Institute for Fire Safety. A qualified team is the key to victory. Fire safety: where to study

Speciality Fire safety opens up many “doors” for career growth for those who have mastered it. College graduates in this specialty can work in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and in the relevant supervisory and regulatory bodies. After graduating from grade 9, training in the specialty Fire Safety can be completed both in specialized colleges of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and in ordinary educational institutions of secondary vocational education. You can read more about studying in colleges of the Ministry of Emergency Situations after grade 9 here.

The term of study in the specialty Fire Safety depends on the form of study and the type of program being mastered. When studying under the basic program for full-time education, in order to receive a diploma, you will need to gnaw at the granite of science for 3 years 10 months. Correspondence or evening form of education involves studying for no more than 5 years 4 months. Studying in advanced training programs will take a college student 1 year more than the above timeframes.

Popular materials

Upon completion of the training, a graduate of the specialty Fire Safety will receive the qualification of a technician. With this qualification, he can apply for jobs in the following professions:
Car driver;
Industrial climber.

During the training, fire safety specialists acquire knowledge and skills that allow them to solve problems related to professional activity. The list of professional tasks for fire safety specialists includes:
Participation in the work of the duty guard in fire departments;
Preparation of personnel of fire departments for fire extinguishing activities;
Organization of work to extinguish fires;
Organization of rescue operations in emergency situations;
Checking industrial and other facilities for compliance with fire safety requirements;

The curriculum for the specialty Fire Safety involves the development of a number of specialized subjects. These disciplines include:
ACS and communication
Medical and biological foundations for a safe life
Fundamentals of organizing the activities of fire supervision
Prevention of fires and outbreaks
Equipment necessary for fire fighting and rescue work

Training programs in the specialty Fire safety should provide for practices for students. Practices are divided into educational and industrial. They are a mandatory and integral part of the curriculum. The practice is carried out in two stages. The first stage involves practice according to the profile. The second etam is to pass undergraduate practice. The internship is carried out on the basis of fire departments at the locations of educational institutions.

At the end of the training period, students are required to pass a final certification in order to obtain a qualification. Certification in the specialty can be carried out in the form of a diploma project or in the form of a state exam. The form of certification testing is chosen by the management of the secondary school.

After completing their studies, graduates can expect to work in specialties that provide for the following levels of remuneration:

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02/20/04 "Fire safety", qualification "Technician" on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months on the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 10 months Tuition fee 50,000 rubles / semester.

The Faculty of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Infoline College is in great demand among applicants. The profession is in demand, well paid, has the opportunity for career growth and allows you to show your character. Infoline is a non-state educational institution offering paid services for getting an education. The founders annually allocate budgetary places that participate in the competition between students of various faculties. Successful surrender exams and a high average score of the certificate will allow you to master the specialty "Fire Safety" free of charge with the qualification "Technician".

Qualification "Technician": admission and further employment

Having successfully completed grades 9 or 11, a student can apply for admission to Infoline College. You need to prepare in advance:

  • Certificate

    Insurance policy and its copy

    Certificate of passing the medical commission

    Photo set 3x4

The term of study for graduates of grade 9 is 3 years 10 months, grade 11 - 2 years 10 months. During this time, you will get acquainted with the basic and specialized subjects. Each student will master the following skills:

    Work with fire fighting equipment. Installation, configuration and further diagnostics

    Development of protection systems using the latest technical devices

    Security fire safety in household and special premises

    Implementation of control at specified facilities with the maintenance of official documentation

    Work with computer programs and specialized databases

Infoline College guarantees employment after graduation. The presence of partnership agreements with major universities allows not only to improve qualifications on preferential terms, but also to get higher education without passing entrance exams. This perspective will have a positive impact on your future career.

The teaching staff and psychologists carry out mandatory methodological and psychological work with students. Participation in seminars and development of own projects is accompanied by the issuance of relevant documentation. Special attention is paid to the physical form of students.

Additional conditions for training

The opportunity to receive free education is accompanied by other preferential offers from Infoline College:

    Possibility of obtaining preferential travel on public transport

    Accommodation in a hostel for non-resident students

    Meals in the dining room located in the college building

    Access to modern library having all the necessary literature and technical means

College administration requires mandatory compliance learning process that creates and maintains comfortable conditions to gain knowledge and skills. Presence official style clothing, a ban on smoking and obscene language, and fixing violations with subsequent research motivate students to comply with generally accepted norms and procedures.

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The work of a firefighter in the age of technology development is more relevant than ever. Specialists of this profile will evaluate in time possible risks, will protect nature, man, as well as a variety of economic objects from the destructive power of uncontrolled fire.

Who are firefighters?

The specialty "Fire Safety" allows you to ensure the safety of any type of human activity from various threats in time. It is especially important to study the causes of those fires that are commonly called man-made. The role of representatives of this profession is difficult to overestimate. Many are interested in who to work in the specialty "Fire Safety"? We answer: first of all, this profession involves working as a fireman (rescuer) or head of the fire brigade.

You can get a driver's degree in college fire fighting equipment. Recently, representatives of this profession began to be called rescuers, and for good reason. When a fire ignites, covering everything around, it is almost impossible to get out of it without the help of qualified professionals. At such moments, it remains to rely only on fire rescuers.

A qualified team is the key to victory

After the fire brigade arrives at the scene, the process of extinguishing the fire begins. At the same time, the priority task is to save people - the fight against fire begins only after the evacuation. The complexity of the situation, the choice of extinguishing tactics and necessary equipment- All these issues are within the competence of the head of the department. Each individual fire requires a special control strategy, the effectiveness of which directly depends on the skill level of the team members. Therefore, to get the specialty "Fire Safety", you need to study a lot of disciplines. These are fire tactics, fire automatics, thermodynamics, gas and smoke protection service, operation of buildings and structures, and many others.


The primary tasks of a firefighter are extinguishing a fire, saving people, as well as eliminating the consequences of an accident. The duties of the rescuer also include monitoring the serviceability of equipment, troubleshooting, and sentinel service. The firefighter must be able to use intercom equipment and by special means connections. All the duties of a rescuer are specified in the charter of the enterprise, as well as job descriptions. In addition, the firefighter must be able to provide first aid. medical care. In an emergency situation, theoretical knowledge is not enough. Orientation is acquired only in the process of long training.

Areas of work

Those applicants who chose the specialty "Fire Safety" can work not only as rescuers. Every company has a safety engineer. This unit refers to technical personnel. The safety engineer can report both to the management of the enterprise and to higher authorities: the State Fire Supervision, Gosgortekhnadzor. A firefighter may also work in the following structures:

  • Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation;
  • departments for labor protection, as well as industrial and fire safety;
  • research institutes;
  • municipal authorities.

Pros and cons of the profession

One of the main advantages of the specialty "Fire Safety" is its value. Few can boast that his job is to save lives. Another advantage is a convenient work schedule. A firefighter usually has a lot of free time. Another undeniable advantage is high level wages.

The negative side of working in the specialty "Fire Safety" is the high level of risk and responsibility during fire extinguishing. In addition, lifeguards have very limited career opportunities - someone who chooses this specialty is likely to remain in this position throughout their career. The exception is those who have completed a college degree - they may earn a promotion to head of the fire brigade. The disadvantage of the profession is also its belonging to military disciplines.

Fire safety: where to study

Ordinary rescuers, as well as drivers, can be educated in colleges on the basis of 9 classes. Conscript soldiers, if they have the necessary physical training and moral and strong-willed qualities, have a chance to become firefighters after completing special short-term courses. As a rule, they last 2-3 weeks, depending on the specific program. educational institution.

You can become a firefighter by graduating from college with a degree in fire safety. In Moscow, you can get an education at the Fire College of the Ministry of Emergencies. The St. Petersburg Fire and Rescue College operates in the northern capital. Diploma of higher education can be obtained at any higher educational institution that is subordinate to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. For example, this is the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The main direction of this educational institution is the training of specialists in the field of protecting the country's territory from different kind emergency situations. Here you can become not only a professional rescuer - the university trains specialists in the areas of "Air Navigation", "State and municipal government”, “Pedagogy”. From year to year, training at the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is becoming more and more efficient and of high quality.

The most prestigious are those universities that are located on the territory of the capital, St. Petersburg, as well as the city of Ivanovo. You can also get a specialty at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the State Fire Service of Russia, the Ural Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the State Fire Service of Russia. The Siberian Federal University also trains specialists in the direction of "Fire Safety". Applicants can check the necessary information on the websites of universities. Or you can contact the school directly by phone. So you can get information about entrance exams, features of the learning process, get an exhaustive answer to the question of who to work in the specialty "Fire Safety".

What should be a lifeguard?

In order to perform their work qualitatively, to save human lives and material objects from fire, a firefighter must have a number of professionally important qualities:

  • know well your main duties, place on the staff list, all the necessary regulations, work instructions;
  • implicitly obey the orders of superiors, for example, the head of the unit;
  • carefully treats the entrusted property (special ammunition, equipment, protective equipment);
  • strictly observe safety regulations, as well as be disciplined;
  • be able to provide first aid;
  • be able to communicate effectively with other team members;
  • constantly improve their professional skills, as well as physical form;
  • the psyche of the rescuer must be healthy and stable, and the reaction to stimuli must be quick.

Strict selection

Anyone who is weak physically and mentally has nothing to do in the fire department. Applicants for this specialty undergo a rigorous selection process. Not every volunteer will be able to become a fire brigade rescuer. Before taking the entrance examination, you must pass good training. A firefighter must be physically hardy - ammunition can weigh up to 30 kg, therefore, to use fire equipment, considerable physical strength is needed.

The rescuer must have strong-willed qualities, be decisive and courageous, but reckless courage is not required from him - he must first of all save human lives and fight fire, and not try to sacrifice himself. Also, a firefighter must constantly strive to improve his theoretical knowledge. It is not enough just to be hardy and have a quick reaction - the rescuer must know how to behave in this or that extreme situation.

lifeguard salary

The modern emergency department is a well-equipped and staffed organization, fully supported by the state. There are branches like this in every city. In megacities, several dozen fire departments can work at once. The team members are disciplined and subject to strict subordination. It also has its own titles and positions. Any ordinary firefighter must follow the orders of the commander, since the success of the entire rescue operation depends on this. As a rule, the salary of an ordinary rescuer in the capital is about 40-45 thousand rubles, and the average for the country is 35-45 thousand.

When a great flame flares up, many are shrouded in fear of its all-consuming tongues. Of course, we are not talking about a fire kitchen towel. Here without special work probably everyone will be fine. But if we take into account the full-scale fire that burns everything in its path, then the situation is different. Only brave professionals can overcome the elements and put out the fire.

In absolutely any place - at the enterprise, at school, office, shop, etc. - one of the most important points organization and functioning is fire safety. The specialty once chosen by people who come on call to save others is vital. Indeed, the choice of a profession is inextricably linked with a personal vocation, and if it consists in the salvation and protection of one's fellow citizens, then here to decide on future work not difficult. Having enrolled first in college, then in a higher educational institution, having found a job in the rescue service, such people have the most important thing - the opportunity to realize themselves.

The history of the formation of the specialty "Fire Safety"

If you turn to historical facts, it will become clear that since the time ancient egypt people were interested in fire safety. The specialty, or rather, the prerequisites for its emergence, is fixed precisely on the territory of this oldest civilization. There are many references to professional firefighters in the manuscripts. A few centuries later, the next place where it appeared whole organization to fight fires at the state level, was the Roman Empire. By order of Emperor Augustus, the night police officers who patrolled the cities at this time of the day went out on the path to save people, their homes and property from terrible fires during the day.

And only at the beginning of the 16th century on the territory of the Russian lands there was a need to create a specialized body, the main activity of which was fire safety. The specialty of a firefighter as such was born even later. Almost 150 years after the appearance of the first brigades, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree that was able to accurately establish the number of employees and the duties of each brigade. It happened in 1649, on April 30. There is nothing surprising in the fact that at present this date has become symbolic, since Russia is celebrated on the last day of April.

How does the system work?

Work in the specialty "Fire Safety" is not limited to the departure of firefighters directly to the place of extinguishing the fire. This area represents complex system where each element is paramount and necessary.

To understand how the system called "Fire Safety" functions, one should consider each responsible link in a specific area of ​​work. As part of the implementation of their official duties specific functions are assigned to one or another employee of the rescue service. A striking example would be a kind of simulation of the situation with a fire.

What is the job of firefighters? First of all, a call arrives at the centralized dispatching service. The task of her employee is to determine the fire station located as close as possible to the scene. Before submitting an application for the departure of firefighters, the dispatcher must find out what level of complexity this ignition can be attributed to. This factor is in many ways the defining starting point.

Preparing to extinguish a fire

For example, if a container with flammable garbage catches fire, one tank truck will be sent to the fire site. In the event of a more serious incident, both two and from all adjacent areas may be needed.

In particular, when a residential building or production workshops are on fire, several fire brigades are sent, and from different directions. Thus, by regulating the number of vehicles per facility, the coordination link in the Fire Safety chain functions.

The specialty, in which the fighters of the rescue services are trained, involves a lot of physical training. This is no coincidence, because after the received signal about the upcoming departure, firefighters on duty are required to put on protective fire-fighting equipment and go to the place of ignition. Often, the number of lives saved depends on how quickly the fire brigade arrives. The fighters who arrived at the scene of the fire define their primary task as drawing up an urgent action plan, taking into account the nature of the outbreak, its location and possible risks, potential difficulties and complications in the course of work.

Rescue work

The rescue team has only 2-3 minutes at its disposal to prepare hydrants, unfold hoses or connect to an engine tank. There are no average terms for the process of extinguishing a flame. Professionals in their field can fight fire for a quarter of an hour, and for several days. By assessing the extent of the fire and comparing it with the forces of the fire brigade that arrived, rescuers can call in additional forces.

Having completed the work, the head of the guard is obliged to inform fire station on the result of the liquidation of the elements, draw up and sign an act. The next actors in the rescue operation are interrogators. They must find out the causes of the outbreak, investigate the accompanying facts, find the perpetrators if there was a targeted arson. Often, interrogators are faced with the need to challenge the legality of the actions of firefighters. In the process of extinguishing a fire, fire brigades are sometimes blamed for causing property damage.

What do future firefighters learn?

Therefore, the specialty "Fire and Industrial Safety» refers to the list of the most demanded professions in Russian market labor. Having received a complete secondary education, applicants have a chance to enter universities in this area.

Each of them, asking himself the question “Why do I choose the specialty “Fire Safety”?”, Can specifically answer it. Future students want to become firefighters in order to:

  • develop new protection systems with ideal technical specifications used in technological and production processes, in order to prevent potential threats and risks to workers and the environment;
  • to master the basics of economic diagnostics of fire-fighting complexes and protective devices, as well as ongoing technical projects;
  • participate in the development of the regulatory framework, current documentation relating to all aspects of the fire service: operational, managerial, organizational and tactical.
  • create and implement programs that determine relevant conditions technical component, regulatory standards in the course of ensuring fire safety.

College degree in fire safety

Not only in the university you can get the specialty "Fire Safety". At the college students can get professional education, enrolling in one of educational institutions on the basis of full education or having only a basic level. Having received the qualification of a technician by diploma, the graduate will acquire many necessary for further implementation labor activity knowledge and skills.

After college, a Fire Safety Technician will already be trained to work in a team, communicate and communicate with colleagues who are directly in the fire zone. In addition, a graduate of a secondary specialized educational institution must independently organize his own activities and make responsible decisions both in ordinary situations and in those that are non-standard.

Higher education in this field

A college graduate can improve his qualifications and receive a diploma of higher education by enrolling in one of Russian universities, where there is training in the direction of "Fire Safety" (specialty). Universities in Moscow where you can go this training, are popular among applicants, because over the years these institutions have been able to prove their competitiveness and the ability to create real professionals who are in demand on modern markets labor. Among the most successful Russian universities:

  • State Academy fire service Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs civil defense, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters.
  • Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia.
  • Moscow State University of Technology and Management (First Cossack University).

Who can work after graduation?

After a person has received the specialty "Fire Safety", he already knows exactly who to work with. A graduate of a college or a leading Moscow university can perform emergency rescue work. However, everything here depends not only on the diploma of education. Fitness level is likely the main factor.

University graduates often become civil servants, whose competence includes the exercise of supervision over the territories entrusted to them.

Jobs in fire safety for women

By the way, even representatives of the weaker sex who have been trained in the course "Fire Safety" can do such work. Girls can comprehend the specialty without difficulty, since it is this type of employment that is not associated with forceful activity. Fire inspectors also play an important role. Although they do not rush headlong into danger, they have the duty of regular cooperation with the population. Carrying out preventive, educational activities, briefings, conversations and lectures with schoolchildren, students, etc. is the key to raising the educational level of the population in matters of fire safety.
