We open a company. Advantages of buying a ready-made company

Many modern people have been able to realize that working for someone else is not as profitable as working for yourself. Starting a business is a complex and multi-level step. First, investments are needed to achieve the set goals. Secondly, if the case is set incorrectly, you can get significant losses, that is, you can burn out. It is for this reason that before starting your own business, you need to study all the nuances of state registration, choose options for the taxation system, and also draw up a plan correctly. Many are sure that if personal funds are invested in a business, then in this situation it will not be necessary to draw up a plan at all. Actually, it is not. Planning ensures the proper distribution of funds, allows you to rationally assess all kinds of risks, and as a result, you can initially calculate whether this or that direction will be profitable, and how to organize your business in such a way as to completely eliminate all kinds of negative aspects.

Do not forget that it is very important to choose the right direction of your activity. Many experts say that you can get the prospects for active growth only if you like the chosen direction. Also, do not forget that it is the presence of professional skills and abilities that can help you competently control production or industrial processes. Next, keep in mind that entrepreneurial activity in our country is allowed and even encouraged. There are certain types of business for which there are even government programs for lending and leasing land. This issue is also recommended to study. After all, the organization of production for the manufacture of certain food products may have prospects for active growth due to low imports of such goods, while you can additionally count on government support.

State registration is required. That is, you must officially open your company, draw up all the relevant documents, choose a taxation system in accordance with established norms legislation. After that, you can start opening. In other words, starting a business is not a problem. It will be problematic to organize it correctly and make it successful. Indeed, today there is a fairly significant level of competition. This means that you will have to face various difficulties and problems that will have to be solved as the enterprise develops. If you initially correctly draw up a plan, you will be able to take into account all the dangerous moments and risks in its composition. You will be able to properly manage the funds to attract the attention of potential customers and appreciate all the benefits of investing the income received in the further development of the enterprise. That is, you need to take into account everything to the smallest detail, then you will certainly succeed.

The direction of business can be any, but before you make a final choice, be sure to conduct a process of studying the competition. For example, it is not worth opening a ceramic workshop in a city where a large-scale production with which you cannot compete is operating. Analysis of competitive activity has importance, after all, this is how you can determine what you will really do and how you can activate the interest of potential customers.

In order for your business to become successful later, the most important thing is to correctly define the idea. The more original the idea, the higher the chance that you will reap the benefits of active development. An equally important step is to evaluate the activities of competitors. If you correctly identify the advantages of competitors, you will be able to provide potential customers with something more interesting, which will significantly affect the formation of demand for your services or products.

How to open your own company and start a business from scratch

Starting a business from scratch, and not acquiring a ready-made one, is advised by many marketers. The thing is that in this way, you can correctly choose the direction and immediately work out the structure of the advertising company, which will certainly become the basis for building a reputation. Each firm works in its own way, but reputation is an integral part of creating demand for the services, goods or materials provided. It is quite obvious that when forming a business from scratch, you can immediately correctly calculate the plan, taking into account all the features of the area where the business will be organized, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of competition. If you buy a ready-made business, then it is not a fact that you will receive well-planned planning, and it is not a fact that the business is not on the verge of bankruptcy.

If you decide to open a company from scratch, you need to proceed as follows:

  • Without fail, an idea is determined and a business plan is drawn up. It is very important that you include everything in the plan. important factors, necessarily appreciated the benefits of developing an idea, assessed the level of competition. Use only reliable data in calculations, then you can count on the formation of an excellent opening result;
  • Immediately decide where the office of your company will be located, evaluate the proposed rental options. If you have the opportunity to build a room, be extremely careful when choosing a place. by the most rational option considered renting an office in a business center. So, you can immediately count on a certain influx of customers from those who regularly visit such centers;
  • Do not forget that in our country rules are established that determine the need for mandatory registration in the state format. Remember that if you do not register your company legally, then your activities will be suspended, significant fines will be formed, and it is not a fact that you will be able to go through official registration in the future, since a ban on business activities can be used as a punishment;
  • Be sure to make a process of assessing the strengths and weaknesses of products or your services. Conduct adequate and detailed market research options. That is, evaluate supply and demand. Be sure to make a kind of forecasts of production volumes, as well as take into account aspects of the promotion of goods or services. Immediately you will need to calculate the amount that will be required for the initial and further investments;
  • Arrangement and equipment. You must understand that initial funding is mandatory. There are many areas of business where initial investments are not necessary, that is, a business can be started not only from scratch, but also without special investments. However, the turnover of such a business will be minimal. This should certainly be taken into account if you are looking to make a significant profit. Accordingly, if you are counting on an actively developing business, you will need to assess the financing needs for renting premises, the initial costs of registering and hiring specialists, purchasing equipment, purchasing materials, decorating an office or storage space;
  • A very important stage of planning is the calculation of marketing, as well as pricing policy. You must understand that without advertising it will be impossible to get the desired influx of customers. Among other things, you will have to carry out the process of the level of competitiveness of your business in advance from the standpoint of studying the work of competitors in a particular area. Market research is required.

The benefits of planning should not be underestimated. The thing is that a well-written plan, which will include an analysis of all the important points, is the basis of your success in the future. Therefore, this issue should be given the maximum amount of time and attention.

How to register

At the moment there are various forms business, and before opening your own business, you need to correctly determine the form that will appeal to your idea. Let us immediately draw your attention to the fact that the structure of documentation, reporting, payment of taxes, etc. will depend on the choice of the form of business. The following forms are typical for a business from scratch:

  • IP- this is a form of business, which assumes that an individual is formed, carrying out entrepreneurial activities. Immediately, we note that the form is considered the most common and simple. In the process of doing business, you will not need to submit complex tax returns, and there is also no need to maintain accounting records. However, you will need to systematically submit documentation in the form of a declaration. Let's say right away that an entrepreneur in this form of business has the right to hire employees, while forming a kind of restriction on the number of employees;
  • OOO- a fairly popular form of business, which involves the formation of a legal entity. We will immediately say that it is mandatory to draw up authorized capital It also assumes the need to compile and submit a significant amount of documentation. But, this form of business is considered optimal for those who have prospects for active development. Here the opportunity is formed to create additional branches in other cities and the possibility of hiring a very significant number of people is determined. Accordingly, if you expect your business to develop actively, you should choose this particular form of business;
  • JSC- this form assumes that a whole company of a joint stock plan is being formed. We will certainly say about the need to form capital of the authorized format, which in the future should be divided into a certain number of shares. All capital contributions are made by the owners. Statutory documents are also formed, which determine the absence of the possibility of selling shares to other persons, etc. The form of business is quite complex. She impresses large enterprises and companies.

In addition to choosing a form of business, you also have to choose a tax option. In our country, formed various systems, each of which has its own positive and negative points. With the right choice, you will reap the benefits minimum investment time and effort in the process of preparing reporting documentation, and will also be able to significantly reduce the level of your costs.

Remember that the system option is selected at the stage of business registration, for this reason, we recommend that you immediately pay close attention to all the nuances and important points, study all the features and benefits of the systems in order to make a competent and rational choice.

Rules of a Successful Entrepreneur

For a business to actually have the desired level of success, it must be skillfully and competently organized. Moreover, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules that you must follow so that no problems and difficulties arise in the future:

  • Before opening a business, you should definitely draw up a plan, so you will get a kind of calculation, on the basis of which you can determine the rationality of your investments and the prospects for the development of the business as a whole;
  • Be sure to calculate all risks. Describe the disadvantages of the business, and indicate how they can be eliminated;
  • The competition should not be underestimated. Remember that those companies that have been operating for a long time, in fact, have certain advantages over you. And in order to minimize the level of your risks, you need to immediately think over the structure of actively attracting customers. Let us draw your attention to the fact that such a structure will necessarily require certain investments, it is for this reason that you need to include them in the calculation of the plan so that you know exactly how much money you will have to spend in order to get the desired results;
  • Today, according to a well-designed business plan, you can get a fairly impressive loan. Remember that lending has its advantages, however, for business it is a kind of burden. If you do not have a positive business experience, then it is best to start with your own, accumulated funds. If you take a loan, then count on the minimum amount so that in the future, payments do not become critical for you;
  • Be sure to assess the risks that you will face and calculate the losses that may arise if the business does not start as actively as you plan. An adequate perception of the business allows you to immediately choose a development strategy with minimal risks;
  • Keep in mind that you should not count on the maximum profit at the start, it is for this reason that you must certainly assess future income adequately, immediately deduct those amounts that can be attributed to monthly expenses. Such a business organization structure will allow you to cover all arising expenses with the amounts of income received;
  • You should not open a business if the level of competition is too significant, cash you take out a loan, and the calculation of the business plan did not show the desired results. Remember that such a discovery has undeniably high risks, it is for this reason that it is best to immediately abandon such business options;
  • Before opening, you should carefully study the market. You must understand that not only competition is taken into account. The level of demand is also estimated. If you are going to implement the original and non-standard idea, it is immediately better to conduct a kind of marketing research. Indeed, in certain areas, the opening of such a business does not have any prospects for development;
  • Remember also that you need to get cooperation with suppliers or intermediaries in advance. The choice must be careful and competent. The range of offers is very significant. You should also meet with representatives of companies and find out what individual terms of cooperation you can be offered;
  • It is recommended to open a business in the area in which you have certain professional skills, abilities and knowledge. Thus, you will be able to really fully control all the important points and nuances, you will be able to carry out competent planning, and you will certainly be able to activate your skills in the field of improving offers and taking into account all the needs of potential customers or buyers.

There are many challenges at the start of a business. You must be ready for them. After all, it is this approach to business that will provide your entrepreneurship with a kind of sustainability. Do not panic, remember that any problems can be correctly resolved.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

Step 1: Define the Idea

It is the idea that is an undeniably important stage in the development of a business. It often happens that even with minimal investment, you can get prospects for active development. And all for the reason that the idea is extremely original and non-standard. Evaluate all modern business lines, do research in relation to the area where you are going to work, and believe me, you can find a solution that will actually become the basis for your success.

Step 2: Planning

Even if you are not going to attract investors, partners or take a loan, that is, you are going to invest your own funds in a business, you should still make a plan. Based on this document, you will be able to correctly identify all the weaknesses and strengths of the business. Only accurate and verified data must be entered into the plan. You also need to evaluate all the benefits of development, describe all kinds of risks. Many entrepreneurs point out that with a well-designed plan, many difficulties on the way to becoming can be eliminated.

Step 3: Room rental

It is very important that your office is located in the central part of the city. Thus, the location of the premises will be important in promoting your offer. The best solution Rent of premises in a large business center is considered. Then, you will be confident in the relevance of your proposals, through a kind of free advertising, for example, a sign that can interest visitors to the center.

Step 4: Registration

Be sure to carry out state registration. Remember that if you do not have it, you will not be able to carry out your activities legally. So, you will not have any development prospects. It doesn't take long to register. The most important thing is to choose the form of business, as well as the taxation system. We recommend that this issue be given sufficient attention. After all, development opportunities depend on the form of business, and the system determines a number of your obligations to the state.

Step 5: Opening

Do your best to ensure that there is minimal advertising before the opening of your business. Thus, when your business starts, you will benefit from active demand from potential customers or buyers.

The structure of a business organization is quite simple, and it includes only a few basic steps. If you competently approach the implementation of all the stages that we wrote about above, then believe me, you are guaranteed success.

Is it worth starting your own business?

At its core, business actually has a number of difficulties, but nevertheless, it is he who is able to become an indisputable basis for ensuring a kind of independence of the financial plan. Each person understands that by working for someone, he receives only a part of the funds that he actually earns. It is for this reason that starting a business is an undeniable prospect of financial development. Nevertheless, we will immediately say that entrepreneurs in our country are well placed difficult conditions when state assistance is minimal, and the number of responsibilities, as well as the level of competition, are significant. That is, you will have to work on the implementation of your ideas and plans, you will have to face numerous problems and difficulties, but believe me, they are all solvable. The most important thing is proper organization and planning.

If you don't have the cash to start, and you need to take out a loan to achieve your goals, then this situation will require careful planning. Many banks today provide loans for start-up entrepreneurs. However, you must understand that bank specialists evaluate all the advantages of a business. And if you can’t provide a fully-fledged, carefully crafted plan, then in fact, you won’t be able to get credit. Since there will be no guarantee that you will be able to develop your entrepreneurial business and will be able to repay the loan in the future.

Also remember that today there are a lot of templates for plans for certain areas of business. The use of such templates will allow you to adequately treat the preparation of such documentation. In fact, the template can be made a model. In certain cases, you can even use standard planning. At the same time, if you strive to ensure that all calculations are clear and accurate, do them yourself. Be sure to focus on spending on the process of popularizing the business, otherwise there may be problems with profitability in the future.

The growing number of vehicles on the roads of Russia directly stimulates an increase in demand for their components. Entrepreneurial people know this feature and successfully strive to implement it. We will talk in detail about how to make a business on auto parts in today's article.

general information

Every car needs repairs sooner or later. The older the car gets, the more investment it requires. And as the number of vehicles on our roads increases from year to year, the need for components is growing. The auto parts business, if properly organized, will become a stable source of income.

In addition to spare parts, the company can supply and sell consumables. These include oils, filters, auto accessories and more. When creating your own business, you need to focus on the focus of the region where you plan to open a company.

Maybe, in great demand spare parts will be used not only for cars, but also for trucks, buses or agricultural machinery. Signing a contract for the supply of goods to any auto company will be of great help. In this case, the percentage of the probability of a successful outcome of the case increases many times over.

Market and competitors

The auto parts market is quite large these days. Before thinking about starting a business, analyze it and study the competitors. You may be able to find auto parts business ideas that haven't caught on yet and be the first in the field. Analysis can be done in several ways.

The first, and it is considered the simplest and most inexpensive, is employment in a specialized auto parts store. In a short time, you will be able to thoroughly study the running positions, understand the features that are characteristic of this issue.

If you have no desire to work for hire, you can do an analysis of cars in the region. Find out their age, models, take an interest in problems in auto repair shops. The last way you can resort to before opening an auto parts business is to order an analysis from professionals. In this case, you will receive detailed and detailed information about how the situation has developed at a certain moment.


After studying the data obtained, you must draw up a business plan, which you will rely on not only in organizational issues but also when planning financial investments. In addition, the project will allow, if necessary, to attract additional funds.

Contracts with suppliers

Thinking about how to organize the sale of auto parts, you need to decide on the range. On the initial stage preference should be given to the most popular positions. After the list of nomenclature has been identified, it is required to find suppliers and conclude contracts with them.

Some entrepreneurs, taking their first steps in this business, buy goods in wholesale markets or in stores. A good option would be the ability to take auto parts for sale. It is possible to ensure the full-fledged operation of the company without a shortage of goods (especially in the off-season) if you find and conclude written agreements with several suppliers at once.

Don't lose sight of your competitors. Conduct price monitoring. Look for better offers from suppliers. By doing this, you can reduce the cost of goods in your store and make it attractive to customers. Business development will also require tracking trends in the regional car market. Do not disregard the release of new models and modifications of cars.

Start-up capital

To start a business selling auto parts, you need about 30 thousand dollars. With an average turnover of 10 thousand dollars per month and a trade margin of about 20-25%, its profitability will be 20-25%. If you follow all the subtleties and features of the auto business, the store will be able to fully pay for itself in 9-12 months. This figure is considered quite high.

Legal aspects

When choosing auto parts as a business, you should carry out the registration procedure individual entrepreneur(IP) or limited liability companies (LLC). This can be done by submitting the appropriate application form to the local tax authority. You will receive a certificate of registration, assignment of a TIN, registration with the Tax Inspectorate, and you will receive the codes of the State Statistics Committee.

In addition, you must register a company in a medical, pension funds and the social security fund. The final moment will be the choice of a taxation system, the opening of a current account and the production of a seal. For novice businessmen, given the low turnover, it is best to give preference to individual entrepreneurship. Thus, you can save on taxes and reduce the amount of paperwork.


In parallel with the development of the project and registration with the tax service, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the location of the store. This largely determines the success with which your business will develop. The sale of auto parts will bring big profits if the outlet is located near the stations Maintenance, garages, highways. This should be done taking into account the traffic of people: the higher it is, the more customers will notice your store.

The premises can be rented or built from scratch. The first method is simpler for beginner entrepreneurs, since the construction of a building will require considerable investments. In addition, it is worth creating a website. With it, you can sell the most popular items, order spare parts and expendable materials through the Internet.

Arrangement of the premises, organizational moments

opening own business for the sale of auto parts, you need to come up with a sonorous name for the store. It should reflect the essence of your company and be easy to remember. Make sure your sign is bright and easy to read. Internal and appearance the store must arrange customers to visit it. Install high-quality lighting so that the product is clearly visible. An important point is the presence of a parking lot or convenient access to the outlet.

It is best to adjust the store's work schedule in such a way that the client has the opportunity to purchase goods at the end of the working day and on weekends. This time is convenient for those who repair the car on their own.

Make the store open 24/7 if possible. This is especially true in those cities where federal highways pass. Drivers, "broken" on the road, will certainly look for a store that works around the clock. This will bring additional profit to your company.


As such, equipment for a company selling auto parts is not required. Like any point of sale, the store needs to be equipped with racks, showcases, racks and shelves, on which goods can be conveniently and freely placed. Today, for such a business, access to the Internet is important. With it, you can easily and quickly identify and select spare parts by VIN code. This opportunity is especially relevant for owners of foreign cars.


With experience in the sale of auto parts and good knowledge in this industry, shop work for the first time can start on their own. With a favorable set of circumstances, the business will begin to develop and grow, there will be a need for additional staff. In this case, it makes sense to involve sales consultants with experience in the automotive industry.

Not being able to do bookkeeping on your own, you need to hire a permanent or visiting accountant. An additional advantage will be the service of an independent master who will be able to assess the breakdown of the car and give the motorist an answer to the question of what parts will fit his car. His duties may include small minor repairs, which are carried out on the spot.


After going through all the organizational stages, you will get a ready-made business. Auto parts will be in demand until cars stop breaking down. And this modern technologies has not yet been achieved. Focus on the quality of the products sold, track the company's pricing policy - and success will surely accompany your business.

Creating any company from scratch requires knowledge of certain nuances. You need not only to choose the types of activities in which it will be engaged, but also to think over a number of points related to the legal, physical and economic security of the company.

The main stages of creating a company

In order to create your own company, you need to start with the following steps:

– market research, analysis of supply and demand in the industry in which it will operate. This is necessary at least in order to understand how expedient it is to engage in this particular activity or, perhaps, it is worth choosing a direction with more profit or less competition;

The next step should be to study legislative framework related to your chosen industry. This means familiarization with all the legal acts governing this type of commercial activities. The fact is that the law may establish certain restrictions in this area. For example, you may have to obtain a license or other permits;

- after study legal aspects you need to contact a qualified lawyer who can advise the most appropriate legal form for this industry (for example, a limited liability company or a closed joint-stock company, etc.). After that, the specialist will prepare all the documents necessary for registering your company. In most cases, the most convenient form is a limited liability company, so in the future we will talk about it.

So, the registration is over, the company is created and can start its activities. What will be the next step?

Organizational structure of the company

No matter how you feel about administrative work and bureaucracy, the next step is to determine organizational structure company, that is, determine its departments and form a staffing table, provide for all required positions specialists required for this type of activity. You must also clearly indicate functional responsibilities for each of these positions.

Very often, such issues are not given enough attention, however, experts still recommend carefully considering the legal framework for the implementation of labor activities by all employees of the company. Wherever possible, consult a specialist last resort, you can do it yourself, but you need to develop job descriptions, as well as internal regulations and other regulations. So, if your company is planning a production department, accounting, sales department, etc., then it is necessary that an appropriate provision be created for each of them, which would describe not only the functions of employees, but also the procedure for their interaction with other departments, as well as the internal hierarchy and order of information exchange. Only after all these documents are developed, you can proceed to the next stages of creating a company.

Company Security Issues

Although your company is just starting its journey, and it is still unknown to the general public, and, therefore, is of no interest to raiders or criminal groups involved in the redistribution of property, this does not mean that security should not be taken care of in advance. Otherwise, you risk being unprepared for such a situation in the future.

When it comes to the security of a company, there are usually several aspects in mind, namely:

- physical;

- economic;

- legal;

- informational.

The issue of physical security is the easiest to solve. This refers to the integrity of the objects (tangible assets) of your company. And for this there is a security service. Moreover, you can either use the services of a private security agency or create your own security service. Of course, each of these options has its pros and cons.

For example, if your employees provide physical security, this means that you selected them yourself, which means that you can more or less trust them, since they meet the requirements that you set. In addition, you should remember that you can send the specialists of your company for internships, various trainings and seminars, thereby improving their qualifications. True, this is also a danger, since you will spend your own money on training, and after completing the training, the employee may either demand a promotion (which, however, will be fair), or decide to leave for another company for a higher salary.

Another nuance associated with your own security service is that if you find that your property has been damaged, or if you detect theft or damage to property, you can apply to your employees only those measures that are provided for by the Labor Code, namely: reprimand, dismissal, damages (which is carried out in a limited amount). In addition, you can bring the perpetrator to criminal responsibility only if there is fully proven guilt.

If you conclude an agreement with a security agency, then the main advantage here will be the fact that in the event of theft or actions that cause damage to your property, you can count on greater compensation. If this trouble occurred due to the negligent attitude of the agency employees to the performance of their duties, then you will be able to recover the full amount of damage from them. It is necessary, however, to stipulate all the nuances in advance: to reflect in detail in the contract both the objects of protection, and the duties of the guards, and the regime of protection. If this is not done in a timely manner, then later it will be difficult to prove the guilt of the agency employees. The contract must also specify the responsibilities of the parties. However, most likely, there will be no incidents, since the employees of security agencies are usually high-class professionals, well trained and licensed.

Speaking about the disadvantages of working with such a company, it should be noted that, as a rule, in such cases, the guards on duty at your facilities change quite often. And this means that you need to constantly bring new people up to date. Sometimes this is a simple procedure, but the more properties you have, the more difficult it will be to instruct. So it will be necessary to develop a certain standard procedure based on the terms of the contract in order to simplify the briefing.

Whatever security system you choose, remember that it needs to be supplemented with an electronic security system or at least, for starters, a video surveillance system.

How to ensure economic security? To do this, you need to invite specialists to conduct an independent audit. In addition, do not forget about internal control, which will help to avoid at least methodological and arithmetic errors in the calculations. At the same time, of course, it is important that all the economic and financial technologies you use are in the legal field.

Legal security of the company means minimization of economic and legal risks. This is very important because it automatically protects your firm from claims from tax and other regulatory authorities. That is why it is so important to find competent lawyers who will defend the interests of the company in court and in other instances. So you will be sure of the legitimacy of your positions when interacting with suppliers and buyers, as well as regulatory authorities. The lawyer must be involved in the development legal basis all documents of your company, including various contracts.

As for information security, it is associated with the use of modern software. First of all, this, of course, concerns the protection of your data, all today information technology is on high level development, and often all calculations, tax and financial reporting, conclusion of agreements - everything is carried out in in electronic format. On the other hand, Information Security includes the creation of an effective internal computer network and establishing a communication system. To do this, you need a qualified specialist (or better, several) to do such work in your company.

Information, economic and legal security are three components that are closely related and require attention no less than the physical protection of your property. And, therefore, these systems need constant improvement and development.

If you are on this portal for the first time, but you are interested in the issues of registering an LLC and an individual entrepreneur, then you can get answers to any questions on opening an LLC or an individual entrepreneur using free consultation service on business registration:

STEP 1. Choose a method of registering an LLC

To create an LLC, you need to go through the appropriate state registration procedure with the registering body of the Federal Tax Service at the place of the legal address of your LLC. To date, all Required documents to open a limited liability company, you can prepare it via the Internet, and if you have an electronic digital signature, you can submit them to the tax office without leaving your home.

Limited liability company - a business company established by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which (at least 10 thousand rubles) is divided into shares; members of the company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company within the value of their shares in authorized capital society.

At the same time, you need to be aware that the creditors of an LLC may, when recovering a debt, initiate bankruptcy proceedings for a legal entity, during which participants (founders) and managers of an LLC may be held liable, that is, additional liability. If the court proves that the LLC has been brought to a state of insolvency as a result of the actions or inaction of these persons, then they will be liable for the obligations of their company in full and at the expense of their personal property.

You can go through this procedure in two ways:

    Having independently prepared all documents for company registration
    If this is your first company, then we recommend that you register completely on your own, without resorting to the services of registrars. This will allow you to gain very important knowledge and experience.

    By preparing documents with the help of a registrar
    In this option, registrars will not only help prepare documents, but also select an address, submit documents and receive them from the registration authority and register with the FIU and the FSS. Here, it is also possible to purchase a ready-made LLC with a history.

In order to make it easier for you to navigate between these options, we have compiled the following table for you with the pros and cons of each option:

Actions Price pros Minuses
Self registration LLC

4 thousand rubles- state duty
1 - 1.3 thousand rubles. notary services (if applicants are personally present when submitting documents to the Federal Tax Service, then notarization of documents is not required)

Getting good experience in preparing documents, as well as in communicating with government agencies

Savings on registrar services

Risk of rejection due to incorrect design documents (as a result, the loss of 5 thousand rubles or more)

If there is no legal address for registering an LLC, then you will have to look for it separately

Registration of an LLC with the help of registrarsThe cost of registrar services is from 2 to 10 thousand rubles plus 4 thousand state duty and 1 - 1.3 thousand rubles. notary services (average 10 thousand rubles)

Denial of registration insurance

It is possible to save time if the documents are taken and collected from the registration authority for you

The registrar will help with obtaining an address for registering an LLC

You will have a superficial knowledge of your documents

You leave your passport details to someone who is not clear

Additional expenses

Buying a ready-made LLCThe cost of services is from 20 thousand rubles, the state duty is 800 rubles for making changes and 1 - 1.3 thousand rubles. notarial servicesIt is possible to buy an LLC immediately with a history required, for example, to participate in a tender where requirements are imposed on the life of the LLCThe risk of buying a troubled LLC (with debts or with a "dark" past). This fact may come to light in 1-3 years, when your purchased LLC will get on its feet.

If you decide to prepare documents for registration on your own, then your costs will be as follows:

Name Sum
Payment of the authorized capital of LLC

from 10 thousand rubles(the minimum amount of the authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles from September 1, 2014 must be paid in cash, replacement for the property contribution of the minimum amount of the authorized capital is not allowed)

Organization of a legal address (if it is not possible to rent a room or register yourself at the place of residence)from 5000 to 20000 rubles(initial payment for assigning an address to you)
Payment for notary services for certification of signatures in an application for registration of an LLCfrom 1000 to 1300 rubles(more than 80% of the amount you will spend on paying for some incomprehensible technical work notary)
Payment of state duty for registration of LLC4 thousand rubles
Print production costsfrom 500 to 1000 rubles
Opening a bank accountfrom 0 to 2,000 rubles
Total:from 15 000 rubles

STEP 2. We come up with the name of LLC

The LLC must have its own full company name in Russian. At the same time, the full company name must include the full name of the LLC, as well as an indication of its organizational and legal form "limited liability company", for example, Limited Liability Company "Registration Bureau". In addition, the LLC may have:

  • Abbreviated company name in Russian. In this case, the abbreviated company name must contain the full or abbreviated name LLC, as well as the abbreviation "LLC".
  • Full and (or) abbreviated company name in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
  • Full and (or) abbreviated company name in foreign languages.
  • The company name of an LLC may include foreign borrowings in Russian, with the exception of the designation of the legal form or its abbreviation.

As a result, in total, an LLC can have about 6 names (full and abbreviated in Russian, full and abbreviated in a foreign language, full and abbreviated in the language of the people of the Russian Federation). The main corporate name of the LLC is only the full name in Russian. Example:

In some cases, the law establishes the need to contain in the company name of an LLC an indication of its activities (for example, when carrying out insurance activities, in relation to payment systems, pawnshops).

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the restrictions on the use of the words "Russia", " the Russian Federation”, “Olympic”, “Paralympic”, “Moscow”, “Moscow”.

STEP 3. Choose a legal address

Before registering, you need to decide on. There are three ways to get a legal address:

  1. rent / rent a room;
  2. buy an address from a company that provides legal addresses for registering an LLC on them. Legal addresses in Moscow can also be purchased in our service:
  1. (this is absolutely legal if the founder or future director of a limited liability company is registered at this address).

Whatever method you choose, you will need to attach to your registration documents confirmation that you have an address (the law does not require this, but this is an unspoken requirement for registration authorities). In the first two cases, you will need to attach from the address owner either management company, containing information that the specified address will be provided to you upon successful registration of the LLC. Additionally, the letter must contain the necessary contact details of the owner or management company so that the employees of the registration authority can contact him/her and double-check this fact.

When registering an LLC at the home address of the head or one of the founders, in addition to a copy of the passport with a residence permit, you will need:

  • a copy of the certificate of ownership of the apartment;
  • with the registration of your LLC at this address.

If you still want to rent a room or buy an address, be sure to check the address for mass registration legal entities. You can do this check in .

STEP 4. Decide on activity codes

If you decide to start your own business, then you know exactly what you and your LLC will do. All that now remains to be done is to pick up the appropriate activity codes from . This classifier is a hierarchical list grouped by directions.

The application for registration of an LLC allows you to enter 57 activity codes per page, so you can enter both current activity codes and those planned sometime in the future. However, do not overdo it with the quantity, because. additional codes that you do not need may lead to an increase in contributions to the FSS, the calculation of which depends on the occupational risk class for each code.

In the application for registration indicate only those codes that contain 4 or more digits. You must choose one of the OKVED codes as the main one (for which you expect to receive the main income), and the rest will be additional. The presence of several codes does not oblige you to conduct activities on them.

Be careful about the selection of codes, as some of them correspond , some - to activities that cannot be engaged in preferential tax regimes. For those who are not sure about the choice of activities, we recommend using our free service selection of OKVED codes.

STEP 5. Determine the size of the authorized capital of LLC

The minimum amount of the authorized capital of an LLC is 10,000 rubles. However, for a number of activities established by law. The term for the contribution of the authorized capital is 4 months from the date of registration of the LLC.

Authorized capital in minimum size since September 2014, you can only deposit in cash (clause 2, article 66.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).In addition to the already deposited amount of 10,000 rublei, the authorized capital can be contributed in the form of property. It is not necessary to contribute capital in non-monetary form, it is possible to contribute capital only in cash or at alllimited to the minimum amount. The meaning of the new requirement of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is that the authorized capital of an LLC is not limited to any property, but must also have a monetary value.

If there are several founders, then it is necessary to avoid such sizes of the authorized capital, due to which there are shares with an infinite fractional part. For example, it is impossible to register 3 founders with 1/3 shares each with an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles, i.e. the share of each will be 3333, (3), and their total amount will not give 10,000 rubles. In this case, you need to choose the authorized capital of 12,000, etc., i.e. multiple of three.

STEP 6. We prepare decisions of the sole founder or minutes of the meeting

If you are the sole founder of an LLC, then you need to prepare a decision on the establishment of an LLC. The solution needs:

  1. approve the name of the LLC (full, abbreviated, in other languages);
  2. indicate the address of the location of the LLC;
  3. determine the size of the authorized capital and methods of its contribution and payment;
  4. approve the charter of the LLC;
  5. appoint either himself or a third party to the position of the head of the LLC, indicating his position and term of office.

If there are two or more founders, then it is necessary to hold a general meeting of the founders of the LLC, to discuss the following list of issues:

  1. establishment of an LLC and approval of its organizational and legal form;
  2. approval of the name and location of the LLC;
  3. approval of the size of the authorized capital, the size and nominal value of the shares of the founders of the Company, the procedure and deadline for payment of the shares of the founders of the LLC in the authorized capital;
  4. approval of the charter of LLC;
  5. appointment of the head of the LLC;
  6. approval of the person responsible for the state registration of the LLC.

Each issue must be voted on, and each issue must have a unanimous vote. Based on the results of the meeting, the meeting participants sign the minutes of the meeting, one copy for each participant, one copy for the LLC and one copy for the registering authority (you can sign one more for the bank, notary and just in case).

Document preparation service for registration of LLC and sole proprietorship, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

The service built into the portal for free preparation of a complete set of documents for registering an LLC will automatically prepare either a decision or a protocol for you, depending on the number of LLC founders.

STEP 7. We prepare an agreement on the establishment

An agreement on the establishment of an LLC is needed only in the case of several founders. The founding agreement is not a founding document, because regulates only those agreements that arose between the founders during the establishment of the LLC (i.e. before the formation of the LLC), for example:

  • the procedure for joint activities on the establishment of an LLC;
  • the size of the authorized capital of LLC;
  • the size of the shares of the founders, the procedure and terms of their payment;
  • responsibility of the founders for failure to fulfill their obligations.

Document preparation service for registration of LLC and sole proprietorship, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

The service built into the portal for the free preparation of a complete set of documents for registering an LLC will automatically prepare an agreement on the establishment for you if the LLC has more than 1 founder.

STEP 8. We prepare the charter of LLC

We recommend that you immediately, when preparing the Charter, introduce into it a provision stating that the confirmation of the decision by the general meeting of participants, as well as the composition of the participants present at the same time, will take place not in a notarial form, but in another procedure permitted by law (see clause 3 of Art. 67.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Document preparation service for registration of LLC and sole proprietorship, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

The service built into the portal for the free preparation of a complete set of documents for registering an LLC will automatically prepare you a charter with all the necessary data.

STEP 9. Fill out an application for registration of an LLC in the form P11001

The key document when registering an LLC is an application in the form P11001. It is because of errors in filling out this application that the registration authority gives the largest number registration denials.

The application is completed either manually or on a computer using the appropriate software or service. It is impossible to fill out the application partly on a computer, partly manually.

Please note: from April 29, 2018, the applicant must indicate his email address in the application for registration. Documents confirming the fact of registration (EGRIP or Unified State Register of Legal Entities, charter with the mark of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, certificate of tax registration) are sent by the inspectorate not in paper form, as before, but in electronic form. Paper documents, in addition to electronic ones, will only be available at the request of the applicant.

We strongly do not recommend filling out the application manually, because. this can lead to a fairly large number of errors due to ignorance or non-compliance with all requirements for filling out the application. If you still decide on manual filling, then we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with

To complete the application using the appropriate software or service, we recommend:

The completed application must be signed by all founder applicants either in the presence of a notary public or directly by the registration authority when submitting documents. To sign an application at a notary, you will need to provide the notary with the following documents on the LLC: the decision and the charter or minutes of the meeting of the founders, the founding agreement and the charter, as well as identity documents of the applicants.

If there are several founders, then each founder must sign on his application sheet in the presence of a notary. After that, the application must be numbered and sewn together by a notary. Similarly, it is possible to sign the application by all applicants directly in the presence of an employee of the registration authority when submitting documents for registration of an LLC.

Document preparation service for registration of LLC and sole proprietorship, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

STEP 10. We pay the state duty for registering an LLC

Since 2019, applicants who submit documents for registering an LLC through the website of the Federal Tax Service or the public services portal are exempt from paying state duty (Article 333.35 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). However, this is possible only if there is an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

You can prepare a receipt for paying the state duty for registering an LLC as follows:

  1. fill out the invoice manually. To do this, you will need to find out the details of your registration authority. You can find out the details on the website of the Federal Tax Service or directly at your registration authority;
  2. or use the service of the Federal Tax Service for generating a receipt for paying the state duty for registering an LLC;

We draw your attention to the following:

  1. the date of payment of the receipt must follow the date of signing the protocol/decision on the establishment of the LLC, but not earlier.
  2. if there are several founders of an LLC, then in practice it most often happens that the founder authorized to carry out registration actions signs and pays the receipt. But, if you follow the letter of the law, then paragraph 2 of Art. 333.18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation indicates that "in the event that several payers apply for a legally significant action at the same time, the state duty is paid by the payers in equal shares." That is, if, for example, there are two founders, then each of them must pay a receipt of 2,000 rubles on their own behalf, if there are four, then 1,000 rubles each, etc.

    Additionally, the Federal Tax Service issued a letter dated 08.08.13 No. 03-05-06-03 / 32177, in which it explains that for the state registration of a legal entity created by three founders, a state fee must be paid by each founder in the amount of 1/3 of 4000 rubles. And although in practice refusals to register an LLC for such a reason are rare, nevertheless, any tax office can accept this letter as a guide to action.

    At the same time, the service for generating receipts for the payment of state duty on the website of the Federal Tax Service itself does not allow you to select a different amount, except for 4,000 rubles. In this case, we recommend that you generate a receipt with the full amount of the state duty, and then, if necessary, edit it, that is, change the amount payable. Or you can find out the details and fill out receipts manually.

What to do if you are denied registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC? From October 1, 2018, the applicant can again apply for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You must contact the IFTS within three months after the decision to refuse, and this can be done only once.

STEP 11. Choose a taxation system

The taxation system is the procedure for paying taxes, that is, monetary deductions that a person receiving income gives to the state. If you want your business to be as efficient as possible financial plan, you should take this choice very responsibly, because such a mistake can be very costly for a novice entrepreneur and ruin even the most promising business idea at the start.

You can learn more about the features of tax regimes on your own in the article "". Or, leaving a request for a free one-hour consultation of specialists who will tell you which tax regime suitable for you, based on the specifics of the chosen activity and region.

The most popular taxation system for novice businessmen is the simplified tax system.If you use our service to prepare a complete set of documents for registering an LLC, then at step 9 you can choose the USN 6% or 15%, and the service will prepare you a notification of the transition to the USN along with the rest of the documents.

Document preparation service for registration of LLC and sole proprietorship, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

STEP 12. Take a break and count the received documents

One founder

Multiple founders

1 Application form R11001 (1 copy)
2 Decision of the sole founder to establish an LLC (1 copy)Minutes of the general meeting of founders of LLC (1 copy)
3 - Establishment agreement (1 copy)
4 Charter of LLC (2 copies)Charter of LLC (2 copies)
5 Receipt of payment of the state fee for registration of LLC (1 copy)
6 Letter of guarantee on providing you with a legal address (1 copy)

These are the main documents that you need to complete the registration steps. Additionally, you may need:

  1. notification of the transition to the simplified tax system (optional) - 2 copies, but some IFTS require 3 copies;
  2. documents confirming the ownership of the apartment (if the LLC is registered at the home address of the head or founder) - 1 copy;
  3. notarized consent of the residents of the apartment for registration, if the LLC is registered at the home address (for the apartment) - 1 copy;
  4. a notarized power of attorney to submit documents (in case it is not the applicant who submits);
  5. notarized translation of documents.

STEP 13. We sign and flash documents

Some of the documents listed above must be signed and bound if they contain more than one page. On the reverse side of the firmware, on a piece of paper with which a knot of thread or paper clip is sealed, it is necessary to indicate: "Total stitched and numbered<число>(number in words) sheets.<ФИО заявителя, ответственного за регистрацию ООО>: <здесь подпись>".

It is desirable that the signature of the person responsible for registration (applicant) slightly go beyond the edges of the firmware.

The documents

Who signs

Signature on the firmware
1 Application form Р11001Each founder on his sheet in the presence official FTS or notaryStitches only a notary. If the founders submit the application in person, there is no need to staple
2 Decision of the sole founder to establish an LLC*Founder (aka Applicant)Typically, the solution is placed on one sheet, so stitching is not required. If the size is more than 1 page, then the founder-applicant
3 Minutes of the general meeting of LLC founders*Each founder (recommended), although only the chairman and secretary can sign the minutes if a separate list of meeting participants is maintained with the signature of each
4 Establishment Agreement*Each founderAn applicant appointed by the general meeting of founders to be responsible for the state registration of an LLC, or all founders
5 LLC CharterNot signedApplicant appointed by the general meeting of founders to be responsible for the state registration of LLC
6 Receipt of payment of state duty for registration of LLCIf there are several founders, then the total amount of the state duty is divided into all founders in equal shares and each pays a separate receipt.-
7 notification of the transition to the USNApplicant appointed by the general meeting of founders to be responsible for the state registration of LLC-
8 Letter of guarantee on the provision of a legal address to the LLCAuthorized person on the part of the lessor (also stamped)-

* - if the founder of the LLC is another legal entity represented by its head (or other authorized person), then the signatory from the founding legal entity signs and seals (!).

STEP 14. We prepare a power of attorney to submit and receive documents

If the applicant does not have the opportunity to submit documents to the registration authority or receive them back, then it is necessary to prepare a power of attorney, as well as make some adjustments to the application for registration of an LLC:

To submit documents by a non-applicant, it is necessary to certify with a notary public for an authorized person to represent the interests of the applicant in the registration authority.

To obtain documents, a non-applicant must:

  1. fill in the appropriate box in advance in the application for registration of an LLC on the page of the first applicant (sheet H, page 3) before the signature of the applicant with the value 2 (“issue to the applicant or a person acting on the basis of a power of attorney”) instead of 1 (“issue to the applicant”);
  2. issue a notarized power of attorney to the authorized person to represent the interests of the applicant in the registration authority (if the application is 2, then documents can only be obtained by notarized power of attorney).

STEP 15. We check and submit documents for registration

Sign the application at the notary, pay the state duty for registration, collect full set documents and send them to the registration authority in your city. If applicants submit documents for registration to the tax authority in person, then notarization is not required. Additionally, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Compliance with all the rules listed above will help you avoid annoying mistakes when registering an LLC, but often regional tax authorities may impose specific requirements that are not explicitly specified in the legislation, therefore, it is now available specifically for our users service free check business registration documents 1C specialists:

After submitting the documents to the registration authority, do not forget to get a receipt from its employee with a list of all the documents you submitted.

STEP 16. We receive the long-awaited documents

The term for registering an LLC in 2019 is no more than 3 working days. In case of successful registration, the IFTS sends the following documents to the applicant's e-mail in electronic form:

  • record sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form No. Р50007;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • charter with a mark of the registering authority.

Attention! Upon receipt of the documents, it is necessary to carefully check the data indicated in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If errors are found, you must contact the employee who issued the documents to you to draw up a protocol of disagreements. If errors were made due to the fault of the registration authority, they will be promptly and, most importantly, corrected free of charge. Later detection of errors may lead to their correction through a paid procedure for amending information about the LLC.

STEP 17. After registration

If the registration was successful, and we have no doubt about it, then congratulations! All that is left for you to do now is:

  • provide;
  • subscribe ;
  • create and register if necessary.

How and where to sell a ready-made business?

In contact with


Pitfalls, expert advice and life stories

Being an entrepreneur is hard, especially in Russia. Not everyone is able to work hard all their lives. Even the creator of Magnit, Sergei Galitsky, recently admitted that he no longer receives the same emotions from his work. But he is not going to leave - there is no one to transfer his empire to. This is easier for owners of small and medium-sized companies. Usually than less business the easier it is to part with it.

Every year, tens of thousands of ready-made businesses are sold and bought in Russia. They are sold by entrepreneurs who:

Got carried away by another niche;
- decided to get rid of a non-core asset;
- cannot cope with problems;
- decided to move to another country;
- just tired of business.

If at least one of these points suits you, then this article is for you.

Where to look for a buyer

To sell a business, you need either connections or intermediaries, or better, both. You can try to find a buyer through friends or offer your company to competitors who want to expand their business.

In this case, you should take care of confidentiality: a competitor can find out the state of the company and all your "chips", and then refuse to buy. With acquaintances, you also need to be more careful - rumors about the sale will damage the reputation of the enterprise. “An open sale of a business can cause great harm,” warns Elena Sharova, legal adviser at Jurisprudence Finance Personnel. - This will cause concern to staff, suppliers and creditors. Ill-considered actions can lead to labor conflicts, lower sales prices and even the collapse of the business.”

Sometimes firms post ads for sale on specialized forums where there is a chance to find a savvy and interested buyer. Quite a popular sales channel ready business became Avito. Now more than 28 thousand such ads are posted on this site. Their main categories are services, trade, catering, production, online shopping, entertainment, Agriculture and construction. The effectiveness of Avito is evidenced by the fact that even business brokers, intermediaries between sellers and buyers of a ready-made business, place ads there.

If there is no way you can sell the company on your own, business brokers - a good option. They select objects, evaluate them and accompany the sale and purchase transaction, receiving a percentage for this. This is a big market with its own leaders. In 2015, Mergers and Acquisitions magazine released a rating of Russian business brokers, the first lines of which were occupied by Altera Invest, Scania Invest, ReSale Expert, Your Firm and Bank of Ready Business.

The choice of channel and the time it takes to find a buyer is highly dependent on the profile of the company. According to the observations of business brokers, in Russia the greatest demand is for outlets(accounting for a quarter of transactions), public catering, hotels, beauty salons and car washes. Least of all they buy business abroad, media and deposits. So if your company operates in a complex or unpopular industry, you will have to manually find a buyer.

Personal experience:

In 2009, I opened a flower shop in one of the towns of Primorye. A year later, it became necessary to move to the central part of the country. By that time, my point had long gone into profit and began to attract those who wanted to buy it. But more often the mood was to “squeeze out”. They told me: “Well, you’re leaving anyway, if you don’t sell it, you’ll leave it, and the place is already fed, we won’t let it disappear. The store was a rented place inside a large store (22 sqm). I did not understand how to sell this business - the place is rented, not owned. But I started looking for a buyer among competitors and right person found quickly. The sale took place under an agreement-between, a kind of receipt, where we prescribed all the conditions for the transfer of my business and the buyer's money. I handed over all the documents, the customer base, introduced me to the suppliers and helped the new owner get up to speed for another two months. In the end, we were both satisfied.

Common Mistakes When Selling a Business

Experts interviewed by Rusbase list the following mistakes of inexperienced sellers:

Insufficient preparation for the sale;
- loss of time on false buyers;
- inability to justify and defend the price;
- delay in selling or selling hastily;
- non-observance of confidentiality.

“Very often, the seller neglects the pre-sale preparation of the business,” notes Lyudmila Kharitonova, managing partner of Zartsyn and Partners. - It seems that your business is already good, so there is nothing to check there. And then it turns out that the company has no assets, the concluded contracts are not profitable or can be terminated at one moment, and the accounting department has not been put in order for a very long time. All this threatens to disrupt the negotiations.”

“The company must present a business ready for transfer to third parties - with a strong team and clear development prospects,” says Anton Poletaev, partner at RB Partners and M&A expert. - You only have one chance to make a first impression, so not paying attention to the “packaging” of a business can be fatal. The investor should not be under the impression that a sale is the only option for the company's survival."

Personal experience:

In December 2014, we acquired Centavr investment company and renamed it A Finance. We also created an IT platform for investments in securities. We wanted to give clients a return higher than the Sberbank deposit, but with less risk, and achieved 15-17% per annum.

It was a big project for us - at the start we invested about 40 million rubles. It seemed to us that there would be an explosion in this market and everyone would run to open these accounts. But the forecasts of analysts did not come true. The maintenance of the investment company turned out to be too expensive due to the requirements of the Central Bank for personnel and the amount of own funds. In September 2015, we decided to sell the company. The value of the company, in our opinion, was the license and the IT platform.

We were placed on dozens of sites, constantly updating ads, but only intermediaries called. The main stream was biztorg and February left only him. Our main asset was the IT platform, so we made a detailed presentation: we described its advantages, attached a video and a manual. In April, we found a buyer and quickly closed the deal. The contact was with Biztorg, but the deal was handled by an intermediary.

For those wishing to sell their business, I recommend placing on all sites on the Internet, not sparing 5-10 thousand rubles for paid placement, not giving up intermediaries - in my experience, they really manage to successfully close deals.

How to prepare a business for sale

The buyer needs to be convinced of the profitability of the enterprise and the legal purity of the transaction, and the seller needs to understand and eliminate the shortcomings of the company, which reduce its value. As you know, ideal enterprises do not exist. According to Nikolai Patskov, General Director of FreshDoc, pre-sale preparation includes:

Analysis of the financial condition;
- examination of legal registration of business;
- analysis of management and accounting;
- asset inventory;
- assessment of business prospects;
- elimination of defects.

“When selling, you need to put yourself in the place of the buyer and understand what is his benefit from the acquisition,” advises RB Partners partner and M&A expert Anton Poletaev. - You can find a buyer for almost any asset. Strategic investors are interested in the potential for synergy with existing assets, for investors in distressed assets - the potential to increase the value of the company, for the rest - profit. A very good impression on buyers is made by vendor due diligence - a pre-sale assessment of the company's risks by an independent consultant. It shows the good faith of the seller and gives him the understanding that he can lower the price during the negotiations.

The Zartsyn and Partners company gives the following instructions for putting things in order:

1. Conduct an audit and make sure that all taxes are correctly calculated and paid. Get a tax certificate of no debt.
2. Check to whom all assets are registered. Often they are “scattered” among several individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, which is inconvenient for sale. “Collect” everything on one company that you will sell. Also, do not forget to register the rights to intangible assets - the site, software, content. The buyer will definitely ask this question.
3. If there are several founders in the company, make sure that all of them are ready to sell the business and sign the necessary documents.
4. Check if the authorized capital and shares of the founders have been paid.

Screenshot from Avito website

Ways to sell a business

There are three main ways: the sale of a company's share, the sale of an enterprise as a property complex, and the sale of assets separately with their re-registration to a new legal entity. For small and medium businesses, the first method is most suitable. It is the fastest, simplest and cheapest, accounting for about 80% of transactions on the market.

“Usually, a company simply changes its owner,” says Lyudmila Kharitonova, managing partner of Zartsyn & Partners. “But if you ran your business from an individual entrepreneur, then you cannot change the owner and you will have to transfer contracts and assets to the buyer.”

What documents are needed

The minimum package for selling a business includes founding documents, registration certificates, internal regulations and labor documents, privatization documents, balance sheets, contracts with counterparties, a list of creditors and debtors.

Elena Sharova, legal adviser of the Jurisprudence Finance Personnel Group, provides an exhaustive list of documents that can be used as a checklist:

Legal Documents:

Charter, memorandum of association or a copy of the entrepreneur's certificate;
- certificate of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
- land lease agreement;
- lease agreement for real estate;
- if the premises are owned: a contract for the sale of non-residential property, --- - - certificate of registration of the right to real estate, BTI certificates;
- geodetic plan of the leased land plot;
- explication of premises.

Financial documents:

Auditor's report on financial statements (if any);
- business valuation report (if any);
- certificate of absence of debt from the tax office;
- acts of reconciliation with contractors;
- a certificate from the bank on the absence of debts and credit obligations;
- a list of fixed assets indicating their value, year of manufacture, manufacturer and model;
- list of intangible assets and their value;
- a list of commodity balances indicating their value (raw materials and finished products);
- substantiation of additional investments (purpose of investments, items of expenditure);
- Report on financial results companies (at least Last year);
- a list of the main suppliers and assortment of the company;
- staff list indicating the number of employees by position and fund wages;
- Company details;
- passport data and address of registration of business owners.

And also:

Presentation of the company;
- offer.

How is the procedure

Competitive advantages there may be patents, an effective personnel management system, an impeccable reputation (helps win tenders), and an attractive business strategy. “In my practice, there was a case when the owner of the plant had many patents for manufactured designs commercial equipment- recalls Alexey Koryagin. “By doing this, he made it harder for competitors to enter the market, who needed to invest a lot in the development of the product line.”

The value of the company may also increase if the buyer sees synergy prospects. “Once we evaluated the crushed stone business,” a representative of the association gives an example. - He brought the owner a very good income, but they could not be compared with the benefits of a potential buyer. The inclusion of this enterprise in its production chain allowed it to significantly save on raw materials. The identified synergy effect increased the transaction price by an order of magnitude.”

According to Elena Muratova, legal adviser of Intercession, independent auditors and lawyers are involved in the sale of the business. Auditors identify violations in accounting, lawyers prevent the risks of litigation and administrative liability.

Business owners fail even at such basic things as calculating taxes and registration costs when different ways sales, notes the legal adviser of the Jurisprudence Finance Personnel Group of Companies Elena Sharova. She advises immediately contacting business sales specialists who will be able to competently prepare the company for sale, check the integrity of the buyer and evaluate the terms of the contract.

The minimum legal support of the transaction will cost about 15 thousand rubles. The participation of a lawyer in pre-sale preparation and negotiations will cost 100-150 thousand rubles. Of course, it all depends on the specific deal.
