Open a service center for the repair of household appliances. Service Center Business Plan: How to Open a Repair Shop

Ability to create own business attracts many. A successful business makes it possible not to work for hire and at the same time have a good income, confidence in tomorrow etc. This raises a reasonable question, the solution of which depends on further success. What business to open? After all, everyone has different starting amounts. Someone has free money for experiments, and someone is so confident in the success of the upcoming business that he is ready to use borrowed funds. Let's take a closer look at the business plan service center and other important features. Novice investors will be able to decide for themselves whether it is profitable to engage in this business or not.

Sample Sample of a Successful Service Center Business Plan

Everyone wants to get turnkey solutions. However, you need to understand that the information below should be considered exemplary, and not taken as a ready-made guide that must be followed step by step. The business plan of the service center should be developed by specialists who take into account the specifics of the region, starting conditions and other factors. After all, here, as in many other areas, there are no universal solutions for everyone.

So, it’s worth starting with the relevance of the idea. Service center can be considered potentially successful business. After all, everyone modern man owns and uses technical means. That is why, from time to time, there is a need for maintenance or repair of an electronic device. Timely upgrades and correct settings keep the equipment in working order.

So, the service center business plan should begin with the formation of goals that the future enterprise sets for itself. The main one is to make a profit by creating a well-functioning organization. The secondary goal is to meet the needs of customers related to the maintenance of computer as well as mobile equipment.

The business plan of a phone repair service center will include many more points. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.


Every potential businessman faces difficulties. It is better to know about the potential risks in advance. And if you also prepare for them, then there is a high probability that the Apple service center business plan will be successful.

So, it is worth mentioning the main risks.

  • High competition.
  • Lack of qualified personnel.
  • Constant update technical devices manufacturers. This leads to the fact that spare parts quickly become obsolete and become unclaimed. That's why service center owners prefer to order them as needed rather than buy wholesale parties. Although, it would seem, the second option saves money. But this is not relevant if you are developing a business plan for a phone repair service center.


This is actual problem for all leaders. And especially for a novice businessman. After all, at the start, he does not receive large profits, therefore he cannot offer a decent reward and hire qualified employees. We have to set low pay and choose from candidates who are willing to work for a penny. However, conscientious and highly qualified craftsmen rarely come across among them.

So, when drawing up a business plan for a computer repair service center, you need to consider personnel costs. The staff will include the following professionals.

  • Supervisor.
  • Master - one or more.
  • Administrator.
  • Account Manager.

Features of the search for employees

If the flow of clients is small, the functions of a manager and administrator can be performed by a master or supervisor. The latter, by the way, is also not among the mandatory positions. Instead of an employee, controlling functions can be performed by the business owner himself.

As for the masters, the service center will not be able to function without them. This is the main link, without which even the most impeccable business plan for an electronics repair service center will be useless.

At the interview, potential candidates should be asked about programming skills. It is these specialists that the owners prefer. This is due to the fact that they are brilliant at not only replacing parts, but also other services. For example, related to setting up or updating software.

You need to understand that valuable personnel is the main resource of the enterprise. Especially in a highly competitive environment. That is why you should not save on the wages of craftsmen and other staff.


It is necessary to decide in advance whether the masters will work at a stationary point or on field orders. To get more profit, you can combine both options. Computer repair service center business plan cell phones must include this item. After all, profit is calculated on its basis.

If the service center will serve customers on weekends and holidays, you can set an increased rate.


  • Room rental. For the service center, the owner will have to find an area ranging in size from 30 to 60 meters. This will be enough even by metropolitan standards. Estimated costs will be from 25 to 50 thousand rubles a month.
  • Repair of rented premises. Costs depend on the initial state of the occupied area. Therefore, it is difficult to predict specific numbers in advance. On average for redecorating you need to prepare 30 thousand rubles, and for capital - about 200.
  • Arrangement of premises for the organization of a service workshop - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Furniture for craftsmen, administrator and waiting customers - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Office equipment. For four employees, the budget of the service center will have to include 100 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment. For quality repair technicians masters will need a huge number of tools. It is necessary to lay in the business plan of the service center about 100 thousand rubles for such expenses.

The final amount for opening a workshop is approximately from half a million to 700 thousand rubles.

However, every novice businessman should understand that these are very approximate costs. There are many variable factors that affect the final amount.

  • Do not neglect the preparation of a business plan for a service center. To some novice investors, this seems completely insignificant, but without it it will not be possible to assess the real costs.
  • It is necessary to carefully select employees from the proposed candidates. This is very important factor. The quality of service depends on the masters, and this, in turn, determines the reputation of the enterprise. In case of poor repair work, visitors will be dissatisfied, no one will trust the service center and apply for its services. Accordingly, the business owner will not receive profit.
  • Pay attention to your staff. Do not skimp on timely professional development. In the field of technology, everything is changing at an incredible speed. Employees must keep track of innovations to always provide customers with impeccable quality of work.


  • Pay attention to ads. If you run a campaign correctly, you can build up a small client base. It is worth evaluating the effectiveness of each advertising tool in advance.
  • Do not neglect the creation of the site. Many clients are looking for services on the Internet. Service centers are no exception. On the site you need to describe the services, as well as the approximate cost of the service.
  • After the start of work is not the time to relax. Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the service center. This will allow you to find and eliminate service deficiencies.


The abundance of information provides food for thought. Novice businessmen begin to doubt whether it is worth opening a service center at all. The answer to this question will be a correctly and detailed business plan. It allows you to understand how promising a niche is in general and a particular enterprise in particular.

For example, when writing a business plan, you can find out that a large service center will be unprofitable. At the same time, a smaller workshop can give the business owner more income.

The prospects and profitability of a potential service center can greatly depend on the starting amount. Of course, it is much preferable to choose the option using your own funds, while avoiding bank loans. In the second case, it will take much longer to achieve payback, and even more profit. In case of use borrowed money you need to carefully draw up a business plan.

A mobile phone has long ceased to be just a means of communication and has taken a firm place in the list of one of the most necessary devices for a person. Like any complex electronic device, the phone breaks down much more often than its owner would like. According to statistics, every third mobile phone is repaired at least once during the year, what could be better for a service business than regular customers? That is why the question of how to open a phone repair service is more relevant today than ever.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:80-120 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:from 5 thousand people
Situation in the industry:high competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 4-6 months

Profitable business with a guarantee stable income, not requiring big investments to start - just a dream for a novice businessman. Then why is this niche still half empty? After all, despite the fact that there are shops for repairing phones, tablets and various gadgets literally at every turn, in rare places you can hear an offer of urgent repairs.

There are several reasons for this:

  • The repair shop requires specialists who are well versed in electronics. No one will entrust a simple person "from the street" with a device worth 50 thousand rubles or more.
  • The profit generated by the workshop, against the background of other business ideas that bring much more income, pushes this project into the background. That is why most of the owners of telephone repair shops are real or yesterday's students or even schoolchildren; former electronics engineers; people for whom opening a workshop is just the first step in creating a large-scale business. An exception to all of the above, of course, are official service centers.

Business Format

Opening a phone repair shop today implies two options for doing business.

The organization of an authorized service center that cooperates with the manufacturer of a certain brand of phones and other equipment and accepts only this brand for repair. This format has both certain advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, it facilitates the work of the master performing the repair. It is always easier to work with a limited number of models, all possible breakdowns of which and how to eliminate them, can be learned by heart in a few months of work.

Secondly, the manufacturer is obliged to provide the service center with spare parts for phones. Thirdly, it is always a large flow of customers. People are always more willing to go to the official center than to the semi-basement workshop, especially if we are talking about an expensive phone, moreover, standing on a guarantee. And finally, you can always get advice from the manufacturer on technical or administrative issues.

What are the disadvantages of such a business format?

First of all, these are regular reports on the work done to the manufacturer. The inability to accept phones of other brands, for this they can deprive the certificate for the right to work with this brand, impose a fine, etc. (depending on the terms of the contract).

Often there are situations when manufacturers literally leave service centers to the “arbitrariness of fate”, leaving them without spare parts or not observing deadlines their delivery to the workshop. At the same time, service center managers will have to “take the rap” for the disrupted repair time.

Like a service center, an ordinary private workshop has its advantages and disadvantages. Only in this format of business, its advantages can be both disadvantages and vice versa. The owner of a private service does not report to anyone, but also does not have any support, relying only on himself.

Repair of any brought models of phones expands the target flow of customers, but makes it difficult to find spare parts for devices. You constantly have to "keep" the brand - one or two cases of impossibility of repair for reasons that are disrespectful to the client, and "word of mouth" will conduct a large-scale anti-advertising of the institution.

What business format to choose? First of all, it depends on the size start-up capital. If the opening of a private workshop requires an amount of no more than 150 thousand rubles, or even less, then at least one million rubles is needed to organize an official service center.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity

How to start a phone repair service without a step-by-step guide to start a business? Do you really need a business plan for such a relatively small business how to repair cell phones? Yes. Even if you plan to open a small private workshop, step by step guide drawn up and recorded on paper or in in electronic format, necessary.

For a successful start, you need to have a complete idea in what order it is necessary to organize a business; how and where to buy spare parts, what to do in case of force majeure, what profit can be expected from the business, how to attract customers and what are the possible prospects for the development of this business idea? It is simply impossible to keep all this information in your head.

Often, novice entrepreneurs neglect this rule, motivating it with a small scale of business and relying too much on themselves. And that's why they fail.

Opening an official phone repair service center requires a business plan. You can find out how to write a competent business plan on your own, and why you need it at all, at the links indicated.

When choosing a format entrepreneurial activity for a service center, the most acceptable option would be LLC, for a small workshop - IP. Choose desired shape taxation will help this .

Finding and renting a workshop space

One of important conditions for the success of a business in the provision of services, it is the presence of an office point in places of large human traffic. It is hardly worth expecting an influx of customers by opening a workshop in the basement of a house located on the second or third line, even setting super low prices and offering urgent repairs. Of course, they will have their regular customers, but their phones will not break down every month, will they?

Where to find appropriate place? Usually, small workshops with one or two employees are opened in the basements or semi-basements of the first line of houses or in a large residential area, in shopping and entertainment centers, in underground passages, small pavilions or kiosks are installed. The area of ​​​​the premises for a private workshop also does not have to be large. 15-20 square meters will be enough. meters for 2-3 staff members. One master is enough for 10 square meters. meters.

If phone repairs will be carried out at home or in another equipped place, for example, in a garage, then, as an option, you can get by with 4-6 square meters. meters - sufficient area to take orders, just to put a couple of chairs, a table and a small shelving unit.

There is no special need for repairs in the room, since customers will be more interested in the qualifications of the master than the color of the wallpaper on the walls and the presence of an aquarium.

To organize a service center for repairing phones, the room will need much more - up to 70-80 square meters. meters, taking into account the point of acceptance and issuance of orders, a workshop, a room for staff.

Necessary equipment and inventory

What equipment and inventory will be needed for the workshop? First of all, it is a set of small tools (screwdrivers, wire cutters, pliers, scalpels, tongs, tweezers, etc.). Similar kits can be purchased literally for a penny on Aliexpress or Juma. No time to wait? You can buy a tool in any specialized store, only a little more expensive.

In addition, special equipment will also be needed, an approximate list and cost of which are presented in the table:

Type of equipmentCost, rub.
Soldering Station3 000 – 5 000
Oscilloscope10 000 – 15 000
Adjustable power supply1 500 – 2 000
Set of cables for connection1 000 – 1 500
Set of connectors for power connection800 – 1 000
programmer5 000 – 10 000
Microscope3 000 – 5 000
hair dryer2 000 – 4 000
ultrasonic bath1 500 – 2 000
laptop/computer25 000 – 30 000
Vacuum tweezers2 000 – 2 500
Total54 800 – 78 000

In order to disassemble the iPhone, you will need a special opening kit, since Apple mobile devices are produced non-separable.

In addition to special equipment for repairs, you will also need furniture - a work table, a chair, armchairs or chairs for customers and racks for storing spare parts. All this can be purchased second-hand on Avito or another similar site. When buying all necessary furniture you can meet the amount of 10-15 thousand rubles.

Of course, an authorized service center will have to buy the same equipment completely new, since one of the frequent conditions manufacturer to work under his brand is a new specialized tool and inventory.

Spare parts supplies

If the manufacturer provides spare parts to the service center, then the private master will have to “spin” on his own in order to provide himself with uninterrupted spare parts for various phone models. The issue of supplying spare parts should be taken care of immediately after the question arises of how to open a phone repair service. Where do repair shops get spare parts?

As a rule, the same Chinese Aliexpress acts as a supplier. It’s just that goods from China take quite a long time, and recently, due to the work of the Russian Post, an order for Aliexpress resembles a “come or not come” lottery. Therefore, private workshops order mainly small batches of the most “traveling” spare parts for phone models that are in the greatest demand and that are most often repaired - glasses for screens, batteries, housings, video cameras, Wi-Fi modules, etc.

The small volume of batches is also due to the fact that dozens of new models appear on the market almost every month and there is a high probability that most of the ordered spare parts may never be needed. The same is true of Russian parts suppliers, who typically go along with the wholesale buyer by selling parts in small batches in exchange for a commitment to consistently acquire the required parts at least once a month.

Another source of purchasing spare parts for phones is buying up old models. Very often, workshops purchase broken phones specifically for disassembly for parts. As a rule, this method fully pays for itself. Spare parts can also be found in the markets of radio components or in official branded stores. But there you can buy a spare part only at a retail price, respectively, the cost of repairs for the client will increase significantly.

In addition, there are situations when this moment it is easier and faster for the master to deliver a new spare part, especially if the client is in a hurry. And then the old, broken one remains in the workshop. In his free time, the master repairs a broken part so that it can be put on the phone of another client.

Do you need additional staff for the job?

Of course, that the official service center will not be able to work with one or two employees in the state. Phone repair service staff typically consists of:

  • 2-3 acceptance managers;
  • 2-3 masters;
  • and administrator.

Cleaning, as a rule, is carried out by visiting employees of a cleaning company.

Whether assistants are needed in a private workshop, only its owner decides, based on an analysis of the volume of orders. AT small town usually the master copes with incoming orders alone. In cities with a larger population, 2-3 people take part in the repair.

A nuance that must be taken into account when hiring employees is the conclusion of an agreement on liability. Before entrusting expensive phones into the wrong hands, it is best to play it safe, otherwise the solution to the consequences of unpleasant situations will fall on the shoulders of the owner of the workshop.

Organization of an advertising campaign

How to advertise your service point? If the authorized center has more than enough opportunities for marketing, then the most effective advertising strategy for a private service remains the quality of its work.

"Word of mouth" - the most effective way advertising for a small private workshop. A base of 40-50 regular customers is able to increase the flow of clients by 3-4 times - this has been verified by the experience of operating workshops. Do not neglect the traditional ways of advertising:

  • large signs and pavement signs placed near the workshop;
  • distribution of leaflets and business cards;
  • holding promotions and discounts for phone repairs;
  • advertising in social networks.

How much does a phone repairman earn?

How much can a phone repairman earn in a month, provided independent work? It is quite difficult to make an accurate forecast, because the income of a private phone repair shop depends entirely on the number of customers.

As a rule, the markup on spare parts for phone repair is now between 80 and 100%. Considering also services not related to the use of spare parts: flashing operating system, cleaning contacts, removing malicious software, etc., and based on data obtained from existing workshops, it can be calculated that the monthly income in a small (up to 50 thousand people) city can be up to 40-50 thousand rubles "clean" .

Work in the city large quantity population increases income almost proportionately. For example, in Moscow, a small private telephone repair shop with a staff of 3-5 employees may well earn up to 800 thousand per month. Moreover, profits can come not only through repairs, but also through the sale of accessories and refurbished used phones.

Organization costs and payback period of business

The total cost of organizing a small phone repair business for a novice entrepreneur will be approximately 80-120 thousand rubles. With known savings, this amount can be reduced by 1.5-2 times. The costs will pay off in about 4-6 months.

An official service center will require an amount of at least 1 million rubles for its organization. The payback period will be about 10-12 months.

And in conclusion - advice from the owners of successfully operating repair shops:

  1. You should always call the real terms needed for repairs. If there is no confidence in meeting the deadlines, it is better to take a supply per day.
  2. The phone repair period should not exceed 14 days, even taking into account the order and delivery of spare parts.
  3. You should always be honest with the client. If the phone is not recoverable, this should be said right away.
  4. The workshop should always have a small stock of the most "traveling" spare parts for famous brands and models of phones.
  5. Never say the exact cost of repairs right away. The damage may turn out to be much more serious than it seemed during the preliminary inspection, and the amount greater than that announced upon acceptance of the phone may cause the client to suspect fraud.

Thinking about how to open a phone repair shop? Detailed Instructions, calculation tables and useful tips for you in this article.

♦ Capital investments – 150,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 7–8 months

Mobile phones have long ceased to be luxury items and have become a necessity available to everyone. Today, a mobile phone can be found in the pocket of any person.

Because the price mobile phones- diverse, it is clear that cheap models will break.

Few people, having discovered a breakdown of their mobile phone, immediately throw it away and go to the store for another one. Most will first contact the workshop and pay for the repair.

If you understand mobile phone devices, and friends often turn to you about this, then why not think about how to open a phone repair service center.

You do not have to invest a lot of money in launching a startup, and you can earn relatively well every month.

Are there any reasons to open a phone repair center?

This business has many advantages:

  • Minimal capital investment and the opportunity to save money on many stages of starting a business.
  • If you are a highly qualified specialist (or you hired such craftsmen) and are able to fix any breakdown, you will be able to set any prices for your services.
  • The opportunity to develop your business in the future, for example, repair laptops, tablets and other equipment.
    You can also combine services: repair service + sale of batteries, chargers, mobile phone accessories, etc.
  • Minimum monetary risk.
    First, you don't have to invest a lot of money in your business.
    Secondly, if you earn less than you wanted, you can always close your workshop by putting up tools for sale.
    You do not have to pay suppliers for unsold goods or sell leftovers for a long time in order to return at least some of the money invested.
  • Demand for phone repair services among the population.
    No matter how many service centers work in your city, it always makes sense to open another one.

Are there any reasons not to open a phone repair shop?

If we talk about the shortcomings of this business, then among the most obvious:

  • high level of competition in this sector;
  • relatively low monthly income;
  • business rests on specialists and if your competitors managed to hire a master who can easily fix any breakdown, and you don’t have one, then people will visit the competitor’s service center, not yours.

When should you open a phone repair center?

It makes sense to enter this business:

    Highly qualified specialists who have been repairing phones, laptops and other equipment for a long time as a hobby or working for hire.

    Why not open your own business?

    Managers who can make any startup profitable.

    If you are looking for promising idea, in which you can invest money, then you should think about opening a repair shop.
    You only need to find a good specialist and start earning.

What is the first thing you need to do to open a service center?

Launching a startup involves the fulfillment of several mandatory points at the preparatory stage:

  1. Thinking through all the pros and cons (you must find reinforced concrete arguments why you should open just such a business, and not another).
  2. with specific calculations.
  3. Theoretical study of this field of activity.
  4. Search for the main components of your future business: premises, phone repairmen, if you are going to act as a manager. Only after that you can proceed to register the case.

Two forms of opening a service center

This business is good because it allows entrepreneurs to choose what exactly to open:

    Legal service center.

    You register as an individual entrepreneur, rent an office with a specific legal address, pay taxes, etc.
    This method is suitable for both masters who are going to repair phones themselves, and managers who want to perform only an intermediary function.

    illegal workshop.

    Let's say you're good at repairing phones and other equipment.
    Friends and acquaintances know this and regularly give you work, agreeing to pay for it.
    All repair work you can do it right at home, and look for customers using word of mouth.
    This method is not suitable for managers.

Two types of phone repair service center

All workshops are divided into two types:

    You cooperate with a specific manufacturer, order spare parts from him, report on the work done, perform warranty service for phones, etc.

    You do not report to anyone and undertake to repair any phone models that customers bring to you.
    In this case, difficulties may arise when ordering spare parts, and there will be no one to get advice from.

How to advertise a phone repair service center?

Such a modest business does not require a large advertising campaign.

It's enough for you:

  • distribute business cards to all your potential and established customers;
  • give information on your page on social networks that you have opened a workshop, and ask friends to spread this information;
  • register on a local forum and tell the residents of your city that such a service is now available to them.

If you can fix most mobile phone breakdowns and charge reasonable prices for it, then you can be sure that soon you will have a lot of customers.

Calendar plan for opening a phone repair service center

The preparatory stage of opening a workshop will not take you too much time.

In fact, the most difficult thing that awaits you is the registration procedure, which, due to bureaucratic delays, can take several months.

If you can speed it up, then you can quickly rent and equip the premises, buy tools.

Things will go even faster if you do not need a phone repairman, and you yourself are going to perform his functions.

Registration and obtaining the necessary permits
Rental of premises and repairs in it (if necessary)
Purchase of tools for the work of craftsmen
Advertising campaign

Business plan for opening a phone repair service center

To understand how much money you need to start a service center and what steps you need to take care of, check out this business plan.

Let's say you decide to open a workshop in one of the big cities.

You are going to carry out the repair of equipment yourself, so you will not hire a master.


Interesting fact:
The most popular phone was and still is the Nokia 1100, owned by 250,000,000 people. The phone has been available in all stores since 2003.

Register as individual entrepreneur choosing the form of taxation - UTII.

It is better to start the registration procedure not immediately after the idea arises, but to work illegally for some time.

And only when you realize that you can bring broken phones back to life and you form at least a small client base, you can apply for registration.


In order to open a repair shop, you do not need a large room. Enough room for 20-30 square meters. meters.

Open your center where it will be easy for customers to find it: in the city center or in a densely populated residential area.

You don’t have to worry about the decor of the room, because customers will be interested in your qualifications, and not the color of the office walls.

If you are going to cooperate with a master on a fee basis, and leave yourself the functions of a manager, then a reasonable step would be to open a business in one of the most popular shopping centers your city.

A small corner is enough for you, where you will sell spare parts, accessories for phones and accept broken models for repair.

The master will be able to bring already repaired models once a day and pick them up. new job. So, a specialist will be able to work at home, and you will save on rent and expand the range of services for your business.

Workshop tools and equipment

Remember that our room is small, which means littering it extra furniture not worth it.

To work normally, you just need to purchase:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:55 000 rub.
8 000
Chair or office chair
1 500
table lamp
1 000
A laptop
18 000
10 000
Telephone set
Lockers for changing clothes and storing personal belongings
5 000
Rack or shelf for storing tools and spare parts
3 000
Other7 700

You will also need minimum set tools to carry out standard phone repairs.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:35 000 rub.
Soldering station with hair dryer
4 000
ultrasonic bath
2 000
UFS-3 box + HWK programmer with cable set
6 000
Power Supply
2 000
digital oscilloscope
8 000
Vacuum tweezers
1 000
A set of miniature tools (screwdrivers, tweezers, etc.)
5 000
Other7 000


At the first stages of work, until you form a client base and promote your business, you can do without staff at all.

If you want, you can take on a part-time cleaner and part-time accountant.

When your phone repair shop becomes popular, you should consider hiring a sales clerk.

How much does it cost to open a phone repair center?

You really don't need huge sums of money to start this startup.

It is enough to have 150,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses in this type of business are small, and will mainly be spent on renting a room, taxes, the Internet and the purchase of tools.

You can easily meet the amount of 30-40,000 rubles.

How much can you earn with a phone repair shop?

It is impossible to name the exact amount.

The earnings formula is simple: the more orders you have, the more money you can earn every month.

Form a reasonable pricing policy, but not at a loss. When naming a client a price, add 100% to the spare parts that you used to fix the phone.

If you serve at least 5 clients per day, then the daily revenue will be at least 3,000 rubles.

Even working with two days off a week, you can earn about 60,000 rubles a month.

That is, the net profit is about 20,000 rubles.

On the initial stage We invested 150,000 rubles. In this scenario, they will pay off in 7-8 months.

Download a ready-made business plan for a mobile phone salon with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

We also invite you to watch a video on

how to start opening a phone repair service center:

5 tips for those who are going to open a phone repair shop:

  1. Call the real terms of repair, so as not to disappoint the client.
  2. Even taking into account the order of spare parts, the term for repairing the phone should not exceed 14 days.
    If you can't handle the volume of orders, hire an assistant.
  3. Be honest with the customer: If the phone is beyond repair, be honest about it.
  4. You should have a minimum set of spare parts and tools, but you should not recruit too many “in reserve”.
  5. Do not rush to name the price for phone repair.
    The breakdown can be more serious than it seemed to you at first glance, and if you decide to take more money from the client than you called at the beginning, he will decide that you are trying to deceive him.

Now you know, how to open a phone repair shop, and if you have necessary knowledge and skills, then take a closer look at this type of business.

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