Pc muscles show on the body. PC muscle development exercise

aimed at pumping the PC muscle. It has a length from the pubic bone to the sacrum, and its function is to maintain the anus and the internal organs adjacent to it in the proper position. The muscle is subordinate to the nerve that controls the activity of the genitals and anus, so it provides a connection between them and the brain. If it has the proper strength, then it is generator of vital and sexual energy, which in the process of transformation stimulates the production of hormones responsible for a sense of satisfaction and joy.

Weakening of the PC muscle leads to a decline in activity, a feeling of fatigue, a decrease in sexual desires and opportunities. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to this particular area and start pumping it.

Starting position– sitting on heels, a chair or a pillow with a fully extended spine and relaxed muscles of the neck, face, arms, back and shoulders. The head should be slightly tilted forward, and the eyes should be closed.

Execution method: you should tighten the muscle and linger in this position for 3 seconds, if at first you cannot hold out for so long, this is a sign of weakness in the PC muscle. In this case, it is necessary to maintain voltage for 1 or 2 seconds. There should be a feeling that the pelvic region slightly lifted up. When the muscle is tense, you need to take a leisurely breath, and at the moment of relaxation - exhale.

Duration exercise should not exceed 10 minutes. During this time, it is desirable to have time to make 10 visits, but if such a number is not accumulated, the lesson should still be stopped.

When the muscle becomes strong enough (this usually happens after a week of regular training), the duration of holding the tension becomes subject to a count from one to ten, and you can’t sharply squeeze the muscle, on the contrary, you should gradually increase the tension along the count. Relaxation also needs to be done slowly and measuredly. The entire cycle should take 5 minutes.

Then the whole cycle with a slow increase in tension and relaxation by a decimal count with a minute pause and ten times quick squeezing-unclenching should be repeated. And after a short respite, do it a third time.

In the pelvic area, a feeling of tension and sipping may occur, this should not be feared, as the muscle, which has been at rest for a long time, reacts to the load. But you should not strain too much in the first lessons, otherwise the enthusiasm will disappear before the first positive changes appear. The effect should begin to appear after 2 weeks of daily exercise.

Subsequently, it will be necessary to complete the course twice a day for 15 minutes, gradually increasing the number of contractions until it reaches 300 times. Exercises are good because they can be performed even at work, with the advent of a habit, the need for an account disappears.

You can pump the PC muscle in another way. To do this, you need to sit on the floor on your back, legs slightly apart and strain the corresponding area. Here, it is not so much the number of repetitions that matters, but the strength of the tension, so it is on it that you should pay attention.

You can pump the PC muscle while standing, for this you need to spread your legs apart, tighten the area between the pubic bone and the anus as if you need to stop the flow of urination, while the pelvic muscles are also pressed. In this position, the penis will come closer to the stomach, the testicles will be higher than usual. Muscles must be held as hard as possible for 10 seconds. When performing the exercise, you can not hold your breath.

Squats for potency

Squats for potency are somewhat different from the usual and have a surprisingly diverse effect on the body of a man, causing the production of testosterone, eliminating stagnation of blood in the legs and pelvis, making a gentle massage of the prostate gland and increasing muscle tone. All this helps to improve potency and increase the level of health in general.

Starting position- standing straight, you should spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, turn your socks outward. It is important to tighten the buttocks before starting the exercise and only after that proceed to squats.

Without lifting your feet from the floor, you need to slowly lower yourself as low as possible. At the very bottom, you should linger in a stationary state for 2 seconds, and then gradually straighten your legs. After full straightening, it is necessary to repeat the exercise 20 more times.

All the time while squatting is performed, the buttocks are in a tense state, only in this case the muscles that affect potency will be worked out.

With the advent of a certain fitness, you can increase the load and, completing the last squat, linger in the lower position for 15 seconds, making short swings up and down. Having done this, you should get down to daily business.

When performing squats, it is important to correctly alternate the time of load and rest in order to avoid feeling excessive fatigue.

Other exercises

Consider a set of exercises aimed at improving potency by developing individual muscles and improving blood circulation.

    Pelvic rotation. With this exercise, it is recommended to start daily classes. It will serve to warm up the muscles. It is necessary to make circular movements with the pelvis, similar to the rotation of a hoop 40 times in one direction and the other. This exercise increases blood flow in the lower torso and develops the back muscles, which are often used during sex.

    Tilts. The legs should be spread a little wider than the shoulders and bend the torso, trying to reach the floor with your hands. You should not immediately take a large load, initially 20 slopes, repeated 3 or 4 times, are enough. After a week, you can start adding on a slope every 2 days until their number reaches 50. It is recommended to adhere to this norm. This exercise develops the muscles of the back and spine, increases the conductivity of the spinal cord, which controls erection and ejaculation.

    Big step . It is recommended to start this exercise in the morning half an hour before meals after a short warm-up. To carry it out, you need to take dumbbells (weight depends on the level of training and can vary between 3 and 10 kg), lower your arms along the body, take one foot step forward and gradually lower yourself to your knee, continuing to hold the load in its original position. Changing legs should do about 12 lunges.

A few exercises that are desirable to perform in the nude:

    Standing straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and slightly bend at the knees. Hands are placed on the hips or along the body. It is necessary to make quick movements of the pelvis back and forth, slightly shaking the genitals. The inhalation is deep and noisy, and the exhalation is gradual and quiet. Seven breaths make up one set, followed by a thirty-second rest, after which the complex is repeated about 6 times. It is better to start the exercise in the morning, but you can repeat it several more times during the day. These actions have a good effect on the level of potency and are used in certain diseases of the reproductive system to improve the condition of the organs.

    For the next exercise, you need to squat down and begin to pull the scrotum up as much as possible, while simultaneously pulling in the stomach and buttocks. A short breath alternates with an imperceptible exhalation. 7 pull-ups is one set, followed by a twenty-second rest and a seven-fold repetition of the complex. Such actions are indicated in the presence of disorders in the formation of spermatozoa and a number of diseases of the reproductive system.

In addition to the listed exercises aimed directly at improving potency, it is recommended to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, play sports and give up bad habits. The effect of these measures will not keep you waiting and will affect the quality of sexual life in the most desirable way.

Do exercises daily to increase potency. Sit down, take a big breath, while exhaling, strain all the muscles of the anus. Then relax. You need to start with 20-30 seconds, then bring the constant tension to three to five minutes. The more you develop these muscles, the stronger your potency, erection and orgasm will be.

Swastikasana. This is a comfortable position in which the arms and legs cross, hence the name. It is performed as follows: the right leg is bent at the knee, placed on the opposite thigh so that the sole of the foot is firmly in contact with the thigh. The same is done with the second leg, only the leg is placed on the other thigh.

This asana is also called the "lotus position", in this position they practice meditation, since you can sit in it for a long time, the back becomes absolutely straight, blood circulation in the pelvic region increases, which has a tonic effect on the nerves.

Sarvangasana. This is a shoulder stand, popularly called this pose "birch". Sarvangasana is a pose of all mystical yogis, which brings great benefits. It is performed as follows: lie on the mat, relax, slowly straighten your legs and at the same slow pace lift them up so that the spine and pelvis are absolutely vertical. The entire load of the body in this asana passes to the shoulders, attention should be concentrated on the muscles of the back and groin.

The back should be supported with your hands, rest your elbows on the floor, the chin should press on the chest. The deltoid muscle and neck should touch the floor. Do not let the body begin to sway, keep your legs straight. Hold your breath until you feel a strong tension. At the end of this asana, the legs should be lowered slowly, without sudden movements. The asana should be started from two minutes and gradually brought up to 30 minutes.

Effect: This asana is considered a cure for all diseases, as it significantly improves the general condition of the body, increases vitality and intelligence, and contributes to the destruction of liver and intestinal diseases. From the performance of the asana, the spine becomes flexible, blood circulation in the spinal cord improves, the pose stimulates working capacity, tones the nervous system and helps rejuvenation.

Maintain this position for 10 slow breaths and gradually increase this period to 30 breaths.

Exercise 5: T-pose

This ancient runic exercise was used to direct cosmic waves to the glands and solar plexus. It significantly relaxes the muscles.

Starting position From exercise 4 (F-position), immediately proceed to exercise 5.

Performing an exercise

Tilt both hands down so that your figure resembles the letter T (see Fig. 8). The palms are facing down. Stay in this position for 10 slow breaths and by increasing this period by 1 breath daily, reach the ideal duration of 30 breaths.

Exercise 6: W-pose

This exercise is used in taekwondo to relax the muscles in the neck and shoulders. The symbol of the starting position of the exercise can also be found in the runes. Exercise promotes the flow of energy and harmonizes breathing.

Starting position Set your palms at face level so that the edges of the palms are facing forward, the thumbs are not set aside (the position used in karate). The distance between the palms facing each other should be 35 - 40 cm (see Fig. 9).

Performing an exercise Exhaling forcefully through the nose, sharply straighten the right arm, pointing it to a horizontal position (see Fig. 10). Simultaneously with the same energetic, sharp breath through the nose, return the hand to its original position. Repeat the same for the left hand. Each movement should be performed 10 times

Gradually, you can bring the number of movements up to 15.

So, the first part of the training is over. Calmly put your hands down. Take a few calm breaths in and out. Relax, let all the muscles be relaxed, arms hanging freely. Before. To get started with Energy Exercise 7, you need to learn a few things about the PC muscle.

Rice. 10. W-pose

PC Muscle

The position of the PC muscle is shown in fig. 11 and 12. It extends from the pubic bone to the coccyx, supports the anus (anus) and the internal organs adjacent to it, preventing them from sinking. It is located at a distance of 2-3 cm from the skin. The muscle is controlled mainly by the nerve, which controls the activity of the anus and genitals, sending signals from them to the brain and transmitting them back.

The PC muscle is connected to the pelvic internal nerve. A branch leads from it, which in women connects the lower part of the spine with the uterus and bladder, and in men with the prostate and bladder. If the PC muscle is strong, it is a colossal source of energy, a true generator. Contractions of the PC muscle also stimulate the prostate in men and the uterus in women. At the same time, hormones are produced that cause high spirits, a feeling of happiness. The PC muscle can, like almost all muscles in the body, be strengthened with certain exercises.

If the PC muscle is not activated through regular sex or targeted training, it gradually weakens, atrophies, as the doctors say.

Therefore, someone who has not had a sexual partner for a long time may need to re-strengthen the PC muscle. Her training will help. Weakening of the PC muscle can also occur due to poor posture, for example, when the pelvis is constantly pushed forward while sitting, standing and walking (see the section “Energy flows better this way”). With this position, the blood supply to the PC muscle and its energy supply are hindered. Many women have a tendency to weaken the PC muscle after childbirth, which leads not only to sexual problems, but also to depression and constant fatigue. However, you should not be afraid of this. Sexual desires and mental strength return again with a general strengthening of the PC muscle. We have seen that sexuality, or, in other words, sexual (life) energy, is the force that largely determines our lives. The PC muscle, as one of the most effective sources of energy in the human body, takes part in the most sublime creative act that a person is capable of. The energy that gives birth to life is at the same time the energy that sustains life. RCE-training helps to use this energy.

PC muscle testing

First try to find the PC muscle. The easiest way to do this is to undress, lie on your back and, taking a small mirror in your hand, examine the perineum (the area between the anus and the genitals). If you are able to control the PC muscle and it is strong enough, then you can, by tensing and relaxing it, provide small drops and rises in the perineum.

At the same time, make sure that the stomach, buttocks and thigh muscles do not tense at the same time. If this still happens, then you are not able to sufficiently activate the PC muscle. You should first learn how to control the PC muscle in isolation from other muscles.

A good way to test the PC muscle is to try to stop urination in the initial phase. This succeeds whenever the PC muscle is strong and you are able to control it. Otherwise, do not worry: the PC muscle training described below, when carried out sequentially, will give positive results in a few weeks. And in the event that the PC muscle is strong enough, constant training will bring an increase in internal energy, an exacerbation of sexual sensations, and for men, an increase in potency. Since the PC muscle significantly affects the control of sexual intercourse and erection, a man with constant training of the PC muscle becomes able to arbitrarily delay the duration of sexual intercourse.

Test questions for a woman

Do small involuntary urination occur during physical or nervous overload (during stress, coughing, during sports activities)?

Do you have difficulty achieving orgasm?

Do you suffer from back pain, pain during sexual intercourse, inflammation in the bladder and uterus? Do you feel anything in the uterus at all, or are the sensations very slight?

Do you have abdominal cramps before or during your period?

After giving birth, within 2-3 months there are problems with sexual sensations and the ability to orgasm?

Do you have problems keeping the tampon in the right place?

All these problems lead to the conclusion that the PC muscle is weak, which, however, you can increase with training.

Tests for men

A man with a healthy PC muscle is able to lift at least one centimeter of a small towel hanging from an erect penis by contraction of the PC muscle alone. If the towel slips, you can repeat the handkerchief test.

The finger test is borrowed from the ancient Chinese philosophical system Tao and contains information about the angle of inclination of the penis, which is in a state of erection, for different ages. Taoists claimed that by measuring this angle, one can judge the biological age of a man and his health.

In a healthy young man, the angle between the penis and the trunk is about 45 degrees. A healthy twenty-year-old man has an erection angle of 60 degrees, a thirty-year-old man 90 degrees, a forty-year-old man 105 degrees, and a fifty-year-old man 135 degrees.

The pubococcygeal muscle, or pubococcygeal muscle, is a muscle that makes up the medial part of the muscle that lifts the anus. Strengthening the pubococcygeus muscle can help both males and females cope with urinary and fecal incontinence, and also allows men to avoid erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Learn a set of simple exercises that form the basis of the PC muscle training.


Initial exercises

    Understand where the PC muscle is located. It is located in the lower part of the pelvic region and stretches like a hammock from the pubic bone to the lower part of the spine. Imagine that you are urinating and then stop urinating with a gentle quick contraction of the muscle. Try to keep your abs and thighs relaxed and focus only on the PC muscle.

    Tighten the PC muscle 20 times. Hold the tension for 1-2 seconds and then relax the muscle. Perform the exercise three times a day, 3-4 times a week. During the exercise, breathe normally, try not to interrupt your breathing.

    Add 10 really slow muscle contractions to the above exercise. Within 5 seconds, slowly squeeze the muscle to maximum tension. Then, if possible, hold it in this position for another 5 seconds and slowly relax for another 5 seconds.

  1. Perform exercises for the tension of the pubococcygeal muscle along with an erection. Massage your penis until you get an erection. Keep massaging your penis until you feel an orgasm approaching. Stop the massage immediately and start squeezing the PC muscle. When the erection begins to subside, start massaging the penis again until the orgasm approaches. Tighten the muscle again. Repeat until you have worked the muscle well.

    • If you accidentally have an orgasm during this exercise, then the pubococcygeus muscle is not yet strong enough to move on to advanced exercises. Focus on doing intermediate exercises before moving on to advanced ones.
  2. Do high-intensity pubic-pubic exercises. This is very difficult as the exercise involves varying degrees of muscle tension and a variable number of repetitions. Find a place where you can comfortably do the exercises for 10-20 minutes. Don't forget to breathe.

    • Perform 50 muscle tensions to warm up.
    • Next, tighten the muscle as much as possible and hold the tension for 30 seconds.
    • Then do 100 muscle contractions without stopping. Tighten the muscle for two seconds, then relax for two seconds, and so on.
    • Then try to strain the PC muscle as much as possible. Aim for 1 minute of tension.
    • Rest 2 minutes.
    • Then perform 50 5-second muscle contractions, and at the end, slowly relax. Your workout is over!
  • Since these exercises only involve your insides and are invisible to the people around you, they can be done almost anywhere, such as sitting in a car or lying in bed.
  • Kegel exercises and exercises for the PC muscle are similar to each other.
  • PC muscle exercises are just like any other physical exercise: the more you work, the faster you will get more impressive results.
  • At first, the exercises may seem difficult. Be persistent and try to gradually begin to perform the maximum number of repetitions. It may take you several days or even weeks to achieve this.


  • Like any other muscle, the PC muscle can be stretched or fatigued. If you experience pain while exercising, stop immediately.

Any training is beneficial only if its participants are aware of its benefits and understand the mechanism for generating this benefit. Purely mechanical actions, of course, also produce changes in the body, but, firstly, they are insignificant and short-term, and secondly, they do not lead to the increase in vibrations, which is the main task of training.

There are a large number of trainings to enhance sexual energy. All of them are very similar to each other, since they are based on ancient teachings about the circulation of energy flows in the body and methods for their regulation. Once again I remembered the phrase: "Everything new is a well-forgotten old." But one of the trainings still stands out against the general background - it was tested on the highest quality equipment and the results showed not only its extraordinary, positive power, but also proved the fact that it suits anyone: young and old; strong and weakened; man and woman. This training was developed in Austria by G. H. Eggetsberger and was called RSE-training (psy-training). First, we will understand the scientific platform of the proposed training, and then we will get acquainted with the technique of its implementation.

In 1995, the Vienna Institute for Applied Biocybernetics and Feedback Research was able to measure human sexual energy for the first time. At the same time, the PSE effect (psy effect) was revealed: the connection between the Pubococcygeus muscle located at the base of the pelvis (it was called the PC muscle for short) and the brain. When this muscle is tensed in a certain position of the body, life energy begins to flow through the spinal cord and further spread through the nervous system. It was found that with repeated repetition of this exercise, an ever-increasing energy supply of the brain occurs. No other exercise tested in the lab has provided such an intense energy boost to the body and brain.

Based on this result, scientists have developed a new method of energy feeding the brain. This method includes, firstly, a number of special postures that harmonize internal energy flows and eliminate stagnant zones, and, secondly, certain alternations of tension and relaxation of the muscle located in the lower pelvic region, which plays the role of a “generator energy." With the help of seven simple exercises, which are called PC-energy training (RCE-training), you will learn how to activate your energy system and direct life energy to the brain. This training was developed on the basis of numerous tests, controlled with modern measuring equipment and is widely used today by many famous athletes.

Vital and sexual energy

In each cultural layer, it is called in its own way. The Bushmen of South Africa call it "num" - spiritual energy, the Chinese sages call it "chi" - life energy, in India it is known as "kundalini" - creative, vital energy.

Kundalini yoga, which combines various methods of awakening and developing the kundalini, belongs to the oldest secret teachings of India. She teaches how to awaken the energy that rests in each person's pelvis through meditation and exercise.

The Sanskrit word "kundalini" means "twisted" (like a snake or a steel spring), and traditionally the snake is a symbol of kundalini. In ancient Indian scriptures, kundalini is described as a form of biological energy dormant in the human body. It is regarded as a form of life, as the main type of energy that can be concentrated in the brain, and without which neither genius nor inspiration is conceivable. According to the old texts, the kundalini energy is present throughout the body, but it is concentrated mainly in the lower part of the spine, that is, in the genital area, which transmits vital energy to offspring. According to the teachings of yoga, this "serpent energy" can be awakened and transmitted through the spine and chakras (energy centers along the spine) to the brain. This energy, as stated in the old texts, is extraordinarily powerful, and it contains the key to eternal youth and the flowering of mental faculties.

The Indian kundalini specialist Gobi Krishna states: “Kundalini, when awakened, is the source of psychic powers, genius, artistic talent, scientific achievements,” that is, all that is characteristic of a high level of development of consciousness. According to Krishna, with the growth of kundalini, the range of human abilities also expands.

Western science has long been skeptical or dismissive of this idea. The idea of ​​kundali has often been relegated to the realm of religious fantasies on the basis of the argument: “That which cannot be measured does not exist; something that cannot be replicated in the laboratory has little prospect of scientific acceptance.”

This point of view changed most decisively with the discovery of the PCE effect. Many scientists and doctors had the opportunity to be present during the experiments in the laboratory of the Vienna Institute and control the methodology for their implementation. They also came to the conclusion that kundalini, this creative, vital and sexual energy, not only can be measured, but every person is able to actively manage it.

The low effectiveness of widespread "sex training" can be explained by the complexity of the proposed yoga exercises, the duration of meditations and naked calls to believe that all this will work sooner or later.

In the RCE training, all the recommendations and exercises are simple and tested on equipment that registers the level of sexual energy and the processes of its flow from the pelvic area through the chakra centers along the spinal cord to the brain.

It turned out that it is possible to effectively deal with constant fatigue, depression, get a powerful burst of energy and significantly improve your sexual sensations by regularly tensing and relaxing one muscle located in the pelvic area! This exercise can be done anywhere and at any time - in bed, in the office, in the car, on a walk ... At the same time, a high effect is achieved after eight weeks of regular training.

It was found that with each contraction of the PC muscle while maintaining a certain posture the energy of the brain increased sharply. It was also revealed that with a bent back, energy practically does not flow. With the tension of other muscles, the effect also did not occur.

Switchable brain energy levels

Our brain is designed in such a way that some of its cells are activated only when a certain intensity of the brain field is reached, awakening certain abilities. This means that there are energy levels of the brain and there is a possibility of transition (switching) from one level to another.

The activation of a certain energy level entails the activation of all levels below. More energy means increased brain activity and therefore the awakening of new abilities. In people with little brain energy, it is mainly the brain stem and midbrain that are involved. These people are controlled, basically, not by reason, but by instincts, they are often victims of fears, and react automatically to external events. The centers responsible for higher spiritual qualities and for revealing dormant abilities are located in the cerebral cortex and, depending on their location, require large amounts of energy to work.

In this regard, the question arises: why did nature create the brain in the form of such a complex complex, the possibilities of which we do not use even to a small extent? It is known that nature is very economical and excludes unnecessary structures (just remember how quickly the muscles of a cast limb lose strength). Many areas of the brain can only work if they are given more energy than they normally have.

Is our brain actually ready for some kind of leap in its evolution, and perhaps it is the PC training that will make this leap possible.

To do this, it is necessary to supply the brain with sufficient energy, since only systematic filling of brain cells with energy, performed at least twice a day, allows them to be activated for a long period. Using computer terminology, we can say that brain cells are being initialized. Short bursts of energy are not capable of activating dormant brain cells for a long time. The energy that occurs during orgasm is not enough to ensure long-term activity of brain structures that are not included in the work, since the rise in energy in this case is very short-lived, and it soon dissipates.

Of course, sex can speed up the process as it strengthens the PC muscle. But only PC training activates and directs energy in such a way that it leads to a reliable continuous charging of the brain.

PC training provides an ever-increasing flow of energy that creates a proportional process of activating higher and higher levels of the brain. Not all levels will be activated, but your natural process of improvement will be launched and you will be able to manage this evolutionary process.

An increase in brain energy causes changes in the entire nervous system. These changes accumulate over days and weeks, in some cases over two or three months, as the increase in energy only takes effect when previously dormant brain cellular structures are activated. Then we feel not only strong and cheerful, we live in a new way, expand the boundaries of the possible and acquire new abilities. With the growth of creative possibilities, a holistic view of things arises, a sense of strength and inner harmony fills us. Depressions and fears recede before the feeling of strength and joy of life. New thought structures are formed, and thus, in the end, a new sense of one's own "I" arises.


The RCE training program is aimed at improving your thinking abilities, memory, it develops intuition, improves your results, and has a positive effect on communication skills. Last but not least, exercise contributes to the recovery of the body and enhances the ability to self-heal. The effect of rejuvenation is doubled by regular exercise in the order listed below.

The first six training exercises, called runic , have much in common with the physical exercises of the ancient Germans, who used runes (signs), mainly for magical purposes, and only secondarily for ordinary writing. In ancient legends, runic wisdom is mentioned, achieved by a word, a certain position of the fingers or a pose.

Runic exercises, which for simplicity are indicated in Latin letters, contribute to the unhindered flow of vital energy. They relieve muscle tension and activate the glands that promote harmony and balance. The constantly flowing life energy is activated and directed into its own course. These exercises can be performed at any age, they do not have any harmful effects.

The seventh exercise, called energy , activates our internal generator of vital energy. Due to the contractions of the PC muscle, carried out according to certain rules, the vital energy gets the opportunity, flowing through the spinal cord, nerves and tissues, to enter the brain and all the cells of the body. The body, which has become a good conductor through runic exercises, allows this additional energy to circulate freely, which has a positive effect on the brain.

Before starting the exercises, determine the western direction. Remember this direction, because all exercises of RCE training should be carried out with the face turned to the west. Through bioelectric measurements and determination of potentials at acupuncture points, scientists have determined that the west-facing position is the best for energy exercises and, compared to other directions, gives a significant (30 percent) increase in internal activity.

Runic exercises
Exercise 1: U-pose

Rice. 1. U-pose

This flexion exercise is present in many exercise systems. In yoga and runic exercises of the ancient Germans, it was used to excite the nerve centers of the head.

Starting position :

Face west, feet parallel to each other about 30 to 45 cm apart. The knees should be slightly bent during this exercise, as doing the bending exercise with straight knees can lead to injury. Now slowly raise your arms above your head.

Performing the exercise:

Inhale now as deeply as you can, and then exhale slowly. As you exhale, bend your upper body forward and down as far as possible. Let the head hang freely, without tension. Hands and fingertips should be pointing down (see fig. 1). Gradually shift your weight towards your arms. Remain in this position for 10 slow breaths and by increasing this period by one each day, reach the ideal duration of 30 breaths.

If your health does not allow you to perform the exercise while standing, you can perform it in the same sequence while sitting.

In this case, sit on a chair with your spine straight. Raise your arms above your head. Inhale as calmly and deeply as you can, and as you exhale, tilt your upper body as much as possible. Let your arms hang down to the floor to the right and left of your feet. Breathe and increase the duration of the exercise as described above.

Exercise 2: I-pose

I-exercise was used by the ancient Germans to increase the spiritual and physical strength of resistance. It was this exercise, according to the results of scientific measurements, that turned out to be the most effective for relieving muscle strain and eliminating stagnant zones.

Rice. 2. I-pose

Starting position:

Stand or sit facing west.

Performing the exercise:

Slowly raise your arms above your head. The palms are directed towards each other and are located at a distance of about 20 cm (see Fig. 4). Breathe deeply, calmly and evenly. Stay in this position for 10 slow breaths and by increasing this period by one each day, reach the ideal duration of 30 breaths.

Exercise 3: Y-pose

Like the previous one, it comes from ancient runic exercises. It served in ancient times for the transmutation of sexual power and immersion in the sublime spheres of being.

Starting position:

It coincides with the original exercise when performing exercise 2. From the second exercise to the third, go without a break.

Performing the exercise:

Slowly turn your arms so that your figure takes the shape of the letter Y. The palms are flat and facing up (see Fig. 3).

Fig.3. Y-pose

When doing this exercise, also pay special attention to calm, tension-free breathing. Stay in this position for 10 slow breaths and by increasing this period by one each day, reach the ideal duration of 30 breaths.

Exercise 4: F-pose

This posture promotes the growth of mental strength, eliminates the blockade and stagnation of energy (see Fig. 4).

Starting position: Immediately after completing Exercise 3 (Y-Position), proceed to Exercise 4.

Performing the exercise: Lower your straightened arms forward at the same time. The left palm should be about 10 cm higher than the right. Set the fingers as follows: the thumb and middle fingers are slightly in contact, the rest are straightened and directed forward towards the west (see Fig. 5). Pay attention to the fact that they do not point to anyone.

Maintain this position for 10 slow breaths and gradually increase this period to 30 breaths.

Fig.4. F -pose Fig.5. Hand and finger position

When doing F-exercise

Exercise 5: T-pose

This ancient runic exercise was used to direct cosmic waves to the glands and solar plexus. It significantly relaxes the muscles.

Starting position :

From exercise 4 (F-position), immediately go to exercise 5.

Performing an exercise:

Tilt both hands down so that your figure does not resemble the letter T (see Fig. 6). The palms are facing down. Remain in this position for 10 slow breaths and by increasing this period by one each day, reach the ideal duration of 30 breaths.

Fig.6. T-pose

Exercise 6: W-pose

This exercise is used to relax the muscles in the neck and shoulders. The symbol of the starting position of the exercise can also be found in the runes. Exercise promotes the flow of energy and harmonizes breathing.

Starting position :

Set your palms at face level so that the edges of the palms are facing forward, the thumbs are not set aside (the position used in karate). The distance between the palms facing each other should be 35 - 40 cm (see Fig. 7).

Fig.7. W-pose Fig.8 W-posePerforming an exercise :

Exhaling forcefully through your nose, sharply straighten your right arm, directing it to a horizontal position (see Fig. 8). Simultaneously with the same energetic, sharp breath through the nose, return the hand to its original position. Repeat the same for the left hand. Each movement should be performed 10 times

Gradually, you can bring the number of movements up to 15.

So, the first part of the training is over. Calmly put your hands down. Take a few calm breaths in and out. Relax, let all the muscles be relaxed, arms hanging freely.

Before you begin Energy Exercise 7, you need to know a few things about the PC muscle.

PC Muscle

The position of the PC muscle is shown in figures 9 and 10. It extends from the pubic bone to the coccyx, supporting the anus (anus) and adjacent internal organs, preventing them from sinking. It is located at a distance of 2-3 cm from the skin. The muscle is controlled mainly by the nerve, which controls the activity of the anus and genitals, sending signals from them to the brain and transmitting them back.

The PC muscle is connected to the pelvic internal nerve. A branch leads from it, which in women connects the lower part of the spine with the uterus and bladder, and in men - with the prostate and bladder. If the PC muscle is strong, it is a colossal source of energy, a true generator. Contractions of the PC muscle also stimulate the prostate in men and the uterus in women. At the same time, hormones are produced that cause an elevated mood, a feeling of happiness. The PC muscle can, like almost all muscles in the body, be strengthened with certain exercises.

If the PC muscle is not activated through regular sex or targeted training, it gradually weakens, atrophies, as the doctors say.

Therefore, someone who has not had a sexual partner for a long time may need to re-strengthen the PC muscle. Her training will help. Weakening of the PC muscle can also occur due to poor posture, for example, with a constantly pushed forward pelvis while sitting, standing and walking. With this position, the blood supply to the PC muscle and its energy supply are hindered. Many women have a tendency to weaken the PC muscle after childbirth, which leads not only to sexual problems, but also to depression and constant fatigue. However, you should not be afraid of this. Sexual desires and mental strength return again with a general strengthening of the PC muscle. We have seen that sexuality, or, in other words, sexual (life) energy, is the force that largely determines our lives. The PC muscle, as one of the most efficient sources of energy in the human body, takes part in the most sublime creative act that a person is capable of. The energy that gives birth to life is at the same time the energy that sustains life. RCE-training helps to use this energy.

Fig.9. Information exchange between the PC muscle and the brain in the body of a woman

Fig.10. Information exchange between the PC muscle and the brain in the body of a man

PC muscle testing

First try to find the PC muscle. The easiest way to do this is to undress, lie on your back and, taking a small mirror in your hand, examine the perineum (the area between the anus and the genitals). If you are able to control the PC muscle and it is strong enough, then you can, by tensing and relaxing it, provide small drops and rises in the perineum.

At the same time, make sure that at the same time the stomach, buttocks and muscles of the thighs do not tense up. . If this still happens, then you are not able to sufficiently activate the PC muscle. You must first learn to control the PC muscle in isolation from the rest of the muscles.

A good method for testing the PC muscle is to try to stop urination in the initial phase. This succeeds whenever the PC muscle is strong and you are able to control it. Otherwise, don't worry: the PC muscle training described below, when carried out sequentially, will give positive results in a few weeks. And in the event that the PC muscle is strong enough, constant training will bring an increase in internal energy, an exacerbation of sexual sensations, and for men, an increase in potency. Since the PC muscle significantly affects the control of sexual intercourse and erection, a man with constant training of the PC muscle becomes able to arbitrarily delay the duration of sexual intercourse.

Test questions for a woman

Do small involuntary urination occur during physical or nervous overload (during stress, coughing, during sports activities)?

Do you have difficulty reaching orgasm?

Do you suffer from back pain, pain during sexual intercourse, inflammation in the bladder and uterus? Do you feel nothing in the uterus at all, or are the sensations very slight?

Do you have abdominal cramps before or during your period?

After childbirth, within 2-3 months, are there problems with sexual sensations and the ability to orgasm?

Are there problems keeping the tampon in the right place?

All these problems lead to the conclusion that the PC muscle is weak, which, however, you can increase with training.

Tests for men

A man with a healthy PC muscle is able to lift at least one centimeter of a small towel hanging from an erect penis by contraction of the PC muscle alone. If the towel slips, you can repeat the handkerchief test.

The finger test is borrowed from the ancient Chinese philosophical system Tao and contains information about the angle of inclination of the penis, which is in a state of erection, for different ages. Taoists claimed that by measuring this angle, one can judge the biological age of a man and his health.

Fig.11. Ancient Chinese finger test

In a healthy young man, the angle between the penis and the torso is about 45 degrees. A healthy twenty-year-old man has an erection angle of 60 degrees, a thirty-year-old man 90 degrees, a forty-year-old man 105 degrees, and a fifty-year-old man 135 degrees.

With this test, you can very easily determine your biological age and the corresponding condition of the PC muscle, and the biological age does not always coincide with the actual one. A man who trains and strengthens the PC muscle not only improves the angle of erection, but also gets more energy and power at his disposal.

So, for example, a fifty-year-old man with an erection angle of 135 degrees after a few weeks of training provides an angle of 100 degrees, since the strength of the PC muscle becomes sufficient for this. Many of men's problems stem from PC muscle weakness and associated erection weakness, not just their mental state.

If the PC muscle is weak, you feel weak, and so is an erection. If, however, through RCE training and strengthening of the PC muscle, there is a constant energy supply to the brain regions that control sexual activity, then you feel like a leader in his prime (usually only young healthy people are very active sexually). In your own mind, you feel physically and spiritually young. The human body is designed in such a way that significant energy enters it only when it is sexually active, that is, potentially capable of procreation. When this apparent ability (which, however, has nothing to do with the actual ability in either men or women) disappears, the level of energy decreases accordingly.

Exercise for the development of the PC muscle

Starting position:

To perform this exercise, sit on a pillow, stupas or on your own heels (see fig. 12 and 13). Notice that the spine is perfectly straight, relax the muscles of the back, shoulders, neck, arms and face. Tilt your head slightly forward, close your eyes.

Fig.12. Pose on the heels Fig.13. Correct position

On the chair

Performing the exercise:

Tighten the muscle for 3 seconds. This happens when the muscles around the anus contract. When the exercise is performed correctly, there is a feeling as if the entire pelvic region is being pulled up. At the same time, take a slow breath. If at first it is difficult for you to strain the muscle for 3 seconds (which means that it is very weak), do it for 1 or 2 seconds. Relax the muscle completely as you exhale.

Repeat this cycle in the beginning at least 10 times, but no more than 10 minutes. As strength and endurance increase (after about a week), increase the period of tension, mentally counting from 1 to 10. Then relax the muscle as slowly as you strained it. Don't forget the relaxation phase of the PC muscle, it's just as important as tension. So: tension during mental counting from 1 to 10, then the same slow relaxation. Repeat this over and over for 5 minutes.

After that, pause for a minute, and then try to tense and relax the muscle 10 times at a fast pace. At first, you may not be able to tell for sure if the PC muscle is tight or loose, but as you practice, you will gain control of it.

Repeat the first part of the exercise again: tighten and relax the muscle ten times, counting in your mind from 1 to 10, all this for 5 minutes, and then pause for a minute. After that, do 10 quick tensions and relaxations.

And now, for the last time, complete a full cycle of slow and fast tension and relaxation.

Do not overstrain if at first the entire program described above is not given to you. Gradually, the muscle will become stronger, and endurance will increase. Some people feel sipping, tension in the pelvic area. This is normal and means that the PC muscle is responding.

After a few exercises, you should feel a slight itching or stretching in the spine and, above all, in the forehead between the eyes. The sensation may resemble a mild electric current. If during the exercise you feel a rise of energy reaching the head, this means that all seven centers that control the glands (the Hindus call them chakras) are free from blockage. If you do not feel anything during the exercise, then, obviously, in some place the path of energy is blocked. The runic exercises of RCE training will quickly help you clear all blockages.

Exercise for at least a week twice a day for 15 minutes. Don't expect miracles, it takes a certain amount of time for the PC muscle to tighten up and recover.

When performing the exercise, do not forget that you should strain the PC muscle without simultaneously tensing the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Only the PC muscle should be tensed. In about a week, 2-3 weeks at the most, you should be able to perform up to 300 contractions a day without difficulty.

Do not forget that any physical training program is best to start without overload and gradually increase the intensity of the exercises. It reduces muscle pain. If they appear, postpone classes for 1-2 days. After this pause, during which the muscles rest, resume the exercises. 300 contractions a day, 100 contractions at a time is the goal to aim for. With systematic practice, it is achievable.

It is useful to perform this basic exercise during normal work, if it does not require constant attention (for example, when working in an office). Over time, the need for a mental count of the number and duration of contractions disappears. Any additional exercise will only benefit your health and sexuality.

At first, it is still better to stick to the lesson plan. Once your PC muscle is strong, you can incorporate energy exercise into your RCE training.

Energy exercise.

Exercise 7

Part 1: slow energy exercise.

Starting position:

Straighten your spine in the same way as you did when doing the exercise for the development of the PC muscle. Remember that only the correct posture does not prevent the flow of energy.

Performing the exercise:

Close your eyes and slide them under the eyelids towards the bridge of your nose (see Fig. 14). Make sure that the muscles of the eyes and forehead do not tense up. The tongue should touch the palate without pressure. This position should be maintained until the end of exercise 7. If the direction of the eyes has changed or the tongue has moved away from the palate, do not worry, as you master the exercise, this will work out better and better. Gently return them to their original position.

Now tighten your PC muscle and slowly count to 10 while inhaling calmly. If the lungs are full, hold the air until you count to 10. Since the PC muscle has already been strengthened by strengthening exercises, this will not be difficult for you.

Relax the PC muscle for a count of 10. Pay attention to complete relaxation each time, otherwise the next tension will produce less energy. Relaxation constantly regenerates the source of energy. When relaxing, also count from 1 to 10. Slowly exhale the air and, after exhaling, wait until 10. After that, tighten the muscle again, breathing as described above.

Rice. 14. The position of the eyes during the exercise

You should do this exercise 20 to 30 times depending on the strength of your PC muscle. The stronger it is, the less repeat the exercise. If you are forced to tense up while doing the exercise, repeat it 30 times, if you feel that the muscle is strong, do it at least 20 times. Performing the exercise less than 20 times is meaningless.

During the exercise, constantly monitor the correct breathing.

Part 2: Quick Energy Exercise

The second part of the energy exercise completes the RCE training. Go from the first part to the second without interruption.

Starting position:

It is the same as in the first part.

Performing the exercise:

Watch the position of the eyes and tongue. Quickly contract your PC muscle and inhale quickly through your nose at the same time.

Tension and inhalation should not last more than 1-2 seconds, then immediately relax the PC muscle and exhale sharply.

Immediately after exhaling and relaxing, which should also not last more than 1-2 seconds, tighten the PC muscle again and inhale. This cycle should be repeated at least 30 times, that is, 30 tension-inhalations and 30 relaxation-exhalations. There is no need to repeat the exercise more than 60 times even for those who are able to do it.


After completing all the exercises, continue to sit quietly for at least one minute. Then return your eyes and tongue to their normal position. Slowly open your eyes. Inhale and exhale deeply and forcefully, rub your palms together and slowly stand up.

The activated energy circulates through your nervous system for several hours, your cells come to life and rejuvenate, your brain is filled with strength.

During the day, repeat this exercise at least every 12 hours. In the morning before work, do exercises 1-7 (at home if possible) to generate energy for the whole day. At the end of the day, do them in the evening to renew and increase the flow of energy needed to restore and recharge every cell in your body and especially your brain.

Only with regular exercise in the morning and evening will you achieve sustainable changes.

Remember: Each exercise cycle provides 12 hours of energy . Therefore, the time of exercise should be chosen so as to evenly provide your body with energy all 24 hours a day. If there is still an additional need for energy, it is enough to tighten the PC muscle 10 times and get an immediate increase in energy.

The sound of life energy

Relaxing the body and simultaneously doing slow and fast energy exercises can in some cases lead to a sensation of noise in the head (in the range of 7-9 hertz). This is a clear, high-pitched whistling sound, reminiscent of the chirping of a cricket or the hum of an electric motor at high speeds. The sound is not loud and at first it is almost not perceived. The source of the noise is felt in the center of the head at ear level. Many people identify this sensation with ringing in the ears, although there is nothing in common between them.

In the course of research carried out during RCE training, it was found that sound occurs only when the brain is charged with energy to a significant extent. It is perceived only in a state of relaxation, but when the PC muscle is tensed, it can intensify. The Indians call this sound nadabrahma, the divine sound, or the hiss of the serpentine energy of the kundalini.

Recommendation . Use the sensation of noise in your head as natural feedback. Before starting slow and fast energy exercises, try to hear the sound of life energy in your head. If you feel it, then you, your head are free from stress and ready to receive more energy. The easiest way to hear this sound is after waking up or shortly before going to bed, if you listen to yourself.

Ten commandments of RSE training.

1. Set aside time for each exercise.

2. Do all the exercises correctly.

3. Exercise regularly in the morning and evening.

4. Keep your spine as straight as possible.

5. Perform each exercise with your face turned to the west.

6. Always inhale when tensing the PC muscle, and exhale when relaxing.

7. During the exercise, try to visualize the flow of energy.

8. If you feel stiffness in the shoulders or lower spine, double the duration of the runic exercises, this will relieve increased tension.

9. Eat natural foods full of energy. Avoid excesses in alcohol and limit yourself to smoking as much as possible. Avoid all types of drugs.

10. Take every opportunity to get out into the fresh air. Don't limit yourself to sleep.

Professional sexologists have developed a special training scheme that helps men return to a normal sexual life. Physical exercises to increase potency not only treat the disease, but also prevent the occurrence of sexual disorders in the future.

Types of exercises

According to experts, classes in the gym, gymnastics and running improve the health of men. However, exhausting and long workouts will not help restore potency if a certain set of exercises is not included in the training scheme:

  • pumping the PC muscle;
  • "bridge";
  • special squats;
  • "butterfly";
  • stretching on all fours;
  • "pendulum", etc.

These exercises to increase erection and increase potency should be performed at a calm pace with an ever-increasing load. It is recommended to start classes with several repetitions, increasing their number up to 15-20 times. To achieve the desired result, you need to do gymnastics in a good mood.

PC muscle and its pumping

This muscle extends from the pubic part of the pelvis to the sacrum. It maintains the proper condition of the anus and adjacent organs. The PC muscle obeys the nerve, which is responsible for the activity of the genitals and anus. If this muscle weakens in a man, he feels a breakdown, he loses interest in sex, and “male strength” decreases.

The pumping of the PC muscle is performed in several ways:

  1. Starting position - sitting on a chair or on your heels. The main rule is relaxed muscles, a straightened spine. Tilt your head back, close your eyes. The muscle is strained and held in this position for 3-5 seconds, the number of repetitions at the beginning of classes should not exceed 10 times. When the muscle tissue gets stronger, you can do these exercises for potency with a large number of approaches and increase the muscle tension time to 10 seconds. After relaxation, you should quickly squeeze and unclench the PC muscle 10 times, the whole cycle is repeated 3 times a day.
  2. Starting position - lying on the floor, legs apart. Perform squeezing and unclenching the muscle follows the same principle.
  3. Starting position - standing, feet are shoulder width apart. When the area between the pubis and the anus is tense, the testicles rise and the penis is pulled closer to the abdomen. Muscles are held in tension for up to 10 seconds. The number of repetitions should be increased gradually.


This exercise is performed from the starting position lying on your back with your knees bent. The feet are pressed to the floor. After the body feels the emphasis in the feet and shoulder blades, the pelvis is lifted up. In the upper position, you should linger a little, then lower the body down. The number of repetitions is at least 10 times.

"Bridge" works out the muscles responsible for potency, activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This exercise will be especially useful for men who lead a sedentary lifestyle.


These physical exercises to increase potency and improve erection increase muscle tone, eliminate blood stasis in the pelvic region and legs, massage the prostate gland and promote testosterone production.

You need to perform squats as follows:

  • legs spaced shoulder-width apart;
  • socks turn outward;
  • you should go down as low as possible, you can’t take your feet off the floor;
  • in the lower position, you should linger for 1-2 seconds, then straighten your legs;
  • the number of repetitions is at least 10 times.

As you train, the dwell time in the lower state can be increased up to 15 seconds. Exercises to increase potency are complicated by rocking back and forth.


Starting position - lying on your back, knees bent, hands placed on legs, feet as close as possible to the buttocks. The knees are bred and reduced to their previous position with hands with resistance. Exhalation goes along with the movement of the knees, inhalation - at the end point. Such gymnastics for potency is very useful. "Butterfly" trains the internal muscles of the thigh and perineum, tones them. This exercise, in combination with the rest, is necessary to improve erection, increase male libido.

Sipping on all fours

Starting position - knees rest on the floor and are located strictly under the pelvis, hands - under the face, feet are extended. On exhalation, without bending the arms, the pelvis is shifted towards the heels. The end point of the exercise is when the buttocks rest on the heels. The exercise is performed correctly if the stretching of the joints of the limbs and vertebrae is felt. The number of repetitions should be gradually increased to 10-15 times in one set. As a result of this lesson, a gentle massage of the prostate occurs, congestion in the pelvic organs is eliminated.


These exercises to restore potency strengthen the muscles of the thighs, improve the general condition and speedy recovery.

The legs should be spread wider than the shoulders and bent at the knees. Then squat down, buttocks should be at the level of the knees. In this position, you need to linger a little and move your pelvis forward while inhaling, and in the opposite direction at the exit. It is desirable to swing at different speeds. Repeat the oscillatory movements of the "pendulum" 10-15 times. If necessary, hold on to the back of a chair while doing the exercise.

Other exercises

In addition to the above, there are other exercises for potency. It is recommended to perform them in a complex, then the desired effect will not be long in coming:

  • running in place
  • "a bike";
  • slopes;
  • rotation of the pelvis;
  • "Triumphal Arch";
  • "onion";
  • big or parade step, etc.

An equally common method of treating sexual problems is yoga. Yoga promotes a speedy recovery. Recovery of potency at home on the basis of oriental medicine is faster if you do general strengthening exercises in the complex. The most effective are “sarvangasana” (“birch”, or shoulder stand) and “swastikasana” (pose where arms and legs cross).

Exercises for erection and restoration of male strength will help faster if you combine classes with stimulation of active points (walking barefoot, foot massage), contrast showers, regular sex.
