Silver color in a dream. Dream Interpretation - Flowers

  • Color is both the simplest and most powerful tool for understanding dreams. We distinguish the form of everything that surrounds us, by the transition of color, by the play of shadows, by shades. There are many colors around us. Color has been used as a key to interpreting dreams for thousands of years. To understand color means to understand the essence of energy.
    Even without realizing the influence of colors on our lives, we recognize the presence of this influence. Remember the expressions: "walking in rose-colored glasses", "black Monday", "young green", " Orange mood"," crimson with happiness, "turn yellow with envy," "blush with shame." This list goes on and on. Colors play a huge role in all areas of our lives.
    Researchers have found that the same color evokes similar reactions in people, regardless of the cultural and ethnic environment of upbringing. Shades of red and orange are perceived as a stimulus to action, while dark blue color causes relaxation. It seems that the psychology of color, like music, lies deeper than national, racial or cultural boundaries.
    You will certainly dream of countless shades of the basic seven colors. But the closer the color is to the main one, the more accurately it matches its own color. symbolic meaning. The dimmer the color, the more closed this area is for you.


  • This is the color of the first chakra, which is located at the bottom of the spine. Red symbolizes our will to survive. This color encourages the physical body to active and aggressive actions. It stimulates the heart and increases the heart rate. Red color is not accidentally used in the interior of restaurants, as it increases appetite. Red is also associated with our sexual energy and has to do with feelings of pleasure. This color brings physical pleasure. Also red means anger. Bright red in a dream symbolizes overt anger, while dull red is associated with repressed anger. It can also mean pugnacity, aggressiveness, sensuality, tension, physical strength. This is not the right color for reception rooms, as it lengthens our subjective time. Red is a sign of direct and active action. It is associated with will and power. Strength, vigor, strength, health, cheerfulness, sexuality, sensual love and danger are the keywords associated with red. In a dream, it can be extremely invigorating and help to cope with slowness, depression and melancholy. Red color can help people who are afraid of life and tend to run away from it. It helps to get firmly on the ground. If you are used to living for tomorrow, this color will help you root yourself in today. It will help you get rooted in the now. Red gives strength and motivation to achieve your goals. It is the color of "doing", the color of "doing work".


  • This is the color of the second chakra, which in most people is located 7-8 cm below the navel. Orange represents our thirst for social recognition. It is a warm, exciting color, but its vibration is lighter and higher than that of red. Therefore, his energy in the body extends to wider areas. Orange has less to do with survival and more with participation in groups, social functions. It is the color of happiness, a cheerful color used by clowns all over the world. It gives rise to optimism, expansiveness and emotional balance. In dreams, this color means herd instinct, ambition, restlessness, learning new things and being busy. It can also express the flow of sexual energy into the thought process, which gives rise to interest in politics and pride. A person whose favorite color is orange is extremely ambitious, passionate, optimistic, open and hospitable. Such people are looking for social contacts and universal recognition. They are proud of their nation, country or company and love global projects - this is "their size". In dreams Orange color means optimism, confidence, change, aspiration, enthusiasm and courage. Orange is a social ray, it is able to heal from the tendency to trust blindly and thoughtlessly. Therefore, if you are characterized by pride, suspicion and distrust, if you are looking for power - the orange color in a dream will help you gain discrimination and balance. healing power the orange ray awakens the inner knowing that we are all truly one. This helps the consciousness to rise above the level of personality. Essentially, orange in a dream is about expansion, exploration, and society. Unlike sensual red, orange is a public color. It means the desire to find reality through other people, the desire for partnership. Red energy is directed towards the survival of the individual and the attainment of security. In orange, the desire for social stability, for the security of society, family, and social formations is more expressed. Orange is the acceptance of our social love. It is the ability to sing, dance and talk about yourself as a person who loves people without fear.


  • It is an intellectual color that refers to the third chakra, the solar plexus. He is the last warm color. In dreams, yellow is associated with thought processes. The energy of this beam stimulates linear logical thinking and activity of the left side of the brain. Yellow gives rise to mental discrimination, structuring, attention to detail, appreciation, active work, thought, discipline, control, praise, sincerity and harmony. Thus, yellow is uplifting and liberating, which manifests itself in dreams as joy. People whose favorite color is yellow tend to analyze and evaluate everything. To understand a phenomenon, they must understand its logic. Such people tend to strive for originality and diversity. Them creativity very strongly, they yearn to express themselves in art, literature, music and talk... talk... talk. These people are flexible, expressive and persuasive, they are well aware of their capabilities and abilities, they are excellent at planning and organizing. Yellow is not characterized by a spontaneous reaction to an event, as is the case with red and orange. On the contrary, yellow seeks to understand how the event is organized and caused, where and when it will occur, and what the result will be. This color has a broader outlook on life. It conditions our desire to live by the rules, but at the same time encourages us to show our individuality and gives rise to a desire to be understood. The healing power of yellow works with our fears. You probably know the feeling that fear causes in the stomach area. Over the course of many incarnations, the solar plexus may accumulate a large number of variety of fears. Often a person is not even able to understand what he is afraid of. Yellow color is able to noticeably ease the tension in the solar plexus. It is very useful for people prone to condemnation, criticism and verbal aggression. This color helps a person gain flexibility and the ability to adapt to change. The yellow ray will not leave any mental problem unsolved. It will also help us realize that it is better to change ourselves than to change other people. We will see more clearly the need to balance mind and heart.


  • In a dream, this color means safety. It refers to the heart chakra, the fourth energy center in our body. Green is in the middle between warm - red, orange and yellow - and cold - blue, blue and purple - colors. Therefore, it generates feelings of love, balance, harmony, peace, brotherhood, hope, development and healing. I found that my clients are beginning to dream more often green color during the healing period. People whose favorite color is green are generous and cheerful, their hearts are open to nature. This color awakens in us a clear, persistent and unstoppable desire for security, as well as a desire to love and be loved. Green has a very beneficial effect on deep feelings of regret. It also helps to get rid of various limiting attachments. Attachments give rise to many worries in the heart. Green color helps to learn to enjoy what a person has in this moment, and live without attachments and the desire to possess. Green is the color of nature, it symbolizes the infinite inexhaustible power of the universe. This power is always in abundance. You have probably noticed that American dollars have been green in color for many decades. New Zealand banknotes were also once green, and the change in their color led to a depreciation of the New Zealand currency. green energy heals doubts and feelings of insecurity. Through meditation on the color green, we can see our true nature - broad, generous and warm-hearted. If our hearts are open and we feel the flow of universal love that flows through us, then we will feel the greatest security and self-confidence. We learn to love without being attached or trying to dominate. Green is a very powerful healing color.


  • This color - the first in the cold part of the spectrum - is associated with the throat chakra. It pushes you to search for inner truth. Dreaming in blue tones helps to achieve inner peace and balance of the mind and experience your ideals. Blue develops our spiritual security and desire to understand the inner essence of things. People who like the color blue are idealistic, their souls are patient and hardy. By nature, such people are prone to nostalgia, they are devoted and pious, peaceful and tolerant. These highly sensitive people live in a fictional world of their own ideas and commitments. They seek contentment and peace of mind and are not inclined to change. Blue color in dreams brings inspiration, creativity, spiritual understanding, faith and devotion. It speeds up the passage of time and awakens memories of the past. blue - perfect color for waiting rooms, reception rooms and study rooms. The abundance of this color in your dreams creates conditions for you to become softer, more satisfied, more tolerant and calmer. Blue is useful for people who act out of habit without thinking. It will also help those who have become rigid and unyielding to change. The blue ray carries the power of unification, it is able to merge disparate elements into a single whole. It also signifies real sincerity. When we are honest with ourselves, we can be honest with others.


  • It is the color of the forehead chakra, the color of intuition, the color that is most strongly associated with dreams. Be extremely attentive to dreams in which there is purple, dark blue or purple. It awakens our desire to feel one with the Universe, the desire for conflict-free relationships, the desire to learn and develop. Like blue, this color brings calmness, silence and comfort. Very often in dreams, purple accompanies the voice of intuition. Be very attentive to like dreams! It's very interesting to see what happens to our sense of time as we move from color to color. The closer we are, for example, to our physical sensations and feelings, the more time we seem to have in front of us. The closer to the imagination, the more time seems to have passed. Red color creates an image of the present moment, as a cat sees a mouse. Looking at the present from the point of view of the mind ( yellow) creates a sense of logic, as road traffic on the expressway. Perception from the point of view of subtle sensations (blue) gives rise to an image of history, like rings on a stump. Looking at reality with intuition (purple), we see the future like an eagle that soars high in the sky and looks down. From this height, a person is able to see both what is close and what is far. Therefore, in dreams colored in purple tones you look far beyond. These are dreams, visions prophetic dreams. A person who likes purple is usually incomprehensible, inspired, endowed with faith in the future and the ability to penetrate the inner world of other people. Violet develops intuition and teaches a person to see the spiritual aspects of life.


  • White color in dreams refers to the imagination, it is associated with the upper chakra, or crown chakra. Its vibrations are the fastest among all other colors. White manifests itself in our essence as divine awareness, humility and a creative image. It clears like snow on a winter's day. White includes all colors. The same goes for dreams. It is an energy that can move the point of imagination. White color is useful for people who tend to dream while awake. White and purple are creative images, in dreams they lead us to divine love. People who like the color white are filled with a deep sense of the divine, bliss and bestowal. Transforming power white color can help those whose self-esteem is low or negative.

See interpretation: see by item names

Everything associated with this color means neutrality and detachment. Lack of communication.


People think they can rely on you. You have an abundance of energy and vitality.


Usually indicates new opportunities and successful completion of projects. See turquoise in a dream - a sign of good luck.

Yellow, Gold

Yellow represents creative powers and true love. His appearance in a dream portends a period of success and self-confidence.


The color of growth and serenity. There are projects that you are excited about. A lot of joy and pleasure from simple things.


This is an auspicious color in dreams, it symbolizes material success, money, a happy and lasting marriage.


This color speaks of great passion and sensuality in emotional relationships.


Orange color in dreams means passion in every aspect of your life. Associated with creativity and healing.


Pink is associated with tenderness and love. You can expect interesting and pleasant events in relationships with the opposite sex.


associated with the transition period. If light gray, it means peace and tranquility, dark gray symbolizes fear.

Blue, Cyan

This color in a dream represents calmness and balance in the inner world. Symbol of peace and tranquility. Predominance of reason over emotions.


The color of great ambition. It means understanding the visible and invisible worlds. Associated with intuition and spirituality. Take advantage of your creative gift.


Black color portends isolation and transition. It shows conflicts, friction with relatives and friends.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Colors in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Colors

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do Colors dream in a dream?

Each color represents a manifestation of one or another vibration speed (oscillation frequency) electromagnetic field. The beam of each color has very specific characteristics, and therefore seeing flowers in a dream indicates the need to focus on the strength of the vibrations (or the quality of the energy) contained within. visible colors, or to achieve harmony with this force. Lack of color usually denotes a lack of life, emotion and vitality.

BEIGE color in a dream - Detachment, non-participation, neutrality.

WHITE - Perfection (the white color of Christ), purity. The most high speed vibrations.

TURQUOISE-BLUE color Freedom of expression.

PALE BLUE - Passivity.

BLUE color in a dream - Wisdom, clarity, truth, peace.

YELLOW - Mental power. Certainty. Strength and joy. Sun, freedom of the inner child.

GREEN - Life, health, healing, balance.

GOLDEN - Enlightenment. Color of God.

INDIGO (impenetrably dark / dark blue) - Imagination, intuition. Third Eye.

BROWN color in a dream - Withdrawn, introverted, retreating type. Hiding the true identity.

RED color in a dream - Physical energy, action, development. The lowest vibration speed.

ORANGE - Emotional assimilation, physical digestion, release.

PURPLE/PURPLE - Transformation, spiritual responsibility, inspiration, spiritual healing.

PINK - Love.

SILVER color in a dream Coldness, mysticism, the initiative of the moon.

GRAY - Separation, aloofness.

LAVENDER COLOR in a dream - Spirituality - sometimes associated with asthma or difficulty breathing at birth.

BLACK-PINK - Destruction. BLACK - Absence of color and light. Indifference. Ignorance.

AMBER color in a dream - Life force, the sun.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what do the colors mean?

According to the dream book to see Colors - As a rule, we see colored dreams, because we live in a colored world. But if a color becomes dominant or appears in an unusual way in a dream, then it deserves more careful consideration, especially if the entire dream picture has a shade of one color or if any object stands out for its non-standard color. Since certain feelings and emotions are traditionally associated with many colors, the nature of many of them is archetypal and is described in Jung's theory. But you should not limit yourself to an unambiguous interpretation: the symbolism of color goes far beyond its limits and depends on your personal perception of color and the situations associated with it. If Jung's characterization doesn't suit you, try the free association method by matching events real life with the colors that the objects had in your dream. Colour - positive aspect; Blue, blue - Nobility, tranquility; Black - Power; Brown - Earth, nature; Gray - Neutral; Green - Fertility, renewal, wealth; Red - Self-sacrifice, sexuality; Orange - Spirit of adventure, change; Purple - Greatness, positive personal growth; Yellow - Enlightenment; White - Purity, health, sacred ritual, for more details, if Colors are dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why do Colors dream in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Indigo - complete calm; completeness; satisfaction. It is the color of the sixth spiritual center (the pineal gland). This is the center of Christ, therefore it has a strong influence on the development of the soul. Personal traits: developed intellect; logics; enthusiasm; goodwill; modesty. Indigo with a strong purple hue can signify a domineering nature. Possible physical deviations: strong pain; eye diseases; ear diseases; bronchitis; convulsions; tonsillitis; hemorrhages.

Dream Interpretation Blue - spirituality; contemplation; stability; calm; despondency; dejection; impatience. The darker the tones, the clearer the meaning of blue. The color blue is associated with the fifth spiritual center, the thyroid gland. This gland is therefore blue long time associated with the human will. Psychological need: satisfaction and love. Personal traits: azure blue - religiosity; pale lilac - serving great ideals; gray-blue - religious feelings motivated by fear; lilac-blue - submission to the divine will; bright blue pure shade - honesty, loyalty, if it contains a shade of purple, then this means good business abilities; dark blue - altruism; spiritual priority. Possible physical abnormalities: liver; the cardiovascular system; feverish state; rapid pulse; pain; insomnia, high blood pressure. "Blue blood".

Brown - earthiness; practicality; depressed state; negative emotions; connection with skin color. If the color is saturated, then it means growth, effort, desire for activity.

Purple - greatness, royalty; spirituality; associated with the law. Personal traits: practicality; spiritual strength; authority. Possible physical abnormalities: weak blood vessels; feverish conditions; tachycardia (rapid heartbeat); indigestion.

Silver is the second most important color after gold. Silver is also a noble metal.

Dark shade of red-brown - poor health; negative attitude towards life; blood stasis.

Symbolic dream book

Why dream Colors according to the dream book:

Purple is a combination of red and blue, the color of memory. Purple is the "regal" color, the color of the ceremonial robes of Roman emperors and cardinal vestments. Violet - heavenly power, a combination of red and blue, that is, ardor and heavenly wisdom.

The blue ocean merges on the horizon with the blue sky,

forming a blue infinity - to stand on the ocean and watch the waves wash

it's like touching and connecting with the universe.

M. Annie Sweet

Colors undoubtedly play an important role in the life of every person. Research shows that even the blind can sense color. Colors play a role in the "night theater" and allow us to better understand the shades of our lives.

Colourful dreams

The question of whether we see color dreams is answered by several theories. Calvin Hall, a dream researcher who recorded nearly a thousand dreams, claims that two-thirds of dreams are black and white. Hall believes that only one out of three dreams is colored or contains color. According to the researcher, only a few people see only color dreams, and in the dreams of some individuals color is never present.

True, not everyone agrees with this view. Gladys Mayer, another researcher, claims that all dreams are in color. In her opinion, a person simply does not remember that he had a colored dream.

Aldous Huxley in his essay "Heaven and Hell" says that symbols and signs in dreams do not need color. "Valuable note: the experience of most people shows that the most vividly colored dreams are landscapes in which there is no action, no sign of conflict. A simple deserted space that appeared to consciousness," he continues. Huxley believes that the sign of psychological conflict does not need color. Therefore, color appears where there is no conflict. Some researchers object to Huxley, arguing that in any dream a certain psychological conflict. Another voice against this theory: some people always dream in color, regardless of the presence or absence of conflict.

Another theory says that the colors in a dream can mean various painful conditions. So, for example, it is suggested that an excess of green indicates liver problems, red indicates circulatory problems. I would add to this theory that shades of colors also matter. An impending illness can be indicated by a violation of shades. However, the pure green of the spring foliage can also signify a mighty healing current, while the bright red can signify physical strength and sexual potency.

Some researchers believe that colored dreams speak of artistic talent. According to their theory, a person who sees a color in a dream feels it much better than a common person. Proponents of this point of view also argue that drawing lessons are capable of "provoking" colored dreams.

Color is both the simplest and most powerful tool for understanding dreams. We distinguish the form of everything that surrounds us, by the transition of color, by the play of shadows, by shades. There are many colors around us. Color has been used as a key to interpreting dreams for thousands of years. To understand color means to understand the essence of energy.

We live in a vast ocean of energies whose vibrations have different speed and intensity. And this ocean of energy is spinning in its eternal dance of matter change. Energy exists in various states - solid, liquid, gaseous - and each state finds its temporary home in the Universe. Light and color are also vibrations in this eternal play of energies. Warm colors - red, orange and yellow - have a much lower vibration frequency than cool colors - green, blue and purple.

Sir Isaac Newton in 1667 first laid out sunlight into components. He passed a beam of light through a prism and received the spectrum of the sun. white light, consisting of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Light is radiant energy that propagates in the form of waves of various lengths and frequencies at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. The longer the wave, the lower the frequency, and vice versa.

We, too, are a collection of energy fields. Your entire body is constantly vibrating in an energy field. You are on the move every second. The energy field of your body is affected by energy changes around you, such as sunlight, wind, other people's fields, food energy. And color is no exception: it has a very profound effect on your body and psyche.

Even without realizing the influence of colors on our lives, we recognize the presence of this influence. Remember the expressions: “walking in rose-colored glasses”, “black Monday”, “young-green”, “orange mood”, “crimson with happiness”, “turn yellow with envy”, “blush with shame”. This list goes on and on. Colors play a huge role in all areas of our life.

There were times when a color was recognized as a much greater influence on humanity than it is now. In fact, only recently has color become an interior detail, and nothing more. Throughout the history of civilization, color has been considered the world's greatest and most important symbol. Each color had its own deep meaning, which, in turn, was integral part all ancient cultures that used dreaming. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, China, Tibet, American Indian civilizations and even esoteric traditions medieval Europe- they all knew the power of color. modern science also uses color to influence the human psyche for therapeutic purposes.

Researchers have found that the same color evokes similar reactions in people, regardless of the cultural and ethnic environment of upbringing. Shades of red and orange are perceived as a stimulus to action, while dark blue color causes relaxation. It seems that the psychology of color, like music, lies deeper than national, racial or cultural boundaries.

You will certainly dream of countless shades of the basic seven colors. But the closer the color is to the main one, the more accurately it corresponds to its symbolic meaning. The dimmer the color, the more closed this area is for you.


This is the color of the first chakra, which is located at the bottom of the spine. Red symbolizes our will to survive. This color encourages the physical body to active and aggressive actions. It stimulates the heart and increases the heart rate. Red color is not accidentally used in the interior of restaurants, as it increases appetite. Red is also associated with our sexual energy and has to do with feelings of pleasure. This color brings physical pleasure.

Also red means anger. Bright red in a dream symbolizes overt anger, while dull red is associated with repressed anger. It can also mean pugnacity, aggressiveness, sensuality, tension, physical strength. This is not the right color for reception rooms, as it lengthens our subjective time.

Red is a sign of direct and active action. It is associated with will and power. Strength, vigor, strength, health, cheerfulness, sexuality, sensual love and danger are the keywords associated with red. In a dream, it can be extremely invigorating and help to cope with slowness, depression and melancholy. Red color can help people who are afraid of life and tend to run away from it. It helps to get firmly on the ground. If you are used to living for tomorrow, this color will help you root yourself in today. It will help you get rooted in the now. Red gives strength and motivation to achieve your goals. It is the color of "doing", the color of "doing work".


This is the color of the second chakra, which in most people is located 7-8 cm below the navel. Orange represents our thirst for social recognition. It is a warm, exciting color, but its vibration is lighter and higher than that of red. Therefore, his energy in the body extends to wider areas. Orange has less to do with survival and more with group participation, social function. It is the color of happiness, a cheerful color used by clowns all over the world. It gives rise to optimism, expansiveness and emotional balance in a person. In dreams, this color means herd instinct, ambition, restlessness, learning new things and being busy. It can also express the flow of sexual energy into the thought process, which gives rise to interest in politics and pride.

A person whose favorite color is orange is extremely ambitious, passionate, optimistic, open and hospitable. Such people are looking for social contacts and universal recognition. They are proud of their nation, country or company and love global projects - this is "their size".

In dreams, orange means optimism, confidence, change, aspiration, enthusiasm and courage. Orange is a social ray, it is able to heal from the tendency to trust blindly and thoughtlessly. Therefore, if you are characterized by pride, suspicion and distrust, if you are looking for power - the orange color in a dream will help you gain discrimination and balance. The healing power of the orange ray awakens the inner knowing that we are all truly one. This helps the consciousness to rise above the level of personality. Essentially, orange in a dream is about expansion, exploration, and society.

Unlike sensual red, orange is a public color. It means the desire to find reality through other people, the desire for partnership. Red energy is directed towards the survival of the individual and the attainment of security. In orange, the desire for social stability, for the security of society, family, and social formations is more expressed. Orange is the acceptance of our social love. It is the ability to sing, dance and talk about yourself as a person who loves people without fear.


It is an intellectual color that refers to the third chakra, the solar plexus. He is the last warm color. In dreams, yellow is associated with thought processes. The energy of this beam stimulates linear logical thinking and the activity of the left side of the brain. Yellow gives rise to mental discrimination, structuring, attention to detail, appreciation, active work, thought, discipline, control, praise, sincerity and harmony. Thus, yellow is uplifting and liberating, which manifests itself in dreams as joy.

People whose favorite color is yellow tend to analyze and evaluate everything. To understand a phenomenon, they must understand its logic. Such people tend to strive for originality and diversity. Their creativity is very strong, they are eager to express themselves in art, literature, music, and they talk... they talk... they talk. These people are flexible, expressive and persuasive, they are well aware of their capabilities and abilities, they are excellent at planning and organizing. Yellow is not characterized by a spontaneous reaction to an event, as is the case with red and orange. On the contrary, yellow seeks to understand how the event is organized and caused, where and when it will occur, and what the result will be. This color has a broader outlook on life. It conditions our desire to live by the rules, but at the same time encourages us to show our individuality and gives rise to a desire to be understood.

The healing power of yellow works with our fears. You probably know the feeling that fear causes in the stomach area. During many incarnations, a large number of various fears can accumulate in the solar plexus. Often a person is not even able to understand what he is afraid of. Yellow color is able to noticeably ease the tension in the solar plexus. It is very useful for people prone to condemnation, criticism and verbal aggression. This color helps a person gain flexibility and the ability to adapt to change. The yellow ray will not leave any mental problem unsolved. It will also help us realize that it is better to change ourselves than to change other people. We will see more clearly the need to balance mind and heart.


In a dream, this color means safety. It refers to the heart chakra, the fourth energy center in our body. Green is in the middle between warm - red, orange and yellow - and cold - blue, blue and purple - colors. Therefore, it generates feelings of love, balance, harmony, peace, brotherhood, hope, development and healing. I have found that my clients begin to dream green more often during the healing period. People whose favorite color is green are generous and cheerful, their hearts are open to nature. This color awakens in us a clear, persistent and unstoppable desire for security, as well as a desire to love and be loved.

Green has a very beneficial effect on deep feelings of regret. It also helps to get rid of various limiting attachments. Attachments give rise to many worries in the heart. Green color helps to learn to enjoy what a person has at the moment, and live without attachments and the desire to possess.

Green is the color of nature, it symbolizes the infinite inexhaustible power of the universe. This power is always in abundance. You have probably noticed that American dollars have been green in color for many decades. New Zealand banknotes were also once green, and the change in their color led to a depreciation of the New Zealand currency. Green energy heals doubts and feelings of insecurity. Through meditation on the color green, we can see our true nature - broad, generous and warm-hearted. If our hearts are open and we feel the flow of universal love that flows through us, then we will feel the greatest security and self-confidence. We learn to love without being attached or trying to dominate. Green is a very powerful healing color.


This color - the first in the cold part of the spectrum - is associated with the throat chakra. It pushes you to search for inner truth. A dream in blue tones helps to achieve inner peace and balance of the mind and experience your ideals. Blue develops our spiritual security and desire to understand the inner essence of things.

People who like the color blue are idealistic, their souls are patient and hardy. By nature, such people are prone to nostalgia, they are devoted and pious, peaceful and tolerant. These highly sensitive people live in a fictional world of their own ideas and commitments. They seek contentment and peace of mind and are not inclined to change.

Blue color in dreams brings inspiration, creativity, spiritual understanding, faith and devotion. It speeds up the passage of time and awakens memories of the past. Blue is the ideal color for waiting rooms, reception areas and study areas. The abundance of this color in your dreams creates conditions for you to become softer, more satisfied, more tolerant and calmer. Blue is useful for people who act out of habit without thinking. It will also help those who have become rigid and unyielding to change. The blue ray carries the power of unification, it is able to merge disparate elements into a single whole. It also signifies real sincerity. When we are honest with ourselves, we can be honest with others.


It is the color of the forehead chakra, the color of intuition, the color that is most strongly associated with dreams. Be extremely attentive to dreams in which there is a purple, dark blue or violet color. It awakens our desire to feel one with the Universe, the desire for conflict-free relationships, the desire to learn and develop. Like blue, this color brings calmness, silence and comfort. Very often in dreams, purple accompanies the voice of intuition. Be very attentive to such dreams!

It's very interesting to see what happens to our sense of time as we move from color to color. The closer we are, for example, to our physical sensations and feelings, the more time we seem to have in front of us. The closer to the imagination, the more time seems to have passed. Red color creates an image of the present moment, as a cat sees a mouse. Looking at the present from the perspective of the mind (yellow) creates a sense of logic, like traffic on a freeway. Perception from the point of view of subtle sensations (blue) gives rise to an image of history, like rings on a stump. Looking at reality with intuition (purple), we see the future like an eagle that soars high in the sky and looks down. From this height, a person is able to see both what is close and what is far. Therefore, in dreams tinged with violet tones, you look far beyond. These are visionary dreams, prophetic dreams. A person who likes purple is usually incomprehensible, inspired, endowed with faith in the future and the ability to penetrate the inner world of other people. Violet develops intuition and teaches a person to see the spiritual aspects of life.


White color in dreams refers to the imagination, it is associated with the upper chakra, or crown chakra. Its vibrations are the fastest among all other colors. White manifests itself in our essence as divine awareness, humility and a creative image. It clears like snow on a winter's day. White includes all colors. The same goes for dreams. It is an energy that can move the point of imagination. White color is useful for people who tend to dream while awake. White and purple are creative images, in dreams they lead us to divine love. People who like the color white are filled with a deep sense of the divine, bliss and bestowal. The transformative power of white can help those whose self-esteem is low or negative.

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In a dream bright colours hint that in the near future life will change in better side. You will achieve the desired goal, earn respect, gain stability. The dream interpretation will help to find out why the indicated image is dreamed of most often.

reflection of life

Color dreams convey in a dream the nature of current events, a certain life stage and the mood of the dreamer himself in reality.

Seeing color scenes is always good. This means that your life is just as interesting, rich and successful. The predominance of gloomy, dark and fuzzy shades indicates the opposite.

According to the dream book, this is a sign of despondency, hopelessness, inaction. But if you dreamed too bright colors on a gray, colorless background, then this is a hint of the illusory nature of promises and the impracticability of desires.

How to interpret?

How to interpret color dreams and what to look for? First of all, the dream book advises interpreting the main gamut.

For example, black and yellow visions traditionally come to people who are rational, practical and thoughtful. Dreamers usually have to see images painted in blue, pink or orange tones in a dream.

  • Red plots reflect excitement, danger, imbalance.
  • Violet - passion or anxiety.
  • Golden - happiness, harmony, excessive idealism.
  • Lilac - a creative surge.
  • Green - hope, confidence.
  • Black - mourning, misfortune.
  • White - peace, harmony.


Why dream of rich blue or blue? In reality, there will be an excellent reason for joy, because you are successfully implementing a serious plan. But too bright colors indicate the need to relax the field of a difficult period.

dreamed blue color? The dream interpretation considers it a symbol of magic and mystery, as well as fidelity, the desire for peace and harmony. Intense coloring calls for dedication, perseverance, utmost seriousness.

Envy or greatness?

In a dream, yellow dominated? This is a sign of greatness and wealth. But a flashy shade means betrayal, envy, stopping things.

Moderately bright colors reflect life energy in dreams, the dreamer's ability to withstand adversity. Why else dream of yellow? The dream interpretation is sure: this is a sign of intuition or cowardice.

Symbolism of other colors

Why dream of a green color? It is associated with optimism, hope, material well-being, good health, satisfaction. But too bright colors, according to the dream book, hint at tension, irritability in a dream.

Dreamed of a red tone? It traditionally indicates power, strength, emotions, as well as prohibitions and diseases. Orange warns of cunning and deceit, while indigo symbolizes unity.

According to Miller

Multi-colored dreams and objects indicate a creative mindset, imaginative thinking, a tendency to non-standard perception of the world.
