Which icon represents tone mode. What is Desk Phone Tone Mode

Turning on the tone mode of the phone is necessary to navigate through the menu system when making an outgoing call to the numbers of services and hotlines that provide services. Navigation through the menus of such systems is carried out by turning on the phone's tone mode and selecting the required item by pressing the corresponding key.

All modern smartphones support tone dialing, depending on the platform, it is turned on in one way or another.

Enable dialing

In the Android operating system, you can set the tone dialing. It is indicated in the DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) menu.

We go into the call settings menu and see the following:

You can read about how to turn on the phone's tone mode in the instructions for the device, in addition, depending on the phone's operating system, the tone mode is turned on by pressing one or more keys.

If your smartphone runs on the Android operating system, you must perform the following steps during an outgoing call:

  • open the main menu;
  • select the icon in the menu with the call of the numeric keypad;
  • press the required key.

Periodically entered numbers can be deleted using the cross in the right corner. If you entered the command incorrectly, just return to the main menu of the system and select the required item again. Please note that tone mode also works in conference mode, if a call to a tone dialing system is active, all other calls do not support the tone dialing system. Tone mode, depending on the features of your device, supports entering numbers from the touch keyboard and the regular keyboard. If necessary, you can return from the tone dialing mode by opening the icon with an active call in the system menu.

Set on Windows and iOS

Users of modern smartphones on Windows and iOS often wonder how to turn on the tone mode of the phone when making a call to numbers that support tone dialing. To enable tone mode on smartphones with the specified operating system, you will need to perform several steps:

  1. during an outgoing active call, press the green key;
  2. select the required number key on the keyboard;
  3. if necessary, erase the entered data and hide the numeric keypad.

Navigating through the menu systems on numbers with tone dialing support is carried out using the number keys, as well as the voice input system, depending on the device of the menu system. Please note that several seconds pass from the moment you enter numbers until the system responds, most often the proximity sensor protects against accidental entry of numbers during an active call, which turns off the screen when you approach your ear. If you need to dial, you need to remove the phone from your ear, turn on tone dialing, enter the necessary command and continue working with the automated system.

You can return to the main menu of any automated system using the asterisk or pound key. If the system is connected to the operator, it is enough to listen to all menu items or select the connection to the operator by pressing the corresponding number key.

By default, all mobile phones support tone dialing, please note that it may not work for outgoing calls to numbers that do not support menu navigation using tone dialing. As a rule, this concerns the phone numbers of hotlines for customer service. Tone dialing can be activated according to the above principle and with an incoming call, if it is active and the automated system supports the tone dialing mode.

You can find out about the availability of tone mode support when making a call by listening to the points of the automated system. If you are prompted to navigate using the phone keys, then the system supports tone dialing. If you have keypad sounds enabled on your device, when you press keys after tone dialing is enabled, you will hear keypad sounds that are created when dialing a number.

Features of tone dialing

Tone dialing on your phone works like a new call during an incoming or outgoing active call to a number that supports automated system navigation using tone dialing. Until the call key is pressed, the entered commands are transmitted to the automated system and recognized by it as commands for navigation.

Please note that touch tone for navigation only works when you make a call to a number with an automated menu navigation system. When making a regular call, tone dialing will allow you to connect a new subscriber to the conversation, send commands to connect services, and record the phone number in the phone book. The tone dialing mode allows you to independently select the necessary items in the automated system when calling a number that supports tone dialing.

How to put the phone in tone mode?

    You have to make a lot of calls throughout the day. And very often, to get through to the operators through the answering machine menu. you have to put your phone in tone mode. To do this, I usually click on the button with an asterisk - *

    Question, how to switch phone to tone mode, for many young people it does not make sense at all, since they have only dealt with mobile phones in which this mode is set by default.

    As for older people, they still remember analog phones that had a spinning dial for dialing. Digital phones that appeared later had two dialing modes: traditional and tonal. During tone dialing, sounds of various pitches are heard, each of which corresponds to one digit. To put your landline phone on touch tone you need to either press the asterisk *, or set the tone switch to "tonal" mode. The mode switch is usually located at the back of the telephone where the wire connects.

    Most wired telephones, as well as many older models, are indeed switched to tone mode using a slider, which is usually located on the bottom of the telephone set, or on its back wall. This feature is labeled Tone / T and Pulse / P. Move the slider to the T position and the phone will work in tone mode.

    Not everything is so simple with new phone models. The desired function can be hidden somewhere in the phone menu and in order to use it and switch the phone to tone mode, you should carefully study the instructions. For different models, the setting may vary significantly.

    If the phone is equipped with two dialing systems - tone and pulse, and at the same time works in pulse mode by default, there are two options for switching modes. One of them is mechanical, with a microswitch on the phone case marked T and I.

    The second option is simpler - just press the button with the asterisk sign when the handset is lifted.

    There are also phone models in which dialing modes are switched through the phone menu - here you will have to read the instructions for this phone model.

    First you need to determine in which mode the phone operates, in tone or pulse.

    If after pressing the button clicks are heard, then the mode is pulsed, if short signals are heard, then the tone mode.

    Press the quot button on your phone; * " (asterisk) - this method of switching to tone mode is suitable for most devices.

    You can switch on the phone using special buttons, but usually it is enough to hold down the asterisk. But I always had to do this through the phone settings, in the soundsquot tab; - everything is simple and clear there, just put / uncheck the box or select the desired mode and that's it. Therefore, there is nothing complicated in this, most importantly, choose the most suitable and convenient way for yourself.

    To switch your home phone to tone mode you have to press an asterisk when the handset is up. In some phone models, you need to translate through the menu. And the mobile phone does not need to be translated - it is already in tone mode.

    At work, to switch the phone to tone mode, just press the * button, under it below and the inscription is made in English tone.

    And on a home phone for switching to tone mode, there is a key on the back of the device.

    Cell phones, if I'm not mistaken, are already set up in tone mode. To switch a landline phone to tone mode, press the asterisk (*).

    Some early mobile phones still offer to switch the phone to tone mode. Other mobile devices are already set to tone mode.

    if you want to change the mode yourself, then press the asterisk and hold.

    The phone has two modes - tone and pulse. In pulse mode, when you press the buttons, clicks will be heard. If the tone mode is selected on the phone, short beeps will be heard when pressed. Most phones have an easy way to change from one mode to another. You just need to unlock your phone and hold the star until the mode changes.

    By default, the tone mode is already on the phone. It all depends on the firmware of the phone; there are a lot of touch and simple ones. During the conversation - this is when the connection has already gone, press * (asterisk) and just wait for the mode change. This action is suitable for almost all telephones.

    The telephone set should have such a button, or rather, a switch and tone mode indicated by tone. Examine the device and find.

Articles and Lifehacks

At the moment, there are two main dialing options - pulse and tone. Many users are wondering what is phone tone mode, and how it differs from the above pulse mode. Let's try to figure it out, and also dwell on how to transfer our device to this mode. There is no need for this, since this mode has nothing to do with applications.

What is the tone mode in the phone?

If the impulse mode is activated on our device (which appeared earlier than the tone mode), then in the process of entering the number we hear characteristic sounds similar to clicks. In contrast, the tone set is accompanied by sounds of various pitches, which are more melodic.

Tone is an analog multi-frequency 2-tone signal that is used to dial a number. It is also often abbreviated as DTMF. This mode is often used in answering machines (for manual entry after voice prompts) and for automatic communication between devices.

So, we figured out what the tone mode of the phone is. Now let's figure out how we can transfer our apparatus to it.

How to put our phone in tone mode?

Usually, the transfer of our device to this mode is carried out by pressing a special switch (T / I) or the * symbol. However, there are exceptions, as some devices are translated differently.

If we use a landline phone, it depends on its model. For example, in Panasonic devices, conversion to DTMF can be done by pressing the following combination: “* #” without quotes. One way or another, a specific key combination can be clarified in the instructions for the phone.

We add that you can reduce the dialing time from your home device by not only removing it, but also by programming it in a certain way. To do this, use the instructions for the device. As a rule, programming leads to the fact that when a certain key is pressed, the device itself dials the PIN code of the card and the specified access number.

If we are talking about a cellular device, as a rule, it is not required to transfer it to this mode, since it is already in tone mode by default. However, if this is required, for example, by an answering machine when calling support service phones, it is recommended that you read the instructions, or use the “*” symbol without quotes.

The mobile device can also be programmed. We ourselves can set the speed dial buttons using a single key to call a specific subscriber. When you click on it, dialing starts. It is allowed to set several shortcut keys at the same time.

How to turn on the tone dialing mode?

The question of how to put the phone in tone mode often catches people by surprise when trying to contact support or when ordering various services.

The fact is that to work with new communication systems and various services, it is the tone mode that is needed. About what it is, why it is needed and how to enable it on your phone and will be discussed today.

Why do you need tone mode?

In total, there are two dialing modes on the telephone: pulse and tone. Their difference lies in the fact that pulse dialing occurs with the help of line interruption in turn, and in tone dialing - thanks to digital signals.

Pulse was invented first, and in our time it is considered old, but nevertheless it is still found in some devices. The principle of its operation was to interrupt the lines at which clicks occurred (number 1 - one click, number 2 - two clicks, and so on).

The invention of tone dialing made it possible to speed up networks and make the dialing process more convenient. Plus, this opened up many opportunities, in particular voice prompts (like telecom operators), telephone alarms and others.

In this order, each button is given a specific tone (or signal), which, when dialed, is sent to the operator and processed properly.

Despite the fact that most devices immediately work in the tone mode, and the impulse mode is already a thing of the past, it still sometimes becomes necessary to switch between them, which often raises the question of how to turn on the tone mode in the phone.

Check and switch

With a digital signal everywhere now, almost every landline phone operates on a tone schedule by default. And yet, to start work, you need to determine in what order the device is currently working and whether it needs to be changed.

This is done simply. You need to bring the handset to your ear and, by pressing any key, determine what sounds are heard when pressed.

If short beeps are heard, this means that the tone dialing mode is on and there is no need to switch it. If there are clicks, then the device operates in a pulse mode, and this mode needs to be changed.

The easiest way to switch your phone to Panasonic (the most popular) and other brands' tone mode is to hold down the "*" button for a few seconds. If that didn't work, try "#".

If the corresponding order has been activated, then the inscription ton or t should appear on the screen of the device. If nothing happens, you can test again by listening to the sounds when you press the buttons.

It must be understood that not all devices are equipped with a function of quick switching of functions. On some models, special buttons "P" and "T" are designed for this.

In some cases, you need to press the appropriate combination of "*", "#" and "-". You can learn more about this only from the instructions for the phone, or you can go to its settings (if provided), and already there look for an item that puts the phone in a different dialing order.

Converting to tonal order can also be problematic for touch models on your mobile phone. In order to configure the function you need, after connecting, you need to use a special key to access directly the keyboard itself. When it appears, press the star and plus, after which you can put the cell phone into tone mode.

During a call, press the keypad to bring up the dialing menu. Then enter an individual combination of numbers that is specific to your device. You can find this information in the review of the phone or in the instructions for using it.

Today you learned how to put your cell phone on touch tone and how you can do it with a stationary device at home.


Many companies, whether it is a mobile operator or a large online store, today offer to use a convenient menu when calling by pressing the dial keys. For example, do you want to buy a product? Press unit. Consult with a specialist? Press deuce. Etc. When calling, you can usually hear that the phone must be switched to tone or tone (they are one and the same) mode. How to do it?

Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency, DTMF, or tone dialing is a two-tone multi-frequency analog signal used to dial a telephone number. Many PBXs can receive a phone number in tone, but only if the PBX has been replaced with a digital one. Other PBXs are able to receive a telephone number only in pulse mode. Pulse mode - a method of dialing a telephone number, in which the digits of the dialed number are transmitted to the PBX by sequentially closing and opening the telephone line, and the number of pulses corresponds to the transmitted number, while the digit 0 is transmitted in ten pulses.

As for our main question, everything is very, very simple here. Let's say that when you call, you are told to put your phone on tone mode by pressing an asterisk. If you are making a call from your smartphone, do not press anything, as the tone mode is the default in this case. This applies to any smartphone, including the iPhone:

Or let's say Xiaomi:

And even if you click on the same star, nothing will happen.

As for landlines, the situation is different. To switch to tone mode from pulse, it is usually recommended to click on the asterisk icon (*). Pay attention to the image of the Panasonic phone, where Tone is clearly visible under the asterisk, which indicates that you need to press this particular button.

Some phone models have separate buttons, for example, T or P. And some modern landline phones do not have tone mode support at all. In fairness, we note that such models are rare.
