Counting material mathematical boats. Didactic manual "Mathematical boat

Ekaterina Brukhovskikh

Didactic guide

math boat.

Bryukhovskikh E.S.

Educator MADOU "Kindergarten No. 28" Verkhnyaya Pyshma

This educational game is made in the form of a bright boat with multicolored sail flags that can be easily put on wooden yards. Based boat numbers from 1 to 10 are applied. A game for children from 2 to 6 years old. Target didactic game: the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

With the help of the game « math boat» rebbe nok:

1. Develops mental processes (thinking, attention, memory);

2. Learn to identify colors;

3. Learn to correlate the number and the number of items;

4. Master the concepts "lot", "few", "equally", quantitative and ordinal count, the composition of the number within 10;

5. Trains fine motor skills.

Task number 1. "Sort by color, quantitative count".

Sort flags by color. Which color has the most flags, which has the fewest? How many flags are red, blue, yellow .... colors?

Clear the checkboxes in certain okay: first the flags are blue, then yellow, green, etc.

In count: first one flag from each mast, two flags from the highest.

Task number 2. "Conditional measure, correlation of numbers and quantities".

Measure the height of the masts with flags. How many flags fit on the 7th mast? How many at the lowest? How many flags fit on a mast that is between 7 and 5? What is her serial number?

Task number 3. "Spatial Relations".

Arrange flags of the same color horizontally (vertical, diagonal).

Task number 4. "Logic tasks".

Randomly place flags on the masts.

The wind rips off yellow flags from the ninth mast. Which? Then he plucks flags of the same color from the first and second mast. Which?

Task number 5. Problem solving. The composition of the number.

Remove the flags from the fifth mast and fill the second and third macha with them. What color will the flags be and how many are on each of the masts? What numbers make up the number 5?

Task number 6. "Lacing"

Using a cord, you can collect beads in a certain sequence (for example, first yellow, blue, etc., according to a model, according to your own design. You can thread the cord both through the flag itself and through a round hole in it.

Perform lacing in different options:

Fasten with a string two upper flags on each mast.

Come up with your options.

Task number 7. "Create a Pattern"

Make your own pattern of flags on the poles. Specify on what principle the pattern was made (by color, quantity, spatial arrangement).

The didactic teaching aids of the Spectra kit are used in mathematics and the world around lessons, as well as outside school hours.


"MATHEMATICAL BEADS" I use when working with children in grade 1. Demonstration and individual beads included. For convenience, they are painted in two colors (blue and red), five pieces each. This equipment helps in the study of topics:

Count items within 10.

Counting and counting by unit.

Composition of numbers within 10.

Addition and subtraction within 10.

Reduce by… Increase by…

Commutative property of addition.

Addition and subtraction of "round" tens.

Solving simple problems at the character level.

I invented the types of tasks when working with this equipment myself. They are roughly like this:

    Set aside as many beads as there are cubs. (More or less than bunnies.)

    Set aside 4 beads. Add 2 more to them. How many beads have become? Write it down as a number.

    Set aside 5 beads. Reduce their number by 2. How many beads are left? Write it down as a number.

    Make an illustration for the problem. There were 3 sparrows on a branch. 2 birds flew away. Then 4 tits arrived. How many birds have become?

    Let's find the value of a long numeric expression:


From experience: "Beads" can be used in physical education sessions, in literacy classes, to count the number of words in a sentence, the number of sounds and letters in a word.

The performance of this equipment compared to the control class can be seen in this diagram:

counting material"MATHEMATICAL SHIPS" are a valuable tool in the education of mental activity of children. The equipment activates mental processes, arouses in students a keen interest in the process of cognition. Benefits help to make any educational material fascinating, cause deep satisfaction among students, create a joyful working mood, facilitate the process of mastering knowledge, foster independence and creativity. In the course of work, children identify subject patterns and rules. I use individual and group activities.

Equipment affects the development of various aspects of thinking:




This type of equipment helps:

Easily move from the number of items to their designation with a number

Form spatial representations

Establish relationships ><, =

Promotes the assimilation of series of numbers from 1 to 20 and from 20 to 1.

Spread tens to a hundred

Facilitates the process of learning to solve problems.

The kit includes boats, a demonstration magnetic poster, a pencil case.

At the initial stage of training, you can only use chips without boats. They are of two colors, which allows you to create patterns, play educational games. For example, the games “What color?”, “What number?”, “How many numbers?”, “Last chip”, etc.

With the help of "Mathematical boats" I form students' spatial representations, the ability to determine the position of objects in relation to themselves and their position in relation to various objects.


1.Make the same pattern.

2. How many chips are to the right (left, top, bottom) of the blue chip?

3. Put two more blue chips on top. How many chips are on top? When using a magnetic poster, completelytasks may be of the following content:

1. Place two blue chips on the right upper deck.

1. Put three red chips on the left lower deck, etc.

With the help of Math Boats, children learn how to practically match elements. Establish relations "greater than", "less than", "equal to", transform inequality into equality.


1. Place the same number of chips as on the sample.

2. Put fewer chips than on the sample.

3. Put more chips than on the sample.

4. How many chips need to be placed on the right to make the same number of chips as on the left?

With the help of Mathematical Boats, children in my class easily move from the number of objects to their designation - a number. Children distinguish between quantitative and ordinal value of a number.


1. Lay out the number 1 with the help of chips (2, 3, 4, etc. as you study).

2. Lay out the same number of chips as shown by the number.

The equipment clearly shows that each next number is formed by adding one to the previous number, and each previous one is obtained by subtracting one from the next. "Mathematical boats" contribute to the assimilation of series of numbers from 1 to 20, from 20 to 1, as well as those obtained as a result of counting and counting by 2.

Equipment "Math boats" can be used as a number beam for solving and compiling numerical expressions, for example:


When studying the topic “Composition of a number”, you can use various games that make it easy to learn this topic, with the help of clarity. And also when adding and subtracting numbers with the transition through a dozen.


Put 7 chips in the cup. Shake it and turn it over. How many chips are red? How much blue? What numbers make up the number 7? Let's write numerical expressions. (1+6=7, 2+5=7, 3+4=7)

Here you can apply the commutative property of addition.

Note from work experience:

If the chip falls on the edge, then you can get the number 7 by adding three terms. (4+2+1=7)

With the help of "Mathematical Boats" I easily teach children how to solve problems, make it possible for students to assimilate educational material with less time and with greater efficiency. In order to solve the problem, the student moves from the text (the verbal model of the problem) to the representation of the situation (the mental model), and from it to the record of the solution using mathematical symbols (to the sign-symbolic model). The main rule for constructing a model is that it should reflect only the essential properties of the object and the structure of its connections and relationships. "Mathematical boats" allow you to move from subject-analytical visualization to its more abstract variants (chips).

From work experience.

"Mathematical boats" I use when studying the topic

"Two-digit numbers" for children to master the digits of tens and units. We turn the “math boats” vertically (the column on the left is the tens digit, the column on the right is the units digit).


    Show a number that has 2 tens and 4 ones. Write down this number. Increase this number by 3 units. Write down this number.

    Increase this number by 5 tens. Write down this number.

    Decrease this number by 6 units. Write down this number.

"Mathematical boats" I use to develop logical thinking. The ability to arrange, arrange, place objects, make patterns, move, move chips develops combinational abilities.


1. Arrange 7 circles in 6 rows, 3 in each row.

2. Arrange 3 blue circles and 6 red circles in such a way that you get 3 rows of 4 circles, and in each row the number of blue and red circles should be the same.

3. Place 4 circles on 6 segments so that there are 2 circles on each segment.


1. 2. 3.

The equipment can be used not only in the study of new material, but in the lessons of consolidating and testing knowledge.

The performance of our control class with "Math boats" in comparison with the control class in studying the above topics can be seen in this diagram:


Helps to reveal the meaning of the operation of multiplication.

Helps with the study of tabular multiplication and the corresponding cases of division.

Task types:

    What numbers are divisible by 4?

    What numbers are multiples of 8 and 6 at the same time?

    The product of what numbers = 36, 24, 12, 48, etc.

    Write down the values ​​of the product in ascending (descending) order, if expressions are given.

I use the table even when we are learning out-of-table multiplication and division. For example, increase (decrease) each of the closed numbers by 2 (3) times.

We create tasks.

They brought 24 maples and 12 lindens. All trees were planted in the park, 6 seedlings in a row. How many rows did you get?

Children are encouraged to explainIIway to solve the problem.

I use this type of equipment to compose inverse problems of this one.

The results of studying the multiplication table are as follows:

Equipment kits"ARIFMETICS TO 100" and


help to consolidate the patterns of counting,

allow you to see the stages of various arithmetic operations,

help to navigate in the numerical space and form ideas about the number.

The set "Arithmetic up to 100" includes a table (magnetic poster), a pencil case with overlays and sets for students. It is used when studying the topic: "Addition and subtraction within 100."

Task types:

    Arrange the hidden numbers in ascending order. Continue the number series according to the rule.

    Find the sum (difference) of closed numbers.

    Find two other numbers whose sum is equal to the sum of closed numbers, etc.

Comparative analysis of the degree of training on this topic:

The set "Arithmetic up to 1000" is traditionally used in the study of topics:

"Three Digit Numbers"

"Comparison of three-digit numbers"

"The bit composition of three-digit numbers"

"Addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers"

"Multiplying and dividing by a single digit"

I have expanded the scope of this equipment and successfully use it when studying topics:

"Multi-digit numbers. Classes and ranks»

"Addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers"

"Distributive Property of Multiplication"

"Finding a number by a share and a share by a number"

Comparative analysis of the degree of students' learning on these topics in two classes:




Item Count

Item count. The concept of "the same".

Ordinal numbers.

The location of objects in space (behind, between, after, before).

Addition and subtraction within 10.

Composition of a number within 10.

Large working panel.

40 pieces of bricks (4 colors of 10 pieces of bricks (red blue, yellow, green).

Addition and subtraction within 20.

The concept of perimeter.

Solving compound problems.

Right angle. Rectangle. Rectangle properties.

Meaning of multiplication.

The meaning of division.

Composition of numbers up to 20.

Solving multiplication and division problems.

Individual panels for each student.

Large working panel.

40 pieces of bricks (2 colors of 20 pieces of bricks: red, blue)

Addition and subtraction.

Division into equal parts.

The perimeter of the rectangle.

Figure area.

Division with remainder.

Individual panels for each student.

Large working panel.

60 bricks

(2 colors of 30 pieces of bricks: red, blue)

Count within 1000.

Bit terms.

The concept of a share.

Individual panels for each student.

Large working panel.

40 bricks

(4 colors of 10 pieces: red, blue, yellow, green)

Counting material "Mathematical boats"

This educational product belongs to the category of didactic handouts and is intended to equip classrooms in elementary schools of educational institutions.

Technical description of counting material

This textbook is an auxiliary equipment for teaching counting to younger students. The counting material is made of high quality hypoallergenic plastic. When packed, the manual has overall dimensions of 14x21x2.5 cm and weighs no more than 180 grams.

The set includes:

  • Dies-bases (ships) with numbered places for chips. The numbering is end-to-end, on each boat there are 5 places for placing chips. Chip slots are located on one side of the boats, slot numbers are on the other.
  • Chips are multi-colored - red and blue, in the amount of 20 and 10 pieces, respectively.
  • User guide.

The package also includes a plastic box with a lid for storing boats and chips.

The counting material is characterized by:

  • High quality workmanship. Modern durable plastic has a long service life and is hypoallergenic.
  • Ergonomics. The offered set is simple and convenient in operation and storage. Bright colors and thoughtful design are attractive for younger students.
  • Compliance with the basic principles of training. The inclusion of a set in the educational process provides the necessary level of visibility, the availability of theoretical educational material for understanding by younger students.

The set belongs to certified teaching aids and is recommended for use in educational activities.

Use of counting material

This tutorial is intended for use in elementary school mathematics lessons. With this kit it is possible to:

  • Organization of various forms of classroom work, including surveys, creative assignments, the use of game and projective teaching methods.
  • Effective development by students of the educational program in mathematics.
  • Formation of skills of cognitive activity.

The inclusion of a set of counting material in the educational process contributes to the fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Counting material Mathematical boats can be bought with free shipping in our store website.

Counting material Mathematical boats are delivered to any point of the Russian Federation, delivery is FREE for schools.

For goods Counting material Mathematical boats, the price is current and indicated on the website and in the price list.

The relevance of the photo Counting material Mathematical boats should be checked with a consultant by free phone 8-800-775-05-47, the call is free from any phone, from the Russian Federation.

Preparation of documents for schools in accordance with the state. requirements, provision of monitoring, certificates and other necessary documents. FGOS compliance.

Watching with this product

Table Alphabet in pictures Counting material for elementary school Passport of the music room at school

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Sections: elementary School


  • consider examples of the form +2, -2;
  • repeat the count in forward and reverse order;
  • to consolidate the skill of finding the answer in different ways;
  • improve the skill of writing numbers;
  • develop the ability to analyze records and choose the appropriate sign;
  • generate interest in the study of mathematics.

Developing: to develop the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions;

Educational: to cultivate a sense of kindness, mutual assistance.

Type of lesson: lesson - explanation of new material.

Equipment used: multimedia projector, Mimio interactive set-top box, Spectra equipment “Mathematical boats”, workbooks: “Mathematics” 1st grade E.E. Kochurova, “I am learning to count” E.E. Kochurova, textbook by V. N. Rudnitskaya "Mathematics" Part 1, Grade 1.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

We came here to study
Don't be lazy, but work hard.
We work diligently
We listen carefully.

Let there be a warm, friendly atmosphere in the lesson today. Give each other a smile. Look at the board - the sun is smiling at you! (1 slide)

II. Verbal counting.

1. Counting forward and backward, starting from any number.

- Continue counting, calling the numbers in a whisper through one (1, 2 (in a whisper), 3(4) ,5 …)

- Continue the series, calling numbers from 10 through one (10, 8, 6, etc.)

2. Arithmetic dictation.

What number comes after 8 when counting?

- What is the previous number of the number 5; name the next number 3.

- Show the neighbors of the number 9; 3; 7.

- Increase 6 by 1 and again by 1.

- Decrease 7 by 1.

Decrease 9 by 1 and again by 1.

3. A task for the savvy.

There is an oak tree in the field. There are three branches on the oak. Each branch has 3 apples. How many apples are there? (Not at all.)

4. Tasks in verse.

Two mice gnawed at the crust,
Two - the cheese was dragged into the mink.
How many of them do we have in the apartment?
Two plus two - total ... .(4)

Vaska - a clever fisherman -
Catches fish on a hook.
Three he caught at dawn,
I caught three in the evening.
Three plus three, anyone will answer
The fact that the fish ... we have. (6)

The cat played with blocks
The cat lost the cube
Head is spinning…
There were - three, left - .... (2)

III. Lesson topic message

Working with the Mimio Interactive Attachment.

Exercise 1.

Find the "extra" figure in each line.

(Extra figure:

  • in the first line - a large triangle;
  • in the second, a filled triangle;
  • in the third - 1) a square; 2) green square).

Task 2 (work in a notebook).

- Look at the pictures (there is a record of pictures on the board).

- Draw the answer.

– What did you get?

- Compare your decision with the writing on the board

Task 3.

- Look at the pictures on the board.

Compare the number of figures in each figure (in 1 figure - the same number and; 2 - 2 less; 3 - 2 less).

Today in the lesson we will consider cases of increasing and decreasing a number by 2.

IV. Learning new material. Textbook work.

Task 1 (p. 58) using Spectra equipment "Math boats".

How many turnips are in the picture? (3) Carrots? (6) Radishes? (2) Cabbage forks? (4)

Look at the table in your textbook. Tell me how it's built. Put the chips in the table.

What does the expression "more than 2" mean? (The same and 2 more)

What does the expression "less than 2" mean? (The same, but without 2)

Task 2 (page 58)

- Read the entry: 3+2 (Add two to three.)

Children offer their options:

- Read the entry: 7-2 (Subtract 2 from 7)

– Get the answer in different ways using the ruler.

Task 3. Modeling the situation of increasing (decreasing) the number by 2, using "Mathematical boats".

- Put the "Math boats" in front of you (a demonstration magnetic poster on the board).

– Take 6 chips, decrease by 2.

- How much did it take?

– Take 8 chips, increase by 2

– Take 5 chips, increase by 2

– Take 3 chips, decrease by 2

– Take 4 chips, decrease by 2

Task 4 (p. 59) (Visiting a squirrel and a hedgehog)

- What task did the squirrel prepare? (Each number must be increased by 2)

- What task did the hedgehog prepare? (Each number must be reduced by 2)

Students perform calculations using Math Boats.

Physical education minute

You've done a great job, now it's time to rest.
And charging to you as usual for a lesson comes to the classroom.
In the morning the butterfly woke up, smiled, stretched!
Once - she washed herself with dew, two - gracefully circled,
Three - she bent down and sat down, flew away at four.

Task 5 (page 59)

- Look at the picture. Come up with questions. Make notes.


a) There were 8 peppers in the basket, they took one green pepper. How much is left? (8-1=7)

b) There were 8 peppers on the plate, 4 red peppers were taken away. How much is left? (8-4=4)

c) How many more yellow peppers than green ones? (3-1=2)

Task 6 (p. 59)

- How many cards? (3) How are they similar? What is the difference?

Which card has all the numbers on it? (On the blue card)

What numbers are missing on the green card? (3.6)

What numbers are missing on the yellow card? (Number 0)

V. Work in a printed notebook.

- Modeling (drawing chips) the situation of increasing (decreasing) the number by 2.

- Adding and subtracting the number 2 (drawing up a model and using a ruler).

- Letter of numbers.

– Complementing the model of the composition of the number 9 (drawing chips).

VI. Summary of the lesson.

- What did you learn at the lesson?

What does "increase by 2" mean? (The same and 2 more)

What does "reduce by 2" mean? (The same, but without 2)

- What tasks did you like best?

- Draw the sun - mood (cheerful, gloomy, sad), evaluating your work in the lesson.

Teaching a child mathematics is a long process aimed at applying great efforts not only by the mentor, but also by the student.

Didactic games in mathematics for preschoolers are designed to diversify the learning process, destroy strict officialdom, and increase the degree of effectiveness of assimilation and understanding of mathematical foundations.

Didactic games in mathematics in kindergarten: goals and objectives

Didactic games are held to increase the child's awareness of the world around him. They develop observation skills, learn to fix and find differences between objects, comparing them according to different characteristics. During the game process, children learn to find elementary cause-and-effect relationships.

Didactic games in mathematics in preschool educational institutions can be very different, their choice depends on the goal:

  1. The use of numbers and numbers in games contributes to familiarization with the concept of counting, the history of the emergence of numbers, improving counting and comparison skills.

These didactic math games for preschoolers help:

  • improving the skill to independently use single-digit numbers;
  • education of attentiveness, memory, thinking;
  • mastering the method of distributing natural numbers, improving counting skills.
  1. Games designed to study time introduce children to the acquaintance with the days of the week, the names of the months, and teach them to remember their position on the calendar.

  1. Games for the development of orientation allow students to learn to fix and state their own position on the ground, determine and name the location of an object relative to another. With the educational task achieved, preschoolers are able to use words to name the location of objects.
  1. Games with figures are used to strengthen knowledge about the shape of various geometric shapes, improve the skill of finding them in nearby things. Such games are conducive to the education of attention and the formation of creative imagination in preschoolers.
  1. Didactic mathematical games that develop logical thinking are originally intended to form the components of scientific thinking: making judgments, bringing arguments, summing up. They also help develop creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

It's important to know

  1. Didactic games should not be held for a long time. For younger children, it is enough to allocate 5 minutes for them. Didactic games in mathematics in the senior group can last no more than 15 minutes. Exceeding this time may lead to a decrease in activity and a weakening of cognitive interest, which may adversely affect the result.
  2. If a team is involved in the game, attention must be paid to the individual abilities of each, and, if there is such a need, to provide assistance to the underachieving for a successful outcome of the educational problem.

DIY didactic games for preschoolers

In order to increase the cognitive interest of the educated, teachers should try to diversify the course of teaching. To do this, many develop and produce their own training sessions. In the manufacture of visibility, everything that is at hand can be useful, the main condition is harmlessness for kindergarten students.

Materials for creating didactic games can be as follows:

  • improvised materials - fabric, yarn, buttons;
  • natural raw materials - leaves, flowers, grass, cones;
  • stationery - glue, gouache, colored paper, cardboard;
  • imagination is the most important ingredient.

Do-it-yourself didactic math games in pictures

Making didactic games with your own hands is not at all difficult. Here are examples of such mathematical games.

Card file of didactic games in mathematics for preschoolers

"Describe the Pattern"

Target: orientation training in space, improvement of communication skills.

Game progress. Each preschooler has a drawing depicting a carpet. Pupils are required to describe the position of the parts of the pattern in the figure: on the left side, on the right, at the top or bottom.

"Solve an example"

Target: training to perform addition and subtraction within ten.

Game progress. The teacher throws the ball to the preschooler and calls an example. The pupil, having caught it, answers and returns the ball. Then the teacher throws the ball to the next one.

"Find the mistake"

Target: analysis of geometric shapes, comparison and finding the superfluous.

Game progress. The preschooler is invited to analyze the rows of geometric shapes and point out the error, offering a correction option with an explanation. A mistake can be a circle in a row of squares, or a red figure among yellow ones.


Target: improving the ability to recognize a geometric figure according to a given criterion.

Game progress. In front of the preschooler, several figures are randomly laid out, differing in color, shape and size. The teacher proposes to determine the figure according to the named criterion: a small square, a large red circle, etc.

"One property"

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the properties of geometric shapes, development of the ability to characterize and distinguish figures according to their characteristics.

Game progress: players must be provided with the same set of geometric shapes. One of the players puts one of them on the table. The task of the second player is to choose from his set a figure that differs from the one laid out by the previous player in only one of some signs. For example, if the first laid out figure is a large red circle, then the next one can be laid out a large red square or a large blue circle, or a small red circle. The game should be built on the principle of playing dominoes.

"Who are the neighbors"

Target: improving the ability to name the neighbors of a number.

Game progress. Participants become in a circle. The teacher throws the ball and calls a random number. The child, having caught the ball, names the neighbors of this number. The ball is then thrown to the next player.

"Let's Harvest"

Target: Practice comparing objects by size.

Game progress. The teacher advises the children to harvest in different baskets - large vegetables and fruits in one basket, small ones in the other.

"Shop and Geometry"

Target: training in recognizing basic geometric shapes, improving communication skills.

Game progress. On the table are objects of various shapes, put up for sale. Each pupil - the buyer receives a card - a check on which a figure is drawn: a circle, a triangle, a square or a rectangle. He can purchase any thing, provided that the shape of the goods corresponds to the picture on the card. Having made an unmistakable choice and proving it, the child receives a purchase.

Didactic games in mathematics

Presentation of didactic games in mathematics
