How to restore a round table. How to restore an old wooden table? Features of the restoration of a wooden table

Do you have a favorite, convenient and comfortable kitchen table, but its appearance has not been pleasing for a long time? Do not despair, but give him a second life. Restoration of the kitchen table is a great solution to refresh the interior of your kitchen without parting with your favorite piece of furniture. We bring to your attention some tips on how to update the kitchen table and save a considerable amount of money.

Of course, if your table is hopelessly broken and beyond repair, all the efforts made may not be justified. But more often than not, a properly selected restoration method helps bring your favorite furniture back to life, changing it beyond recognition.

This is one of the most proven and readily available technologies that allows you to return some furniture elements to a beautiful appearance and presentability. To update an old kitchen table, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • grinder with different nozzles;
  • mask, goggles and gloves;
  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • primer for wooden surfaces;
  • brush for primer, varnish and paint;
  • alkyd enamel paint of the required color;
  • varnish or wax.

And now let's move on to the main stages of work.

Inspection of the table and identification of significant defects

At this stage, inspect the integrity of the table legs and fixtures, check if the tabletop has defects or damage. If you find that the table is loose, try tightening the connecting bolts. If such an action does not give significant changes, you will have to completely disassemble the table, sand the bumps and gaps, grooves and joints, apply glue for greater reliability and fix the glued parts with self-tapping screws.

If the legs of the table are completely out of order and repair is impossible, you can perform a complete replacement with more modern ones, for example, metal or carved, wooden ones - it all depends on the interior design of your kitchen and the chosen style. Broken fasteners must also be replaced. Keep in mind that the reconstruction of the table is not only a change in appearance, but also ensuring the reliability of the design. Don't forget about it.

Removing the old coating

Next, you have to remove the old coating - varnish or paint. Put on a mask, goggles and use the grinder to start cleaning. You can use coarse and medium grit sandpaper, but then you need to tune in to a long and laborious job - removing paint or varnish in this way is not an easy or quick task. It is best to do this work outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. If you still decide to sand the table in the kitchen, fully open the windows and cover the floor and all the furniture around you with cloth or paper.

Treatment of cracks and chips

After grinding, it is necessary to clean the old kitchen table from dust and inspect the countertop for defects. All chips and cracks must be puttied, and after the putty dries, sand the entire surface again. The fact is that even the most minor defects will be clearly visible after painting. After a lot of effort, the resulting cleaned kitchen table surface will be ideal for creations and new designs.

Priming the table surface

After sanding the countertop and other elements of the table, it is necessary to degrease everything, and after drying, apply a primer mixture. In no case should this stage be skipped, otherwise the paintwork will be uneven and short-lived. The primer mixture is applied in two layers, each layer must dry well before applying the next. After the second layer has dried, it will take about 24 hours, it is necessary to sand the already primed surfaces again.

Kitchen table painting

This is perhaps the most pleasant stage of work in the restoration of the kitchen table with your own hands, without dirt and dust. Each stroke of the brush takes you one step closer to the desired result. The paint must be applied in two layers, and the dark color in three. The last, finishing layer must be given 3-4 days for complete drying.

Protective coating

The final stage of work is the uniform application of protective varnish in 2-3 thin layers. After each layer has dried (about 4 hours) and before applying the next, lightly sand the surface with fine-grained sandpaper. Instead of varnish, you can use wax as a protective coating - it will make the countertop matte or it can be rubbed until it shines. The first layer of wax is rubbed into the wood with a soft cotton cloth, and after drying, the second layer is applied with light circular movements. This can be repeated several more times within one day. This completes the renovation of the kitchen table. Leave the product for one week and only after this time it will be ready for full operation.

Restoration of countertops with decorative tiles

Next, we will look at how to restore the kitchen table with your own hands, using ceramic tiles or mosaics. Decorative tiles are one of the most popular materials used for cladding the surfaces of kitchen units. The choice of many people is obvious - in addition to having a variety of textures and colors, tiles are distinguished by their reliability and durability. In addition, it is very easy to maintain, easy to clean and resistant to high temperatures.

In order to restore the kitchen table with ceramic tiles, you need to choose a tile or mosaic that matches the style of your kitchen, purchase special tile adhesive, grout for joints and an edge profile.

Surface preparation is carried out according to the same principle as for painting. After finishing the preparatory work, glue is applied to the surface of the countertop with a notched trowel, which will allow you to firmly and securely fix the tile.

Tiled elements must be laid out in a pre-designed composition. The distance between the tiles is adjusted using special plastic crosses. When all the tiles are laid out and firmly pressed to the surface of the table, and the glue is completely dry, it is necessary to prepare the grout mixture and fill the seams between the tiles with it.

In order for the look of the restored table to be complete, you should also decorate the sides of the tabletop. For this purpose, special edge profiles are used, which are matched to the tone or style of the selected tile. Thus, having completed this repair, which is easily accessible for every home master, your furniture will come to life again and give originality and freshness to the design of the kitchen.

Decoupage of the kitchen table top

Consider another popular way to update furniture - decoupage. This modern decor technique allows you to quickly and, most importantly, cost-effectively transform the table, making it a bright accent of your kitchen.

To restore the table using decoupage, in addition to the materials and tools needed to clean the table from old surfaces, grind it and prime it, you will need decoupage napkins, a container of water, glue, plastic wrap, matte or semi-gloss varnish.

Decoupage countertop repair begins after it has been primed and sanded or after it has been coated with paint or varnish. First, using a pencil, you need to mark up, marking the location of the images. Next, in a container of water, you need to place the cut out paper image face down. After 30 seconds, the image is removed and placed on a plastic film, according to the same principle - face down, and all excess paper surfaces are removed.

The prepared picture is smeared with glue and attached to the prepared tabletop. In this case, using the file, you need to carefully smooth the picture and only then remove it. If desired, the surface of the pictures can be decorated with paints, and at the end the resulting image should be covered with acrylic varnish and allowed to dry thoroughly. This completes the renovation of the kitchen surface. After three days, your new exclusive table will be ready for full use.

If you have an old dining table that you hold dear as a keepsake, or you just want to save money on buying new furniture, then you have an interesting job as a restorer or decorator.

Keep in mind that restoring a kitchen table with your own hands is not the easiest and, in some cases, not justified, because not every table can be repaired, and it is better to entrust antiques to professionals. But more often than not, the right "upgrade" can bring your old friend back to life and transform him beyond recognition.

How can the table be updated?

To update your kitchen table with your own hands, you can use one of the following proven technologies:

  1. Traditional painting - this is the method we will consider in detail in a step-by-step master class.
  • An interesting way of decorating and painting furniture is coloring through tulle - a tabletop is painted through it, and a lace pattern is formed according to the principle of a stencil.

  1. Ceramic tiles will allow you to decorate a dilapidated, badly damaged countertop and make it more practical - you can put hot on such a surface and wash it in any way.

  1. You can update the old table using decoupage technique. We will also talk about it in more detail.

  1. An easy way to modify the table with your own hands quickly and on a budget is to paste over it with a self-adhesive film.
  2. Burning will renew an undamaged wood surface.

Master class - 6 steps on the way to a new life

In this simple DIY dining table restoration tutorial, we'll be updating, repairing and repainting this old veneered table with a moderate amount of imperfections.

So, to update the kitchen table you will need:

  1. a grinder or sandpaper of coarse, medium and fine grit, as well as glasses, a respirator and gloves;
  2. alkyd enamel paint of the desired color (or other desired coating, such as stain), as well as a flat, non-shedding paint or art brush;
  3. primer for wood and a small roller / brush for priming;
  4. wax paste or varnish.

Step 1. Inspect and repair parts

We carefully examine all the fasteners in the structure and the defects of the countertop - how much the veneer has delaminated or the tree has been damaged.

If the table is a little loose, then you just need to tighten all the screws. If it requires a more serious restoration, then you need to completely disassemble the table, re-fasten all the parts, or clean and sand all the grooves and joints so that the new glue grabs better, fix the glued parts with clamps or self-tapping screws, and then remove them after 15 hours, when the glue is completely dry.

  • Sometimes the underframe needs to be replaced, not only because its parts are very dilapidated, but also because the legs can completely modify your old table. For example, if earlier the legs were simple, now you can replace them with beautiful carved balusters.
  • When disassembling furniture, do not forget to mark the installation location of each of the parts, so you will not get confused and quickly complete the task.

Step 2. Remove the old coating

Now put on goggles and prepare 2 types of sandpaper: coarse-grained for primary processing and fine-grained for smoothing. Get ready for a long and laborious job - removing old paint or varnish is not an easy task.

Step 3. We close up cracks and chips

After grinding, we carefully clean the table from dust, inspect the countertop and look for defects. Keep in mind that even the smallest damage will be visible after painting. All chips and cracks must be locally repaired with wood putty or polyester putty, and then sanded the entire surface again when the “patches” dry out.

Note - covering the table with stain:

  • if the countertop is not severely damaged, then you can not hide the natural beauty of the wood and cover it with stain, and then with varnish, shellac or wax. The photo below shows an example of a restored table with a stained oak top.

Step 4. Prime and sand again

We continue to work. Now we need not only to clean the table, but also to degrease it. And after the table dries, proceed to the primer. This stage is mandatory, because without it the paintwork will lie unevenly and quickly be damaged. You can use an alkyd or shellac wood primer. In this master class, the universal alkyd primer Zinsser Cover Stain (pictured below) was used, which dries in just 1 hour, protects the wood well and prepares it for painting. It costs about 500-600 rubles, but is not sold everywhere. The table can be primed in 1-2 coats with a small sponge roller, allowing each coat to dry completely.

When the primer is dry (1 day), sand the countertop again with sandpaper or a medium-grit sanding sponge to smooth the primed surface and prepare it for painting. And don't forget to put your respirator back on!

Step 5. Now let's start painting.

It is very important to choose the right paint and its color. Avoid cheap paints, because this is a dining table, which means that the countertop should be well tolerated by frequent washing, rubbing, bumps, etc. In this case, a premium water-based alkyd enamel paint with a satin finish is used, but you can choose a more environmentally friendly acrylic-based enamel. Also, choose a quality brush with passion so that it does not shed in the process. Not a paintbrush, but a large flat art brush is perfect.

The paint must be applied in 2 thin layers, while the finish layer is best left to dry for 3-4 days.

  • If you have chosen a dark color of paint, then it is better to apply it in 3 thin layers;
  • To create scuffs in the style, the paint can be sanded in some places, for example, on the ends of the table;
  • Also, to create the effect of "antique", the table can be patinated.

Step 6. Apply a protective coating

As we said, you can protect the surface of the table with a varnish, for example, a matte water-based polyurethane (in the photo on the left is an excellent varnish from Varathane). It should be applied evenly in 2-3 thin layers, lightly sanding each layer before applying the next layer of varnish. Of course, all layers must be completely dry before sanding (4 hours).

The second option is wax protection, which will make the countertop matte and can be rubbed to a shine. To do this, the wax should be gently rubbed with a cotton cloth into the wood, then allow the first layer to dry for at least 1 hour. After that, polish the surface in a circular motion, and repeat the procedure 2 more times within one day. Well, now be patient and leave the table for 1 week so that the surface acquires the necessary operational properties.

Well, that's all - the restoration is completed, and the old table has found a new life in trendy white.

And here is another interesting video from the program "Cheap and cheerful" on the topic of restoring countertops at home from improvised means.

Updating the countertop with decoupage

If you do not want to stop there or your table does not have serious damage, but just needs a little update, then you can decorate the table with drawings: paint it manually with acrylic paints, use stencils and stamps, or update the table with decoupage. Perhaps, it is this decor technique that is popular today that we will consider in more detail, because decoupage will not only allow you to quickly and budgetly transform the table or, for example, style it like Shabby chic (as in the photo below), but also hide some defects of the dilapidated surface.

To update the table with your own hands using the decoupage technique, you will need:

  • acrylic primer and acrylic paints - if desired;
  • putty for wood beige;
  • grinder and sandpaper of varying degrees of graininess;
  • rubber spatulas;
  • artistic flat and artificial brushes;
  • matte or semi-gloss varnish for wood;
  • napkins for decoupage or decoupage card;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue or special glue for decoupage.

Decor using the decoupage technique can be started either after the stage of priming and polishing it (see step number 4 above), or after painting and varnishing. Then you should choose a picture - it can be any image on paper or table napkins, as well as special rice paper for decoupage.

First, markup is performed, lightly marking with a pencil the places where the images will be located. We put the cut out paper image “face down” in a container with water and hold for half a minute. Then the soaked image is laid out in the same way “face down” on a plastic file, and all excess paper layers are rolled off. Then the picture is carefully smeared with glue and attached to the countertop. The file is not removed - through it the image is smoothed as much as possible.

The surface around the pictures is decorated with paint. The final stage of decoupage is varnishing with acrylic varnish. After three days, the varnish will dry and the table can be fully used.

And finally, a selection of photos for your inspiration.

Often this old piece of furniture in the kitchen that has lost its presentation, which clearly falls out of the general style of the room, is a cause for controversy: it seems to be time to replace it so as not to spoil the interior - however, it is a pity to throw it away, and the funds do not allow furniture to be “scattered”, even if it has served for a long time.

Dilemma: restoration or decoration?

An old but still sturdy dining table, especially if it is made of metal or solid wood, could have lasted for a very long time if the work surface had not suffered from time and long use, or a design no longer suitable for the style of the new kitchen.

All work on the return to life of this important part of the interior of the kitchen, with the restoration of normal functions or their change, can be divided into three categories:

  • Restoration;
  • Restoration with a change in design;
  • Decoration.

On the options for how to update the old kitchen table with your own hands in the best possible way, you should dwell in more detail.

Restoration. This type of work is carried out if the furniture is ideal for the interior of the kitchen, but has lost its presentable appearance during long-term operation, or the strength of the structure has suffered from time to time.

Before proceeding with the restoration, you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • Sander, sandpaper of various grain sizes;
  • Glue for wood or metal (depending on the material of the underframe);
  • Putty for underframe material, primer;
  • Special paint of the desired color (for wood or metal), intended for interior work, as well as a small roller and brushes.

If the frame is metal, then the restoration process consists of the following steps:

  1. Dismantling the tabletop;
  2. Cleaning the surface from the old coating;
  3. Puttying the surface for better painting - the special composition of the putty for metal allows you to make the surface smoother, protecting it from oxidation in the future;
  4. Grinding - necessary in order to remove various roughness to prepare the surface for painting;
  5. Priming - can be done using special formulations, or you can use the base paint with the addition of a solvent;
  6. The paintwork of the frame must consist of at least two layers. Moreover, each new layer of paint is applied to the already dried up previous layer.
  7. The tabletop for the restored metal frame can be done as follows:

When restoring wooden furniture, the sequence of steps does not change. However, before proceeding with the restoration of such a surface, it is necessary to strengthen the entire structure of the product:

  1. Carefully inspect all connection points, if necessary, fix them with glue, furniture corners or confirmants (furniture ties). If there are movable connections, check their functionality. If the mechanism is damaged: repair it, replace it, and if such a function is not important, make the assembly static.
  2. Remove the preserved decorative elements and accessories that may be damaged during further work;
  3. The countertop, if it is not planned to be replaced, cannot be dismantled.
  4. Next, you should get rid of the old coating - carefully sand all surfaces, including the internal elements of the frame;
  5. If there are potholes and chips on the restored planes, cracked seams at the joints, you need to putty them with a special acrylic putty. It is better to level the countertop with a special compound: mix small sawdust into PVA glue or wood glue and fill the existing recesses with this mixture. After the glue has dried, sand all structural elements again;
  6. If the surface was leveled so that the defects became invisible, and the tree retained its original structure, you can cover the table with tinting (transparent acrylic paints that give any shade to the wood and do not hide the pattern of its fibers);
  7. After applying the first layer of paint, all structural elements should be carefully sanded - to remove raised wood fibers;
  8. The next 2 coats of paint are applied at intervals of several hours (so that each has time to dry);
  9. Finishing - varnishing: for kitchen furniture it is necessary to choose a special varnish that gives a coating that is resistant to mechanical and temperature influences.
  10. After the varnish is completely dry, the working surface of the table must be covered with several layers of wax - this will give it additional water-repellent properties.
  1. Remove all dirt (especially grease stains) with detergents. Dry thoroughly.
  2. Using a grinder, clean the surface, getting rid of the old varnish coating - paint does not adhere well to it.
  3. Apply a primer (preferably one that protects the wood from moisture penetration) using a roller, brush or aerosol. Be sure to let it dry well.
  4. Paint in the desired color 2-3 times, applying layers as evenly as possible, giving time to dry each of them. After applying the last layer, leave the product to dry for at least 24 hours.
  5. Apply wax paste and, using a cotton napkin, carefully rub it into the countertop in a circular motion - repeat the procedure 2-3 times to get a matte, non-sticky surface.

Your old table in a new guise is ready: you need to let it stand without work for about a day, and it will serve you for more than one year!

Restoration with a change in design

Such design is another way to make a new, more spacious kitchen table out of an old kitchen table.

You can go this way if you bought a new table for the kitchen, and the old one is still good enough to throw it away.

In addition, you can simply restore it by adding a "zest" to the design. How to update an old kitchen table with your own hands in a similar way is shown in the photo - the process itself requires a slightly more detailed description.

To make changes to the design, we need:

A sheet of chipboard, 2 bars for legs, 2 planks of chipboard - all of this size to make a table that fits under the old kitchen in size. It is better to fasten the wheels to the legs of a small table - it will be more convenient to use it, and the floor covering will be better preserved.

For the screed, 6 confirmations and 2 furniture corners will be needed, and to combine the two structures, 2 aluminum corners equal to the width of the larger table.

In addition, we will need: wood putty, enamel in 2 matching shades, varnish and wax paste for finishing surfaces.

Rest assured that the "away" dining space will be hugely popular with the younger members of the family - children will be more comfortable here due to the smaller difference between the height of the chair and the tabletop.

Decoration - for every taste, style and ... wallet

This method of "resuscitation" of the kitchen table is the most exciting, having a variety of ways using the most unexpected materials. When thinking about how to update an old kitchen table with your own hands using decoration, you need to remember the strength of the coating being performed - the surface must be resistant to temperature changes, mechanical stress, and must also be easy to clean.

For decoration, you can use the decoupage method, making various collages on the countertop (especially if you use glass as a protective coating for the countertop), painting and screen prints.

We offer you another, in our opinion, a very interesting option - decorating with smalt. This solution will be even more original if the work surface of your masterpiece is made of the same mosaic tiles as the kitchen backsplash.

We will need:

  • Remains of smalt left from the apron, or several matrices (according to the size of the table). As a rule, matrices with tiles have dimensions of 300x300 mm, and the size of smalt squares can vary from 10x10 mm to 20x20 mm;
  • Tile adhesive, grout and an old waffle towel;
  • Masking tape, spatula and scissors;
  • Paint of one of the shades of smalt (on wood); end tape (preferably ABS);
  • Lacquer and wax paste for finishing the countertop;

1st step. Restoration and painting of surfaces - the actions are similar for all similar products and are given above.
2nd step. We glue the ends of the tabletop with masking tape, and apply a thick layer of tile adhesive on the tabletop itself with a spatula, level it, and carefully lay the mosaic matrices pre-fitted in size and color. Gently press down, being careful not to dislodge the pieces. It is necessary to carefully monitor that the ends of the countertop (taking into account the thickness of the smalt) remain even. Let the tiles dry.
3rd step. We do grouting. To do this, we apply the grout diluted to the desired consistency on the mosaic, level it with a spatula, removing excess grout with it. Let it dry a little, and then remove the grout from the smalt with a damp sponge.

The old table, if it is still functional, easily turns into a new one. The result may even exceed your expectations, because the new table will be brighter, more original and, most importantly, positively charged with your creativity. Stock up on inspiration, simple materials and go ahead, embody ideas!

Note before the start: in almost all cases, the table needs to be prepared for transformation. Wipe it with a sandpaper, clean it of dust and degrease with alcohol or special means.

Paint with stripes

Painting is one of the fastest and most effective techniques in furniture decor. To make it more interesting, we suggest making the table striped. Masking tape will help to get the job done smoothly: paint the table in the main color, and then stick strips of tape and apply a couple of layers of a different color. Peel off the tape - the effect is ready. Can be repeated many times to make stripes of different colors and widths. Do not forget to varnish everything for reliability. TIn the same way, you can create zigzags, for example.

Paint with slate paint

A table painted with special slate paint will be laconic black or dark green. But now you can leave notes and draw with crayons right on the table. And how much more convenient it is to play board games where you have to record points! The table itself can serve as a field for tic-tac-toe or a gallows.

Paste over with a film

The film can also be not simple, but slate or even with the effect of a white marker board. Over a table with a pattern of triangular pieces of film, as in the photo below, you will have to tinker longer, but the result will be very stylish!

Stripes with colored tape

A striped table can be made not only with the help of painting. Lines of decorative tape or electrical tape in different colors and patterns will make the table bright, shiny and elegant. This is perfect for a nursery or will add a touch of mischief to an adult interior.


Ceramic tile or mosaic will make the countertop not only beautiful, but also very practical, because the tile is not afraid of moisture and is easy to clean. The principle is the same as with walls: tile adhesive plus grout. You can take a whole tile, or you can beat it for the effect of a Spanish mosaic. You will find more creative ideas from leftover tiles.

Cover with book pages

Choose your favorite book and give it a second life: glue each page to the table with PVA glue. Several layers of varnish (preferably from a can) will make the surface smooth and ennoble the color. It's a good idea to take dictionary pages or sheet music.

romantic lace

A simple technique will help to make the tabletop more elegant - coloring through lace. To do this, you need to take a lace doily or tulle, which you don’t mind ruining, put on the table on top of the base coat of paint and apply a different color on top. It is better to use a sponge or spray paint so that the image does not smear from the movements of the roller.


People love having beautiful things around their homes. Over time, the interior of the premises loses its gloss and goes out of fashion. Sometimes it is so difficult to get rid of a favorite item, because it has witnessed many pleasant events of the past, and not everyone can afford the purchase of new furniture. But you can solve the problem by restoring the old thing. In this case, it will not have to be thrown away, it will look fresh and creative in the room, and much less money will be spent on renovation than on the purchase of modern furniture.

Recently, people prefer to restore old things with their own hands. This process is creative, interesting and not difficult at all. Hostesses are especially fond of experimenting with such interior items as coffee tables, because then they can be shown to guests with pleasure. There are many ways to restore these things. How to update a coffee table at home to turn it into a small masterpiece?

Furniture restoration

People embellish old interior items in different ways, they are updated by varnishing, painting, decoupage processing, leather, fabric, oilcloth, tiling.

Thanks to some techniques (craquelure, brushing), the tables are artificially aged, and things whose age does not exceed 10-15 years look like products of half a century or a century ago, giving the premises the spirit of antiquity. Many restoration enthusiasts like to combine several techniques together, for example, they combine the decoupage technique with craquelure. By applying these methods for the restoration of a coffee table, the owners will receive an interesting thing that will fit into the design of the room in a new way.

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Decoupage table update

Since we are talking about the restoration of a coffee table, the most original and beautiful solution will not be covering it with fabric and not just varnishing, but updating it in the fashionable decoupage technique. Its essence lies in the fact that applications or whole pictures from special napkins, wallpaper, geographical maps and music sheets are glued onto the surface of the tabletop, and then the products are varnished. To do this work, you need to take care of the materials and tools you need for it in advance. In addition to the aforementioned paper and napkins, these will be:

  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper of 2 types (fine - and coarse-grained);
  • primer;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • watercolor;
  • acrylic outline;
  • PVA glue;
  • a can of furniture varnish;
  • regular or curly scissors;
  • flat brush (flute);
  • watercolor brush.

Before updating, it would be better to disassemble the coffee table by separating the tabletop from the frame and unscrewing the legs. This must be done in order to remove old varnish or paint from even the most inaccessible places. Next, all parts of the table should be well processed, first with coarse-grained and then fine-grained sandpaper, the front side of the tabletop is polished especially carefully. After that, the piece of furniture is again twisted with bolts. The next stage of work is priming the coffee table with a flute and painting it with white acrylic paint. It is advisable to apply at least 2 layers of acrylic on all surfaces of the thing, drying each layer well for 5 hours. Otherwise, the paint under the varnish may stain or crack.

Surface preparation for decoupage: 1. Pattern selection; 2. Surface leveling; 3. Application of primer.

Then the aerosol varnish easily falls on the surface of the countertop. After it dries, they begin the most creative process - cutting out decorating elements from napkins. It is better to do this with special scissors. To cut out a picture from wallpaper or trim the edges of a geographical map, ordinary scissors will do.

When the applications are ready, they should be moistened with water. Wet napkin elements, in accordance with the plan, are laid out on the surface of the countertop, smeared with PVA glue, and smoothed with a flat brush. But it is better to soak a dense card or wallpaper pattern for a few minutes in water. In this case, the surface of the table in places for applications is lubricated with a mixture of PVA glue and water (ratio 1: 1). When the glue dries, you can paint some parts of the appliqués with watercolors. To make the images look voluminous, use an acrylic outline. Finally, the entire surface of the table is covered alternately with two layers of acrylic varnish.

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Table top in craquelure technique

Along with decoupage, you can age with a special craquelure varnish, which forms cracks on the countertop and, thus, makes it “ancient”. For work you will need:

The process of decoration in the technique of craquelure: 1. Applying the color of cracks; 2. Application of craquelure varnish; 3. Application of the main color.

  • acrylic paint in two colors (brown and white);
  • furniture varnish;
  • brushes.

All stages: grinding and priming of the surface, preparation of applications, their gluing and final varnishing will be carried out as in the above method. But in the middle of the workflow, there will be changes. On the primed countertop, you will need to apply several layers of dark paint and let it dry. The surface will need to be coated with craquelure varnish. You should not wait for its final drying, the varnish should remain sticky and only slightly harden. Then the countertop is painted with white acrylic and dries. Within an hour, the product will begin to become covered with cracks, dark paint will show through them. When the acrylic is completely dry, it will be necessary to stick applications on the surface of the table and at the end cover it with furniture varnish.
