What are primary fire extinguishers? Fire safety: Fire extinguishers, Rescue tools, Protective clothing, equipment

It is not recommended to install electric heaters near combustible objects. It is forbidden to overload the electrical network, leave the switched on electrical appliances unattended; when repairing the latter, they should be disconnected from the network.

Most flammable and explosive household appliances are TVs, gas stoves, water heaters and others. Their operation must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of instructions and manuals.

If there is a smell of gas, it is necessary to immediately turn off its supply and ventilate the room; at the same time, it is strictly forbidden to turn on the lighting, smoke, light matches, candles. To avoid gas poisoning, remove from the premises all people who are not involved in troubleshooting gas stove and gas pipeline.

Do not leave young children unattended, allow them to play with matches, turn on electric heaters and light gas.

It is forbidden to clutter up the access roads to buildings, the approach to fire hydrants, to lock the doors of common hallways in apartment buildings, to force easily destructible partitions and balcony hatches with heavy objects, to close the openings of the air zone of smoke-free staircases. It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of fire automatics and keep fire detectors, smoke exhaust systems and fire extinguishers in good condition.

· Action in case of fire.

In the event of a fire, you must urgently leave the building using the main and emergency (fire) exits or stairs (it is dangerous to use elevators), and call the fire department as soon as possible, inform your full name, address and what is on fire.

At the initial stage of the development of a fire, you can try to extinguish it using all available fire-fighting equipment(fire extinguishers, internal fire hydrants, blankets, sand, water, etc.). It must be remembered that the fire on the power supply elements cannot be extinguished with water. First you need to turn off the voltage or cut the wire with an ax with a dry wooden handle. If all efforts were in vain, and the fire spread, you need to urgently leave the building (evacuate). When stairwells are filled with smoke, the doors leading to them should be tightly closed, and if a dangerous concentration of smoke forms and the temperature in the room (room) rises, move to the balcony, taking with you a wet blanket (carpet, other dense fabric) to hide from fire in in case of its penetration through the door and window openings; close the door tightly behind you. Evacuation should continue through the fire escape or through another apartment if there is no fire, using tightly tied sheets, curtains, ropes or a fire hose. You need to go down one by one, insuring each other. Such self-rescue is associated with a risk to life and is permissible only when there is no other way out. You can not jump from the windows (balconies) of the upper floors of buildings, as statistics show that this ends in death or serious injury.

When rescuing victims from a burning building, before entering there, cover your head with a wet blanket (coat, raincoat, piece of thick fabric). Open the door to a smoky room carefully to avoid a flash of flame from a rapid influx fresh air. In a heavily smoky room, crawl or crouch, breathe through a damp cloth. If the victim's clothes caught fire, throw some kind of cover (coat, raincoat) over him and press firmly to stop the air flow. When rescuing victims, take precautions against possible collapse, collapse and other hazards. After removing the victim, give him the first medical care and send to the nearest medical center.

For rapid response, mobile brigades fire brigade .

Protection directly from fire is divided into protection of a person from high temperature, and, which is often more dangerous - fire hazards, one of which is carbon monoxide. use thermal insulating clothing BOP(combat clothing fireman), insulating gas masks and compressed air apparatus, air-filtering hoods like gas masks.

The most important means of protecting a person from dangerous factors fire are planning solutions for buildings. Escape routes must be illuminated through openings in the outer enclosing structures. The glazing in these openings should be made of easily removable materials. On stairs without natural light, the air supply to the stairwell must be provided. When long corridors without natural lighting, it is necessary to organize smoke removal from escape routes. Smoke extraction and air pressurization systems must be started by the system fire alarm.

Fireproof safes are used to protect valuables and documents from fire.

Fire extinguishing means and rules for their use.

Fire is ruthless, but people who are prepared for this natural disaster, having even basic fire extinguishing equipment at hand, emerge victorious in the fight against it.

Fire extinguishers are divided into henchmen(sand, water, bedspread, blanket, etc.) and personnel(fire extinguisher, axe, hook, bucket). Consider the most common of them fire extinguishers, and also give the basic rules for handling and using them in extinguishing fires.

fire extinguishers- technical devices designed to extinguish fires in the initial stage of their occurrence.

Foam fire extinguishers. Designed to extinguish fires with fire extinguishing foams: chemical (OHP fire extinguishers) or air-mechanical (OVP fire extinguishers). They are not used to extinguish various substances and materials that burn without air access, and electrical installations that are energized.

To activate the OHP fire extinguisher, you must: bring the fire extinguisher to the fire; lift the handle and throw it to failure; turn the fire extinguisher upside down and shake; direct the jet to the source of fire.

The disadvantages of foam fire extinguishers include a narrow temperature range of application (from + 5 to + 45 ° C), high corrosiveness of the charge; the possibility of damage to the extinguishing object, the need for annual recharging.

TOPIC 2: "Fire extinguishing media and the procedure for their use in case of fire"

Water, air-mechanical foam, powders, inert gases are used to extinguish fires.

Water, as the main means for extinguishing most combustible materials, can be supplied to the fire in the form of compact jets or in a finely sprayed form. Compact jets are supplied using ordinary fire nozzles, and sprayed jets are delivered through special spray nozzles or sprinkler or deluge heads. Water can be supplied to the fire using buckets and other containers.


All existing fire engines are divided into three groups: main, special and auxiliary.

Within each group, there are types of machines that differ from each other in the design of individual components or the entire machine as a whole. So, fire engines of the main purpose include tank trucks, car pumps, motor pumps, fire trains, ships, airplanes and helicopters. Each type of vehicle has several standard sizes (models) that differ in performance, dimensions, weight, etc. Thus, according to the type of base chassis, fire engines can be divided into automobile, tractor, tank and artillery. According to the type of energy used, machines are distinguished that are driven by electric, internal combustion, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc. engines. According to the type of control, machines with mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and other control systems are distinguished. According to the degree of versatility, the machines are divided into communication and lighting machines, technical services with working equipment, and specialized machines designed to perform only one type of work (motor pumps, ladders, auto-moving fire monitors, etc.).

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Fire trucks and pumps

Fire tank trucks and auto pumps are designed to deliver personnel, water, foam concentrate, fire fighting equipment to the fire site and supply water or air-mechanical foam to the fire site.

largest specific gravity in the production of fire trucks occupy tank trucks (over 80%), which, due to their versatility, are widely used in fire departments of all industries National economy and in firefighting subdivisions of civil defense units and formations.

Tank trucks belong to a group of vehicles that are independent tactical units. They are also used in combination with other types of fire engines.

Currently, the domestic industry produces tankers of three main types: light-carrying capacity of the base chassis up to four tons, medium - carrying capacity of the base chassis from four to five tons and heavy - carrying capacity of the base chassis over five tons.

Fire trucks are mounted on the chassis trucks normal and high traffic. The chassis of the base vehicle is being modified for the installation of a pumping unit, a power transmission of a centrifugal pump, a water tank, a combat crew cabin and a car body.

Truck pumps differ from tank trucks in the absence of a water tank, an expanded set of fire-fighting equipment (in terms of quantity and range), a large number of places for combat crews and an increased capacity of the foam tank. Autopumps, as a rule, are used in conjunction with tank trucks, but they can also be successfully used independently to extinguish fires in areas with a well-developed water supply network (natural or artificial), especially in cities and industrial enterprises.

By design, autopumps and tankers are similar to each other, as they have the same type of layout and the same unified units - power take-offs and pumping units, other units and systems. The degree of unification of tankers and autopumps mounted on the chassis of the same vehicle reaches 70%, which greatly facilitates operation and Maintenance cars.

Fire tank truck AC-40.

The tank truck (Fig. 1) is mounted on the chassis of a three-axle off-road vehicle.

The tank truck has a transportable water supply of 2400 liters, which is enough to operate with one barrel with a nozzle with a diameter of 13 mm for 10 minutes at a pressure of 60 mm of water. Art. or for 8 minutes of work at a pressure of 30 mm of water. Art.

The stock of transported foaming agent) ensures the production of about 35 m3 of foam with a multiplicity of 10. In the case of filling the water tank with a foaming agent when operating from external source water you can get about 600 m3 of foam.

The tank truck is equipped with a stationary fire monitor and high expansion foam generators.

The main technical characteristics of modern fire trucks and autopumps are given in Table. one. General device fire tank truck is shown in fig. 2. The main units in the design of fire trucks and pumps are: a fire pump, a vacuum system, a fire pump drive, an additional cooling system, tanks for water and a foam concentrate, a heating system for a cabin and tanks (tanks), a water-foam communications control system.

Rice. one. Fire tank truck ATs-40 on ZIL-131 chassis

Technical characteristics of modern fire trucks and pumps


Tank trucks and auto pumps

ACS-40(131) 42A

Chassis brand



Maximum travel speed, km/h

Gross vehicle weight, kg

Maximum engine power, l, with.

Pump brand

Pump performance at a geometric suction height of 3.5 m, l / s

The number of revolutions of the pump shaft, rpm

Capacities, l:

for foam concentrate

Foam extinguishing fire trucks

Foam extinguishing fire trucks are designed to deliver combat crew, fire-technical equipment, foam concentrate, technical means for supplying air-mechanical foam and are used to extinguish fires at oil refineries and petrochemical plants, as well as to extinguish burning oil and oil products.

Foam extinguishing vehicles are equipped on off-road chassis.

For the protection of small oil depots, foam extinguishing vehicles can be mounted on a chassis with a carrying capacity of 4-4.5 tons, while a fire pump with a foam capacity of 4.5 to 7 m / min should be armed, have a container for delivering the foam concentrate in the required amount and appropriate equipment for receiving and supplying foam.

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For the protection of large oil depots, foam extinguishing vehicles are equipped on a chassis with a carrying capacity of 5-7 tons, and for the protection of oil production and processing areas, foam extinguishing vehicles are mounted on a heavy-duty chassis.

Depending on the type of foam (air-mechanical or chemical), foam extinguishing vehicles are divided into air-foam extinguishing vehicles and chemical foam extinguishing vehicles.

At present, the AV-40(375) air-foam extinguishing fire truck is mass-produced (Fig. 7).

It delivers 4,000 liters of foam concentrate to the fire site, from which about 1,000 m3 of air-mechanical foam with a 10-fold expansion can be obtained.

When extinguishing large fires of oil products, AV-40 (375) should be used in conjunction with tankers or autopumps. However, if there is a source of water near the fire, it is also possible independent application car. It can also be used as a fire truck. Automobile

can work in various climatic zones with annual temperature fluctuations from -35 to + 35 ° C. High cross-country ability allows you to operate it in areas with bad roads. Load capacity AV-5t.

Rice. 7. Fire truck of air-foam extinguishing AB

A feature of the layout of the car is the average location of the pump in the cabin of the combat crew with the suction pipeline leading forward, under the bumper of the car, as well as the use of remote hydraulic control of the main valves of the water-foam communications and the fire monitor.

A three-legged metal ladder and four-meter suction hoses (Du-150 and Dn-75) are placed in special canisters under the tank and body pedestals.

On the AB-40(375) car, in addition to the electrical equipment of the base chassis, the following were additionally stopped: a searchlight for lighting the work place, two flashing signal lights.

Completing fire-fighting equipment is located in the cab, in the compartments of the body and is securely fastened with special clamps that ensure its quick and convenient removal.

The AV-40(375) vehicle is a modification of the AC-40(375) fire tank truck and differs from it in the design of the rear compartments of the body pedestals, additional devices for creating a reliable tightness of the tank, fire fighting equipment and the design of its attachment points. Such main components as a fire pump, power take-off, additional power transmission, hydraulic equipment, fire monitors, main valves for water-foam communications, additional electrical equipment are completely unified.

Using the AV-40(375) car, you can perform the following types of work:

Extinguishing. oil products spilled on the ground or in industrial premises; the supply of the extinguishing agent is carried out either with the help of a stationary barrel, or through hose lines that supply portable foam generators with high-expansion air-mechanical foam;

Extinguishing oil products in tanks by supplying air-mechanical foam through the hoses under the fuel layer through a special valve in the lower part of the tank, while a glass with an ejector of the UPPS-46 unit is connected to the valve;

Extinguishing oil products in tanks by supplying air-fur. high-expansion foam from above onto the “mirror” of oil products through two foam generators mounted on top of a three-legged metal stairs; the latter can be installed both on the ground and fixed on the front bumper of the car.

Fire pump stations and hose trucks

When extinguishing large fires in areas natural Disasters, nuclear lesions require a significant amount of water (foam) to be supplied over long distances. For this purpose, a complex of high-power machines is used: a fire pumping station with a hose car or a special set of pipelines, self-propelled crawler monitors, as well as army field main pipelines.

The PNS-110 fire pumping station is designed to supply water through main lines for direct power supply to auto pumps, mobile fire monitors and air-foam tubes, to fill tankers with water (where there is no running water, and water sources are removed over long distances), as well as to create a water supply when extinguishing large fires of oil products.

The fire pumping station PNS-110 (Fig. 8) is a pumping unit mounted on the chassis of a ZIL-131 car, covered with a rigid metal hood. Under the hood there is an engine (diesel) with a clutch, centrifugal pump PN-110 connected to the engine with a card. shaft, as well as systems: fuel, lubrication, cooling and heating, air and vacuum. The unit has controls pumping unit, instrument panel and accessories.

The engine is started using an electric starter. Emergency (auxiliary) start of the engine is carried out by compressed air.

Rice. 8. Fire pumping station PNS-110:

a - general form; b- back view; 1 - pumping room; 2 - instrumentation of the pump room

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Fire hose car AR-2

The AR-2 fire hose truck (Fig. 13) is designed to deliver pressure hoses with a diameter of 150, 110 and 77 mm to the fire site, with a total length of 1340, 1850 and 2200 m, respectively, for laying hose lines on the move of the car, mechanized winding of hoses into rolls , as well as for loading them into the car body.

The car is used in conjunction with mobile pumping stations, truck pumps or tank trucks. Hose lines can be laid at a vehicle speed of 8-10 km/h. The time of simultaneous laying of two main lines from sleeves with a diameter of 150 mm, a length of 740 m is about 2.5 minutes. The time of winding two sleeves into rolls, taking into account the installation of the forks of the device, is about 40 s, and the time of lifting two rolls of sleeves into the body is about 25 s.

The possibility of completing the vehicle with sleeves of three diameters, the presence of a device for mechanized winding of sleeves into rolls and their loading into the body, which can be quickly released from the guide racks, as well as the presence of a permanently installed fire monitor provide high tactical capabilities of the vehicle.

The car has a high average speed movement and can be successfully operated in areas with undeveloped roads and in off-road conditions. It can work in various climatic conditions at air temperature from -35 to; +35°С.

The sleeve car is mounted on the chassis of a three-axle ZIL-131 cross-country vehicle. A winch is installed in front of the car to pull it out on difficult sections of the road, as well as to assist cars stuck on the way.

The carrying capacity of the base chassis of the vehicle when operating on mixed roads with various types coatings, including dirt roads and off-road areas, 3.5 tons.

Rice. 13. Fire hose car AR-2 (131):


Motor pumps are designed to supply water from open water sources and pump water over long distances when extinguishing fires. Simplicity and reliability of designs, simple rules appeals make motor pumps indispensable for extinguishing fires in hard-to-reach places, at national economy facilities, on collective farms and state farms. Motor pumps are divided into portable and trailed.

Portable motor pump MP-600A consists of a two-stroke carburetor internal combustion engine and a single-stage centrifugal pump, which are mounted on a common frame with handles for carrying the motor pump.

Productivity of a motor-pump - 600 l/min. Engine power at 3000 rpm -9.6 kW (13 hp). During operation, the motor pump consumes 6.8 liters of fuel per hour.

Portable motor pump MP-800A consists of an internal combustion engine and a centrifugal pump. The engine is two-stroke, carburetor at 3500 rpm develops a power of 17.2 kW (23.5 hp). Hourly fuel consumption - 9l.

The motor pump has a three-mode speed limiter for the engine crankshaft in idle and water suction modes. The limiter consists of the speed limiter itself, a hydraulic diaphragm sensor and an oil system with an oil compensator.

The suction line and the pump are filled with water by a vacuum system consisting of a gas-jet vacuum apparatus mounted on the cylinder head, a hose system and a distribution valve mounted on the pump housing. The gas-jet vacuum apparatus is driven by compressed air. Turning on and off the gas-jet vacuum apparatus is carried out by turning the handle of the distribution valve.

motor pump MP-1400 is a single-axle trailer, on which a ZMZ-451 internal combustion engine and a centrifugal pump are mounted. The four-cylinder carbureted engine develops 51.5 kW (70 hp) at 3800 rpm. The pump with a suction height of 3.5 m provides a supply of 1500 l / min at a pressure of 882 kPa (90 m w.c.).

The engine and pump are covered with a metal hood, which has two side flaps for access to the engine, instrument panel and control levers. The motor pump is started from the starter.

The pump consists of a housing and a cover with a suction pipe. The impeller on the shaft is fixed cantilever. The shaft rotates in two ball bearings lubricated with oil poured into the pump shaft housing.

The pump seal consists of three rubber frame seals ASK-38 X 58 X 9, which ensure the tightness of the internal cavity of the pump. Water is sucked in by a gas-jet vacuum apparatus powered by engine exhaust gases.

Rice. 13. Fire pump MP-1600.

motor pump MP-1600(Fig. 13) is mounted on a single-axle trailer, on which an engine and a centrifugal pump are installed. The top of the motor pump is closed with a metal hood, and the bottom with a pallet. Motor pump MP-1600 is based on the design of motor pump MP-1400. The ZMZ-451 engine is used as a power unit, with a pump rigidly connected to the clutch. The engine is started from a starter powered by a 12 V battery. The motor pump is equipped with a stationary foam mixer for supplying air-mechanical foam. The instrumentation of the pump and the engine are located on the instrument panel of the motor pump.

The suction of water from water sources is carried out using a gas-jet vacuum apparatus. The motor-pump pump supplies 1600 l/min of water at a pressure of 784 kPa (80 m of water column). Management of vacuum system - semi-automatic.

The simplest means for extinguishing fires are usually called devices, materials and tools that are used to eliminate a fire at the initial stage. Such means should include:

  • fire extinguishers;
  • fire hydrants located indoors;
  • water;
  • felt bag;
  • sand;
  • bucket with a shovel;
  • asbestos sheet, etc.

These items should always be ready for work and located in an accessible place.

When a fire is immediately detected, it can be eliminated using the simplest fire extinguishing means, classification and their application make it possible to choose the most suitable option. Sometimes it is not possible to completely extinguish the source of fire, but using the usual means of extinguishing the fire, it is possible to eliminate the fire in a certain area. As a rule, such means are considered sufficiently effective only at the initial stage of a fire. Further, you will need to use more serious methods that are highly effective. In addition, you can not do without the help of specialists.

To simple means To extinguish a fire, include:

  • portable or mobile bottle fire extinguishers;
  • fabrics and capes made of natural threads. For the production of such bedspreads, felt and felt can be used. Asbestos canvases are also quite effective;
  • boxes for sand or other powders. It can be earth or perlite. These boxes should be located close to places where there is a risk of spilling flammable substances.

All fire extinguishers should be located in cabinets or in special bedside tables, while a clear classification of devices by type and type must be observed. This is necessary to ensure quick and easy access to them.

Fire extinguishers that are unsuitable for use must be replaced, since fire safety depends on this, primary fire extinguishing agents are often used to eliminate the consequences after natural disasters.

Which fire extinguisher to choose for a particular object?

Depending on the type and area of ​​a particular room, the type of fire extinguisher used is revealed, which can be used as a primary means of extinguishing a fire. Portable devices weigh no more than 20 kg. As for mobile units, they are fixed on trolleys. In the second case, several cylinders filled with substances to extinguish fires can be used at once.

According to the type of such substance, fire extinguishers can be:

  • based on water;
  • powder;
  • foam.

Foam-based fire extinguishers, in turn, are divided into air and chemical-foam. In addition, there are gas cylinders, which are subdivided into:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • freon;
  • combined.

In accordance with the type of release of substances for extinguishing fires, cylinders:

  • can be uploaded;
  • refuel with liquefied or compressed gases;
  • equipped with gas generating or thermal parts;
  • equipped with injectors.

If fire extinguishers are subdivided according to the type of working pressure, then high and low pressure means can be distinguished.

According to the type of extinguishing substances, the equipment of devices may differ:

  • for extinguishing combustible substances in solid form;
  • to extinguish flammable substances in liquid form;
  • to extinguish the ignition of combustible gases;
  • for metal elements and parts that contain metal;
  • for extinguishing electrical installations.

In addition, there are combined multifunctional fire extinguishers, as well as devices that can be charged and used repeatedly.

Fire extinguishing powder can be of the following types:

  • ABCE, while phosphorus-ammonium salts are used as the active substance;
  • EVERYTHING where active ingredients are sodium/potassium bicarbonate, potassium sulfate/chloride, and an alloy of urea with carbonic acid;
  • D - the active substance can be graphite and potassium chloride.

As for gas fire extinguishers, non-combustible gas acts as a working substance in them. In addition, cylinders can be filled with freon or bromoethyl. In most cases, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are used as the primary means of extinguishing fires.

It is required to select the type and calculate the required number of fire extinguishers in accordance with the norms and rules of the fire regime.

For buildings, you also need to install required number fire shields, while their package may include non-mechanized fire tools and equipment.

In the process of distributing primary means for extinguishing fires at facilities, one should proceed from the requirements of Chapter 19 of the PPR.

When choosing the type of fire extinguisher, you need to pay attention to its effectiveness and degree of consumption.

Where can primary fire extinguishers be used?

The simplest and accessible means water is considered to extinguish a fire. With its help, you can not only extinguish the fire in the ignition source, but also moisten other objects. Thus, it becomes possible to create an obstacle to the ignition of other parts of the room. In this case, the main function of water is to cool the burning element.

What cannot be extinguished with water?

Despite the significant benefits, there is one caveat, namely:

  • do not use water to extinguish the mains, as this threatens to short circuit. It is possible to extinguish power lines and electrical installations only if the power supply is disconnected;
  • it is forbidden to use water to extinguish gasoline, kerosene, oils and other combustible substances, the specific gravity of which is much lower than that of water. This feature is explained by the fact that these substances easily float to the surface of the water, thereby increasing the burning area. In such situations, it is better to use fabrics of increased density, as well as wool-based materials. A good option for extinguishing the fire of combustible substances is earth, sand or soda. Such means are good when there is no fire extinguisher at hand.

What hand tools can be used?

It is advisable to use earth and sand in this way: you need to scatter it or it along the edge of the fire, as a result of which a so-called barrier is created that prevents the spread of combustible substances and the movement of fire. It is convenient to use a scoop or a shovel to transfer sand and earth, but if such items are not at hand, then you can use a frying pan, baking sheet, plywood or some kind of bucket.

Excellent fighting fire felt. It prevents air from entering the fire, thus preventing the fire from spreading to other areas.

To extinguish a fire, do not use fabrics in the manufacture of which synthetics are used. This is due to the fact that they have a low ignition temperature, while toxic combustion products are released.

Use of other special fabrics

Alternatively, you can use a tarp, coarse wool or any other non-synthetic material.

Asbestos cloth, felt or felt mat must be at least one size square meter. Such blankets can be used to extinguish fires in smaller areas. If necessary, the size of the fabric can be increased by one and a half to two times. For their storage, it is advisable to purchase waterproof packages, only sometimes it will be necessary to remove the fabrics for drying and dusting.

Fire hydrant application efficiency

Basically, fire hydrants are located inside buildings. Thus, it is possible to extinguish any source of ignition. The exceptions are electrical networks and electrical appliances.

As a rule, such faucets should be located in a cabinet, while it should include a fire hydrant, hose and barrel. When a fire occurs, the procedure for using primary fire extinguishing equipment must be observed, in this case it is required to connect all these parts and connect to the tap.

It is more convenient to carry out fire extinguishing work together, since you need to quickly hold the hose to the fire site and start the water by turning the tap strongly.

There are some requirements regarding the placement of the crane. It should be located 1.35 m from the floor level.

Inspection of such devices should be carried out once every two years, and with the launch of water - once a year.

Rules for the placement and use of fire extinguishing agents

As a rule, means for extinguishing objects of ignition should be located with a special designation, which has numbers and letters. Regardless of the purpose of the objects, fire shields must be present, which must be placed in a conspicuous place. Such installations accommodate not only fire extinguishers, but also buckets, crowbars, axes and hooks. Near the shield should be a box with a capacity of 0.5-3 square meters. meters. This box is filled with sand. It is possible to install another container, for example, barrels for storing water. If a sand box is installed, then you need to take care of installing a scoop or shovel.

A fire shield with primary means for extinguishing a fire must be present at facilities where the placement of an internal fire-fighting water supply is not provided. This also applies to special installations for automatic operation.

The fire shield is very convenient fixture, you can attach pitchforks, hooks, hooks, brooms, axes, hand pumps and other items to prevent the spread of fire.

Fire shields must be opened with minimum cost time. Equipment must be secured in such a way that it can be easily removed and used.

at the expense effective use extinguishing agents to minimize fire damage. That is why the complete set of fire shields and cabinets must meet all the requirements and safety standards. In addition, much depends on the skills of the staff to use certain improvised means to eliminate the fire. If a fire breaks out, in any case, it is necessary to call the fire department, since improper independent actions can aggravate the problem.

Primary fire extinguishing media (PSP) are tools and materials used for fire extinguishing, effective in the initial stage of ignition. It is important to understand that it is life-threatening to resist the fire element that has erupted through the use of PSP. These tools can be used by people who do not have professional knowledge of fire fighting before the fire brigade arrives at the site. PSP is placed in places specially equipped for this - in fire cabinets, on fire stands and fire shields

Types of primary fire extinguishing agents

Fire extinguishing agents

  • Water- the most popular means of fighting fire. When water is supplied to the source of ignition, some of the non-evaporated liquid is absorbed and reduces the temperature of the burning object. Spreading across the floor, water prevents the ignition of parts of the interior that are not covered by flame. Since water is an electrical conductor, it is not suitable for extinguishing equipment and networks that are energized. It is strictly forbidden to pour water on flammable liquids. Such liquids form oily spots on the surface of the water, and, spreading along with the water, continue to burn on its surface;
  • Sand and earth- these are substances that effectively fight the ignition of combustible liquids (gasoline, oils, resins, kerosene, etc.) When pouring earth around the perimeter of the burning zone, try to surround the fire and prevent the burning liquid from spreading. After that, you should throw a layer of earth on the burning surface, which will block the access of oxygen necessary for the combustion process and absorb the liquid.

Fire extinguishing materials

Felt felt, metal small-mesh nets, asbestos cloths- designed to protect the source of ignition from the access of oxygen. This is quite effective if the fire has a small area;

Fireman's hand tools and fire equipment.

On fire stands and fire shields there is a fire tool - crowbars, shovels, hooks, hooks, axes, etc. Fire equipment, as a rule, is installed next to the fire shield or stand - it can be a box of sand, a barrel or a vat of water, etc. Fire tools are used to transport fire extinguishing agents to the fire zone, as well as to dismantle smoldering structures, open doors, etc.

Fire equipment.

  • fire crane- are used in a set with a fire barrel and a fire hose on the inner fire water supply. It can be used both for extinguishing a small fire, and for a serious fire resistance as an additional fire extinguishing agent. Fire hydrants are located in fire cabinets. They are easy to use and do not require special skills and abilities. When establishing the fact of ignition, it is necessary to open the cabinet, connect the fire hose, fire hose and crane in series. Turn the faucet valve and proceed directly to extinguishing the fire;
  • Fire extinguisher- stationary or hand device, intended for fire extinguishing by ejection of the stored fire extinguishing composition. A handheld fire extinguisher is a red, cylindrical container with a tube or nozzle. When the fire extinguisher is activated, a fire-suppressing agent is released, which exits the nozzle under high pressure. This fire suppressant may be water, foam, powder or gaseous chemical compounds. According to fire safety standards, all production facilities of enterprises located on the territory of the Russian Federation must be equipped with fire extinguishers. The requirement to have a fire extinguisher in road transport is in the rules traffic many states of the world. Fire extinguishers differ depending on the type of fire suppressant used and the method of its supply, the method of operation and the type of starting device, as well as the volume of the fire extinguisher housing.

The operation of the PSP on the territory of the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the instruction “On the maintenance and use of fire extinguishing agents”, approved by the order of the head, which is developed on the basis of the Fire Safety Rules. All employees of the enterprise, without fail, must familiarize themselves with the provisions of this manual. Persons responsible for the availability and readiness of the PSP conduct their quarterly inspection, with the data of the inspection result entered in a special journal. Faults and inconsistencies identified during the inspection must be promptly eliminated as soon as possible.

World of Fire Safety will help your company equip fire shields, fire cabinets and fire stands with primary fire extinguishing equipment, as well as help you deal with all the formalities that are associated with the operation of this equipment.

Extinguishing agents: water, sand, foam, powder, gaseous substances that do not support combustion (freon), inert gases, steam.

Fire-fighting equipment:

chemical foam fire extinguishers;

foam fire extinguisher;

powder fire extinguisher;

carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

Fire fighting systems

water supply system;

foam generator

Systems automatic fire extinguishing using Wed-in automatic. signaling

fire detector (heat, light, smoke, radiation)

For the CC, thermal sensors-detectors of the DTL type, smoke radioisotope type RID are used.

Manual fire extinguishing system (push-button detector).

For VC, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers OU, OA are used (they create a jet of sprayed ethyl bromine) and automatic gas fire extinguishing systems that use freon or freon as an extinguishing agent.

To extinguish a fire with water, sprinklers and drainers are used in the automatic fire extinguishing system. Their disadvantage is that spraying occurs on an area up to 15 m 2.

Way of connection of sensors in system el. fire alarm with receiving station m.b. - parallel (beam); - sequential (stub).

Characteristics of the mountains. Environment, object

extinguishing agents

common solid and combustible materials (wood, paper)

flammable liquids that melt when the material is heated (fuel oil, alcohols, gasoline)

water spray, all types of foams, powders, CO2 and bromoethyl based formulations

combustible gases (hydrogen, acetylene, hydrocarbons)

gas. formulations containing inert diluents (nitrogen, powders, water)

metals and their alloys (Na, K, Al, Mg)

email live installations

powders, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, bromoethyl + CO 2 compounds

Fire extinguishers and their properties.

Primary fire extinguishing equipment must be kept in accordance with the passport data on them. It is not allowed to use fire extinguishing equipment that does not have the appropriate certificates.

Extinguishing agents are divided into four groups according to the dominant principle of cessation of combustion: cooling, isolating, diluting and inhibiting action.

Cooling media: water, a solution of water with a wetting agent, solid carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide in a snowy form), aqueous solutions of salts.

Means of isolation: fire-extinguishing foams (chemical, air-mechanical), fire-extinguishing powder compositions, non-combustible bulk substances (sand, earth, slag, fluxes, graphite), sheet materials(covers, shields).

Thinners: inert gases (carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon), flue gases, water vapor, water mist, gas-water mixtures, explosive explosion products.

Means of chemical inhibition of the combustion reaction: halocarbons (ethyl bromide, freons), compositions based on halocarbons, water-bromoethyl solutions (emulsions), fire-extinguishing powder compositions.

Water- the most common fire extinguishing agent. It has a high heat capacity, a significant heat of vaporization, which allows you to take away a large number of heat during fire extinguishing. When extinguishing fires, water is used in the form of compact, atomized and finely atomized jets.

Water with wetting agent It has a good penetrating ability, due to which the greatest effect is achieved in extinguishing fires, and especially when burning fibrous materials, peat, soot. Aqueous solutions of wetting agents can reduce water consumption by 30 - 50%, as well as the duration of fire extinguishing.

However, it should be borne in mind that water as a fire extinguishing agent has a number of properties that limit its use. So water cannot be used to extinguish the following fires:

Electrical installations and devices under voltage, as this can lead to a short circuit of the equipment and injury to people electric shock;

materials stored in place with calcium carbide and quicklime;

Metallic sodium, potassium, magnesium, because in this case water decomposes with the formation of an explosive mixture.

At the same time, it is the cause of significant damage if, when extinguishing a fire, unreasonable big number trunks are used indoors without non-overlapping taps or operating trunks are left unattended, etc. In case of fires in attics or on the upper floors of buildings, water can wet the ceilings and partitions located below, lingering in watertight areas, creating an additional load on the ceiling structures, which sometimes turns out to be the cause of their collapse.

Solid carbon dioxide(carbon dioxide in a snowy form) has been widely used as a fire extinguishing agent for charging carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. The carbon dioxide found in liquid state stored under pressure, when it passes into the gaseous phase, it turns into a snow-like crystalline mass. Carbon dioxide is an inert gas, colorless and odorless, 1.5 times heavier than air. 1 kg of liquid carbon dioxide during the transition to the gaseous phase forms 500 liters of gas. These properties of carbon dioxide ensure the cessation of combustion not only due to cooling, but also due to the dilution and isolation of burning substances. As a fire extinguishing agent, carbon dioxide can be used to extinguish fires in electrical installations, engines, as well as to extinguish fires in archives, libraries, museums, exhibitions, design offices, computer center equipment, etc. Do not use it to extinguish ignited magnesium and its alloys, metal sodium and potassium, since in this case carbon dioxide is decomposed with the release of atomic oxygen.

Foam there is a low multiplicity (less than 10), medium (from 10 to 200) and high (more than 200). It isolates the burning surface from air access, does not allow heat from the flame to pass to the surface of the liquid, prevents the release of liquid vapor and thereby stops combustion.

chemical foam It is obtained in foam generators by mixing foam generator powders and in fire extinguishers by the interaction of alkaline and acid solutions. Consists of carbon dioxide (80%), water (19.7%), foaming agent (0.3%). Possesses high firmness and efficiency in extinguishing of many fires. However, due to electrical conductivity and chemical activity, foam is not used to extinguish electrical and radio installations, electronic equipment, engines for various purposes, other devices and assemblies.

Air-mechanical foam (VMP) It is obtained by mixing in foam barrels or generators an aqueous solution of a foaming agent with air. It has the necessary resistance, dispersion, viscosity, cooling and insulating properties, which allow it to be used to extinguish solid materials, liquid substances and carry out protective actions, when extinguishing fires on the surface and volumetric filling of burning rooms (medium and high expansion foam). To supply low-expansion foam, SVP air-foam barrels are used, and to supply medium and high expansion foam, GPS foam generators are used.

Fire extinguishing powder compositions (OPS) are universal and effective means of extinguishing fires at relatively low specific costs. OPS is used to extinguish combustible materials and substances of any state of aggregation, electrical installations under voltage, metals, including organometallic and other pyrophoric compounds that cannot be extinguished with water and foams, as well as fires with significant sub-zero temperatures. OPS are divided into two main groups: general purpose, capable of creating a fire extinguishing cloud - to extinguish most fires and special ones that create a layer on the surface of materials that prevents the access of atmospheric oxygen - to extinguish metals and organometallic compounds. The main disadvantage of OPS is their tendency to caking and clumping. Due to the large dispersion of OPS, they form a significant amount of dust, which necessitates work in special clothing, as well as protective means for the respiratory and vision organs.

Water vapor. The extinguishing efficiency is low, therefore, they are used to protect closed technological apparatuses and rooms with a volume of up to 500 m 3 (ship holds, tubular oil furnaces). chemical enterprises, pumping stations for pumping oil products, drying and painting booths), for extinguishing small fires in open areas and creating curtains around protected objects.

Water mist(droplet size less than 100 microns) is obtained using special equipment: spray barrels, torque converters operating at high pressure (200-300 m). Water jets have a small impact force and flight range, but they irrigate a large surface, are more favorable for water evaporation, have an increased cooling effect, and dilute the combustible medium well. They allow not to excessively moisten the materials during their extinguishing, contribute to the rapid decrease in temperature, the deposition of smoke.

Halohydrocarbons and compositions based on them effectively suppress the combustion of gaseous, liquid, solid combustible substances and materials in all types of fires. In terms of efficiency, they exceed inert gases by 10 or more times. Halocarbons and compositions based on them are volatile compounds, they are gases or volatile liquids that are poorly soluble in water, but mix well with many organic substances. They have good wetting ability, are non-conductive, have a high density in the liquid and gaseous state, which makes it possible to form a jet, penetrate into the flame, and also retain vapors near the combustion source.

These extinguishing agents can be used for surface, volumetric and local fire extinguishing. With great effect, they can be used in the elimination of combustion of fibrous materials, electrical installations and equipment under voltage; for fire protection of vehicles, engine rooms of ships, computer centers, especially dangerous workshops of chemical enterprises, paint booths, dryers, warehouses with flammable liquids, archives, museum halls, and other objects of special value, increased fire and explosion hazard. Halohydrocarbons and compositions based on them can practically be used for any negative temperatures. The disadvantages of these fire extinguishing agents are: corrosiveness, toxicity; they cannot be used to extinguish materials containing oxygen, as well as metals, some metal hydrides and many organometallic compounds.

fire extinguishers

fire extinguishers- This is a technical device designed to extinguish fires in the initial stage of their occurrence. Fire extinguishers are a reliable means of extinguishing fires before the arrival of fire departments. The industry produces several types of hand-held, mobile and stationary fire extinguishers.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers OU-2, OU-5 designed to extinguish small initial fires of various substances and materials, with the exception of substances whose combustion occurs without air access. Fire extinguishers can be effectively used at temperatures from -25 to +50 degrees C.

Carbon dioxide-bromoethyl fire extinguishers designed to extinguish small starting fires of various substances, including devices under voltage. It is impossible to extinguish with these fire extinguishers burning alkaline and alkaline earth materials that burn without air access. As a charge, a composition consisting of ethyl bromide (97%) and liquefied carbon dioxide (3%) is used. The charge of the fire extinguisher has high wetting properties and is much more efficient than the charge of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. A fire extinguisher charged with OP-7 or OP-10 is used to extinguish alcohol, ether, acetone and other similar liquids.

Powder Hand Fire Extinguishers designed to extinguish small fires of flammable liquids, alkaline earth materials, electrical installations under voltage. Powder fire extinguisher OP-10, OP-50 is made of a metal cylinder with a capacity of 10.50 liters. PSB powder is used as a charge.

Fire extinguishing media

To suppress the combustion process, it is possible to reduce the content of the combustible component, oxidizer (air oxygen), lower the process temperature, or increase the activation energy of the combustion reaction.

Fire extinguishing agents. The simplest, cheapest and most accessible is water, which is supplied to the combustion zone in the form of compact continuous jets or in atomized form. Water, having a high heat capacity and heat of vaporization, has a strong cooling effect on the combustion site. In addition, during the evaporation of water, a large amount of steam is formed, which will have an insulating effect on the fire.

The disadvantages of water include poor wettability and penetrating ability in relation to a number of materials. To improve the extinguishing properties of water, surfactants can be added to it. Water must not be used to extinguish a range of metals, their hydrides, carbides, or electrical installations.

Foam are a widely used, effective and convenient means of extinguishing fires.

Recently, fire extinguishers have been increasingly used to extinguish fires. powders. They can be used to extinguish fires solids, various combustible liquids, gases, metals, as well as installations under voltage. Powders are recommended for use in the initial stage of a fire.

Inert diluents used for bulk quenching. They have a diluting effect. The most widely used inert diluents include nitrogen, carbon dioxide and various halocarbons. These agents are used when more readily available extinguishing agents such as water and foam are ineffective.

Automatic stationary installations fire extinguishing, depending on the extinguishing agents used, are divided into water, foam, gas and powder. Most wide use received water and foam extinguishing installations of two types - sprinkler and deluge.

sprinkler installation- most effective remedy extinguishing conventional combustible materials in the initial stage of fire development. Sprinkler installations are switched on automatically when the temperature in the protected volume rises above a predetermined limit. The whole system consists of pipelines laid under the ceiling of the room and sprinklers placed on pipelines with a given distance from each other.

Deluge installations differ from sprinkler ones in the absence of a valve in the sprinkler. The deluge sprinkler is always open. The deluge system is switched on manually or automatically at the signal of an automatic detector using a control and starting unit located on the main fire pipeline. The sprinkler installation is activated above the fire, and the deluge irrigates the entire protected object with water.

primary funds firefighting. These include fire extinguishers, buckets, water containers, sand boxes, crowbars, axes, shovels, etc.

fire extinguishers are one of the most effective primary fire extinguishing agents. Depending on the fire extinguishing agent being charged, fire extinguishers are divided into five types: water, foam, carbon dioxide, powder, freon.

Primary fire extinguishers are intended for use in the initial stage of a fire or ignition. Such means include special containers with water and sand, shovels, buckets, crowbars, hooks, asbestos sheets, coarse woolen fabrics and felt, fire extinguishers. Definition required amount primary fire extinguishing equipment is regulated by the "Fire Safety Rules in Russian Federation"(PPB-01-93). When determining the types and quantity of primary fire extinguishing agents, one should take into account the physicochemical and fire hazardous properties of combustible substances, their relationship to fire extinguishing agents, as well as the area of ​​​​premises, open areas and installations.

Barrels for water storage should have a volume of at least 0.2 m3 and be completed with buckets. Sand boxes should have a volume of 0.5; 1.0 or 3.0 m3 and equipped with a shovel. Sand tanks included in the design of the fire stand must have a capacity of at least 0.1 m3. The design of the box should ensure the convenience of extracting sand and exclude the ingress of precipitation.

Asbestos cloths, coarse-woolen fabrics and felt with a size of at least 1.0x1.0 m are designed to extinguish small fires when igniting substances that cannot burn without air. In places of application and storage of flammable and combustible liquids, the dimensions of the sheets can be increased (2.0x1.5 or 2.0x2.0 m).

A fire extinguisher, as a primary fire extinguishing agent, remains the most common, effective and affordable product in our time.

Powder fire extinguishers

OP-5 (g) with a body volume of 5 liters and OP-10 (g) (volume of 10 liters) are designed to extinguish the fire of solid combustible materials (fire class A), liquid combustible materials (fire class B), gaseous substances (fire class C) and electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V. Multiple recharge is possible.

Fire extinguishers can be used in residential, service, warehouses, small storage facilities for flammable and combustible liquids, car parks, car depots, garages, trade tents, garden houses and on vehicles.

Service life - 10 years. The recharge interval is 4 years.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

Designed to extinguish fires of substances, the combustion of which cannot occur without air access, fires of electrical installations under voltage not exceeding 1000V, liquid and gaseous substances (class B, C).

Fire extinguishers are divided into portable and mobile. Portable fire extinguishers are fire extinguishers carried by a person, the fire extinguishing capacity of which meets the minimum technical requirements established in the normative and technical documentation. Mobile fire extinguishers are fire extinguishers equipped with a device for transportation.

It is preferable to equip fire shields with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers in paint shops, warehouses, gas stations and on the territory of industrial enterprises.

The OU-8M fire extinguisher complies with the requirements of the SOLAS international convention for the safety of life at sea, has a certificate of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. It is used on objects of sea and river fleet.
Fire extinguishers must be operated within the operating temperature range from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius.

Air-foam fire extinguishers

They are used to extinguish class A and B fires (wood, paper, paints and fuels and lubricants). It is forbidden to use for extinguishing electrical installations that are energized!
Unlike injection fire extinguishers, in OVP-10 (b) the displacing gas is stored in a canister. to bring the fire extinguisher into working condition it is necessary to press the button on its head and wait 5 s until the working pressure is created inside the housing.

Are operated at a temperature from +5 to +50 °C.
Fire-extinguishing composition - foam concentrate solution (ORP).


The simplest means of extinguishing fires and fires is sand. It can be used in the vast majority of cases. It cools the combustible substance, makes it difficult for air to reach it and mechanically knocks down the flame. Near the place of storage of sand, it is necessary to have at least 1-2 shovels.

The most common and universal remedy fire extinguishing is water. However, it cannot be used when electric wires and live installations are on fire, as well as substances that, in contact with water, ignite or emit poisonous and combustible gases. Water should not be used to extinguish gasoline, kerosene and other liquids, as they are lighter than water, float up, and the combustion process does not stop.

To eliminate fires in the initial stage, asbestos or felt cloth can be used, which, when densely covered with a burning object, prevent air from entering the combustion zone.

Don't forget about indoor fire hydrants. They are placed, as a rule, in special cabinets adapted for their sealing and visual inspection without opening. Everyone must have a fire hose 10, 15 or 20 m long and a fire nozzle. One end of the sleeve is attached to the barrel, the other to the fire hydrant. Deployment of the calculation for the supply of water to the fire is made up of 2 people: one works with the barrel, the second supplies water from the tap.

Special place allocated to fire extinguishers - these modern technical devices designed to extinguish fires in their initial stage of occurrence. The domestic industry produces fire extinguishers, which are classified according to the type of fire extinguishing agent, the volume of the case, the method of supplying the fire extinguishing composition and the type of starting devices.

By type, fire extinguishing agents are liquid, foam, carbon dioxide, aerosol, powder and combined. According to the volume of the body, they are conditionally divided into manual small-capacity ones with a volume of up to 5 liters, industrial manual ones with a volume of 5-10 liters. stationary and mobile with a volume of more than 10 liters.

Liquid fire extinguishers (OJ). They are mainly used for extinguishing fires of solid materials of organic origin: wood, fabric, paper, etc. As a fire extinguishing agent, they use pure water, water with additives of surface-active substances (surfactants) that enhance its fire extinguishing ability, and aqueous solutions of mineral salts.

In currently produced OZH-5 and OZH-10, the charge is released under the action of a gas (carbon dioxide, nitrogen, air) pumped directly into the body or into a working cartridge. Coolants, despite the simplicity of design and maintenance, are of limited use, since they are not suitable for extinguishing oil products, they freeze when low temperatures and do not work, and also because aqueous solutions of mineral salts corrode the case very strongly and disable the fire extinguisher.

Here are some parameters of the OZH-5: fire extinguisher capacity - 5 l, weight - 7.3 kg, jet range - 6 - 8 m, charge ejection time - 20 s, operates at a temperature of + 2 ° and above. OZH-10: capacity - 10 l, weight - 13 kg, jet range - 6 - 8 m, charge ejection time - 45 s.

Foam fire extinguishers. Designed to extinguish a fire with chemical or air-mechanical foams. Chemical foam fire extinguishers (OHP) have a wide range of applications, with the exception of cases where the fire extinguishing charge contributes to the development of combustion or is a conductor of electric current.

The OHP fire extinguishing charge consists of two parts: alkaline, which is an aqueous solution of bicarbonate of soda with the addition of a small amount of blowing agent, and acidic - a mixture of sulfuric acid

The alkaline part of the charge is poured into the body of the fire extinguisher, and the acid is poured into a special polyethylene cup located in the neck of the body. When both parts of the charge are combined, a chemical foam is formed, consisting of many bubbles filled with carbon dioxide, which are intensively mixed, foaming the alkaline solution and pushing it out through the spray.

When working with an OHP-10 fire extinguisher, you must: take the handle and bring it to the fire. Raise the handle (turn counterclockwise), as a result of which the valve together with the stem will rise up, the spring will be compressed. With one hand, take the handle, turn it upside down, shake it, lay the upper part on the forearm of the second hand, direct the jet to the fire.

When working with a fire extinguisher, you must be very careful, as the charge contains sulfuric acid.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers OU-2, OU-5, OU-8. These fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish combustible materials and live electrical installations. The snowy mass has a temperature of -80°. When extinguishing, it reduces the temperature of the burning substance and reduces the oxygen content in the combustion zone.

Carbon dioxide in a cylinder or fire extinguisher is in the liquid or gaseous phase. Its relative amount depends on temperature. As the temperature rises, liquid carbon dioxide becomes gaseous, and the pressure in the balloon rises sharply. In order to avoid the explosion of cylinders, they are filled with liquid carbon dioxide by 75%, and all fire extinguishers are equipped with safety membranes.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are divided into manual, stationary and mobile. Manual OS is designed to extinguish fires of various substances on vehicles: ships, aircraft, cars, locomotives. It is a steel cylinder, into the neck of which a pistol-type shutter with a siphon tube is screwed. A tube with a socket and a membrane fuse are attached to the gate.

To actuate the bell is directed to a burning object and the bolt trigger is pulled. When extinguishing a fire, the fire extinguisher must not be held in a horizontal position or turned upside down.

Aerosol fire extinguishers. Designed to extinguish fires of flammable and combustible liquids, solids, electrical installations under voltage and other materials, except for alkali metals and oxygen-containing substances. The industry produces hand-held aerosol fire extinguishers, portable and stationary.

Freon aerosol fire extinguisher (OAX) is a metal case, the neck of which is closed with a membrane. A punch with a spring is fixed above the membrane. To operate the fire extinguisher, you must install it on hard surface, with a sharp blow on the punch button, pierce the membrane and direct the jet at the flame. Disposable OAX fire extinguisher is designed to extinguish fires on vehicles: cars, boats, trolleybuses, fuel trucks, as well as to extinguish fires of electrical appliances (household and industrial).

Powder fire extinguishers (OP). Received now, especially abroad, the greatest distribution. They are used to eliminate gasoline fires, diesel fuel, varnishes, paints, wood and other carbon-based materials. Powders special purpose are used in the elimination of fires and ignitions of alkali metals, aluminum and organosilicon compounds and various spontaneously igniting substances. It gives good results when extinguishing electrical installations. Widely used in vehicles and industrial areas.

Technical specifications some of them:

OP are issued three types: manual, transportable and stationary. The principle of operation of the fire extinguisher: when the trigger lever is pressed, the seal is broken and the needle rod pierces the cylinder membrane. The working gas (carbon dioxide, air, nitrogen) exits the cylinder through a metering hole in the nipple, and enters under the aero bottom through a siphon tube. In the center of the siphon tube (in height) there are a number of holes through which part of the working gas exits and loosens the powder. Air (gas), passing through the layer of powder, loosens it, and the powder, under the pressure of the working gas, is squeezed out through the siphon tube and through the nozzle is thrown into the ignition source. In the working position, the fire extinguisher should only be held vertically, without turning it over.

Primary fire fighting equipment

To eliminate fires in the initial stage, improvised and primary fire extinguishing agents are used.

Improvised means are substances and objects that are not prepared in advance for extinguishing fires. These include water, sand, earth, various objects thrown onto the combustion source. By collecting tap water in a bucket, a person can put out a small fire in an apartment. To eliminate the burning of the TV, various objects made of dense matter are used.

Primary means are devices and means prepared in advance for extinguishing fires.

At the facilities of the national economy, you can often see fire posts (shields), where there is a set of primary fire extinguishing equipment: fire extinguishers, sand and water in containers, felt mats, devices for opening structures. Residential and public buildings are usually provided certain types primary fire extinguishing equipment, mainly fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers, as the primary means of fire extinguishing, occupy a certain place in fire protection objects of the national economy. It is on the effectiveness and reliability of the fire extinguishers that the material damage depends. Availability of fire extinguishers at the protected object in the right amount and a predetermined type, their skillful use makes it possible to localize or eliminate a fire at an early stage of development.

Depending on the extinguishing agent used, fire extinguishers are chemical foam, air-foam, water, powder, carbon dioxide, freon and combined.

According to the method of actuation, fire extinguishers are divided into those with a valve lock, a lever-type shut-off and starting device, a pistol-type shut-off and starting device, starting from a constant pressure source, starting from a pyrotechnic device.

One of the main tactical and technical characteristics of fire extinguishers is its fire extinguishing ability, i.e., the ability to eliminate combustion in a certain area of ​​one of the fire classes. So, a chemical foam fire extinguisher can extinguish the burning of solid materials (class A) on an area of ​​​​4.78 square meters. m. or flammable liquids (class B) on an area of ​​0.25 sq. m.

In accordance with international and state standards, the following classes of fires are established depending on the burning material: Class A - combustion of solid substances, mainly of organic origin; Class B - combustion of flammable liquids and melting solid materials; Class C - combustion of gases; Class D - combustion of metals.

In our country, another class of fires has been identified - E - burning of various units and devices under voltage. Therefore, the effectiveness of fire extinguishers depends to a large extent on the size of the fire, and the classes of fires determine the scope of their application.

Chemical foam fire extinguishers. In this type of fire extinguishers, the fire extinguishing agent is a charge of chemical components - aqueous solutions of acid and alkali. At the moment of activation, the components enter into a chemical reaction, as a result of which foam is formed and gas is released, under the pressure of which the foam is squeezed out of the fire extinguisher body. Once in the fire, the foam reduces the combustion temperature, isolates the combustible substance, and prevents the inflow of the oxidizer (oxygen), When it breaks down, it releases carbon dioxide, which prevents combustion. Until recently, we produced a foam fire extinguisher brand OHP-10. Now it has been discontinued. However, a significant number of fire extinguishers of this brand are in operation.

OHP-10 is designed to extinguish small fires of solids, as well as flammable and combustible liquids. It is forbidden to use for extinguishing all types of electrical installations that are energized. It can be used both stationary and in mobile transport. Charged fire extinguishers are stored vertically, locking and starting device up. Disposable fire extinguisher, continuous action, no device for stopping the supply of foam is provided. It is used at an ambient temperature of +5 to 50 ° C.

The fire extinguisher has been upgraded. On its basis fire extinguishers OHVP - chemical air - foam are mastered. They have improved performance and are equipped with a three-component charge - acid, alkali and foaming agent. Purpose, scope, principle of operation and other data, like chemical fire extinguishers.

Air-foam fire extinguishers. They are designed to extinguish fires of solids and liquids, with the exception of burning alkali metals and electrical installations under voltage. The extinguishing agent is a foam concentrate solution (96% water and 4% foam concentrate of various grades). The fire-extinguishing capacity of air-foam fire extinguishers is higher than chemical ones.

Water fire extinguisher. Water, aqueous solutions of inorganic salts and solutions of surfactants are used as a fire extinguishing composition.

A backpack fire extinguisher is used to put out forest fires.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. They are designed to extinguish fires of solid, liquid substances, as well as electrical installations with voltage up to 10 kV. At present, portable (manual), mobile and stationary carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are used. The extinguishing agent is carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). Carbon dioxide is pumped into the fire extinguisher housing (cylinder) under pressure, in a liquefied state. Getting from the cylinder into the bell (snowmaker), due to a sharp decrease in pressure, it turns into a snowy state - carbon dioxide. It sharply reduces the combustion temperature and isolates the burning substance from the oxygen in the air. Shelf life of the OS should not exceed 6 years. Fire extinguishers are limited in use, since carbon dioxide is toxic, displaces oxygen, and makes breathing difficult.

Freon fire extinguishers. Freons 1211 and 2402 are used as a fire extinguishing agent. They are especially effective for extinguishing fires in computer centers, electrical rooms, telephone exchanges, etc. Temperature limits of use are from - 60 to + 60 ° C. Shelf life is up to 10 years. Freon fire extinguishers are used to extinguish fires of all classes. However, they have limitations on toxicity, as well as on the destructive effect on the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

Powder extinguishers in fact, they are universal, they are used to extinguish fires of all classes, the temperature range is significant. We produce hull capacity 1, 2, 5, 10, 16, 50, 100, 250, 500 liters. Powder fire extinguishers. With a capacity of 1 to 10 liters are manual, the rest are mobile or stationary. To extinguish fires in everyday life, they are used with a capacity of 1, 2, 5 liters, and the rest in industry.

The choice of primary fire extinguishing media

The required amount of primary funds is calculated separately for each floor, room, and shelves of open installations. Premises equipped with automatic stationary fire extinguishing installations are provided with primary means at the rate of 50% of the calculated amount.

If the room contains different fire hazard production, it is provided by primary means for the most dangerous production. The selection of primary fire extinguishing agents is carried out taking into account the initial data of Table. 20.1.

maximum protected area sq. m.

foam and water fire extinguishers with a capacity of 10 liters.

powder fire extinguishers with a capacity, l

freon fire extinguishers with a capacity of 2¤3 l

CO 2 - fire extinguishers with a capacity of l

A, B, C, (combustible gases and liquids)

public buildings and structures

Fire extinguishers are installed (hung) in prominent, predetermined places. Fire extinguishers must be freely accessible at all times.

People working (located) in this room are familiarized in advance with the location of fire extinguishers, their types, scope (according to the label on the fire extinguisher body).

When using chemical foam fire extinguishers, it must be removed from the attachment point and transferred to the fire site. Clean the spray with the existing hairpin, turn the handle of the starting device 180 degrees until it stops. Turn the fire extinguisher upside down, shake to speed up the chemical reaction. Direct a jet of foam at the flame. The fire extinguisher must always be kept upside down, in order to avoid the release of gas formed during the reaction and squeezing foam out of the fire extinguisher container.

Air - foam fire extinguishers are transferred to the place of fire. Pull out the locking pin by the ring. A blow to the head of the rod opens a cylinder with working gas. The entrained gas forces the foaming agent solution through a hose into the foam generator, where the foam is formed. With one hand they carry a fire extinguisher, and with the other they direct a jet of foam at the source of the fire behind the generator.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers have a valve or lever locking and starting device. To actuate, you must either open the valve or lift the handle up, after pulling the locking pin by the ring. A jet of extinguishing agent is directed at a burning object.

Powder fire extinguishers must first be shaken, pull out the locking pin by the ring, turn the fire extinguisher over with the locking device up, hit the head of the locking device against a hard object. A can of gas is opened, which squeezes the powder into the combustion zone. Some fire extinguishers are equipped with a hose with a lever lock. In this case, after opening the can, it is necessary to open the shutter by pressing the lever.

REMEMBER! A label is affixed to the fire extinguisher container with the data: scope, rules for activation. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with it. This will make it possible to correctly apply the fire extinguisher to successfully extinguish the fire. A slight delay in familiarizing yourself with the rules for using a fire extinguisher can significantly affect the rapid elimination of combustion.

11 Primary extinguishing media

11.1 Buildings, structures, premises, technological installations must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment: fire extinguishers, boxes with sand, barrels of water, blankets made from non-combustible heat-insulating fabric, coarse wool fabric or felt, fire buckets, shovels, fire tools (hooks, crowbars, axes, etc.), which are used to localize and eliminate fires in the initial stage of their development.

Newly built, after reconstruction, expansion, overhaul objects (buildings, structures, premises, technological installations) must be provided with primary fire extinguishing means (according to appropriate standards) before their operation.

11.2 The norms of ownership of primary fire extinguishing equipment for objects should be established in accordance with the norms process design considering this:

a) determining the types and quantities of primary fire extinguishing agents depends on the physicochemical and flammable properties combustible substances, their interaction with extinguishing agents, as well as the size of the areas industrial premises, open areas and installations;

b) the required number of primary fire extinguishing agents is determined separately for each floor and room, as well as for shelves of open installations.

If several different fire hazard industries are located in the same room, not separated from each other fire walls, then all these premises are provided with fire extinguishers, fire equipment and other types of fire extinguishing equipment according to the standards of the most dangerous production;

c) blankets must have a size of at least 1 m x 1 m. They are designed to extinguish small fires in the event of ignition of substances that cannot burn without air. In places of use and storage of flammable liquids and combustible liquids, the dimensions of the blankets can be increased to the following values: 2 m x 1.5 m, 2 m x 2 m. The blankets should be used to extinguish fires of classes A, B, D, E;

d) barrels of water are installed in production, storage and other premises, structures in the absence of an internal fire water pump and in the presence of combustible materials, as well as on the territory of enterprises based on the installation of one barrel per 250-300 sq. m of protective area.

Barrels for storing water for the purpose of fire fighting in accordance with GOST 12.4.009-83 must have a capacity of at least 0.2 cubic meters and be equipped with a fire bucket with a capacity of at least eight liters;

D) fire shields (stands) are installed on the territory of the enterprise at the rate of one shield (stand) per area of ​​5000 sq. m.

The set of fire extinguishing equipment that is placed on it should include: fire extinguishers - 3 pcs., a box with sand - 1 pc., a non-combustible cover thermal insulation material or felt measuring 2 m x 2 m -1 pc., hooks - 3 pcs., shovels - 2 pcs., crowbars - 2 pcs., axes - 2 pcs.

Fire shields (stands) and fire extinguishing equipment must be painted in the appropriate colors according to the current state standard. Fire shields (stands) should indicate their serial numbers and the telephone number to call the fire brigade, the serial number of the fire shield is indicated after the letter index "ПШ";

e) sand boxes should have a capacity of 0.5; 1.0 or 3.0 cubic meters and be equipped with a shovel.

The design of the box should ensure the convenience of sand extraction and make it impossible for precipitation to enter.

11.3 Buildings and structures that are being built and reconstructed must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment based on:

a) 200 sq. m of floor area - one fire extinguisher (if the floor area is less than 200 sq. m - two fire extinguishers per floor), a barrel of water, a box of sand;

b) for every 20 m of the length of the ryshtovka (on the floors) - one fire extinguisher (but not less than two per floor), and for every 100 m of the length of the ryshtovka - a barrel of water;

d) per 200 sq. m of coverage area with combustible insulation or combustible roofs - one fire extinguisher, a barrel of water, a box of sand;

D) for each tube of the unit for the construction of cooling towers - two fire extinguishers;

e) at the place of installation of heat generators, heaters - two fire extinguishers and a box of sand for each unit.

In the aforementioned places, foam or water fire extinguishers with a capacity of 10 liters or powder fire extinguishers with a capacity of at least 5 liters should be used;

f) fire shields (stands) and barrels of water are installed on the construction site at the locations of temporary buildings (warehouses, workshops).

11.4 The choice of type and determination of the required number of fire extinguishers is carried out according to Table 4, 5, depending on their extinguishing capacity, maximum area, fire class of combustible substances and materials in the room that is being protected, or at the facility (standard? SO 3941-77).
