Finishing a drywall niche with different methods.

Quite often in apartments there is a need for wall niches where household items and appliances are placed. Niche installation work is simple, but time-consuming and traumatic, so you should carefully prepare for repairs.

Niche site selection

Recesses are not made in load-bearing walls, this requires permission from the BTI, and it is guaranteed to be against change project documentation. To implement your plans, you need a thick Brick wall not less than 400 mm thick - in frame houses partitions in apartments are too thin, they are not suitable for niches. Determine which walls the short sides of the floor slabs rest on - these are the load-bearing walls. The walls under the long sides of the slabs do not perceive the load; a niche can be arranged in them. In the kitchen and in the bathroom, recesses are made for practical purposes - they store kitchen and bath utensils there. In the bedroom, a recess is usually made at the head of the bed, where you can set an alarm clock or a night light.

Preparatory work

The geometry of the cutout will depend on the functional purpose. A horizontal niche is made to visually increase the length of the wall of the apartment, a vertical one - to visually raise the ceiling. Functional niches are designed for the installation of household appliances.

Marking the contours of the opening on the wall

For drawing arcs, use a thread and a pencil. Complex markup is performed using templates that are made in advance. The opening should be made 3-5% larger than intended, so that there is room for decorative finishes. Prepare funds personal protection- goggles and a respirator, there will be a lot of dust during work.


Prepare for work:

  • perforator with a power of more than 1.5 kW, with an impact force of 5J or more;
  • grinder with diamond disc for working with stone, diameter 230 mm;
  • chisel, hammer;
  • if the wall is concrete, buy a special disc for cutting metal reinforcement;
  • an industrial vacuum cleaner for collecting dust generated when cutting a wall, a household one cannot cope with heavy dust;
  • drill with a drill for concrete.

To prevent dust from getting inside electrical tools, cover the ventilation slots with gauze filters.

opening device

Use a drill to make holes in the wall along the marking lines. Holes must be made 2-3 cm deeper than the intended opening, as often as possible, of the same length. Cut the wall between the holes with a grinder. Remember that a cutting disc with a diameter of 230 mm deepens into the wall by 50 mm. Hollow out separate parts of the wall with a perforator and a chisel with a hammer. After forming the recess, check the verticality of the back wall with a level.

If niche large sizes or it is made in an unstable wall, it is recommended to reinforce it with metal corners or reinforce it along the contour. If there is a heavy load on the wall with a niche, invite a specialist to professional advice to strengthen the structure. After obtaining a recess, level the surface with gypsum putty, clean the wall sandpaper and proceed to finish the niche - decorating, attaching shelves, lighting.

Despite the categorical prohibitions of building codes, niches are often made in load-bearing walls. It is believed that a niche half a brick deep (15 cm) does not reduce the strength of the wall, in this case, the entire responsibility for weakening the structure lies with the owner of the apartment.

Modern design is so diverse that every year there are new trends that radically change the idea of ​​​​the interior. Now niches in the walls are very popular among eminent designers. You can look at the photo to see how organic they look in the room.

At first glance, creating such a recess in the wall is difficult, but the result is worth it. It is not surprising that many people are wondering how to make a niche in the wall? It all starts with a project, or at least a shared vision. You must know exactly what you need. The project can be done both independently and contact the design bureau.

From the photo you can see that there are many ways to use niches in the wall. For example, it can be a great place to sleep. True, this will take a lot of work. Much more simple options peculiar shelves are considered, on which books or decorative elements are placed, which will serve as an excellent decoration.

Attention ! Ideally, niches should be laid in an apartment or house at the design stage.

Very often niches in the wall are used in small apartments. This allows you to slightly increase the space and make the room larger, as in the photo. Even 20 extra centimeters give a big win.

What can be placed in a niche

Of course, this depends on the parameters of the deepening. In principle, this can be understood even from the photo. In most cases, such an interior element serves to place in it:

  • vases,
  • figurines,
  • furniture,
  • household appliances,
  • electronics,
  • bookshelves.

You can also recall a number of niches, which are elements of the engineering infrastructure of an apartment or house. A good example in this context is a recess for a battery, as evidenced by numerous photos of private interiors such as residential buildings and apartments.

Very often, shelves are installed in the recesses. As a result, given decorative element can turn into a miniature exhibition of your achievements or a small library.

Separately, we need to talk about large recesses in the walls. They are also quite often seen in the photo. Their difference lies in the fact that they perform not so much a decorative role as a functional one.

In large recesses, you can place a TV and other large-sized equipment. A similar accommodation option can be easily seen in many photos. In theory, almost any household appliances can be placed inside, if the dimensions allow.

Very often, a small sofa is placed in the recess of the wall and this can be easily seen in the photo. But the extraction possibilities are not limited to this. Here you can install a chest of drawers, a rack or a wardrobe.

A sliding wardrobe built into the wall will save you a huge amount of space. Moreover, this option will be much cheaper than a stand-alone structure.

The trend of recent decades is the installation of a refrigerator in a wall recess. Remember the many photos on the stands, which are another confirmation of this thesis.

Returning to the theme of small recesses, you can use them as a place for dishes. Such options can also be seen in the photo in the portfolio of companies involved in the interior of kitchens.

How to make a niche in the wall

Theoretically, a niche can be made in any wall. But to change bearing wall an engineering permit is required. After you receive it, you will need to contact the appropriate authority to confirm the possibility of redevelopment. Only after that you can get a recess in the wall, as in the photo.

Two design options

There are two options for the design of a niche in the wall. In the first option, you are waiting for serious construction works which will take a long time and make a lot of noise. Simply put, you will have to remove part of the wall with a construction drill and jack milk.

In the second option, everything is much simpler. Drywall is used to create a niche. Of course, in this case, you will not be able to get the addition of living space as in the photo. Not only that, it will even become smaller. But if you have big flat or a house, then this option is more than acceptable.

When creating a niche, you will need to carry out construction calculations. It is almost impossible to make them correctly without special tools. It is very important to soundproof the back wall. IN last resort in next room you can mirror the wardrobe.


Despite the ability to increase the area of ​​​​free space, most people prefer to use drywall. It is much easier and cheaper. In addition, the appearance of such niches in the wall is more than authentic. You can see this in the photo.

Plays a special role in creating a niche in the wall interior decoration. It is she who sets the whole tone of the composition, which can be easily seen from numerous photos. Usually, the following materials are used for this purpose:

  • decorative plaster,
  • fake diamond,
  • colored glass.

Of great importance is the color of the niche in the wall. It can be done in the same color scheme that the wall or you can play in contrast. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is best to choose a palette that is only a few tones lighter or darker, in principle, you can see this in the photo.

Attention ! When painting niches as in the photo, it is better to refrain from using dark colors. Otherwise, the so-called hole effect may occur.

When creating a niche in the wall, as in the photo, pay attention to lighting. It is able to give this element of the interior a special tone. The most skilled designers combine architectural composition and light. This allows you to achieve a stronger effect.

Of particular importance are the dimensions of the niche in the wall. For example, if it is small, then it is better to use the same color palette as on the walls. At the same time, it is desirable to make it a few tones lighter.

Attention ! The size of the decoration elements depends on the dimensions of the niche in the wall. The smaller it is, the smaller the elements should be, in fact, as in the photo.

If it comes to small apartments, as in the photo, then a small sofa would be the best option for a niche. Firstly, it will look very stylish, and secondly, it will give a lot more free space.

One of the best options decoration of a niche in the wall for the living room is an aquarium. This element, together with the right lighting, will give the room a mysterious and at the same time peaceful atmosphere. You can clearly see it in the photo. A similar option is also possible in the bedroom. But in this case, the tank must be placed so that it is visible from the bed.

Ethnic concepts are great for creating a niche in the wall. For example, you can stylize everything as a Japanese grotto. The Japanese pagoda will also look more than appropriate in the future photo of your interior. Of course, in this case, to create a complete illusion, you will need a shrub that will braid the composition.

To stylize a niche in the wall as a Japanese pagoda, it also does not hurt to use bouquets that match the theme. Of course, they need special vases to help complete the composition.

A niche in the wall can also be made in the kitchen. Small shelves can easily fit kitchen utensils, or, for example, a TV. If you make a large recess, then you can fit a dishwasher into it.

A bathtub is also a great place for a niche in the wall. Such an interior not only looks great in the photo, but also allows you to use the available space with great convenience.

Advice ! On the shelves made in the bathroom, you can put both personal hygiene products and, for example, powders.

The pinnacle of design art in this context is the creation of a rotunda. The walls are faced with mosaics, and decorative niches are created in them. They are best dyed White color. In this concept, you can also add a niche under the bath, which can fit an aquarium. It will look great in any photo if you decide to sell or rent an apartment.


There are many options for creating niches in the wall. You can see for yourself just by looking at the photo. If we talk about the features of this element of the interior, then it can be made either from drywall, or cut down with the help of construction tools.

During Soviet Union, when housing construction was actively carried out in the country, the planning project of the majority apartment buildings, especially of the “Khrushchev” type, had a so-called pantry or “winter refrigerator” in the kitchen space. This element of the apartment space occupied a separate area in the apartment and served as a place for storage various items.

It was difficult to overestimate the convenience of the pantry. It could fit a lot of what is constantly required in the kitchen - cereals, sugar, jams, various twists and other supplies, dishes, household appliances, various items household plan. An additional convenience of such a pantry was that it was a niche in the wall in the kitchen. It did not spoil the interior, because it was closed on the doors, which even had a lock.

Such recesses were also made in panel house, and in brick. Another design option for a convenient pantry at that time was the “winter refrigerator”, it was located under the window. It was called winter because in fact it was possible to store vegetables in it in winter, preservation without the risk of spoilage. Today, not all projects of houses under construction have such convenience in the wall in the kitchen. And those that exist can be converted using modern design.

functional design element

A niche in the kitchen can serve as a decoration of the room, and have functional features. Today, it is not necessary to lock such a pantry with a padlock. Using various materials it can be finished in such a way that even the most fastidious guests will be surprised. Even in the smallest kitchen, it can help unload the occupied various kitchen utensils area.

Making the most of the available kitchen space is the basic requirement for housewives. A niche in the wall in the kitchen, equipped with drywall, can have shelves, coasters, drawers and static drawers for dishes, cutlery, household appliances. You can make it both with your own hands and with the help of professional craftsmen invited for this purpose. In this case, the design will become not only a convenient place to store various items, but also a great design solution kitchen interior decorations.

One of the options - kitchen apron with a glass niche. It can look like a single work panel with internal shelves for storing dishes or small appliances. In this design it is convenient to store coffee grinders, knives, silverware, it can be closed with decorative doors with glass elements.

We hide household appliances

Often recesses in the kitchen are made in order to "hide" individual large Appliances. For example, a refrigerator. Various materials are suitable - wood, natural stone, but the main part is made of drywall. You can design a new kitchen element at your discretion, but it should be a little more than the technique that needs to be “hidden from sight”. In most cases, the refrigerator, dishwashers or washing machines are cleaned in this way.

Can be issued combined option. For example, the lower part of the niche is a “pantry” for a refrigerator, and its upper part is comfortable shelves for dishes, a beautiful service, decorative details that are pleasing to the eye. Shelves can be different colors and sizes, you can use a gray panel or bright wooden coasters with the functions of holders for glasses or hanging kitchen utensils.


If space, imagination and wallet allow, you can equip a niche as an element of decor in the apartment. To do this, select the central location of the room. It should be well lit, it is desirable that the future design does not interfere with the working kitchen area, did not close the approach to the stove, sink. Using various materials, a general niche background is created, it can have decorative lighting.

The design is especially beautiful if it is trimmed with decorative elements. Wallpapers with photos of nature are perfect. You can use natural natural materials- processed and varnished branches of trees, transparent or colored glass, stone. You can create a "club" imitation by making a niche to accommodate various drinks. In such cases, stucco, glass elements and doors are ideal.

IN kitchen area with high ceilings, the niche can be vertical and narrow. And it is not necessary to load it with kitchen utensils. If you dream of a home library, but there is nowhere to put books, then the design made in this way will serve as a place to store folios. Otherwise, there may be shelves where the most beautiful dishes or various decor items will be located, making the kitchen bright, cozy and unforgettable.

Drywall is one of the best inventions in the field. building materials. Virtually none modern renovation can not do without the use of GKL sheets.

Suspended single-level and multi-level ceilings, partitions, various niches and shelves, countertops, window slopes, wall alignment - this is not a complete list of the use of this material.

Drywall is a non-toxic, harmless material produced in the form of gypsum-based boards lined with cardboard on all sides (except for the top and bottom edges).

Plates release standard sizes: width 1200 mm, length 2500, 3000 mm.

Three are widely known: wall, ceiling and arched, the main difference is the thickness of the sheets. The wall material has a thickness of 12.5 mm, ceiling - 9.5 mm, arched - 6.5 mm.

According to the field of application, drywall is divided into:

GKLuniversal material for dry rooms (plates gray color with blue markings)

GKLV- moisture-resistant drywall for rooms with high humidity(green plates with blue markings);

GKLO- fire-resistant drywall with increased ability to resist open fire (gray boards with red markings);

GKLVO- moisture resistant with increased fire resistance (green boards with red markings).

Today we will talk in more detail about the various partitions and niches that can be made in residential and non-residential premises using drywall.

Drywall niche design

Why do we need niches in the interior? Firstly, it is a beautiful decorative element, secondly, it is a convenient storage place, thirdly, with the help of plasterboard partitions with niches and lighting, you can divide the room into zones, and fourthly, you can save on furniture with their help.

Drywall niches instead of furniture

Having decorated a blank wall with the help of decorative drywall niches where you can place a TV, decorative fireplace, interesting and necessary items interior, flowers, books, there is no need to buy cabinet furniture.

We complement the design with spectacular lighting, install it in the living room cozy sofa, fill it with textiles, and get a finished and comfortable interior.

Drywall niche for hidden eaves

Constructing suspended ceiling from GKL, do not forget to make a niche in the ceiling for mounting a curtain rod. The hidden cornice is not visible to the eye, we perceive only flowing curtains that seem to fall from the ceiling - no extra elements.

Zoning the premises

Plasterboard partitions are used to divide the room into zones. They can be used to separate working area from a recreation area, for example, in a children's room. To make the partition lighter and not obscure the space separated from the illuminated part, complete it with a niche device. They can accommodate flower vases, books, toys (if the partition is being built in the children's room) and other household items.

Using this technique, you can divide the nursery into two parts if the owners of the room are two children. Each person needs their own space. By dividing the room into two parts, you thereby give each child the opportunity to have "their territory", but at the same time the children spend time playing together.

The same technique can be used by dividing the living room into zones.

Zoning a room one-room apartment for living room and bedroom

GKL niches with additional features

With the help of drywall, you can make niches for placing a dressing room or just a closet in them in the bedroom, nursery, in the hall and corridor. It remains to install opening or sliding doors and convenient storage space ready.

If it becomes necessary to hide an unsightly heating radiator, then you can build a niche for it, which can later be covered with a decorative screen.

Niche shelves - a convenient storage place and an accent in the interior

A variety of niche shelves can be made in almost any room: kitchen, living rooms, bathrooms, hallway, loggia. This design will be a great place to arrange various items, and will also serve as an interesting accent when creating an interior.

In rooms with high humidity, the structure is constructed from moisture-resistant drywall. Surfaces can be painted acrylic paint(many use facade paints, as they are resistant to moisture and mechanical stress). Walls can also be tiled. Mosaic tiles look especially impressive in bathrooms.

How to make a drywall niche with your own hands?

If you decide to build a similar structure in the interior of your home, then you need to stock up the following materials and tools: metal or wooden rails, drywall sheets appropriate for the purpose of the room, building level, drill, screwdriver, dowels, self-tapping screws for metal or wood, putty and spatula for its application.

The frame is made according to the drawing of the future design. The guides are attached to the wall with dowels, and are interconnected with self-tapping screws. But the details metal profile can be connected to each other with a riveter. In this case, it will be easier to fix drywall sheets. They will fit snugly against the rails and will not crack during installation.

After erecting the frame, we sew it up with sheets of drywall and putty. Next, the surface can be painted, wallpapered, laid out decorative stone or veneer ceramic tiles, complete with wooden or glass shelves in accordance with the chosen interior style. It remains to fill the structure with the desired objects and decor and enjoy the work done.

Hello dear readers! A niche in the wall looks not just stylish, but really fashionable and even exclusive, especially since there are a great many variations of niches - rectangular, narrow, wide, vertical, horizontal, etc. But still, the traditional arrow shape is considered the most popular niche, which in its own way appearance resembles a small closed window with a rounded top. What is a niche for, how to make it, and what can be stored in it, we will answer all these questions in this article.

What is a niche in the wall and why is it needed.

In fact, a niche is a recess in the wall, traditionally vertical rectangular in shape with a domed vault. Nowadays, more sophisticated forms of niches in the form of a month, flowers, horizontal arrangement or vertical, strict forms or more non-standard. Such a structure serves as a kind of shelf for decorative items: vases, figurines, also in a niche they often have colored lights, hang Wall Light, paintings or photo frames. Thus, it turns out that the niche plays a more decorative role, bringing new stylish notes to the interior design, while, depending on the preferences of the owners, this structure with installed shelves can be functionally useful, because here you can arrange disks, books, put landline phone, lay the remotes from the equipment, etc. Thanks to such a niche, you can bring a share of something new into interior design, which will allow you to get away from the same type of boring layout. Besides given element the interior, if the owners wish, will help to hide impartial batteries, which is an indisputable plus.

Niche in the wall photo

➳ Horizontal niche.

Such an addition to the room is suitable modern interiors, they are often located in the bedroom and corridor. In the case of the bedroom, they are used as shelves for storing various trifles; they play a more decorative role in the corridor, so colored lights are often mounted in them. Also in the corridor, such a niche can serve as an excellent shelf for keys and cell phones.

➳ Vertical niche.

Such niches are suitable for rooms with high level ceilings, it also perfectly solves the problem with an empty wall. Often this element of the interior is decorated with stucco, stone or mosaic. Such niches can be not only with a semicircular vault, but also with strict rectangular shapes. Accordingly, semicircular outlines are more suitable classic interior, and strict lines fit perfectly into modern style interior.

What to put in a wall niche.

You can put anything you want, the main thing is that the installed items fit into the interior design. So, what to put in a wall niche:

  1. Flower pot;
  2. Hang a planter;
  3. Fix the photo frame;
  4. To hang a picture;
  5. figurines;
  6. vase;
  7. home appliances;
  8. Use as a shelf for remotes;
  9. Hang a mirror;
  10. Install an aquarium
  11. Order hand painting;
  12. Create a false window;
  13. Install a decorative fireplace;
  14. Decorate with a mosaic;
  15. Decorate with stained glass.

How to place niches in the wall.

Several asymmetrically located niches on one wall will bring a share of dynamics and modern superiority to the interior. For example, one rectangular niche will be located in the center of the wall, four others different sizes around the edges of it.

Geometrically located niches will give the room more accuracy. So you can arrange niches in two rows, three niches in a row. By the way, the niche itself should be combined with the shade of the main wall, but at the same time it should clearly stand out, that is, be darker or lighter.

A niche with a semicircular vault can be placed in the center of the wall, if it is large, then it is better to let it be alone. But three such niches are also in fashion. small sizes arranged in one horizontal row.

Looks great a long vertical niche almost from floor to ceiling, located between two windows.

Before mounting niches, it is necessary to determine exactly where this or that furniture will be located, so that later it (niche) does not interfere with the desired location of the cabinet, bed, sofa, etc.

Ideally, the niche should be located on an empty wall that you would like to

From the video you will learn how to make a niche in the wall:

Non-standard niche (creation process):

The niche in the wall is indeed unusual decision to create an attractive, non-standard interior, but what to put in such an interesting interior element will definitely be found (the list of suitable items is presented above).

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