) for a term paper and two or three pages of typewritten text for a thesis to show the main thing - the essence of the problem situation.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is sufficient to express in understanding the context of the study, the argumentation of interest in the chosen topic, the problematization of the research topic.

The relevance of the topic of the diploma research, master's thesis can be revealed in three directions:

Social. A paragraph about the current social context in relation to the research problem. For example: "In the context of an ever-widening gap in the value orientations of different generations, it becomes relevant ... such and such a problem, the disclosure of which will allow ...".

theoretical. A paragraph about the scale of the theory of the question. For example: “This problem was considered in the human sciences (or psychological and pedagogical sciences) in such and such a perspective (or aspect). However, the main attention was paid to something, and not to the question ... ".

practical. A paragraph about the state of affairs in the practice of the problem under discussion. For example: “Analysis of practice shows that psychologists (children) are not familiar enough (do not have sufficient skills, do not always pay professional attention), but are increasingly faced with ...”. Or: "The disclosure of this problem will contribute to the development ... in practice ...".

After briefly and at the same time describing in detail the relevance of the study, the author formulates research controversy. A contradiction is understood as a certain relationship between mutually exclusive, but at the same time mutually conditioned and interpenetrating opposites within a single object and its states. In pedagogy and psychology, contradiction is understood as inconsistency, inconsistency between any aspects of a single object. For example: “In the current state of the issue, unresolved contradictions have developed between this and that in theory ... and this and that in practice ...”.

The study begins with the formulation of scientific Problems , which follows from the chosen Topics research. In a broad sense, a problem is a complex theoretical or practical issue that requires study and resolution. In science, it is a contradictory situation, acting in the form of opposite positions in the explanation of any phenomena, objects, processes and requiring an adequate theory to resolve it. A research problem is a question that is planned to be answered in the process of working on a study, this is what we are studying. It is easier to formulate the problem as an interrogative form of the topic. For example: the topic sounds like “Psychological features of the role behavior of a woman in an incomplete family”, then the problem can be formulated as “What are the features of the role behavior of a woman in an incomplete family compared to the role behavior of women in complete families?”. Or the topic "Formation of a teacher's professional identity in the process of university training" may involve such a problem as: "What are the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a teacher's professional identity in the process of university training?"

It is important to understand that the problem is not only a clarification of the topic, but the discovery and concise formulation of a certain contradiction or unknown that needs to be resolved or clarified in the course of the study.

After the problem is formulated, it is necessary to designate purpose of the study. A goal is a imagined and desired future event or state, an ideal representation of the result of our action. The means necessary to achieve it are consistent with the goal. The goal is what the researcher intends to achieve in the process of work; what we want to clarify in the study. For example, "The purpose of the study is to identify, justify and experimentally verify the conditions ...". The more specific the goal, the clearer what, how and by what means it is planned to achieve in the work. The phrase “The solution to this problem was the goal of the study” is also possible, which will avoid the repetition of the “reversal” of the problem.

Following the problem is determined object of study, and then subject of study.

Object of study- this is, as a rule, an area or sphere of phenomena, real psychological and pedagogical processes that contain contradictions and give rise to a problem situation. Defining the object of research, the author designates the field of research.

Subject of study- these are separate sides, properties, characteristics of the object; that side, that aspect, that point of view from which the researcher cognizes an integral object, while highlighting the main, most essential features of the object for research. Formulating the subject of research, the author clarifies the question: what is being studied?

The subject is a narrower concept than the object of study. Reflecting on the subject of research, the student determines what relationships, properties, aspects, functions of the object this research reveals. The subject of research should be consonant with the topic of research.

The object and subject, the problem and the purpose of the study are closely related research objectives. Tasks are the purpose of the activity given in certain specific conditions. In research, tasks are specific questions or actions, the resolution or implementation of which brings closer to the disclosure of the research problem and the achievement of the goal of the work. The comprehension of tasks is facilitated by the search for answers to the question: what needs to be done to achieve the goal, to solve the research problem? When formulating tasks, it should be remembered that by solving them, the research program is actually set: give a description, determine the theoretical foundations of the study, identify, characterize, reveal the specifics of the phenomenon (make an assumption, select methods, develop a program, collect information, obtain data, compare data with each other in terms of certain parameters, etc. - these are internal research tasks that are not included in the category of general ones).

Thus, each next task can be solved only on the basis of the result of solving the previous one. In total, it is recommended to set and solve at least three, but not more than five tasks. After formulating the tasks, it is logical to proceed to the formulation research hypotheses.

Research hypothesis- a scientific assumption, an assumption that requires experimental verification and theoretical justification in order to become a reliable scientific theory. Hypothesis formulation is the most complex and important stage of research design. The hypothesis largely builds the "author's" logic of the study.

The hypothesis contains a hypothetical answer to the question, which is presented in the form of a statement of the purpose of the study.

A hypothesis is a scientifically substantiated assumption about the structure of the subject of research, about the nature of its elements and their relationships, about the mechanism of functioning and development. A hypothesis contains factors that determine a particular phenomenon. Hypotheses should be testable in the course of the study, but they can be either confirmed or refuted.

The hypothesis should not contain unspecified concepts; should not allow value judgments; should not include many restrictions and assumptions; must be verifiable using existing techniques or methods.

There are different types of hypotheses:

1. descriptive:

Structural - an assumption about a characteristic set of elements in the object under study;

Functional - an assumption about the form of connections between the elements of the object under study;

2. explanatory - the assumption of causal relationships in the object under study, requiring experimental verification.

Hypotheses can also be divided into:

general - to explain the whole class of phenomena, to derive a regular nature from relationships at any time and in any place;

private - to find out the reasons for the occurrence of patterns in a certain subset of elements of this set;

single - to identify patterns of single facts, specific events or phenomena;

workers - an assumption put forward at the beginning of the study and not setting the task of finally clarifying the causes and patterns. It allows the researcher to build a certain system (grouping) of observational results and give a preliminary description of the phenomenon under study that is consistent with it.

Besides , hypotheses can be divided into: main (which are the basis of the study) and inferential (derived from the study and are a prerequisite for the next one).

In exceptional cases, research (exploratory work, historiographic, etc.) may not initially have a hypothesis, but this must be justified.

The next step should be understanding theoretical and methodological basis of the study. Theoretical and methodological basis is one or several interrelated conceptual ideas, in line with which one's own research is built. The methodological basis cannot be a simple list of the names of scientists or theories that are discussed in the work. It is not necessary to put forward ideas from conflicting scientific paradigms or concepts as a methodological basis. The methodological basis of the study is the stated position, on the basis of which particular research questions will be understood and interpreted.

The introduction also mentions: research methods in the form of a simple enumeration according to the principle from general (analysis of scientific literature on the problem, terminological analysis, survey, observation, narrative (descriptive) methods, etc.) to specific (methods used in empirical research); experimental research base- organization, enterprise, division (for example, school, university, firm, etc.) in which research or experimental work is carried out; sample - the total number of subjects and detailed by significant differences for the study (gender, age, social groups; experimental and control groups, etc.).

It is possible (but not necessary) to highlight the item defense clauses, which are "answers" to the tasks set, formulated in the form of theoretical statements.

The introduction may state Theoretical and practical significance of the research- statements of what is fundamentally new revealed in this work, how and in what areas it will be possible to use the results of the study.

If the study was carried out in several stages, then a brief description of each stage of the study is given: in what time frame and what was done.

Actually the work is structured into chapters . The number of chapters in a term paper is usually two (maximum three); in the thesis - two or three (if necessary - four). If the work is structured into three chapters, then the following logic is reasonable: the first chapter is theoretical; the second is the rationale and description of research methods; the third is the presentation of the results of the study and their discussion. In a more abbreviated version: the first chapter is theoretical; the second is empirical.

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical part of the work. Review and analysis of the state of knowledge of this problem. This chapter provides an overview of the history of the study of the problem discussed in the paper. This review can be structured according to scientific directions and scientific schools, according to the historical stages of the development of science, according to the development of ideas in foreign and domestic research, etc. In the first chapter, it is significant to discuss the basic concepts, giving their essential characteristics, and theoretical positions in relation to the issues considered in the study. When analyzing the history of a problem, it is reasonable to focus on unexplored aspects or controversial issues. As a result of the first chapter, a clear theoretical substantiation of the planned empirical research should be given, a conceptual apparatus should be formulated, and the logic of the study should be substantiated.

CHAPTER 2 The empirical part of the work. Contains justification and description of the procedure and research methods; characteristics of the sample, research space, collected materials; description of the course of experimental work, the main stages and logic of the study; description of the control and experimental groups; data processing tools. The chapter describes the results of an empirical study or experiment, their analysis and interpretation; conclusions are drawn.

It is important that the first and second chapters are meaningfully interconnected. The rationale for the course of the study, the choice of methods, the logic of analysis and interpretation of data should follow from the theoretical justifications of the empirical study.

Structure of the research work

The structure of the work: title page, content, introduction, theoretical and practical chapters, conclusions and conclusions, literature and resources, applications. General requirements:

  • printed version of the work, sheets format A 4;
  • size 12, line spacing 1.5;
  • numbering is indicated at the bottom, centered;
  • the volume of work should preferably not exceed 10 pages, plus up to 10 pages at the end of the work are placed "Appendices" (diagrams, tables, diagrams, questions from questionnaires or interviews, photos, illustrations, etc.).

Note! Each Regulation on a research conference, competition may have its own requirements for the design of student work.

Registration of research work

Presentation of research results is a laborious stage of work. There are several basic forms of presenting the results of scientific work: the text of a scientific essay; article, theses; report, message; report, etc.

Basic requirements for their design:

The article is an independent scientific text, where the researcher expresses his own thoughts on the problem. The structure of the article is similar to the structure of the text of the study, but presents it as if in miniature. At the beginning of the article, its main thesis is put forward, which is then subjected to a reasoned proof in the main part. At the end of the article, conclusions are placed that confirm or refute all of the above.

Both forms - both the article and the theses - are created on the basis of the text of one's own research, where the entire course of the research is considered in detail and its results are described.

Registration begins study results from the layout of the prepared texts into chapters in accordance with the approximate structure of the work. After the chapters are formed, they should be carefully read and edited both in terms of spelling and syntax, and in terms of content (check numbers and facts, footnotes, quotations, etc.).

Immediately after reading each chapter and making changes, they begin to write conclusions for the corresponding chapter. The conclusion of the chapter usually contains a statement of the essence of the issue discussed in it, and a summary of the results of the analysis done.

Title page is the first page of a scientific work and is filled out according to certain rules. The title page states:

  • the full name of the educational institution at the top of the sheet in the center;
  • the name of the research topic in a larger font in the center of the sheet (without the word “topic”);
  • surname, name and patronymic of the author of the study, an indication of which class he is a student of - at the bottom of the title page on the right (without the word "author", it is not required to indicate the educational institution here);
  • surname, name, patronymic, position, scientific degree and title of supervisor - below the previous entry (without the word "supervisor", it is not required to indicate the educational institution here);
  • year and city - at the bottom of the page, in the center.

Title option: list of sections of the work, indicating the page numbers on which each section begins:


Chapter I (chapter title)………………………………………………………….4

Chapter II (chapter title)………………………………………………………….7



Applications (questionnaires, tables, charts, diagrams, etc……….…….13

The headings should follow the logic of the research. The artistic title does not fit the headings of chapters and paragraphs. There should be no interrogative form of sentences in headings. Review the following table of contents. Without a research topic, it is impossible to determine the subject of research here. The research topic is indicated below the table of contents (font size 6).

1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………p. 3

2. Good-natured giants ……………………………………………. page 4

2.1. Terrible appearance and good disposition ……………………………….p. four

2.2. Habitat …………………………………………….p. 6

2.3. Family …………………………………………………………p. 7

3. On the verge of extinction ……………………………………………….p. eight

3.1. Destruction of the natural habitat …………….p. eight

3.2. Killing for food ………………………………………….page 9

3.3. Unhealthy souvenirs ………………………………………p. ten

3.4. Diseases ………………………………………………………p. eleven

4. Help people ……………………………………………………. page 12

4.1. The fight against poaching ………………………………….p. 12

4.2. Nurseries ………………………………………………….p. 13

5. Conclusion ………………………………………………………..p. fourteen

6. References ………………………………………………..p. fifteen

7. Appendix ………………………………………………………. page 16

Rescue of rare animal species. Gorillas

Introduction is the most important part of scientific work, as it contains in a concise form all the main, fundamental provisions, the justification and verification of which the study is devoted to. The introduction should include: the relevance of the study; research problem; the wording of the topic; object, subject; goal, hypothesis; tasks; research methods; study structure; its practical significance and scientific novelty of the research; a brief analysis of the literature. The volume of the introduction is usually 2-3 pages.

Main (content) part The work may contain 2-3 chapters. Chapter 1 usually contains the results of the analysis of special literature, the theoretical substantiation of the research topic; 2-3 chapters describe the practical stages of work, interpretation of data, identification of certain patterns in the phenomena under study during the experiment. Each chapter ends with conclusions.

Conclusion usually no more than 1-2 pages. The main requirement for the conclusion: it should not verbatim repeat the conclusions of the chapters. In conclusion, the most general conclusions based on the results of the study are formulated and recommendations are offered. It is necessary to note the degree of achievement of the goal, the results of testing the conditions of the hypothesis, and outline the prospects for further research.

conclusions should contain something new and significant that constitutes the scientific and practical results of the research.

Drafting bibliographic list requires special precision.

Rules for registration in the list of references of various versions of publications. Options for building bibliography:

  • alphabetical;
  • systematic;
  • in the order of the first mention of works in the text;
  • chapters of scientific work.

Alphabetical arrangement. Example:

1. Avanesov, G.A. Criminology / G.A. Avanesov. - M., 1984.- ... p.;

2. Barsukov V.S. Providing information. security / V.S. Barsukov. - M., 1996. - ... p.;

3. Contract law. World practice. - M., 1992. - ... p.;

4. Shavaev, A.G. Security of banking structures / A.G. Shavaev // Economy and life. - 1994.- N16.- p.;

5. Gippius, Z. N. Works: in 2 volumes / Zinaida Gippius. - M.: Lakom-book: Gabestro, 2001.- (Golden prose of the Silver Age) T. 1: Novels. - 367 p.;

6. Kalenchuk, M. L. On the extension of the concept of position / M. L. Kalenchuk // Fortunatov collection: scientific materials. conf., dedicated 100th anniversary of Moscow. linguist. schools, 1897 - 1997 / Ros. acad. Sciences, Institute of Rus. lang. - M., 2000. - S. 26-32

Magazine article

Andreeva, O. Middle Ages: the cult of the Beautiful Lady / O. Andreeva // Science and Life. - 2005. - N 1. - S. 118 - 125.

Newspaper article

Karelian hut: [about the project to create a tourist. center in the village Shuya] // Prionezhie. - 2006. - 1 Sept. (No. 32).

Legislative materials.Entry titled:

Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation: official. text. - M.: Marketing, 2001. - 39 p.

Electronic resources

Internet step by step [Electronic resource]: [interactive. textbook]. - Electron. Dan. and progr. - St. Petersburg: PiterKom, 1997. - 1 electron. opt. disc (CD-ROM) + adj. (127 p.). - System. requirements: PC from 486 DX 66 MHz; RAM 16 Mb.; Windows 95; sound pay. - Zagl. from the screen;

Russian State Library [Electronic resource] / Center Inform. RSL technologies; ed. T.V. Vlasenko; Web - master N.V. Kozlov. - Electron. Dan. - M.: RSL, 1997. - Access mode: http//, free. - Zagl. from the screen;

The Russian Internet audience has overcome the threshold of 5 million people [Electronic resource] // The Guild of Periodical Press Publishers: . - Access Mode: http:///print.php?id=511. - Description based on version dated Feb. 10, 2005.

  • according to the composition of the elements, the link can be full or short;
  • according to the location, intra-text, subscript, extra-text links are distinguished;
  • when repeating references to the same object, primary and secondary references are distinguished;
  • if there are several reference objects, they are combined into one complex reference.

Applications. The main requirements for the design of applications can be formulated as follows:

  • placed after the bibliographic list;
  • in the table of contents, the appendix is ​​drawn up as an independent heading, with continuous pagination of the entire text;
  • each application is drawn up on a separate sheet and should have a heading in the upper right corner.

Illustrations to the research work are placed in order to give the material presented clarity, concreteness, figurativeness. Drawings it is better to place immediately after the first mention of them in the context of the work. If, after mentioning the picture, the remaining space on the page does not allow it to be placed, then the picture can be placed on the next page. tables, as well as figures, are located after the first mention of them in the text of the work. If the tables are not directly related to the text, then they can be placed in the application. All tables should have headings that briefly describe the content of the tabular data. Quotes in the text of the work are enclosed in quotation marks. Each quotation should be cited as the source. After bringing the parts of the work into a single whole, it is recommended to carry out continuous numbering of footnotes. When presenting the concept of any author, you can do without citations. In this case, the main thoughts of the author are described in strict accordance with the original in meaning. But in this case, it is necessary to make a footnote to the source. Quotes can also be used to illustrate your own judgments. However, the researcher must be extremely careful in quoting and carefully monitor its correctness. Incomplete, deliberately distorted and tailored to the purpose of the researcher, the quotation does not decorate his work and does not add to its significance.
