Franchises of children's development centers - we start a business wisely. How to organize a children's development center: general recommendations

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On the this moment turnkey business in Russian Federation is developing rapidly. According to the statistics of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 60% of franchise buyers are women, most of whom try to work with children's services and goods. Children's franchising is convenient for those who have not been in business before, but want to quickly get comfortable and start their own business. The Children's Development Center is one of the most promising areas in this business. Such centers appeared in our country relatively recently, about 5-7 years ago. As a result, the market for these services is just being formed, as a result of which investments in this area can pay off quite quickly.

Franchise Features

The franchise of the children's development center allows you to organize a profitable business.

Child Center represents a place where children will be given pre-school education in a playful way, develop communication skills, intelligence, attention and memory. In addition, the children's center can provide additional services - holding holidays, lectures for parents, selling goods for children's creativity and educational toys.

Children's development centers that offer franchising are in most cases focused on attracting middle-income people. Such centers are usually visited by children from families whose total income ranges from 60,000 to 180,000 rubles on average. Among the most common franchises are the children's centers "Polyglotiki", "Sema", "Umnichka", "Point of Growth" and others.

Children's Language Center "Polyglotiki"

Investments: Investments from 460,000 rubles.

Polyglots is a federal network of Children's Language Centers where children from 1 to 12 years old study foreign languages. The methodological center of the company has developed a unique program, thanks to which children begin to speak and think in foreign language. We care about the comprehensive development of our little Polyglots, and offer extra classes in mathematics, creativity, literature, natural sciences, ...

Investments: Investments 323,000 - 573,000 ₽

Schoolford in Omsk was founded in 2012. Then open school was positioned solely as a center for the development of speed reading, aimed at working with preschool children, schoolchildren and adults. However, over the next couple of years, the fame of us among the townspeople has spread so much that, thanks to the feedback from the parents of the students, children and adults from many other cities began to turn to us for training.…

Sound Media Kids Franchise

Investments: Investments 2 500 000 - 4 000 000 ₽

Sound Media Kids is a school-studio for the creative development of children from 1.5 to 16 years old. Included in the group of companies "Sound Media". Founder - music producer - Tatyana Tur. Founded in 2014, Sound Media Kids Studio School is a one-stop supplier educational programs and methods, where training is built as in higher educational institution, and the children studying in it - ...

Starting your own franchise business is currently one of the most popular ways to start an entrepreneurial activity. Due to the increase in the birth rate, the number of preschool institutions is growing from year to year.

Why is it better to work this way?

Many kindergartens and development centers are opened by private entrepreneurs, so anyone who wants to engage in this type of activity can, subject to necessary conditions to open this type of business. Particularly attractive are franchise offers from many well-known children's development centers.

By purchasing a franchise, the entrepreneur receives at the disposal ready business- a project that is already successfully operating and making a profit. Many novice businessmen who open their own business face many difficulties that cannot be calculated at the stage of drawing up a business plan. If there are too many such negative factors, then the “business boat” will crash against these obstacles, and the businessman will “burn out”. If you purchase a ready-made franchise business, then in this case all the difficulties that will arise during the entrepreneurial activity, can be solved with the help of experienced consultants of the franchisor.

Well-known brands that have been on the market for many years are trusted, so when a decision is made to choose a developmental center for their child, parents will give preference to a well-known company. The most attractive for cooperation are the following centers:

  • "Sema".
  • "point of growth".
  • "Baby Club".

Working with these development centers, businessmen receive all kinds of support, and any novice businessman can purchase a franchise.

Franchise "Sema"

Cooperation with the children's center "Sema" has the following advantages:

Cooperation with DC "Sema" allows you to open own business within 1 - 2 months, while the entrepreneur will be provided with a full-fledged business plan for opening a development center. After the conclusion of the franchise agreement, a specialist from the DC "Sema" will be sent for advice on the choice of premises and its design.

The entrepreneur is given the opportunity to place his website on the company's subdomain. Many potential customers are searching for information on the Internet and making their own website will allow the business to develop more dynamically. In order to purchase a franchise and open your own developmental center for children, you will need
do just 3 steps:

You can buy a franchise from DC "Sema" for only 170,000 rubles. These financial investments will pay off in a very short period of time and it will be possible to receive a net profit during the first year of operation of the children's center.

Franchise "Point of Growth"

Children's centers "Point of growth" accept children from 6 months to 10 years. The main emphasis in the program of the Point of Growth centers is on the development of the child's creative thinking. The work in the center is carried out according to the author's methods, which allow you to maximize the potential of the child, and also allows you to determine his predisposition to certain types of activities.

Franchise conditions:

  • A room with an area of ​​80 m2 or more, which should be located on the 1st or 2nd floor and have a separate entrance.
  • Investments in business from 1 million rubles.
  • Willingness to engage socially meaningful view business.

The entrepreneur receives the following types of support:

  • Entrepreneur training at the central office. Regular training webinars for employees.
  • Full advice on financial and legal issues.
  • Educational program consulting.
  • Providing design services for the design of the center.

The entrepreneur is required to comply with all the rules for conducting this type of business, pay a franchise in the amount of 250,000 rubles, and pay royalties from 7,000 rubles monthly. Cooperation with DC "Point of growth" allows you to fully return the investment cash within 1 year of the center's operation, after this period the profitability will be at least 150,000 rubles per month.

Franchise "Baby Club"

Cooperation with the Baby Club DC will allow you to receive comprehensive assistance at the stage of starting and running a business. In order for the franchisor to grant the right to work with the brand, the following conditions must be met:

  • The minimum area of ​​the room is 80 m2.
  • Be passionate about the idea of ​​early child development.
  • It is desirable to have experience working with children.

If there is a desire to develop in this direction, but there is not enough knowledge and experience, then the consultants of the Baby Club center will assist in acquiring the necessary skills.

The "Baby Club" accepts children from 8 months to 7 years. Classes in the club are aimed at disclosure creative possibilities child to improve their communication skills.

Those wishing to open a "Baby Club" will need to make the following financial investments:

  • Lump sum - 1 million rubles.
  • Investments in business - 1.8 million rubles.

After the conclusion of the contract and payment of the lump-sum fee, the entrepreneur is provided with legal advice for the entire period of cooperation. A businessman receives not only a ready-made and working model of a children's center, but also the opportunity to use a promoted brand. In this case, the cost of an advertising campaign is significantly reduced. The franchisor provides unique software that will simplify all accounting and accounting operations as much as possible.

Instructions for opening a DC

In order to open an early childhood development center, you must:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur in the tax office.
  2. Buy a franchise.
  3. Rent or build a space.
  4. Hire staff.
  5. Open a DC and work, observing all legislative norms for this type of business and the prescription of the franchisor.
  6. If all the points are met, you can start doing business under the strict guidance of the franchisor.

What are the risks?

If you cooperate only with well-known centers that are present on the market, then the risks are reduced only to a probable oversaturation of supply in a given city. If the area is too open a large number of preschool institutions, then with a limited number of children, the workload of such institutions will be incomplete, which will negatively affect the profitability of the business.

If you start cooperation in this area with a center that provides services quite recently, then you can, due to inexperience, purchase a franchise from a company whose representatives will not rush to fulfill the terms of the contract and will not provide consulting services and help for a beginner


Costs and profits - we give the calculations

The cost of the initial costs of opening a children's development center depends on many nuances. First of all, the cost of a franchise can differ significantly from the company that provides the opportunity to purchase it.

For cooperation with some DCs, you will need to pay a fee of 1 million rubles, others provide a trademark and assistance in organizing a business for only 150,000 rubles. Many DCs set a maximum number of children who can attend preschool. In any case, the payback of this type of business does not exceed 1 - 2 years.

After all the invested funds are returned, the entrepreneur can count on stable profit in the amount of at least 150,000 rubles per month. Over time, it will be possible to significantly increase income if you open additional branches of this DC in the city, or
other settlements located nearby.

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Start your kids club with us!

"Children's Club Burakova" is a reliable and sustainable business in any conditions.
15 years of successful development - the best of that proof!

We do not yet know who you are and what you do in life.

  • Perhaps you are a young and active mother who wants to be realized not only as a parent, but also as a successful woman.
  • Or maybe you are a teacher who is interested in developing children, but you feel cramped in the role of a simple teacher or educator. And you want to do what you love on a fundamentally different, more high level
  • Or you are an entrepreneur looking for a sought-after business that will bring not only income, but also joy.

We would love to get to know each of you.

But one thing we know for sure: our franchise kids club- that's what you need.

You can buy a children's center franchise not only in Moscow, our offer to purchase a children's club franchise is also valid in St. Petersburg and other regions. And for small towns we have special offer. For getting detailed information fill out the form on this page.

The franchise exists to make everything work out for you!

Don't know what to do and how to do it? We will show and tell you exactly how to open successful children's clubs. After all, we have done this more than once. We will walk this path together, answering all your questions along the way. You will know in advance possible mistakes and "pitfalls" in this business.

The franchise of the children's development center is your accurate navigator and
reliable insurance on the way to your own
kids club!

Three Reasons to Buy a Franchise
"Children's club Burakova"

Who doesn't make sense
buy a kids club franchise?

  • Those who are completely satisfied with their lives and do not want to change anything.
  • For those who like to constantly make the same mistakes.
  • Those who just decided to play "cool businessman" and are not ready to work to achieve the goal.
  • Those who are afraid of everything new and stubbornly do not want to learn.

To whom the franchise of the children's center
just necessary?

  • Anyone who yearns for independence, freedom, self-realization.
  • To everyone who is tired of working for "someone else's uncle" and realizing other people's goals.
  • Anyone who is tired of putting off their cherished goals and dreams
  • Anyone who wants to open their own kids club, but does not know how to do it quickly and easily.
  • Anyone who wants to turn their passion for the development of children into an equally exciting business.
  • Anyone who is looking for a sought-after and energy-friendly business.

Our reviews

Yana Kurbatova, head of the Burakov Children's Club in Moscow

The idea of ​​starting my own business came to me while on maternity leave. At that time, I already had experience in managing a French network of redness salons. Already at the age of 20 I became a director there, and then they gave me the lead of another salon. In general, the career has developed.

But I still wanted something of my own, and in new sphere It was interesting to try myself. I learned about Burakov's Children's Club from a friend of mine. She took her child there for classes and was very pleased with the results.

I got interested, started looking for information on the Internet, and then went on Skype with a representative of the club. After talking, I realized that the approaches and values ​​of the club are close to me. I was attracted by the fact that there is a clear technology on which you need to work and not invent anything new, since I did not understand anything about it at that time.

And so I opened my own club. I'll be honest, it wasn't easy. The room is large, but there are not as many children as we would like.

These difficulties are now behind us. I began to better understand the specifics of the club. I can say with confidence: “My club is successful!” There are many clients, and every year there are more of them. Children like to study, parents and we are satisfied with the results. And there are many clients who visit us all the time - someone for 4 years, someone for 3 and so on. It's nice! There are plans to open another branch so that my club can accept everyone. I think I can do it!

Sincerely, Elena Vladimirova.

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The creation of a children's development center is a promising area of ​​activity. The services of early development teachers are very popular in every locality, but they are most in demand in large cities.

In the market for this type of service today there is quite serious competition. An original concept, an author's program or the provision of additional services, for example, holding parent-teacher meetings, organizing holidays, will help to stand out from other proposals.

First steps: what to do before starting a business

A successful business starts with thorough preparation. Experts recommend conducting a thorough marketing research before opening your own center.

It is necessary to find out:

  1. Which centers child development already exist in the locality, what services do they specialize in: intellectual or aesthetic education, perhaps they conduct trainings aimed at building leadership qualities, independence, self-confidence. Such knowledge will help you navigate the range of offers, see what types of services are lacking on the market, and occupy a free niche in demand.
  2. What direction of development interests most parents.
  3. What criteria do parents consider important when choosing an institution for a child.
  4. What age categories of children should be mainly focused on when drawing up a program.

Marketing research can be ordered by specialists or carried out independently. To do this, it is enough to ask target audience, inquire about the activities of existing centers. You can conduct a survey in in social networks, on the forums for moms.

The target audience, by the way, is mothers aged 20-35 years. Choice educational institutions predominantly women are engaged, but the opinion of men should also be taken into account. As for wealth, these are families whose income is average, and also above average.

Business plan

After studying the situation in the market for these services, you can begin to draw up a business plan. It should be detailed, clear and specific. Key points to be covered in this document:

  • choice of directions and methods of work;
  • determining the age category of children, the number of groups and how many babies will be in one group;
  • creation of a program for each age category in all areas of activity;
  • determining the number of teachers, their specialization and desired qualifications;
  • creating a schedule for the center, a schedule of classes for each group;
  • drawing up a specific list of services provided to visitors;
  • describe in detail the expenditure and income side: how much is needed to organize the center, what will be the cost of providing services, what profit can be expected.

In a business plan, it is desirable to describe the advantages of your project, what makes it unique. It is important to clarify all types of activities and the list of services provided. If it is planned to install vending machines for piece goods in the hall, this should be mentioned in the business plan.


Next milestone- company registration. Making all required documents- the process is quite lengthy. You need to register with the tax service, get all the relevant certificates, open a bank account.

The first thing to decide is the choice of the form of entrepreneurial activity. Experts recommend giving preference to IP. This form of business organization provides for a lower tax rate, a simplified system of financial and accounting reporting.

Before starting the activity, a license is required.

For this you need:

  • Have a completed curriculum that is reviewed by the Department of Education. If there are comments from its specialists, the program will have to be finalized.
  • The organizer of the center or its employees must have a pedagogical education.
  • It is necessary to provide a lease agreement or documents confirming the ownership of the property that will become the venue for the classes.
  • The premises must comply with all standards, current regulations. This should be confirmed by the conclusions of Sanepidnadzor, as well as the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Business plan.
  • Information about employees.

Consultation will help to properly prepare the documentation qualified lawyer. You can perform all the steps yourself by studying the relevant literature.

Room selection

The choice of premises plays a key role in the popularity of the children's development center. Important parameters are its location and design.

If the premises will be rented, then it is better to give preference to real estate objects located in the city center or in a large residential area. Mandatory good transport accessibility, the presence of a convenient entrance. It is advisable to choose a place where there will be no competitors in the immediate vicinity. A good option is renting premises in a kindergarten, a shopping and entertainment center.

The choice of premises depends on the number of groups that will be engaged at the same time, the status of the center. If an institution claims the status of "premium", it must fully comply with them.

The minimum size of a room for one group (4-6 people) is 30-32 m 2 . In addition to the premises for classes in the children's center, there must be:

  • reception;
  • staff office;
  • bathroom;
  • dressing room;
  • It is desirable to have a room where parents can wait for the children.

If you count on the certain time one group will be engaged, a room of 50 m 2 is enough. In the case when several groups will study at the same time, each should have a separate room for classes with an area of ​​at least 30 m 2.

The children's center must have several exits, as well as fire alarm. Special attention focus on interior design. Kids will love the bright original design with interesting details.

Children's center equipment

For the equipment of the center it is necessary to purchase:

  • furniture (lockers, tables, chairs, sofas, shelves);
  • carpets and decorative elements;
  • office equipment, TV;
  • educational toys;
  • literature;
  • expendable materials for classes (glue, paper, plasticine, pencils).

Each design element must be of high quality and reliable. You should not save on products, because they will quickly lose their operational and aesthetic characteristics.

An alternative to purchasing furniture is to make it to order. This will allow you to get items exactly tailored to your needs.

All cards, drawings necessary for work must be laminated. This will significantly extend their service life. If not possible, then they should at least be covered with tape.

All rooms must have good lighting and ventilation. In the off-season, it is important to take care of heating. There should be no objects in the rooms that could injure the child.


It is very important for the success of the center to select qualified teachers. Mandatory requirements to the staff:

  • Teacher Education;
  • knowledge of developmental techniques or willingness to learn them;
  • love for children and the ability to interest them;
  • Preferably have experience working with children.

Interviews with candidates for teaching positions should be conducted in person. It is better to give preference to active, creative and proactive individuals.

At first, the duties of an administrator can be performed independently. Over time, if the center develops, a specialist will be required

Advertising and customer acquisition

  • announcements on poles;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • announcements in transport;
  • advertising in social networks.

It is desirable to have your own website on which it will be displayed actual information about the activities of the center. On its pages, you can post a description of classes, a schedule for their conduct, and the cost of services.

Required start-up capital

To open a children's development center, you need a solid start-up capital. Specific figures depend on many factors: a person plans to purchase or rent a room, how many groups of children are planned to be created.

Approximate costs required to open a center:

  • Registration necessary documentation, obtaining a license - 25-30 thousand rubles.
  • Room rental - 150-250 thousand rubles.
  • Repair of the premises - from 250 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment, furniture - from 400 thousand rubles.
  • Literature - 20-25 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - from 25 thousand rubles.

You need to pay monthly:

  • Utilities - from 10 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salary - from 75 thousand rubles.

A profitable solution would be participation in programs aimed at supporting small businesses. If all requirements are met, you can count on receiving financial assistance.

Expected profit

If the cost of one lesson for a child is 250 rubles, and the attendance of the development center reaches about 30 people per month for 8 lessons, then for a month of work you can claim a profit of 200 thousand rubles.

Experts say that a children's development center, during normal operation, pays off in 6-12 months. It all depends on the initial investment and the activity of the institution.

In Russia, for several years, there has been an increase in the birth rate along with a decrease in the number of preschool institutions. Against this background, the opening of children's development centers is promising direction business. You can open a kids club by purchasing a franchise. The average cost will be about 1-2 million rubles.


Franchises of a children's development center: what the market offers

Those who want to open their own business can go two ways: gain experience on their own or use turnkey solution. Buying a franchise allows you to get an already tested and proven business model, which only needs to be correctly implemented in the conditions of your city. For those who thought about opening a children's development center, franchising - good way save time on developing and promoting your brand.

Note: You can get acquainted with the basic concepts of franchising.

What does modern Russian market in this segment? Over the past few years, many interesting proposals have appeared in this area.

Let's selectively consider 5 franchises of a children's development center as an example.

As you can see, this type of business requires quite significant costs. Are they justified? Consider the pros and cons of the very principle of working on a franchise.

What is the essence of opening a children's club on the principle of franchising

Opening a child development center, like any business, requires a novice entrepreneur to have knowledge in the following main areas:

  • organization and management of this activity;
  • technological processes;
  • brand management and promotion;
  • personnel Management;
  • knowledge of the basics of standardization and certification, the requirements imposed by various authorities on the premises, personnel, reporting, taxation, etc.

Since such a business affects the areas of preserving the health and safety of the child, the requirements for its conduct are much more stringent. It is easier for a person inexperienced in this field to buy a ready-made business model and get everything necessary instructions and recommendations.

What does the buyer of the franchise of the children's center (DC) get:

  • training and metodology complex (educational plans conducting classes, notes, ready-made programs);
  • proven marketing technology (a recognizable brand, the most effective advertising channels, a ready-made logo, banner and flyer layouts);
  • information about the structure of internal business processes (document flow, personnel, accounting and reporting, etc.)

The main buyers of franchises are two categories of businessmen:

  • novice entrepreneurs with little experience in organizing DCs;
  • those who share basic principles and the values ​​of the parent company, and those wishing to join the activities of a well-known brand.

What are the prospects for children's centers in Russia

As a direction of activity, DCs are very promising: the growth in the birth rate, observed since the 2000s, and the simultaneous decrease in the number of preschool institutions has led to the fact that the existing kindergartens are overcrowded. In many regions, placing a child in a kindergarten is a problem due to a lack of places. At the same time, the market for private nannies is underdeveloped, practically not controlled by the state, and the quality of services and safety remain in question.

Currently Russian system preschool education includes less than 50,000 institutions, covering about 66% of children aged 1-6 years. And the number of these institutions throughout recent years decreases.

While the number of pupils has increased over the same period of time.

Source: website Federal Service state statistics

There is a re-staffing of groups in preschool institutions.

Note: According to statistics, at the end of 2016, there were 14 pupils per 1 kindergarten teacher.

Thus, not everyone who wishes has the opportunity to get a place in a children's preschool. And not all parents agree on the quality of the services provided, given the overcrowding of the groups. Private kindergartens are not available to everyone due to the high cost of services. Against this background, development centers with small groups and a modern development program are a good alternative, and therefore a promising line of business.

For information: In 2018, the cost of public kindergarten services in Moscow is 1.5-3 thousand rubles, private - 20-40 thousand rubles. per month.

What are the costs of the franchise buyer?

By purchasing a franchise, the buyer undertakes to pay:

  • initial (lump) contribution;
  • monthly deductions (royalties), usually amounting to 2-6% of monthly revenue.

In addition, the franchisee falls within the limits of restrictions and regulations, established by the owners brand. Any deviations from the corporate standard require the approval of the parent company. In case of termination of the contract, a significant fine will have to be paid - this is provided for by the terms of the contract.

Standard Conditions for Children's Center Franchises

Consider what conditions franchisors offer to their future partners.

Children's Development Center "Tili-Dom"

Developing center combined with a mini-garden. The brand has been in existence since 2011.

Main characteristics:

  1. Turnover from 500,000 rubles. per month.
  2. The declared profitability of the business is 38%.
  3. Starting investments - from 1,134,000 rubles.
    Payback period, on average: 9 months.
  4. Royalties - 15,000 rubles. from the third month of work.
  5. Own enterprises: 1.

The center offers kindergarten services, 20 developmental programs, speech therapy services. Also, additional income comes from renting out premises for children's parties.


  • sensory room;
  • dance hall;
  • animation studio;
  • weekend group;
  • service " Kindergarten for an hour".

Children's Center "Naughty Daisy"

The brand has been in existence since 2015.

Main characteristics:

  1. Turnover from 350,000 rubles. per month.
  2. Starting investments - from 1,595,000 rubles.
  3. Payback period, on average: 19 months.
  4. Royalties - 10,000 rubles.
  5. Own enterprises - 3.

The center offers kindergarten services, short stay groups, children's birthday parties.


  • classes with a speech therapist and a psychologist-defectologist, incl. for children with developmental delays;
  • puppet show;
  • applied art;
  • art studio;
  • English and French.

Children's center "Syoma"

The brand has been in existence since 2002.

Main characteristics:

  1. Since 2016, it has been included in the rating of "25 Most Profitable Franchises in Russia".
  2. Turnover - from 350,000 rubles. per month.
  3. Starting investments - from 300,000 rubles.
  4. Payback period, on average: 4-8 months.
  5. Royalties - 7,000 rubles.
  6. Own enterprises - 3.
  7. Partners - 342.

The center offers several franchise formats:

  • DC and group part-time;
  • Kindergarten;
  • "free-flo" (classes in small areas);
  • game room.