How to find water for a well. How to find water for a well: we use various methods

A well in the country is sometimes the only source drinking water and I want the quality of the water in it to be good. Therefore, already at the stage of searching for water, it is necessary to know at what depths the best aquifers are located. To get to them, you need to explore the entire area and choose the best place. Consider how to find water for a well in various ways.

Water is retained in the ground thanks to impervious layers that do not allow it either to the surface or deeper. The main component of the layers is clay, which is highly resistant to moisture. Sometimes there are also stones. Between the clay layers is a sandy layer that holds clean water. This is the aquifer, which must be reached in the process of digging a well.

In some places, the sand vein may be thin, in others - huge size. The largest volumes of water are obtained in places of breaks in the waterproof layer, which is not located strictly horizontally, but with elevation changes and bends. And where the clay makes a curvature, changes the direction of height, peculiar gaps are obtained, which are filled with wet sand. These places are so saturated with water that they are called "underground lakes".

How does water quality depend on depth?

When digging a well, you can stumble upon an aquifer very quickly - already 2-2.5 meters from ground level. It is undesirable to take drinking water from such aquifers. Due to the proximity to the soil surface, rain water, melting snow, and sewage runoff penetrate the vein from above, polluting the water and significantly deteriorating its quality. For specialists, such surface veins are designated by a special term - top waters. In addition, these layers are quite unstable. If the summer is hot and there is no rain, the water from the high-water lakes disappears, which means that it will disappear in the well. So in the most "peak" summer season, summer residents can be left without water, and until the fall.

The optimal depth at which to search for water for a well is 15 meters. At this depth there is a line of continental sands containing very large volumes of water. And a significant thickness of the sandy layer contributes to the maximum cleaning of the aquifer from all kinds of debris and "chemistry".

Search for an aquifer by observation methods

To find water, it is not necessary to invite specialists. For many centuries, people in the villages managed on their own, using observations of nature and animals.

Fog Observations

In the warm season, inspect the site early in the morning or late in the evening. Where groundwater is close, fog forms near the ground. And by its consistency, you can determine how deep the aquifer is located. The thicker the fog, the closer the water. Fogs caused by moisture rising from the ground do not stand still, but come out in clubs or spread near the soil itself.

Animal behavior in heat

Field mice will not nest on the ground if water is close. They will transfer their housing to tall plants, tree branches.

If the owner has a dog or a horse, then in the summer, when it's worth the spec, you need to observe their behavior. From thirst, the horses begin to look for water in the soil and beat with their hooves in the place where the most high level humidity. Dogs try to bring down their body temperature at least a little, so they dig holes in damp places and take refuge in them. Moisture, evaporating, cools the ground, so animals tend to lie down at these points.

Dogs sense close water and dig holes in these places to shelter from the heat.

Poultry is also a good indicator. The chicken does not rush where it feels the proximity of water, but the goose specifically chooses places where aquifers intersect.

In the evening, when the heat subsides, you can watch the midges. They begin to bunch up and form "columns" over the wettest places on the site.

Exploration drilling method

Assortment of indicator plants on site

From time immemorial, plants have been informing humans about the depth of the aquifer. Moisture-loving will never live in places where the groundwater is very deep. But if coltsfoot, hemlock, sorrel, nettle are rampant in the country, then there is enough moisture in the soil.

By plants growing in the country, you can determine at what depth the aquifer passes

Alders, willows and birches grow well in moist soils. If their crown is tilted to one side, then this is where the aquifer should be looked for. Will never grow well in places with similar levels ground water apple trees, cherries. The fruits will constantly rot, and the tree will hurt.

Practical methods for finding water for a well

In addition to observations, various devices can be used for searches. Consider how to search for water for a well using items.

Arranging glass jars

In the morning, spread over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe same volume glass jars turning them upside down to the ground. The next morning, check which ones have condensation. The more it is, the closer the aquifer.

Spreading salt or brick

We wait for a couple of days not to rain, and the soil becomes dry. We take dry salt or red brick crushed into small pieces, fall asleep in clay pot(unglazed). We weigh, record the readings, wrap everything in gauze or spandex and bury it in the ground for half a meter. After a day, we take out the pot, remove the material and re-weigh. The greater the difference in mass, the closer the aquifer. By the way, silica gel is also suitable from modern moisture accumulators.

Indication with aluminum or wicker frames

1 way:

  • We take two pieces of aluminum wire 40 cm each and bend 15 cm at a right angle.
  • We insert them into a hollow tube (preferably cut from elderberry and remove the core).
  • We check that the wire spins freely in the tube.
  • We take in both hands on the tube and go through the site. The ends of the wire should be turned left and right. If there is an aquifer under your feet, the wires will converge towards the middle. If water is found to the right or left of the person, the ends of the wires will turn in that direction. As soon as the aquifer has passed, the wire will again turn in different directions.
  • Having found the place of aluminum closure, go again, but perpendicular to the direction in which you moved at first. If the place of closure is repeated, then dig a well there.

2 way:

  • We cut out a branch from the vine, in which there are two forks on one trunk, going at an angle of 150 degrees to each other.
  • We take it home and dry it.
  • We arrive at the dacha, take the ends of the branches in both hands so that the trunk turns out in the middle and points upwards.
  • We walk around the area. As soon as the trunk leaned towards the ground, water should be sought there.

The raised trunk of the vine will lean towards the ground as soon as it feels close water.

Vine and aluminum give a signal that there is water in the ground, but it may also be perched water, which is not suitable for a well. Therefore, after finding out places with high humidity, carry out preliminary drilling to understand at what depth the aquifer is located.

many owners suburban areas, including ordinary summer residents, tend to have their own well on the site. Even those with running water. It is in this article that we will offer you all the methods that are available today.

But in order to build a well, you need to find water. And it is desirable that they be The groundwater, because riding, lying at a depth of 2-5 m, are not interesting for the well. They tend to depend on precipitation, and when there is none, there is no water either. The best thing is to stumble upon an underground lake with filtered water.

Exist different ways find water for the well, but none of them gives one hundred percent certainty. However, let's get to know them better.

1. Terrain survey, 40% reliability

There are objective laws that govern the occurrence of groundwater. They are most often found in lowlands and depressions. different kind. You can find water from a hill, but you have to drill deep.

However, reality does not always meet expectations, it happens that water is squeezed up if conditions are created there, below, for increasing pressure. Besides, water vein chooses its route according to criteria that are difficult to establish from above.

In short, specially trained people can use this method.

2. Exploration drilling, 40% reliability

They take an ordinary garden drill and start drilling test holes, in fact - at random. The depth is usually 10 m, you should not climb deeper.

Approximately 4 wells drilled will fall one aquifer. If you do not use the well too actively, then it can last up to 10 years. The deeper the water lies, the more likely it is that the well will not dry out even in a drought.

3. Finding water with a vine, 50-55% reliability

It's been known for a long time ancient way search for water. He, of course, is criticized, called charlatanism. Maybe that's the way it is, especially since the probability is about 50%, that is, it's a matter of chance. But still, it is sometimes possible to find underground sources, and the method is quite interesting. It is also called dowsing, dowsing.

The point is that human body, as well as groundwater, are attracted, or can be formulated as follows: when approached, they exhibit magnetic properties. But high water does not have such properties.

It is necessary to search for water with the help of a special tool. It comes in different types.

- Vine

They are looking for a branch of hazel, or cherry, or willow, flexible, with a fork at the end in the form latin letter"Y". Tail - 20 cm, antennae 30 cm long, in the middle having 6 mm thickness.

Looking for this: evening time take the tool at both ends and hold it parallel to the ground. We walk along the site slowly and smoothly, dodging either to the right or to the left. At some point, the vine begins to lean and sway, as if some kind of force is pulling it to the ground. So, here, in this place, underground waters come to the surface.

- Aluminum water finders

2 “water finders” are made of aluminum wire in the form of the Russian letter “G”. The short end is equal to the width of the palm, the long one is 40 cm long. They bend at a right angle.

We are looking for this: we take in each hand a “water finder” by the short end, which we hold firmly in our fists. We direct the long sides forward parallel to the ground, bring the fists together - we get a “frame”. We walk around the site with her until the ends cross. This means that this very place has been found - there is groundwater.

I must say that there are certain individuals who often manage to find such a point. And it is not given to others, well, in any way. That is, there is some kind of talent in this, it must be either intuition, or experience, or special natural data. Maybe this is an increased sensitivity to magnetic vibrations, maybe to some other fields.

4. Listen to plants, 60% reliability

It is known that there are plants that do not require a lot of water, but there are those that cannot live without it. Some of them are directly used by experienced people as a sign of the presence or absence of water underground.

For example, if a pine tree grows on your site, then there is no point in looking for water near it - there is none. And if birch, or alder, or spruce grows, then yes, groundwater is close.

A sure sign of the presence of water are sedge, gout, coltsfoot. There are only two conditions that will allow you to use this method:

First, the mentioned plants grow on the site;

Second, you can recognize them.

5. We use a desiccant, 65% reliability

This is modern way, it is easy to apply. We buy silica gel, a granular desiccant, and dry it in the oven.

We choose a time when it has not rained for a long time, and act: pour the dried granules into an unglazed clay pot, mark starting weight gross.

We wrap the pot with a cloth, bury it at the point where we would like to make a well, to a depth of ½ m and leave it there for a day.

After 24 hours, we dig out the pot, unwind it and weigh it a second time. If the weight has increased, it means that the silica gel has absorbed water, and the heavier the pot, the closer or larger it is.

The error in this method can give high humidity earth.

6. Let's call for help meteorology, 75% reliability

If groundwater is close at some point, then fog forms in this place after a hot day, and the soil from it becomes wet.

This is a sure sign of the proximity of groundwater. So watch your surroundings, maybe you will notice a place where fog often sets. This is the place where you need to dig a well.

The only thing that can deceive you is a coincidence: maybe it is here that the upper waters flow after the rains - the effect will be similar.

Finally, we found a video for you, where a man was looking for water for a well in his area with metal twigs. And the second video is a continuation, where he already made a well with his own hands in the very place where these twigs were shown to him.

Most useful advice, which can be taken out of the second video - run around the neighbors and ask if they have wells.

Digging a well on a site is not an easy process, which includes the main part of the correct location. This question takes into account the level of occurrence of the aquifer, folk omens, scientific methods and practical features. Should be responsibly this stage work so that there are no problems later.

There can be 2-3 aquifers on a land plot. These are loose rocks that can bind and hold water that appears during precipitation and floods. The deeper the well, the better the water quality.

Types of groundwater:

  1. Soil - the first 4-6 m. This is the place where precipitation accumulates. Moisture comes from rain, floods, flood rivers.
  2. Ground - 9-18 m below ground level. Suitable for building a well.
  3. Interlayer - suitable for drilling wells. The depth of occurrence is from 20 to 50 m.
  4. Artesian - 40-200 m of occurrence. Guarantees crystal clear water, but this is not a suitable option for a well.

It is necessary to determine the aquifers of the earth in order to navigate the purity of the water. The shallow horizon is characterized by poor water conditions. It can get dirt, pesticides, bacteria. Such a liquid can only be used for technical purposes. To eat it, it is necessary to filter the water and boil it.

Drinking water is located at the level of the aquifer of 8-10 m.

The first source of water can be found very close to the ground (2-2.5 m). From such a well, you can take water for household work. At the same time, even for such needs, it does not hurt to filter the liquid.

Folk ways to find a place for a well

The experience of ancestors for centuries allowed them to find the right places for wells. Therefore, do not neglect this information. There are proven folk methods.

Effective methods to determine the vein of water:

  1. Watching top layer soil after a hot day. The location of the water is indicated by haze. When it is lifted up, a sufficient amount of fluid is determined.
  2. Study of the area. A suitable analysis can be done if there are any water bodies nearby. On the shore, it is necessary to measure the pressure and walk with the device around the site. With minimal deviations, you can dig a well.
  3. Animal behavior. In summer, representatives of the fauna always live in places where there is moisture. There are constantly dug holes where animals rest.

Finding water on the site will help the study of the landscape. If there are depressions, it can be concluded that there is moisture in the depressions. The depth of the well is 5-8 m.

Also focus on some plants. Among the trees pay attention to conifers, birch and alder. Their growth is directly dependent on soil moisture.

The method of dowsing differs in efficiency. A branch with a thick trunk 30 cm long is used. Dowsing involves a pendulum system. By shaking the thick part of the branch, you can determine the site for building a well.

The vine in the hands should spring a little in order to correctly locate the water.

Also, as a pendulum, you can use a gold ring, which is tied on a string. The arm should be bent at a right angle. Swinging a kind of pendulum will help you find out the location of the water.

Scientific methods on how to find a place for a well on a site

If a folk methods seem unconvincing, you can always turn to science. You can try some methods with your own hands by purchasing everything you need at a pharmacy and construction stores. Other options can only be performed by specialists.

Use of silica gel:

  1. It is necessary to dry the granules in the oven and place them in an earthenware dish with a lid;
  2. It is necessary to determine the weight of silica gel in the container;
  3. The dishes must be buried in the ground for a day;
  4. Dig up the material and re-weigh, the difference indicates the presence of water.

You can also do a soil test. The laboratory will provide a detailed study of the soil. After that, we can conclude where the groundwater is located. Acoustic field study can also be applied.

When using silica gel, it is enough to bury the material to a depth of 50 cm.

With the help of reconnaissance drilling, you can find out where the spring will be located. Use a small-sized drilling rig. If drinking water is found, you can simply mount the casing and strengthen the well.

How to determine the area where to dig a well: planning features

It is important to learn how to look for the presence of water on the site. But other factors also influence the placement of the well. They depend on the layout of the site.

Rules for choosing the area where to dig a spring:

  1. The well should not interfere with free movement around the site and the approach to all entrances;
  2. It is necessary to look for the highest place in the presence of an aquifer, this will save the walls from quicksand;
  3. The well should be located close to the house so that residents can comfortably use the device.

From the house to the well, the distance should be about 8 m. Correct location springs will allow you to get clean water in comfortable conditions. It is important to consider every little thing here.

How to find water in a well site - the easiest method (video)

The search for water on the site may include completely different methods and options. Should take advantage folk way, scientific and take into account the features of the layout of the yard. Choose right place the determination of the aquifer will also help. It is necessary to apply methods in a complex way and it is not worth looking for old well with a desire to restore.

Well on site suburban area or country house sometimes it is the only source of drinking water. But it is not enough to know how to find water for a well, you need to figure out at what depths aquifers with good water lie, because for drinking it is worth using only clean water without harmful impurities. Sometimes, to choose the best place for building a well, you have to explore the entire site and try different methods of finding water.

Before you understand the different methods of finding water, you should find out at what depth it is better to look for an aquifer with a quality drinking water. Water in the earth does not go deep and does not rise up due to the special composition of the soil of aquifers. It's clay and sand. Clay has high moisture resistance, and sand is a natural filter that prevents water from becoming polluted.

In places where the clay layer is broken, the most a large number of wet sand. This is a great place for a well. Here the sand is so saturated with water that such breaks are called "underground lakes".

However, the choice of a good place for building a well also depends on the depth of the aquifer. For example, sometimes you can find a vein even at a depth of 2-2.5 m from the surface of the earth. However, such water is not suitable for drinking, since sewage and melt water enter it, rainwater. All this causes pollution. surface horizons- top water. In addition, the level of moisture in such horizons depends on the season, that is, in the summer, in the heat, water in your well can completely disappear for a long time.

It is important to know: it is better to search for water for a well at a depth of 15 m. Usually there are large layers of continental sands saturated with moisture. Significant volumes of sand contribute to the purification of the aquifer, so this water is suitable for drinking.

Search for water by observation

Many centuries ago, people knew how to find water for a well. To do this, you do not need to invite specialists and drill wells, it is enough to observe surrounding nature and animal behavior.


In order to find a place for building a well in a country house or country house, in the early summer morning or late evening inspect the territory of your land plot. If the groundwater comes close to the surface of the earth, you will notice a gathering fog. In this case, the fog will not stand still. It rises in clubs and spreads above the ground surface.

The density of the fog cloud can be used to determine how deep the aquifer is. The thicker the consistency of the fog, the closer to the surface of the earth is the vein with water. Even if the fog is poorly visible in the evenings, in places where moisture evaporates from the ground, you can see a lot of midges, which stray and circle in a pile.


If there are closely spaced aquifers in the ground, field mice will not build burrows there. They will prefer to place them on tree branches or tall plants.

If you have a dog in the country, watch it in the heat. Usually in the very sun, in order to cool down a little, the animal begins to dig holes in the soil and fit into them. At the same time, they choose those places where an aquifer is located close to the surface of the earth. Moisture evaporating from underground contributes to the fact that the soil in these places is cooler. The same goes for horses. They beat their hooves in the heat in those places where water is close.

Also, if you have pet birds on the site, pay attention to their behavior. Chickens will never lay eggs in a place where the proximity of groundwater is felt. But geese, on the contrary, will choose these particular areas on the territory of the dacha.


A place for a well can also be found by indicator plants. So, there are moisture-loving plants that will never grow in that part of the site where groundwater runs very deep. For example, hemlock, sorrel, coltsfoot, nettle, wild rosemary, lingonberry are very fond of moisture. If these plants have grown very much in your country house or country house, then you can be sure that there are aquifers nearby.

Trees can also tell us about the proximity of groundwater. For example, if a willow, birch, bird cherry or alder grows very violently in your country house, then an aquifer passes nearby. In this case, often the crown of the tree leans precisely in the direction of the location of the vein. Cherry and apple trees do not like moist soil very much. In such places, these trees will often get sick, and their fruits may rot.

Pay attention to the landscape

Having studied the features of the relief on the site, it is also possible to draw conclusions about the place where the well was built. So, on the following types of landscape, you are unlikely to find enough water to build a well:

  • if there are significant elevations;
  • on a steep river bank;
  • near wells, quarries or various water intake facilities;
  • in places of active growth of pine and acacia.

For the found water to be High Quality, do not look for it in the territory of drained swamps and low coastlines. Here groundwater will be saturated with manganese and iron.

Tip: there is a high probability of finding water in the lowlands of the terrain and in all kinds of depressions.

Folk methods for finding water

Do you want to know how to determine a place for a well using various devices? To do this, you can use glass jars, bricks, salt, vine or aluminum frames.


Arrange inverted one-litre glass jars throughout the area early in the summer morning. The next morning, notice how much condensation has accumulated in each jar. The more it is, the closer the aquifer.

Brick and salt

Choosing a place to build a well with bricks or salt must be done on dry soil, so wait until it rains for a few days. Then broken brick or dry salt should be poured into an unglazed clay pot. We weigh all the contents together with the pot, remember the results or write them down. Then we bury the pot wrapped in gauze to a depth of 50 cm into the ground. After a day, we dig out the pot, remove the gauze and weigh it again. We compare the readings. The more weight added the pot with the contents, the closer the aquifer is.

Aluminum frame and vine

Most often, when answering the question of how to find water for a well, it is advised to use dowsing or aluminum frames. Depending on the chosen fixture (vine or frame), we choose a place for building a well on the site in different ways.

The method using aluminum frames implies the following procedure:

  1. You will need two pieces of aluminum wire 400 mm long each. On the one hand, you need to bend 150 mm of wire at a right angle.
  2. We insert this bent part into a piece of a hollow tube. It is best to make a pipe from an elderberry branch by removing the core from it. The wire should spin freely.
  3. We take a tube with wire in each hand and walk around the site. In this case, the ends of the wire should look in different directions or directly in front of you, but not cross. As soon as there is an aquifer under you, the ends of the wires turn towards each other and cross. If the aquifer is on your side, then both wires will turn in that direction. As soon as you pass the water horizon, the wires will again disperse in different directions.

Important: correctly hold the wire in your hands, without touching it, but only the tube. Otherwise, you may interfere with the operation of the device.

  1. As soon as you find a place where the ends of the wire close, go through it again, but only in a perpendicular direction. If the wires close again, then in this place it is worth digging a well.

With the help of a vine, they look for water on the site like this:

  1. You need to find a branch of the vine, diverging into two forks. In this case, they should be located at an angle of 150 °.
  2. The cut branch must be dried well.
  3. Further on the site, it is worth taking a branch by two forks so that the double part of the trunk is raised up.
  4. If, walking along the branch with a branch, you find that in some place the double trunk leans towards the ground, then it is worth looking for water for the well in this place.

Tip: It is believed that it is best to use this method three times a day - in the morning at 6 o'clock, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and at 8 o'clock in the evening.

However, any methods of searching for water - observations, dowsing or aluminum frames only allow you to determine the place where there is water in the ground. But to draw conclusions about the depth of its occurrence will not work. It is quite possible that this may turn out to be unsuitable for drinking water from the upper layer - perched water. To determine the depth of the vein and draw conclusions about the suitability of water for drinking, it is worthwhile to pre-drill a well.

Groundwater is available even in deserts, therefore, they can be found in any part of the land near your house or cottage. If you dig deep, sooner or later moisture will appear. But this method of searching is not justified. It is also unwise to use surface groundwater at a depth of 2.5-3 m. This is due to the fact that they mainly consist of rainwater and melted snow. In addition, the level of soil directly depends on precipitation, so in a drought they can go to depth. Therefore, the search for water on the site requires certain knowledge.

Why do you need a well

It is human nature to want to drink clean, fresh water. Even with a centralized water supply, many summer residents still think about how to find water for a well. And there are several reasons for this. First of all, centralized water supply in the villages often works intermittently. Secondly, many summer cottages supply water to certain time days. And the last, most significant reason is the quality of the water, which is several times superior to the rusty tap liquid.

Occurrence of water reserves

In the ground there are water-resistant layers, consisting mainly of clay. They do not allow moisture to pass through, keeping it at certain levels and not passing it to the surface or deep. Between the water-resistant layers is a sandy layer. It is in it that the reserves are concentrated pure water, which they seek to reach by digging a well.

Water: the relationship between quality and depth

You can stumble upon groundwater already at a depth of 3 m. But it is important to know that they are categorically undrinkable. Due to their proximity to the soil surface, various contaminants enter them, from rainwater to sewage, chemicals and other contaminants. Another drawback is instability: they depend on precipitation, so during the hot season, the water level drops significantly, and it can completely disappear. In this case, summer residents face the possibility of being left without water until autumn. Experts have a term for such water resources- tops.

The search for water for a well is recommended to be carried out at a depth of 15 m, because approximately at this level there are continental sands containing huge reserves of water. The sandy layer is an ideal natural filter that purifies water from almost all contaminants.

Search methods for "water" places

It is not necessary to search for water on the site with the help of specialists - this can be done independently. Previously, people determined the location of aquifers by observing nature and animals. Also used and practical methods based on the use of special devices.

How to find water for a well in the fog? According to this method, early morning or in the evening you need to walk around the site and inspect it. In places where perched waters are located as close to the surface as possible, fog is formed.

The depth of the aquifer is determined by its consistency: the thicker the fog, the closer the moisture to the surface.

How to Find Water for a Well by Watching Animals

Animals are also an excellent indicator of water availability. For example, when water is close, field mice will not make nests on the ground, but will transfer them to tree branches.

If the owner of the site has horses, then in the hot season it is enough just to watch them. For example, in places where the aquifer is relatively shallow, they beat the ground with their hooves. Dogs, in turn, in places with high humidity dig holes. So they try to "cool", that is, to reduce the overall body temperature, since during evaporation, moisture cools the earth. That is why animals seek such places.

Poultry will also tell you how to determine the location for the well. For example, a chicken does not rush in places with high humidity, and a goose, on the contrary, looks for places where aquifers intersect.

In the evening, when it becomes less hot, you can watch the behavior of midges. It bunches up in heaps over places of high humidity.

Plants are indicators of moisture

Certain plants are also excellent indicators of moisture. Previously, they were used to successfully determine the depth of groundwater. Moisture-loving plants never grow in places where the aquifer is at great depths. When sorrel or nettle grow on the land, this is a clear sign of the presence of surface groundwater.

Moisture-loving trees include alder, willow and birch. Their crowns can tell you how to find water underground: the aquifer is usually looked for in the direction in which the crown is tilted. Apple and cherry trees are a good indicator of the presence of groundwater. They never grow in moisture-saturated places. This is due to the fact that their fruits, due to its excess, will rot, and the tree itself will often get sick.

Practical methods: glass jars

In the morning, glass jars are placed throughout the land (neck up). After 24 hours, look in which of them condensate has formed. It is he who will tell you where the aquifer is closer: the more it is in the bank, the closer.

Use of moisture accumulators

The method is fully effective when there has been no precipitation for several days and the soil is dry. Dry salt is poured into a clay pot (unglazed), weighed, and these indications are memorized. After that, it is wrapped with gauze or spandex and buried in the ground to a depth of 50 cm. After 24 hours, the pot is removed and re-weighed. The greater the difference between the "dry" weight and the resulting one, the closer the aquifer will be. Instead of salt, crushed red brick or silica gel can be used in the same way.


Since ancient times, people with the help of a willow frame in the shape of a fork have known how to find water for a well. The "device" can also be made from hazel or cherry. It allows you to know the boundaries between rock structures, thereby determining the location of water. At the same time, not all dowsers know their job well and overestimate their capabilities. Therefore, it is better to ask for help from an experienced dowser who has many years of successful experience in searching for water resources.

When searching for water by this method, it is important to remember its specifics and some nuances:

  • The movement of the box indicates the border of the structures, but this does not always mean that water is located in this place. The frame may indicate a simple displacement of the earth, or engineering communications located nearby.
  • A willow frame may not react at all to a homogeneous water layer.
  • The effectiveness of the technique is often minimal in places close to areas with dense buildings and a developed system of underground communications.
  • In the case when in one area the opinions of the dowsers regarding water resources diverge, this means that certain problems will arise with the search for water.

Shafts and wells

Drilling pits and wells is the most reliable and common method of detecting water. Searching for water for a well with this method gives the most accurate result, but it is quite expensive. Exploration drilling gives a clear understanding of the following:

  • soil thickness;
  • quantity and quality of water;
  • its depth;
  • slabs and boulders on the way of well construction;
  • total well costs.

Finding an aquifer on several acres of land is a great success. This will allow you not to dig fertile soil throughout, save time and money.

Intelligence from neighbors

Talking to neighbors can provide a lot useful information. First of all, you need to know:

  1. How deep is their well? It would be advisable to focus on this indicator on your land plot.
  2. How much water is in the wells and how stable is its level? If it is constantly changing and depends on weather conditions, then this suggests that the aquifer is located deep, and it is rare in these places.
  3. What is the design and type of wells of the neighbors? It is recommended to borrow their experience. This is due to the fact that the optimal type and design of a well for a particular area is chosen over several years, based on the experience of predecessors.

You should also not forget that, according to the legislation, the depth of the well should not exceed 20 m. Otherwise, it is necessary to create a project and coordinate it with the relevant regional services, as well as architects. To simplify this process and save your time, it is recommended not to dig a well deeper than 20 m.

To understand how to find water for a well, you need to familiarize yourself with the material and choose the appropriate technique.
