Specialty Fire Technician. Profession - Fireman

"In the world of professions. Profession - fireman"

Target: Get initial information about professions. Get to know the job of a firefighter.

I. Organizing time

. Teacher - Every day, millions of people leave their homes early and hurry somewhere. Where are they heading? (Adults rush to work).

Tell me what you need to go to work every day with joy and pleasure. (Find a job you like, choose a profession that brings joy and pleasure)

What is a profession? (1. A profession is a type of labor that requires a person some training, knowledge, skills. 2. A profession is a job that a person chooses for himself for life).

Everyone needs the work of a builder

everyone needs and delicious dinner

doctor to treat everyone

and a teacher to teach

You need a pilot to fly

Well, who do you want to be?

I listen to the answers of the guys.

You have named many professions, without which people's lives are indispensable. Many of these professions are ancient and almost as old as mankind. But today we will talk about a very important and the right profession. Listen to poems performed by 3rd graders

If there is a problem at home

Acrid smoke hurts the eyes

And around only soot and heat

So it's fire guys

But the team of men does not sleep

Dial zero one

Glorious will help you out of trouble

Dear firefighter

When the fire is the recipe alone

Call urgently zero one

zero one fire Department

And now the red cars rush to dangerous places

passers-by shun

Firefighters hurry up

Of course, you guessed what profession today will be discussed. How long ago did the firefighter profession appear?

(As soon as people first lit a fire, a fire broke out due to careless handling)

When did people first invent fire? Hear the legend.

“A long time ago, people did not know fire. They roamed the forests attacking wild animals. If the hunt was successful, they tore the beast apart and ate the meat raw. Cold caves served as shelters. The world was ruled by the Gods living on Mount Olympus. Strong, beautiful and omnipotent. They had enough of everything. Young Prometheus was endowed with a sensitive heart and a brave soul. On the way to Olympus, he met people shivering from the cold and suffering from diseases. Prometheus was not afraid to make their lives easier. He quietly took a smoldering ember from the hearth of the gods. Descending to the ground, he took it out and inflated it with his mighty breath. And the people saw the fire and took it for themselves. They fed him with dry branches, protected from the wind. They shared their warmth with each other. Man drove predators out of the cave, learned to fry meat, burn pots and much more, necessary for life. The father of the gods Zeus was surprised. People no longer roamed in herds, but lived in families in houses. Then Zeus ordered to take Prometheus to the cold land of the Scythians and chain him there to a rock. And people will be eternally grateful to Prometheus for the fire he brought.”

History of the profession

The oldest references to professional fire brigades refer to ancient egypt. Later in Rome, Emperor Augustus ordered the creation of a public fire fighting service, whose employees were also a night police patrol. In 1549 Ivan the Terrible issued a decree on fire safety, which obliged the townsfolk to have fire extinguishers in every home.April 30 (17) - Workers Day fire brigade. On this day in 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed a decree establishing the first Russian fire service. Firefighters, by the way, are often offended if they are called firefighters. After all, this word used to mean not fire fighters, but fake fire victims - people who beg for alms with reference to the fact that their house allegedly burned down.

^ II. Main part

story "Profession fireman" :

Any of us can put out a fire or even a lit towel in the kitchen. But when it comes to a full-scale fire, brave professionals enter the battle with the elements. Their name is firefighters. People have a calling to save and protect others. Such people go to work in the rescue service in order to look danger in the eye every day. A representative of this profession must know the rules for providing first aid, have a strong psyche, high stress resistance - after all, events develop unpredictably, and not all people can be saved, sometimes they die before our eyes, and this must be experienced.

What qualities do you think a firefighter should have?

This profession is recommended for people decisive, courageous, responsible, having a strong character, willpower, clear coordination of movements, quick reactions , attention, memory.

And why does a firefighter need to be attentive, have an excellent memory? (To remember in a burning room where to go)

A game"The Most Attentive Fireman"

Each command must be memorized in 1 minute largest number items on the table.

A firefighter needs to have an excellent memory in order to quickly memorize the plan of a burning building and locate the possible locations of people. For this competition, from 10 to 15 items are laid out on the table under the tablecloth, and on command it is proposed to remember as many items as possible and write down their names on a piece of paper. The team that wrote large quantity items.

Teacher: What are people called who risk their lives to fight fire? (Firefighters)

Who are "Firefighters?", "Firefighters?"(Firefighter is a profession, fireman is a fire victim!)

What are firefighters doing?

The student reads the poem "Firefighters".

In our difficult service it is important

Be smart and courageous.

Believe! I don't want to brag about myself

But if you get scared, you won't defeat the fire.

All honest people know

That the fire is the same front ...

Against the fire avalanche

Together with us in turn

To battle - fire engines,

Boats and helicopter...

You don't believe the jokes:

Like, it's easy for firefighters to live

Like all their work

Pour water on the fire.

The joke is and will be a joke

The dispute will resolve itself

Take a minute to look

How he fights with fire.

How it burns, but does not burn out,

Suffocating in the smoke.

And as the flame dies

Submits to him.

And then it becomes clear to you

How dangerous is this work!

Teacher: Bold and courageous people are sent to fight the fire. They, throwing themselves into fire and smoke, save people, property, even at the cost of their lives.

The profession of a firefighter, or, as they are now called, a lifeguard, is one of the most important in society. Phone 01 is known by heart by every child. Many people will never need the help of firefighters in their entire lives, but these same defenders will save others from death. Any city and even a village must have its own rescue team, since fires happen everywhere, and professionals must put them out. Fire is a strong element capable of turning a vast territory into a black desert covered with ash in dry weather. The task of the fire service is to save people first, and then material values, buildings, forests, agricultural land, etc. These brave people put out multi-story houses and even entire factories, during man-made fires, and also prevent the fire from spreading further. Without their exploits, the number of victims of fires and material damage from them would have been catastrophic on a national scale.

Teacher: In human life, fire plays an exceptional role. Heating our homes, cooking, the development of science and technology - everything is connected with fire. Most of the fires occur due to the fault of the people themselves, because of their carelessness, and approximately every 6th fire occurs due to the fault of children and adolescents. That is why the theme of our class hour very relevant.

Conversation on the poem "How one house burned down."

I'll tell you about

How the house burned down.

Two girls, two sisters.

Got some matches.

You know? - said Valya, -

We are tourists on a halt,

Let's light the fire now

Well, we will have it

Under the table. Bring the newspapers

Let this be sickness.

And in a basket we will cook porridge, -

Natasha told her. -

Let's strike a match. One two Three!

The flame is burning. Look!

Ay! The match has fallen! Ouch!

Ouch! What a big fire!

- What do you think happened next?

Those girls got scared

Confused, how to be here?

Breathing a little, stand on the sidelines:

Run away or fight?

- What would you do in this situation?

What needed to be done?

Valya quickly guessed:

You should splash water!

But water - it turned out

Just a little bit in the teapot.

And Valya said again:

We will cover him with a shawl

And a scarf and a blanket.

But fire and grief are not enough

There is no shawl, there is no scarf,

The blanket caught fire.

Did the girls do the right thing?

- In what case should you use a scarf or a blanket?

And the fire flared up

Climb up the tablecloth on the table,

I climbed into my father's book,

Walked across the room.

Run through the curtains

By the picture on the wall

Dispersed with noise, with a bang,

Everything around is on fire.

And Natasha together with Valya

No more delay,

Run into the corridor

And then quickly into the yard.

The flame is higher, the flame is steeper

Smoke column to the very clouds,

And the people crowd around

Who with a shovel, who with a bucket,

And the fire department is already rushing

But already on fire all House,

For a long time everyone fought with the fire,

Not one hour or two

Yes, all efforts are in vain

There is no house, no yard.

Numb, sisters are standing,

And the people roar around:

From just one match

As the whole house burned down in a fire.

Everyone says and for good reason:

It's hard to deal with a fire.

Remember, my friends:

Matches are not toys!

Everyone should know, friends,

Don't play with fire!

Teacher: What fire safety rule did you learn from this poems?

Can you put out a fire on your own? How? What is the name of the fire extinguisher?


Game "Collect the word"

a thread

In the event of a fire, the signal is sent to the dispatching service, the operator determines which fire station is closer to the scene of the incident, to which category of complexity the fire belongs. Depending on this, further actions are planned. If a garbage container is on fire, then only one tank truck will be sent to the scene, but if the incident is more serious, a residential or production room- then at least two, and preferably from different directions (in case one suddenly gets stuck somewhere along the way, for example, in a traffic jam). For major incidents, firefighters come from all over the area.

When an alarm is received, duty fighters must put on special clothes in 20 seconds, then immediately get into the car and drive out. The lives of many people often depend on how quickly the car arrives on the scene.
It is necessary to deploy fire hoses in one and a half to two minutes and connect them to a local water source, if any, or to a cistern. Extinguishing a fire can last from several minutes to several days. If there are not enough arriving forces to fight the fire, help is called.

Here we are, after watching the video clip, we will be in the role of volunteers who came to the aid of firefighters


Conducting the competition "Causes of the fire"

Class teacher - instructor, students-listeners.

The students are divided into two teams (for example, boys and girls) and each team is asked to write down the most common causes fires. The team with the most reasons wins.

Suggested answers:

    Carelessness with fire

    Carelessness when smoking

    Violation of the rules for the operation of electrical equipment

    Childish prank with fire


    Malfunction of electrical appliances

    Forgetfulness (I forgot to turn it off)

    Bonfire in the forest

    spark (stove, fireplace)

    Flammable items. Kerosene, gasoline, gas.


Summing up the results of the competition. And stillThe main culprits of the fire are people.

Competition "How to behave in a fire"

The competition is held in the form of sequential questions. class teacher for each team. The winner is determined by the number of points for the answers.

    Question: “How to behave if the fire area is small?”

Answer: “If the fire is small, you can try to immediately extinguish it by throwing dense fabric, a blanket or pouring a pot of water"

    Question: “How to behave if the fire does not immediately go out?”

Answer: “If the fire does not immediately go out, immediately run away from home to safe place. And only after that, call the fire department on the phone “O 1” or ask the neighbors about it.

    Question: “What if you can’t escape from a burning apartment?”

Answer: “If you cannot escape from a burning apartment, immediately call 01 and tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment. After that, call neighbors and passers-by for help from the window.

    Question: “What should you do if you feel like you are choking on smoke?”

Answer: “If you feel like you are choking on smoke, squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below. In the event of a fire at the entrance, never take the elevator, it can turn off and you will suffocate.

Additional questions in case of a tie:

    Can any fire be extinguished with water? Why?

    What is included in the primary fire extinguishing equipment?

    How to put out burning clothes on a person?

    Why are forest and peat fires dangerous?

    Can an artificial tree catch fire?

    What is dangerous in the house oven? Why can't you touch the stove damper?


"What do we know about the correct actions in the event of a fire."

Teacher: Let's repeat the fire safety rules on:

1. Can I play with matches? Why?

2. Why children are not allowed to turn on gas stove?

3. Can I leave the TV on unattended?

4. Is it possible to open windows, doors in case of ignition of objects in the dwelling?

5. Where should you take cover in the event of a fire?

6. What will you do, what will you do when you see a flame from the apartment, house that you pass by?

Didactic game"If there is a fire."

Teacher: In my hands balloon. The player must quickly say the last word of the poetic line and pass the ball to another participant.

If the participant slowed down with the answer or answered incorrectly, he is out of the game, and the ball again goes to the leader.

Teacher: This ball in the hands of not without reason.

Previously, if there was a fire,

The signal balloon soared up,

Called the firefighters to fight the fire.

Where people are careless with fire

There a balloon will rise into the sky,

There will always threaten us ...Angry fire . (Passing the ball.)

Teacher: One two three four -

Who has a fire in... ?apartment . (Passing the ball.)

Teacher: Smoke rose suddenly.

Who didn't turn off...?Iron . (Passing the ball.)

Leading . The red light flickered.

Who with matches...?Played. (Passing the ball.)

Leading . The table and cabinet burned down at the same time.

Who dried clothes over...?Gas. (Passing the ball.)

Leading . A pillar of fire enveloped the attic.

Who's the match...?Lit. (Passing the ball.)

Leading . A fire broke out in the yard.

Who's burning there...?Bonfire . (Passing the ball.)

Leading . The flame jumped into the foliage.

Who burned at home ...?Grass. (Passing the ball.)

Leading . Who threw into the fire at the same time

Strangers...?Items. (Passing the ball.)

Leading . Remember every citizen

This number..."01". (Passing the ball.)

Leading . I saw smoke - do not yawn.

And firefighters...Call. (Passing the ball.)

Leading . It should be clear to everyone

What to play with fire...Dangerously . (Passing the ball.)

Teacher: BUT what number should we call in case of fire? (01)

slide 3

Easier than put out the fire,

We WARN him!

Let every citizen know:

Fire department - 01.

We will quickly defeat the fire

If we call on 01.

Teacher . “My phone rang ...” Which of you from childhood is not familiar with these lines of Korney Chukovsky?

What are these nursery rhymes about?(About games with the phone).

Now raise your hands, those who at least once called and joked on the phone. Now confess, jokers, who called fire brigade for neighbors?

Do you know why such actions are unacceptable?

Students .

Waste of gasoline.

The fire truck wears out.

But the most important thing is that at this time a fire can really happen somewhere, and someone needs the help of the fire brigade.

The game "Dial the number of the fire department!"

(Using the phone, the host approaches some of the participants in the holiday and asks to call firefighters by phone, the children determine who called correctly).

A GAME. “It's me, it's me, it's all my friends”


Who is playful and cheerful

Loyalty keeping the rules,

Protects native school

From fire?


Who's the neighborhood kids

Explains in the yard

That playing with fire is not without reason

Ends in fire?(It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)


Who stealthily in the corner

Burning a candle in the attic?

caught fire old table -

Did he leave alive?


Who helps the firefighters

Doesn't break the rules

Who is an example for all the guys:

Schoolchildren and preschoolers?(It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Summary of the lesson.

Teacher : Today we talked a lot about the dangers that arise from careless handling of fire, got acquainted with the profession of a fireman, repeated the rules fire safety. And now I suggest watching a cartoon about how people first got fire.



Sooner or later, a person faces the problem of choosing a profession. We paid attention to the profession of a firefighter, because at present in our country young people increasingly consider the profession of a firefighter to be prestigious. Every day more and more people need the help of rescuers, firefighters.

Topchiy Valery Valerievich came to our school. He works in the Verkhnedobrinskaya fire station No. 95, as a senior fireman of the third shift. Valery Valeryevich told us a lot about his service. We also did not stand aside, we read a lot, watched programs about firefighters, searched for information on the Internet, visited the virtual museum of the history of the Russian fire department, made a virtual educational trip to the Berlin Museum and an excursion to Verkhnedobrinskaya fire station No. 95(GKU of the Volgograd region "Fire service of the Volgograd region in the Kamyshin district") . We conducted a sociological survey of students and found out what our guys think about the difficulties of this profession.

Object and subject of research: we and the profession of a firefighter.


Find out that the main problems that arise as a result of working in the profession of a firefighter are: stress, heavy physical exertion.


Attracting the attention of students to the profession of a firefighter, which is necessary to save the lives of people, state and personal property.


    Theoretical method:

    study specialized literature

    find information on the Internet;

    practical method:

    excursion to the fire department;

    interview with a specialist from the fire department;

    conduct a sociological survey;

    give and compare statistical data on fires in our area.


    Introduction Main part:
    How were fires put out in the old days? How do you become a firefighter? Where do they study? Do firefighters have drills? How is the fire department organized? Where do 01 calls go? The composition of the combat crew What are technical means? Virtual Museums:
    -Museum of the History of the Fire Protection of Russia
- Museum of fire protection of the city of Moscow
    Virtual educational trip to the Berlin Museum Interview with Topchim Valery Valerievich, senior fireman of the third shift of the Verkhnedobrinsk fire station No. 95.
    Conclusion and Conclusion Sources and literature

    Main part. How were fires put out in the old days?

Many years ago, primitive people learned what fire is. Later, people had to come up with ways to deal with fires, because fire sometimes becomes a real disaster.

For many centuries, fires were extinguished "by the whole world." bell ringing announced a fire, and residents of neighboring houses ran to help put out the fire. In the villages, where the houses were almost entirely made of wood, the fire was especially terrible. Fellow villagers stood in a chain from the well to the burning house, passing buckets of water to each other. Often at home standing side by side, broke to save the rest of the village from the fire. But the frightened crowd of people often hindered the extinguishing of the fire more than helped. In the fight against fire, a small organized group of specially trained people is more successful.

When and how did the fire department appear?

The profession of "fireman" is very ancient. The first firefighters appeared in ancient Rome.During the night rounds of the city, the slaves not only kept order, but also put out fires. About 300 years before the birth of Christ, wealthy Romans were already creating the first paid fire brigades. They were called "vigilii", which means "awake". These firefighters also carried out police duty at night. The richest Romans kept "personal" fire brigades. When extinguishing fires, slaves used bronze buckets and clay vessels.

The first legislators in the field of fire safety were the Germans, and at the beginning of the 17th century, the first fire brigades appeared in Germany.

In Russia, the fire department was created in 1803,by order of Emperor Alexander I,first in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow. By 1853, there were already fire stations in 460 Russian cities.

Now there are fire brigades in every city.

How do you become a firefighter? Where do they study?

To become a firefighter, you must first of all be in excellent health and the appropriate age (from 18 years old). Anyone who wants to become a professional firefighter should learn a trade or a technical profession, such as becoming an auto repairman, mechanic, plumber or electrician. Candidates for firefighters enroll in courses where they study equipment, respiratory protection devices and fire law in all details.


The security of society is inconceivable without the training of specialists of a special category: professionals in the prevention and elimination of emergency situations. From the ability to correctly apply their knowledge, efficiency and willingness to make decisions in the most difficult situations people's lives often depend...

In the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, training of specialists is carried out by 5 higher educational institutions:

    The Academy of Civil Protection is the first university in the country to train rescue engineers and leaders of rescue teams;

    Academy of the State Fire Service;

    St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service;

    Ivanovo and Ural institutes of the FPS.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained:

Technical Fire and Rescue College No. 57.

Podolsky training center of the federal fire service. Here you can take 11-month courses and apply for the positions of chiefs of guards and inspectors of the State Fire Supervision.

Do firefighters have drills?

Firefighters need to act clearly and quickly, i.e. Know your duties and responsibilities well. Therefore, they have regular exercises. For example, in artificially smoky rooms they improve their work in gas masks. On purpose-built facades of buildings, they practice climbing with ladders to save people. Good physical shape is as important for them as skillful handling of special technical equipment. Right Understanding tactical combat missions is just as important as special knowledge of building design and fire equipment. All of this is taught in technical classes.

How is the fire department organized?

The fire department is the whole town. There are workshops, a shower room, a room where gas masks and fire extinguishers are stored, and much more. More than 100 people are doing what they learned earlier while working in their specialty. A large fire department is on alert around the clock.

Where do 01 calls go?

The control center is the heart of the fire department. There are a lot of consoles, monitors, computers, printers, displays, and exit counting boards.

In the control center for fire extinguishing forces and means, firemen, dispatchers, who receive messages about fires, sit. Having received the call, they quickly give an alarm signal to the fire department located closest to the fire, directing required amount fire trucks, as well as ambulances and, if any, rescue services.

What does a modern firefighter look like?

Clothing and equipment of a modern firefighter can be very diverse. The material for combat (protective) clothing was selected depending on what tasks would have to be performed in it. However, any material is subjected to special treatment, due to which it practically does not burn. Except protective clothing firefighters also have everyday uniforms, very similar to military ones.

When leaving for the task, firefighters put on:

    Combat clothing (combat) made of flame-retardant material with reflective stripes;

    Protective helmet (helmet), leather gloves- leggings;

If the fireman has to long time to be on fire, he puts on a suit covered with a layer of aluminum. When operating in heavy smoke, a firefighter breathes with a gas mask connected to a cylinder containing compressed air. In case of a fire or an accident at a chemical plant or nuclear power plant, firefighters work in special suits that protect them from harmful substances and radioactive radiation.

Thermal suit

Previously, firefighters' clothes were sewn from special fabrics with asbestos threads. Now it is sewn from metallized fabric, thin fiberglass or synthetic fiber. Suits have various degrees of protection.

Suit chemical - acid protection

It happens, it is necessary in case of accidents at chemical plants. These costumes also different degrees protection - corresponding to the level of danger at the emergency facility.

road safety

The clothes of the fire-regulator are sewn from a bright fabric that is clearly visible from afar, most often from polyester. On a bright red vest, there are reflective stripes silver color which are visible in the dark even from a great distance.

The composition of the combat crew

A combat crew of several vehicles and teams leaves for the fire. The team is divided into groups, each has its own task: fire fighting, rescue and evacuation of people, fire prevention in nearby buildings. If necessary, a rescue vehicle. The combat crew consists of the initial combat crew, command squads and ordinary fighters. The composition of the combat crew is indicated by numbers, for example - 1/2/16. This means that the team consists of a squad leader, two squad leaders and sixteen firefighters. Among them there are fighters, mechanics, messengers.

What is "technical means"?

In their work, firefighters use a variety of fire trucks. One of the main ones is a machine for extinguishing and auxiliary actions. And there are also special vehicles that are not available in every fire department. All fire engines are red. When leaving on a call, they have the right of way (that is, they must be allowed to pass by all other cars) and can go to the red light of the traffic light. This turns on the siren and flasher. As a rule, a rescue service car participates in the trips. The head of the fire department is ahead. passenger car. A fire truck crane is needed when you have to lift and move heavy loads. For example, if after a hurricane the streets are littered with uprooted trees, a truck crane removes them, freeing carriageway for movement. There is also a car - an auto-ladder and an auto-protection car. On the advanced staircase you can climb to a height of up to 40 meters.

For extinguishing fires and auxiliary work, the so-called conventional fire engines for various purposes are used, moreover, the type and number of fire-technical weapons, i.e. technical means loaded into a particular machine are strictly defined. There are also hose trucks carrying a lot of fire hoses.

Technical means

    Retractable ladder;

    Hydraulic pump;


    Road marking sign;

    Cable reel;

    Expanding cutters with a gas generator;

    Motor saw;

    Thermal protective suits;

    Sleeve bridges;

    Mobile radio;


    Gas mask;

    Signal flag;



    Vest of bright (warning) color;

    Cylinders with compressed air;

    Containers with foaming agent;

    Sleeve reel;

    Fire extinguisher;

    Pressure hoses;

    Keys for hydrants;

    Manual fire nozzles (tips of fire hoses);

    Sleeve branches.

What is a volunteer fire department?

A volunteer fire brigade has been set up in our village. It employs residents who, voluntarily and free of charge, are ready to immediately leave to extinguish the fire.

When are firefighters called?

Firefighters not only extinguish fires, they are also caused in other cases: during floods, they participate in saving people and animals; in case of car accidents, they help to free people from damaged cars (in our country, the rescue service does this). There are even firefighters-divers if there is a shipwreck or oil spills from tankers. In mountainous areas, landslides and avalanches often occur, in other places - earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, sometimes in residential buildings explosions occur. To search for people buried under the rubble of buildings or littered with earth, snow, firefighters-cynologists with specially trained dogs, included in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, are used. In addition, firefighters work on the water and at airports, extinguish forest fires.

Virtual educational journey to the Berlin Museum .

Berlin fire service was founded in 1851. To date, more than 4 thousand people are fighting fires and saving people in the German capital and more than 900 pieces of equipment are being used. Behind last year the emergency number 112 in Berlin was dialed more than 350 thousand times (about 1000 calls per day). Of these, 80% of calls were addressed to the rescue and ambulance service, 11% false calls, 7% - provision of technical assistance, and 2% - trips to fires.
The museum is located in one of the municipal fire departments. The third floor was entirely given over to the exposition. The dark stairwell leading to the museum looks like the entrance of a half-burnt building. The sensations, to be honest, are creepy: everything around is black, charred, fire hoses are stretched out, and even the smell is appropriate. The presence effect is guaranteed.
Inside, everything is arranged according to a similar principle. Somewhere there is sound.
in different thematic halls the visitor learns about the history of the fire department, its development,
about the technique used, equipment, etc. others

    Conclusion and Conclusion

We are convinced that the profession of a firefighter is suitable only for strong and courageous people, as it requires a person to constantly stay in a stressful situation and high physical costs.

The firefighter must be able to work in a team , be bold, sociable, because he will never be able to do his job alone. He has a huge responsibility.

Every profession needs love The firefighter profession is no exception.You need to be able to give yourself entirely to your work, only then you will achieve some positive results and career growth.

We came to the conclusion that you can choose this profession if:
- know how to work in a team;

Have a good sports background;

- Love to help people.
And, you can not choose this profession , if:
- do not play sports
- Conflict by nature.
In the process of creating a training project

    we have learned working with text, drawing up tables, graphs;

    We met with the requirement for the personality of a firefighter, the content of his work; ustroena - pozharnaya - chast /

    • materials of the book from the series "Everything about everything" "Firefighters"

    Internet resources:email 42) 54-92-14

Specialties: fire safety, civil defense

Specialization depending on the scope of application of knowledge and skills (military and defense facilities, civilian industrial and residential facilities, special facilities, facilities railway, fleet and port facilities, airports and runways, vehicles, airliners, power plants)

Required education (level of education, type of educational institution):

Primary vocational(firefighter) - fire colleges of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, stage I, as well as directly in the fire safety units

Secondary special(fire safety technician, military fire safety technician) - fire colleges of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, II stage, military fire technical schools

Higher(fire safety engineer) Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia (Moscow), St. Petersburg Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia, Voronezh Fire-Technical School of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia.

Specific abilities necessary for successful mastery of the profession:

The same as for rescuers, only to a lesser extent. At the same time, anyone who has passed a not very tough medical examination can, in principle, become an engineer and fire safety technician. However, in order to participate in a squad of firefighters, high physical and thermal endurance, the ability to actively work in a gas mask and in conditions of lack of oxygen, resourcefulness and speed of reaction are necessary.

Profiling subjects school curriculum and additional education:

OBZH, physical education, chemistry, physics, mathematics, Russian language and literature

The nature and content of the work:

  1. On duty and operational in the field of fire fighting. Work at fire stations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: duty with an emergency call and participation in the elimination of a fire or fighting a massive fire and rescuing people caught in a fire zone or a zone cut off by fire.
  2. Technical operational in the field of ensuring the readiness of fire extinguishing equipment for action. Work at the teaching staff: current preventive inspection and repair of fire extinguishing equipment.
  3. Supervisory Inspection. Work in public services supervision of compliance with fire safety measures: bypassing institutions, enterprises and residential buildings in the entrusted territory in order to identify violations of the rules for storing flammable products and compliance with fire safety, imposing fines, conducting preventive conversations, developing instructions for ensuring fire safety, taking organizational measures to eliminate identified violations of fire safety, attesting facilities for compliance with fire safety standards and issuing appropriate documents.
  4. Production and innovation.. Work on industrial enterprises producing fire safety control equipment, fire extinguishing agents and refractory building materials: participation in the design of technical fire extinguishing equipment and the development of new economical refractory building materials, participation in testing and promotion of new developments in this area.

Obvious advantages

High demand for personnel in this area, constantly increasing salaries, additional benefits (extended leave for firefighters). Awareness of the extremely important professional mission.

Pitfalls, obvious disadvantages

For firefighters only: high risk to health and life, hard work in extreme conditions with great psychological stress, inadequate attitude towards firefighters on the part of the majority of the population.

Possible occupational diseases: for firefighters - the consequences of burns, including lung burns, respiratory diseases, injuries, vegetovascular dystonia, diseases of the musculoskeletal system - the risk is high;

technicians and engineers were not identified.

Salary range (in rubles per month)

In Moscow and the Moscow region: 20,000 - 50,000 (usually 25,000)

In large regional centers: 16,000 - 40,000 (usually 22,000)

In the outback of Russia: 8,000 - 25,000 (usually 12,000)

I will begin the story about the courageous craft of a firefighter with my article written several years ago for one of the Moscow district newspapers. For unknown reasons, the article never saw the light of day. Meanwhile, it gives a lively and vivid idea of ​​those whose work we hardly notice, but thanks to him, Russian cities have not burned to the ground for a long time, as they once did in past centuries.

When a firefighter freezes...

With a satanic roar, the devilish creature rushed towards the fighters, intending to devour them, like a voracious amoeba from another planet. However, a jet under a pressure of eight atmospheres, escaping from two barrels at once, outstripped the monster. The fighters fired continuously, and the fatal liquid for the villain turned into steam in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile, from the entire floor of the hostel, people were hastily evacuated along the flights of stairs and ladders attached to the windows ...

The joke “sleeps like a firefighter” is still alive. Alas, people begin to understand the complete absurdity of this phrase, unfortunately, only when one day they suddenly experience (God forbid, of course) the proximity of the unbelted scarlet plasma. Or, having an excellent imagination, they will imagine in detail what it means at least once in a lifetime to enter a room engulfed in a furious flame. Wherever explosives are stored. Or a heavy beam “sawn” by fire looks like it will collapse on its head with its entire mass ...

Forward on signal

At the console in the control room, women are usually on duty. There is no more place for them in this profession: neither the female body nor the psyche can withstand such a load. And yet, and physical strength needed: a barrel with a handle, that is, a firearm, to hold at least five atmospheres of pressure when it returns from pressure, to open a tin roof or something else metal with an ax. And pull a man out of the fire on his shoulders. Sometimes very hard.

However, the remote control part is also not sugar: the head is spinning from the flow of information.

Here comes the fire siren. The fighters on duty have just been drinking tea, and they are already running through the cars, putting on fire-retardant fighters as they go. The red car rushes to the address indicated in the “burning” ticket, and the dispatchers connect with the person who called for help: they clarify the details in order to transmit very important information to the firefighters by radio.

  • Time 10.31 Entrance doors with a combination lock. Specify the code, - the senior brigade reports from the scene.

The dispatcher immediately connects to the "01" service and transmits the new numbers to the brigade. A minute later - a new message: the fire threat has been eliminated by the residents. It turns out that the owners of the apartment put lunch on the stove and went to the store. Returning before the arrival of firefighters, they removed the smoky pan from the stove and brought stingy apologies to the fighters, at the same time going through unflattering expressions on the personality of a neighbor who is always “cowardly”. And rightly so, according to firefighters.

And here is another similar challenge, to Leninsky Prospekt. True, here the careless hostess did not have time to return from the store. The door had to be opened by cutting off the hinges with a power cutter. This has to be done often. Of course, the owners, who always feel sorry for the "broken" door, scold. No one usually thinks that if the guys in helmets had not arrived in time, their apartment would have burned out in draft.

Any system in the conditions of a metropolis and the general recklessness of its inhabitants fails from time to time. The case sometimes turns into a tragedy. Once it happened in a five-story building on Panferov Street. An amateur pyrotechnician who lived on the fourth floor accumulated a mass of explosives in his apartment and on his balcony. Someone on the floor above decided to smoke. The cigarette butt not extinguished to the end fell on the "dangerous" balcony. And then the law of meanness worked. As luck would have it, all the vehicles of the nearest units were on call - they had to send a team from another territory to this address. The car also got into an impenetrable traffic jam. And when they arrived, the guy and the girl in the apartment on the fifth floor, hiding from the fire that got them into the bathroom, suffocated from the smoke.

Calm me down, joke

According to any deputy fire chief, the most difficult thing for a fighter is the state of waiting for a call. The worst thing is to be stuck in a traffic jam, knowing that every lost second can be the last in someone's life. I, as a person far from this profession, first drew attention to the combat vehicle: it seemed to me too hot in the cockpit, especially in summer.

“It’s stuffy in her,” one of the young but experienced firefighters confirmed. “But when we drive fast, it’s fine.

That's right, let's go fast. There, on the spot, there is a kind of psychological relaxation. And about the closeness, which is a hundred times thicker in a burning room, the fighters remember only when the work is completed, and insulating gas masks with masks are pulled off their faces. The main thing is that everyone who really could be saved was saved.

It amazes me how it is possible to go down from the 14th floor (and even from the fifth one) along a staircase only 35 cm wide attached to the window (it does not matter that it expands downwards). Indeed, along the edges - no hint of at least symbolic bumpers.

  • Well, firstly, a fighter helps them, - in turn, both the seasoned firefighter and the firefighter boy (though hardened) are surprised at the naive question. - And secondly, if people are ready to jump out of the window for fear of fire, then why should they go down the stairs. So they cling to it - you can’t tear it off. Even the elderly and children.

That's not the problem with firefighters. And here's how to right house drive up when private cars with shells blocked the whole yard? The owners of this technique are in no hurry to enter into a position: “Some m ... k fell asleep with an unextinguished cigarette, and we suffer because of your hoses!”. But getting to the entrance is one thing. Imagine how much the car weighs, if only the ladder pulls 20 or more, up to 40 tons! Plus up to three tons of water, foam, dry powder, used in extinguishing power plants and electrical wiring. Yes, the body of the car. You need to know where to put such a colossus so that the soil under it does not settle. A rookie driver is not to be trusted.

From the outside it looks like the firefighters are used to the heat. According to many of them, when entering a blazing room, they often cheer themselves up with a joke: “It’s like in a bathhouse!”. The extinguished apartment, indeed, for four hours with its air resembles a sauna. Fighters, when rushing to a challenge, also often laugh: now, they say, let's get smoked properly. Intuition perfectly tells them whether they are going to the fire, to the "pot" or even to the "false". The overalls of the fighter are so dense and heavy that they become wet through with sweat. Getting used to it, of course, is impossible. Therefore, when it is very warm outside, on the day off these brave guys like to dress like all normal people: a light jacket and jeans, hebesh trousers or shorts in summer, a shirt, a T-shirt and the like.

But it sometimes happens that during hard work, firefighters ... freeze.

At the old Cheryomushkinsky brick factory, somehow ... money caught fire! Old banknotes. Which at first they wanted to dispose of, and then, remembering what the Americans do from those pavement, conceived to turn into "money" bricks. In a word, there were bales of these former money in a warehouse, and something was being cooked nearby. From the spark, the bills began to smolder, then they caught fire: with a quiet, insidious fire. It was in the winter, when the frost was below 30 degrees. Abundantly watered, the money was covered with a crust through which oxygen penetrated. The fire “went” into the depths of the bales, and in order to completely eliminate the source of ignition, it was necessary to uproot these bales with a crowbar. By hand, wet with water, outdoors. And almost a day. Thank God no one got sick. Even though they froze through.

You can talk about the everyday life of firefighters for a very long time, and at the same time, the most interesting will be yet to come. So let's focus on the information for those who are thinking about whether to go to the fire department.

To apply for a job in the guard service, you must have with you: a certificate of secondary education, a medical examination report on suitability for this profession, good physical fitness (or a desire to get it - there are all conditions for this in the fire departments of the SWAO), honesty, decency, good a developed sense of mutual assistance, love for people and animals, lack of cowardice and optionality, a sense of humor and a good disposition. Everything else is purchased at the service. Mode of operation - daily, in three days.

Firefighters' favorite sports are usually football, hockey, tennis. The most frequently used hygiene procedure is the shower. The most pronounced reaction is to the smell of burning. In all other respects, firefighters are indistinguishable from other people.

Fire safety and security technicians

The guard (security) service is the vanguard and a kind of strike force of the entire global fire safety system. But in order for the firefighters to be able to fight the fire in time and defeat it before it causes irreparable damage, those who themselves, figuratively speaking, do not enter the burning house, but in the garage where the firefighters “rest” machine, and in the workshop of the fire department (either in a special service center fire service) prepares the equipment used by firefighters for flawless operation.

This does not mean that a fire technician or engineer in a college or university is not trained to put out fires themselves - on the contrary, they pass all the standards for fire fighting specialists during their studies. And in case of urgent need, a fire brigade technician must be able to replace a firefighter colleague at any time. Nevertheless, the main occupation of the technicians and engineers of the guard services is to examine how the doctors of the sick, special systems fire extinguishers located on emergency vehicles (red truck) and other equipment that firefighters take with them on a call, identify problems and fix them, or, if this is not possible in the workshop, remove the device (means) from the arsenal in time and send it to manufacturer.

The mission of the designer of fire-extinguishing equipment, fire-fighting products and coatings for roofs and walls of buildings is well known - he is involved in the process of creating new equipment and protecting materials from high temperatures. The nature, mode of operation and "pitfalls" almost completely coincide with those characteristic of his colleague-designer, described in the "Engineering" section. It is only conditionally possible to add that the development of something new in the field of fire safety usually takes up to ten or more active work with the creation of conceptual descriptions, drawings, prototypes and samples, testing and defending their development before various commissions, in among which there are also more experienced colleagues who can be very jealous of evaluating someone else's creation. But this is typical for any inventions and works of any creative work.

As for the work of technicians and engineers of fire supervision, a lot of speculation roams around these specialties, similar to speculation about the “bread place” of the traffic police inspector and the sanitary doctor (sanitary and epidemiological supervision inspector). In fact, everything depends on the desire of the heads of various enterprises to save on fire safety. Perhaps some businessmen and directors budget organizations and really do not have enough money to buy a new fire extinguisher and organize everything in their premises in accordance with the rules and regulations of fire safety. This is not a reason to pay off the fire inspector, as long as he does not close the enterprise.

And more and more in Russia, there is a tendency not to pay these compensations to firefighters, but to hire these same specialists to their staff or to cooperate freelance. This position is usually called a fire safety engineer at different enterprises. It is his task to ensure that his colleague inspector, suddenly swooping into the premises of the employer, at any moment would have nothing to complain about. And the profitability of the work of inspectors in terms of extortions is falling more and more noticeably. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that it is still much more difficult to get a job in the technical service for the supervision of fire safety than to become a firefighter or a fire fighting technician. And the salary in the guard services over time will significantly overtake salaries in such relatively quiet and safe positions for health as an enterprise fire safety engineer.

And one more nuance. Quiet work in this area still contains a considerable amount of risk. After all, if a fire breaks out, and even with a fatal outcome, in a room that the fire inspector dishonestly took for a bribe, then he will very soon be called for interrogation. And, if they prove his negligence or selfish motives for signing a “fake” act of compliance with fire safety standards, then they can be awarded a decent term. The fire safety engineer responsible for the compliance of the employer’s premises entrusted to him with fire safety standards in the event of a severe fire will also answer to the court, although to a lesser extent than someone who, on behalf of the state, gives official permission to operate the building in which conditions have been created for a fiery disaster.

But if you do not intend to "rat" and follow the lead of people who do not understand what fire hazard, if you are ready to do so, regardless of the ranks of leaders who are negligent in fire safety and without fear open threats such as “one call and you will be fired” or generally criminal, honestly fulfill your professional duty as a guardian of fire laws, then it is unlikely that anything bad will happen to you. And in the territory entrusted to you, the fire will not turn into a monster devouring buildings and taking lives. Good luck.


Since ancient times, the fire has frightened with the power of its defeat. In the settlements, special detachments were created, which, in the event of a fire, were the first to arrive at the place of ignition. Later they became known as firefighters. They should not be confused with firefighters. After all, this word used to mean not fire fighters, but fire victims who begged for alms. Currently, in the event of a fire, a signal is sent to the dispatching service. The operator determines which fire station is closer to the scene of the incident and which category of complexity the fire belongs to. This information determines the further actions of the fire service.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession fireman are in high demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Firefighters.

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Description of activity

The activity of a firefighter is work using the knowledge of the device and the rules for working with fire-technical and rescue equipment on fire trucks, devices for the operation of insulating gas masks, features of fire extinguishing and elimination of consequences natural Disasters, ways to save people and evacuate material assets, the procedure for carrying out fire condition residential and household objects, rules of industrial sanitation and fire safety.


average for Russia:

The uniqueness of the profession

Pretty common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession fireman can not be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, the labor market has seen a demand for representatives of the profession fireman despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

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What kind of education is needed

Secondary vocational education (college, technical school)

To work in a profession fireman It is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education received at a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Job responsibilities

The firefighter carries out work to extinguish fires, rescue people, eliminate the consequences of accidents and natural disasters, and evacuate material assets. Performs opening and dismantling of structures using special units, mechanisms, insulating devices. Performs the duties of the corresponding numbers of the combat crew of the fire truck. Renders first medical care fire victims. Contains in good condition fire-technical and rescue weapons and equipment, carries out its Maintenance, testing and troubleshooting. Uses radio equipment and intercoms that are in service with the fire department. Serves at posts, on patrols, in the inner outfit of the guard in accordance with the requirements of the relevant charters and instructions.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

According to the results of the survey, the profession fireman involves mostly physical labor. Fireman must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

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Features of career growth

Career Opportunities

Opportunities Enough

The vast majority of the profession fireman believe that they have enough opportunities to advance in career ladder. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite possible for him to take leadership position in this domain.

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