Summary of the lesson dedicated to February 23. Outline of the thematic lesson “February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day

Lesson topic: Men's holiday

Demo material:

- drum;

table game"Lotto";

- subject pictures (or toys) depicting an aircraft, car, ship, submarine, etc.;

various items to put on the floor: bucket, soft toys, toy plane, car, cube, pin, doll, etc. (according to the number of children);

— audio recording of mobile music;

- slippers big size (38—40).


- soft toys (according to the number of children);

- landscape sheets with a large outline of a ship or submarine (they can be cut along the outline);

- gouache, brushes, jars of water.

Organizing time

Joyfully meet the children, call each by name, note what color they are wearing.

Physical education "Drum"

It helps to develop emotionality and figurative perception of music through movements, teaches you to walk in a marching step.

You have a drum in your hands. The teacher and the children march around the room and beat the time on the drum, the children pretend to beat their own drum. Clearly tell the children A. Barto's poem "Drum".


Left, right!

Left, right!

The squad is coming.

The squad is coming.


Very glad:



One and a half hours in a row!

Left, right!

Left, right!

Already full of holes!

Board game "Lotto"

Teaches to find the same objects shown in the pictures, develops attention.

Give each child a Lotto card with eight pictures. Put the plastic chips in the bag. Taking out one chip from the bag, name the object depicted on it and show it to the children. The child looks for such an object on his card and covers the matched picture with a chip. The winner is the one who covers all the items on his card with chips.

Sport exercises

Develop basic movements.

caregiver. Do you want to go on a trip? Then go ahead, everyone on the train!

Children walk in a circle (the train is moving), they ride along the bridge - walking "on their toes"; over bumps - walking on heels.

Carefully! Tunnel ahead.

Children crawl under the benches.

Soft toys want to "ride" cars.

Children begin to crawl on their knees, and put passengers on their backs (one soft toy each).

Now let's go by bike. Lying on your back, alternately twist your legs: press your knee to your chest - straighten your leg.

The toy sits on the baby's belly.

Let's sail on a ship.

Children lie on their stomachs, legs straight, pressed to the floor. Next, they bend. You can try spreading your arms out to the sides. The toy is on the child's back.

And finally, we will fly by plane. We stand on one leg, the other leg is laid back, we bend forward (like the “swallow” exercise).

Educational game "What is it?"

Introduces vehicles teaches them to name.

You show the children subject pictures, and the children try to name them: an airplane, a ship, a car, a truck, etc.

Educational game "To whom what?"

Expands the understanding of speech and activates the vocabulary, fosters a benevolent attitude towards others.

Subject pictures with modes of transport are laid out in front of the children and soft toys (participating in sports exercises) are planted.

caregiver. Kolya! Find the truck and give it to the dog. Well done! Gosh, where is the plane? Put it in front of the bear, etc.

Educational game "What has changed?"

Develops memory, attention and speech.

All the same items lie in front of the children: soft toys and subject cards depicting various types of transport.

Educator. What did we give the bear? That's right, an airplane. What's with the cat? That's right, a helicopter, etc.

Invite the children to close their eyes. Remove and hide, for example, a helicopter. When the children open their eyes, they must say what was missing from the cat. IN next time you can swap pictures.

Mobile game "Do not hit the object"

Promotes motor activity, teaches you to start movements with music and finish with its end.

Various objects are laid out on the floor: a bucket, soft toy, toy plane, car, cube, pin, doll, etc. Music sounds. Children move around the room, trying not to touch objects on the floor. The music stops - each child must quickly pick up one of the items. Children take turns naming the object they have in their hands.

Then the objects are laid out again on the floor, and the music is turned on. It is advisable that the next time the child takes a different object.

Relay "Daddy's Slippers"

Develops basic movements and uplifts the mood.

Children line up one after another in a column. The first child puts on large "daddy's" slippers right on his shoes and, holding the hand of an adult, runs to the wall (or chair), and then returns. The next child puts on slippers and runs again.

If there are two adults in the class, you can prepare two pairs of slippers and create two teams.

Physical education "Aty-baty"

Develops arbitrary attention and the ability to march, beating the rhythm of the poem.

Together with the children, march around the room, raising your knees high.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Aty-baty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

Aty-baty, how much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles.

Aty-baty, what is he like?

Aty-baty, golden.

Drawing with a brush "Windows on the ship"

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: "Defender of the Fatherland Day" for children 5-6 years old


Continue introducing children to the history and traditions of the holiday on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;

To consolidate knowledge about the army, about the types of troops;

Raising a respectful attitude towards the defenders of our Motherland.

Equipment: cards on the topic of February 23, pictures and photos depicting military branches.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Will the one who correctly name what is shown in the pictures sit down?

Why do you think we remembered these words?

2. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, we live in a country called Russia. Russia is our Fatherland. Our country has an army, just like other countries. Soldiers, sailors, pilots, border guards serve in the army. They are called defenders of the Fatherland. Soon the holiday of our army will come - Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is celebrated on February 23rd.

There are various types of troops in the army - such an army is strong: it can defend its country both at sea, and on land, and in the air.

3. Acquaintance with the military branches.

So, the first type of troops that we will meet today is:

Border troops. (Border guards).

How many of you know who the border guards are?

Border guards are soldiers who guard the border. They are the first to meet enemy troops when they cross the border. Border guards, like all military men, are the defenders of our Fatherland. In the border detachment there is a guide with a dog. The dog helps the border guards, follows the trail.

Navy. The sea expanses of our Motherland are protected by warships. Sailors serve there, among them there are captains. These are the commanders of the ship, they are responsible for the entire ship. Large surface ships are equipped with guns, anti-aircraft guns, rockets, bombs. They can protect our Motherland on the water.

Air force.

How many of you know who the landing party is?

The Air Force is ready to defend, if necessary, our Fatherland from the air. Pilots - members of the crew of an aircraft or helicopter - should not be afraid of heights and be able to take responsibility in a critical situation.

Ground troops.

IN ground forces infantrymen, artillerymen, rocketmen, tankers serve. Tanks are self-propelled vehicles on caterpillar tracks, which allows them to pass through any terrain. Tanks are equipped with cannons and machine guns. Signalmen, miners, and military builders also serve in the ground forces.

4. Physical education.

One, two, together in step,

Three, four, harder step.

Soldiers go to the parade

And they mint a step together.

Guys, but now there is no war, why do we need an army in peacetime?

The army must always be ready to repel the attack of enemies.

Guys, what do soldiers in the army do in peacetime?

The soldiers are training.

How do soldiers train?

Soldiers must be strong, brave, strong, healthy, courageous.

5. The game "One - many."

Tanker - tankers - a lot of tankers; pilot - pilots - many pilots; sailor, soldier, warrior, hero, rocket, checker, cap, infantryman, paratrooper, border guard.

Guys, many of your dads served in the army, they defended our Motherland. When you boys grow up, you will also serve in the army. You will be good defenders of our Motherland.

To give children knowledge about the army;

To form in children the first ideas about the types of troops;

Activate in the speech of children words meaning types of troops;

Cultivate love for the Motherland;

Raise interest in artistic creativity;

Develop children's creative imagination, artistic taste, fantasy;

Border guard, sailor, pilot, tanker, liaison officer, sapper, Fatherland.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction;

Listening to musical works dedicated to the army;

Conversation about the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day";

Examination of illustrations depicting military equipment;

Organizing time:


Children! What season is it now?


Children! What month is it now?


What holiday do we celebrate in February?

Lesson progress:

(the teacher makes riddles)

1. The plane is on takeoff,

I'm ready to be in flight, I'm waiting for that cherished order To protect you from heaven.

2. He guards the border,

Stranger does not miss

And all the time he looks in both, What would be the order of the house.

(Border guard)

Z. On the mast is our tricolor flag,

Standing on deck....

4. Dad is short,

But handsome, like an artist, The engine starts simply, So, daddy ........


5. She wore a girl's name,

And she mowed down the enemy with fire, Destroying the enemy's plans Legendary .......................


Well done, guys, guessed the riddles.

These are the soldiers who defend our Motherland.


Right! This is the holiday of our grandfathers, dads, brothers and all Defenders of the Fatherland! (Boys Day.)

Listen to the poem.

(Children read poetry)


So who are the protectors?

(Children answer)


Yes, we have a very large beautiful country. We call it Motherland, Fatherland, because we were born here, grew up and live here as a whole friendly family. Our grandfathers, grandmothers, parents live, who once served in the army and defended our Motherland.

Children! What modern military professions do you know?

Tanker, sailor, submariner, pilot, pilot, paratrooper, border guard, infantryman, missile signalman.

Fizminutka "Airplanes"

The planes hummed (rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows),

Airplanes flew (hands to the sides),

They quietly sat down in the clearing (sat down, pressed their hands to their knees),

And they flew again (hands to the sides with rhythmic tilts to the sides).


And now, guys, we will make planes with you and supplement them with the necessary details. (children are working on the “gift” task for grandfathers and fathers, a quiet military song sounds)

Classes end with the sounds of the "Aviation March" music by Y. Khait. Educator:

Guys! You did a great job with the task, and now congratulate your grandfathers and dads on the holiday and give them your wonderful planes. Well done!

Topic (in accordance with the integrated thematic planning): "Defenders of the Fatherland"

GCD theme: "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Leading educational area:"Cognitive Development"

Target: the formation of the foundations of national self-consciousness, love for the Fatherland and the intellectual development of preschoolers.


To acquaint children with the glorious pages of our state, with the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day";

- to form children's knowledge about various types of troops, military equipment;

- develop visual and auditory attention, memory, intelligence and coherent speech of children;

- to cultivate respect for the Defenders of the Fatherland, pride in Russian soldiers, a sense of patriotism, a desire to defend their homeland.

Activities:game, motor, speech, cognitive.

Forms of organization:subgroup, group.

Form of implementation of children's activities:artistic word, physical education, looking at illustrations, the game "Who is doing what?".

Equipment: letter, means of TCO, illustrations with military equipment and servicemen of various branches of the armed forces, the exhibition "My dad served in the army."

Preliminary work:reading fiction about the army, viewing illustrations about military service, photographs of dads.

GCD progress:


Educator: Guys, in the morning we received a letter. Let's read it?The return address on the envelope is Army. What did they write to us?
Reading the poem by S. Marshak “February”:
The winds blow in February
Howling in the pipes loudly.
Snake rushes along the ground
Light ground.
Rising, rushing into the distance
aircraft links,
It celebrates February
Army birth.

Educator: What holiday is the poem talking about?(February 23).
- And who are the military? (These are warriors who protect their people, their Motherland, Fatherland from enemies; dads, grandfathers who served in the army).

Main part

Educator: Dear children! On February 23, we will celebrate a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday reminds us that the most precious thing we have can be endangered. And the duty of each of us, if necessary, is to defend our Fatherland. Even in ancient times, warriors were not afraid to fight for their homeland with a sword in their hands. There have been many battles in our land, the last of which lasted four years. Many people died in those terrible years. But our soldiers, our defenders, repulsed the enemy army, driving them out of our Russian land.

Educator: These are the brave brave defenders of the Fatherland. And every boy should be just as strong, brave, smart and be ready, when he grows up, to defend his homeland at any moment.

Looking at the illustrations various types troops

Teacher: Who do you see here?
(If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps and explains).
- You correctly named all of them - these are different types of troops.
(Pilots protect the sky; foot soldiers - land; sailors and submariners - the sea).
- Right!

Educator: Guys, I suggest you play a game."Who's doing what"!

What does a military pilot do? (Military pilot flies the plane)

What does a tanker do? (The tanker rides on the tank)

What does a skydiver do? (Parachutist jumps from a parachute)

Where are the border guards guarding the border? (On the land)

Who guards the water border? (military sailors, submariners)

Who guards the air border? (Military pilots)

Who flies in a helicopter? (Helicopter)

What is the name of a soldier who does not have military equipment? (infantryman)

Educator: Well done! To be strong, soldiers do exercises every day. Do you want to turn into a soldier for a while?

Fizminutka "We are soldiers"(with musical accompaniment):
We are soldiers, we are soldiers

We are walking with a brisk pace.
In our army guys
You just won't get there.
You have to be smart, strong and brave.

Educator: Now there is no war. In peacetime, the military trains, conduct training battles, and study military equipment. Let's see how smart you are!

Listen and guess my puzzles:

1. Takes off without acceleration, resembles a dragonfly. Wrap, spin, fly into the sky (helicopter);

2. What kind of bird: does not sing songs, does not build nests, carries people and cargo (airplane);

3. Miracle bird, scarlet tail, flew into a flock of stars (rocket);

4. A turtle is crawling - a steel shirt (tank).

Teacher: Well done guys! How to call these objects in one word? (children's answers are military equipment).

What military equipment do you still know? (ship, submarine, etc.).

The teacher showsillustrations with military equipment.

Final part

Examination of the exhibition of photographs "My dad served in the Army."
Educator: Guys, what do you know about the service of your fathers? (children's stories - what is the name of dad, where he served, what military uniform he was wearing).

Educator: Well done, children! Thanks for the interesting posts.

- What good dads you have: they carry you in their arms, around their necks, protect you, your mothers and our country! I wish you to grow up as real defenders of our Motherland!

Abstract of the thematic lesson in the preparatory group "Step March".

Padalko Oksana Sergeevna, instructor in physical culture MADOU DS No. 462 Chelyabinsk.
Description: I offer you a plan-outline directly educational activities on physical education for children preparatory group(6-7 years). This material will be useful for physical education instructors and educators of preparatory groups.
- instill a sense of pride, gratitude and respect for Russian army, love for the motherland.
- to form a sense of duty and love for the fatherland;
- develop skills of running, walking, climbing;
- to promote the psychological rapprochement of children, the development of positive emotions, a sense of mutual assistance;
- to cultivate competitive qualities, feelings of mutual assistance, support;
- educate strong-willed qualities;
- provide high motor activity children.
Equipment: flags according to the number of children, gymnastic benches, two toy machines, two arches, Two stuffed balls in black, four baskets, skittles according to the number of children, two pairs of walkers, tunnels.
Song "Beat the Drums"
Leading. Today we celebrate the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day". As you know, our army is not only strong in weapons, it is strong in stamina, courage, dexterity, ingenuity and fighting spirit of our soldiers.
Today we will try to live one day in the life of a recruit and see how our guys can cope with difficulties. army service. Let's get to know the teams.
1 team. Bear cubs.
Motto. We are funny guys from the cub team.
We love to run and play, we all love to win.
2 team. Fidgets.
Motto. We guys are just class, win, try us.
Jury presentation.
Leading. The first task is a warm-up.
Outdoor switchgear complex with flags
1. "Signals"
I. p. - the main stand, the flags are below.
1- flags forward
2- checkboxes up
3- flags to the sides
4- starting position (8 times).
2. I. p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, flags below.
1- turn to the right, arms to the sides
2- starting position. The same to the left (6 times)
3. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, flags at the shoulders.
1- 2 - lean forward, touch the flags with sticks as far forward as possible

4. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, hands on the belt.
1- 2 - sit down, flags forward
3-4 - starting position (7 times)
5. I. p. - main stand, flags down.
1- jump legs apart, flags to the sides;
2- jump back to starting position, 8 jumps, then pause
and repeat 2 times.
6. I. p. - the main rack flags down.
1 step right foot to the right, flags to the sides
2- starting position. The same with the left foot. (8 times)
7. "Salute"
I. p .: standing, flags down.
1- raise the flags through the sides up,
2- 3 - wave flags
4- starting position. (8 times)
Leading. Attention, attention, we begin the competition, strong, dexterous and skillful future soldiers.
We start our competition with "Combat Alert", and we will go through it in a soldier's cap and with a machine gun in our hands. Let's see how strong and dexterous our future defenders are.
1. Walk along the bench with a machine gun in your hands, run around the cone. Transfer the machine to the next participant.
2. Crawl under the arc holding the machine gun in your hand, run around the cone. Transfer the machine to the next participant.
3. Pass the projectile
In the column, pass the projectile (medicated ball) up through the hands, down,
4. Breakthrough
The infantry is preparing for a breakthrough: you need to clear the passage with grenades.
Get ready to crawl like a bellies with a “grenade” in your hand (take a pin in your hand, crawl like a bellies, throw in the basket)
5. Pass through the swamp.
Walk on a walker through the swamp.
6. Tank troops.
Climb into the hatch of the tank (crawl through the hoop at speed)
7. Who is stronger (children sit in Turkish in two circles)
Counted up total number push-ups for each team member
Leading. You have all shown yourself high level. And who was the strongest, our judges will decide.
Riddles for children:
Far from their country they go to sea (ships)
Sea ice split with a sharp nose (icebreaker)
Who taxied out there? Reactive plane)
This bird rushes to the stars, overtakes the sound (rocket)
For his soldiers, an example is a brave, brave (officer)
There is no vest without stripes, whoever is in a vest is that (sailor)
Our fighter is led by a brave commander (pilot)
And now it's time to shout to the army: "Hurrah!"
Children: "Hurrah!"
Word to the judges. Summarizing.
Leading The holiday was a success!
You competed, you played.
All participants by right
We are glad to present medals (rewarding children).
Song to be a man.