The results of training in fire safety measures. Training in fire-technical minimum and fire safety

general characteristics

Organization details:

Object name: Municipal state educational institution "Verkh-Allakskaya secondary school" of the Kamensky district of Altai (MKOU "Verkh-Allakskaya secondary school)

The address: 658718, Altai Territory, Kamensky district, s. Verkh-Allak, per. School, d. 7, tel. 8(385-84) 78-5-76, E- mail: verh- allack@ yandex. en

School building : two floors, year of construction 1970.

Thematic plan and curriculum

Topic 1.

Main regulations, regulatory requirements fire safety.

Fire safety instructions. Rights, obligations, responsibility of the heads of the organization for compliance with fire safety rules.

Topic 2

Organizational measures to ensure fire safety of secondary schools. rules fire regime in Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390 "On the fire regime".

Topic 3.

Student education educational institutions basics of fire safety behavior.

Guidelines for teaching schoolchildren the basics of fire safety behavior. Conducting lessons in general education schools within the discipline "Fundamentals of life safety". Didactic material for teaching fire safety measures and rules. Design of a fire safety corner. Workshops behavior of students in the event of a fire.

Topic 4.

Fire safety measures in secondary schools. Responsibilities of duty officers and watchmen to observe fire safety and in case of fire. Their instruction. Requirements for premises mass stay of people. Responsibility for conducting mass events, appointment and duties of the attendants.

Topic 5.

Appointment of hand fire extinguishers. The concept of the device and the principle of operation of carbon dioxide, powder and aerosol fire extinguishers. Rules for their operation and use for extinguishing fires.

Actions service personnel in the event of a fire. Organization and procedure for the evacuation of children and property from premises in case of fire.

Topic 6.


Evacuation training in various scenarios of fire development. Checking the actions of students of educational institutions in the event of a fire. Work with a fire extinguisher.


Checking the knowledge of the fire-technical minimum.

    General provisions of the program

The program for training school staff in fire safety measures (hereinafter referred to as the program) is one of the elements of a unified system for training the population in the field of protection against emergencies.

The fire-technical minimum aims to increase the general technical knowledge of the school staff, to familiarize them with the fire safety rules arising from the characteristics of the school, as well as for more detailed training of employees in the use of available fire extinguishing equipment.

The program defines the basics of organization and the procedure for mandatory training of school employees in fire safety measures, preparing them for skillful actions in case of fire, fire.

It is possible to teach PB measures both to individual citizens, employees of enterprises, etc., and to society as a whole. The course provides information on:

  • PB requirements;
  • measures to prevent fires;
  • actions to be taken to save life(s), as well as property, in the event of a fire.

Services and offers

Comprehensive training of employees various enterprises and organizations on issues related to fire safety. The list of services includes:

  1. Fire-technical minimum. We provide the amount of information on fire safety issues that is necessary for general educational purposes and knowledge of fire behavior tactics. As a result, employees who have completed the courses and successfully passed the exam are issued a certificate (certificate) confirming their qualifications in the PB technique. The document is valid for 1 year for employees of highly flammable enterprises (class K3) and 3 years for employees of less flammable organizations.
  2. Fire safety briefing. This paragraph includes everything possible types briefings on PB technique:
  3. a. introductory - for those accepted for new job, sightseers, trainees, temporary employees;
    b. primary - are carried out at the workplace for employees who are accepted for a new job or transferred to another workplace, pupils, students, students of educational institutions;
    c. repeated - with a frequency of once every 3 (at enterprises with increased fire hazard or with the need for professional selection) or 6 (other organizations) months for all employees;
    d. unscheduled - take place in case of a change in the safety standards, violations of the safety standards, detection of a lack of knowledge of the safety rules by employees, during a break in work for more than 30 days (fire hazardous enterprises), 60 days (other organizations) or at the request of the manager;
    e. target - on an individual basis during special works, events, excursions.
    All types of briefing, except for the introductory one, are oral. Their result is recorded in a journal specially designed for these purposes, compiled according to the approved form. In cases where an employee of the enterprise does not pass fire safety briefing, he is entitled to a re-examination within 10 days. In case of repeated failure to pass control, the employee is not allowed to work.

  4. Design of stands for fire safety. Install informative stationary structures. Text, drawings, materials are selected individually for each object.

The need for fire safety training

Anyone can order a set of services or the most necessary of them, you just need to contact the operator in any way convenient for you (phone, e-mail, application on the site). Of those for whom training in PB rules is especially necessary, we can distinguish:

  1. Children's institutions: preschool, school, health and others. The design of bright, colorful, easy-to-read and interesting posters and stands is very important in this case, as it can help prevent fire, save property and human lives.
  2. Enterprises different orientation and industries:
  3. with a high risk of fires - oil refining, energy, fuel, etc.;
    food and others.

  4. Medical institutions.
  5. Banks.

Responsibility for fire safety

Ensuring fire safety at the above or any other facilities largely depends on how well people are trained in the rules of behavior in case of fire and the depth of knowledge on fire safety issues.

PB training should be:

  • employees of enterprises;
  • officials;
  • entrepreneurs, etc.

In addition, enterprises must have a specialist trained in the field of industrial safety and responsible for its provision at the proper level. Such a responsible person can be either the manager himself or a specially trained person who has a certificate of fire safety training.

The person who is responsible for the PB has strictly defined responsibilities, among them:

  • regular inspections for compliance with the PB rules;
  • development of instructions, measures, regulations and decrees related to improving the efficiency of the enterprise's fire safety;
  • training other employees in safety measures;
  • organization of practical seminars and briefings at the enterprise;
  • organization of special courses for those employees who perform fire hazardous work;
  • assistance to fire services in the elimination of fires;
  • promptly informing the security and relevant services in the event of a fire;
  • accounting of the number of fires, persons affected by them;
  • informing the head of the organization about the identified violations of the safety equipment;
  • drawing up annual reports on the work done.

We provide assistance on any of the issues related to fire safety. We respond quickly and efficiently to the order, we perform all the work with high quality.

In each company, regardless of the number of staff and occupation, it is necessary to conduct fire safety training for employees of organizations. Along with this, it is necessary to have a plan for protection when faced with a fire. In the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645 “On approval of fire safety standards for employees of organizations”, there is a special setting for training employees and the time for conducting a conversation with a specific type of company personnel.

Who gives instructions on protection in the company

Usually, the person who owns the organization (i.e. the administration) is responsible for fire safety, as well as training and supervision, even if there is a fire inspector or a responsible person among the employees. It is worth noting that none of the employees of this company has the right to take action and even be at the enterprise itself without having been instructed on fire protection.

The responsibility for ensuring safety by all members of the company and the responsibility for ensuring safety also lies with the owner of the company. He is also responsible for the order of execution, the time when training should be carried out, and carries out full control over it. This training is regulated established documents in accordance with paragraph 3 of the "Rules for the fire regime in the Russian Federation".

How to organize training for employees

Federal Law No. 69 states that personnel must be trained in accordance with curricula which can only be approved federal agency executive power authorized in the field of fire safety. This is required in order for an employee who has changed his place of work, position, or for any other reason to have transferred to another company, to know the basics of fire and be brought to the uniform requirements of the region.

The manager of the company is obliged to monitor the implementation of standards fire brigade from subordinates and be responsible for their non-compliance. Therefore, the training of personnel is considered an important component of production as a whole.

Types of briefings

Instructions are divided into several types:

  • introductory;
  • primary;
  • repeated;
  • unscheduled;
  • target.

Introductory briefing is performed with new employees, regardless of length of service, qualifications, and even position. In addition, staff who have a temporary position, seconded employees and trainees are trained. Most often, this kind of conversation is conducted by an occupational safety engineer. After listening to this briefing, each employee signs in the register. It supervises the conduct of fire safety briefings.

Those who, for whatever reason, do not pass induction training, should not start work.

Initial briefing is sometimes referred to as on-the-job briefing. It is conducted with each new employee or with those who have already listened to it in the same company, but in a different department. In addition, employees who perform their duties for the first time, those who are seconded, those who work temporarily, and other workers who are on the territory of the company, trainees and students who come to study are trained.

A person who is responsible for fire safety personnel in this department. He trains each worker individually using hands-on demonstrations and demonstrations.

With large quantity people, this briefing is carried out when employees work on the same type of equipment or have a common workplace. At the same time, even after passing the initial briefing, the employee is not allowed to work independently, since he is obliged to undergo an internship, its duration varies from 2 shifts to 14 under the guidance of a responsible employee who was appointed by order or order.

The exception is sometimes the presence of work experience of more than 3 years in this specialty. Next, a test of theoretical knowledge is carried out, after which it becomes clear whether it is worth allowing this person to independent work or not.

Repeated briefing is carried out for absolutely all employees of the company, regardless of their position, working time, diploma and method of work performed. Such a knowledge test is usually carried out 2 times a year. It is carried out with each person personally or with a number of people who maintain the same equipment within the entire department. The interview is necessary in order to test the knowledge of the employees and to make the progress of the work to eliminate the fire clearer.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out when the safety rules have changed. In addition, an unplanned conversation is affected by the replacement technological process, the introduction of new products and materials or other factors that affect fire condition premises.

Sometimes such a conversation is held if fire safety requirements were violated, which led to a fire. They talk with the staff from the state fire control in order to identify the staff's weak knowledge, when informing about accidents and fires in the same industries. Another reason is the transition of employees to work with increased fire danger for more than 1 month.

It is carried out by the head of work, and the essence of informing is determined specific situation which was the reason for its implementation. Targeted briefing is carried out if the employee with whom they are talking has not yet encountered the performance of these one-time jobs. It is also necessary in the liquidation of the disaster, natural disaster or accidents. Often they are trained in such work, where special documentation and permits are required, during excursions to the organization in order to organize security on its territory. The supervisor usually talks, who later records the report in the briefing log.

When it is necessary to organize fire safety training sessions for company employees, it is worth taking into account their professional orientation, degree of responsibility for fire safety, preparedness in this matter, the ability to use fire extinguishing equipment and the moral and psychological qualities of the employee.

The list of the main issues of fire safety briefing is given in Appendix 2 to paragraph 14 of the Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645 "On approval of fire safety standards".

Can you write an appropriate letter? For example text:

Comments on the draft order of the EMERCOM of Russia
"On approval of the Procedure for training fire safety measures for persons
carrying out labor or official activity in organizations"

Currently, training in fire safety measures as part of an additional vocational education and conducting briefings (hereinafter referred to as training) in organizations is a complex and capacious process, in most cases it is formal in nature and creates certain administrative problems in organizations.
In order to reduce corruption, optimize administrative procedures and eliminate formalism in training, it is proposed in the regulatory legal documents on fire safety to revise and simplify the existing training procedure, based on the interests and specifics of the organization’s work, and not on the interests of institutions that provide services for training the population in fire safety measures. security.
The head of the organization should be given more rights, not responsibilities in this area, and use the system of electronic (distance) learning more widely.
If Article 25 of Federal Law No. 69-FZ determines the procedure and terms for training employees of organizations in fire safety measures by the Russian Emergencies Ministry, then why is this assigned to the head of the organization by paragraph 3 of the Rules for the fire regime in the Russian Federation?
In this regard, it is proposed to establish the following order (principle) of training:
1. When applying for a job in an organization, an employee must pass only an introductory fire safety briefing according to the program recommended by the Russian Emergencies Ministry and developed by the head of the organization based on the specifics of its fire hazard.
In the process of briefing, it is enough for the employee to familiarize himself with the organizational and administrative documents on fire safety and the Instruction on fire safety measures in the organization and sign in the familiarization sheet or in employment contract prescribe the phrase: “I have familiarized myself with the requirements of fire safety in the organization and undertake to comply with them.”
2. Abolish primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings. AT last resort, install them only for fire-explosive objects.
These briefings, as a rule, are of a formal nature. For example, in an organization with 50, 100 or more employees, it is impossible to properly complete all the briefings!!! Only the preparation of lists takes a significant part of the working time.
Instead of briefings, with the exception of fire and explosion hazardous facilities (if necessary or once a year), relevant information should be prepared with the familiarization of interested employees in the familiarization sheet, and a work permit is issued for fire hazardous work.
3. To exclude, on the basis of paragraphs 1 and 2, the maintenance of the Fire Safety Briefing Log, since it is impossible to identify the signature of the instructing and the instructed without a handwriting examination (anyone can sign it).
4. Exclude the practical part of the training, since no one can oblige an employee to put out a fire, the main thing is to evacuate in a timely manner (by using fire extinguishers, means of self-rescue, warning and internal fire water supply, it is enough theoretical course evacuation training and drills).
5. Eliminate disagreements between Art. 25 (paragraph 4) of Federal Law No. 69 and clause 3 of the PPR (paragraph 3), and the procedure for training fire safety measures in an organization is fully assigned to its head, based on recommendations (and not binding documents) Ministry of Emergency Situations.
6. Grant the right to the head of the organization to use the opportunity to conduct training and testing of employees of the organization by means of a distance (electronic) training system, according to programs developed by the EMERCOM of Russia and (or) the head of the organization based on the specifics of the fire hazard of the facility. The fact of passing distance learning should be recorded automatically by the account (electronic signature) under which the employee works.
Distance learning data must be recorded in an appropriate database and stored on a permanent basis, and presented when required.
In organizations that do not have the possibility of distance learning or the employee does not know how to use a computer, record the data on hard copy(protocol).
7. Legislatively impose on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia the organization and conduct of training in fire safety measures in budget institutions(high-risk facilities), as well as in organizations that massively use the labor of people with disabilities directly in these organizations, including conducting evacuation drills.
8. To oblige only managers or chief specialists of facilities of significant and medium risk, as well as those responsible for fire safety of such organizations, to undergo training in PTM at least once every three years.
Other categories of objects and their employees must be trained in PTM by decision of the head of the organization.
9. Grant the right to the head of an organization that has a fire safety unit to train its employees on the job at least once every three years in the manner prescribed by the organization. The preventive staff of these units should be trained on an off-duty basis at least once every five years (since they have a professional education).
10. Eliminate mandatory training of PTM for workers engaged in installation activities, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures, as well as those performing gas and electric welding work, as they receive the necessary knowledge of industrial safety during advanced training, as well as in the direction of labor protection, electrical and safety engineering. For example, Building company or a steel structure factory with 30-50 welders who must undergo training on an off-the-job basis: once every six months on fire safety; once a quarter on safety and labor protection; once a quarter on electrical safety, plus advanced training. WHEN TO WORK?!!!
11. To exclude from the draft Order the terms “Programme for advanced training” and “additional professional education program”.
According to Article 12 of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation", the study of a minimum of fire and technical knowledge does not apply to the implementation of additional professional education programs, since it does not improve the qualifications of a worker, employee, specialist and does not aim professional retraining. For example, a doctor responsible for the MI of an operating room in a hospital should upgrade his qualifications as a physician, not as an MI.
