How to get to the holy bathing lake. How to get to Svyatoe Ozero v Kosino-Ukhtomskiy by Metro, Bus or Train? The ancient city of Yelets


Now few people know that Kosino, which became part of Moscow in 1985, was a famous place of pilgrimage in the pre-revolutionary years. On the day of the celebration of the Modena (Kosinskaya) icon of the Mother of God, let us remember this corner of Orthodox Russia, which for centuries has received believers who came to bow to its shrines, receive grace or be healed by swimming in the waters of the Holy Lake.

According to legend, this lake appeared before the founding of Moscow. About 900 years ago, the cruel Vukol, a participant in internecine wars, met a priest in these places, who had retired from bloody strife. Under the influence of the elder, Vukol repented of his sins and completely changed his life. He settled on the site of the modern Kremlin and tirelessly prayed for sinners and for the salvation of his homeland. Once, in a vision, the fate of Moscow was revealed to him for many centuries to come: Vukol learned about the great and tragic events that awaited the city until the departure of the Napoleonic troops. An unknown voice told him that she would become the heart of Russia and the Mother of God Herself would take her under Her protection, that the Lord would save the city until the faith of its inhabitants dried up. Vukol told the elder mentor about all this, and they began to pray together for Moscow and the whole Russian land.

Soon, in the temple of the Virgin Mary created by the elder, they heard the cherubic song and saw the Mother of God. Considering himself unworthy to see Her, Vukol left the temple, and then he began to solemnly descend into the ground, taking with him the righteous elder and his prayers. At the same time, a round lake with crystal water was formed at this place, which was named Saints for God's mercy.

Modern scientists have established that the lake is of karst origin, that is, it arose as a result of a failure of the soil, and its water is healing. The holy lake is very deep, and massive tree trunks are found at its bottom. In the 19th century, the inhabitants of Kosino said that when it was quiet in the yard and the lake was calm, you could hear church singing above the waves. Once upon a time, a hagiographic icon with a half-length image of Nicholas the Wonderworker was found on this lake, which became revered. There is evidence that after the Battle of Kulikovo, Russian soldiers washed their wounds with the waters of the Holy Lake. Probably, in the 17th century, pilgrimage here became massive - at the bottom of the lake they found a lot of silver kopecks from the time of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and copper coins minted under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

The earliest mention of Kosino in historical sources dates back to the beginning of the 15th century: in the spiritual letter (testament) of Prince Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky, who commanded an ambush regiment during the Battle of Kulikovo, it is called a village with three lakes (Holy, White and Black lakes are located close to each other friend). The first information about the local temple dates back to 1617, when Tsar Mikhail Romanov transferred these lands to V.G. Telepnev, in whose family they were almost 200 years old. Then in the cadastral books there is its name - the temple in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Kosino became widely known thanks to Peter I, who repeatedly visited here. For a long time, an elegant chair was kept near the northern wall of the temple, on which he sat when he came here. It so happened that young Peter considered the White Lake suitable for navigation on ships. A reminder of this for many years served as a wharf and shipyard built not far from the house and garden of the Telepnevs. Later he changed his mind, and in 1692 he launched about a hundred ships onto the waters of Lake Pleshcheyevo in Pereslavl-Zalessky. However, Peter I did not forget Kosino and in 1717 presented the church with an icon brought by his colleague Count B.P. Sheremetev from his travels in 1695-1697. across Italy. It is believed that he bought this icon of the Cretan icon-painting school as a gift to Peter while in the city of Modena. In Kosino, the image of the standing Mother of God with the Infant Jesus, pointing to the right, became famous as miraculous. So, for example, in 1808, a girl who could not walk from severe pain in her legs was healed. The Mother of God appeared to her in a dream and told her to pray in front of Her icon in Kosino and bathe in the Holy Lake. Having done this, the girl recovered and donated a gilded copper riza to the image.

The peaceful life of the hospitable village was disturbed by the invasion of the Napoleonic army. Nikolsky temple was plundered, local residents were robbed by enemy soldiers. After the war, the temple was even going to be abolished as a small parish. Fortunately, there was a person who took care of the revival of the village - he was an honorary citizen of Moscow, originally from Gorokhovets, a merchant of the 1st guild, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Lukhmanov. Thanks to him, the Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos was built on White Lake (1823), a stone bell tower instead of a wooden one, and under it - a warm church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (1826). Around erected a stone fence with five towers-loopholes and two gates.

After the death of D.A. Lukhmanov, local peasants achieved liberation from serfdom. The state retained the manor and lakes and began to lease them out. In gratitude to God for their liberation, the peasants planted a poplar alley along the road from the temple to the Holy Lake, and in 1861 built a new wooden chapel on the lake instead of the dilapidated one. The following year, the St. Nicholas Church under the bell tower was expanded, a carved gilded iconostasis was installed in it and decorated with wall paintings. Priest John Tsvetkov at the same time opened a parochial school.

Before the appearance of the railway station, Kosino was covered with a pine forest, through which, before the holidays, pilgrims walked in an almost continuous chain from the Rogozhskaya Zastava of Moscow. Passing through an arch with a cross and an icon and a poplar alley, they met another arch with the inscription “Holy Lake”, and then they walked along a wooden bridge with a railing over a bog to a platform in the middle of the reservoir. There they were met by a large chapel with a list of the Kosin (Modena) Icon of the Mother of God, a list of the revered icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, two fonts for men and two for women. A jordan was also arranged there, in which pilgrims could draw water for drinking. Everyone visiting the Holy Lake considered it their duty to plunge into its waters. From early spring to late autumn it was crowded. According to tradition, coins and personal items were left in the font - shirts, warriors, dressed by women under a headscarf, etc.

On a holiday, all the streets were swept, the believers went to the liturgy, and then plunged into the lake. Later, a prayer service with water blessing was served and, according to folk tradition, guns were loaded with things left in the baths. After tea and evening service, some left, and the rest led round dances and danced to the harmonica, which was heard from everywhere. In the evening, a few more shots were fired, and sometimes there were fireworks.

Pilgrims took with them oil from the icon lamp in front of the miraculous image - a bottle with the image of the Kosinskaya Icon of the Mother of God on one side and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the other has survived to this day. Someone took bouquets of local herbs as a keepsake. It is known, for example, that in the office of Patriarch Pimen (Izvekov) there were dried branches and herbs from the shore of the Holy Lake.

The ruin of temples in Kosino began in 1920, when the salaries of the two most revered icons were seized. Before the Great Patriotic War, crosses were dropped from the domes, then the churches were closed and the icons were confiscated. Thus, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker found here disappeared without a trace.

The buildings on the Holy Lake and the poplar alley did not survive. In 1947, a great misfortune occurred: the guards who settled in the wooden St. Nicholas Church heated the stove-temporary so much that it caught fire; failed to save him.

This place had to endure many losses before the temples were returned to believers. In 1976, local residents identified the Kosinskaya (Modenskaya) icon in one of the icons of the Andrey Rublev Museum. She spent the entire war at the Museum of the History of Religions and Atheism in the Kazan Cathedral in Leningrad, and then returned to Moscow. Surprisingly, in the summer of 1989, eighteen-year-old Alexander, on the rails of the Kutum railway station in Astrakhan, found a pendant with the image of the Kosinsky Icon of the Mother of God. After some time, he had a dream in which the Mother of God said that while Her icon was imprisoned, it would be returned to its place, and a chapel and baths would be built on the Holy Lake, two corner towers-loopholes would be restored, which would heal the oil taken from lamps in front of Her icon.

In 1986, a wooden church in the Old Russian style was built on the site of the burned-out church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In 1993, it was consecrated in the name of Patriarch Tikhon, who repeatedly visited Kosino - the loving, compassionate, firm head of the Russian Church in matters of faith in the cruel and rebellious years of post-revolutionary stagnation.

In 1990, divine services resumed in Kosino. The following year, on July 2, on the eve of the celebration in honor of the Kosin (Modena) icon, its solemn return took place. Archpriest Mikhail Farkovets did a lot to revive this holy place. Through his labors, an eleven-year parochial general education school and a sobriety school were opened, and a chapel began to be built in the former pumping station on the shores of the Holy Lake. After his death, this building turned into a temple, consecrated in 2011 in honor of the miraculous image of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring".

Now every year on July 3 in Kosino, a procession to the Holy Lake is performed, water is blessed on a boat, and then the believers are immersed in the waters of the lake.

On December 2, 1999, a water-blessing chapel built near the Assumption Church was consecrated in the name of St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, who at one time blessed D.A. Lukhmanov construction and watched the progress of work. Near the entrance, in 2007, a chapel of the Holy New Martyrs - the ascetics of the Kosino churches, Eugene (Vasiliev), Alexy (Smirnov), John (Smirnov), Nikolai Gusev, was built. The temple area has been landscaped, planted pine trees are growing, a worship cross has been erected, the fence has been restored and decorated with mosaics depicting saints.

It is joyful to see how this beautiful place is being revived, and it is believed that the prayers of many pilgrims and local residents will never be interrupted here again.


There is an amazing place on the map of Moscow - the Kosino district. What seems to be amazing about it? Ordinary area on the outskirts of the city. However, the place is unique and legendary in its own way.
The history of the village of Kosino, according to scientists, more than seven centuries. As early as the beginning of the 15th century, an entry was made in the spiritual diploma of Prince Vladimir Serpukhovsky: "And from the Moscow villages I gave my princess ... Kosino with three lakes ...". Not every Moscow settlement can boast of such an age. But Kosino is more famous, first of all, not for its ancient history, but for its three lakes - Black, White and Holy.
Scientists believe that the origin of the names of the lakes is as follows: two of them carry the characteristics of water, the degree of its transparency: White Lake - with clear water, clean shores, sandy bottom. Black Lake - with dark from peat, opaque water, swampy shores, muddy and peaty bottom. And the name of the Holy Lake is associated with a legend, which we will talk about a little later.

The Kossinsky lakes have always been closely connected with the life of the village, which was perceived by contemporaries precisely as a “village by the lakes”.
Local historian K. A. Averyanov reports this fact:
"At the end of the 17th century. Peter I drew attention to Kosino. As a child, he often visited nearby Izmailovo, where in the linen yard, between various things of his great-grandfather boyar Nikita Ivanovich Romanov, he found a broken boat, later known as the "grandfather of the Russian fleet." After the Izmailovsky pond and the Yauza turned out to be cramped for the ship, he was pointed to the Kosino White Lake. Here, near the eastern shore, next to the Telepnevs' estate, piers were built, boats and karbasses began to be transferred to the lake, and Peter, meanwhile, took a fancy to the large Pereyaslav Lake, where the entire flotilla was transferred. Traces of the shipyard remained for a long time, and local old men accurately indicated the place. In 1717, Peter I donated to the Kosinsk temple an icon brought by his closest associate, Count Boris Petrovich Sheremetev, from the city of Modena (Italy), which therefore received the name "Modena". Subsequently, she became famous for many miracles and became revered not only in the village, but also far beyond its borders.

As for the legend about the Holy Lake, it is as follows - once during the service, the church with the people began to slowly sink, water came out of the ground and flooded everything around, a lake was formed with an impenetrable swamp surrounding it. And for a long time a dome with a cross stood above the surface of the lake, but they also gradually disappeared under the water. That is why the lake is called Holy. And here is how Kosinsky priest I. Tsvetkov (XIX century) told this legend: internecine war of specific princes, an old priest, with whom a hermit Bukal shared solitude and helped the priest in performing the divine service. Subsequently, Bukal settled on the site of the present Moscow Kremlin, where at that time there was a dense forest, among which he lived, from time to time visiting his friend, the Kosinsky hermit. Once, during a dream, he had a vision that in the place where now the pine forest, among which he lived, the city of Moscow will arise, which will suffer many trials from the invasion of enemies and from fires, but later it will become famous and will be higher than all Russian cities. Bukal thought for a long time about his vision and in such thoughts he went to the deserted Kosino and told the elder priest about his vision. Then they both entered the church and with tears prayed to God and his most pure mother for the Russian Orthodox people and for the future city - Moscow. The priest began to celebrate the Divine Liturgy, during the cherubic hymn, the Mother of God appeared over him, and the church slowly began to sink into the ground, from under which water came out, and a lake was formed, which is now known among the people as a Saint, beloved by the Mother of God herself. The hermit Bukal, a former witness to this wondrous event, at the beginning of the lowering of the church and all this part of the earth down, stepped aside onto firmer ground. When the church and the land surrounding it completely sank, and a lake formed in this place, he went to his dense forest, on the site of which the remarkable golden-domed Moscow Kremlin subsequently really arose. Later, on this lake, according to legend, the icon of St. Nicholas appeared, in whose name the first church in Kosin was built.
The most interesting thing is that this seemingly absolutely fantastic legend to some extent resonates with reality - earlier the Kosino lakes were considered glacial, now there is an opinion that their origin is karst, i.e. they were formed as a result of soil failure.

Wondering how to get to Svyatoe Ozero in Kosino-Ukhtomskiy, Russia? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Holy Lake with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station.

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Lake "Holy" in Kosino. Photo by @Miraslava Krylova

Moscow, "Bit of Life!", - Miraslava Krylova.

On one of the beautiful autumn days, I found myself in one of the districts of our immense capital - Kosino. Having settled my business affairs, I went for a walk in places that are now unknown to me. Having looked at the cartography of the area in advance, I decided to see with my own eyes the “holy lake”, located within walking distance from the metro station “Ulitsa Dmitrievskogo”. The locals were able to point you in the right direction with ease. Having passed a picturesque boulevard, at the end of which there was a small, pretty church, I went out to the lake. A clear water surface, framed by a golden forest, appeared before my eyes. I decided to walk along the coastline, which turned out to be difficult, since the banks were a little swampy and I had to move along the spontaneous boards laid by the locals. But as they say: "where ours did not disappear." And soon, having overcome a spontaneous crossing, I found myself on solid ground, in a wonderful "gilded" birch grove. Realizing that it would not be possible to quickly bypass the lake, it was decided to take pictures from those angles where there was an accessible approach to the shore.

Lake Holy from time immemorial has become a place of pilgrimage for many pilgrims. After the Patriotic War of 1812, the wounded were brought here for treatment with the healing mud of the Holy Lake. According to legend, Vukol lived in this place, once a warrior who left the world for the sake of saving his soul, and an old man - a priest. Once, during the celebration of the liturgy in the church where they prayed, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared, and the choir of angels sang the Cherubic Hymn. Vukol considered himself unworthy to see this and left the church, while the elder remained to serve the Liturgy. At the same moment, the church began to sink and a lake with crystal clear water formed in its place. Tradition says that to this day the prayer of the holy elder for the Orthodox Russian people and the city of Moscow does not cease in it. There was a chapel on the lake with five magnificent baths to which a two hundred meter wooden platform led. A well-known legend about a sunken church is associated with the Holy Lake. Its authenticity has not been established, but every year in the summer a religious procession to the Holy Lake is made from the complex of Kosinsky churches.

According to legend, once upon a time there was a small church on the site of the Holy Lake and a priest lived near it, who performed the service. Nearby stood a dense forest, where the hermit Bukal labored. Once, during a dream, he had a vision that the city of Moscow would arise in the place where the Kremlin is now located, and that great glory awaited him, although he would suffer many trials from the invasions of enemies and fires. Bukal thought for a long time about his vision, and then he went to the deserted village of Kosino and told the priest about his vision. Then both of them entered the church and with tears prayed to God and the Most Pure Mother for all the Orthodox people and for the future city of Moscow. The priest began to celebrate the Divine Liturgy; during the Cherubic Hymn, the Mother of God appeared above them, and the church began to sink into the ground, water came out of the ground, and a lake was formed. For many years there was no church here, but people believed that under the waves of the lake the prayer of the holy elders for the Orthodox people and for the city of Moscow did not cease, and that this prayer was pleasing to God...

Interestingly, this legend may well have some real basis. After all, it is reliably known that Kosinskoye Lake was formed from a failure. This is proved by the fact that it has a perfectly round shape, and at the bottom of it there are the remains of large trees. In addition, the amazing lake has underwater layers. During the construction of the chapels, the piles went down more than fifteen meters, and at first the pile easily went into the muddy bottom, then it met hard ground, and after several blows it fell again for a long time without encountering an obstacle ...

A custom was formed to perform a prayer service before the icons of the Mother of God of Modena and St. Nicholas, and then bathe in the holy lake.

“The village of Kosino is well known to the Orthodox people of the Russian land and is annually visited, mainly in the summer, by a mass of pilgrims who come to pray in front of the miraculous icons located in its temples and plunge into the wholesome waves of the Holy Lake,” wrote I.K. Pomerantsev. - The lake has a close, one might say, organic spiritual connection with the temples of the village of Kosin, and the healing power of its waters, according to popular belief, based on many experiences of pilgrims, is produced by the grace-filled action of the Mother of God and St. the village of Kosina with icons.

Now Kosino is the southern outskirts of Moscow, built up with multi-storey buildings, dissected by noisy highways. The villages along the shores of three lakes, meadows, hillocks, and pine forests have long since disappeared. But the flame of faith did not go out. It glows not only in the lamps of temples, but also in the eyes of young parishioners, pupils of the Parish School. Here, in Kosino, the traditions of Orthodox education are carefully preserved.

In 1990, after a 50-year break, parish life began to revive.

On July 2, 1991, the Kosinskaya Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was returned from the Andrei Rublev Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art.

Holy lake of glacial origin. It has a round shape with a diameter of 430-460 m. The area of ​​the lake is 0.08 km², the average depth is 3 m, the maximum depth is up to 5.1 m. There is a large layer of silt at the bottom of the lake, however, it has never bloomed. The water in it is cold, clean and quite transparent.
The water of the Holy Lake has useful properties: iodine, silver, and bromine are present in the bottom silt. Peasants have used silt and lake water in folk medicine since ancient times. Modern research has proven that the water of the Holy Lake can have a healing effect, has special physical and chemical properties, due to the low temperature and special biocenosis.

To date, none of the church buildings of the unique complex on the Holy Lake has survived, the beautiful poplar alley has also not survived to this day.

After walking a little along the birch grove and having received my portion of adventures on a slightly swampy shore, I moved in the opposite direction. On a steep shore, slightly receding into the lake surface, I met a fisherman, throwing a fishing rod, he was waiting for a catch. In the meantime, a middle-aged woman approached the lake, and in a special place equipped for swimming in the winter, she began to prepare for the swim. The “beautiful bather”, noticing that she was being filmed, was a little embarrassed, but did not object. While she was changing clothes after the swim, we talked, and she said that she constantly bathes in the lake and feels great. Also, she talked about how many people gather on the lake during Epiphany frosts in order to take festive ablutions in this lake.

We wished each other good luck and all the best, she invited me to come here on the days of Epiphany frosts, I laughed it off, saying, "except as a photo correspondent." We smiled at each other and went our separate ways.

The walk turned out to be wonderful, the impressions were the most pleasant and warm.

Beloe Lake is part of the Kosinsky Three Lakes and has a rich history. Currently, a modern and comfortable recreation area is equipped on the shore of the lake.


The gently sloping shores and the beach recreation area are covered with imported sand. The beach area is kept clean, the water is checked regularly.

The recreation area is equipped with changing cabins, there are free toilets, tents for a comfortable pastime. Those who wish can go fishing - bream, crucian carp, carp are found in the lake. On the territory of the beach there are tennis and football sports grounds, tents with food and soft drinks are located nearby, in the village of Kosino.

The boat station and the Kosinsky Marine Club provide an opportunity for active recreation.

How to get there

Beach "White Lake" is located at: st. Bolshaya Kosinskaya, house 45. You can get here by car or public transport. Buses No. 1064, 0773, 723 go from the Novokosino metro station to the Kosinskaya Fabrika stop.

Buses No. 79, 613, 722, 772, 747 run from the Vykhino station, you need to get off at the Polyclinic stop.

Transport stops 600–700 meters from the White Lake, then you need to walk.

GPS coordinates: 55.717468, 37.849095
