An independent meditation technique for clearing negative programs. Meditation to clear problems and negativity

Every day we live some events, meet some people. Unfortunately, people and events are not always the way we want them to be. Therefore, when meeting with them, we can experience negative emotions - irritation, anger, anger, sadness, guilt, resentment.

We are living people, not robots, and we are characterized by the whole gamut of emotions. All this would be fine, but in childhood we were told that it is impossible to openly show negative emotions, they need to be hidden, extinguished.

At the same time, our mothers and teachers were completely unaware of the presence of a mental field in every person. About the role this field plays in human life and health. And about how negative emotions affect the state of this field.

Very briefly: there are so-called subtle bodies around a person, fields that contain all the information about his past, present and future life. In particular, in the emotional and mental fields there are energy phantoms of his thoughts, feelings and emotions. It depends on the vibrations of a person's energy field what events he will magnetize from the Universe into his life.

If the mental field is “polluted” (sorry) with dirty emotions, such as anger, anger, envy, even more such events will happen in a person’s life, because of which he will experience such emotions. Like attracts like.

Human health directly depends on the quality of the energy of the mental field. We all know for a long time that “all diseases are from nerves”. That is, from the thoughts and emotions present in the energy form in the human aura.

So, in childhood, your mother, who was used to observing the rules of decency and fearing what people would say, forbade you to show negative emotions. We were ordered to suppress and extinguish them. Thus, the energy of these emotions was deposited in our mental field in the form of an energy clot (now we are speaking figuratively). These clots accumulated, compressed, turned into whole blocks. And then these dirty clots began to destroy our physical body, causing first energy clamps, stagnation, and then diseases.

I do not urge you to start violently expressing your negative emotions, hitting ill-mannered people in transport or yelling at your husband and child if they fell under a hot hand. But it is necessary to get rid of negative emotions so as not to accumulate them from your body. And it is desirable to do this every day in which we experienced a negative emotion.

There are special techniques in esotericism and psychology. And now I will show you one of them. It is very effective, although simple, but few people use it in practice. By the way, there is such a Soviet film “Everything will be fine”, and so there, in my opinion, Zbruev successfully applied this technique. It's called "And it's gone ..." :).

In the evening, do an analysis of today. Do a brief “recapitulation” of the events of the day. If some event “catches” you, causes emotions, try to determine what those emotions are. Don't hide them, but bring them to the surface. Give the emotions their specific name, that is, figure out what you are feeling right now - anger, resentment, or something else.

Try to savor these emotions, "inflate" them, allow yourself to experience what you did not experience right away, "at the scene of the crime." If someone offended you, made you angry, allow yourself to be angry with this person. You can even call him some kind of goat. About myself. Just do not wish for anything like, "so that you have ...". 5 minutes to get angry is enough.

Now - attention. You need to get up, close your eyes, placing your feet shoulder-width apart so as not to fall. Mentally we draw an energy channel from our feet into the ground. Mentally from the head to the sky we draw another energy channel. We feel connected to both heaven and earth.

Now we begin to breathe deeply, while imagining that our emotion (anger, hatred, whatever else) is “pulling up”, gathering in the chest area, closer to the lungs.

A deep breath - "anger" is pulled closer to the exit, as it were, collected in the lungs. Another breath - collect it all in one "big lump". And now - while inhaling, we raise both hands up, - hold our breath for a couple of seconds, imagining that the emotion is already on the way, rushing out - and with a noisy exhalation “ha”, let go of our emotion to hell, away from our body, imagining how a dirty energy clot comes out of our lungs.

It will be even better if at the same time you mentally send your negative emotion and the event associated with it to hell. You can even send the person who gave you the “joy” to experience this emotion. Just don't listen! Open your eyes and enjoy life!

I assure you that after such a procedure, anger at this person (as well as at the whole world) will disappear somewhere and your mood will improve significantly. And most importantly, an unpleasant event will not affect your health and well-being in any way.

Try! After a week of regular use of this technique, you will be pleasantly surprised by the state of your nervous system. People in the subway will no longer annoy you like that, or your family will “get it”.

Meditationto clear thoughts of negativity

Stand comfortably, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands should touch each other with the tips of spread fingers at the level of the abdomen.

Tip to tip, that is, big to big, index to index, and so on (during this meditation, certain energies circulate inside the body, and the fingertips close this circle, in addition, there is irritation of the nerve skin receptors located on the fingertips, which favorably, calming effect on the brain).

It is necessary to relax, removing all thoughts, and focus only on normal breathing. Then, when a state of complete relaxation of all limbs and a feeling of inner peace is achieved, the person begins to imagine himself as a jug. That is, the upper part of his head is, as it were, cut off, like that of a jug ...

The source of water is the soul. This water fills the whole body and, eventually overflowing it, pours over the edge of the jug, flows down the body, and goes into the ground. In the process of water filling the body and flowing into the earth, all bad thoughts, all problems, in general, all the dirt and anxiety that are present in the human mind flow out with it.

You often have questions - how to get rid of negative, obsessive thoughts, how to remove the negative that accumulates all the time?

We wrote about this in detail earlier and gave effective practical techniques in the article.

Today we offer you to perform the Meditation of cleansing from negativity and filling with energy., in which you need to go through several stages for a qualitative release from negativity and filling with energy.

A description of the technique for self-execution and a video on it is given below.

Sit comfortably with a straight back in a chair or armchair, or stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Close your eyes. Start breathing deeply and calmly, this will help you relax and calm down.

And now you need to go through cleansing and filling in 4 stages.

  1. Imagine the disk of the sun. Imagine there that it rotates counterclockwise and pulls all the negativity out of you. Watch how negative thoughts, memories, pains, sufferings, fears, anxieties, worries, experiences leave you, how all this bad things leave you. At the same time, the disk increases in size, showing that it takes on all your negativity and cleanses your energy and your body.
  2. Now imagine that the solar disk changes direction of rotation and now rotates clockwise. Feel how at the same time you are filled with energy - bright, radiant, golden. And feel how this energy increases your life force.
  3. Visualize now a mirror sphere appearing behind you. It also absorbs solar energy and saturates your body, your entire body, every organ and every cell of yours with it.
  4. Now that you have completely freed yourself from negativity and filled with energy, mentally send this solar disk into the bowels of the earth. And imagine that all the negative energy is reversed and transformed into positive.

Practice is over.

Listen to the video and do the meditation. Leave us your feedback about the meditation - how your state and feelings have changed:

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Use this simple practice to cleanse negativity and energize

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Calm meditation is the best cleansing of negative programs embedded in your mind. It helps to completely relax and enter the so-called alpha half-sleep state, in which you can change your subconscious programs to positive ones and cleanse your soul of negativity.

Why do you need to meditate?

Meditation brings you into a special state. This is a complete relaxation of consciousness, peace and tranquility. In this state, you can do colossal work with your inner “I”, ridding yourself of negativity and filling you with colossal, positive energy.

What will be the result of regular spiritual practices:

  • You will get rid of bad mood, negative emotions, learn to let go of resentment, irritation and anger
  • “Cleanse” your aura and karma from blockages and beliefs that prevent you from developing and becoming a successful person
  • Enter a state of peace, harmony, happiness and peace and stop needing external sources for this. Inner light comes from you, illuminating everyone around
  • Learn to listen to your feelings, recognize body signals that help you get to know yourself better and develop intuition.
  • Create the right energy radiation around you. You broadcast positive, love and gratitude to the Universe, and in return it sends you all kinds of blessings that you need

Stage one - preparation

Purification of negativity through meditation requires special preparation. Especially if you are new to spiritual development and have never done anything like this before.

What is important to do and consider:

  1. Believe that the energy message that you send to the Universe will definitely work, and a huge return will come in the form of a large amount of positive energy. Without sincere faith, it is not worth even starting
  2. Get rid of bright negative emotions: anger, irritation, resentment and others. They will interfere and will not let you concentrate on the process, completely surrender to it. To release strong negativity, you can try Osho's dynamic meditation, for example
  3. Before starting meditation, try to take the most comfortable position and completely relax the body, remove tension from the muscles. Great if you can do stretching or yoga
  4. Turn on calm, peaceful music, it should sound quiet and resonate with your inner state. Make sure the sounds are pleasant and won't interfere with concentration.

This is enough to get started. When you get used to meditation, you will not need any special preparatory manipulations, you will learn to relax anywhere, in any position, practice anywhere and anytime.

Important: start with ten to fifteen minutes a day. Over time, you will be able to meditate for longer, add time gradually

Stage two - appeal to the Higher Forces

This is the most important part of meditation, during which the burden of negative programs, blocks, attitudes and beliefs is cleared.

What to do at this stage:

  • Mentally turn to the Higher Forces with a request to give you positive energy in order to improve your life and health
  • Read a prayer or positive affirmations. Any that resonate in your soul. Examples can be seen in
  • Then imagine the negative energy that lives within you as something tangible. Each girl has her own specific image, which prompts the subconscious. It could be a bunch of black fog, or a furry monster, or something else.
  • Mentally get rid of the source of negativity. For example, you can imagine how a black fog pierces a beam of bright light and it dissipates. The monster can be "pierced" with a fiery sword. Your subconscious mind will tell you the right option.
  • Then feel that you are free. Catch this state of emptiness and lightness, release and healing. Fix it. Imagine that you are an empty vessel, clean, faceless, not yet filled
  • Then mentally begin to fill this vessel with something positive, pleasant. Again, the subconscious itself will send the desired mental image
  • Feel how your soul is filled with positive energy. Try to fix this state and feel it with every cell of your body. Don't get distracted and fully immerse yourself in the moment. It is very important not to interrupt at this stage.
  • After you have entered a state of complete harmony and peace of mind, mentally thank the Higher Forces for their help. Sincerely and as emotionally as you can

At the end, just relax and sit in silence for a few minutes. The meditation is over.

Beginners are often intimidated by the need to read a prayer, because not everyone is religious. It's not scary - just choose the option that is comfortable for you. You can turn not only to God, but also to the Universe, the sky, your inner "I". The main thing is to feel comfortable and relaxed.

Watch a video with effective meditation to clear negative programs and create a successful future:

Thanks to the cleansing of negativity, you free your consciousness from everything that prevents you from developing, achieving success and happiness in all areas of life. The “pure” subconscious will be ready for favorable changes. You will be surprised at how quickly everything around you is changing for the better.

Regular practice is important, so try to spend at least 15 minutes a day meditating. Especially if there is a lot of negativity inside and getting rid of it in a few sessions will not work.

Complement the effect with other practices of working with consciousness. Read positive affirmations, map your desires, practice visualizing positive thoughts.

Feeling good physically and morally is hindered by internal problems - conscious and hidden fears, wrong beliefs, doubts. You need to immediately tune in to long-term work on your own personality. Internal negativity accumulated over the years like a disease. Everyone knows that healing is a slow process. There is one positive point - the healing of the physical body is slower. Peace of mind can be achieved much faster. The main thing is the moment of understanding the problem and accepting the situation. Purification meditation allows you to gradually overcome negative emotions, a state of insecurity or aggression.

Benefits of Cleansing Meditation?

You can clear your own energy from:

  • negative thoughts;
  • unpleasant emotions;
  • damage;
  • destructive programs.

Meditation to clear negative thoughts and emotions is one process, as emotions are an extension of thoughts. Here, a hint follows: it is easier to work with thoughts, because they are subject to the mind. Thinking can be controlled, but if you want to change something. It won't work otherwise.

The impact can be exerted from the outside by seeking help from a psychotherapist. This will slow down the process. Not all people are able to open thoughts to a stranger. It is much easier for yourself to admit to the presence of negativity. Therefore, start alone, using meditation practices. Meditation helps:

  • get closer to higher energy;
  • clear the consciousness, in the future - the subconscious;
  • improve the energy of the chakras, which must first be felt;
  • set the mind to positive changes, feel the ability to independently influence events, program them.

The need for meditation leads to confidence in someone else's negative impact:

  • evil eye;
  • damage;
  • a curse.

These problems are being solved, but it takes time to realize why the negative came to this person, what is the degree of his guilt.


The beginning of work is preceded by long reflections about life, circumstances, fate, success. The need for meditation to cleanse oneself of negativity is grounded as a result of comparison with someone's positive achievements.

The stage of preparation for the beginning of work on oneself includes:

  • reading literature;
  • definition of own problem;
  • belief in the need to meditate, connect to higher powers and ask them for help.

Few people know that the energy of the Universe is open to all people. It can be taken at any time when there is a need. Many ask for help, but are afraid to take it. It should be done differently: take and thank. The fear of using the common energy is hidden fears that need to be overcome until it becomes a habit.

Mentally preparing for is the biggest problem. Much more than the technical process itself. The desire to change, thereby changing one's life and events around, speaks of a person's spiritual maturity, readiness to take responsibility.

Next comes the process of mastering the purification meditation technique. Learn it easier and faster. It is enough to spend a couple of sessions, relax, get distracted. Then this process will turn into a daily need, a desire to improve.

Gradually, the internal algorithm of actions (the influence of subconscious negative programs) will weaken. A new plan will come in its place, which will allow you to get closer to what you want, to feel inner comfort, confidence, calmness.

Some psychologists advise letting go of old emotions, replacing them with new sensations. In words, it's simple. First you need to decide what exactly to let go - take the first step. Pick a problem, work on a solution. You won't be able to do much at once - you don't have to try. For comparison, a person who wants to lift 200 kg has never done strength sports before.

How to work with meditation

Before starting the cleansing meditation, you need to completely relax. Complete solitude is important, especially for beginners, who will be distracted by any sound. Turn off the phone and close the curtains - create twilight in the room. You can sit in the lotus position if it does not cause pain in the joints. The first lessons should be short - 5-10 minutes.

Important! Don't try to do too many at once. Any good undertaking takes time.

Learning to mentally be silent is the first step to success. It is important to learn to stop your thoughts during meditation. This mode helps to feel the movement of emotions inside. Often, people interrupt themselves: as soon as a bold thought appears, a person in fear tries to either speak it or interrupt it with other thoughts. The correct answer from the Universe is received only by completely turning off the consciousness:

  • do not speak out loud;
  • do not speak mentally.

If for the first time you manage to “keep silent” for a minute, great. The next session will be better.

When time passes - a week or two, you can begin to connect prayer, appeal to higher powers. It is necessary to turn mentally when a state of calm is achieved. You should start with gratitude.

When Prayer Works

Most people have no idea what prayer is, what is the meaning, how to ask correctly. Energy does not understand words. They connect to energy only energetically - this is the universal language of communication of all living beings. Everything ingenious is simple - filling oneself with positive feelings that do not specifically relate to the material or spiritual world, people get rid of complexes, cleanse the aura.

In the process of learning the art of positive (this is nothing but art or creativity), one should not think about material values. The main task of meditation (prayer) is to find a comfortable euphoric state, try to keep it longer.

The ancient monks called their state the state of prayer and maintained it constantly. One can only imagine how wonderful they felt. Such people were found in all religions - Orthodox, Buddhist, Muslim. The concept of meditation comes from Buddhism. Mantras are prayers, texts that help get rid of problems. Mantras, like prayers, do not work without a special state of human energy.

Anyone who once feels the filling of his essence with positive energy will no longer want to part with it. Such a person was Master Kuthumi, the founder of the Theosophical Society. An educated, well-read person. He retired to a Tibetan monastery, led an isolated life. Occasionally corresponded with devoted students.

He advised using stubbornness so that no one would lead a person astray from the true path - knowledge and joy. Joy is a natural state of man that must be fought for.

How to remove negative emotions

To remove the negative just like that - it will not work. It needs to be replaced with a positive one, to make sure that it is more pleasant, more comfortable for a person and his environment. When there are first results, I want to continue.

Negative thoughts, emotions must first be recognized: released, exacerbated the conflict within oneself. This is the meaning of Christian confession. The question is how honestly a person confesses to himself or to another. We must try to do it as honestly as possible. You can calm yourself down by the fact that there is no one in the room, no one will hear. It's important to hear yourself. There are different types of reactions:

  • mental pain;
  • depressed mood;
  • tears;
  • despair.

This is a sign that the cleansing process has begun. Cleaning lasts 2 - 3 days.

Important! Meditation should be done while sitting, trying not to move. Sometimes, people have to forcibly hold themselves in a sitting position, because awareness comes with an adrenaline rush that makes a person either cry or move hard.

The first few meditation sessions may be interrupted due to emotional outbursts. When such emissions begin to subside, this means that a person has overcome most of his hidden problems, freed himself from blocks, clamps associated with the suppression of his higher self.

Do not console yourself with thoughts that meditation is something simple, easy, accessible to everyone. All this is a characteristic of stupid things that can be done easily, simply, quickly. Everything worthwhile is achieved by exerting willpower, reason, desires.

Appeal to higher powers

Each person perceives higher powers in their own way. For some it is God, others mean love. In fact, the only sensation available to any entity in the Universe should be considered the highest power. It must be found and cultivated within oneself.

The saddest thing is that people spend decades searching for this feeling. To do this faster, you need more often:

  • concentrate;
  • retire;
  • change emotions, trying to maintain a positive, even if the situation requires the opposite.

The problem with beginners is that they hold onto both the good and the bad. How to understand it? When you need to openly declare your rights, defend your positions, a person is afraid to do it. When he gets the rights, he is afraid to take and use it.

Successful people are impulsive when it comes to their well-being, ready to fight for their rights. Unsuccessful people are always insecure, but they demonstrate their temper to close people who often suffer because of this.

Helping yourself is the number one task for a beginner who has decided to try meditation. Trying is not enough. The goal should be set higher - to learn to meditate. Higher forces will begin to help when a person connects to them, charges more often and maintains a charge, like a good battery - for at least a day.


Meditation requires a conscious approach, attention, concentration on one's own personality. Inattention to oneself is the first enemy of purification meditation. Beginners should meditate on inner attraction when an energy uplift is felt.

Many people know that meditation is a unique way to relax and immerse yourself in your thoughts. However, with the help of spiritual practices, you can also improve your life and get rid of problems forever.

Since ancient times, mankind has been using spiritual practices to cleanse the soul and body of negativity. Due to its healing properties, meditation is very popular even in the modern world. Sometimes problems so overcome our lives that it seems impossible to get rid of them. However, with the help of meditation, you can get rid of troubles and overcome any life difficulties.

The peculiarity of meditation from problems and negativity

The peculiarity of this meditation lies not only in the awareness of existing problems, but also in the search for their causes. For a short time, you will be able to dive into yourself and realize what provokes negativity in your life and hinders success. You will be able to increase the flow of positive energy, and your condition will improve significantly.

By completing the meditation to clear problems and negativity, you will begin to think more positively. You will awaken the desire to change your life for the better, despite the problems that you will soon say goodbye to. By letting go of all negativity, you can realize your plans and find happiness.

Meditation from problems and negativity

As you already understood, the main goal of meditation is to completely clear the barriers that prevent you from finding happiness. You will notice its positive result soon, but it is important to follow all the rules.

The first step is to let go of negative thoughts. It is advisable to meditate in the morning, since at this time of day the body is still in a state of calm, which means that it will be much easier to relax and tune in to the positive.

After you have succeeded in clearing your thoughts of negativity, imagine that you are letting go of problems and unpleasant memories. You should feel how the flow of positive energy pushes them out of your life and thus clears the way for you to true happiness.

Imagine that you are in a beautiful place, and there is a peaceful atmosphere around you. You can visualize fond memories and re-experience the emotions you once experienced. Many people during this meditation prefer to go back to the childhood years of their lives, when there were no problems that appeared already in adulthood. Try to give free rein to your fantasies.

The last step in meditation to get rid of problems and negativity is to realize that your life is about to change. You must imagine a future where you will not have problems, where only positive people will surround you, and most importantly, try to feel at this moment that the long-awaited happiness is already very close.

There is no time limit for meditation. It is advisable to carry out this practice 1-2 times a week, and soon you will notice that your life has become much brighter and more joyful.

Many people believe that you can only make a wish on birthdays and New Years. However, it turns out that you can realize your dreams at any time of the year and even on a normal weekday. Effective meditations will help you with this. May your life be bright and happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.02.2018 01:16

Everyone needs protection from negative energy. To protect yourself, use the ancient practices of the legendary Shambhala. Wise...
