Why dream clouds opened the sun. Dream Interpretation Black Clouds

Our life is filled with many mysteries. And dreams are one of them. People are divided into two parts: some of them believe that dreams come true, others do not.

But one way or another, night dreams make up a significant part of our life, and it’s up to each of you to believe in them or not. We bring to your attention the interpretation of the most various dreams, and today you will find out how the dream book explains the clouds seen in a dream.

What are the heavens talking about?

Seeing dark clouds in a dream means experiencing disturbing sensations in reality. But with what they will be connected, it is necessary to clarify based on the details of the dream. According to one of the dream books, thunderclouds are a symbol of the upcoming conflict situation. Negative emotions overwhelm you, which can develop into an open scandal.

Therefore, you should control yourself a little more. In addition, the closer they are to you and the darker their shade, the more pronounced the fact that you are on the verge. But the black clouds, eclipsed in a dream, warn that you will not be able to control yourself, and emotions will prevail over you.

We all know that there are clouds in the sky not only different shades, but also in different forms:

  • Thunderstorms.
  • Curly.
  • Cirrus.

And why do each of them dream? Curly people say that in the dreamer's life everything goes calmly and smoothly. Those who dreamed of cirrus silver color in heaven, do not worry: you simply will not have a single reason for this, you will not face problems.

But what if you dreamed of clouds of a dirty yellow hue? They dream of as a possible herald of upcoming minor troubles that will disappear as quickly as clouds fly across the sky.

If black thunderclouds predict problems, then they will bypass you if a thunderstorm does not happen in a dream and dark clouds pass by. And why dream of short-term glimpses? A similar phenomenon in the sky in a dream speaks of bright and happy moments in your life. Unfortunately, they will be just as short-lived, but there will be many of them, and these happy moments will touch the most diverse areas of life.

Now let's find out why black thunderclouds are seen, from which heavy heavy rain is pouring. Such a dream means that these drops will wash away all experiences and anxieties from your soul, your vitality will increase. And then comes relief and joy.

Did you see black clouds moving in the sky from afar? Now we will find out what it could dream of. This is a signal that you have fears that prevent you from living a normal life. This dream is a clue that it's time to start changing everything.

And first of all, you need to get rid of these fears, which, in fact, are completely groundless. This will help you to relate to everything easier and free yourself from many complexes. You will see, your life will be painted in new bright colors and give you new opportunities.

If there is absolutely not a single gap in the sky in a dream, and dark clouds have occupied all the space, this dream symbolizes a not very favorable period in your life. This is a common situation for any person when the white stripe is replaced by a dark one and vice versa. It's just a set of circumstances. The main thing is not to give up and be patient a little, soon everything will fall into place.

Have you seen in a dream how black clouds hung right above your head? Now we will find out why this is a dream. Most likely, you are under the influence of a bad person. Think carefully about who it might be, and refuse close contact with him. Otherwise, it may well change your fate for the worse. You must clearly understand that you are able to make decisions on your own.

If you just saw menacing clouds that measuredly floated in the sky, without threatening you with heavy rain, this dream is auspicious. Luck is near! All troubles are behind, and ahead is only success and happiness. Now is the time for change in better side, believe in yourself and don't miss the chance!

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Cloud in a dream why dream

Cloud - Seeing dark black or thunderclouds in a dream - to danger, illuminated by the setting sun - to an easy life. Seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery.

A cloud according to the Small Velesov dream book

Cloud - Health // danger; thunderous, dark - misfortune, misfortune, chores; with lightning - court; a black, terrible cloud over housing - war, bad weather; light - vain worries.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why dream clouds

Cloud - How clouds dream - health. Clouds - change of events. . Above the village there is a black cloud and a terrible thunder - war or the elements. Cloud with lightning - court. .

Danilova's children's dream book

See Cloud in a dream, what does it mean

Clouds - Thunderclouds and clouds warn you that the situation is out of your control and a big scandal will soon break out.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What does a cloud mean in a dream

Clouds - Dark, black, threatening - bad influence, danger; seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery; illuminated by the setting sun - an easy life.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of clouds from your dream

Clouds - Black - trouble, misfortune.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why dream in a dream Cloud

Clouds - Dark, black, threatening - bad influence, danger; seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery; illuminated by the setting sun easy life.

The meaning of the dream about the mass of fumes (Muslim dream book)

Clouds - A cloud or a cloud is a king or a merciful and learned leader who does deeds worthy of the teachings of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning - there is an angry and fearsome king. If you dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but a storm and a thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then the dreamer will have mercy from the Almighty God. Rain, if seen everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building - to illness or unrest.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

A cloud like an image in a dream

Clouds - Thick black - misfortune threatens you; light silvery - life without hard work; fast sailing - life is full of changes; small curly - peace and happiness; yellow - bad things.

A cloud in night dreams (interpretation Esoteric dream book)

Clouds - Covering the sky, it is necessary to mobilize forces, to be active. If you do this, you will get a very successful result. Not to be confused with "clouds". Terrifying, thunderous on the way is a big luck. Do not scare away with your impatience, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Clouds - A cloud or a cloud seen symbolizes the generous ruler of the country or your immediate superior, who is distinguished by high intelligence and generosity. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an indication that the ruler of the country or your immediate supervisor is distinguished by an angry disposition and inspires considerable fear in others. If you dream that a cloud or a cloud completely filled the entire sky, but a storm and a thunderstorm did not follow this phenomenon, then great mercy from the Almighty God will be sent down to those who saw the dream.

Why dream and how to interpret the Cloud according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Clouds - Thick black - You are in danger - light silver - life without hard work - fast sailing - life full of change - small curly - peace and happiness - yellow - bad deeds

See Cloud, which means (Astrological dream book)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book: Cloud - anger and resentment important person. Boss. Capricorn.

If you dreamed about the spiritual sources of the Cloud (Bible dream book of Azar)

Clouds - Thundercloud A dream that occurred in the spring - to trouble; seen in the summer, he warns of great danger; dreaming in the fall - to quarrels and scandals; in winter - to trouble. Scattering clouds A dream in the spring means the end of troubles and unexpected success in difficult task; in the summer - he is to an incident that will dispel your doubts; in the fall - to reconciliation with friends; in winter - to changes in relations with people. Warning: caution required.

Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

Why do you dream of a cloud in a dream

Clouds - black, dark - a bad situation, solid clouds in the sky - an unpleasant discovery, illuminated clouds - lightness and carelessness. Light clouds in the light of stars are fleeting joys. Fast sailing - a life full of change. Yellow clouds - dubious glory.

European dream book

What does it mean to see a cloud in a dream

Clouds - Danger or illness.: Imagine that the clouds are dispersing, the sun comes out and warms you with its light.

Large modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Cloud

Clouds - You saw black or lead thunderclouds in a dream - some person will have a bad influence on you; you will be ashamed to admit to yourself that you went on a leash with someone; you will be in a dangerous position. You seem to see clouds in the night sky - an unpleasant discovery awaits you; don't look through the keyhole. The clouds seem to be illuminated from below - a dream promises you a pleasant and serene life.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Cloud mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream of a cloud in a dream - Heaviness in the heart will torment you, but this will also pass.

In the summer, what a cloud dreamed about - To mother-in-law or mother-in-law tears.

In autumn, why did the cloud dream - To the threat that will be replaced by mercy.

In winter, why dream of a cloud - Failure awaits you in business.

A cloud or a cloud is a king or a merciful and learned leader who does deeds worthy of the teachings of faith.

A cloud with thunder and lightning - there is an angry and fearsome king. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but a storm and a thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then he who sees such a dream will have mercy from the Most High God.

Rain, if seen everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one locality or building, it means illness or troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

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See clouds in a dream

Dark, black, threatening - bad influence, danger;
seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery;
illuminated by the setting sun - an easy life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

What does dream clouds mean

Thick black - you are in danger; light silvery - life without hard work; fast sailing - life is full of change; small curly - peace and happiness; yellow - bad deeds

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

See clouds in a dream

Clouds - Covering the sky - it is necessary to mobilize forces, to be active. If you do this, you will get a very successful result. Not to be confused with "clouds". Frightening, thunderous - great luck is on the way. Don't be intimidated by your impatience.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What do the dreams of clouds mean

Clouds - thick black - misfortune threatens you - light silver - life without hard work - fast sailing - life full of change - small curly - peace and happiness - yellow - bad deeds.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What does it mean in a dream Clouds

Clouds - thunderclouds and clouds warn you that the situation is out of your control and a big scandal will soon break out. In business, failure awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's dream book

What does clouds mean in a dream

Seeing clouds approaching - a dream portends danger or illness.

Imagine that the clouds dissipate, the sun comes out and warms you with its light.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of sleep Clouds

Thickening, dark clouds - a sign of intrigue and slander of ill-wishers, illness.

Black, threatening - someone's bad influence on you or danger.

Night clouds or clouds - to unpleasant information that suddenly becomes known to you.

Dreaming clouds can also mean that you have ceased to achieve your plans: come to your senses and get down to business!

If you dreamed of clouds during sunset, pierced by the rays of the setting sun, an easy life awaits you in the future (of course, if the sunset looks beautiful, but not ominous).

Interpretation of dreams from

IN Everyday life people often have to deal with menacing clouds that bring with them heavy rains, hail and severe thunder. But not everyone knows what black clouds are dreaming of. You can try to figure it out.

In real life, hardly anyone will be happy with the appearance of black gathering clouds on the horizon. Not pleasant is their appearance in a dream, as they are associated with decline and disease.

Relying on a connection with a person’s mood, a black cloud in a dream can be a symbol of doom, stress and depression, as well as express a religious connotation.

Black thickening clouds passing low above the ground, and among which bright lightning flashes, can promise the dreamer anger about the current situation.

The color of the clouds is of great and fundamental importance. Large dark clouds predict dangers and hardships for the dreamer, while small white clouds are a symbol of finding peace after previous troubles.

It happens that at first glance everything in a dream is calm and good, but suddenly the clear sky is covered with dense black thunderclouds. Such a dream predicts failure and torment for a person. It can also symbolize discord with loved ones. To see in a dream among the black clouds a piece of bright blue sky or the rays of the sun breaking through the clouds - to success after difficulties. If in a dream a piece of the night starry sky is dreaming among the clouds, then this portends fleeting joys and some small achievements.

Also, black clouds warn of the possibility of difficulties and dangers ahead. If you dream that the cloud has a silver lining, then this symbolizes a quick way out of depression.

When in a dream a person dreams that it is raining from black clouds, this is a sign of problems and a prediction of a deterioration in health. If the dreamer happened to get caught in the rain and get wet, then this portends a disease.

But there are bright moments in such dreams: if the sun breaks through the black clouds in a dream, then this good sign, which portends that easier financial times and prosperity will soon come.

Also important is the speed of the clouds. A dream in which clouds quickly fly over the earth indicates that problems will be solved soon, and if you dream that heavy black clouds are hanging in place, this portends long-term trouble.

Thus, dreaming black clouds are a very bad sign for the dreamer. After such dreams, a person should be more careful in his daily life, in relationships with loved ones and with work colleagues, and also carefully monitor his health.


Clouds on the dream book

Dark clouds in a dream are a sign of anxiety that has taken possession of a person. Features, details, accompanying events can more accurately indicate the cause of anxiety, sometimes implicit, hidden in the subconscious. Explaining why these images dreamed, dream books predict how fate will turn, and whether something can be done to make it more favorable.

The nature of the clouds

According to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, to see thunderclouds in a dream is the embodiment of a brewing conflict. The accumulated irritation is ready to develop into an open skirmish, unless you manage to soberly analyze the situation and discuss the claims in a civilized manner.

The closer they are and the darker, the more difficult it is to avoid trouble - it remains to rely on reason and self-control. I dreamed that clouds were approaching the sun - emotions would prevail over reason.

Dream Interpretation Hasse gives enough detailed interpretation what are you dreaming of different types clouds Black thunderstorms - a person is in danger. Fast flying remind that everything in the world is changing. Beautiful lambs predict calm happiness. Silvery light ones are a harbinger of a carefree existence, and yellowish ones promise sorrows.

Clouds at sunset are interpreted as a sign of a carefree life. If they closed the moon, the Jewish dream book promises a squabble between spouses. Why dream of dark clouds that do not leave a gap in the sky: the dreamer will make an unpleasant discovery for himself. Seeing the stars peeping through them is a sign that a poetic mood and unhurried thoughts about the eternal will take possession of you.

If they hung right over your head in a dream, this is a warning that the appointed romantic date may not take place.


As the Islamic dream book says, if a cloud is a king, then accompanied by a thunderstorm, the king is angry. And if you dreamed that black clouds ran into the sky, but they didn’t bring a thunderstorm with them, the mercy of the Almighty would be sent to the dreamer.

Miller's dream book predicts bright, but short-lived happiness to someone who saw lightning in a dream. Black lightning against the background of impending thunderclouds promises obstacles and sorrows for long time. Modern dream book warns: if a businessman dreamed about her, he should not trust his partners, if a woman saw her in a dream, then you need to carefully monitor the children and take care of her husband and parents.

Why is this dreaming a rare thing like lightning between clouds against a clear sky? In this case, it is impossible to resist the blows of fate, and one can only hope that the streak of failures in life ends sooner or later anyway.

I dreamed about how clouds in a dream bring down a downpour on the ground: it will wash away all the dirt from the soul, relieve mental stress and revive it to life, emotional upsurge will give strength to the dreamer. Looking at the clouds through the window - to despondency.

If the rain poured down on small area, interpreters portend uprisings and epidemics.

A good sign, if the sun peeps through the gaps between the clouds, through the rain - then the hardships will be short-lived, and the problems can be solved. Ahead of a person is a bright, prosperous period, which can be extended by noble pursuits.


Dream Interpretation of Clouds, why do Clouds dream in a dream to see

Star dream book Dream Clouds why dream?

Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams: A cloud is the anger and resentment of an important person. Boss. Capricorn.

Jewish dream book What do clouds mean in a dream:

Clouds - Thundercloud A dream in the spring - to trouble; seen in the summer, he warns of great danger; dreaming in the fall - to quarrels and scandals; in winter - to trouble. Scattering clouds A dream in the spring means the end of troubles and unexpected success in a difficult task; in the summer - he is an incident that will dispel your doubts; in the fall, - to reconciliation with friends; in winter - to changes in relations with people. Warning: caution required.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do Clouds dream?

What does it mean to see clouds in a dream - black, dark - a bad situation, solid clouds in the sky - an unpleasant discovery, illuminated clouds - lightness and carelessness. Light clouds in the light of stars are fleeting joys. Fast sailing - a life full of change. Yellow clouds - dubious glory.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What do Clouds mean in a dream:

Clouds - Danger or disease. : Imagine that the clouds dissipate, the sun comes out and warms you with its light.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What Clouds Mean:

Clouds - You seem to see clouds in the night sky - an unpleasant discovery awaits you; don't look through the keyhole. The clouds seem to be illuminated from below - a dream promises you a pleasant and serene life.


Dream Interpretation Black Clouds

Why do black clouds dream in a dream from a dream book?

A dream about black clouds indicates a danger that threatens you. A black cloud in the sky symbolizes grief, the loss of a loved one. Your worries will last a long time and will not subside soon.


Clouds according to the dream book

At all times people loved to look at the sky. At night they admired the stars, in the morning and in the evening - dawns, in the daytime - clouds. Cumulus, cirrus, thunderstorms - there are no varieties of celestial "featherbeds". And if you watch the clouds not in reality, but in a dream, what does this mean? Why do clouds and clouds dream? What does such a dream portend to the sleeping person? Let's ask famous interpreters - dream books - why such a dream is dreaming!

light clouds

Seeing white transparent clouds in a dream through which the sun peeps through - the dream interpretation is interpreted as follows: no matter how bad things go - don't worry, everything will get better soon, thanks to your vigorous activity.

To admire in a dream the stars that peep through a light white haze - expect many small joys and good luck, as Miller's dream book portends.

Flying in a dream over soft cumulus "lambs" - wait for the onset of a bright streak in your life.

I dreamed that you were touching a small pink cloud - most likely, some small old dream would come true.

Walking on white or pink "lambs" - in reality you dream of bright and pure love.

See a cloud in the form of a heart - in real life love is mutual.

If you dream that you are sitting on heavenly "featherbeds", dream books advise you to "descend from heaven to earth" - you are dreaming too much, dreams distract you from business, which can negatively affect your work.

Dark heavenly mists

Black low-hanging clouds portend trouble, and perhaps illness, for one of close friends or relatives.

I dreamed of quickly running dark clouds - a sign of imminent sorrows and sorrows.

To see how you fly among black thunderclouds, and lightning sparkles around you - failures in business will become your companions for a long time.

I dreamed of heavy lead puffs of steam, painted red by the sunset - the dream book warns: do not take on tasks that you cannot cope with forebodings, this will happen.

It is a dream that you are walking under heavy thunderclouds from which it is raining and you see how large drops of water fall to the ground and scatter in hundreds of sprays - you will hear some news that is not very pleasant for you, perhaps gossip about yourself.

rainbow clouds

I dreamed that you were flying among clouds painted with multi-colored paints - in real life there will be a pleasant journey or a walk, perhaps even a date.

In a dream, you were sitting on a rainbow and touching passing clouds with your hands - the long-awaited and well-deserved success is already in a hurry to you.

If you suddenly fell from a rainbow right into a fluffy cloud that tastes like cotton candy- success will not come alone, it will bring with it financial independence, for sure, you will be given a big bonus, the dream book promises.

You see how you, riding on a cloud, float over the tops of the mountains and touch them with your hands - in reality you will touch some kind of mystery, what was a mystery will cease to be such.

We noticed that the cloud becomes a bizarre shape and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow - expect a pleasant surprise, a surprise, perhaps a gift, as the dream book says about this dream.


black cloud with rain

Dream Interpretation Black Cloud with Rain dreamed of why a black cloud with rain is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Black cloud with rain in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rain

Seeing rain in a dream - to tears.

If the rain is rare, then this portends trouble. The troubles are not very big, but they will make you worry and cause tears.

If the drops are cloudy, fall slowly, then the soul will be hard from betrayal, betrayal. When drops fall on the sand, this indicates that a loved one has been cheating for a long time. If water accumulates on the sand, then the deception will soon be revealed to you. If drops fall into the water (into a stream, river), then there will be a serious quarrel with a loved one, which can lead to a complete break in relationships. If at the same time the water in the river or stream is very muddy, moves quickly, carries various garbage, then rumors, gossip, and slander will accompany treason. If there are stones in a river or stream, then this indicates a separation from a loved one or (for married people) a divorce.

To see the rain is even and strong, which falls on the ground evenly - you should expect big trouble. These are failures at work, and troubles in personal life.

If in a dream the rain falls suddenly and abruptly, this indicates a loss. You can lose a profitable offer, plans will not be realized. It can also be the loss of some expensive thing.

If you feel rain in a dream, then misfortune will happen to someone close to you. If you feel that drops are flowing down your face and hands, in reality - cry about someone close to you. If you see that the raindrops are dark, then this indicates a serious illness that will end in death. If the drops are light, then the disease will be long and severe, but the person will recover.

If in a dream you get caught in the rain and feel that the drops are dry or rough, then this is an experience about someone from home; if the touch of rain is not felt, misfortune will happen to one of the relatives. If it is felt that the drops are wet, then there will be tears due to unhappy love.

If in a dream you got caught in the rain and got wet to the skin, then you will have very big problems that will be difficult to solve on your own without resorting to someone else's help.

If you watch the rain from the house, then the worries from the coming troubles will not be able to capture you entirely. If you hide from the rain or protect yourself from it with an umbrella, then you will be able to avoid an unfavorable state of affairs, an unpleasant situation will be short-lived. If in a dream, getting caught in the rain, you managed to hide under a tree, then one of your friends will come to your aid. In the event that you hid from the rain in the house, this indicates that you are deliberately closing your eyes to the current state of affairs, and the situation is becoming more and more tense and may get out of control.

If you are sheltered in a dream from the rain old house, then you will only postpone the time of the arrival of troubles, but in the future this will lead to an aggravation of the conflict, to a worsening of the situation.

By the way, the famous poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe always believed in predictions, dreams, miracles. One day he was walking with his friend Kurt, and they were caught heavy rain. Through the veil of rain, Goethe suddenly saw his friend Friederik, who was standing on the road in a dressing gown, cap and slippers. Goethe was very surprised and exclaimed: “What are you doing here? On the road? In this form? .. ”But since his companion Kurt did not see anything, Goethe thought that he had dreamed it all. Imagine his surprise when, returning home, he found Frederick there, who was dressed in a dressing gown, cap and shoes. It turns out that on the way to Goethe he got very wet and, having come to him, changed into his master's dressing gown. While waiting for Goethe, he sat down in an armchair and imperceptibly fell asleep. In a dream, he saw that, as if during heavy rain, he was walking along the road, he met Goethe, he looked very surprised and he exclaimed: “What are you doing here?” The famous poet could not explain both Fryderyk's dream and his vision, but left a note about this in his biography.

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

Dream Interpretation - Rain

Seeing rain in a dream - to various events in life that will be important to you.

If in a dream you got caught in the rain, but did not get wet, then in reality you will avoid a very serious conflict that could affect your career. If in a dream you see a downpour, then you will have many problems that require an immediate solution. If you dream that you got caught in a downpour and got wet, then problems and troubles will negatively affect your life and your relationships with others.

If in a dream you were able to hide from the rain, then in reality you will find a patron who will help you in solving problems. But if you dream that during the rain you are walking under an umbrella, then in reality you will be able to exercise caution, which will help you avoid many troubles. When you see in a dream that one of your loved ones got caught in the rain, it means that he will have problems that he will not be able to solve without outside help.

If you dreamed of mushroom rain, then very soon you will experience great happiness in your personal life. If you see in a dream rare shiny raindrops, then this indicates a meeting with an old acquaintance, which will make you very happy. If, on the contrary, the raindrops are cloudy and heavy, then this portends a meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a long time, and who is either very unpleasant for you or evokes unpleasant memories.

If in a dream you feel wet raindrops, then in reality you should take care of your health, otherwise you may become seriously ill. If you dream that you are caught in the rain, but do not feel its touch, then you can avoid a long and debilitating illness. If you see drops of a dark or rusty color falling around, then this warns you that your ill-wishers will resort to slander. If you fell under such rain and got wet, then this is an indication that slander cannot be avoided and efforts will have to be made to overcome the unpleasant consequences of this.

Dream Interpretation - Rain

Rain is the personification of purity, hope and the best intentions. And this is no coincidence, because since ancient times people have associated all the best with rain: high yield, evenings with your friends. People were looking forward to the rain. Reached our times folk proverbs and signs about this wonderful phenomenon of nature: “The time will come - it will pour out of the bucket”, “The rain will soak, and the sun will dry up red”, “The fish does not bite - before the rain”, “If you kill a snake and hang it on a birch, it will rain” , "If milk foams in the bowl, it will rain."

If in a dream you got caught in the rain and didn’t get wet, this is a sign that your hopes for a better future will come true. You may not even have to make special efforts to implement them.

If in a dream you fell under a heavy downpour, then you are able to end all your old problems and start a new life full of the best plans.

Hiding in a dream from the rain in an unfamiliar house is a sign that due to interference in your affairs by strangers, your hopes for the quick implementation of your goals will not come true.

Washing your hair with rainwater in a dream is a prophecy that you will have a great time with your friends. Do not refuse a party, no matter how strange, at first glance, it may not seem to you.

Watching in a dream the raindrops that flow from the leaves of trees - such a dream indicates that it is time to go for a walk in the forest. You will not only have a good time, but also collect a considerable harvest of mushrooms.

Swimming in the river in a dream in the rain is a harbinger of the fact that if you engage in agricultural activities, you will reach great heights. Perhaps such a dream prophesies a solution to a big long-standing problem.

If you dreamed that you were walking in the rain, then in real life you prefer to go the easy way to achieve your goals, relying on a miracle or the help of other people, and therefore it is very difficult for you to solve cases that require at least slightest expense efforts.

Dream Interpretation - Cloud

Dream Interpretation - Cloud

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

You see in a dream black or lead thunderclouds - some person will have a bad influence on you; you will be ashamed to admit to yourself that you went on a leash with someone; you will be in a dangerous position.

Dream Interpretation - Rain or Snow

So, the most banal picture seems to be in a dream: it is raining or snowing, for example! What does it mean? Like rain? Well .. Firstly, both are elements, a natural phenomenon, (like a tornado, let's say). And consequently, both rain and snow are processes that signal to you that you cannot intervene in their course and course, i.e. Already a minus ... I.e. When it rains, whether in a waking dream, you cannot stop it, you don’t have the resources for this, as a rule, there are always exceptions, but the rule is the rule and in general the exception only emphasizes the rule!

Rain in a dream? God be with him. The main thing here is to have somewhere to hide ... Just like in real life: when you are at home watching TV, then the rain outside the window is not a problem, right? It's the same in dreams! If you are in shelter, then God bless this rain. But... It's another matter if you're in a field, in a forest, out of cover! And forced to "piss in the rain." This is a big minus, and great failure. That is how I interpret this dream. And rain in a dream and snow are equally bad if you are wet or forced to walk through snowdrifts. Both, in varying degrees(depending on the intensity of precipitation) promises troublesome business.

And here everything directly depends on our very principle of superposition in interpretation, namely:

If you get wet in a dream, then how much? How many times? If it’s snow, then it’s just a bit of a powder, or has it piled up snowdrifts and it’s impossible to go? The more rain fell on you, the more unexpected unforeseen troubles will be in real life! (“like snow on your head”, have you heard such an expression?)

But that's not all! There are options that, guided again by our principle of superposition in the interpretation of dreams, either greatly aggravate the situation or help a lot.

Well, for example ... Rain can be both acidic and radioactive! And believe me, even mushroom, carrot, cash (this is when banknotes fall from the sky, yeah, they are the most, well, or a trifle! In a dream, everything can be!) And hell knows what.

Dream Interpretation - Rain

Rain is a symbol of ejaculation and fertilization.

If a woman gets wet in the rain, then she wants to have a child.

If a man gets wet in the rain, then he is prone to masturbation.

If a woman took shelter from the rain, then she is afraid of an unwanted pregnancy.

If a man took shelter from the rain, then he has problems with potency.

If a child dreams that he is sheltering his mother from the rain, then he does not want new children to appear in the house.

If in a dream you got wet in the rain and froze, then probably the blanket just slipped off you!


black cloud

Dream Interpretation Black Cloud dreamed of why the Black Cloud is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Black Cloud in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

Thickening, dark clouds - a sign of intrigue and slander of ill-wishers, illness.

Black, threatening - someone's bad influence on you or danger.

Night clouds or clouds - to unpleasant information that suddenly becomes known to you.

Dreaming clouds can also mean that you have ceased to achieve your plans: come to your senses and get down to business!

If you dreamed of clouds during sunset, pierced by the rays of the setting sun, an easy life awaits you in the future (of course, if the sunset looks beautiful, but not ominous).

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

Clouds - change of events. Above the village there is a black cloud and a terrible thunder - war or the elements. Cloud with lightning - court.

Dream Interpretation - Cloud

Dark clouds in a dream: this is a reflection of your premonitions about the approach of some kind of conflict or trouble.

The darker and closer the clouds are to you, the more serious your problems can be.

Such dreams usually encourage you to prepare for difficulties in advance and, if possible, somehow avoid them.

To dream that heavy clouds cover the sun means that some kind of conflict can overshadow your mind, which will only intensify troubles. After such a dream, try to remain calm and do not give vent to negative emotions.

Dream Interpretation - Cloud

Dark black or thunderclouds - to danger.

Clouds illuminated by the setting sun - to an easy life.

At night, clouds and clouds dreamed - to an unpleasant discovery.

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

You see in a dream black or lead thunderclouds - some person will have a bad influence on you; you will be ashamed to admit to yourself that you went on a leash with someone; you will be in a dangerous position.

You seem to see clouds in the night sky - an unpleasant discovery awaits you; don't look through the keyhole.

The clouds seem to be illuminated from below - a dream promises you a pleasant and serene life.

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

A cloud or a cloud is a king or a merciful and learned leader who does deeds worthy of the teachings of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning - there is an angry and fearsome king. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but a storm and a thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then he who sees such a dream will have mercy from the Most High God. Rain, if seen everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one locality or building, it means illness or troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

Clouds - thunderclouds and clouds warn you that the situation is out of your control and a big scandal will soon break out. In business, failure awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

Seeing clouds approaching - a dream portends danger or illness.

Imagine that the clouds dissipate, the sun comes out and warms you with its light.

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

Clouds - Covering the sky - it is necessary to mobilize forces, to be active. If you do this, you will get a very successful result. Not to be confused with "clouds". Frightening, thunderous - great luck is on the way. Don't be intimidated by your impatience.

Dream Interpretation - Clouds

Clouds - thick black - misfortune threatens you - light silver - life without hard work - fast sailing - life full of change - small curly - peace and happiness - yellow - bad deeds.


Why is Cloud dreaming?

You can find out for free in the dream book, what is cloud dreaming about by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not a Cloud, but something else - use the search form online interpretations dreams.

Why is Cloud dreaming

Health // danger; thunderous, dark - misfortune, misfortune, chores; with lightning - court; a black, terrible cloud over housing - war, bad weather; light - vain worries.

See Cloud in a dream

The heaviness in your heart will torment you, but this too shall pass.

What does dream cloud mean

To a threat that will be replaced by mercy.

See Cloud in a dream

To mother-in-law or mother-in-law's tears.

What do dreams mean Cloud

Dark clouds in a dream: this is a reflection of your premonitions about the approach of some kind of conflict or trouble.

The darker and closer the clouds are to you, the more serious your problems can be.

Such dreams usually encourage you to prepare for difficulties in advance and, if possible, somehow avoid them.

To dream that heavy clouds cover the sun means that some kind of conflict can overshadow your mind, which will only intensify troubles. After such a dream, try to remain calm and do not give vent to negative emotions.

Dream about cloud

Dark black or thunderclouds - to danger.

Clouds illuminated by the setting sun - to an easy life.

At night, clouds and clouds dreamed - to an unpleasant discovery.

What does cloud mean in a dream

Anger and resentment of an important person.

Head Capricorn.

The sun is an easy life.

Russian dream book

Very black cloud- sorrow that will not end soon; dark clouds - the threat of losing position; with rain - grief, which will be replaced by joy.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if a Cloud is dreaming?

Watch clouds in a dream- this dream portends a disease. Sometimes such a dream suggests that something will happen to you from which you will not be able to recover for a long time.

If in a dream you saw a cloud of a bizarre shape- this is evidence that you are a tireless dreamer and dreamer. But, alas, all your dreams are so hopeless that they are not destined to come true under any circumstances. A woman has such a dream- promises a fickle, deceitful admirer, who at first glance made an impression on her of a worthy and noble person.

Seeing a thundercloud in a dream- a sign that a serious danger looms over you, which you will not be able to cope with on your own.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did Cloud dream about in a dream?

Seeing dark black or thunderclouds in a dream- to danger, - to an easy life.

see clouds at night- to an unpleasant discovery.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Thick clouds - you are in danger; moon in clouds- cute scold; cloudy sky- overcome obstacles; silver clouds- life without hard work.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Clouds looming on the horizon and advancing- your concerns/fears; feeling of anxiety.

Gloomy, cloudy sky- call for patience / temporary difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Dark clouds in a dream- this is a reflection of your premonitions about the approach of some kind of conflict or trouble.

The darker and closer the clouds are to you- the more serious your problems may be. Such dreams usually encourage you to prepare for difficulties in advance and, if possible, somehow avoid them.

To dream that heavy clouds cover the sun- means that some kind of conflict can overshadow your mind, because of which the troubles will only intensify. After such a dream, try to remain calm and do not give vent to negative emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

A cloud - to a threat that will be replaced by mercy.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

A cloud - the heaviness in your heart will torment you, but this will also pass.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

A cloud - to mother-in-law or mother-in-law tears.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if a Cloud is dreaming in a dream?

Thick black clouds- you are in danger of misfortune; light silvery- life without hard work; fast sailing - life is full of change; small curly- peace and happiness; yellow - bad things.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Thickening, dark clouds- a sign of intrigue and slander of ill-wishers, illness; black, menacing- someone's bad influence on you or danger; night clouds - to unpleasant information that suddenly becomes known to you.

Dreaming clouds- may also mean that you have ceased to achieve the implementation of your plans: come to your senses and get down to business!

If you dreamed of clouds during sunset, pierced by the rays of the setting sun- an easy life awaits you in the future (of course, if the sunset looks beautiful, but not ominous.)

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: A cloud in a dream book?

Black clouds - trouble, misfortune.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream, the sky above your head is covered with clouds- the love date you appointed will fail.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The clouds are dark, black, menacing- bad influence, danger; see clouds at night- unpleasant discovery; illuminated by the setting sun- easy life.

Medieval dream book

To see a cloud - to an honorable position or to expectations

Ukrainian dream book

How clouds dream - health.

Over the village there is a black cloud and a terrible thunder- war or disaster.

Cloud with lightning - court.

Esoteric dream book

Clouds covering the sky- it is necessary to mobilize forces, to show activity. If you do- get a very good result. Not to be confused with "clouds".

Terrifying, thunderous- Big luck is on the way. Don't be intimidated by your impatience.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: A cloud in a dream book?

According to the dream book, the cloud that you see in the sky- warns about possible complications with health.

More interpretations

They look weird- you have a very rich inner world and a rapid flight of fancy.

If she's dark and low- big troubles will arise, which will simply not be realistic to defeat alone.

Dream Interpretation interprets black clouds- as the personification of higher persons who are ready to patronize you and assist in every possible way in your affairs.

Video: What is Cloud dreaming of

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I dreamed of a Cloud, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Cloud is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I left my grandmother's house with my little son and saw how the whole sky was covered with very thick, but not dark clouds, too low, so that nothing above 2 meters from the ground was visible. So dense that under the cloud I saw only half a bunch of grapes, as if cotton wool was hanging in a layer. Returning to the house, I climbed the stairs to the second floor and from the window I saw that these clouds, as it were, were in a dense layer above the ground, and above there was a clear and clear sky. I was very impressed with this weird dream. Tell me what he

    All in one night as separate events: I walk along the alley and look at the sky, which is dark and there are many black thunderclouds. I sit on a sunny day on the shore and fish near the sandy shore, the water is not transparent - all float in the water big fish, but I didn’t catch anything. At the institute, poor lighting, I open the door to get medicine for a laboratory workshop, but I don’t find a suitable one.

    I dreamed that at night in the kitchen in my apartment everyone was sleeping, it was dark everywhere, the streets were lit by lanterns, then the sky was starry, and then black clouds and lightning began to move, but there were three lightnings.

    The sky was covered with dark clouds. I looked at my city and it was in darkness. And then a fiery rain began - as if sparks fell from heaven to earth. I covered my face so that they would not get into my eyes, but my legs burned. At the same time, I ran home along my street through a strong wind that prevented me from walking, but I screamed from impotence but ran home. And I did it.

    the dream began that we were at sea, we would break into the water and meet us all some kind of mud. Then we moved somewhere supposedly to celebrate and I saw a box of needles. I left it and noticed a huge black cloud. We hurried home and suddenly it began to snow.

    clear sky, sunset, dark clouds and lightning at sunset. I keep a girl and a baby boy in the water. ball lightning goes to us through the wires. we hide under water. I get out of the water, and the children are already kindergarten age.

    i dreamed of a huge black cloud that covered the horizon and was approaching me at that time, I ran to see where my son was on the road, but he was not there, I was worried, it seemed some kind of natural disaster. Then I ran into the fence to the neighbors in search of my son, but he was not there either. And when I left them, I saw my son with other children on the road, and began to scold him that a storm was coming, and you were not going home. When I looked at the sky, I saw that a terrible cloud had gone the other way. The heart calmed down.

    I pulled a thundercloud from the sky and found out what would happen if a person was placed there. in the first case, it crumbled into atoms and it began to rain from drops of a person, in the second case, it was shocked.

    Initially, my brother had a dream that lightning killed me; the dream was from Thursday to Friday. And then I had a dream from Friday to Saturday that I saw thunderclouds at home and remembered the phrase BEWARE OF LIGHTNING!

    I went to the store in the morning, there were 2 friends there, and then the whole sky was covered with clouds, I understand that I need to wait in the store, went to the door and saw an absolutely black cloud that, like smoke, descends next to me outside the door.

    I CLIMB THE HIGH HIGH MOUNTAIN. The sky is rapidly covered with thunderclouds. Having reached the top, I see that a storm is raging on the mountain and a whirlwind is spinning, a transparent tornado. Lightning flashes. I'm trying to escape the mountain. I run down. But the tornado overtakes me and starts to twist. I try to resist, but I realize that the more I resist, the deeper I am being pulled into the funnel. Standing next to the sea big ships, cruisers. And I'm afraid that they will break me about them. I relax and I am carried out of the tornado unscathed.

    i dreamed that I was with my aunt in the village and from the yard, looking down from above, I see a huge immense panorama. all in greenery hills meadows ravines and trees and over the hills on a hill run huge dogs in the form of gray-smoky clouds larger than trees

    Hello Tatyana, today I had a lot of dreams, which is typical for me from Saturday to Sunday. During the whole night I had three dreams, one I will describe in more detail. So: It was a summer night in the distance, purple thunderclouds could be seen, it smelled fresh because it had recently rained. It all started with the fact that I brought the guy's gloves home and put them on the table, after which my mother told me to let our houseworker go home. (but in fact he doesn’t work at our house - he’s just a young man who I like, we don’t communicate with him and I don’t know if he likes me). I went to look for him and saw how he collects water on the path next to our threshold in a bucket, but his face was not visible because he was squatting with his back. I approached him from the back and hugged his waist for a long time, but he remained silent. Then, to help him, I took a bucket from his hands and poured it on the raspberry bushes in our garden, and when I gave him the bucket, he left me and I saw only his back (but he did not go to his home, but to ours). existing basement). The second two dreams were connected with some kind of logic, like in video games and the queen's castle with many rooms and beautiful decoration. I really want to know your opinion about the first dream and the fact that in all these dreams the weather was stormy, gloomy, dark, although yesterday and today it is very clear on the street.

    I followed a person who was moving away from me. I wanted to call him to me, as a storm of clouds, thunder and lightning began, and this man walked away from where the bad weather was going. i followed him then stopped another person called me back i stood in the middle and then i woke up

    Hello, I dreamed; a room, a view from the window, next to a person I don’t remember whether I’m familiar or not, but a woman, in the window there is a clear sky and suddenly the whole sky is covered with a large dark cloud, like during a hurricane, and when the cloud passes over me, I see in it bright multi-colored lights that fly just as fast as and a cloud, but no rain, no wind.

    I dreamed that a black thundercloud was approaching on one side, then it was already all around, and in the distance you could see stripes of rain, then it seemed to go away without affecting my house, but I see that two small tornadoes are separated from it, but they also pass by and no destruction is visible anywhere either, I felt not so much fear, but rather some kind of excitement

    I look out the window at the sky, it becomes dark then light, then I reassure my sister, because everything in the dark something falls from the sky, at first I thought rockets, but then it turned out to be burning leaves, then I go to the cage, which God knows where it came from, a small parrot, Kesha, who was in childhood, he flies through the cage and tries to peck out my eyes

    Hello Tatiana! i had a dream that it was as if we were walking on the street and it began to get dark not from time, but from the fact that a black cloud covered half the sky, and went heavy rain and we ran to the entrance to hide, we were alone with my husband. literally after a while everything passed and the sun began to shine. Why would it be, could you answer, thanks in advance.

    My sister and I were watching TV in the house where I used to live. But then I turned my attention to the window: dark purple clouds, there was neither rain nor lightning. Then I went outside and saw a charred fence, a burnt garden, but I I didn’t see it. Next, I went out the gate and saw: everything wooden fences charred, all the grass burned down. But the most interesting thing was not touched by more than one house. Then my grandmother came up to me and together we looked at the sky and all the clouds seemed to “run away.” Yes, and it was daylight.

    Tatyana, I am very worried about what my dream might mean. I have a bad feeling. I will be very grateful to you. And thank you very much in advance!

    i dreamed of expensive red sneakers, one broke in front and I went to change it, but the taxi driver didn’t know the way and I came back, and there were black thunderclouds ahead, I didn’t fall under them. returned, but got wet in the rain, my children were with their mother and my husband went somewhere, I don’t know

    Hello Tatiana! My name is Irina, I had a strange dream where I was riding a bus, I was in a hurry to catch a wedding (I work at the registry office and conduct ceremonies), I was riding a bus and I saw the fields around and suddenly, as if black smoke in the form of clouds ran everywhere, but rain did not have. These clouds just flew by as if enveloping everything, and after they passed, a clear sky was visible. And suddenly I turn my head and see that something is moving in my bag, I open it, and the same black cloud comes out of it and I seem to drive it away with my hand ...

    The dream was clear in the presence of familiar people from past moments of life. The tones are both warm and cold to a greater extent. The dream was very strange. Everyone has their people in my dream. Not good things happened. There was a lot of blood, laughter.

    Thunder storm lightning I run home they are small and small people came home I’m normal they tell me that my sister has problems with her knee she won’t be able to walk I need an operation in Europe I cry asphalt, then at my grandmother in the village, my aunt predicted to me that I would die in 80-odd hours at 22.00 from ventilation, and here, too, everything was dry in my throat and tears. Yesterday a woman from work saw that I had died.

    I am in the house, I look out the window and see dark thunderclouds on one side, and on the other side, through the other window I see a clear sky and the sun. Then I go out into the street, and at that moment the clouds descend heavily, and I feel pressure in my ears, and I return back to the house.

    Hello! I look out the window, the sky is clear, and then black (!!!) thick clouds begin to appear in the sky at an incredibly fast speed, thunder rolls, then one of the clouds quickly starts to descend, stops at the level of my window. I open the window, stretch out my hand to her, and where I touch her, the cloud disperses, as it were, between my fingers. Please help me decipher. Usually I don’t remember dreams, but this night I remember it very much. Then I have a dream, I am near the same window, the window is open, a dove and a dirty mangy crow flies into the apartment. I couldn’t find a dove, but I found a crow, and I didn’t drive it out, but began to feed it. Although in life I can not stand these birds. Please help me figure it out! thanks a lot in advance!

    Good afternoon. I often dream that a black cloud is trying to attack me, swallow me up (in the form of a hurricane), but I understand that this cloud seems to be alive. The dream is often dreamed, but in not a single dream can something completely engulf me to the end.
    A very creepy and terrible dream, please explain it to me.

    I had a dream, as if there was an opening of a new entertainment club that had just been built with a restaurant, lounges, and various entertainment attractions. There were many noble people and the head of the city. The head of the city was cheerful, talkative and smiled at everyone. There was also a small vegetable market and they sold a lot of varieties of red strawberries, I could smell it. I went to one grandmother and bought from her an unusual variety of strawberries, she was eight centimeters long. Suddenly, a large thundercloud appeared from behind the forest in the distance. thunder was heard. the wind began to rise, and all the people began to scatter so as not to get caught in the rain. But the cloud dissipated and bypassed.

    I’m on a train with my girlfriend and a child. I looked out the window, and there the clouds were covering the sky. I thought how we wouldn’t get wet upon arrival.

    I saw in a dream how a black and black blackest huge cloud was approaching in my window and it became dark in the house in a dream it was cold and damp, although in fact my window is closed and the battery is on and just in general we are always insanely hot but that's not the point then after a while this cloud began to disappear, the rain was not visible, but I looked out the window and there were a lot of puddles and that's it

    2-3 times a month I dream of clouds, there are thunder, thunderstorms and rains. Once these clouds turned into huge people - 2 men and a woman, they followed me, I ran away, the man stepped on me, I plunged into complete darkness and there was a terribly loud whistle in the ear, not even a whistle, ultrasound with a very high frequency. I thought I'd go deaf, but thank God I woke up

    Black clouds swirled in the sky. then a cloud formed into a bizarre face (like an old man with cheeks) and it began to swallow all the dark fat mass around. and then everything floated back ... and I stood and looked at the sky.

    bad weather broke out, the sky turned gray from blue until it turned black and nothing was visible at all. I was riding a train and looked out the window. Behind it was the sea. During a thunderstorm, it turned dark blue. I knew that there was no danger and everything would soon pass, soon it happened, the sky cleared up, the sea became unusually blue, and a rainbow appeared in the sky

    I stood at home near the window and a dark cloud with lightnings came at me, you togas, moving along the prima, went into the house, I hit the wall and it went further along the prima at the door and that's it. And I had a dream from 02/14/2015, on 02/15/2015, or rather after 24-00 hours. What does this mean??? I am a husband, gender.

    Hello Tatiana! I saw in a dream today that I was walking down the street, raising my head up, and there were clouds, but not so dark, but grayish, as if a thunderstorm was gathering. And I tell myself, now it will rain, and I have nowhere to hide. And it starts to rain heavily, I cover my head with my hands and move on, then it's all over

    Good afternoon, I dreamed that I was sunbathing with a colleague at work behind my house and suddenly a thick dark cloud hung sharply and I ran home, large drops of rain overtook me along the way. I went into the entrance, waited a bit and it came out so bright, warm with a warm sun! Please tell me what that could mean. Thanks.

    I saw a small cloud, she was chasing me, I’m really afraid of a thunderstorm, and I saw that a thunderstorm was erupting from a cloud, I hid from it, but then I also saw a bigger cloud and the sky was dark, also in anticipation of a thunderstorm. But then I saw the court in a dream, they wanted to take the apartment. But I stayed in that apartment. I went to court and defended myself.

    hello, for the second time I dream of a very dark cloud. The first time she dreamed about me was when I was driving home in a car with Godfather, I was in the passenger seat and saw the road in front of me that we were driving down and it was relatively straight, in the distance it went up and went to the side into the forest, and then there was a very large and very dark cloud in the forest. And today I had a dream, I am standing in the courtyard of my house, it is pouring very heavily and my mother tells me about the death of my grandmother and my father tells me that my brother is in danger. I look up and before me the sky is divided into 2 parts by an even strip, 1 half is light gray-white, and the second is very dark and it seems that it fills this white side.

    I sleep, I lie on the bed.
    Suddenly, a large cloud creeps in from the balcony, and lightning sparks in this cloud.
    Then, the cloud began to disappear and took on a square shape, it flew over the ceiling and my bed.
    Tell me what could that mean?

    a black cloud was approaching, I’m afraid I’m shouting to my husband, it’s getting dark, I can’t see anything, I’m illuminating with my phone, I’m going to my husband, I don’t go into the building, the light is on, people on the street, there’s no rain or wind, only concern for my husband that he’s calling there, I don’t answer him, a male voice that he will call back

    i dreamed that we went as a family as if to the sea suddenly a big blue cloud appeared in the sky the water was also blue and clean in the sea I began to hide the child behind a glass wall as if warm rain suddenly began to fall in the mountain the sun was shining and my soul was calm and warm

    Hello! For many years, at different intervals, more often than once every few months, I have been dreaming of thunderclouds, most often with rain. Usually in such dreams I feel fear, even rather anxiety. These dreams are always very vivid. And even if I don’t remember the plot, I remember the picture very well, as if I saw it in reality. For example, last night I don't remember exactly what happened. I remember the clouds are so black that they make it dark as night. And in all my dreams the clouds are black. And despite the fear I feel, I usually also experience admiration for this beauty and power. Something like this… Thank you in advance.

    a huge white cloud appeared over the sea without a horizon, it wasn’t raining from it, but white foam, fluffy like cotton wool, began to fall, we left the sea ... a calm dream, but very expressive and somehow very large-scale - unlimited sea and a huge white cloud)) )

    I’m standing on the veranda or something like that there are still people looking at the sky and there is a black cloud as if in it a whirlwind is approaching us and the thought in my head was not taken from the granddaughter from the kindergarten in such a thunderstorm we will fall

    at first, I saw through the clouds that some ship was plunging into the sea .. then I see that planes were falling, and now, bicycles were falling straight to the ground, moreover, in a dream there were dark red burning clouds. what is it for?

    Hello Tatiana! We are namesakes with you. So, to the point: last night I had such a dream. I need to get home from some unfamiliar place. I'm ready to go, but when I go outside, I see that most of the sky is covered with clouds and it's about to start raining. Thunderclouds, gray, dark. Once there was a surge of lightning. But then somehow quickly they began to leave. I don't remember further.

    I had a dream that I was beautiful park or the museum met a stranger, I suddenly remember that I'm late for work and this guy is taking me. On the clock after midnight, summer time of the year, night. Suddenly I see it started to snow and a black cloud hung over the road. We pass right under it and I turn back to look in the direction of the clouds. But I see that this is not a cloud, but a huge block dirty ice! Here we seem to be in a helicopter with him. We circle in the air to see this cloud of ice. I'm trying to film everything so I can show it to the man I live with at home, but the phone won't pick up. there is a construction site nearby a large number of women in bathing suits. There is no roof in this place and they do not try to run anywhere to hide. I look again at the block, and there are already many people in gas masks, in uniform, doing some work, struggling with an anomalous phenomenon. The dream was vivid and realistic. Haven't been out of my head all day

    The place is real, familiar - the bank of the river, there is the grandmother's house. The sky is all in clouds, as if something terrible is coming, the water in the river is also dark because of such clouds. My family and I go into this river to swim, I'm scared, I want to quickly swim and get out, but the water is warm. Then something happens, and for some reason I carry my sister on my back, save her from something, and as soon as I get home, she falls on the lawn, I feel so sorry for her, she feels bad .. then everyone else comes up, like everything terrible is over .. but then I see another loved one (I don’t remember who specifically) his hand is bandaged and they ask me if it’s worth taking him to the hospital, they describe to me what they did to him and I say that everything is fine, he will get better. . all

    A helicopter with a burning nose appeared in the city square in the sky and began to fall, everyone began to scatter, I also began to run away from a dangerous place with an effort, chose the safest path, ran into the house, it felt like my own apartment, but the situation was not familiar, it was as if my son in a dream, in the life of his daughter, he was waiting for me, I began to talk about the plane, that I needed to hide, and he calmly began to ask me about my wardrobe, I began to make excuses that I bought new clothes with my own money and began to offer him a jacket from my shoulder, then we heard an explosion and the sky turned black and black-fluffy clouds began to seep into open window i closed the window, we ran to another room, and there is a clear lake or sea outside the window and black sky from above, and from the bottom, everything blue floats smoothly calmly; there is no fear and anxiety, but rather surprise. I had a dream today on Saturday afternoon, after a night shift. Why?

    we sit at home for a day and now I looked out the window and there such black black clouds are approaching and it becomes so dark and the husband is sitting on the sofa so young, although he is not so young and his relatives are in the same house

    Hello, I had such a dream, I don’t remember much, but I’ll tell you what happened: I was in my village about 100 meters from my house, turning towards the house I saw clouds, gray at first, then dark, and I decided to go home alone, it was dark, I went home, and as far as I remember, I got there and just went to bed, and there was no rain, thunderstorms or storms, they scared me and left ... Thanks in advance

    In short, this dream was very delusional, although I remember one very terrible detail. In real life, I live in a city near the mountains. So, in a dream, I looked at these mountains, the weather was great, and at the same time, I listened to the weather forecast. The weather was said to be sunny and very warm. And then I looked out the window and saw black clouds hanging over the mountains. I remember that I started thinking about the apocalypse and wondering what would happen. I don't remember what happened after that, but I sat and told my mother that there was an earthquake in our city. And I remember that I didn’t know about it, as if I wasn’t in the city at that time, although it happened after I saw those terrible clouds ...
    I know this dream is very delusional and confusing. But I read in dream books that black clouds are very bad sign and I'm scared.
    The dream was from Friday to Saturday.
    Help me please.
    P.s. When I woke up in the morning after this dream, it was raining. Irony.

    in the apartment, I, my children, my husband, thunder began, I see not a black cloud through the window, but just a blackening cloud and then such a wind began to set in that I held the frames with my hands and felt raindrops through the windows and all the time looking back I looked where to hide the children and how to escape safely, on the other side of the house I see a downpour and my car and leave with relief from all this with my children and husband, but I feel the horror left behind

    The sky was covered with dark clouds, and I look and wonder if it will rain?! I didn't want to get wet. My friends were next to me. We were all worried about the terrible dark clouds. But at some point I saw that the sky is divided into two parts. I raise my hands and touch the clouds with my fingers. The rain is slowly dripping and the dark side of the sky is slowly moving away from us.

    Hello Tatna! My name is Alexandra. I dreamed first of a cloud turning into smoke, and then into heavy sediment, like wet ash that breaks through the roof of the veranda of the house and there are my parents who are trying to save this veranda from falling through the roof, but then all this (heavy ash) turns into a beautiful fabric in large rolls , which my husband put in the closet.

    I see a tornado near the forest against the backdrop of a clear day, I hear thunder without lightning to my left, a tornado like a black cloud with legs came at me, I hid (hid) and I see that it is walking past and a big pockmarked car was running ahead of the clouds ...

    Hello, I dreamed that I was in a room something like a water park and looked into the distance and there was a huge cloud and it was all in lightning, the lightning did not stop flickering. But there was no thunder and the sensations were warm.

    I saw myself with some child, I didn’t see the child clearly, we were in the village in which we used to live and a thundercloud began to overtake us. I got scared and told this child to run, otherwise we won’t have time before dark, and then a triple rainbow appeared behind the houses in the sky, it intertwined with each other, as if linked, I was surprised and we stood looking at this rainbow in great surprise that I have never seen such a rainbow

    I’m standing on the street next to my house with a neighbor and an unfamiliar young woman with us, we’re talking, and I looked towards my house and I see very large gray clouds, and along the edge of these clouds, almost black clouds, as if in a wave, seem to bubbling, spinning, approaching my house. And I say: * Oh, there will probably be a thunderstorm *

    in a dream we are standing with my sister ... I show her a cloud approaching and I say we need to hurry home ... but when I see one walking in the distance dirty water we run uphill to her house ... I see a child at her house baby girl they want to keep it for themselves…..I see large fish in an aquarium with muddy water and I think we need to change the water….

    Hello Tatiana. Yesterday I dreamed very much vivid dream. I go out onto the porch of a house in the village, I look at the horizon a big beautiful blue-black thundercloud in the form of a funnel, and through it a bright rainbow. At first I ran to the garden to clean the laundry, but then I realized that I would not have time. I ran back, and the geese began to run after me, trying to pinch me. While I ran to the house, there were no clouds, no geese. Only wet linen hung. Although I didn't feel the rain myself.

    dark clouds suddenly appeared, I look from the window my mother is returning from the garden, I was glad that she would pass the upcoming downpour, the clouds hung very low above the ground.
    Such a dream occurs very often, mother returns from the garden under a heavy downpour, as a result of which a flood forms, fear in a dream for mother ...

    a herd of horses mixed with individual cows. father pastures. a lot of them. clouds gather in the distance. the storm is coming. little daughter is going somewhere. I warn her about the storm

    Good afternoon!
    I dreamed of white clouds, but somehow suddenly black clouds came out of these white clouds, thunder and lightning began and it started to rain, it didn’t rain everywhere, namely above me, but I ran away from it.
