Payback period hookah. Opening a hookah bar: legal aspect

How popular is hookah in general? Many are scared off by the anti-tobacco law of 2013. When preparing hookah, both non-tobacco mixtures and those containing tobacco are used, so other owners of cafes and restaurants, who previously had the so-called hookah zone in establishments, abandoned this idea.

Therefore, from the point of view of legislation, hookah is an absolutely legal type of entrepreneurial activity, subject to compliance with the requirements prescribed in the legislation. This article contains an exhaustive answer to the topical question in Russia about how to open a hookah bar and how legal it is.

Opening a hookah bar involves drawing up a clear business plan with the following stages:

  • Find a room - on the territory of an existing restaurant or cafe (which is more profitable) or separate;
  • Prepare it for opening in compliance with all legal requirements;
  • To furnish and furnish the premises;
  • Purchase the necessary equipment, decide on an additional assortment.
  • Find suppliers of tobacco and non-tobacco mixtures, related products (foil, coals, etc.)
  • Launch an advertising campaign;

Key Startup Costs

  • Business registration. The cost is about 1000 rubles. - from 20,000.
  • - about 1000 rubles.
  • Room rental - from 20,000.
  • Design project of a hookah bar - from 30,000 rubles.
  • Decoration and equipment of the premises - about 200,000 rubles.
  • Installation of ventilation systems, fire safety, etc. to start doing business - about 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of hookahs and spare parts for them - from 50,000.
  • Hookah consumables (tobacco, coals, foil, etc.) - from 10,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Thus, you will need an initial investment of 400,000 rubles. It is better with at least 600,000 rubles in order to be able to pay rent for the premises, pay salaries to employees, etc. in case of unforeseen circumstances.

What is better - to open your hookah from scratch or buy a ready-made business?

Although buying a ready-made business is a simpler and logical decision for many, it is not a universal way out of the situation. The owner can sell a ready-made business for a number of reasons, usually it is long and expensive to eliminate them.

They usually sell an unprofitable business, because a working one brings a good profit to its owner. Usually the most popular reason for selling a business is a change in the field of activity by the founder. And usually, it's just a beautiful legend for buyers.

When buying a hookah bar, it is important to consider:

  • Location.
  • The presence of competitors nearby;
  • Compliance of the premises with fire safety conditions and the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • The design of the premises, the style of the institution;
  • Turnovers for the last few quarters;
  • Competence of employees;

When buying a ready-made business, it is best to engage a business consultant or coach to analyze the company. Anything can be the reason for selling a hookah bar, but buying a business that is obviously unprofitable means wasting money.

Requirements for the premises

To open your own hookah bar, the requirements for the premises are regulated, first of all, by the law on the prohibition of smoking. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to certain factors:

  1. The room must have fire alarm, good exhaust, ventilation system.
  2. In the room where hookahs are smoked, you can not place the kitchen. Therefore, to open a hookah cafe, it is necessary to open two different rooms in the neighborhood, delivering food and drinks from the cafe to the hookah bar. You can also agree to rent a separate area at an existing cafe or restaurant (in case hookahs are not on their menu and are not offered to guests).
  3. The room must also match SES standards.
  4. A hookah bar is a place where people come to sit quietly, smoke and relax. Often, its mode of operation is round-the-clock, which may not appeal to residents of neighboring houses, so if you open a hookah bar in a residential area, you should take into account the factor of neighbors.
  5. The ideal choice for a hookah place is a room adjacent to a functioning bar or restaurant. A constant flow of customers in a restaurant is very convenient, because if you agree with the owner of the restaurant and deduct a certain percentage of the profit to him, he will actively advertise your services, and everyone will be happy.

Opening a small hookah bar will require an area not less than 50 square meters. It is necessary to equip the room by dividing it into individual smoking areas (so that guests can sit in privacy), and allocating several larger areas for offices for large companies.

For zones designed for one or two people, it is enough to allocate about 2-3 square meters area. For big companies - 5 to 10 squares.

Important! It is absolutely impractical to rent a separate room to open a hookah bar. It is much more profitable to equip a separate zone at any entertainment venue.

Good to know! When choosing a place for placement, pay attention to the average check of the institution, on the basis of which your hookah bar will be located. It should be from 1000 rubles. The minimum number of visitors at this point per day must be at least 60 people.

Room decoration

Hookah comes from eastern countries, so it is logical to use oriental themes when decorating the interior. Soft pillows, low tables, all kinds of fabrics, even a mini-tent for a large company - everything can go in.

It is advisable to invest in a good designer who can create a truly unique and recognizable style of the establishment. This of course depends on the initial capital you plan to start with.

Be sure to have a good audio system and thoughtful lighting. Intimate, subdued soft light creates an atmosphere of comfort in the institution, allowing visitors to truly relax.

Documents required to open a hookah bar

If you do not want to wait with horror for an unscheduled inspection from Rospotrebnadzor, you should take care before opening a hookah obtaining all necessary permits:

  • Certificate of (IP or LLC);
  • Permission from the fire department;
  • Permission from SES;
  • License for the sale of tobacco products (if you plan to serve hookahs with mixtures containing tobacco);
  • License for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages (if it is planned to sell alcoholic beverages in addition to hookah);


Hookah lovers often have it at home and smoke regularly. Therefore, the idea of ​​hiring people with no experience and quickly teaching them how to cook hookahs is often doomed to failure.

An ordinary person who is not a fan of hookahs will not notice the mistakes of incompetent employees, but with fans of hookahs, these mistakes should not be allowed. Therefore, the search for employees will be quite difficult.

Who can be considered a good hookah man?

  • A hookah maker should be able to make many different hookahs - on fruit, on water, on wine, author's hookahs;
  • He must replace the coals in the hookah in time;
  • He must love hookahs very much - only a truly enthusiastic person can fully devote himself to work.
  • An experienced hookah man creates a special atmosphere with his presence, and guests come to such establishments just for it.

Usually a hookah worker works according to the following payment system: exit fee + percentage of hookah sales + tips from guests.

Exit fee: from 500 rubles.

Usually the cost of a hookah- from 500 to 3500 rubles. Up to 20% of the sales goes to the hookah.

Enough to work in a small establishment two hookahs. Since an institution of this format is usually around the clock, hookah workers must work in shifts.

Costs for from 30,000 rubles per month.


Opening a hookah bar is one that pays off quickly - on average, from 3 to 6 months. Large investments are not required - from 400,000 rubles.

The minimum net profit from a hookah bar is from 80,000 rubles per month. And subject to the requirements described in the article, there should be no difficulties with the law and inspectors.

How to open a hookah from scratch? Detailed guide in this video:​

You can work indefinitely as a hookah man in a cool bar, but somewhere in the depths of your soul a thought always creeps in: what if you open a hookah bar yourself? Using your experience and knowledge, you can do everything a hundred times better, take into account mistakes, attract your client base ...

Everything looks simple, and now you are already collecting the last money for renting a room, but what's next? Are you ready to face the collection of documents, recruitment, meeting with security services, master plans, negligent landlords?

There are many obstacles on the way to your own hookah bar, which we decided to talk about. People who have already walked this path, stories of success and failure: everything you need to create a thriving business in a new series of articles.

What you need to open a hookah from scratch: how it all starts

Yes, one desire is not enough 😉

And even an impressive start-up capital is not a guarantee of success (although it will make your life much easier). You will have to understand the laws, look for a room, perhaps negotiate with the "neighbors" and in general it is necessary to think over the concept to the smallest detail!

By the way, each region has to face different problems. There is a huge competition in large cities, plus the prospect of a very large income here, so bars attract the attention of all kinds of services. Everyone will have to agree.

“Different regions have different attitudes towards our semi-shadow business. In some regions, inspections come every week and demand something that they themselves do not understand. They came to my friend and asked for a “license to run a hookah business” (!!!), but they couldn’t find out anything beyond a joking answer.

Checking for the employment of personnel, firefighters, etc. These people should become, at a minimum, friends, and, at a maximum, frequent visitors.”Arseniy, hookah "Cosmo House" Belgorod city.

Naturally, a responsible owner will make sure that there is nothing to complain about, otherwise there is a risk of fines, or even closure. But even if these moments are "resolved", guests will hardly like the lack of proper sanitation, poor ventilation and staff who speak little Russian.

Therefore, it is important to initially take care of all the moments. Yes, when creating the first hookah bar, it is difficult to take into account everything, a lot will come with experience, something will need to be completed or changed during operation. But a serious entrepreneur with an entrepreneurial streak will not spend money on creating a frankly disastrous bar.

If you want to open a hookah bar according to the law, you will have to work out all the requirements: from registration (individual entrepreneur or legal entity) to official employment of personnel with the proper level of wages and installation of high-quality ventilation (which will entail high costs).

And then you have to develop the concept of the institution, plan the design, assortment, menu. Searching for premises, renting and repairing them are generally worthy of a separate book. Well, the icing on the cake will be promotion and advertising campaigns so that people other than your friends come to the opening 🙂

Where to open a hookah bar

One of the most difficult and important issues to be solved. Firstly, location must be determined. In the central parts, rent will cost more, and there is likely to be a lot of competition there. The presence of 5 similar competitors within walking distance is unlikely to be a plus.

Secondly, find out the potential target audience. If you see students as your guests, take the area close to educational institutions. Sometimes the best place will be a sleeping area, in which there is a small selection of places to relax. People like to spend time after work close to home.

Thirdly, to avoid problems, choose a place where there are no playgrounds, schools, hospitals nearby. It is better if it is a separate building or an area in a non-residential building.

Huge plus: availability of parking, an open area, terraces, panoramic windows (if the rented area is at a height), proximity to transport.

How much does it cost to open a hookah bar

Budget planning is the most crucial step, since miscalculations and reassessment of one's capabilities will inevitably lead to problems.

Key points to consider when budgeting:

  • Rent price, and when drawing up the contract, a fee is paid for the first and last month, or the amount for the first month + deposit (returned after the expiration of the contract, provided that there is no need for repairs). In any case, this is a double rent.
  • Staff pay. You can't hire people without a guaranteed salary, so budget the salary amount for all employees. With proper business management, in a few months you will get a good plus, and salaries for team members will be deducted from income.
  • Services of a designer, repair team, building materials. If you hire a designer, he will help you calculate the price of services and materials. And when you do everything yourself, you will have to monitor prices manually: go to hardware stores, call offices.
  • Purchase of equipment. It all depends on your capabilities and desires, if you want to diversify the kitchen, but now there is no money to buy stoves, start with a simple menu. You have to buy good hookahs and accessories, a coffee machine, dishes, teapots, cutlery.
  • First grocery purchase. It will definitely be different from the next ones, because you don’t know the expense yet, you don’t know what the flow of clientele will be, but you need to have enough of everything! Make sure that there is enough tobacco, tea, drinks, clean water and snacks.

Calculate how much all this will cost and add another 20-30% of the amount received. This will be able to cover the additional costs that are guaranteed to appear. For example, maintenance of non-cash payment terminals, buying uniforms (sometimes this is done after several months of productive work of the bar), and so on.

In order to feel more or less confident, you need to have at least 800,000 rubles, subject to a small room, enough promotion and weak competition. It is better to enter the business with an amount of at least a million.

No one advises taking a loan to open a hookah bar, this is too risky a step that has a lot of live anti-advertising. Liabilities to creditors are often driven into a deep hole and lead to bankruptcy. It is better to calculate the costs, accumulate funds and manage on your own. In extreme cases, borrow only part of the necessary funds (up to 30%).

It is not uncommon to attract investors, usually there are 2-3 co-founders, whose contributions are distributed for different needs.

What is a franchise and what benefits does it provide

Naturally, using an already hyped name can be very useful. On the other hand, along with simplified promotion conditions, you get a package of obligations and relative restrictions in terms of design, menu, assortment.

Such an institution will never be completely yours. Therefore, you have to analyze the benefits of opening a franchise.

The name doesn't always matter. If the conditional bar "Shisha" is popular in Moscow, this does not mean that they have heard about it at all somewhere in Taganrog. Also, a well-known cafe in Belarus is unlikely to immediately become popular in Russian cities.

Therefore, if the popularity of the "Brand" is not too great, it is not logical to follow a promoted name, the geography of popularity plays a role.

But there are advantages that are much more profitable. For example, special delivery conditions from the supplier (discounts, wholesale, special taste only for your franchise, branded accessories, etc.), design proposals for design and any other goodies that are difficult to get hold of without promoted colleagues and sponsors.

What documents are needed to establish a bar officially

“I want to open a hookah bar, but is it legal to do so?” Such a question often worries potential owners of smoky bars, and for good reason, since the legal framework for such a business is weak and does not have clear boundaries / requirements.

Documentation is a very sensitive issue, since at this stage there is no clear regulation in the legislation on the maintenance of hookah bars. Now the procedure is the same as for founding a regular catering business, which is why the business is called "partial".

They register in a variety of variations: individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, some act as individuals, but you won’t be able to feel the difference until you try it yourself. The fact is that each of the types of entrepreneurship has its own benefits and its own responsibility. For cafes in a small town and in megacities, a different type of entrepreneurial activity will make sense.

Therefore, with the question of competent registration, it is worth contacting a qualified lawyer for advice.

Among other documents there will be plans for reconstruction, redevelopment, ventilation, a fire safety plan in the end.

More about the legalization of the hookah business in the video of our friend bRend-chef and co-owner of NO NAME BAR hookah bar (Moscow/Khimki) Maxim Maksimych:

Since August 2017, a law banning hookahs and vapes has been actively discussed, which can significantly complicate the procedure. So far, it is at the draft stage, it is unlikely to be accepted in the form that it is now. Still, update your knowledge of the legislative framework before you are about to start a business in 2018.

Additional "paper" will be needed if you want to sell not only food and hookahs, but also alcohol. You will have to issue a license to sell alcohol - it is expensive and quite difficult. In addition, there will be a new item of expenditure for the battle of dishes, and maybe security. It depends on what kind of guests will come to you 😉

Details about opening a hookah from the mouth Brand chef and co-owner of NO NAME BAR hookah bar (Moscow/Khimki) Maxim Maksimych in video:

Main problems + bonus: a real story of failure

If you have read up to this point, then you already know a lot of pitfalls. Ventilation, service checks, advertising, problems with "neighbors" if a hookah-bar opens in a residential building - this is not a complete list of obstacles.

“Advertising is not allowed because of the anti-tobacco law, there may be difficulties with neighbors in the rented premises, checks by Rospotrebnadzor”Ksenia Mayorova, administrator of the hookah bar "el Sotano", Kolomna.

It is really difficult to predict everything, but having secured yourself in all directions, unforeseen situations will not be able to shake your confidence.

  1. If you know, how much money you need, add a little more to this amount- a financial pillow will be an ideal tool for dealing with emergency situations.
  2. In advance test the soil among suppliers, compare prices, including delivery, discuss preferential terms for wholesale and find the most profitable options.
  3. Make a smart business plan. And if you don’t know how to do it, or don’t want to make a mistake, get ready for additional expenses for the services of specialists in the field of planning.
  4. Responsible selection of personnel. It can be difficult for a young bar to “pull” cool specialists, but even young employees with little experience are different. Choose those who have a "fuse", a general idea, or their own vision of the work. A huge bonus will be a hookah man with his client base.
  5. Consider all advertising options, which can be implemented within the framework of the anti-tobacco law.
  6. Do not save on fire safety, high-quality ventilation and compliance with sanitary standards. The relevant services can close the bar in no time due to problems in these areas. In addition to closing, serious fines can be issued.

Now you know how to properly establish a hookah bar, and in order not to make other people's mistakes, read the story of a person about the unsuccessful opening of an institution: "

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a hookah bar in the city of Kursk to organize a comfortable place for the leisure of citizens aged 18 and over and to make a profit. The business plan analyzes the main concepts of hookahs presented in the city, as an option for opening an institution's own concept.

The financial calculations of the business plan were made for a five-year period of operation of the hookah bar, taking into account a fixed average bill of 700 rubles. Also, the calculations took into account the factors of seasonality of demand and the increase in load due to the growth of the institution's recognition. The establishment's services will be based on a hookah menu with a wide selection of hookahs and mixtures (including nicotine and non-nicotine mixtures), regularly updated in the course of the institution's operation. Ordering food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will only be possible using delivery services from a partner cafe or other establishments at the request of the client.

1. Registration and clearance procedures;

2. Preparation of a design project;

The estimated cost of the project will be 1,552,000 rubles. The predicted break-even point from the start of the project is 5 months, the payback period is 16 months. Achieve a sales volume with a revenue of 500,000 rubles. planned during the first year of operation.

2. Description of the industry and company

The hookah boom in Russia began after the entry into force of the anti-tobacco law, which was released in June 2014. According to him, tobacco smoking was prohibited in public places (in cafes, bars and restaurants). Since then, hookahs have become virtually the only place where tobacco is allowed to smoke. Fashion has also made its contribution - the hookah has become an almost obligatory attribute of relaxation in a cheerful company.

The aim of the project is to open a hookah bar in the city of Kurse to organize a place for the leisure of citizens and make a profit. The hookah bar will have the format of an establishment where the main service is to rent a hookah and smoke tobacco and nicotine-free mixtures through a hookah. The hookah bar will be located in a rented basement in the city center. The audience of the institution will be customers over the age of 18.

The hookah bar will be managed by an individual entrepreneur, combining his duties with the work of a hookah man. Also in the staff of the institution will work one more hookah and two waiters who meet guests and take orders.

IP was chosen as the form of ownership for the hookah bar. The most appropriate OKVED code for this activity is 92.72 - "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups." The taxation system is USN. The object of taxation is income (6%).

3.Description of services

Hookah is considered an Indian invention, first spreading throughout the Muslim world, and only then gaining popularity in Europe (XIX century). In different countries, the culture of hookah smoking is different, as well as the word "hookah" itself is not universal (hookah, narghila, watertype, hubble-bubble, etc.). Whatever the concept or "philosophy" of smoking, the process itself can be described simply. Most often, a hookah is smoked in a company with an alternate transfer of a smoking pipe. In one smoking session, smokers can take about 100 puffs. For a long time, ordinary tobacco was smoked through a hookah, later tobacco leaf-based mixtures appeared, and in our time, largely due to anti-smoking campaigns, nicotine-free mixtures also appeared.

Clients of the hookah club will be given the opportunity to smoke a hookah based on tobacco and nicotine-free mixtures. Tobacco and blends will be supplied from several suppliers. The purchased products will have an excise stamp and the required inscriptions of the Ministry of Health on the dangers of smoking. To prevent the risk of transmission of various diseases through saliva, personal disposable mouthpieces will be used during hookah smoking.

To provide services within the legal framework, the establishment will completely exclude the sale of food and drinks. However, if desired, customers will have the opportunity to place an order for delivery at a partner cafe, or at another institution if desired. Receipts will be required for ordered food and drinks to prevent conflicts with inspection authorities.

4.Sales and marketing

4.1 Target audience and consumer requirements

The main customers of hookah bars, as a rule, are young people aged 18 to 35 years. It should be noted that hookah is popular with both smokers and non-smokers. Therefore, the potential audience could theoretically include the entire population of the city at this age, which is about 200 thousand people. In general, consumer requirements for hookah bars cannot be called high. Today they are at the stage of formation. Most of the population knows little about hookahs. The basic requirements for preparing hookah are often limited to the fact that the client should be “tasty”, “quickly” and “not bitter”. However, every year the number of connoisseurs of hookahs with more demanding tastes is growing, who cannot be surprised by cheap tobacco and fruits. However, there are only a few such clients in the total mass. Largely due to the fact that the population is still little versed in hookahs, hookah owners can set a large markup on hookahs. The cost of preparing hookahs is quite low, and the margin can reach 500-800%.

4.2 Analysis of the competitive environment

About 12 establishments can be distinguished as direct competitors in the city of Kursk. These are mainly hookahs opened in 2015 (for a detailed analysis of competitors, see Table 1 of this business plan). The most common format is a club with a hookah menu and "by default" allowed non-alcoholic drinks - branded cocktails and teas. It is much rarer to find food in such establishments. According to the law on the ban on smoking, smoking tobacco is prohibited in public places, which means that in order to prevent conflicts with inspectors, only hookahs based on nicotine-free mixtures can be served to customers, or legal “compromises” can be sought. According to the experience of city hookahs, one of the legitimate compromises is cooperation with city cafes. That is, customers of hookah bars are given the opportunity to place an order for food delivery at a discount from a partner establishment. In this case, the sale in the institution itself is excluded. Another option is to include drinks and food in the price of a hookah, or provide them as a gift. The first option seems to be the most correct. However, for food delivery, it is desirable that the partner cafe is located near the hookah bar.

As for the concepts, mostly urban hookahs are designed for a wide range of consumers. Regardless of the main concept, the network of events can consist of board games, Mafia evenings, sports broadcasts, themed meetings and parties. Some establishments have an emphatically oriental format, which is expressed in design, menu and oriental "chips" (for example, belly dancing). There are also concepts of anti-cafe hookahs, hookah nightclubs, hookah bars, hookah cafes, tea and hookah clubs and closed hookah clubs. The cost of renting 1 hookah in the city varies from 190 to 1500 rubles. and averages about 800 rubles.

Table 1. Analysis of competitors








Competitor 1

hookah club

Mon-Thu , Sun. 14:00-2:00, Fri.-Sat. 14:00-05:00

Far from the center

May 2014

hookah menu,

Alcoholic menu: vermouth, rum, whiskey, gin, wine, brandy, signature cocktails

Theme club, oriental atmosphere, mehendi drawings. Oriental dances, master classes,

Competitor 2

hookah club

Mon-Thu , Sun. 14:00-2:00, Fri.-Sat. 14:00-04:00


February 2015

Hookah menu, oriental cuisine

Eastern atmosphere, belly dancing

Competitor 3

Federal network hookah

Mon-Fri., Sun. 17:00-00.00. Sat-Sun 17:00-05:00


January 2015

Hookah menu, signature cocktails

Modern expensive interior, themed night parties, DJ, regular photo shoots

Competitor 4

Hookah bar

Mon-Fri. 15:00-00.00. Sat-Sun 15:00-04:00


July 2015

Hookah menu

General entertainment format, consoles, football

Competitor 5

Tea and hookah club

Mon-Thu, Sun. 13:00-21.00, Fri.-Sat. 13:00-02:00


May 2015

Hookah menu, Chinese tea, soft drinks

General entertainment format, cards, board games, sports broadcasts, thematic menu

Competitor 6

hookah club

Mon-Thu, Sun. 17:00-00.00, Fri.-Sat. 17:00-04:00


July 2015

Hookah menu, tea, coffee, soft drinks

Bar, music, board games, events are rare

Competitor 7

Hookah bar

Mon-Thu, Sun. 14:00-02.00, Fri.-Sat. 14:00-06:00


April 2015

Hookah menu, tea

Anti-cafe format, board games, themed meetings, parties

Competitor 8

Hookah bar

Mon-Thu, Sun. 17:00-01.00, Fri.-Sat. 17:00-03:00


November 2015

Hookah menu, tea, soft drinks

Hookah bar. Board games, parties

Competitor 9

Hookah bar

14:00 – 00:00



Hookah menu

Hookah bar. Sports broadcasts

Competitor 10

hookah club

Mon-Thu, Sun. 12:00-01.00, Fri.-Sat. 12:00-03:00


September 2012

Hookah menu, oriental, mexican, moroccan cuisine, oriental sweets, soft drinks, beer, snacks

Thematic club, oriental atmosphere, oriental dances and so on.

Competitor 11

Closed hookah club

12:00 – 00:00


September 2015

Hookah menu, charcoal pizza, tea, desserts, soft drinks

Inexpensive "soulful" environment, a place to relax board games, an audience of 18-40

Competitor 12

Cafe hookah

Mon-Thu, Sun. 12:00-00.00, Fri.-Sat. 12:00-03:00


January 2015

Hookah menu, European cuisine, Oriental cuisine, tea, soft drinks

Youth "cozy" format, sports TV broadcasts

Basically, hookah cities use social networks to attract customers. The most “advanced” institutions have Vkontakte groups with an audience of 3 to 5 thousand people and run Instagram. In general, apart from the features of the concept, the following ways to attract customers can be distinguished:

1. A rich network of events. May include themed get-togethers, celebrations, parties, live sports, console tournaments, board and role-play nights, etc.

2.Regular updating of the menu. Thematic menu of the day, unusual hookahs, tastings, master classes.

3.Discounts. Discounts on certain hookahs, on holidays, birthday discounts, discounts on a certain day of the week, discounts on each next hookah.

4. Photo reports from events. Invitation of a photographer to events, photo reports in social networks.

6.Regular playlist update.

4.3 Concept of sales and ways to attract customers

Since, according to the law, tobacco smoking is prohibited in catering places, the format of a closed club without selling food and drinks will be the most correct from the point of view of legislation. The only possible drink provided by the establishment will be tea provided as a bonus to the hookah. Ordering food will be possible only through delivery. The wording "closed club" in practice will mean that access to the club to people from the street will be closed (table reservations only by prior appointment by phone), and the entrance to the institution will be equipped with a video intercom. Experts also advise, in case of verification, to have questionnaires confirming the entry of new members into the club. Also, access to the hookah lounge will be strictly prohibited for minors.

The main way to attract customers is planned to use word of mouth. The atmosphere of the establishment will be thematic interior design, combining soothing natural oriental motifs and original musical accompaniment. The concept of nature and comfort will be maintained both in the color options of furniture, decor elements and hookahs, as well as in the hookah menu. It is planned to diversify the schedule of events with live music evenings, broadcasts of sports programs, and board games. According to the experience of other hookahs, consoles will be excluded from the "game menu" of the institution, since fans of playing consoles quite often make noise and annoy other visitors, while not bringing much profit.

On the Internet, the hookah club will be presented on the social network Vkontakte and Instagram. It will be possible to learn about the main events of the institution, promotions and discounts from social networks, as well as regular photo reports, repost contests and lotteries.

Ready-made ideas for your business

To increase revenue from one table, it is planned to use big discounts when ordering the second and subsequent hookahs. It is planned to put the maximum speed of preparing hookahs (“Hookah in 5 minutes”) as the principle of the institution’s work, since the waiting time is one of the key factors in the work of a hookah, sometimes even more significant than the quality of the hookah. At the initial stage, for a competitive advantage, the size of the average check will be set at 700 rubles. at a markup of 600%. Subsequently, depending on the volume of sales, an increase in the check is possible.

5.Production plan

The hookah club will be located on one of the central streets of the city of Kursk. The facility will be open daily. Opening hours from Monday to Thursday and Sunday - from 14:00 to 02:00, on Saturday and Sunday - from 14:00 to 05:00. To accommodate a hookah bar, a basement in the central area of ​​the city will be taken for rent. The term of the lease agreement will be 3 years with the possibility of extension. There will be no schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other municipal institutions in the neighborhood of the hookah. At a distance of 100 meters there is a cafe with which it is planned to establish a partnership for the possibility of food delivery.

Investments in real estate, purchase and installation of equipment will amount to 1,237,000 rubles. To develop a conceptual interior design, it is planned to use the services of a designer. The cost of developing a design project will be 100 thousand rubles. (at the rate of 1 thousand rubles per square meter).

The room under the hookah will need to be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation with a heat exchanger. This system will require the greatest investment, however, it will keep the heat in the hookah room during the cold season and save money spent on heating the supply air.

In total, the institution will be designed for 54 seats with the possibility of adding 10-12 additional seats. This number will allow you to maximize the use of the available space, while not causing discomfort to customers from different companies. Since the optimal number of seats for one table is 6, each table will need two sofas for 3 people. For large companies from 6 people, several poufs and chairs will be purchased. A complete list of required equipment and approximate prices are given in Table. 2.

Table 2 Equipment Costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Air handling unit with plate heat exchanger and electric heater (including installation and commissioning)

Hookah and accessories


A computer

Acoustic system

Decor elements


Lighting equipment

Air ducts, fittings, fittings

reception desk

Security and fire alarm (including installation)

WiFi router


837 000

To operate a hookah bar, you will need two full-time waiters and a hookah attendant. The first hookah worker will be an individual entrepreneur. The main requirements for hiring a hookah worker are experience as a hookah worker, administrator of a hookah bar, or in retail sales of hookahs, the ability to thoroughly understand the features of different types of tobacco, own the technology of its refilling, and follow trends. Desirable qualities of an employee: honesty, politeness, sociability, speed of work. There are no strict requirements for the level of education of a hookah man and waiters. Waiter experience is preferred but not required. The staffing and payroll are presented in Table. 3

Table 3. Staffing and payroll

On average, hookah customers spend 2 hours smoking a hookah. Given this fact, the indicators of the maximum load of the hookah bar, the maximum possible number of checks per day will be 80. A good indicator is the number of 25 checks per day, the most successful companies have an indicator of 40-60 or more checks. During the first year, it is planned to achieve a revenue of 550 thousand rubles (25 checks of 700 rubles daily). Further, the goal will be to achieve indicators of 40-50 checks. The costs of the main period of work of the hookah bar will include salary payments to staff, rent, purchase of tobacco and consumables, utility bills, accounting, telephony and the Internet, security and other expenses.

6. Organizational plan

The preparatory period for opening a hookah bar will be 3 months and will include:

1. Processing and registration procedures;

2. Preparation of a design project;

3.Repair and equipment of the premises;

4.Search and recruitment of personnel;

5. Carrying out preparatory work with the population in social networks;

6.Search for strategic partners;

7. Development of the initial grid of events.

The hookah bar will be managed by an individual entrepreneur. His duties will include management functions, appointment of personnel, approval of the work schedule, purchase of products for the hookah bar. Also, if necessary, he will be directly involved in the work of the hookah bar, acting as a hookah man. Hookah workers will be the main production staff. Their duties will include advising visitors in choosing hookahs and types of tobacco, mixtures, direct preparation of hookahs, changing coals in a cup. The duties of the waiters will include meeting guests, taking orders, consulting on the choice of hookahs in case the hookah workers are busy. Accounting will be outsourced.

7. Financial plan

Investments in the project will amount to 1,552,000 rubles, which will include the costs of repairing and equipping the premises (1,237,000 rubles), registration procedures and registration procedures (15,000), as well as working capital until the establishment reaches the break-even point (300,000 rubles). .). Current expenses will include rent (45,000 rubles), staff salaries (75,400 rubles including deductions), utilities (15,000 rubles), purchase of consumables, accounting (6,000 rubles), as well as telephony and Internet (5,000 rubles), security (1,500 rubles), other expenses (5,000 rubles). Indicators for hookah bar income, costs and net profit are given in Appendix 1. Business plan calculations are made for a 5-year period, taking into account a fixed average bill of 700 rubles. In practice, the size of the average check can be reduced or increased. Also, the calculations took into account the factors of seasonality in demand and growth in occupancy due to the growth in the institution's recognition.

In this rather detailed article, we will tell you in general terms how to open your own hookah in Russian realities. We ourselves have direct experience in this area, both personally and by observation, so we can safely be sure of the veracity of the information in the article. If you disagree or want to add something, write your comments in the comments at the bottom of the page. When compiling the article, the opinion of industry leaders from various cities of Russia was also taken into account.

What is a hookah? Differences from bars and restaurants

Hookah is not an officially fixed concept in our legislation, but their number in Russia is several thousand. The difference between a hookah bar and a cafe is that the main emphasis is on the quality of hookahs in the establishment. As an addition to the hookah, the institution can serve drinks (more often tea, sometimes alcohol), as well as simple snacks. If the institution has a full-fledged kitchen or a bar, then it is already difficult to call them a hookah in the classical sense.

The boom in the appearance of hookahs was marked by the advent of the law on smoking, which was released on June 1, 2014. Since then, smoking of tobacco products in public places (cafes, bars, restaurants) has been banned, which has led to the emergence of separate closed hookah clubs.

LIBERTY is one of the first hookah bars in Russia

Purpose of discovery. Do you need it?

First of all, you should think about the purpose of opening a hookah bar, why do you need it at the moment. In most cases, hookahs are opened because people are tired of going to other places and leaving money for a hookah every day. Another part of hookahs opens as a business to make money. As a rule, projects that combine both of these reasons are successful.

Think about whether you need it, for the proper conduct of business you will have to devote a considerable amount of time to hookah every day. It is almost impossible to make a hookah bar autonomous from your efforts.

Also in this business, risks are quite high and competition is strong, many consumables depend on the dollar exchange rate, which makes the payback forecasting unstable. Consider whether it is worth investing in this business if you do not intend to go all the way and develop your project.

Franchise or own place

As in the restaurant business, large franchise players are popular among hookahs, offering interesting terms of cooperation. The largest chains are Hookah Place, Nargilia, Smoke House, Unique Hookah Bars. At the start of the project, we advise you to consider the franchise offers of these networks for your city and think about whether you need it.

A franchise is worth taking if it gives you more than just a name. It can be brand popularity, special conditions from suppliers, design proposals and any other help. On a personal example, we can say that the presence of a well-known all-Russian name at a hookah bar gives a considerable influx of guests from other cities. However, there are many cases among our acquaintances when they took a franchise, and then regretted or refused it.

Hookahplace Lubyanka - the first establishment in the network of 90+ franchises


Initially, it is worth calculating the required amount of investments in a hookah, but you need to be prepared to increase this amount by 20-30 percent. Often, hookah bars are opened not alone, but with co-investors. Their number should be no more than 3, otherwise there will be too much blurring of the percentage, this will lead to the bending of cases, as practice shows.

We do not recommend taking loans to open a hookah bar, there are many live examples proving that this leads to problems. It is better to wait, save up and get into this business with less risk. Having a financial cushion to pay downtime for rent and wages to employees will be a big plus and will give you more confidence at first.

The average amount of investments in a hookah bar is 800 tr. for the average level of space and small footage. Ideally, investments should be more than 1 million, or even one and a half. In big cities there are hookahs, investments in which exceed 3-5 million, so it will not be easy to compete with them. Investments for each premises and city are unique, so it is pointless to evaluate them, only rough estimates are possible.

Buying a ready-made hookah bar

One of the easiest options for starting a hookah business is to buy a ready-made establishment. Such offers regularly appear on Avito and various showcase sites of a ready-made business. But it is worth remembering that no one will sell a good business in most cases. So immediately look for possible problems with the premises or the institution as a whole.

In our memory, there are only a few successful purchases of ready-made establishments with further success, but there are many more unsuccessful attempts. The average cost of a finished hookah bar is from 600 thousand to 1 million in St. Petersburg. When buying, it is necessary to thoroughly study all the details, both legal and organizational.


The most complicated and long process when opening a hookah bar is the correct legal registration. Someone is registered as an individual entrepreneur, someone even as an LLC, and the most daring as a private person. We will not go into the details of registration, but we will say that so far in Russia there is no official type of activity for Hookah bar, so most people have to register individual entrepreneurs under different OKVED, similar to the hookah theme, but not describing it entirely.

Most successful hookahs won't let you in on their design secrets as it's a difficult choice with constant issues to deal with. We advise you to contact competent lawyers who will give you practical advice in the realities of your city.

In the near future, concessions and concrete steps to legalize hookah bars in terms of design are possible, but so far this is all at the stage of conversations and rumors.

Premises for rent

A hookah lounge is the most important choice you have to make. It is worth analyzing the flow of people in your city, to understand whether you should open in the center or it is more interesting to cover sleeping areas. You can search for premises yourself, or you can let a realtor, it depends on your finances and involvement in the process.

For ordinary hookahs, an interesting plus will be the presence of clubs, bars, entertainment centers, as well as hostels and universities next to the hookah. It is also worth carefully studying the competition around, perhaps having 5 hookahs in one building will not be a big plus for you =)

It is very important to have a convenient entrance to the institution, the availability of parking, proximity to the places of accumulation of the main audience.

When renting premises, we advise you to conclude a contract for the longest possible period of time in order to avoid moving in the future. When making a contract, the amount for the last month is always paid and the date and amount of the monthly payment are indicated.

One of the basic rules for opening a hookah bar is to choose a room where the hookah bar will not disturb anyone. Nearby there should be no kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, and it is also desirable the absence of neighbors who will be disturbed by sound and smoke. We advise you to choose commercial premises rather than residential buildings for further peace of mind and perspective.

Hookah Example in Kazan with its own terrace


You rented a room and the most interesting thing is ahead - the repair of the premises for the needs of the institution. The first thing to think about is the comfort of the guests inside the premises.

You should immediately think about the ventilation system, you will need not only an extractor hood, but also a supply air. Plus, this system of supply and exhaust ventilation must be certified for smoking rooms for further smooth operation of the establishment. We advise you to contact professionals so that they calculate the required power of this system for you.

Hookah culture in Russia began with large cities and small investments, which led to the popularity of Ikea furniture in hookahs. This is due not only to the price, but also to the style and convenience of Ikea products. For a more serious project, we recommend hiring a designer who will do most of the work for you to create comfort. Furniture should be comfortable and practical, be prepared for the fact that it can be burned or poured over.

Hookah SHIShKA Lounge in Moscow with an unusual interior

The style of hookah lounges of a modern type is increasingly far from eastern and closer to European, so you should not think that a hookah bar must be with carpets and sunbeds.

The main thing is that your hookah bar should have its own style and feature, people are tired of the abundance of monotonous and boring places. Stand out and make a place for your target audience!

Purchasing part

In addition to renovation and interior costs, you will need to invest in many of the little things that are necessary for the comfort of guests, from towels and cups to anything.

When it comes to hookahs to use, we always recommend using Egyptian hookahs (Khalil mamoon, Sherif Fawzy and others) as the ideal option that will last you for years. In addition to classic hookahs, it is worth taking unusual models, including those made of glass. The choice of bowls should match the choice of tobaccos, it will be difficult for you to work with tobacco like Tangiers on classic bowls.

A small part of the collection of bowls in HookahPlace Petersburg

It is best to have an investor or a hookah maker in the team who will understand the hookah topic at a high level, this will make it easier for you to purchase equipment and consumables. It is advisable to understand the topic yourself to a sufficient extent, this will greatly simplify the work and reduce costs.

Due to the current law on the ban on tobacco products, we advise you to have non-tobacco mixtures in your work, they can be useful to you. Where to buy tobacco and hookahs is a unique issue for each city, in Moscow it is the Sevastopolskaya Hotel, in St. Petersburg Apraksin Dvor, in other regions the issue is resolved through local sellers or resellers from Moscow.

Purchasing tobacco and hookahs will be a large part of your expenses, since this is your main product, which must be of proper quality and in considerable quantity.

For the comfort of guests, it is also worth having a solid selection of board games for every taste, as well as set-top boxes with TVs. Unless of course your format supports it.


With the right development, you should think about the promotion of the institution even before it opens. It is necessary to interest the target audience, make them want your discovery. To do this, you need to at least engage in a Vkontakte group and Instagram.

It is also worth mentioning yourself on thematic resources like the groups Typical Hookah Man, Hookah Expert, Hookah Lovers and others. Do not forget about various catalogs and applications, participation in which can bring you the necessary guests in the future.

When promoting, you should focus on your main target audience and present it with your USP - a Unique Selling Proposition that they cannot refuse. To achieve these goals, you can hire a marketer and promotion specialist to do the job for you.

Working moments

Before opening an institution, you must have formed the composition of the employees of the institution, its number depends on the size of the room and the number of tables. In addition to hookah workers, these can be hostesses, managers and other types of workers.

Hookah masters are the face of the establishment, it is them that guests go to and it is with them that they communicate with each visit. Choose your staff very carefully and do not spare money for high-quality and proven professionals.

The most important thing that you must provide is high quality service and a wide range of products (tobacco, hookahs). A good assortment of tobaccos is considered to be 5-10 top items of each position.

Dava Dim is a successful example of a hookah bar owner and famous hookah maker

From our experience, we can say that it costs the owners at least once to take a shift in the institution in order to fully understand how the whole mechanism works. This should be done not to the detriment of the guests =)

In your team, each person should have their own role, each should have responsibilities and work rules. Do not forget about the system of fines and bonuses. W staff salaries should be motivating, with a fixed rate and a percentage for the work done. In this scenario, the employee will be much more interested in a good job. The presence of cameras to control personnel will also not be superfluous.


In summary, we would like to say that opening a hookah bar is not as easy as it might seem. Of course, it is possible to rent a room, put sofas and hookahs and work, but will this bring you satisfaction and profit?

Hookah bar is a profitable and popular establishment format. So far, there are not very many of them. That is why many people who have been thinking about starting their own business for a long time decide to open a hookah bar. But it's not that easy. This option is not for everyone. For its successful implementation into reality, you need money and a smart business plan for a hookah bar. But first things first.


First of all, you need to determine the amount that you need to invest in your business. It is not small, but it is not astronomical either, if you make allowances for the fact that if successful, everything will pay off. So, here are the investments required for an average hookah bar:

  • Professional air handling unit with installation and commissioning - 350,000 rubles.
  • 20 leather sofas (they are more practical than fabric ones, as they are easier to clean) - about 200,000 rubles.
  • 25 hookahs (with a margin - some companies order several at once) with accessories - 100,000 rubles.
  • 10 tables - 40 000 rubles
  • 2 TVs - 20,000 rubles
  • Computer or laptop for processing orders and reporting - 40,000 rubles.
  • Acoustic system - 30 000 rubles.
  • Decor elements - 30 000 rubles.
  • Plumbing - 20 000 rubles.
  • Lighting equipment - 20,000 rubles.
  • Bar counter and chairs - 35,000 rubles.
  • Equipment for a small kitchen - 300,000 rubles.
  • Cash register - 10,000 rubles.

Total - 1,195,000 rubles. And this is not all that will require costs. You also need to take into account the need to rent / buy a room in a good passable place, carry out repairs, pay the craftsmen for equipping a bathroom with a kitchen. And this is just the beginning.

About design and documentation

Let's say a person decides to open a hookah bar, and he has already begun to draw up a business plan. In this case, he needs to be puzzled by the issue of licensing. To open such an institution, you must first open an individual entrepreneur or company. When registering, you will need to indicate the following OKVED codes:

  • 90.04.3 (for club-type institutions);
  • 56.10, 56.10.1 and 56.30 (restaurants and bars);
  • 92.72 (activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment).

After registering the IP, it will be necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor of the start of its activities. No license for a hookah bar is required. It’s just that such establishments never do without alcohol, and for its implementation such a document is just needed. Buying a license for retail sales will cost 65,000 rubles. It is valid for one year. Documents for obtaining it must be submitted to the Federal Service of Rosalkogolregulirovanie, and here is what you need to present:

  • Certificate of state registration from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • The contract for the lease / purchase of real estate in which a hookah bar is organized.
  • Floor plan.
  • Contract for fire alarm installation and maintenance.
  • Registration of the cash register.
  • Conclusion of representatives of the Consumer Rights Supervision Service.

All these important nuances must be included in the hookah bar business plan. Without taking them into account, problems with the law are guaranteed to begin, and the case that has not had time to turn around will be closed.

Expendable materials

When compiling a business plan for a hookah bar, it is necessary to take into account further expenses, which will be regular. We are talking, of course, about the purchase of "consumables" - tobacco, coals and liquids for the flask. All this will require monthly expenses, of course, paid off.

Now a 50-gram pack of the simplest flavored tobacco costs 65 rubles. It is enough for two large hookahs. But in good hookahs, masters knead tobacco on their own from expensive ingredients, 100 grams of which can cost 300, 400, 800 rubles, etc. But you can’t save on the quality of the goods. Since it depends on how much customers like the hookah, whether they will come again.

High-quality Cuban coconut charcoal will also have to be bought regularly. But it costs much less than tobacco: 200 rubles per pack, which contains about 100 cubes. And one large hookah usually takes three.

Liquids cost the most. The volume of a hookah flask is usually 1-1.5 liters. It is about 2/3 full. What exactly? Water, milk, absinthe, wine, fruit/citrus juice and tea. These are classic options. And all the liquids used, except for water, are not cheap. With alcohol, of course, it's easier. Half a liter of wine or absinthe will never be filled into the flask, otherwise the client will “smoke alcohol”. Everything is diluted with juices or water. But in any case, there will be costs.

Total monthly expenses for hookah materials, kitchen products (simple menu) and drinks for the bar (without elite items) will amount to ~ 100,000 rubles.

Savings and income

Each person, drawing up a hookah bar business plan with calculations, will understand that this is really an expensive undertaking. It is logical that questions will arise regarding whether it is possible to save money when organizing such a business.

Actually it's real. You can save on the purchase of hookah materials, products and alcohol even without compromising their quality. How? It is very simple - to find good reliable suppliers and establish cooperation with them. They sell their goods at wholesale prices, which are at least 1.5-2 times lower than retail prices.

In this case, the institution will sell the purchased at much higher prices. A glass of wine can cost as much in it as is usually indicated on the price tag in the alcohol market for a bottle. The most important thing is that people visiting such establishments have long been accustomed to extra charges. And a high level of customer loyalty allows owners to set appropriate prices.

The same goes for hookahs. The usual one, made on the water, costs about 400 rubles in establishments. This price pays for the costs and gives a small profit.


Before moving on to illustrative examples with calculations, it is necessary to talk about it. Every entrepreneur who is thinking about how to open a hookah bar will need advertising. The business plan should also include expenses for it.

The need for advertising is obvious. The institution is opened in order to be visited by customers. But how do they find out about a new hookah bar? A certain percentage, of course, will come from the street. People will walk around the city, notice an intriguing sign (you will also have to take care of it and the appearance of the institution) and will want to go inside.

But customers from the street will not be enough. Requires social media advertising. Why there? Because hookahs are visited by people of the age segment that actively uses them.

Social media ads can take a variety of forms. A recommendation from a well-known blogger on YouTube, a paid post in a popular community, a newsletter from a search engine, etc. The most important thing is to consider geolocation. If the hookah bar is located in Sochi, then advertising should be given in those communities (and other portals), the target audience of which is the inhabitants of this city, and certainly not Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Omsk, etc.

It is important to take into account one more point when compiling advertising. She should not just tell a person about the opening of a new institution. Advertising is bound to make him feel like going there! And there are few colorful descriptions and vivid photographs of the atmosphere of the hookah bar. You need to attract a client with a promotion or a special offer. For example: "When ordering a hookah and a kettle of tea - a small pizza as a gift!" Or: “Tell the waiter the code word “NEW” and get a 15% discount on hookah!”

First year after opening

When compiling a detailed business plan for a hookah bar with calculations, an entrepreneur must pay special attention to calculating his future profit.

Suppose, in total, all investments amounted to 1,550,000 rubles. How to calculate profit in advance? First you need to open up. Preliminary calculations regarding the growing popularity of the establishment may give the businessman some idea of ​​​​the payback of his business, but they will not be real. Reality will come along with the first customers.

Let's say for the first week after the opening, the revenue will be 55,000 rubles. This is about 7,850 rubles a day. With an average check of 700 rubles, it turns out ~ 11 customers. If things continue in the same way in the following weeks, then for the month the profit will be 220,000 rubles.

Then, in a good scenario, the institution's recognition will begin to grow. Profit - respectively. In order not to complicate the calculations now, taking into account such a nuance as seasonality, it is worth taking as an example the average figure - 35,000 rubles. Let's say that every month the profit will increase by exactly this amount. It turns out that the income from the first year after the opening will be 2,970,000 rubles.


The specified amount, of course, is not “clean”. If the entrepreneur does not need to make purchases for the first 2 months, then in the subsequent months he cannot do without them. Plus utility bills for electricity and water. Taking them into account, even if in the first year monthly purchases do not reach the notorious 100,000 rubles, but amount to half, 1,000,000 rubles will still go to the “minus” from the proceeds.

We must not forget about the salaries of employees. A medium-sized establishment usually employs two waiters, one hookah man, a cook, a bartender and the one responsible for cleanliness (washes dishes, kitchen, bar, bathroom and the establishment itself). Most often, an entrepreneur, in order to save money, takes on one role. Since he already has to be in the institution in order to control the process. But even if one position is excluded, then ~ 80,000 rubles per month will still go to salaries.

Also, do not forget about paying taxes. Even choosing a simplified system, you will have to deduct 6% of the profit. In this case, the amount will be 178,200 rubles.

Total expenses for the first year will amount to 2,138,200 rubles. If we subtract this amount from the previously indicated profit, then 831,800 rubles will remain. But this is not considered a profit. From this amount, you need to subtract the amount of funds originally invested in the project. That is, 1,550,000 rubles. The total is -718,000 rubles. It turns out that there is no net profit. But this is absolutely normal. Moreover, very close to payback. It is extremely rare for individuals who have organized such a difficult business to become a plus in the first year. Any intelligent entrepreneur, even at the stage when even a hookah bar business plan was not created, knew about such results. The new institution will have to be given time for promotion, and for yourself - stock up on patience and strength.


With the course of affairs as described above, it will come during the first months of the second year. In general, when planning the opening of a hookah bar, a business plan must be drawn up with a perspective. The best option is 5 years ahead. Every businessman needs such a detailed document with financial calculations.

Here is the second year. There will be no need to make any investments in working capital - only purchases, utility bills, taxes, rents and salaries for employees.

Suppose profit from the second year begins to increase not by 35,000 rubles a month, but by 50,000 rubles. Again, this is an average, without seasonal factors. At the end of the year, the profit should be 8,930,000 rubles. Here is such a simple example with the calculations of a hookah bar business plan.

But that's not all. As income increases, so does the influx of customers. And if more people visit the institution, then it is required to spend larger amounts on purchases and all the previously listed nuances. And the tax on such profits will increase from the notorious 178,200 rubles to 535,800 rubles. And, most likely, you will need to hire another waiter and a hookah man, which will increase the cost of salaries from 960,000 rubles a year to 1,440,000 rubles.

Since the “appetites” of the clientele will grow, then purchases will also be carried out in larger volumes. And monthly they will take 200,000 rubles. This amendment will also have to be made to the hookah bar business plan from scratch.

  • Taxes - 535 800 rubles.
  • Salaries 1 400 000 rubles.
  • Purchases 2 400 000 rubles.
  • Utilities + rent - 720,000 rubles.
  • "Debt" for the lack of payback since last year - 718,000 rubles.

Yes, the sums are rather big. But with their deduction, the net annual profit of the entrepreneur will be 3,156,200 rubles. And this is about 263,000 per month, which is by no means bad.

Risks and guarantees

It is very important to take them into account when drawing up a business plan for a hookah bar. The pattern in this case is simple. The businessman determines the name of the risk, and notes the approximate probability of its occurrence, + the severity of the consequences and measures to prevent. It might look like this:

Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

Prevention measures

Lack of staff

Training + internship + favorable conditions and salary

Increasing competition

Discounts + better prices than competitors + variety of assortment + interactive through social networks

Low profitability

The same as in the previous paragraph, + active promotional activities

There are, of course, many more points. A carefully crafted ready-made hookah bar business plan contains dozens of items. And risks with guarantees must be included in it. In this way, you will be able to protect yourself and your business from allegedly unforeseen situations that have already been analyzed in advance and received a previously analyzed solution.


So, the approximate hookah business plan and a sample with calculations were briefly considered above. He made it clear that a medium-sized establishment with a kitchen and a bar is confidently paying off in two years. The income-expenditure amounts are not small. Because they are real. Every educated person, when compiling a business plan for a hookah bar in 2017, understands that such a business requires large investments. With half a million, a good project cannot be implemented, not to mention the profit derived from it.

It is also important to note that it is worth starting this type of activity with some knowledge of economic activity. Above is a simplified example of a hookah bar business plan - in fact, you will need to draw up a voluminous document, taking into account all the smallest nuances (details are important for concretization). These include the discount rate, net present value (NVP), profitability, return on sales, payback period, profitability index.

And if a person carefully thinks through everything and takes into account (or at least 99%), then the probability of profitability of his business will be maximum.
