The position of project director is a managerial one. Job description of the project manager

1.4. A person with higher professional education and work experience in the specialty in engineering and management positions for at least five years, who has projects implemented from concept to commissioning, is appointed to the position of project manager.

1.5. The project manager is guided by:

– current regulatory and technical documents;

- the charter of the organization, local regulations, regulatory and administrative documents issued by the head of the organization;

- this job description.

1.6. The project manager must know:

– laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of design, use and protection of subsoil and environment;

– organizational and administrative documents and teaching materials, relating to the production of design work ;

– organization and planning of design work;

– methods for conducting research and development, assessing the quality of projects under development, technical requirements to them;

– installation conditions and technical operation designed equipment;

– standards, specifications and other regulatory materials on the development and execution of technical documentation;

– methods of technical calculations;

– methods of drawing up technical business cases design developments;

– modern technical means performing computational work;

– requirements for the organization of labor in the design;

– economics, labor legislation, organization of labor and organization of production;

– current regulations on remuneration;

1.7. The project manager reports to the CEO.

1.8. During the absence of the project manager (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a duly appointed person who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.


Project Manager:

2.1. Analyzes the experience of implementing projects of the organization and competitors, the causes of difficulties and failures, data on the operation of design objects.

2.2. Leads projects from the stage of pre-project preparation to commissioning (develops, accompanies, coordinates and approves design solutions; receives technical specifications, draws up technical specifications and contracts, performs calculations, receives all necessary permissions, makes proposals for changes and improvements, draws up work schedules, controls the quality and deadlines).

2.3. Represents the organization in joint work with other design and architectural organizations, with representatives of the customer within its competence. Conducts negotiations.

2.4. Makes proposals to the General Director on the composition project team. Orders resources. Prepares the project budget and monitors its execution.

2.5. Maintains established records and draws up the necessary reporting for all stages of design.

2.6. Carries out work to find a rational layout of the structural elements of the project

2.7. Gives feedback and conclusions on scientific and technical documentation coming from outside organizations, complex rationalization proposals and inventions, patent applications, draft standards and specifications.

2.8. Ensures the execution of work High Quality, in deadlines, at a high technical level.

2.9. Ensures that the project complies with the design specification, right choice circuit diagrams complex, high level standardization and unification of equipment, provision of technical assistance in its development and implementation.

2.13. Plans and coordinates the work of the team (group) for the development of individual parts (sections) of the project or individual types of work.

2.14. Controls the execution of assigned tasks by each executor.

2.15. Supervises the development of programs, work methods, feasibility studies and calculations, estimate and contract documentation, testing of the equipment being designed.

2.16. Participates in the development of promising and annual plans research and design work.

The project manager has the right to:

3.1. Receive all social guarantees stipulated by the current legislation.

3.2. Require the creation of all conditions for execution official duties provided for in this manual, including the provision of necessary equipment, inventory, funds personal protection, benefits and compensation for work in working conditions that deviate from normal.

3.3. To get acquainted with the decisions of the management of the organization regarding its activities.

3.4. Make proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.

3.5. Request through the immediate supervisor information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.6. Improve your professional qualifications.


The project manager is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For violations committed in the course of carrying out their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order CEO dated 01.01.01 No. 92.

____Head of Human Resources___ Chaikin __

(Head of the Human Resources Department) (signature) (signature transcript)


With this job description

acquainted. One copy received

and undertake to keep in the workplace Milavzorov

(signature) (signature transcript)


_________Legal Counsel _______ _Solovyov_

(visas officials legal service) (signature) (signature transcript)


____________________________ _________ ________________

(official of the legal service) (signature) (signature transcript)

Purpose of the position: Achieving the final goals and objectives from the implementation of new projects

1. General Provisions

1.1. Name of the structural unit: Department of Innovation and Development

1.2. Reports to (supervisor position): Head of Innovation and Development Department

1.3. Is the head (positions of direct subordinates): No

1.4. Replaces (positions, the functions of which are performed by the employee, in their absence): No

1.5. Deputy (positions that perform the functions of an employee in his absence): No

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. Defines the charter, goals, objectives and result of the project.

2.2. Thinks through and draws up a plan for the preparation and implementation of a new project, determines milestones.

2.2.1. Determines the scope of work required for the development and implementation of the project.

2.2.2. Defines and documents dependencies between activities.

2.2.3. Estimates the duration of work, makes a critical path.

2.2.4. Determines the amount of time needed to complete the project.

2.3. Quantifies and estimates the cost of resources required to complete project work.

2.4. Estimates the cost and determines the budget for the project.

2.5. Selects a project team.

2.5.1. Identifies the professional skills needed by project team members.

2.5.2. Determines the responsible Departments and responsible persons who will participate in the development and implementation of the project.

2.5.3. Prescribes a chain of relationships between project team members.

2.5.4. Thinks over the system of motivation of the project team.

2.6. Organizes project team meetings.

2.7. Participates in the development of a detailed business plan.

2.8. Controls preparation necessary documentation to launch a new project.

2.9. Controls the preparation of the necessary documentation for the implementation of a new project.

2.9.1. Provides timely collection, accumulation, distribution, storage and subsequent use of project information.

2.9.2. Coordinates the provision of the necessary information to all project participants within the stipulated time frame.

2.10. Controls and monitors development and implementation activities and, if necessary, adjusts these processes.

2.10.1. Controls compliance with the deadlines for development and implementation processes.

2.10.2. Controls project budget changes

2.10.3. Tracks deviations from the plan, makes adjustments to the plan and coordinates it with all project participants.

2.10.4. Analyzes the possible impact of deviations in the scope of work performed on the progress of the project as a whole.

3. Administrative work

3.1. Budgeting: develops and controls project budgets

3.2. Scheduling: daily, weekly, monthly

3.3. Reporting: weekly, monthly

3.4. Personnel work: selection of the project team, motivation of the project team, together with the Department of Personnel Technologies.

3.5. Development of documents: Plans, reports.

3.6. Keeps information, databases up to date: no

4. Has the right to make decisions on issues

4.1. Financial: within the budget of the Office of Innovation and Development.

4.2. Selection of partners: project team, project experts

4.3. Approval of documents: no

5. Documents regulating the work

5.1. External documents: Legislative and normative acts, project management standards.

5.2. Internal documents: Company Regulations, Management Regulations, Job Description, Internal Labor Regulations, New Product Creation Standards.

6. Criteria for assessing labor efficiency

6.1. Implementation of weekly and monthly planning activities, for which he is responsible

6.2. Implementation of the quality of weekly and monthly planning activities for which he is responsible

6.3. Implementation of weekly and monthly planning activities in terms of volume, for which he is responsible

6.4 Satisfaction of internal customers

6.5 Satisfaction of external customers

6.6. Performance budget plans

6.7. Achievement of the set goals and objectives for projects

7. Interaction, information exchange

Interactions and information exchange are described and regulated by the Standards for the creation of new products.

8. Qualification requirements

8.1. Education: higher economic

8.2. Special training, permits: knowledge of MS Project or MS Central

8.3. Skills: work on a PC (MS Office package, Internet)

8.4. Experience: At least 3 years in a managerial position

8.5. Professional knowledge:

· Principles of information processing;

· Standards and methodologies of the project approach;

· Time management;

· Negotiation skills;

· Management.

Instruction agreed:

Head of Motivation Department ________________________________________________

Head of Department ___________________________________________________________

Executive Director block ________________________________________________

Familiarized with the instructions:

Name, date, signature

____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

The project is inherently a kind of action that has a beginning and an end, that is, it is aimed at achieving a specific goal, in contrast to the usual production activities. An investment undertaking can be successful or fail, and here the role of the project manager is very large, who must assemble a team and organize its work at a high level.

Features of defining the tasks and powers of the project manager

Different companies or organizations are implementing initiatives aimed at different goals. Some are trying to increase profitability, others are trying to optimize operations to reduce costs, and still others are trying to introduce new technologies. Such initiatives may be ad hoc, but there are firms that specialize in project development and implementation.

Thus, the employer can hire an employee on a permanent basis, his position is called a project manager, and he leads undertakings of various directions, attracting professionals to the team the right direction and qualifications.

At the same time, the functions of such a manager are often reduced to the overall management of the team and the organization of its coordinated work.

However, a professional manager is much more often involved in managing a single project, so for correct construction the system of relationships in the team and the ability to control its work, it is important to correctly and clearly prescribe the job descriptions of the project manager.

Exist general form job description of the head, which is specified depending on the area in which the project is being implemented. The functions of a project manager in a specific highly specialized part can vary greatly. For example, managers leading initiatives in construction, the service sector, manufacturing, work with personnel, the IT sector, have common positions only in terms of the overall organization of work.

Job Description Example

Consider a version of the instruction that is suitable for the manager of any undertaking. The personnel service of an organization or enterprise can take it as a basis and supplement it with the necessary positions, depending on the specifics of its activities.

JOB DESCRIPTION of the project manager


1.1. The head (manager) of the project _____________ is among the leaders, is appointed to the position and dismissed from it on the basis of the order of the head of the organization.

1.2. A person who has higher education in the field of ____________ and work experience in the profile of ____ years, including in leadership positions ___ years.

1.3. In his work, the manager should be guided by:

  • legislative and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation regarding personnel management;
  • charter (regulations) of the organization;
  • orders and instructions of the higher management;
  • the rules of the approved labor schedule;
  • the requirements specified in this manual.

1.4. The project manager must know:

  • laws of the Russian Federation, other regulations regulating work in the relevant industry (field of activity);
  • methodological, organizational and other materials necessary for the performance of their direct duties;
  • approved rules, standards and norms, forms of necessary documents;
  • methods of preparation of economic justifications of the project;
  • fundamentals of finance, economics, labor law;
  • principles rational organization labor of subordinates;
  • basics of document management (traditional and electronic) and standardization;
  • regulations fire safety, industrial sanitation, environmental protection;
  • special computer programs necessary for work in a particular direction.

1.5. In case of temporary absence, the responsibility for the results of the work is assigned to the deputy appointed in the prescribed manner.


Project manager responsibilities include:

2.1. Determination of goals and current tasks in the approved area of ​​activity and organization of work to achieve them, forecasting results.

2.2. Determination of the list of works that are necessary for the implementation of the proposed initiative, as well as the quantity, name and cost of the necessary resources.

2.3. Participation in the preparation of a business plan, budget, project execution plan and other documents necessary for the implementation of the project.

2.4. Work with information related to the implementation of the undertaking (collection, processing, storage, use, timely transfer to other participants).

2.5. Analysis of the progress of the project as a whole, its individual tasks, identification of deviations that may adversely affect the final result, taking measures to correct the situation.

2.6. Obtaining the necessary permits, licenses and permits, drawing up contracts with suppliers and contractors, drawing up work schedules, monitoring the timing and quality of their implementation, making adjustments if necessary.

2.7. Organization in agreement with the management of cooperation with official representatives of the customer and other interested companies within their immediate responsibilities, conducting business negotiations.

2.8. Organization of work on the preparation of periodic reporting on the stages of implementation of the undertaking, accounting and analytical accounting, entering all the necessary information into the relevant databases.

2.9. Planning and coordinating the activities of subordinates certain types processes or works, control over the quality of execution of the tasks received by them.

2.10. Management of the development of plans, methods of execution of work, calculations, economic and technical justifications.

2.11. Instructing employees on labor protection issues (primary, repeated, targeted and unscheduled), implementation of the envisaged measures, control over their compliance with the requirements of the law and job duties in this matter.


The project manager has the following rights:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft orders and orders of the management related to his official duties, make proposals on their content.

3.2. Make proposals to the manager regarding the improvement of the work of the organization, prepare drafts of relevant orders.

3.3. Approve and sign documents within their competence.

3.4. Send requests for necessary information and receive it in the manner prescribed by internal orders.

3.5. Interact with the heads of other departments of the organization to resolve issues related to the implementation of the project.

3.6. To come out with proposals to the directorate on the appointment, dismissal, transfer of subordinate employees, the imposition of penalties and incentives.

3.7. Require the management of the company to assist in their work.

3.8. Take part in general meetings labor collective relating to the activities of the organization.


4.1. The project manager, in the performance of his duties, reports to ____________ (for example, the director, deputy director for the relevant area of ​​​​work, head of the project activities department).

4.2. On issues related to his direct duties, he interacts with __________ (employees of the production, legal, personnel, budget department, etc.).

4.3. In the process of work, it transmits the necessary information ___________ (what, to whom, frequency) and receives information ____________ (what, from whom, frequency).


The current work has the right to evaluate its immediate supervisor, the final result - also the management of the organization.

The project manager is responsible for:

  • improper performance or non-performance of their duties stipulated by this instruction - in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • violation of the rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire safety - in accordance with the standards approved by the relevant regulations and internal orders;
  • commission of crimes or offenses, including causing material damage to the company - in accordance with civil, criminal or administrative law.

Head of Department ___________ (signature) _______________ (full name)

Familiarized with the instructions ____________ (signature) ____________ (full name)

______________ (date of signing)

Job description of the Head of the PMO

Edition 1.0

Familiar with instructions


(signature) (signature transcript)

«___» ____________ 20____

1. General provisions 2

2. Functions 3

3. Responsibilities 4

5. Labor protection 7

6. Quality system requirements 7

7. Responsibility 8

8. List of approvals 8

1. General Provisions

The Head of the PMO reports to the Project Director.

In his activities, the Head of the PMO is guided by:

a) corporate project management standard (document designation PMCS-Definition);

b) documents of the quality system of the enterprise;

c) labor regulations;

d) the charter of the enterprise;

e) orders and instructions of the General Director of the Enterprise and the Project Director;

e) this job description;

g) Regulations on the UE Department (OUP);

h) the PMBOK project management body of knowledge.

2. Functions

The following functions are assigned to the Head of the PMO:

2.1. Act as Deputy Director for Projects in terms of coordinating the projects of the Enterprise.

2.2. Participation in the initiation, planning, monitoring and completion of all projects implemented by the Enterprise.

2.3. Leading the Project Management Department.

2.4. Consultations to the management of the Enterprise, structural subdivisions of the Enterprise and project management teams on the methodology and standards of project management.

3. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the Head of the PMO is obliged:

3.1. Organize and plan the activities of the PMO.

3.2. Prepare budgets for the activities of the PMO.

3.3. Update the Corporate Project Management Standard.

3.4. Organize the development, development and support of project management procedures and project workflow.

3.5. Organize the provision of production departments with regulatory and working documentation for project management.

At the project preparation stage (project initiation and planning processes):

3.6. Check the compliance of project preparation with the Corporate Project Management Standard. Determine the level of detail of project plans. Check the availability of all project management documents and their level of detail. Analyze the correctness of planning documents.

3.7. Analyze integrated project plans.

3.8. Manage project risk planning.

At the project implementation stage (project execution and monitoring processes):

3.9. Monitor progress against project plans.

3.10. Receive reports from Project Managers.

3.11. Monitor regular project reporting.

At the project completion stage (project completion process):

3.12. Analyze completed projects.

3.13. Select typical fragments and standards suitable for use in similar projects.

4. Rights

The head of the PMO has the right:

4.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the Enterprise relating to the scope of its activities.

4.2. Submit proposals to improve its activities for consideration by the management of the Enterprise.

4.3. Report to the management of the Enterprise about all the shortcomings identified during the work.

4.4. Require Project Managers and management of the Enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

4.5. Participate in Enterprise project meetings.

4.6. Initiate the formulation and resolution of issues related to project management to the management of the Enterprise.

4.7. Make decisions within your competence.

4.8. Sign and endorse project documents within their competence.

5. Labor protection

5.1. Prior to the start of the performance of his duties, he must undergo a briefing on labor protection, fire safety, and sanitary conditions at his workplace.

6. Quality system requirements

To meet the requirements of the quality system, the Head of the PMO:

6.1. Identifies inconsistencies and errors in the sections of the quality system related to the specialization of its activities, and the Corporate Project Management Standard; takes corrective and preventive actions.

7. Responsibility

The head of the PMO is responsible for:

7.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. For untimely and poor-quality performance of the received tasks.

7.3. For violation of norms and rules on labor protection and fire safety.

7.4. For the correctness, reliability and timeliness of reporting data.

7.5. For safety

The main responsibility of an employee accepted as a project manager is responsibility for all stages design implementation and end result. He is responsible for ensuring that the work is completed on time, in accordance with all requirements, and does not exceed the allocated budget. This position is extremely responsible, and implies a good career growth. A sample job description for a construction project manager should include general provisions, functions, responsibility and rights of the employee.

General provisions

To get the position of project manager, you must first obtain a higher professional education and have worked in their specialty for at least three years. Only the CEO of the organization where he works can appoint or remove an employee from his position.

Also, according to the job description of the project manager, the employee holding this position is directly subordinate to the CEO. During his absence, his duties are performed by a designated person who assumes not only the duties of the project manager, but also his responsibility.

What should you know?

The job description of the project manager suggests that he must have certain skills, including knowing and understanding how personnel and projects are managed. In addition, he must understand how client relationships should be built from a psychological point of view.

The specialist must study all normative and guiding materials, as well as all the methods by which algorithms and programs are developed in order to know perfectly how to operate the computer equipment necessary for data processing. His knowledge should include the basic principles of structured type programming and types of software.

Also, the job description of the project manager implies that he knows electronic computing equipment, its characteristics, design features, what it is intended for and in what modes it can work. His knowledge should include the technology by which automatic data processing and encoding takes place, formalized programming languages, as well as standards for computing systems, codes and ciphers.

He must know how to form and shape technical documentation know the basics of economics, how production is organized, labor activity enterprises and resource management. To be constantly interested in advanced world and domestic experience in programming and using computers. And also know the regulations of the organization where he works, its rules and regulations.

What should be able to?

Job description of the project manager construction organization implies that the specialist must have certain skills. He must be able to select a team of professionals for the implementation of the project, plan work on it, be able to properly distribute responsibilities between employees, clearly and correctly formulate the tasks and goals of the project, and be a moderator at general meetings.

He must also, using knowledge of labor legislation, eliminate conflicts between employees, delegate their powers and tasks, and also exercise over them full control. He must be able to calculate the costs necessary to complete the object, search for solutions to eliminate problems, and carry out all necessary analytical calculations, including risk assessment.

In addition, according to the job description of the project manager in construction, he must be able to build a structural plan for the project, form its charter and manage it. He must be able to develop work schedules, negotiate with the executors and project managers, set tasks and goals. Realize managerial activity with personnel, information and quality, and so on.

Job Responsibilities

The project manager's job is to supervise the engineers, programmers, and other staff needed to complete the tasks. He gives tasks, controls the time and quality of their implementation, and convenes meetings of the project staff. The job description of the project manager in construction implies that he must, together with the entire team, choose a programming language with which the project data will be described in the future.

He is engaged in the development and construction of work plans. His responsibilities include operational and strategic planning, concerning the implementation of the object. He must check whether the facility is ready for operation, maintain all project documentation. He must participate in the management of financial resources allocated for the creation and implementation of the project. He creates and modifies presentations for projects and themselves.


A sample job description for a project manager contains the rights that an employee holding this position has, namely:

  • Acquaintance with the decisions of the higher management of the organization that relate to its competence and work;
  • Submission for consideration of any proposals that will help improve the conditions of his work or the implementation of the project as a whole;
  • If he noticed shortcomings or errors in the work during the performance of his direct duties, he has the right to notify the management about them and suggest methods for correcting the situation;
  • Request any documents that he needs for work and its high-quality performance, both independently and with the help of his immediate supervisor;
  • He can involve company employees who serve in other departments to perform tasks related to his work activity, if this is required for the quality and timely completion of the project;
  • If necessary, ask the management for assistance in the performance of his job duties.


The job description of the head of the project department assumes that he is responsible for the improper performance or complete failure to fulfill his direct duties. All of them are indicated in the job description and comply with the current legislation of the country.

He is responsible for any violations of labor, administrative and criminal law that he commits in the course of his work. As well as for material damage caused to the company. The project manager is also responsible for the execution of the work of his subordinates, the expenditure of the budget allocated for the project and for meeting the deadlines and quality of the prepared project.

Working conditions

The job description of the project manager suggests that decent working conditions should be created for the employee. The work schedule and other nuances should be clearly established and regulated in work schedule companies. If necessary, the company must provide all the necessary conditions so that the employee can carry out business trips, including those of a local nature.


One of the most responsible positions in construction companies is the head of construction projects. The job description of this specialist may vary depending on the direction of the company and the scope of its activities. Also, responsibilities and functions can be changed due to the specific tasks that management assigns to this employee. In any case, all points of the instruction must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, norms and procedures provided for by the current legislation of the country. In addition, it is very important that the employee's responsibility is spelled out in the job description, because this position is a managerial one and there can be many nuances regarding the management of finances, human resources and other company capabilities, for the timely and high-quality implementation of the project.
