The toilet is clogged: how to clean it yourself with household chemicals, soda, vinegar and mechanical devices. How to clear clogged toilet at home

06/29/2017 1 3 223 views

Blockages are a common problem that every housewife has encountered at least once. If the toilet is clogged, then how to clear the blockage yourself?

The answer to this question will help eliminate the trouble and avoid unwanted consequences.

Causes of the problem

A blockage occurs when sewer pipes become clogged. And this can happen for several reasons:

  • Foreign objects entering the toilet, such as clothes, sponges, children's toys, rags, towels. If you do not remove them immediately after the fall, they will rush below and form a blockage.
  • Attempts to destroy excessively large or fatty food waste in the toilet. For example, large and insoluble pieces can get stuck and accumulate in pipes. And particles of fat that do not dissolve in cold sewer water form plaque on the walls and narrow the lumen.
  • Salt deposits in pipes. They are formed due to excessively hard plumbing or sewer water and the lack of appropriate specialized filters.
  • Attempts to flush hygienic items not intended for disposal through the sewer. On the packaging there is information about the inadmissibility of throwing into the toilet, but not everyone follows such recommendations.
  • Toilet paper can also cause clogging, for example, it is too thick and used in large quantities.
  • Use instead toilet paper ordinary thick sheets. They are not intended for these purposes and, when wet, do not dissolve, but swell and form congestion.
  • Failure to flush the toilet in time will also lead to stagnation of waste and heavy pollution.

How to clear a blockage in the toilet yourself?

If the toilet is clogged, what should I do? Of course, you can call a plumber, but, most likely, you will have to wait a long time, which is sometimes simply impossible. Therefore, it is better to start acting independently, but deliberately.

First you need to assess the extent of the problem: this will allow you to choose the most suitable way cleaning. Blockages can be local, general on the scale of one apartment or global.

  • With local contents of the toilet, albeit slowly, but still leaves.
  • With a general blockage, water is in all plumbing items.
  • The global scale means that the problem lies in the general house sewerage, and in this case, residents of several apartments will face trouble.

To determine the localization of the blockage, open all the taps and watch how the water leaves. If it does not stagnate in the sinks, then the problem is probably hidden in the toilet. In this case, you can act independently.

If the water does not leave the sinks, then the blockage is localized in common pipe, and then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

simple blockage

You can deal with a simple blockage on your own. To do this, proceed in stages:

  1. First you need to close the general tap to stop the water supply to the apartment and avoid flooding the neighbors. Make sure the valve is closed. And do not flush the toilet, as the water in the tank can overflow the edges and get on the floor.
  2. Now you need to drain the water from the toilet as much as possible. Scoop it out with any small container.
  3. Put on thick rubber gloves on your hands and proceed to remove the object that has formed the blockage. Having felt it, grab it tightly and try to get it.
  4. Make sure that the cause of the stagnation is completely eliminated. To do this, pour into the toilet not a large number of water: if it is free and immediately leaves, then the cause has been eliminated. If you again see stagnation, then the problem is in the pipe. In this case, you will have to use more efficient methods.

Tip: if you can’t remove the item with your hands, try using a wire with a bent end. Perhaps with such a homemade hook you will hook on what clogged the drain.

What to do if the pipes are clogged?

Breaking through the pipes is much more difficult, because there is no access to them, so you have to act "blindly". You can use regular baking soda, which does a great job of removing dirt without damaging the piping.

The powder is simply poured into drainer and left there for an hour or two. Next, start pouring hot water: it will quickly wash away the soda and remaining contaminants. And finally, try flushing the toilet. But first flush a small amount of water to make sure it will go away.

Can be used special agent from blockage, for example, "Mole". It is poured into the drain and also left in it for a while. But if the pipes are old, then they can be damaged under the influence of aggressive components, so prepare unnecessary rags in advance to wipe the water if necessary.

We use a plunger

You can remove the blockage at home with the help of a plunger, but you need to use this item correctly. Its diameter must be larger than the drain, otherwise you will not be able to create a vacuum.

Place the rubber part of the plunger directly on the drain hole, closing it completely, and then begin to make quick pushes. Next, abruptly pull the item out of the toilet. Hydraulic shocks will push through the blockage, and the vacuum created by the rubber funnel will remove it.

If the plunger is on this moment no, but you need to eliminate the blockage urgently, then you can use home methods. An ordinary plastic bottle of 1.5 liters or more will come to the rescue. The bottom is cut off, and the lid is tightly twisted.

Grasp the upper narrow part, and place the wide one in the drain, trying to bring the cut edges closer to the walls of the hole. You should feel air resistance. Dip the bottle sharply, and then remove it with the same confident and quick movement. Such makeshift fixture works in much the same way as a plunger.


Chemicals will dissolve contaminants and eliminate food and paper blockages, but they are not suitable for removing foreign objects.

Usually, the composition includes acids, alkalis or other similar aggressive components that literally corrode blockages. The most popular means are Mole, Tiret, Tofix, Domestos. Caustic soda, that is, sodium hydroxide, is also quite suitable.

To save time and budget, you can use chemical folk remedies prepared from components available in almost every housewife. A few proven recipes:

  • Soda and vinegar. First, pour soda into the drain, and then pour 9% vinegar or essence diluted with 7-8 parts of water into the same place. After such manipulations, hissing will begin, and this will mean that a chemical process has started, as a result of which the contaminants will dissolve.
  • An effective remedy for blockage - lemon acid. Dilute the powder in hot water to prepare a concentrated solution. Pour it into the drain hole and leave for several hours, and then flush the toilet hot water.
  • Laundry soap with a high percentage of alkali. Grate it and dissolve in water: you can take half a piece in a glass. This solution is poured into the toilet and aged for at least an hour. The drain is then rinsed with hot water.

How to eliminate blockage at home with a cable?

Do-it-yourself elimination of a blockage in the toilet bowl can be done with a cable. Such a device is made of metal and has the shape of a dense spring with a handle on one side and a pointed spiral on the other.

The diameter can vary from 6-7 mm to 12-16, and the length - from five to fifty meters or more. For home use, a household small cable that you can handle will suffice.

Your actions should be as follows:

  1. Place the spiral end of the fixture into the drain, lower it until it stops.
  2. Turn the handle clockwise to move the cable through the drain and pipe. Hold the fixture with one hand, and constantly scroll it with the other.
  3. Feeling an obstacle, begin to rotate the device more actively so that it breaks through the blockage.
  4. When the cable goes into the drain almost completely, take it out with both hands, while wiping it with an old rag.
  5. After manipulation, it is better to wash the cable with a disinfectant.

Cleaning the surface of the toilet

If the toilet is clogged, then after removing the blockage, its surface will most likely remain dirty, so be sure to clean it. This will require a sponge, detergent, brush or brush, gloves, and water.

It is better to wash the toilet in a certain order. First, the tank is cleaned, then the lower part, that is, the base, then the lid, then the inner walls and drain, and then the seat. Inside, the item of plumbing is best cleaned with a brush. The remaining parts can be treated with a sponge.

Video: how to clean the toilet?

Prevention methods

Clogs can be avoided by following simple preventive measures:

  • Dispose of hygiene items only in the trash can.
  • No need to throw food and other waste down the toilet, dispose of them in other ways.
  • Buy soft toilet paper and do not replace it with thick sheets.
  • To clean the inside of the toilet, use a brush or brush with a handle, not sponges or rags.
  • If the water begins to drain more slowly, immediately clean the drain with a plunger.
  • Supervise children and do not leave them alone in the bathroom to avoid toys and other objects accidentally falling into the toilet.

Additional questions

What to do if the toilet is clogged with cat litter?

Proceed in the same way as with any other blockage. But the solution to the problem will not be easy, since the filler tends to swell.

How much does it cost to clear a blockage in a toilet?

If you decide to use the services of a plumber provided by management company, then the call will cost you 200-500 rubles, depending on the complexity and duration of the work. The services of a third-party specialist will cost more - about 1000-2000 rubles.

Does "Mole" help with blockages in the toilet?

Yes, if the blockage is minor. But this tool can damage old pipes.

Top 5 effective ways removing blockages in the toilet

How to clear a blockage in the toilet at home, and what to do if the toilet is clogged or clogged? Unfortunately, no one is safe from the appearance of clogged toilet bowls in our bathrooms. What to do if the toilet is clogged? Let's try to find the cause first. After all, a blockage can never form on its own. The reason for this may be:

  • hard water in our plumbing systems. It contributes to the deposition of salts on the walls of plumbing equipment and pipes connecting it.
  • Insufficient preventive measures and timely care of toilet bowls. As a result, they begin to overgrow with a urinary stone inside.
  • The negligent attitude of the owners, who do not hesitate to throw food leftovers into the toilet, potato peelings, fermented pickles. Sometimes after cleaning there may accidentally dirty water get rags. It is possible that there may be children's toys, women's pads, plastic bags and much more.

After such a "feeding" our plumbing refuses to function. What to do if the toilet is clogged? Let's try to deal with this issue in more detail. You will only have to accept correct solution: use the services of professional plumbers or clear the blockage yourself.

  • 1 Types of blockages
  • 2 Primary measures or prevention
    • 2.1 Soda
    • 2.2 Hot water
  • 3 Mechanical cleaning methods
    • 3.1 Plunger
    • 3.2 Plumbing cable
    • 3.3 Plastic bottle
  • 4 Chemical solutions to the problem
  • 5 Conclusion

Types of blockages

Before you clean the toilet, you need to find out the type of blockage. There are two of them.

  1. The first one is the most common. In this case, the blockage does not allow waste water and human waste to pass through the sewer.
  2. The second one is more worrying. It is associated with the ingress of effluents not into the general sewer, but into a bath, sink, washbasin or other plumbing fixtures, through their drain holes.

The first case suggests that the toilet is clogged. The second does not indicate a blocked toilet, but a blockage in the main sewer system outside of your bathroom.

Sometimes your household has nothing to do with clogging the toilet. IN apartment buildings thick paper, plastic bags or rags from the upper floors can easily clog the sewer pipe of your plumbing.

Sometimes, before cleaning the toilet, you need to ask your neighbors if they have a similar situation. In case of a positive answer, you need to look for a traffic jam outside your apartment. This problem can be solved by plumbers from the housing maintenance office.

If your neighbors sewer works flawlessly, you yourself need to decide how to eliminate the blockage in the toilet. Here, the blockage may be in the bend of the toilet or the sewer bed of the apartment wiring.

Primary measures or prevention

So that the question does not suddenly arise, what to do if the toilet is clogged, it is necessary to regularly monitor the sewer drain system. To ensure uninterrupted operation of the toilet will help:

  • Regular use of disinfectants that prevent the appearance of rust, deposits of all kinds of residues and salts;
  • The use of sanitary brushes to clean its inner bowl;
  • Use of funds household chemicals.

by the most simple solution if the toilet is clogged from getting any objects there, it will be their simple extraction.


In the case of small blockages, cleaning the toilet at the initial stage begins with gently acting folk remedies that do not require the use of special equipment. This a simple means is the usual baking soda. Half of her pack must be dissolved in warm water and pour water into a mirror. Active alkali in some situations can remove a simple toilet clogging.

Hot water

Usage hot water is an elementary way to clean the toilet. To do this, heat a bucket of water to a boil and pour it into the zone of the water mirror at a right angle, creating a strong stream. Some blockages are effectively removed with this cleaning method. To be sure, it is advisable to repeat this procedure, but at the same time being careful when working with hot water so as not to get burns on exposed areas of the body.

Mechanical cleaning methods

What to do if the toilet is clogged, and soda or boiling water does not help? Then it remains to resort to a more efficient mechanical way where special tools are needed to help.


It's simple and effective fixture for shallow debris. The plunger is a hemisphere of dense rubber with a diameter of about 10 centimeters with wooden handle. For self cleaning you need to take these steps.

  • First you need to fill the toilet with water;
  • Install the plunger so that its rim tightly covers the drain hole to the maximum;
  • Then you need to sharply and strongly make several clicks on the plunger handle. The pressure drop of water flows created at the same time will force the blockage to budge;
  • By repeating this procedure several times, you can completely destroy the blockage.

Plumbing cable

This device belongs to the category professional tools. The cable is a tightly twisted wire in the form of a hollow flexible tube. It is equipped with an L-shaped handle. A spiral-shaped process of thick wire at the end of the cable serves as a kind of punch. How to use this device if the toilet is clogged?

  1. First you need to remove all the water from the toilet bowl.
  2. Then lower the spiral end of the cable all the way into its neck.
  3. With slow movements, turning the cable handle clockwise, the water seal is pushed through the channel further into the system.
  4. Destroying and gradually pushing the blockage mechanically forward, with the help of a cable, you can completely remove it.
  5. The final moment of cleaning will be flushing the entire system with hot water.

Plastic bottle

Oddly enough, but the usual one and a half liter bottle of water or lemonade can be a fallback cleaning option if the toilet is clogged. Making this primitive non-standard fixture is very simple. To do this, you just need to cut off the bottom of the bottle. Naturally, its neck should be closed with a native lid. Thus, the analogue of the plunger is ready. With a plastic bottle, the same manipulations are done as with a plunger. Sometimes this solution helps to effectively deal with the blockage problem.

Chemical solutions to the problem

Today, many busy people are looking for an alternative to mechanical methods of cleaning toilets in supermarkets. Their eyes are turned to household chemicals. These are all kinds of gels, liquids, powders, granules or sprays. Such chemicals can also cope well with the unpleasant problems that have arisen. Among other things, household chemicals:

  • Perfectly disinfect plumbing;
  • Allows you to maintain the condition of the pipes of the drain system in good condition;
  • Provide long time their normal operating conditions.

Today, supermarkets and hardware stores in the fight against clogged toilets offer big choice variety of household chemicals. The most requested of them are:

  • Tiret;
  • Mole;
  • Domestos;
  • Tofiq;
  • Mister Muscle.

Use these tools strictly according to the instructions that are attached to each tool from the manufacturer. In addition, it is necessary to strictly observe the safety regulations, and when working with them, use rubber gloves.

Works great from chemicals and solutions of hydrochloric, acetic, sulfuric or formic acid. However, acids must be treated very carefully, especially if you have old cast iron pipes sewer systems.


Toilet clogs are a fairly common occurrence in our lives. Correcting such situations is sometimes very problematic. However, knowing the system for laying sewer pipes and how to clean them, you can solve this problem yourself.

However, in order not to bring the situation to extreme point, must be observed elementary rules toilet use:

  • You can not use it as a regular garbage chute;
  • Try to be on time repair work construction debris did not get inside;
  • Do not change the diameter of the sewer pipes during repairs;
  • Periodically carry out the prevention of blockages in the toilet bowl.

By following these simple rules you will never have a clogged toilet. Therefore, it is always better to prevent the occurrence of a situation than to heroically overcome it.

Sometimes plumbing fixtures get clogged. What contributes to the formation of blockages? main reason their appearance is an excessive amount of salts that are contained in hard water and urea, as well as other types of sediment that enter the sewer line. Both methods contribute to the narrowing of the inner hole. But it often happens that the cause of blockage is the negligent attitude of the owners of the premises.

Often, clogging occurs with toilet bowls, because the housewives do not hesitate to send the remains of half-eaten food, as well as fermented pickles (for example, such as red tomatoes) into them. And sometimes it happens that after wet cleaning along with the dirt, the doormat also “leaves”. After that, the work is blocked completely.

Now the owners have a choice:

  • Call a specialist?
  • Should we look for other ways to solve the problem?

If the first option is unrealistic, then you have to do the work on their own.

In the event that the water in the toilet no longer passes, it is worth using the three most common methods of cleaning. They can be divided into three main groups:

  • Plumbing;
  • Domestic;
  • Chemical.

The choice of a drain method or a combination of them will directly depend on the type of blockage. To do this, you need to remember what could clog the toilet and what has recently fallen into the cavity.

How and how to quickly break through the blockage?

To quickly get rid of blockage, you need to determine its type. So, if the blockage is organic, i.e. the reason for its formation was organic waste, then you should opt for various kinds chemical methods. Today at outlets you can purchase funds of any volume intended for cleaning sewer pipes and toilets.

In most cases, they are based on acid and alkali. It is these chemicals and compounds that lead to the partial or complete destruction of organic matter. Before buying directly, you should use the help of an experienced sales assistant.

How to eliminate?

In the event that a blockage was detected, and the plumber could not be called, it is worth trying to fix it yourself.

At home

For example, to get rid of a blockage in a sewer pipe, the following folk remedies are used:

  • whiteness. This is an alkali solution. In large quantities, the substance will easily cope with organic blockages. Moreover, it will not yield as an impact to any branded product. Need to wait time.
  • Citric acid. A very aggressive substance. But it is necessary to use it only when the toilet is removed from the toilet. excess moisture. The concentration of the substance must be high. It is best to use 7-10 sachets at a time.
  • Food soda. If there is nothing more suitable in the house, then you can use ordinary soda. She is thrown into the toilet as much as possible. It has been banned for some time.

special means

In order to clear the blockage in the toilet, you can use various branded drugs. This applies to drugs such as Mole or Domestos. They have various features and technical capabilities. For a couple of flushes, it will be possible to get rid of organic blockage soft type fully.

If the problem is complex and has a solid character, then you need to use special plumbing cords.

You can also use a plunger, but the effect of it is not as strong as the combined use of the cord and chemical. However, the plunger is used not only to clean the toilet, but also to “break through” sinks and even blockages in the bathroom. Plunger cleaning method is based on water hammer. The more pressure you put on the clog, the more likely it is to get rid of it.


Another cleaning option is to use a regular plastic bottle. In this case, it will be necessary to cut off from it upper part and use it like a regular plunger. Moreover, it should be noted that the deeper the “device” enters, the stronger the water hammer will be.

To see clearly how exactly you need to use a plastic bottle when cleaning the toilet, you should use the video below:

Who pays for damage in case of blockage?

In the event of a blockage in the toilet bowl, the tenant is obliged to compensate for the damage, due to which this very blockage was formed. It's about about those situations when human actions led to an accident.

If the congestion formed directly in centralized system common use, then the housing management company solves the problem and its consequences.

How to prevent?

Many people ask themselves: how to prevent clogging in sewer pipes And the toilet in general?

You should also pay attention to the cleaning of plumbing.

No matter how trite it may seem, you should regularly use chemical additives that are placed in a drain barrel, and also do not refuse to use a brush. In addition, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor that bulky debris does not get into the toilet bowl.

How much does it cost to clear a blockage in a toilet?

In the event that calling a plumber to your home is still possible, it should be understood that these services are not provided free of charge. And the cost plumbing work will depend on the degree and complexity of the blockage. For example, the average price for this type of work will vary from 1,500 rubles to 4,000 rubles.


Watch the video original way toilet clog cleaning:

Attention! must be adhered to certain rules: Do not flush solid waste (such as stone) down the drain.

But you can pour solid consistency there, such as filler for cat litter. True, they do it in small portions. Moreover, it will be necessary to lower the barrel after each portioned descent.

Oct 14, 2015 Tatyana Sumo

Everyone can face the unexpected problem of stagnation in the toilet. Don't put off fixing a plumbing problem. Let's look at the signs and causes of a clogged toilet and learn how to fix a blockage in the toilet with your own hands.

You can understand that the toilet is faulty by the following signs:

  • dirty water after draining does not leave the toilet completely;
  • there were unpleasant odors in the toilet;
  • when draining, the water fills the toilet bowl about half;
  • water goes down the drain very slowly.

In the case when at least one of the listed signs is present in your toilet, it is safe to say that it is clogged and you need to clean the drain.

Causes of clogged toilet

  • Foreign objects have entered the toilet. For example, a large amount of toilet paper was flushed at the same time or the toilet was clogged with cat litter.
  • Incorrect installation of plumbing equipment.
  • Manufacturer's mistakes in the manufacture of the toilet bowl. Ill-conceived design of the sewer system.
  • The toilet does not have the necessary valves or a vent pipe.

What to do first

When the toilet is clogged, you need to call the emergency service and call a plumber to use professional equipment to clean the plumbing equipment and the sewer system.

Or try to remove the blockage in the toilet yourself with your own hands.

Cleaning a clogged toilet with a plunger

Removing blockages with a plunger is a mechanical method and is suitable for removing plugs. If you suspect that a foreign object (a child's toy, a rag) has got into the toilet, it is better to remove it before you start working with the plunger.

You can get items by wearing rubber gloves. Otherwise, there is a risk of pushing debris further down the pipe and blocking the sewer. Plunger is an effective remedy for clogging the toilet.

  • Close all drains (bathtub, sinks) before starting work.
  • Place a plunger in the toilet's drain hole. Pour five to six liters of water on top so that the rubber part of the plunger is completely covered.
  • Pump the plunger up and down at least ten times. Movements should be sharp, but uniform. If the water leaves, then everything is done correctly.

Clearing a clogged toilet with a plastic bottle

You can quickly get rid of blockages in the toilet with improvised means. For example, using an ordinary plastic bottle with a cut bottom and a tightly screwed cap.

  • The device must be carefully and slowly inserted into the drain.
  • As soon as you feel the air pushing the bottle back, push it hard all the way to the end of the drain hole. After that, with a sharp movement, remove the bottle from the drain.

The water will go away, and the congestion will be eliminated if the procedure is repeated two or three times.

Cleaning the toilet with a solution of baking soda and vinegar

Vinegar and baking soda will help to break through simple blockages in the toilet. Should not be applied this way cleaning, if the corrugation (connection of the toilet bowl and pipe) is made of plastic. Hot water with baking soda and vinegar can ruin thin plastics.

With the help of vinegar and soda, you can quickly and effectively clean the toilet of contaminants such as grease and food waste.

  • Take half a pack of baking soda and pour it down the drain.
  • Prepare one glass of vinegar and pour it into the toilet bowl.
  • Wait half an hour and pour 3-5 liters of boiling water into the drain.

Overnight toilet cleaning with baking soda

Soda can clean the toilet and sewer system.

  • In the evening, pour a pack of baking soda down the toilet.
  • Pour the contents of the toilet bowl with boiling water.
  • Plug the drain using a stopper or a wet rag.
  • Rinse the drain with hot water in the morning.

How to break through a blockage with a cable

Using a special sewer cable will help to quickly and efficiently get rid of the blockage. It is better to work together.

Prepare unnecessary rags, oilcloth, a bucket or basin with water and dishwashing detergent.

  • Roll out the oilcloth on the floor and cover the walls.
  • Lower the end of the cable into the drain hole and slowly move down with a twisting motion.
  • After the cable has rested and does not go further, move it back and forth.
  • Take out the cable, lowering it onto the oilcloth. Clean with a cloth soaked in dishwashing liquid to remove bad odors.

What to do if the toilet is clogged with paper or cat litter

The cork from the contents of the cat litter or compacted toilet paper is best removed using a plunger. Before cleaning the toilet, it is recommended to remove the debris with gloved hands and pour five to ten liters of boiling water into the toilet bowl. The hot liquid will partially dissolve the contaminants.

Remove blockage with a sandbag

With the help of a dense bag filled with sand, you can break through the blockage formed in the drain.

  • Tie the sandbag securely and tie a strong rope to it.
  • Lower the bag into the drain, draining all the water from the tank. At the same time, let go of the tied rope so that the water carries the bag into the drain hole.
  • With a sharp movement, pull the pouch out of the toilet hole.
  • After the tank is filled again, repeat the procedure.

We use chemicals

In the case when it was not possible to remove the congestion in the toilet in gentle ways, you will have to use chemicals.

When using this or that product to clean the toilet, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Depending on which pipes in the toilet (plastic or metal), choose the right product.

If the above folk methods did not help at all to eliminate stagnation in the toilet bowl, contact a specialist immediately!

  • Do not throw foreign objects into the drain, household waste and leftover food.
  • It is not recommended to throw used paper into the toilet.
  • Do not drain water with construction debris floating in it.
  • Use preventive measures to prevent congestion.
  • Replace old rusted pipes in time.

A clogged toilet is a real problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Unfortunately, utilities in such cases are in no hurry to promptly come to the rescue, and therefore the residents of the house are forced to resolve the situation on their own. So, if the toilet is clogged, what to do in this case, what methods and means can help?


Most simple method, allowing you to clean the toilet, is to use a plunger. A plunger is a plumbing tool with a rubber cap and a wooden handle. How to clear a blockage in the toilet with this device? Very simple. It is only necessary to place the plunger tool in the toilet drain and move it up and down with sharp movements to release the blockage. However, it is important to remember that before working with the plunger, after installing it in the toilet drain, you must press the drain button, otherwise the actions performed are unlikely to be successful. You should also make sure that the plunger fits snugly against the walls of the toilet bowl - for this, the existing gaps must be filled with rags. But it should be noted that a plunger can only be effective for eliminating the simplest blockages, while radical methods should be used to eliminate denser plugs. So the toilet is clogged. What to do if the use of a plunger does not give any results?

Hot water

Hot water is a good helper in the fight against blockages in the toilet. It is necessary to heat a bucket of water almost to a boil and pour it into the toilet bowl, while creating a strong pressure. It is important to pour water at a right angle and as quickly as possible. If, after such a cleaning, the water gradually began to leave, it is recommended to pour another bucket of hot water into the toilet. Following these simple steps will help to effectively eliminate small blockages.

Baking soda

Surprisingly, ordinary baking soda, well known to every housewife, is also a wonderful tool for flushing sewers. If the toilet is clogged, then it is necessary to pour half a pack of this product into the drain. Active alkali, formed during the interaction of soda and water, will help to quickly correct the situation. You can enhance the effect if, in addition to soda, pour half a glass of vinegar into the toilet bowl, wait 10 minutes, and then rinse the drain hole with boiling water.


The creators of household chemicals have developed many tools to help eliminate plugs in the toilet. Clogged toilet - what to do, what chemical agent to choose and how to use it correctly? It should be noted that, unlike domestic, imported "chemistry" for cleaning sewers has a less destructive effect on pipes, and therefore it is advisable to use it for plastic pipelines. Domestic funds are quite suitable for metal pipes. Well-established drugs such as Tiret, Domestos, "Tofix", "Mr. Muscle", which not only effectively eliminate blockages in the toilet, but also eliminate bad smell. The most popular of domestic funds are "Mole", "Chimney sweep", "Ruff".

Features of the use of chemicals

What to do if the toilet is clogged, how to use household chemicals correctly? First of all, you must strictly follow the instructions and follow the safety rules.

  1. Pour (pour) the product into the toilet in the amount required for cleaning.
  2. Wait 10-20 minutes for it to complete its mission.
  3. Flush the water (for greater efficiency, it is recommended to pour a bucket of boiling water into the toilet).


It will help to eliminate the blockage formed in the toilet bowl and a special plumbing cable, which is a twisted steel wire, at one end of which there is a handle, and at the other - a tip. The toilet is clogged - what to do if the house does not have a similar design? In this case, you can try to make your own the simplest option cable. To do this, you can take a piece of steel cord and on one side make a loop that will serve as a handle, and on the other - a knob (for this you can, for example, attach a nut).

Features of using a plumbing cable

The toilet is clogged, how to clean it with a cable? It is more convenient to work with this tool together. So, one person should push the cable deep into the pipe with reciprocating energetic movements, and his partner at this time should turn the wire. If a plug has formed in the toilet pipe, then after a while the cable will rest against the existing obstacle.

In this case, you need to use reciprocating movements to try to push through the blockage or take it out. In this case, if it was not possible to achieve the desired result the first time, it is necessary to repeat the procedure. When performing such manipulations, it is important to ensure that the cable is in a taut state, since if it begins to twist inside the pipe, it will be impossible to continue cleaning. Moreover, in this case, there is a high probability of damage to the inner walls of the pipes.


Dorn is a steel springy tape with a tip. It, unlike the cable, cannot be rotated, but must be slowly pushed into the drain. Such work should be carried out carefully, in the absence of sudden movements. Otherwise, there is a chance that the mandrel will burst and part of the steel tape will get stuck in the drain, which will only aggravate the situation.

Manual cleaning method

Often, clogged toilets occur due to the ingress of household items (paper, towels) into it. If it is for this reason that the toilet is clogged, what to do in this case? If possible, it is necessary to remove all excess liquid from the plumbing unit, and then manually pull out the element that prevents the passage of water. Despite the fact that this procedure seems to be very simple, with such cleaning you need to be extremely careful, since it is possible that a hand may get stuck in the neck of the toilet.

call plumber

The toilet is clogged: what to do if none of these methods gave the expected result? In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist and call a plumber. It is possible that the blockage is not localized in the toilet, but in the riser. Such a situation can become a real disaster, since everything that the neighbors from above will flush down the toilet may soon end up on your floor.

Blockage Prevention

In order to prevent clogging of the toilet, you must follow certain recommendations.

If the toilet is clogged, what to do in this case, we now know well. The presented methods in the overwhelming majority of cases will effectively help to solve this such an unpleasant problem on their own. But still, it is better to follow preventive measures so as not to encounter blockages in the toilet.
