Aucuba flower. Aucuba cultivation

Japanese aucuba or golden tree belongs to the dogwood (turf) family. This is evergreen with large, leathery, oval, smooth leaves, but small flowers, and reddish, yellowish or white fruits. It grows in Korea and Japan, on the Black Sea coast in the Caucasus and in the Crimea.
"Aokiba" means "always green" in Japanese.
The height of the tree is up to 2-5 meters.
It is called a golden tree because it has an original color of leaves that glow under the sun like gold.
Aucuba blooms in early spring with soft dark red flowers in inflorescences in the form of a panicle and rarely bears fruit.
Japanese aukuba is also called sausage tree, because even in South-East Asia they loved to smoke small pieces of meat in the smoke of its branches. This gave the meat a very pleasant taste. Europeans, having learned about this plant, began to call it the "sausage tree" for this.
Japanese aucuba is poisonous and dangerous to human health and pets.
Look at the Japanese aucuba flower in the photo, which are located on this page:

Japanese aukuba care at home

Japanese aukuba is shade-tolerant, gas-smoke-resistant, therefore it is quite often used for landscaping premises, decorating them in various organizations, as well as central highways in cities. Japanese aukuba care at home includes simple rules watering, soil selection. You can read about caring for Japanese aukuba at home further on this page.
During the period of the most active growth, the Japanese aukuba is recommended regularly and in sufficient in large numbers water, but be careful not to flood this plant. AT winter time it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering, especially if the plant is kept in a cool room.
When watering Japanese aucuba, soft water should be used, which has settled for a sufficient time and does not contain chlorine.
You should not allow sudden changes in temperature when growing Japanese aucuba, otherwise its leaves will begin to turn yellow.
Have the lower leaves of the Japanese aucuba turned yellow ahead of time? These are the consequences of irregular watering and large temperature changes.
In winter, it is better to move the tree to a cool place if the aukuba is at home.
The Japanese aucuba is propagated by cuttings.

In order to grow Japanese aucuba, it is desirable to use sod, leafy soil and sand. It is possible to grow this plant with a special solution without soil. It will get all the nutrients it needs from the solution in the quantities it needs and in the right amount.
Japanese aukuba grows very well when light falls on it, but not a direct beam, but a diffused one. The plant can also be in the shade, but much more slowly. It is advisable to place the Japanese aukuba in rooms where there is a lot of space, near the balcony doors, for example. It also develops well on free window sills, which are located on the north side.
In the spring, when the frosts pass, the Japanese aucuba should be removed to the balcony or garden, where it is possible to plant the pot in the ground. If you do not want to bury the pot in the ground, then it is better to hide the Japanese aukuba in hot weather from the sun, otherwise the roots will overheat, which will adversely affect the plant as a whole.
If you removed the flower to the balcony or garden, then you do not have to worry about the fact that the air humidity is low. Aukuba takes it easy. But in winter in apartments with central heating the air for the plant will be too dry, so it is better to spray it with water regularly.

The roots of the Japanese aucuba are very fragile, so it is not recommended to replant it often.
The flowers of the Japanese aukuba are small, red, collected in inflorescences in the form of a panicle. Of course, they do not decorate a flower. The fruits are small red berries. Reminiscent of the taste of dogwood. They are used for culinary purposes.
Aucuba is a plant that has male and female flowers on different individuals, but male and female plants cannot be distinguished externally before the flowering period. If you grow a male and female flower not on the street, but in an apartment and place them close to each other, then you can see beautiful red fruits during flowering, which are similar to dogwood fruits. It’s not just that the Japanese aukuba, which now belongs to the aucub family, used to be attributed to the dogwood family.

Bright purple female flowers can be seen in spring. If a male flower is planted side by side, the female fruit will turn bright red. It is possible to transfer pollen from a male flower to a female flower by artificial pollination.
If you see that there are fewer yellow spots on the leaves, then this means that the plant does not have enough light or top dressing.
If black spots appear on the leaves, then you are watering the plant too often.

Reproduction of the Japanese aucuba

Aukuba japonica is propagated by cuttings. At the same time, they should have at least one to three leaves. The best time for propagation by cuttings - this is February or March.
At the same time, cuttings are recommended to be placed without fail in a mixture with peat and sand. If peat is not available, then, of course, only one sand can be used. The temperature for growing in this way is recommended to maintain at least 20-22 degrees.
Those cuttings that can take root, it is advisable to immediately plant one at a time in small flower pots. It is desirable to store them at the same time indoors, and not on the street.
Young sprouts are recommended to be transplanted annually into pots that are larger than the previous pots. Care must be taken with the roots of the plant, as they are very fragile and can be easily broken.

Older plants should preferably be transplanted once every three years.
In a very large size and age, the Japanese aukuba must be changed every year upper layer soil. By the way, in pots can live up to ten years.
Japanese aucuba can also be propagated using seeds. But plants grown this way grow much more slowly. Also, when propagated by seeds, unfortunately, the varietal color of aucuba leaves is not transmitted, therefore it is recommended to propagate its variegated varieties only by cuttings.

Experts in the field of biology recommend pruning due to the fact that, thanks to this, the crown of the plant becomes more dense and lush, which attracts the eye of people.
In young plants, it is advisable to pinch the growing shoots. This will help the plant to branch out to the greatest extent, which will also give it splendor and beauty.

The golden tree is a plant that has gained popularity due to the unusual color of its foliage. Its scientific name is Japanese aucuba. It is customary to refer to the dogwood family, but some distinguish it as a subspecies of the Harry family. There is also such a thing as the genus Aucubaceae. Aokiba means "always green" in Japanese.

Japanese aukuba comes from the East Asian forests of the subtropics. It is an evergreen tree large sizes. On sale, you will most often come across such varieties: Hillieri, Variegata, Goldiana, Crotonifolia, Dentata.

flower in home interior started dating in the 18th century. Previously, only heard about him from the stories of the inhabitants of the subtropical climate zone. Particularly lucky were the inhabitants of Japan, where it was ubiquitous. They could enjoy it unusual view even around the clock. But other inhabitants of the planet were allowed to contemplate the beauty of the golden bush only by visiting the expanses of Japan. The indigenous population carefully protected the plant, believing in its magical healing properties. Export was strictly prohibited.

And only in the 17th century, the aucuba was brought to the countries of Europe. True, there was a problem with the selection. The plant was female, and a male was also required for pollination. The situation changed a few decades later thanks to the British botanist Robert Fortune. He managed to get a male flower seedling.

Shipping decorative tree was a rather complex and costly process. Therefore, the "golden tree" adorned the houses of only the most prosperous people. Gradually, the flower began to gain more and more popularity and distribution among the inhabitants of Europe. They not only learned how to properly care for him, but also were able to significantly increase the number of copies. In the future, everyone could please themselves with the acquisition of a golden tree.

Aucuba varieties

There are only 3 large species in the aucub family, as well as many subspecies and varieties. In the wild, evergreen shrubs are common in the forests of the Himalayas, Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China.

Only 2 types have gained the greatest popularity:

Japanese aucuba

Aukuba Japanese (A.japonica)- grows in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. The leaves are large, leathery, have a dark green color or with golden spots, oblong - oval shape. The tips of the leaves are found both with denticles and smooth. Berries can have not only a red tint, but also white, green. Small flowers are grouped in panicle-shaped inflorescences. It is better to grow in a separate flowerpot - this way the plant feels better, and you can admire its beauty from all sides.

Aucuba Himalayan

Aukuba Himalayan (A.himalaica)- originated in the forests of the Eastern Himalayas. It adapts well to shaded areas, but prefers diffused sunlight. Blossoms in March, the fruits are painted red. The shape of the leaves is oblong-lacent. Periodically needs obligatory pruning - new shoots appear quite often.

Recently, scientists have bred a huge variety of varieties of each species. They differ in the shape and color of the leaves. The edges may be serrated or smooth. Golden spots can be large and in large numbers, or they may be completely absent. After dying, the leaves of the flower turn black. Aucuba leaves are often used in traditional healers' recipes.

Japanese aukuba, home care

AT open ground aucuba can reach a height of even 5 meters. At home, the tree grows up to a maximum of one and a half meters. The flower is unpretentious, can live not only on the windowsill with enough light, but also in a darker part of the room. So you don’t have to worry about giving him a separate place among other green brothers in a cramped window sill space.

We list the main points for care:

Important point

It is worth remembering that the Japanese aucuba is a poisonous plant. If precautions are not taken, it may cause vomiting, diarrhea with spotting lead to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.


The aucuba flower is characterized by reproduction as seed way, and cuttings. More convenient to use at home vegetative way(cuttings). The most optimal period for reproduction is the beginning of spring or the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. The cuttings are prepared, leaving 2-3 leaves on them. Rooting is done in moistened sand or peat-sand mixture, covered with a transparent film on top. Periodically, new specimens are ventilated, sprayed, and also monitor temperature changes. They should remain within 20 - 22 degrees. Rooted shoots dive into pots with soil made of sand, humus and soddy soil (0.5: 1: 1).


Japanese aucuba is prone to rotting in conditions of excess moisture. It is worth monitoring compliance with moderate watering, as well as the presence of good drainage. The lack of watering also negatively affects the health of the flower - the leaves begin to dry and fall off. If you notice that the leaves of your tree have become smaller, take care of the timely fertilization. Timely spraying also plays an important role in caring for a golden tree. Be guided by the appearance of the plant to determine the needs of the plant for specific care.

At home, the risk of pests in a flowerpot with a flower is low. But in the summer, when moving to an open area, you need to carefully monitor possible appearance harmful insects. Most often it is thrips, whitefly, scale insect, spider mite, mealybug. Pests are eradicated with the help of special preparations.

The magical properties of aukuba

Aucuba is nicknamed the "golden tree" by the people for a reason. The plant is not only beautiful appearance, reminiscent of an expensive metal, but its healing properties are "worth their weight in gold." No wonder the Japanese so protected evergreen shrubs from being exported to foreign countries.

The leaves of the plant contain useful material, contributing to the destruction of harmful bacteria in the airspace. In addition, aucuba is recognized as an effective remedy in the treatment of burns and injuries. A compress from the leaves of the plant is applied to the affected area and periodically changed. But do not forget about the poisonousness of the flower. To avoid dangerous consequences, follow the exact proportions indicated in the recipe.

An evergreen tree has a beneficial effect on the "microclimate" in family relationships. It promotes cohesion and unity and family. Aukuba creates an atmosphere of peace, good nature and harmony in the house. This has a positive effect not only on the inhabitants of the house, but even on the guests of the home. The flower also helps to get rid of the negative energy brought by ill-wishers.

The golden tree, according to legend, attracts happiness and wealth to the house. Caring for a flower helps to gain new strength, to discover hidden potential in oneself, and gives confidence in undertakings. The plant will a good gift your shy and indecisive friend.

Japanese aukuba is a combination of luxurious appearance and useful properties. Golden foliage not only glistens beautifully in the sun, but it can also heal your burns and bruises. Protect the plant, take care of it, and it will repay you in full.

In translation, the name of the plant sounds like "always green." Foliage is decorative all year round. Fancy yellow spots on the foliage are often compared to sun glare and gold nuggets. For this, the aukuba was nicknamed the "golden tree."

How does she look

Grows as a large shrub or small tree. In nature, it can stretch up to four meters, the height in artificial conditions is one and a half to two meters. The branches are highly branched. The bark is dark green, smooth, often with brownish or red stains. The lower leaves fall off over time, leaving traces on the trunk.

The leaves are attached with petioles, oblong, dark, with various yellow spots and patterns. Characterized by a fold along the main vein. The edges of the leaves are uneven, serrate. In nature, flowering begins at the very beginning of spring. The apartment practically does not bloom. Inflorescences paniculate or racemose, located on the tops of the shoots.

Aucuba is a dioecious plant. For pollination and fruit set, two bushes are needed - male and female. Getting seeds in an apartment is almost impossible. After pollination, fruits are tied - berries of a rich red color with a single seed inside. Berries are very poisonous!

Varieties in room culture

Aukuba is not very diverse. Only three plant species are known. Only two of them are suitable for growing indoors. But on the basis of these species, breeders have bred several interesting varieties with high decorative qualities.

  • Aucuba Himalayan. Not very common in culture. The leaves are pure green, elongated, oblong. There is a slight point at the tip of the leaves. Margins serrated or entire.
  • Japanese aukuba. The main variety for home growing. Stems woody, green. The leaves are leathery, elongated-oval, arranged oppositely on the stem. The edges of the leaves are serrated. Based on the species, several hybrid varieties with different location and size of yellow spots.

A perennial plant that does not lose its decorative effect for a long time. AT favorable conditions lives up to ten years. Young plants develop quickly, intensively gaining green mass. The average growth per year is 15-20 cm.

Features of caring for Japanese aukuba

If you know all the features of caring for the Japanese aukuba, you can avoid most diseases. Overall, this is not a fussy, easy-to-grow plant. Subject to a number of recommendations from experienced flower growers with its cultivation there are no problems even for beginners.

  • Lighting. Create diffused but bright lighting. They do not put it in the open sun - burns quickly appear on the leaves, the characteristic golden pattern is smoothed out. It tolerates light penumbra, but in strong shade it stretches, loses its decorative effect. In winter, additional lighting is organized - aukuba needs a long daylight hours.
  • Temperature. Maintain neutral temperatures in the range of 19-20°C. It cannot stand the heat - it provokes rapid aging and leaf fall. In the summer they are rearranged outside, but protected from rain and open sun. In winter, coolness is needed - no more than 14 ° C. Cooling below 5 ° C is not allowed. If it is not possible to organize cold wintering the flower is regularly sprayed, placed under fluorescent lamps.
  • Watering. It is recommended to water immediately after the top layer of the substrate has dried. Water abundantly in summer, moderately in cool weather. It tolerates overdrying more easily than excess moisture. In constant dampness, the leaves of the Japanese aucuba turn black.
  • Humidity. Neutral to dry air. Spraying is necessary in winter with warm wintering and in summer in extreme heat. A plant wintering in a cool room is not sprayed - the combination of moisture and cold provokes the development of fungal diseases.
  • The soil. The soil needs light, loose. The simplest composition is equal amounts of leafy soil and turf. Sand is added as a baking powder. Be sure to provide a drainage layer.
  • Top dressing. Fertilizers are applied in spring summer period. The intervals between top dressings are a week. More often mineral complexes are introduced, sometimes it is possible to feed them with organic matter.
  • Transfer. If there is not enough space for the roots, it will be correct to transplant the aucuba into another pot. Mature plants are usually transplanted at least once every two years. Young, intensively growing specimens are transplanted annually. The roots are fragile, brittle - they are transplanted very carefully. It is better not to disturb the root system - transplant by transshipment. The day before the transplant, the aukuba must be watered. The pot is chosen wide and not very high.

How to care for an aucuba after a transplant? Aucube provide maximum comfortable conditions- protect from the sun, maintain a moderate temperature and humidity.

Pruning Basics

In early spring, even before signs of active growth, it is recommended to prune the aukuba. Cut off strongly overgrown shoots, giving the bush a neat shape. Pruning stimulates branching, growth of lateral shoots, forms a lush crown.

In young specimens, all new shoots are pinched. Aucuba is a fast growing crop. The average growth per year is up to 20 cm. Without pruning, the shrub quickly grows to large sizes, it turns out to be shapeless.

Aucuba takes pruning well. Long, stretched shoots are pruned by a third annually. Straight branches are pinched or trimmed to encourage lateral branching. Remove branches directed inside the bush, diseased and dried shoots.

An adult aucuba is often transplanted into a tub and grown as a floor plant. Looks good in large spacious living rooms.

How to propagate

Growing aucuba in a pot at home requires periodic replacement of the plant. In the absence of proper formation and simply due to age, the lower part of the branches is gradually exposed. It is better to think in a timely manner about growing a new plant to replace the old one. There are only two ways to reproduce.


Seed propagation is a complex process. Seeds lose their germination very quickly, so they are usually sown immediately after harvest. But since it is almost impossible to get them at home, you have to rely on the germination of store seeds. It is better to sow with a margin - only a small part can sprout.

Seeds are sown in a peat-sand mixture, covered with glass or film on top. The temperature for the period of germination of aucuba seeds is moderate - about 21-22°C. The glass is removed daily, the greenhouse is ventilated, and the soil is sprayed if necessary.

With the advent of sprouts, the shelter is removed. Grown up aukuba seedlings can be planted in separate containers. At first, they adhere to a sparing care regimen, gradually accustom them to bright light and abundant watering.


It is much easier to propagate aucuba cuttings in water or in the ground. In reviews and on forums, there is information that aucuba takes root longer in water, but in the future the plant develops faster.

Cuttings are cut in early spring or closer to autumn. Leave at least two leaves on each cutting. The lower cut can be treated with the preparation "Heteroauxin" or "Kornevin" to accelerate the appearance of roots.

Processed cuttings are placed in a glass of water with the addition of a tablet. activated carbon or immediately dig into light soil. When rooting in the ground, a shelter made of polyethylene or glass is used. In both cases, the temperature is maintained at 22°C.

After the roots appear, the cuttings are transplanted into separate small pots. Young plants are carefully cared for until stable signs of growth appear. Then they are gradually rebuilt to standard care, as for adult plants.

Growing difficulties

Aucuba - exotic plant. For good growth, maintaining decorativeness, he needs the right microclimate, balanced care. If containment conditions are violated, a number of problems can arise. The most common consequences of care errors are shown in the table.

Table - Difficulties in growing aucuba

Problem encounteredPossible reasons
Leaves are falling- Low humidity;
- heat
The leaves turn pale- Too bright lighting;
- sunny place
Shrinking young leaves- Flaw nutrients
Yellowing and dropping of lower leaves- Natural process;
- non-systematic watering;
- sudden temperature changes
Drying of the tips and edges of the leaves- bright lighting;
- drying up of the earth in summer;
- dry air in the winter season
black spots on leaves- Wintering in warmth;
- dry air

Of the diseases, rot is most often encountered as a result of excessive soil moisture. Rot treatment - removal of damaged roots, treatment with systemic fungicides.

Aucuba pests

Pests are a lot of problems. Aukuba is especially often attacked by spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs, thrips and. They fight them in about the same way - they mechanically remove insects with an alcoholized cotton swab and treat the plant with insecticides. More details on the signs of pest damage are given in the table.

Table - Aucuba pests

insect nameSigns of defeat
spider mite- A thin gossamer on the back of the leaves;
- yellowing, drying of the leaves;
- small light dots outer side sheet
Mealybug- Aucuba wilting;
- the formation of lumps of "cotton wool" in the axils of the leaves
thrips- The appearance of small light dots on the outside of the sheet, brown - on the inside;
- Aucuba leaves appear silvery;
- yellowing, drying and falling of leaves
Shchitovka- Insects are visible to the naked eye as brown plaques on the stems;
- the appearance of sticky drops;
- plant wilting
whitefly- Small white flying insects over the flower;
- sticky discharge on the leaves;
- drying and falling of leaves

Knowing and understanding how to care for the Japanese aucuba, you can avoid most of the problems described. This is a very beautiful long-lived plant, which long years will delight you with its unusual decorative foliage.

Aucuba is a large evergreen shrub, which botanists refer to the dogwood family (Latin Сornaseae). But now the taxonomy has received significant changes, and now scientists attribute the plant to the small Garry family (lat. Garryaseae). Aucuba comes from East Asia and Japan.

Description of the genus Aucuba

In appearance, it is an evergreen shrub with ovate leathery leaves. Its flowers are collected in a bunch of reddish-brown color. There are a number of different colored leaves. There is green, covered with yellowish-gold spots, so that the tree seems to be studded with gold. It's very original.

Often in the literature you can find that the people call the aukuba the golden tree. The reason is not only in the leaves. Berries may also have yellow or red and white. In shape, they are somewhat reminiscent of dogwood berries. Plants grew in vivo is up to 5 meters, and indoor grows up to a meter.

In China, Japan and the Himalayan mountains, three types of aucuba grow, two of which can be grown at home, for example, these:

Aucuba Himalayan Aucuba himalaica

An evergreen shrub that grows to a fairly large size - 3-4 meters. The leaves are dark green in color and oblong-lanceolate in shape. Some leaves have entire edges, while others are found with a serrated edge and a pointed apex with a short or long tooth. The plant does not bloom very well, the flowers are small, ugly, same-sex. Some plants are female and some are male, so they need to be grown in pairs.

Japanese aucuba Aucuba japonica

Also an evergreen shrub that has green, woody stems on which oblong-oval leaves are located opposite each other. The surface of the leaves is leathery, shiny, the edge is either whole or serrated. The leaves do not have stipules. Depending on the form, the plant may have all green leaves of the same tone or decorative variegated, covered with white spots. It is for them that flower growers are chasing. The flowers are inconspicuous, so they are collected in hairy panicles. The flowers are four-membered, dioecious, unisexual, reddish in color. After flowering, an orange or bright red berry is formed, which is crowned by the remaining calyx.

How to care for indoor aucuba at home


Aucuba is a shade-tolerant plant type, and some forms are shade-loving. Even in deep shade, aucuba grows well. But in bright sunlight, if they are scattered as much as possible, growth will be no less intense. It is especially important to grow in scattered sunlight variegated varieties, because with a lack of UV radiation, the pattern may be lost, and the entire sheet may burn out. And this means that aucuba on north windows will not grow.

Temperature and humidity

In spring and summer temperature regime for growing aucuba room conditions the same and is about 18-20 degrees. If the temperature is higher, the plant will very quickly begin to shed its leaves due to wear and tear. In winter, the temperature regime should be cooler - about 10-15 degrees. If the summer is not very hot, the aukuba can be taken out into the garden in the shade. It is necessary to ensure that there is no precipitation, draft, direct exposure to the sun and other negative factors.

Dry air in the summer for aukuba is not fatal. This means that it is not necessary to spray it to increase humidity, but it can only be done occasionally. The opposite is autumn and winter when it becomes mandatory procedure. Soft water is selected for spraying room temperature. For those plants that grow at a lower temperature (range 6-12 degrees), spraying is done carefully, infrequently, so as not to cause a surge in fungal diseases.


Regular watering is the key to successful growth and development of aucuba. If this is not done, you can not wait for new shoots and foliage to grow. In spring and summer, the amount of moisture should be much greater than in autumn and winter. But it is not necessary to pour the soil heavily, but it is worth waiting until it dries a little.

If the drought in the pot is for a short time, this will not be reflected in the vital activity of the flower. Moreover, short-term drying of the soil will be tolerated better than stagnant water. In winter and autumn, watering the substrate is organized less frequently, dosing water in such a way that the earth is periodically wet and sometimes dries out.

top dressing

An important point successful cultivation aukuba is her regular feeding, which is held in spring and summer, from March to October. When the plant hibernates and is at rest, it is categorically not recommended to apply fertilizers. Aukuba is watered with mineral top dressing every 10 days, choosing universal mineral fertilizers for this.


For the formation beautiful crown and removal of bad shoots annually pruning is carried out in the brand. At the same time, young shoots can be pinched. This is the only way to get a thick and lush crown. If the cut shoots are of the apical type, they can be taken for harvesting cuttings and propagating the plant.

Planting and transplanting aukuba

  • Aukuba is necessarily carried out in wide pots, which are equipped with drainage, since the tree does not like stagnant water.
  • Then the soil is poured, the ideal composition of which is as follows: six parts of clay-soddy soil, two parts of peat and leaf soil, and part of sand. There are other options for the substrate, for example: part of the sand, humus, peat, leafy soil, two parts of sod land.
  • Aucuba is transplanted every year until the plant is over five years old.
  • When the bush is already an adult, it is practically not transplanted, but it is done only when the substrate inside the pot is completely filled with roots. At the same time, they do not make a classic transplant, but a more gentle transshipment. It allows you to save the roots without damage.

Propagation of aucuba by cuttings at home

Aucuba reproduction in natural conditions produced with seeds, but cultivated varieties are not bred like this: good seeds very difficult to get. Therefore, the classic vegetative method is practiced in everyday life: propagation by cuttings. By inserting them into wet sand and making a greenhouse, you can quickly root. It is best to harvest cuttings in warm weather - in March-August. To do this, cut off young shoots that have not had time to stiffen.

  • Shank length 8-12 cm.
  • The lower third of the cutting is freed from the leaves.
  • The lower cut should be oblique, the upper cut should be even. The leaves can be cut in half to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the leaves.

  • Rooted in water (can be kept first in a root solution during the day).

  • Or they are immediately planted in a nutritious loose substrate, it is possible even in peat mixed with sand. The main thing is that the earth is well breathable and not heavy - it will be difficult for young roots to break through in dense soil.
  • If we plant immediately in the ground, it is better to cover the cuttings with the cut plastic bottle or a glass.

  • Water regularly, provide drainage (there should be holes in the bottom of the container).
  • Ventilate the "greenhouse" daily.
  • When new leaves appear, the plant is rooted. It is necessary to accustom him to development without shelter, for which he is removed for a short time at first, and then the time is gradually increased. In a week or two, the seedlings will get used to and you can safely take care of them in the usual way.

After 2-2.5 months, the cuttings can be transplanted into pots, where they will develop further.

Reproduction of aucuba leaf

The plant reproduces well by rooting leaves, for this you can put them in water until roots appear or root them in the same way as cuttings in loose soil mixture or peat. The main thing is to ensure regular watering and high humidity(in case of landing in the ground). If the roots appeared in the water, it is even easier here: after the rooting of the leaves, they are looked after like an ordinary seedling.

Pests and diseases, mistakes in the care of aucuba

Aukuba - unfamiliar to many flower growers indoor plant, so many lovers who have acquired it begin to make serious care mistakes, typical of everyone.

  • If the plant is not watered enough, it can be seen on the tips of the leaves, which dry and break.
  • If the soil is low in nutrients, the size of the newly grown leaves decreases.
  • When black spots appear on the leaves that affect the greens, this means that the aucuba hibernated at too high a temperature and dry air.
  • The second reason for the blackening of aucuba leaves is excessive watering.
  • Direct sunlight on the leaves causes them to burn in the form of brown spots.
  • And if the air is very dry in summer, the leaves will begin to fall off.

You need to monitor the aucuba and analyze what is happening to it - then you can respond in time to errors in cultivation.

Aucuba - useful plant for the treatment of burns skin diseases, so the tree has a practical application.

Aucuba is easily recognizable by its dense, leathery leaves with a characteristic yellow pattern that resembles golden splashes. It is not simple ornamental plant, this is a tree with its own history, capable of not only decorating a person’s home, but also healing him. Caring for her at home is not difficult, and she looks very exotic and attractive.

Origin and appearance of the plant

Aukuba belongs to the dogwood family. This is a genus of dioecious evergreen shrubs. The homeland of the plant is Japan, where it has been cultivated since the 18th century. It is also common in the south of the Korean Peninsula.

In nature, aucuba is able to grow up to four meters in height, but at home, limited by the tightness of the pot, with decent care, it can stretch a meter and a half. Growth, as well as the volume of the bush, is easily regulated by pruning.

In the Japanese aucuba, the leaves grow up to 13 cm in length. They are elongated, oblong and from afar resemble slices of sausage. For this feature, the shrub was nicknamed the "sausage tree", and for the sunny yellow pattern on sheet plates- "golden".

Video: medicinal properties of aukuba

Home grown species

In nature, there are only two types of aukuba that grow in China, Japan and in the foothills of the Himalayas, but today many varieties and hybrids adapted to greenhouses and city apartments have been bred by breeding. Of course, the ultimate dream of most amateur flower growers is precisely the “real” aucuba, which is quite rare on sale.

  1. Himalayan aucuba (himalaica). Shrub growing in nature up to 4 m in height. The leaves are lanceolate, usually with a serrated edge, dark green in color, pointed. The flowers are small, outwardly unattractive, unisexual. On one bush, either female or male flowers are formed.
  2. Japanese aucuba (japonica). evergreen shrub with woody trunks. The foliage on the stems is glossy, densely leathery. The leaves are opposite. Margin is serrated, no stipules. The average size- 20x6 cm. Color - plain or variegated. It blooms with small scarlet flowers, forming fruits of red or orange color.

Photo gallery: such a different aukuba

The flowers of the Himalayan aucuba are purple in color, they are collected in loose corymbs or umbrellas. The leaves of the Himalayan aucuba are covered with small rounded spots, as if splashed with paint. bright pattern Japanese aucuba flowers are almost invisible until they bloom

How to create the optimal microclimate in the room

It is believed that aucuba is an unpretentious plant, without any special claims. But this opinion is wrong. The shrub looks like an impregnable hero, and because of such a harsh appearance, it seems like a steadfast tin soldier, insensitive to changes in the microclimate. In fact, the aucuba is easy to ruin and, growing it at home, you should provide it with conditions close to natural, and follow the rules of care.

Table: seasonal aucuba care

Factor Winter Summer
Air temperature8–15°C. The lower limit is 5°C.18–20°C.
Air humidityHigh (60% or more), the plant needs to be sprayed at least once every 2-3 days.High (60% or more), needs to be sprayed. In extreme heat, it is carried out daily or even 2-3 times a day. Humidity is also raised in other available ways.
wateringModerate.Abundant and regular.
top dressingAre suspended.Weekly. A solution of complex mineral fertilizer for ornamental leafy houseplants is used.
LightingDiffused light or partial shade, protection from direct sunlight.

How to transplant a plant

It is often undesirable to transplant a flower, as its delicate roots may not withstand such stress. The procedure is carried out only when the old aukube pot is clearly small.

Mature plants are transplanted every three years. Large aucubs, which are problematic or physically impossible to transplant due to their size, annually change the upper soil layer (5–7 cm). Thanks to this procedure, the plant is able to live in one pot for up to ten years.

The procedure itself looks like this:

Aucuba can develop without soil, in hydroponics, getting all the necessary substances from the solution, but it will need too large a vessel, so this cultivation practice is not practical.

Features of the content of the "sausage tree"

Aucuba is relatively unpretentious. But you still have to pay a minimum of attention to it if you do not want the plant to die.

Temperature and lighting

In order for the aucuba to feel comfortable in an apartment, she needs to provide optimal temperature air, which averages 20°C in summer and about 12°C in winter.

Lighting is not recommended to be made too bright, aucuba does not like direct sunlight and feels much better in partial shade. She is quite satisfied with diffused light, this has a positive effect on the brightness of the color of the leaves.

It should be remembered that aucuba varieties with plain leaves are less fond of the sun than spotted ones.

How and what to water

Regular and plentiful watering is recommended only in the warm season. When aucuba is contained in low temperatures, excess moisture in the soil will provoke rotting of the roots and, as a result, blackening of the leaves. In summer, the top layer of soil (2–3 cm) should dry out between waterings.

In apartments with central heating, the "golden tree" will have to be sprayed periodically. Leathery leaves tend to accumulate moisture, but in winter, in a room with a working radiator or other heating devices, they simply have nowhere to take it from.


From spring to autumn, it is recommended to feed aukuba with complex mineral fertilizers for indoor flowers. The procedure should be carried out weekly, observing the dosage and consumption of the substance indicated on the package. Experts note good growth and the well-being of the plant, if you alternate mineral supplements with organic, using fertilizers based on humate.

Any top dressing is combined with watering, and the fact that the Japanese shrub lacks nutrients is indicated by the shallowing of the leaves. In winter, fertilization is suspended.

Flowering and dormancy

Aucuba blooms in spring with small flowers of various shades of red and purple, collected in panicles. They look inconspicuous and are not considered as a decoration of the bush. But if there is a bush nearby with flowers of the opposite sex, pollination occurs, then they form into red fruits that look like small nightshade, and taste like dogwood fruits.

Photo gallery: flowers and fruits of aukuba

The flowers of the Himalayan aucuba are very elegant upon closer inspection. The fruits of the Japanese aucuba are similar to dogwood berries, including the taste. The flowers of the Japanese aucuba are very small, they can only be seen under a magnifying glass.

rest period

The dormant period of aucuba begins, like many plants, in late autumn and ends in early spring. During this period of time, it is important to monitor the air temperature, which should be kept strictly within 5–15 ° C. At the same time, watering is reduced by a factor of three, otherwise the aucuba is affected by pathogenic fungi that provoke the development of rot. They thrive in cold dampness. That is why in winter it is so important to moderately water and spray the plant.

Common growing problems: leaves turn black, dry, stop growing, etc.

He who cultivates aucuba for the first time often makes the most typical mistakes. It is not difficult to understand what does not suit him, since the appearance of the plant is an excellent indicator of the state of health.

Pest control

Aucuba can be attacked by pests.

Table: how to recognize harmful insects and deal with them

Pests and diseases Symptoms Protection
Brown bulges on the leaves, their deformation, yellowness of the tissues around the pests.Removal of insects by hand, treatment of the plant with insecticide Aktara, Aktellik, Phosphamide.
MealybugLeaf fall, lumps of a whitish substance, similar to dirty cotton wool or a solid coating of the same color.Mechanical cleaning of the plant with a toothbrush or cotton pad dipped in soapy foam, treatment with garlic or onion infusion(3 crushed cloves per liter of boiling water) or Mospilan, Tanrek.
whiteflyLeaves lose color, general depression of the plant. Small butterflies fly up from the flower at the slightest touch.Spraying with infusion of any sharp-smelling herbs, tobacco crumbs, citrus peel or insecticide Actellik, Iskra-Bio, Biotlin.
thripsLoss of color, deformation of the leaves. On their underside, thin silver-beige stripes are visible, similar to scratches.Processing with tobacco infusion or yarrow infusion, the use of Fitoverm, Fury, Confidor.
spider miteThe leaves curl, dry, braided with a thin cobweb.Washing the plant in the shower or plentiful spraying, placing under plastic bag for 3-5 days. The spider mite does not tolerate high humidity and dies without any drugs. In the absence of effect - the use of Neoron, Apollo, Agravertin.

Photo gallery: common pests that affect aukuba

Thrips are very small insects, about 1 mm in size. A strong shell reliably protects the scale insect from most folk remedies; in order not to waste time, immediately start fighting it with insecticides

Reproduction of the "golden tree" by seeds and cuttings

The Japanese aucuba reproduces vegetatively and generatively. But specimens grown from seeds develop very slowly, and varietal features are often lost. This is especially true for breeding hybrids.

In order to propagate aukuba using cuttings, a lot of effort and money will not be required:

  1. Separate cuttings from mother plant late summer or early autumn. This aukuba differs from most indoor flowers, planting material from which they receive in the spring, before the start of the active growing season.
  2. The stalk by the time of separation should have at least two or three leaves.
  3. Place the cutting in soil mix from sand and peat (florists often use one sand).
  4. Keep the air temperature at least 20°C during the rooting period. The substrate will have to be moistened all the time.
  5. Plant the accustomed cuttings in separate containers after the appearance of the first pair of new leaves, and keep for some time correct temperature to keep the plants strong.

Young aukubam change capacity every year for the first three to five years. When transplanting rooted cuttings, fragile roots should be handled with care.

Aucuba is grown for its gorgeous foliage. Indeed, the plant immediately attracts attention. It is even sometimes mistaken for artificial because of the dense bright leaves, as if made of plastic. The "Golden Tree" takes root equally well and exists both in large lobbies and in small apartments, creating the atmosphere of the mysterious east with its mere presence.
