Where should a traffic safety engineer be? Under what conditions is the position of an airport traffic safety engineer required?

Elena Vitalievna

03.12.2015 at 09:17

Russia, Surgut | Questions: 0

Under what conditions is the position of an airport traffic safety engineer required?

Question number No. 8951018

Read 541 times

5 answers to a question from lawyers website

    the federal law dated 10.12.1995 N 196-FZ "On safety traffic"requires the legal entity to appoint a person responsible for security.

    Art. 20 of the law states:

    "Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road and urban surface electric transport must:

    ensure the presence in the organization of an official responsible for ensuring road safety and who has passed certification in accordance with the established procedure for the right to occupy the relevant position.

    Additional consultation in private messages for a fee.

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  • Every institution and enterprise with more than 15 vehicles must have a road safety engineer on staff. 09.02.2007 N 16-FZ "On transport security"

    Site: aabramenko.ru

    REMOTE preparation of documents and consultations are paid. Contact me, I can help you! [email protected]

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  • On the approval of the One qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics positions of managers and specialists of organizations air transport"

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  • This is the best answer

    Based on the Order and Part 4 of Article 20 of the Federal Law On Road Safety, if the airport has a fleet of vehicles, regardless of the number of vehicles, then the position of a traffic safety engineer should be provided for in the staff list of the airport







    traffic safety engineer

    Job responsibilities. Develops and implements preventive measures (plans) to prevent traffic accidents and violations of traffic rules by drivers of an aviation enterprise. Takes part in the conduct of official investigations of traffic accidents with the participation of the driver's staff of the aviation enterprise. Makes proposals to reduce the accident rate of vehicles. Carries out planned control of execution driver's staff rules of the road and compliance with traffic discipline. Analyzes the causes of traffic accidents. Supervises the course of driver training and gives an opinion on the candidates for drivers who receive a permit to drive vehicles. Conducts theoretical classes on traffic safety. Keeps records and established reporting on traffic safety, timely submits them to the traffic police. Carries out the installation and deregistration of automotive equipment of an aviation enterprise.

    Must Know: Air Code Russian Federation; laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation regulating traffic safety road transport; charter of the aviation enterprise of road transport; appointment, design features, technical and operational characteristics and rules technical operation vehicles; rules of the road and traffic on the airfield; safety rules for the transportation of goods (passengers) by road; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

    Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the field professional activity at least 3 years.




    Article 20

    4. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road and urban surface electric transport must:

    ensure the presence in the organization of an official responsible for ensuring road safety and who has passed certification in accordance with the established procedure for the right to occupy the relevant position;

    All problems are solvable!!. You can always count on my legal assistance - V.N. Parfenov, please contact 89512224233, [email protected]

You can in 5 min. receive sample job description for road safety officer to email mail. The proposed sample contains all the items of necessary duties that are required by the regulatory authorities (UGADN). Functions can be supplemented based on the characteristics of your activity.

In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law No.-196 On Road Safety" dated 10.12.1995 (ed. 06/08/2015 ), legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, operating on the territory of the Russian Federation and operating transport are obliged to ensure traffic safety, and in this regard, they are obliged to ensureAvailability of specialists responsible for ensuring road safety. The main document confirming the duties assigned to a person to ensure traffic safety is his Job Description.

The job description of the person responsible for road safety at the enterprise is one of the fundamental documents for ensuring traffic safety in a legal entity and individual entrepreneur. The duties of the person responsible for traffic safety, contained in the instruction, are assignedOrder on the appointment of a person responsible for ensuring road safety.

The main requirements for ensuring traffic safety, reflected in the job description, are:

  • Carrying out driver training;
  • Carrying out briefings for drivers;
  • Ensuring the organization of medical examinations of drivers;
  • Carrying out activities on the skills of providing first aid to victims of road accidents;
  • Compliance with the regime of work and rest of drivers;
  • Carrying out traffic safety classes with drivers;
  • Accounting and analysis traffic violations drivers

If entity or an individual entrepreneur carries out activities related to the transportation of passengers and goods, the appointment of an official responsible for traffic safety is a must! In addition, such a person must be certified, i.e. have a certificate issued by the Territ. body UGADN (management of state road supervision), with a certificate of completion of professional development courses.

If a legal entity or individual entrepreneur does not carry out transportation, but operates vehicles for their own needs, then the appointment of a person responsible for traffic safety is carried out at the discretion of the head. He can assign such functions to another employee, but if the duty is not assigned to anyone, then, by default, the responsibility for ensuring traffic safety is borne by the manager or the Individual Entrepreneur.

  • Job description of the person responsible for the issuance and accounting of waybills.
  • Job description of the person responsible for ensuring the technical condition and operation of the vehicle.
  • Job description of the driver of a car.
  • Truck driver job description.
  • Bus driver job description.

The job description must be available among other documents on traffic safety. confirming the assignment of responsibilities for ensuring road safety to specific officials, as well as documents confirming the qualifications of such employees.

The package of documents on traffic safety includes more than 50 documents: instructions, orders, acts, regulations, schedules, plans, magazines, waybills. We suggest you get a complete package of such samples and templates in 5 minutes. Documents are sent by email. Enter the data of employees and cars, print, sign, create a folder - UGADN is ready for verification!

Job description of a traffic safety engineer

  1. General provisions

1.1 This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a traffic safety engineer.

1.2 The traffic safety engineer belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3 The traffic safety engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the established current labor law by order of the director of the motor transport enterprise.

1.4 Relationships by position:


direct submission

director of a motor transport company


Additional submission


Gives orders


The employee replaces

duly appointed person


The employee replaces


  1. Qualification requirements of a traffic safety engineer:



Higher professional education


work experience

No work experience requirement*



fundamentals of labor, administrative and criminal legislation;

Traffic Laws;

resolutions, orders, orders of higher organizations, regulations on road safety issues;

device, purpose and design features


rules for the technical operation of the rolling stock of road transport;

fundamentals of economics, organization of production and labor;

the procedure and rules for maintaining forms of accounting and reporting on traffic safety;

methods and forms of information and propaganda on traffic safety;

labor protection, safety regulations, fire protection; fundamentals of labor legislation;



specialty work


Additional requirements


* For the position:

Category II traffic safety engineer is appointed a person who has a higher technical education and work experience as a traffic safety engineer or in other engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher education, not less than 3 years.

A category I traffic safety engineer is appointed by a person who has a higher technical education and at least 3 years of work experience as a category II traffic safety engineer.

  1. Documents regulating the activities of a traffic safety engineer

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulations regarding the work being done.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the enterprise, Orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise, Job description of a traffic safety engineer, Internal regulations work schedule.

  1. Job Responsibilities of a Traffic Safety Engineer

The Safety Engineer has the following responsibilities:

4.1. Organizes on motor transport enterprise preventive work to eradicate traffic accidents and systematically monitor the implementation by all employees of the enterprise of the rules for the technical operation of the rolling stock of road transport and traffic, instructions, orders and other guidance documents on road safety.

4.2. Controls proper technical condition rolling stock produced on the line, corresponding to the types of transportation and the qualifications of drivers; observance of discipline, the state of health of drivers and the quality of their work on the line; improving the professional skills of drivers and other employees whose activities are related to the operation of rolling stock.

4.3. Takes part in the internal investigation of traffic accidents involving the rolling stock of the enterprise, with a visit to the place of their occurrence, and organizes the analysis of these accidents and violations of traffic rules committed by drivers in the enterprise team.

4.4. Keeps records of traffic accidents and violations of traffic rules by drivers, analyzes the circumstances and causes of their occurrence, develops on this basis specific measures to eliminate them and organizes their implementation.

4.5. Conducts inspections of the work of all services and divisions of the enterprise in terms of ensuring traffic safety and preventing road accidents, and makes proposals to the management of the enterprise for taking effective measures to eliminate the identified violations and shortcomings.

4.6. Provides the traffic safety office with the necessary teaching materials And visual aids, organizes classes, conversations, lectures, reports and dissemination of experience in the accident-free operation of drivers, brigades, columns (detachments) and enterprises.

4.7. Participates in the work of the commissions operating in the traffic police for the consideration of administrative materials on violations committed by the drivers of the enterprise,

4.8. Participates in the work of the certification commission of the enterprise for the assignment and reduction of the qualification class.

4.9. Carries out interaction with the territorial bodies of the traffic police on issues related to ensuring road safety.

4.10. Keeps records and established reporting on traffic safety.

  1. Rights of a traffic safety engineer

The traffic safety engineer has the right to:

5.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management regarding the activities of the traffic safety department.

5.2. Submit proposals for the improvement of traffic safety activities for consideration by the management of the enterprise.

5.3. Interact with the heads of all (individual) structural divisions of the enterprise.

5.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

5.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its official duties and right.

  1. Responsibility of a traffic safety engineer

The Traffic Safety Engineer is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of a traffic safety engineer

7.1. The mode of operation of a traffic safety engineer is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

7.2. In connection with the production need, a traffic safety engineer may be sent on business trips (including local ones).

7.3. To solve operational issues, a traffic safety engineer may be assigned a service vehicle.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration for a traffic safety engineer are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is made in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities may be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this job description made by order of the director of the enterprise.

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Legal Engineer


(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)

