Cherry shpanka description. Cherry Shpanka: an old "folk" variety

The cherry tree is often found in the gardens of our country. Varieties this plant There are many, each of them has its own characteristics. "Shpanka" is an old species that was loved by many for its unpretentiousness and abundant fruiting.


Variety "Shpanka" is a berry tree that reaches a height of 6 meters. The crown is characterized by medium splendor and spherical shape. The trunk of a perennial tree, like the branches, is painted dark Brown color, young shoots are slightly lighter. The peculiarity of this variety is manifested in the growth of branches at a right angle with respect to the main shoot. The branches do not tend to droop, so many of them can break or be damaged by the wind, for example, with abundant crops.

The foliage is significantly different from what is usually found on a cherry, its shape is more similar to that of a cherry. The leaves are elongated, have a sharp tip and a length of about eight centimeters. They are dyed in green color different shades. The length and width of the petiole is medium, a pink tint is noticeable. When the cherry blossoms, it is covered with snow-white inflorescences, which include two or three flowers.

The tree has an average precocity. Also "Shponka" is a guarantee of a stable annual harvest, the amount of which increases every season. The peak productivity of the variety occurs at fifteen to eighteen years. The average productivity of Shpanka is thirty-five to forty kilograms. The life expectancy of a plant is about twenty years.

Fruit size and taste

The fruiting of this cherry variety is large-sized berries with a burgundy tint and the presence of a glossy sheen. Each fruit weighs about five grams, among them sometimes there are specimens with a brown color. The shape of the berries is similar to cherries, it is slightly flattened, has a diameter of one centimeter. The pulp is characterized by juiciness and the absence of yellow fibers. This is a dense mass that has a uniform texture, which is not typical for most cherries.

The juice is clear, without a scarlet hue. The taste of Shpanka fruits is quite pleasant, sweet, it has a refreshing sourness. The stone is medium-sized, it can be easily separated from the pulp. The ripening of the berries does not occur at the same time, usually in June or early July.


Common subspecies of "Shpanki" that are grown in gardens include the following.

  • "Dwarf". This is a plant that was the result of mixing cherry and cherry wood. The berries of the variety are tasty and juicy, with a beautiful bright color. The tree is usually low, the maximum growth is three meters.

  • "Shpanka Bryansk" is a rather attractive subspecies. Its main advantages are good transport properties, as well as qualities that are ideal for conservation. Due to the density of the structure, cherry is able to long time keep fresh.

  • "Donetsk"- This is a subspecies of "Spanka", which turned out in the process of crossing cherries with cherries. After planting, only three years must pass in order to be able to harvest. This cherry is early, with sweet and sour fruits. "Donetsk" among the rest is distinguished by the richness of the harvest and resistance to changing environmental conditions.

  • "Spanka large-fruited" tolerates sub-zero temperatures and dry periods. In the third year after planting on a cherry tree, you can see large berries. On average, the plant has three meters in height. The use of fruits of this variety is popular in any form.

  • "Shpanka Shimskaya"- This is a medium-sized tree that is adapted to sub-zero temperature and dry conditions. Ripening of large and sweet fruits occurs by the middle of the summer period.

Grade advantages

Cherry "Shpanka" has a lot of advantages compared to others berry trees:


In addition to the advantages of Shpanka, like any other cherry, there are disadvantages:

  • the dimensions of the tree make it difficult to care for it, as well as the destruction of the pest and the collection of fruits;
  • low indicator of keeping quality and transportable capability;
  • small precocity;
  • the need to plant cherry varieties on the territory for the pollination process;
  • fragility of branches due to abundant harvests or strong winds, so the branches must be constantly cut.

How to plant?

Cherry "Shpanka" is a plant that has a negative attitude to heavy soils, and also has many other features that should be considered when planting.

Choose a place

The southern regions are considered the most favorable place for planting this variety due to sandy, sandy soils and light loams. For normal growth and development, the soil reaction must be neutral or slightly acidic. If on site ground water lie close, then Shpanka should be landed on a hill or an embankment should be made. In addition, do not forget about protecting the plant from the cold north wind.

In order to harvest good crops every year, when planting, it is worth considering whether pollinators are present on the site. If there are none, then they must be planted to ensure pollination. The optimal distance from seedling to seedling is four meters. The procedure for planting young trees is carried out in the spring.

Preparing for landing

The process of preparing for planting a plant consists in equipping the hole, as well as fertilizing it. When planting a tree in the spring, everything you need to do in the autumn. If the seedling is planted in the fall, then the pit should stand for at least three weeks. This variety is not characterized by a strong deep growth of the root system, which is why holes with a depth of 0.5 meters and a diameter of 0.9 - 1 meters will be quite enough for planting a seedling.

The soil that is taken out of the pit must be mixed with ten liters of manure that has overgrown. Compost, 0.1 kg of double superphosphate and ninety grams of potassium nitrate are also suitable for this procedure. Many gardeners use wood ash in the amount of one liter for this purpose. Soil that is mixed with fertilizer must be poured into the hole. It is best to use a waterproof material to close the hole.

Planting in the ground

Works on planting a young seedling "Spanka" in the ground are similar to planting any other fruit tree.

  • A few days before planting, you should carefully examine the root system of a young cherry.
  • For about twenty hours, cherry roots should be soaked in one of the root stimulants. Potassium permanganate, added at the same time, will only benefit.
  • Two hours before planting, the roots of the seedling should be dipped in powdered clay mixed with cow dung and allowed to dry.
  • Pour about twenty liters of water into the planting hole and wait for it to soak.
  • Not far from the central point of the mound, which is located in the hole, it is necessary to install a support, which should be thirty centimeters higher than the plant.
  • The seedling descends into the hole, and its root system straightens, while the support should be on the south side.
  • The earth must be poured into the hole in small portions, at the end root collar should be five centimeters above the poured soil.

  • The next step is to carefully compact the substrate.
  • A young seedling must be tied to a support, while the distance from the trunk should be 0.3 meters.
  • It is worth making several ring-type grooves for irrigation.
  • It is necessary to water the seedling with water in the amount of twenty-five liters.
  • With a strong seating of the soil, it is necessary to pour the earth.
  • If seating does not occur, then it is necessary to mulch with peat, dry humus, fresh cut grass.
  • The central shoot must be cut to a third of the height, and several growth buds should be left from the side shoots.

In order for Shpanka cherry to please its owners good harvests, worth listening to useful tips experienced gardeners:

  • in order for the tree to attract a large number of insects that perform the function of pollination, you need to spray the cherry with a solution of fragrant honey;
  • seedlings in containers the best option for acquisition for the purpose of planting, since their root system is less injured during transportation;
  • in the summer, it is recommended to carry out mulching using freshly cut grass, this process will keep the soil loose and will also “scare away” weeds;
  • planting "Shpanka" is far from apples;

When choosing a place, it is worth weighing the pros and cons, as this variety has a negative attitude towards transplanting.


Cherries of this variety are considered unpretentious plant, so gardeners rarely have problems with it. But still, every plant needs care, Shpanka is no exception. Each owner must not violate simple rules cherry care, in the end he will be able to get a healthy tree with abundant harvests. The plant needs to be periodically fed, watered and loosened the soil around it, otherwise it may wither.


Irrigation of cherries of this variety should be carried out four times per season. With each of the waterings, the soil should be moistened to a depth of forty centimeters. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to make grooves at a distance of thirty centimeters from the tree. To ensure significant watering activity, you can dig one ditch at a distance of 0.5 meters from the cherry.

Watering "Shpanka" is possible near the trunk circle, before starting the procedure, it is worth removing the ten-centimeter surface soil layer. At the end of watering, the earth must be returned to its place, and the trunk circle should be mulched. rooted Cherry tree does not need regular watering, as this plant is drought tolerant. But timely irrigation is a guarantee of a good and juicy harvest. Irrigation steps:

  • at the end of flowering;
  • when berries begin to form;
  • during the completion of cleaning;
  • at the end of September - beginning of October;
  • in extremely dry summer period you can spend the fifth watering.

Young "Shpanke" will have enough twenty liters of water for one watering. In its turn, mature plant requires at least thirty liters.


Provided that a cherry seedling of this variety was planted in accordance with the norms and rules, the fertilizers that were applied to the hole will be enough for the tree until the start of the next season. You need to start feeding the plant from the second year of life in a permanent area. In mid-April, after sufficient thawing of the soil, it is necessary to apply fertilizing with nitrogen, for example, ammonium sulfate or urea. The granules of these substances should be embedded in the ground during its loosening. Once every three years, you can feed the soil with rotted manure or compost in the amount of thirty liters. When three days have passed after fertilization, the plant needs to be watered.

When the tree begins to bloom, it can be watered with fresh manure, chicken droppings, or dandelion infusion. When the middle of June comes, the cherry will need to make a complex remedy for stone cherries. As an option, you can use nitroammophoska. Another effective method feeding plants of this variety - one percent iron sulphate. They should irrigate the tree and its near-trunk circle during the end of the flowering phase. Fertilization should be carried out in dry and cool weather.

Do not forget that the last top dressing should be carried out no later than September, so that the tree has time to go into hibernation.

Preparing for winter

When winter comes, "Shpanka" suffers from the attack of rodents and hares. To ensure the safety of the tree, it should be whitewashed before branching. Pests cannot gnaw through the whitewashed layer. Some gardeners recommend wrapping it with burlap or coniferous branches. Before the onset of cold weather, be sure to get out near the trunk circle. To do this, it is worth clearing the territory of foliage, broken branches, fallen berries and weeds.

The soil needs to be well loosened and mulched. Also, the tree should be well watered if the autumn was dry. If snow falls, it will be advisable to form a snowdrift around the trunk.

tree pruning

When pruning a tree, do not forget that the future crop ripens on a one-year-old shoot, so it cannot be cut. The procedure is carried out on skeletal branches. Pruning of branches should be twice a year. The first time the tree didn't wake up after winter. During this procedure, a crown is formed and branches that are damaged by frost are destroyed. AT autumn period cherries need sanitary pruning.

In the process of this work, you need to remove dry, dead and damaged shoots. In the summer, it is worth destroying those branches that are affected by infections or pests.

Diseases and pests

Shpanka cherries are classified as trees that are resistant to cocomycosis and moniliosis, but the plant is often affected by other infections. If the cherry was attacked by clasterioporosis, then processing with the help of Bordeaux liquid can save the tree. This disease manifests itself in the formation of many beige spots that have a red border. After seven days, the affected area is covered with holes, the berries dry.

Harvest and storage

This variety of cherries, after ripening, quickly rots and crumbles, so the picking of berries must be timely. Ripening fruits should be plucked by hand every three days. The collection should be carried out in dry weather and only together with the stalks. If you do not adhere to this rule, then the berries will be stored for up to one and a half days.

Do not throw and squeeze the fruits; only whole berries should be used for storage. Storage in the refrigerator and a plastic bag is carried out from four to six days. This cherry is versatile, it can be eaten raw, as well as in compotes, jams and preserves.

In the last century, cherry orchards could not surprise anyone. Unfortunately, today the number of such landings has decreased. Although cherries are still among the top three most popular garden trees. The Shpanka variety has come down to us as an echo of the past recognition. Having familiarized yourself with its description, the rules of planting and care, as well as knowing how to deal with diseases and pests, you can easily grow this beautiful and useful tree in your garden.

Description of Shpanka cherry variety

Cherry Shpanka appeared more than a century ago thanks to the efforts of amateur gardeners, so it bears the proud title of a folk variety.

Shpanka is the so-called duk, that is, a hybrid of cherries and cherries, successfully combining species characteristics.

The variety appeared in Ukraine, and then very quickly spread to the southern regions of Russia and Moldova, where it gained popularity.

Shpanka cherry is a vigorous and powerful tree. It reaches a height of 6 m. The crown is large, spherical, but not very thickened.

Shpanka cherry is a folk variety

Shpanka is not an early-growing variety. The fruits ripen only 5-6 years after planting. Growing on rootstocks significantly accelerates the onset of fruiting - the first harvest can already be obtained in 2 or 3 years.

The productivity of Shpanka increases every year, the richest harvests are brought by mature trees that have reached the age of 15.

The bark of the trunk and skeletal branches is dark brown, and on young branches it is much lighter. The fruits appear on annual growths. Branches grow at an obtuse angle from the trunk, which does not ensure the reliability of the connection. Therefore, they often break under the weight of the crop, during the harvest of berries or due to unfavorable conditions. weather conditions.

The leaves are larger than average. They have a serrated edge. The shape is elliptical, pointed upwards. The leaf blade is colored dark green. It is connected to the branch with the help of a pinkish petiole, which is medium in length and thickness.

The flowers are larger than those of other cherry varieties. Snow-white inflorescences represent a brush of 2-3 flowers.

The fruits of Shpanka are large - up to 5 g. Flattened-rounded shape, up to 1 cm in diameter. brown tint, glossy shiny. The pulp is very juicy, yellowish in color, dense structure. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness. The stone can be easily separated from the pulp.

Cherry Shpanka bears fruit in clusters

Shpanka bears fruit in clusters. The berries are located along the entire length of the annual shoot, like a sweet cherry, or encircle the branch with a dense garland.

Shpanka cherry is very popular, so it is not surprising that it is in demand in breeding work. There are several varieties of this variety, zoned for various regions of Russia, including the Moscow region and the Urals. This cherry does not grow only in the far north.

Popular varieties of Shpanka cherry varieties - table

Variety Description
The variety has been released recently. Tree of medium height with a rounded and compact crown of medium density. The crop brings 6 years after planting. The fruits are medium-sized - up to 4 g, flat-round, painted in light red. The pulp is juicy, tender, creamy. Tastes sweet and sour. Tasting score - 3.7 points. One tree bears over 30 kg of fruits. Removable ripeness fruits reach in late June - early July. Berries have a long shelf life and are ideal for conservation. The variety is self-fertile. Good resistance to frost, pests and diseases. But it is susceptible to coccomycosis.
The trees are tall - up to 4 m in height, with a reverse-pyramidal crown shape. Fruiting occurs at 5-6 years. The fruits are dark red, flat-round, weighing up to 4.5 g. The flesh is light red, sour-sweet in taste. Tasting score - 4 points. The bone is small. The fruits ripen at the end of June. The yield is 40–50 kg per tree. The variety has an average resistance to frost and fungal diseases, for example, to coccomycosis. Transportability is good. Distributed in Ukraine and Moldova.
Trees reach a height of 4 m, have a sparse spreading crown. Fruiting begins at 4 years of age. The color of the berries is dark burgundy, the flesh is light pink, the taste is sweet and sour, tender and juicy. The weight of the berry is 5 g, the shape is slightly flattened. Frost resistance is very good, so the variety is grown in the northwestern regions of Russia. Fruits up to 25 years of age. Subject to monilial burn.
Tree up to 3 m in height. The fruits are dark red, large, up to 1 cm in diameter. Fruiting occurs in the 5th year. Frost resistance is excellent, withstands 35-degree frosts. The variety is also resistant to major diseases and pests. Productivity from one tree - up to 35 kg. Feels great in the northwestern regions of Russia.
The new variety belongs to medium-early and early-bearing - it bears fruit for 3-4 years after planting. A tree of medium height, has sufficient frost resistance, tolerates drought well, resistance to coccomycosis is average. From one tree, you can collect from 40 to 50 kg of large berries, weighing up to 10 g. The fruits are red-orange. The pulp is juicy, with a slight acidity. The variety is self-fertile.

Photo gallery: early, Bryansk and other varieties of Shpanka cherries

Berries of Shpanka Bryansk are ideal for conservation Shpanka ripens early in June Shimskaya shpanka has good frost resistance
Dwarf shpanka is zoned for the northwestern regions of Russia Shpanka Donetsk can boast of precociousness

What is useful Shpanka

Cherry Shpank can be called medicinal. It contains almost all vitamins, many trace elements. In addition, fructose, pectin, tannins, glucose.

The spatula increases the overall tone of the capillaries and prevents the aging process of the body. It is an excellent tool in the fight against chronic bronchitis, supports the work of the heart and is used in dietary nutrition.

It should be remembered that the cherry stone contains hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous to humans.

Video: Why is it necessary to eat cherries?

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like any other variety, Shpanka has its strengths and weaknesses.

Table: Positive and negative qualities of Shpanka

Advantages disadvantages
Excellent frost resistance down to -35°СEnters fruiting late - by 5–6
year of life
Drought tolerantAlthough there is self-fertility, but at a low
level, needs pollinators
Yields are high and stable
over the years
The height of the tree is a hindrance when collecting
Good transportabilityTree needs pruning
Very good disease resistance
and pests, high resistance to coccomycosis
Branches are too fragile

Features of planting cherries

If you are going to grow The Cherry Orchard, consider the features of planting a tree. For the successful development of culture great importance have planting dates, site location and soil quality. A gardener must be careful when choosing a seedling.

Landing dates

Experienced gardeners say that the climatic conditions of the region directly affect the timing of planting. In central Russia and northern regions Shpanka is best planted in the spring. They start planting in April, after the ground has thawed. You need to have time before the start of the growing season.

Spring planting carries some risks. For the seedling, return frosts and differences in day and night temperatures are dangerous. Spring winds can also weaken the tree.

Planting in early autumn, at the end of September and no later than mid-October, largely minimizes these risks. If the temperature is kept within 10–15 ° С, Shpanka has time to go through an acclimatization period before the start of frost and, if there is shelter, survives the winter without problems. Landing late autumn should be excluded, because the cherry will not have time to adapt and will not be able to survive the frosty winter.

Site selection and site preparation

For planting Shpanka, you need to choose sunny, spacious and wind-protected places. In the shade or in close proximity to other fruit trees, cherries will not reach their full potential. Give preference to the southern or southwestern section of the garden. A plant planted at high fence or near the wall of any building, it will be cozy in winter. The snow cover that protects the roots from frost will not be blown out, and in the spring will serve as a source of additional moisture.

In lowland areas, Spanka cherry will grow poorly due to the accumulation of moisture and cold air. Groundwater should lie no higher than 1.5 m to the surface of the earth. If they come close to the fertile layer, then look for an elevated place for planting, generously illuminated by the sun's rays.

Cherry Spanka is very unpretentious, but still it is better to plant a plant on nutritious and loose soils with neutral acidity. This will significantly increase the yield of the tree. But on acidic soils, Shpanka is not able to fully assimilate nutrients, she has shedding of the ovary. To save the tree, you need to liming the soil:

  • if the soil is sandy, 400–500 g of lime per 1 m 2 is applied;
  • heavy and loamy soils require more lime - from 600 to 800 g per 1 m 2.

In order not to burn the root system, lime is thoroughly mixed with the soil.

The site prepared before planting will ensure good development for the Spank cherry. The selected place is freed from weeds, especially perennials. To improve the composition of poor soil, digging with the addition of manure or compost is recommended.

Seedling selection

Regardless of the time of planting, seedlings are best purchased in autumn at specialized garden centers. In the spring, it is impossible to say with certainty whether the cherry survived after a frosty winter or not.

A cherry bought in the fall can be buried until spring. To do this, prepare a trench 40 cm deep, lay young plant at an inclination of 45 0 with the tip to the south, covered with earth. Make sure that the soil is evenly distributed between the roots, leaving no voids. Water the roots and make a mound of earth to protect against frost.

undergrown planting material with crooked branches and obvious signs of disease, discard immediately.

For better survival, Spanka cherry seedlings must meet the following criteria:

  • age - 1 or 2 years, height - from 1 to 1.5 m;
  • the stem of the seedling is even, without lateral branches and damage;
  • the crown has up to 12 even branches 10–20 cm long;
  • the root system of good seedlings is at least 25–35 cm, without rotten areas or visible mechanical damage.

How to prepare a planting hole?

A pit for planting is dug in advance - 3 weeks before the intended procedure. In autumn, you can prepare a place for spring planting. This is especially true for areas with heavy clay soils.

  1. In order for the cherry root system to develop normally in the first years after planting, it is enough to dig a hole following sizes: 0.6 m deep and 0.8 to 1 m wide.
  2. The fertile soil of the upper layer should be laid aside in one direction, and the lower layer in the other.
  3. At the bottom of the pit, pour the deferred fertile layer soil and mix with 15–30 kg of rotted horse manure or compost, 200 g superphosphate, 60 g potassium and 500 g wood ash(ash from construction debris or coal is not used - it is toxic). To compact the earthen mixture, pour water.

tree planting step by step

  1. Dip the root system of the seedling into a clay mash with the addition of heteroauxin. This will increase survival and allow the seedling to develop well for the first 2 years.
  2. Gather the fertilized soil at the bottom of the pit into a kind of mound. Drive in a peg to support the seedling so that it is on the south side of the tree and covers the young trunk from the sun.
  3. Place the seedling vertically on a mound, and carefully spread the roots along its sides.
  4. Fill the hole with earth, occasionally shaking the cherry by the trunk so that the soil is evenly distributed in the roots, leaving no voids.
  5. Do not deepen the root neck! It should be 2-3 cm above the landing level. Tamp the earth near the trunk carefully and build a roller that will serve as the border of the watering circle.
  6. Tie the seedling to a support to avoid loosening that could damage the roots.
  7. Pour 2 buckets of water into the watering circle and, after soaking, mulch it with peat, humus or loose earth.

Pollinators varieties

Although Shpanka cherry is recognized as a self-fertile variety, this figure is very low, only 5-10%. Therefore, to improve the quality and quantity of the crop, it is imperative to plant other varieties of cherries suitable for pollination nearby.

The following varieties are recognized as the best pollinators for Shpanka:

  • Persistent.

Photo gallery: The best pollinators of Shpanka cherries

Spanka cherry care

Shpanka cherry needs regular pruning, moderate feeding and not too abundant watering.

Mature trees are watered only twice a season. And it will be necessary to work hard on the formation of the crown, otherwise all the energy of the plant will go into branches, and not into cherries.

Crown shaping and pruning

The spatula is cut off immediately after planting, shortening the branches by 1/3. After this procedure, the seedling begins to intensively lay the crown, on which the future harvest directly depends. The pruning procedure is best done in early spring, before the start of sap flow and swelling of the kidneys.

  1. Branches located at a height of 25–35 cm from the ground are cut off.
  2. To form the crown, 3-7 well-developed branches are left, growing in different directions. The main thing is that they do not grow from adjacent (neighboring) buds and are at a distance of 8 to 15 cm from each other.

On the next year the main task will be the fight against the thickening of the cherry crown. Numerous branches that have appeared, growing close to one another, must be cut ruthlessly. To limit the height of the branches growing upwards to give the tree the desired shape and facilitate the collection of fruits.

Crown formation and pruning - the key to a future harvest

In the future, carry out sanitary pruning, removing diseased and dried branches, thin out the crown. Anti-aging pruning is carried out after the cherry reaches the 10-year milestone.


Cherry Shpanka very easily tolerates the lack of moisture. In summer, at temperatures up to 40 ° C, an adult tree can withstand a whole month. But do not experiment on the vitality of cherries. Ideally, Shpanka should be watered twice during the growing season.

  1. In late April - early May, when the flowering period begins.
  2. In mid-June, when the fruits ripen.

Under one tree, you need to pour up to 5-6 buckets of water heated in the sun so that the soil is moistened to a depth of half a meter.

Watering cherries is a mandatory procedure

Young cherries are watered more often - 4 times per season. For a seedling, 2-3 buckets of water are enough. The main thing is not to flood the tree so that the soil does not turn into a swamp.


Shpanka cherries begin to be fed 2 years after planting, when the seedling has assimilated the introduced into landing pit nutrients. The tree responds with gratitude to fertilizers, but it is important not to overfeed Shpanka.

  1. In early April, ammonium nitrate is added to the near-stem circle of cherries - 30 g per 1 m 2. Fertilizer is combined with digging, after which the near-stem soil is shed with water - at least 1 bucket.
  2. In summer, after fruiting, cherries are fed with a solution of 10 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l. potassium chloride and 3 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Under each tree you need to pour 35 liters of the composition.
  3. Autumn dressing is done at the end of September. During this period, organic matter is introduced in the amount of 3 kg per 1 m 2 and, if there was no summer top dressing, superphosphate and potassium sulfide in the indicated proportions. Organic fertilizers are applied once every 2 years.

Do I need to cover Shpanka for the winter?

If the adult Shpanka cherry is zoned for your region, healthy, properly fertilized in the fall and received the required moisture charge, then no additional shelters need to be built. It will be enough to lay a layer of mulch from horse manure (not fresh, but lain for 2-3 years), mowed and dried grass or straw on the trunk circle.

Young and weakened Shpanka cherries need to be prepared for winter

Another thing is a young or disease-weakened plant. Trunks and main branches must be wrapped with breathable materials (burlap, paper, nylon pantyhose). A good protection against frost and rodents are spruce branches tied with needles down.

Autumn whitewashing will help the trunks cope with frost and protect against spring sunlight that can burn.

Caring for the trunk circle

Start this care by cleaning the near-trunk space from the remnants of the snow cover, allowing the earth to warm up.

Some gardeners try to keep the snow around the tree for as long as possible, hoping that the low soil temperature will delay the start of the growing season and protect the flowers from possible frosts. But this does not affect the timing of flowering. Warm weather and the sun's rays begin to wake up the buds, and the root system is still under the influence of low temperatures. This leads to imbalance. Therefore, it is better to trust nature and give life processes plants go their own way.

Loosening the trunk circle is carried out immediately after the earth dries out a little. This simple procedure will retain moisture in the soil and mobilize nutrients. Loosening is carried out after watering or rain, and then the earth is covered with a layer of mulch. The mulch will prevent the growth of weeds, which can become a haven for pests.

A well-groomed trunk circle is a step towards a good harvest

Shpanka cherry gives a lot of basal shoots. It must be removed during the entire growth period in order to save more nutrients and moisture for wood.

Disease and pest control

Healthy Spanka cherries have good resistance to fungal diseases and harmful insects. If the tree grows on poor, heavy soils or in areas where groundwater comes very close to the surface, problems cannot be avoided.

Diseases and pests of cherries - table

Entire branches die from monilial burn Sooty fungus on leaves Gum therapy can greatly weaken the cherry Cherry sawfly severely damages foliage If you do not fight the cherry weevil, you can be left without a crop

Cherry harvest

Shpanka cherry harvest ripens early. At the end of June, the fruits begin to enter the time of ripeness.

Ripening in Shpanka is not simultaneous, and the fruits do not hold fast enough on the branch. Therefore, harvesting should be carried out every day or every other day.

Shpanka is famous for its generosity. mature tree can bring from 50 to 60 kg of juicy and tasty cherries.

Harvest on dry and sunny days. For long storage cherries need to be cut off or cut off with scissors along with the tails. At room temperature the berry will easily withstand a couple of days, and in the refrigerator - a little more than 2 weeks.

Cherries are best consumed fresh. Gradual ripening allows for a long time to remove ripe fruits from the tree. The variety is also used for conservation, processing and drying. Shpanka makes wonderful jams, jams, compotes and wines. cherry in own juice ideal for dumplings and pies.

Diseases and
Symptoms Control measures Prevention
The disease is caused by a fungus that infects leaves, shoots and ovaries. Young branches dry quickly. The spread of the disease is facilitated by cool and damp weather.
  1. In the spring, a pink bud is sprayed with Horus (2 g of the drug per 10 liters of water). Re-treatment - after 7-10 days.
  2. In summer, if the weather is damp and cool, Skor is applied (2 g per 10 liters of water).
  1. In autumn, carry out sanitary pruning, destroy diseased branches and fallen leaves.
  2. When applying fertilizers, pay attention to the fact that excess nitrogen contributes to the development of the fungus. Potassium and fluorine reduce the damage of shoots.
The leaf blade is covered with spots gray color, which merge and form a black, soot-like coating. Biochemical processes in leaves
Spraying is carried out with a solution of copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 l of water), Bordeaux liquid or a copper-soap mixture (5 g of copper sulfate and 150 g of soap per 10 l of water).
  1. Be sure to prune, thin out the crown for better lighting and ventilation.
  2. Avoid waterlogging the soil.

or gommoz
Appears after a burn, frostbite, excessive use of fertilizers. Bacteria settle in the resin-soaked bark, causing the branches to wilt.Resin growths are removed to healthy tissue. Wounds are treated with a 1% solution of copper sulphate, after which they are smeared with garden pitch.
  1. Avoid mechanical damage to the barrel.
  2. Remove and destroy affected branches in time.
  3. To protect against sunburn in the spring, whitewash the trunks.
The flesh of the leaf is gnawed out, leaving only a mesh of veins.The cherry harvest field is cultivated by Iskra, Aktara or Inta-Vir. The solution is prepared according to the instructions.

Shpanka cherry is a hybrid of the most popular cherry and cherry varieties. the most important hallmark, as well as a feature of this species is its resistance to bad weather conditions, resistance to various pests. In addition, this variety is not very demanding in care, which is also a plus.

The tree is quite strong and can reach 6 meters in height. The bark of the tree is dark brown in color, while the crown is medium dense and has a reverse pyramidal shape. The leaves reach a length of 80 mm.

Five years after planting, the cherry shpanka begins to produce a crop. In a season, you can harvest up to 50 kg of crop, which is not a little. Berries on average weigh about 5 g, have a round-flattened shape with a diameter of about 10 mm.

The skin color of the berries varies from burgundy to dark brown. The stone is quite easily separated from the dense pulp. The pulp has yellow with a sweet-sour taste. Berries of cherry shpanka have a large number minerals: sugar content is about 11.5%, fiber - 0.5%, various organic acids - 1.5%.

In addition, it includes calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese and vitamins C and B.

Cherry shpanka is considered self-fertile, but this is not entirely true. Without additional pollinators, its ability to bear fruit is no more than 10%. Therefore, other varieties are planted on the site along with cherries, which help in its pollination. It is desirable to plant such trees near the shanks or in a neighboring area.

The best pollinators are:

  1. Cherries are persistent.
  2. Cherry Griot.
  3. Cherry Griot Ostheim.

Cherry shpanka is an early ripening species, since the collection of berries begins in late June - early July.


There are a large number of varieties of cherry shpanka.

The most popular among them:


Description: dwarf cherry shpanka was also obtained by crossing cherries and sweet cherries. Its berries are dark red in color and have a sweet and sour taste. The tree is stunted, reaches a height of no more than 300 cm. It has high frost resistance (up to -30 degrees) and disease resistance. After 5 years, the tree begins to bear fruit, the average yield is 35 kg.


Bryansk cherry reaches 400 cm in height and is also highly resistant to low temperatures. The berries are large, weighing about 5 g, have long term storage and are great for canning or drying. The average yield is 40 kg.


Donetsk cherry shpanka is considered the fastest to get the first harvest - 3-4 years after planting. The variety is insensitive to weather changes, quickly recovering from frost and wind. The berries are very large, reaching 12 g. big harvest gives only 10 years after landing, but not less than 45 kg. The variety is not self-fertile, pollinators are required.


This variety has low frost resistance (not lower than 25 degrees). The first harvest after planting can be obtained in 3-4 years. The tree reaches 400 cm in height and is considered medium-sized. The berries have a sweet-sour taste and reach an average weight of 3 g. The average yield is 40 kg.


The tree is considered medium-sized, as it reaches 300-400 cm in height, has a dense crown. The berries are sweet and sour, weighing 4-5 g, the flesh is yellow. Shim cherry has a high resistance to low temperatures (up to -40 degrees). The first harvest gives at 4-5 years of age, the average yield of an adult tree is 50-55 kg.


The variety is resistant to low (up to -35 degrees) and high (up to +40 degrees) temperatures. It reaches a height of 3-4 m, has an average ripening period. The first crop can be harvested 3 years after planting. The berries have a dark red color with clear juice, the variety is considered dessert, but also great for preservation. The average yield is up to 50 kg.

Suitable region and climate

Cherry shpanka is suitable for almost all regions, in addition, the variety of its varieties helps to choose the most suitable for the area. But depending on the climate, there are differences in planting. For example, for warmer regions (central and southern), it is recommended to land in the fall in late September - early October. Before the onset of cold weather, the tree has time to take root in the new soil.

For colder regions (northern and eastern), it is recommended to land in early spring, in late April - early May. Usually by this time the soil has already warmed up, and before the onset of cold weather, the seedling will have time to take root.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like everyone fruit variety, cherry shpanka has its advantages and disadvantages.

The pluses include:

  1. High resistance to low and high temperatures.
  2. Easy care.
  3. Good disease resistance.
  4. Taste and purpose of berries (preservation, drying).
  5. Early and plentiful harvest.

The cons include:

  1. Low self-fertility.
  2. The large size of the tree makes it difficult to pick berries and fight diseases.
  3. Low storage rate.
  4. Low fertility.
  5. The branches break due to the heaviness of the fruit, making frequent pruning necessary.

The history of the emergence of cherry shpanka

Cherry shpanka was bred by Ukrainian breeders and very quickly spread not only throughout Ukraine, but also throughout Russia and Moldova. Cherry was obtained by crossing cherries and sweet cherries, and received from these varieties the most best qualities. For 200 years, breeders have bred a large number of varieties of shanka cherries, Bryansk shanks appeared in the state register. The second name of such a cherry is "Duke".


Landing rules (photo):

It is better to plant seedlings along a fence or any structures so that they are protected from the wind.

But the choice of seedling is also important:

  1. The best height of a seedling before planting is 100 cm.
  2. The bark should have a light brown color, the color should be green at the base. There should also be no signs of disease or the presence of pests; the bark must be clean and smooth.
  3. The root system is well developed, the presence of at least 3 main roots, from which about 5 processes have already grown.

When transporting, it is recommended to wrap it with a damp cloth, and put a plastic bag on top. It is advisable to prepare a mixture of water, clay, manure before planting. The ratio should be 1:1:1, dip the rhizome into this mixture before planting.

It is better to plant a seedling in loose and fertile soil, with a low or neutral acidity index. Otherwise, the tree may die or develop poorly.

It is recommended to prepare a pit for planting in the fall, fertilize the soil with mineral and organic fertilizers. If the soil is highly acidic, then lime is added to it and gently rubbed with the ground so as not to burn the roots of the seedling.

In addition to this, add to the pit:

  • ash (0.5 kg);
  • manure (compost) about 15 kg;
  • potassium sulfate (0.6 kg);
  • superphosphate (0.2 kg)

These activities should be carried out two weeks before the alleged planting of the tree.

Drop off process:

  1. It is necessary to dig a hole 0.5-1 m in diameter.
  2. The roots are neatly straightened across the entire width of the pit.
  3. Next, the seedling is covered with earth.
  4. A hole is formed around the trunk, and an earthen roller is formed at a distance of 300 mm from the trunk of the seedling.
  5. 2-3 buckets of water are poured into the hole around the trunk.
  6. The trunk, where the bark becomes greenish, should be level with the ground.
  7. From above it is necessary to fertilize a seedling of 15 kg of manure.
  8. A peg should be nailed next to the trunk and tied to the trunk.
  9. For better acceptance of the seedling, it should be cut into a third.


Cherry shpanka is famous for its drought tolerance, but during flowering and ovary formation, watering is necessary daily. Watering costs about 2-3 buckets of water in 1-2 days.

After the end of fruiting and before winter, it is also necessary to water the tree. With high rainfall in the autumn period, watering is not necessary.

For irrigation, it is better to use the so-called grooves, the amount of water should be at least 20 liters, and the soil should be saturated to less than 500 mm in depth. But abundant watering is also contraindicated, the roots may begin to rot.

Tree nutrition:

  1. If the landing was correct and all recommendations were followed, then top dressing is required for the second spring after landing.
  2. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the form of granules (no more than 20 g per 1 m of soil).
  3. After three years, an infusion of 30 liters of compost or manure is allowed.

During flowering, it is recommended to water the tree with chicken manure, compost, nettle infusion. In the middle of summer, you should water the tree with fertilizer specifically for cherries. After the end of flowering, the tree and crown are watered with a solution of ferrous sulfate 1%. In autumn, it is possible to water with a solution of wood ash (about 1.5 l).

tree pruning

All pruning consists of cutting off the main stem branches. Circumcision should be done no more than 2 times a year. Dead or broken branches are removed in the spring, and damaged and dried branches are cut in the fall.

It is forbidden to break off branches, all pruning is carried out with a well-ground tool, and then treated with a 3% solution of copper sulphate. The bark of the tree is treated with the same solution.

Crown rejuvenation should be done every 5-7 years, cutting off dried branches, but in no case should you cut more than a quarter of the tree crown. The tree may not survive such an intervention.

Preparing for frost

In winter, the bark of fruit trees is food for various rodents, so its trunk must be processed. slaked lime.

The solution is prepared as follows: you need to take 10 liters of water, 1 kg of manure, 3 kg of quick lime, 1.5 kg of clay and 0.1 kg of soap chips. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Usually, processing a tree trunk with such a mass is enough from the encroachment of rodents on it.

In addition, you can simply wrap the tree with a metal mesh about 1 m high.

Also, you need:

  1. Trim dry branches.
  2. Clear the trunk of grass and foliage.
  3. Fertilize and loosen the soil.
  4. When snow falls, sweep it into a snowdrift around the trunk. The snowdrift must be updated as it melts.


Cherry shpanka has resistance to the most common diseases fruit trees: moniliosis and coccomycosis.

But besides them, there are a large number of other diseases and pests, including:

  1. Leaf aphid. Insects stick to the foliage of the tree and suck the juice out of them, which is why the leaves die and dry out. Usually ants appear along with them, so it is advisable to plant strong-smelling herbs next to the tree and spray the tree with herbal tinctures (garlic, needles, spicy pepper, onion). best method control is considered to be spraying with insecticides (Aktellik, Biotlin, etc.).
  2. Fruit rot. Signs of this disease are the appearance of brown spots on the leaves and fruits, which quickly increase in size. There are no such berries. It is best to carry out prevention 20 days before harvesting, spray the tree with Azofos, Kuprozan and others.
  3. Clusterosporiasis. Yellow spots with a red border appear on the leaves, holes appear very quickly in their place, the berries dry. Used for prevention blue vitriol, and in the treatment of treatment with nitrofen before flowering and in the fall.
  4. Scab. Green spots appear on the leaves, which quickly darken and become hard. Further, the leaves curl, and the berries shrivel. Treatment is carried out by spraying with Hom or Kuprozan.
  5. Cherry moth. Caterpillars appear on the leaves, which feed on flowers, leaves and shoots. In their place are cobwebs with black dots (excrement). For prevention, yarrow infusion is used and sprayed every week throughout the season. Treatment is carried out with Metation, Metaphos, etc.
  6. Anthracnose. Light spots appear on the berries, later pink tubercles appear in their place. For prevention, it is worth whitewashing with slaked lime every year. For treatment, spraying with Polyram is used.
  7. Cherry fly. In the pulp of the fly, larvae are laid, which eat away all the pulp and the bone. You can no longer use such fruits. For treatment, spraying with Lightning, Karate, Aktara, Phasis is used.
  8. Gommoz. A light or amber liquid comes out of the bark, which hardens. For treatment, it is necessary to clean given place sandpaper to a healthy bark and process with sorrel porridge. Treatment with copper sulphate is also required.
  9. Cherry weevil. Adult weevils feed on leaves and flowers, and the larvae lay berries in the bones, which eat them away. For treatment, it is necessary to treat the tree with Corsair, Gardona, etc.
  10. Fruit sapwood. Insects lay eggs, larvae feed on bark and leaves. It is necessary to treat the bark with Sharpei, Biotlin, etc.
  11. Cherry slimy sawfly. The larvae eat the upper tissue of the leaves, and burns appear on the bark. Spraying with Chlorophos or Karbofos is necessary, but no later than 20 days before harvesting.

Collection and storage

Berry picking must be done daily or every 2 days. It is not advisable to collect after rain, then the storage time of the berries will be significantly reduced. On average, berries are stored in the refrigerator for about 5 days. Be sure to harvest with the stalks, without squeezing them and sifting out the damaged ones. Since cherries easily absorb the smells of other foods, they should be stored in hermetically sealed containers.

If you try to cheat and pick the berries that are not yet ripe for longer storage, then nothing will work. The berries will no longer become sweeter, and the storage time will remain the same. Cherry shpanka is great for canning, freezing, desserts, jellies, etc.

Those who have visited Ukraine know that it is absolutely impossible to imagine Ukrainian villages without cherry orchards. And one of the most favorite varieties of cherries by locals is shpanka.

Cherry shpanka - description

Today it is no longer possible to say exactly who was the first to succeed in crossing cherries and sweet cherries. But it can be said without exaggeration that the experiment was successful. The Shpanka cherry variety obtained as a result of folk selection is distinguished by a mass of advantages, ranging from high palatability and ending with the ability to endure quite severe frosts (up to -35 degrees) without tangible losses. The berries of the shanks are large and juicy, have a rounded flattened shape and a dark skin color. The average weight of each of them is approximately 4.5 grams.

The stone at the spank is small and easily separated from the pulp. The first harvest from the shanks can be obtained as early as the fifth year after planting. An adult tree is annually capable of producing up to 50 kg of juicy fragrant berries, and it bears fruit by type - in clusters on annual branches.

The shingle does not require special care - it is enough to plant it in a well-lit area with fertile soil. In areas with a low nutrient content in the soil, the tree may suffer from cracking of the bark. When placing several trees on one site, it is imperative to maintain intervals of 4-4.5 meters between them. You can plant the shanks both in autumn and in spring.

Cherry shpanka has several varieties and every year their number increases thanks to the work of breeders. More recently, Donetsk and Bryansk varieties of shanka cherries have appeared.

Cherry "Shpanka Donetsk"

Donetsk shpanka appeared as a result of crossing the Donchanka cherries and cherry varieties "Valery Chkalov". Its main advantages are an early variety of crop ripening and very large berries (10-12 grams). Donetsk shpanka enters the fruiting period already 3-4 years after planting. From one Donetsk shpanka tree, you can collect about 40-50 kg of berries.

Cherry "Shpanka Bryansk"

The Bryansk shpanka is the result of the work of the breeder M.V. Kanshina. It is characterized by an excellent degree of resistance to frost, pests and diseases. The berries of the Bryansk shpanka, although not as large as those of the Donetsk one (4.5-5 grams), have a pleasant taste and are perfectly stored. The tree is medium-sized, with a compact rounded crown. From one tree, you can remove 30-40 kg of berries.
