What does the police do for a false call. The law does not prohibit unreasonable calls to the doctor and spa

Moscow legislators decided to increase the penalty for falsely calling the police and other emergency response services, as well as tougher penalties for recidivist hooligans.

A joke worth a lifetime

The city authorities are concerned about the situation: over the past period of 2016, more than 5% of calls to emergency services turned out to be “dummy”. For 12 months of work operational service 112 received about six million messages, while last year 311 thousand calls were made by pranksters.

That is why the deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma proposed to their colleagues from the State Duma to toughen the punishment for fans of unsuccessful rallies. If something does not work in the mind of a citizen, then let him pay for it with a ruble or work with his hands, - the authors came up with such a conviction, proposing to increase the fine for falsely calling firefighters, police, ambulance, rescuers up to one and a half to three thousand rubles. An alternative punishment is one hundred hours of community service.

The deputies also thought about chronic cases. For a repeated call without a valid reason, the amount of the fine will increase to 5 thousand rubles, and you will have to work for the benefit of society for two hundred hours.

On a note. Amendments are proposed to be made to Art. 19-13 "Knowingly false call of specialized services" of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

You don’t have to be seven spans in your forehead to understand: a special team that has left at the call of a joker may simply not be in time for those who really need help, especially in large metropolitan areas with their many kilometers of traffic jams. The existing fine for a false call in the amount of one and a half thousand rubles is a ridiculous punishment, while individual experts offer not to be limited to administrative responsibility. Let it only apply to teenagers, they say. If the call is made by an adult, he must think about his act for three years in a general regime prison.

Specific actions

Tightening responsibility for fictitious calls to emergency services, the bill will be considered no earlier than the fall, when the renewed State Duma begins its work. In the meantime, the Moscow authorities are trying to find other ways to solve the problem.

  • An automatic redial system was installed for the 112 rescue service, which has been operating for a year, so the caller has to listen to robot reminders of administrative responsibility for a fictitious call.
  • Numbers of jokers are entered in a special register. Blocking sims is not provided, because a person may actually need help.
  • We plan to install a filter for receiving calls from phones without SIM cards. In order to leave a request, a person will have to dial a few additional numbers. As the developers assure, this will not affect the efficiency, but it will allow filtering fictitious requests.

Distinguish between terrorism and hooliganism

It is unlikely that ordinary citizens are ready to distinguish between telephone terrorism and hooliganism. The first includes untrue reports of planted explosive devices or other terrorist threats. They are especially popular with schoolchildren who do not want to write another dictation. Meanwhile, this offense involves criminal liability (up to 5 years in prison) and a fine (up to 1 million rubles).

On phone bullying we are talking about calling emergency services in situations where there are no victims or those who need help. AT Last year The State Duma received several bills proposing to toughen criminal liability specifically for terrorism, while hooliganism remained at least topical issue nationwide.

According to the statistics of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court, for last year in Russia, only 25.5 thousand people were punished for unfunny tricks, although only in Moscow there were 12 times more “joking” appeals.

The deputies believe that an increased fine for a false call to an ambulance, police or firefighters should stop fans of pranks. Five thousand rubles for most Russians is an impressive amount. Yes, and sweeping the streets, painting fences or weeding flower beds is not such an exciting activity as relaxing in the country in the company of best friends. notice, that public Works are carried out exclusively in free time from the main activity.

A new joint order of three Russian law enforcement departments - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee - which approved the Instruction on the procedure for considering applications, reports of crimes and other information about incidents related to the disappearance of persons, significantly toughened the responsibility of employees for organizing the search for missing people. And even - for accepting a statement about such a loss. The heads of these structures do not hide the fact that numerous violations of the rules for accepting applications from the population became the reason for the document. They say that the police and employees of other departments were not in a hurry to investigate all kinds of "disappearances", they recommended waiting for the notorious "three days" (suddenly there is a loss), and in general they advised not to worry too much - they say, a person went on a spree, forgot to warn, went to work and is about to be announced.

By the way, often such assumptions were justified, but there were also tragedies. Therefore, it was decided to ban all excuses, even if they have a reason, and take seriously any statement about the loss of a person. And if along the way it turns out that the missing citizen had some conflicts and problems, especially property disputes, he simply does not answer mobile phone, then it is necessary to automatically initiate a criminal case of murder.

Of course, all these amendments and toughenings were made on the condition that adequate people contact the police, who are sincerely sure that trouble has happened to their relatives or friends. That is, before running to the operational duty officer at the nearest police station, they had already called all possible phones- to work, friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues - and made sure that this person is nowhere to be found. Hope only for the police. The subsequent algorithm of the detectives' actions is clearly, one might say - step by step spelled out in the new instructions.

But there are nuances that make any work meaningless. Analysts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are afraid of a tilt in the opposite direction, when false statements are possible - by analogy with the pseudo-mining of schools, subways, railway stations, airports, shopping centers(well, there is nowhere for the police to go, we are talking about the likely death of many people, so even the slightest risk cannot be allowed). And now the police were obliged to initiate cases and for each statement about the disappearance of a person. And there was a new opportunity for blackmail and simply delivering all sorts of inconvenience to their enemies.

For example, why not put a commercial competitor on the wanted list on the eve of signing an important contract? And instead of business, he will have to explain himself to law enforcement agencies, lose such an important pace and mood in the negotiations. Or, say, you can initiate a search for a "colleague" - for compromising when he, under the guise of a business trip, retired with his mistress. And here - how by the way! The police suddenly find him. Is it necessary to explain that the reputation of a respectable businessman, official, politician or public figure is being damaged.

There are also "just" pranksters who can report the disappearance of a friend "for fun."

Andrey Shchurov, Deputy Head of the Directorate for Organization of Operational Investigative Work of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, recalled that Article 306 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation liability for deliberately false denunciation of a crime.

This article provides different kinds punishments, including a fine, compulsory, corrective or forced labor. The most severe punishment is imprisonment for up to three years. And the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for liability for knowingly falsely calling the police, an ambulance medical care or other specialized services (this is article 19.13). The punishment is relatively small - an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles. But there is a very likely chance of being held civilly liable. And this will turn out to be "more abruptly" than all other "responsibility". For example, in accordance with Civil Code RF can be recovered in in full material damage that occurred as a result of illegal actions.

Arithmetic is sure to be deadly for family budget. By the way, have you noticed how rare lately all kinds of false mining have become (oh, if only not to jinx it)? And here it's not just about the accurate work of the police, who identify "miners" by voice, calculate his location from the phone booth from which he called, and many other "chips". Most importantly, the "joker" or his family is billed.

First - the police: how many people, dogs and equipment it took to check the "mined" territory, how much gasoline the service cars burned, how many hours forensic experts, explosives experts and other experts worked. Then municipal services have their say: what losses they suffered from a sudden stoppage of work - transport delays, power and water outages, attracting additional workers, evacuating staff, visitors and passengers. And claims will be made by businessmen and ordinary citizens - someone was late for an important business meeting and lost a lucrative contract, someone lost a train or plane ticket, moreover, for a foreign flight. And someone did not arrive on time " Ambulance". Can you imagine what - in terms of money - lawsuits against a specific culprit of a "funny staging" might look like?

"RG" has information that preventive work was carried out in the capital's schools: parents were explained in detail how much they would have to pay "for a barrel" if they were undersized, frightened control work, suddenly on the phone "mines" educational institution. There is no doubt that the "terrorist" will be identified. And parents will definitely be billed, which - again, be sure - will be collected. Perhaps someone will have to part with the Moscow apartment. So far, the warning - pah-pah - is valid.

Therefore, before "joking", it is worth considering what disastrous results such a joke can lead to.

The emergency numbers "01", "02" and "03" are the most important numbers that every person should know. Life depends on his knowledge, and not only his own. But how often today these most important numbers become a tool for pampering! At a time when, perhaps, someone is dying in a neighboring house.

Calling an ambulance, police or firefighters, and in especially “difficult” cases, all together, out of hooligan motives, is punishable by law. This is called a deliberately false call to specialized services. If you call the special services for no reason, giving a false address or in order to "annoy" your neighbors, you may be brought to administrative responsibility for a start.

Responsibility for these actions is provided for by Article 19.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: “Knowingly false call fire brigade, police, ambulance or other specialized services - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 1000-1500 rubles. Only a sane person who has reached the age of sixteen by the time the administrative offense was committed can be brought to administrative responsibility. A false report of a terrorist act implies criminal liability. According to article 87 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, persons who have reached the age of 14 years bear criminal responsibility.

In case when administrative offense committed by a teenager under the age of 16, and a criminal offense under the age of 14, then liability does not arise, and the case is referred to the commission on juvenile affairs, which applies educational measures to adolescents. In addition to these measures, the parents of a juvenile violator for failure to fulfill their obligations for the maintenance and upbringing of minors (Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) are held administratively liable. Administrative responsibility implies a warning and imposition of a fine. Adolescents are registered in the juvenile department.

Under Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Knowingly false report of an impending explosion, arson or other actions that create a danger of death of people, causing significant property damage or other socially dangerous consequences”, the following punishment will be applied:

  • or a fine in the amount of up to 200,000 rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months;
  • or correctional labor for a term of one to two years;
  • or arrest for a term of three to six months; or imprisonment for up to three years.

According to the Department of Supervisory Activities of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, the state fire service alone spends about 70 million rubles a year on false calls. The dispatcher has no right not to accept the call, the car will leave anyway. Everyone should be aware that by making a false call, you are distracting the emergency services, and at this time their help may be needed to save someone's life. Also, you occupy the telephone air, and someone simply cannot get through and ask for help.


All emergency telephones are equipped with an automatic call recording system. You will definitely be found and held accountable!

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